WT Study: Be Watchful – Satan Wants to Devour You

– posted by meleti

 [From ws15/05 p. 9 for June 29-July 5]

“Be watchful! Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like
a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.” – 1 Peter 5:8

This week’s study is the first of a two-part series. In it, we are taught that the Devil is powerful, vicious and deceitful; someone to be wary, even fearful of. Next week we are being taught to oppose the devil by avoiding pride, sexual immorality and materialism.
Now there is nothing wrong with being watchful, as well as wary of Satan’s devices. Pride, sexual immorality and greed are, of course, things that can destroy our spirituality. However, that wasn’t Peter’s message when he introduced the metaphor of the Devil as a roaring lion seeking to devour someone.
Why did Peter use that metaphor?
The verses preceding it contain admonition to older men to shepherd the flock out of love, “not lording it over those who are God’s inheritance.” Younger men are encouraged to ‘clothe themselves with humility toward one another.’ Then all are told to humble themselves before God for he opposes the haughty ones. It is then that Peter introduces the metaphor of the Devil—the foremost “haughty one”—as a roaring lion. The following verses speak of standing firm in the faith and enduring sufferings with a view to the everlasting glory awaiting Christians in union with Christ.
So one can be “devoured” by the Devil should one—particularly a brother in position of authority—become haughty. Equally, a Christian can be devoured by the evil one if he gives in to fear and loses his faith during times of suffering and tribulation.

An Odd Little Study

There is something odd about this week’s study. It’s not easy to put one’s finger on, but there is a disconnect from reality about it. For instance, under the subtitle “Satan Is Powerful” one gets the impression that we should fear Satan because “what power and influence he has!” (par. 6) We are told that “time and again, the demons have demonstrated their superhuman strength, causing great misery to those who they have tormented”, and to “never underestimate the power of such wicked angels” or that of Satan. (par. 7)
After establishing that he is powerful, we learn that he is vicious. It is worth noting that lions are not vicious creatures. Powerful? Yes. Voracious? At times. But vicious? That is a human trait that animals only display when they have been abused by man. So the article is clearly stretching the metaphor beyond what Peter intended when it states, under the subtitle “Satan Is Vicious”, that “according to one reference work, the Greek word translated ‘roaring’ denotes ‘the howl of a beast in fierce hunger.’ How well that describes Satan’s vicious disposition!”
Under this subtitle, we are told that Satan is uncaring, pitiless, unsympathetic, and genocidal. In short, a nasty little piece of work. The subtitle concludes with the warning: “Never underestimate his vicious disposition!”
So we now have two things we should never underestimate: Satan’s power and his viciousness. One might wonder if perhaps there is an emerging trend among Jehovah’s Witnesses to underestimate Satan, though how such a trend is manifesting itself is not made clear.
Whatever the case, it appears that Jehovah’s Witnesses are not taking Satan seriously enough.
The entire argument seems odd because it apparently ignores the simple Bible truth that Satan has no power if we are with the Christ. Peter knew the extent of Satan’s power and that it was as nothing before the power of the Christ. In fact, he and the other disciples had borne witness that the demons had to obey them when they invoked the name of our Lord in faith.

“Then the seventy returned with joy, saying: “Lord, even the demons are made subject to us by the use of your name.18 At that he said to them: “I began to behold Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven. 19 Look! I have given YOU the authority to trample underfoot serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will by any means do YOU hurt. 20 Nevertheless, do not rejoice over this, that the spirits are made subject to YOU, but rejoice because YOUR names have been inscribed in the heavens.”” (Lu 10:17-20)

What a powerful passage this is! Rather than attempting to motivate us out of fear for our adversary, should not the Governing Body be reminding us of the power that is ours by the spirit of the Christ?
Peter was a lowly fisherman, a “nothing man” to the powerful of his day, but oh, how he was raised up by the power that became his once he put faith in the Christ.  But even that was as nothing by comparison to the reward of having his name inscribed in the heavens.
Yet this power, confidence and reward was not his alone.  It was something all his readers shared:

“a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies” of the One who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 For you were once not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not been shown mercy, but now you have received mercy.” (1Pe 2:9, 10)

Peter is not talking to a group of second class citizens, some subgroup called “other sheep”. The other sheep of John 10:16 were, as Peter knew from personal experience with Cornelius, the gentile Christians. They were all part of the one flock under the one shepherd, Christ. (Acts 10:1-48) The other sheep are therefore part of the “chosen race, the royal priesthood, the holy nation, a people for special possession.”  Satan has been made subject to them as well, and they too have their names inscribed in the heavens.

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Of course, according to Watchtower doctrine, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not have the power ascribed to this holy nation, this royal priesthood. Save for an “anointed remnant”—another JW term not found in Scripture—Peter’s words do not directly apply to its rank-and-file membership. So they have reason to be afraid, for they are only safe from Satan by clinging to the coattails of the remnant of chosen ones.[i] They have virtually no chance of ever becoming part of it.
Odd that Peter failed to mention that, isn’t it? Even stranger that he’d be inspired to write a letter intended for only 144,000 individuals while ignoring millions of faithful Christians yet to come.
Of course, the Governing Body gets around this by claiming that the salvation of these millions is tagged to the “anointed remnant”, but only if the other sheep stay inside the protective walls of the Organization. Doubtless, the majority of those studying this article will see it this way. They will see that we cannot underestimate the power and viciousness of Satan. We need to be afraid of being outside. We have to stay safe inside. Outside is darkness, but inside the Organization there is light.

“Indeed, there is a fitting darkness outside the visible part of Jehovah’s organization” (ws chap. 7 p. 60 par. 8)

The other Christian churches exist in this darkness as well, under the power of Satan.

Hence, they were thrown “into the darkness outside,” where the churches of Christendom still are. (w90 3/15 p. 13 par. 17 ‘The Faithful Slave’ and Its Governing Body)

Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that the churches of Christendom are in darkness? Because Satan is deceptive and he has misled them with false teachings.

Satan Is Deceptive

Under this final subtitle, we learn that “one of Satan’s greatest means of deception is false religion.” It warns us that “even many who think that they are worshipping God properly are shackled to false beliefs and useless rituals.” (par. 15) “Satan can fool even zealous servants of Jehovah.” (par. 16)
The irony of these words does not escape us who have been awakened. We are well aware that millions of “zealous servants of Jehovah” engage in the yearly ‘useless ritual’ of quietly observing the passing of the emblems at the Lord’s Evening Meal while refraining from partaking as commanded by Jesus. (1Co 11:23-26)
We are likewise aware that the false belief that Christ began reigning invisibly in 1914 and its consequent falsehood that he chose the predecessor of the Governing Body as his appointed channel of communication in 1919 has been a deception originating with Satan. Perhaps these teachings started out of a misguided exuberance to "decode" the word of God.  Or perhaps they are the result of human pride, that haughty self-assuming attitude which Peter warned the older men to avoid; and which, if unchecked, would allow the "roaring lion" to devour them.  Whatever the motivation was behind the promotion of these false teachings, God knows; we do not. However, the result was a seemingly unending parade of typical/antitypical prophetic parallels that have caused millions to stumble.
The foremost and most damaging of these was the one involving Jehu and Jonadab and the Israelite cities of refuge. In the mid-1930s, this resulted in the creation of a clergy/laity division by forming a secondary and subservient class of Jehovah’s Witnesses called the Other Sheep that has existed to this day.  At what point do the men who continue to perpetrate this deception become those "liking and carrying on a lie"?  (Re 22:15b NWT)  God knows; we do not.  However, it is a deception that Satan surely likes.  And a powerful deception, it is.  So much so that recently the Governing Body was able to revoke its whole premise by disavowing the use of fabricated prophetic antitypes without anyone noticing that this undermined the entire belief structure unique to Jehovah's Witnesses.  (See "Going Beyond What Is Written")
The irony continues with these closing words from the study article:

“When we understand Satan’s tactics, we are better able to keep our senses and remain watchful. But just knowing Satan’s designs is not enough. The Bible says; “Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you.” (par. 19)

By applying the criteria found repeatedly in the publications of the Watchtower, Bible & Tract Society, we have to acknowledge that if the churches of Christendom are outside in the darkness due to their false religious teachings and practices, then Jehovah’s Witnesses must be there alongside them.
How then are we to oppose the Devil and flee from him as the article admonishes? One way we can do this is by unmasking him and exposing his deceptions. This was Christ’s work, and it is ours now. Carefully, judiciously, (Mt 10:16) we can help family and friends to see that like the churches of Christendom which witnesses look down on, they too are steeped in false religious doctrines which alienate them from God and delight Satan. Let this be our mission.
[i] The Governing Body misapplies Zechariah 8:23 which was intended to prophesy the entry of gentiles into spiritual Israel. They attribute its fulfillment to the revelation by Judge Rutherford of a secondary class of Christian with an earthly hope, a class that attaches itself to the anointed remnant so as to be saved, not as sons of God, but as friends.

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  • Comment by Buster on 2015-06-28 12:16:05

    Great review of the article, will be reading it today, and just skimming through it ,yeah a lot of things are very disturbing, yes we should always be on the watch from the evil one, No doubt. And I love how this week article and and the one you Reviewed both have Lion themes going through the article...Very telling. Any way great review and keep them coming,

    • Reply by BibleLovingVolunteera on 2015-08-15 17:40:14

      Let us reason, friends.
      If it were not for the marvel of the way the organisation has become built, then there would be hardly anyone talking about God in the world, in comparison with what there is.
      It is worth being as integrated as possible, as was Joshua with the other spy outs for Israel.
      But I do feel the J W s do not show enough merciful sensitivity on the No Blood.
      I have studied 9 years with them.
      I thank God for them, but am a baptised SDA.
      But I hate the lack of forum, among people in general, and so thus am so happy in front of God for the internet.
      But the famine of hearing the Word of God is probably yet to come as mentioned in Amos 8 verse 11.
      This could be because we are giving up our paper Bibles and money, for electronics and the paperless economy.
      In verse 9, God decides to move the Sun abnormally, which could damage electronics on an unprecedented scale through the power lines acting like an antenna.
      In verse 12 it says people will go to the sea looking for Gods Word, this could make sense as ships have much tougher smaller and independent electronics.
      In the STUDY Watchtower of Nov 2014, a picture showing preparation for emergency, shows everyone with a paper Bible.
      This is an organisation that encourages the use of tablets and phones for video and I have still yet to find a Church supporting the paper Bible against emergency.

  • Comment by qspf on 2015-06-28 13:23:54

    You stated, "By applying the criteria found repeatedly in the publications of the Watchtower, Bible & Tract Society, we have to acknowledge that if the churches of Christendom are outside in the darkness due to their false religious teachings and practices, then Jehovah’s Witnesses must be there alongside them.
    How then are we to oppose the Devil and flee from him as the article admonishes? One way we can do this is by unmasking him and exposing his deceptions. This was Christ’s work, and it is ours now. Carefully, judiciously, (Mt 10:16) we can help family and friends to see that like the churches of Christendom which witnesses look down on, they too are steeped in false religious doctrines which alienate them from God and delight Satan. Let this be our mission."
    That is fine advice. However, it fails to address the more important answer, the one that is more to the point, the "elephant in the room", so to speak.
    "How then are we to oppose the Devil and flee from him?"
    How do we "let this be our mission"?
    By leaving the religion of the WT corporation, that's how.
    You are remiss in not pointing out the obvious here.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-06-28 13:41:12

      And who am I to rule the conscience of another? Would you have me become yet another Governing Body?
      The first century Christians did not break off all contact with their former religion. In fact, Paul gained many converts by preaching in the synagogue in whatever town he was visiting. Jesus did require the disciples to take definitive action, but only when they saw the disgusting thing. (Mt 24:15) Likewise, there will come a time when we will have to follow his command to get out of her by means of definitive action. (Re 18:4) At that time it will not be a matter of personal conscience. But for now, let us allow each one to make his or her own determination. After all, perhaps we too, like Paul, will be able to use the accessibility we now enjoy to reach others with the message of the Good News.

      • Reply by Skye on 2015-06-29 04:21:19

        Either way, there is no guarantee that we will keep our families.
        "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law - a man's enemies with be members of his own household. Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me." Matthew 10:34-38

      • Reply by eyeontorah on 2015-06-29 14:16:08

        I agree Meleti. At this time, leaving the organization is a personal decision each person has to make for himself. It's not as easy for one person as it is for the next. I personally, have recently stopped going and haven't been in months. This wasn't an easy decision, but I felt, for me, it was necessary. It was a tough decision because my wife still makes every meeting and it causes a strain in our relationship. But I could no longer sit still in meetings. I would hear a lie from the platform and it would eat me up. The elders, knowing how I felt about the organization, had me under a microscope. After awhile, I became confused and didn't know what to believe. At that point, I realized it was probably best for me to stop going. This is a decision each believer has to approach with prayer and much thought. It's not up to us to decide for them.

        • Reply by Tony McGurk on 2015-06-30 22:33:36

          These are the same reasons I had to leave. I just couldn't stand to listen to the false teachings as well as the hypocritical callous judgement they pass on all other Christians

    • Reply by Gogetter on 2015-06-29 07:25:58

      Greetings qspf,
      I have really enjoyed some of your contributions, but wonder as I read them if you have ever been affiliated as one of Jehovah's Witnesses?
      I respectfully suggest that only a current or X JW would understand Meleti's and thousands of others situation and why we are on sites like this.
      If you attend another Christian denomination I'm sure you find yourself listening to things you do not agree with or that are totally not from scripture yet do you still attend?
      My point is, yes we can leave the Organization, but the only way to effect change and help our family and sincere friends is to work from within, because of the corrupt control by the GB with it's DF policies make it impossible from the outside.
      Jesus and Jehovah will judge wether or not we should have done as you suggested
      "By leaving the religion of the WT corporation, that’s how."

      • Reply by qspf on 2015-06-29 12:24:20

        Have I "ever been affiliated as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses"? Yes, and yes I do understand these issues.
        "And who am I to rule the conscience of another"? I am not asking you to, nor would I follow you if you attempted.
        However, to completely omit this issue from your discussion, and not even mention it as one possible course of action for the courageous to consider, is a glaring oversight. That is a simple fact, one that you should admit.
        It is one thing not to pressure others to drastically change their lives, when it could have so many negative repercussions; that is simply the course of modesty and erring on the side of caution. I have no problem with that.
        It is quite another thing altogether to sideline the matter as if it were trivial or even irrelevant.
        Meleti, it is not my place (or anyone else's) to judge you; only you know the circumstances surrounding your relationship with the WT. Perhaps their brand of vindictive punishment would be so severe for you that you and your family would be unable to bear it. It is between you, God, Christ, your conscience and your family to determine what is the correct course of action.
        However, I would ask you to think seriously, and carefully, about what you are doing. Your words and thoughts do not exist in a vacuum, and if they ever did, they most certainly do not now.
        You have chosen to sponsor this forum as a means to engender discussion, debate, and at times controversy, surrounding the WT religion. You cannot pretend surprise when that controversy starts to involve you. You are most certainly involved, and as you continue to write articles that get the attention of disaffected and separated JWs, you are involving them as well, more so all the time.
        That being so, I must ask you, how is it that you feel free to hold the WT accountable, but you feel no need to hold yourself accountable?
        That is to say, you promote this forum as a way to come to a true understanding of God, as opposed to the flawed doctrines of the WT, which in your eyes (and the eyes of many) are as bad as Baal worship was thousands of years ago.
        As in the famous words of the contest in the wilderness, "How long are you going to limp on two different opinions? If Jehovah [as you, Meleti, understand Him] is the true God, go serve him [and renounce the WT], but if Baal [now incarnated as the WT organization] is the true god, go serve him."
        I mean no offense, no disrespect, and wish to engender no controversy, per se. But sir, you must realize you have an affect on people, who are counting on you to help them decide a matter of enormous importance to their lives and their futures.
        Meanwhile, it seems like you are only good for taking "pot shots" at the latest WT article while equivocating on what significance (if any) all of this ought to have on our lives. You seem to treat the overall import of this as though trivial, and such an attitude ought to be beneath you. If the many errors and sins of the WT have no real-world consequences, how then is this forum of any more merit than an amusing diversion for the idle and curious?
        Surely, a person of your knowledge and integrity can do better than this.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-06-29 14:15:09

          I can see that your emotions run deep on this. I can respect that. I ask that you do the same. I am trying to avoid having an agenda. That is what every organized religion has and if I adopt one, even with the best of intentions, it will go wrong at some point. The only "agenda" a Christian should have is Christ's and the spirit leads us to an awareness of what he wants.
          I believe the spirit leads us both individually and collectively. That is why we encourage commenting on this forum. The Watchtower strongly discourages comments and suggestions from the lower ranks and as a consequence, has cut off the flow of the spirit. We will not make that mistake. So I appreciate your viewpoint, but it is only one viewpoint.
          Peter was a man who sought prominence for himself at one time, but finally learned to think otherwise. I try to keep his counsel in mind, especially as I prepare articles for discussion.
          "But all of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God opposes the haughty ones, but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time..." (1 Peter 5:5, 6)

        • Reply by Claudelle on 2015-06-29 19:06:03

          I see that you want some sort of directive from the originators of this site. It was never about telling us readers or contributors what to do. It has been about gradually unravelling the deceptions and misunderstandings. Some here (myself included) would not appreciate being told what to do.........again. We have, for the greater part of our lives within WTdom, been told how to act and think and what to read or how to simply live.
          If Meleti or any other person had tried to force this issue of getting out of the WT, I for one would have left the site and missed out on the evidence that I am seeking. This site is not for those who are feeling in a revolutionary mood. Changes take time and people move at their own pace on the way out. Please remember that it takes a long time to digest fully all of the truths as opposed to the lies we have been told.
          Then there are all the emotions of "all" who are viewing this site.......to consider. Religion is such and emotional experience and a roller coaster of an experience when one finds out they have been horribly misled.
          I do hope I have not offended you in any way by pointing these things out to you. Perhaps if you feel incredibly frustrated at what may seem ambivalence, on the part of the authors of this site; you could find one that is more "passionate or has some sort of direction" that you feel is lacking here.
          I have been involved for over 50 years with this religion. Fifty years of literal brain and emotional washing, is very difficult to over come.
          Good will to you anyway.

          • Reply by qspf on 2015-06-30 18:03:26

            Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I fear that my statements have been misunderstood, as is so often a risk when being part of an online community such as this one. I will attempt to clarify.
            First, allow me to state that I am not offended at your remarks, nor am I overly frustrated (neither "incredibly" so nor to any other excessive amount) at the current state of affairs. I am disappointed - a far different and far less emotional state.
            I also want to state that what I said before, and am about to say now, is not driven by emotion, but by a desire to express the facts, even if hearing those facts is something you perhaps would prefer not doing. I realize that what follows has the potential to hurt the feelings of those who read it. I regret if that occurs; it is not my intent. However, I cannot be so terrified of offending someone that I become silenced by it.
            I do NOT want any "sort of directive from the originators of this site". It is clear that they are unwilling and unable to give such direction, and I would not follow their direction if they did give it.
            What I find ironic, however is that I see no evidence whatsoever of ambivalence (having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas) on the part of the authors of this site. Their position on matters is sound, well-considered, logical, reasonable and consistent. There is nothing ambivalent about them at all.
            To illustrate, suppose a man courted a woman for an extended period of time, treating her with love, kindness, affection, romance, and all the dutiful attention one would expect in such matters - but never proposed. The obvious, glaring question would be, why not? For the man to fail to act must be seen as peculiar, and calls for an explanation as to his true motives.
            This is no different. This is not ambivalence; it is inaction. The flaws, failings and abuses of the WT have been laid bare in this forum (and others), explained and fully substantiated in excruciating detail. How long do you have to beat a dead horse before you bury it, already?
            It is one thing to choose not to leave the WT for personal reasons, and it is the course of humility not to push other people into leaving either, since each person has to make up their own minds.
            But not to MENTION this, even as a remote POSSIBILITY, when the subject matter is directly related to it, is not merely a personal choice or an act of humility. Such total inaction makes it appear that the originators of this site lack the courage of their convictions. For individuals that do in fact seem to be trying to sincerely champion the cause of truth and integrity, that isn't saying very much (nothing very good, anyway).
            Allow me another illustration: Imagine a long-term alcoholic. They know what they are, and they know they're harming themselves. They may have conversations with themselves, and with their family and friends, to the effect, "well, all this drinking isn't very good for me, I should really stop". But, they interrupt that train of thought with another glass of wine. Their good intentions mean nothing if they never change.
            In like manner, JWs are "drunk" with the "wine" of the WT's reprehensible teachings, conduct and treatment of their followers. (Yes, just like the account in Revelation.) Yet, they won't leave.
            You may be clinging to this abusive religion for all sorts of emotional, personal and obsessive/compulsive reasons, but as in the case of the drunk, I cannot feel sympathy or approval for what you are doing (that is, nothing).
            If you insist on a living a charade of a life, that's your business. You joined this religion, promising to faithfully and loyally obey it. You now use every opportunity to tear down the very religion you still belong to, but are unwilling to leave it, evidently due to fear of men. You put on a false front when attending their meetings, giving them misleading and evasive answers, and likewise if you are involved in their preaching work, perhaps preaching to the public and distributing materials you yourself do not approve of or believe in. The ugly truth is, you are a liar and a traitor.
            Now, being a traitor is not necessarily a bad thing. Imagine you were raised in a family that was part of the Mafia. If you left them, and publicized their wrongdoing (perhaps helping the police to arrest their members), I would call that a good, honorable, commendable thing. Now, the Mafia would call you a traitor, and would kill you if they could, but it would hardly be something to be ashamed of. Me, I think I'd take out an ad in the New York Times. I would be PROUD to be a traitor against the Mafia, if it meant helping to bring them down.
            But, another person in the Mafia might (justifiably) have so great a fear of men, and/or might be personally benefiting so much from associating with the Mafia, that they can't bring themselves to leave the habits and customs of a lifetime. That's their choice - an understandable choice, but one that is unworthy of commendation. It is an act of a coward.
            Now, simply substitute Mafia = WT, and put two and two together. I am sure you are up to the task.
            Mainly, what I am hoping for from you is you would at least to have the honesty and the courage of your convictions to SAY that leaving is a reasonable thing to CONSIDER, AT LEAST for those not as intimidated or brow-beaten as you appear to be.
            You don't have to tell people to leave, or tell them to DO anything. But, you CAN tell people, "this is something YOU CAN DO, something you CAN think about".
            Even if YOU are too weak to do it yourself, don't take that choice away from others. The fact is, if you never even present this as an option, your readers may not either; it will be a case of, "out of sight, out of mind".
            Your readers deserve better than that.

  • Comment by Jerome Donarski on 2015-06-28 13:30:24

    All I can say is "Yes!". The fear of Satan, the fear of Jehovah, the fear of the GB. The Watchtower operates on the use of fear. Lord have mercy on those who are trapped in the web of the Watchtower.

    • Reply by Skye on 2015-06-29 12:47:45

      "I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him." Luke 12:4,5

      • Reply by Jerome G Donarski on 2018-07-23 12:33:32

        After doing a Google search and seeing my name pop up on this comment I want to clarify vis a vis Skye's biblical quote. When I said "Jehovah", I meant the "Jehovah" of the Watchtower, not the Jehovah of the Bible. For JWs Jehovah is synonymous with the organization. I do fear the true God, not the god of the Watchtower.

  • Comment by father jack on 2015-06-28 15:15:25

    Paragraph 3 in next weeks follow up. ( As jehovahs servants we are not among those who are misled.......... When gods kingdom was established in 1914 satan began to wage war with the anointed remnant. Ok dougal.

  • Comment by Chris on 2015-06-28 15:19:31

    Wow. Most of the conclusions you come to is what CT Russell taught the whole time. :). Good job.

  • Comment by BN on 2015-06-28 18:59:30

    If we do not think in terms of the anointed ones, we will not see what GOD calls 'a disgusting thing' .. The prostitute riding the beast is also about those called ones.. .. Michael and his 'angels' are at war with satan and his 'angels' .. OR .. Michael and the womans seed are at war with satan and his seed .. it's a war about spiritual things www.wehaveawrestlingwithwho.blogspot.com

  • Comment by on 2015-06-29 03:34:50

    Nice review Meleti ,
    have read the study, no doubt satan is making inroads, good reminders nevertheless,..I liked your reference to Lu 10:17-20.

  • Comment by miken on 2015-06-29 07:18:33

    "So much so that recently the Governing Body was able to revoke its whole premise by disavowing the use of fabricated prophetic antitypes without anyone noticing that this undermined the entire belief structure unique to Jehovah's Witnesses"
    Well they are selective. I don't think they will abandon the Daniel chapter 4 type anti-type in relation to the 1914 calculation or the faithful and discreet slave equals the governing body.

  • Comment by menrov on 2015-06-29 07:43:24

    Thanks Meleti. Only when one somehow "wakes up" it becomes visible how the WBTS reasons. By positioning the organisation outside Christendom and by promoting the organisation to a position above all others and to be the only acceptable organisation, JW's are made to believe that Satan is against the organisation and te JW's only as Satan has all the others already. Mat 6:23 But if your eye is diseased, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

  • Comment by noblemindedthinker on 2015-06-29 10:08:10

    Excellent article Meleti. As always refreshing and eye opening.
    A few weeks ago someone used the phrase "programme of deception" in reference to the WTBS. It made me think about before I was awakened and how a lot of the doctrine never made sense. I could study all day but still not get to where I felt like I was getting to the heart of matters, to where it made sense. Now that I am fully awake I'm able to explain complex doctrine to my wife and she is amazed. My wife is a regular pioneer and didn't know who the faithful and discreet slave was. She can not explain how we arrive at the date 1914.
    Are they deliberately deceiving their followers? I'm starting to think they intentionally make the articles incoherent from article to article, sometimes paragraph to paragraph, confident that the REAL messages will get through to the RF: obedience, guilt, and subsequently slave for the org. After being awakened you can see each week the WTBS telling you exactly who they are. But believers either don't want to see it, or are deceived into believing "The Truth" is something that it isn't.
    I had a discussion with my father, baptized for 30+ years. I asked him how the great crowd attains salvation. He told me by faith in Jesus and following his footsteps. He really has been deceived over decades worth of WT articles that tell him he can be saved by doing a number of things, except for what the bible actually says. That part I kept to myself.
    Either people are deceived because the doctrine makes no sense and is set aside for another day of intense "personal study", or the WTBS is intentionally making it impossible to fully understand using just their publications. Probably both are true. Time will tell.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-06-29 11:23:29

      Thanks noblemindedthinker. Of course, the GB would correct your father by saying that his salvation is dependent on his support for them.
      “The other sheep should never forget that their salvation depends on their active support of Christ’s anointed “brothers” still on earth. (Matt. 25:34-40)” (w12 3/15 p. 20 par. 2)
      This highlights something I've observed which is in line with your observation that Witnesses don't understand their own theology. In studies where the topic is the other sheep as friends of God, brothers and sisters will express themselves as God's children, and the conductor will agree. In a study telling them they are not God's children, they totally miss the point, and aren't even aware of it.
      I guess at some level the mind fails to accept the unacceptable.

      • Reply by Buster on 2015-06-29 12:28:31

        Great comment noblemindedthinkersaid , a few weeks ago when were going over the while anti type thing and getting Our Understanding on many things, one. Brother commented I never under who the faithful and discreet slave was, I wanted so much to raise up and grab the microphone and say you got the time I got the answer and it gonna make sense.
        But I agree a lot of our understanding don't make sense, look at the recent convention of Jesus they had a video where they in a way made fun of the whole prophecy of 1914 and how we got to it by adding all sorts of scriptures and the. Whole crowd laughed, I was like you laugh cause you know deep down it makes no sense.
        And then i asked a few brother and said this over lapping generation non sense really is non sense. They both looked at me like I spit in there food and I asked them all explain to me where in the Bible does Jesus say this overlapping statement, they both said. Well it makes sense to us, I said that was great if you understand but explain it with the bible, and why we had this idea for nearly 100 years this generation was just that a generation, and you know what time caught up with us. And how we changed the whole generation meaning like 2 or three times since 1995 and finally reached this overlapping thing nearly a few years ago, and I again explain all these statement's with the bible, and they said nothing, and one brother was about to say proverbs 4 and said brother I love but let's not even go there

        • Reply by Buster on 2015-06-29 12:31:56

          Sorry about some of my typing, man typing on small screens is not cool, and I.meant to say the faithful and discreet slave ain't gonna make sense, but I think we all know that, again love this site continue on my brothers

  • Comment by eyeontorah on 2015-06-29 14:06:10

    I love this. Focusing on the 'power' of Satan will not encourage anyone. What good is it to point out and reflect the 'power' of The Devil? Granted, we should be constantly aware of his deception and his motives. But I'd rather focus on the power that one can have in Christ! Knowing that with Christ, anything is possible, is the most encouraging thought for any believer!

  • Comment by BN on 2015-06-29 17:25:30

    Who are you following? Who are your Master? Who do you belong to? Mark on tbe forhead. Who do you serve? Mark on your hand. JW.ORG ? When i see all these pictures on the net with witnesses and the JW.ORG emblems on everything, it makes me sick. They even show it off under water with somebody in diving suits ...

  • Comment by emilyjeff on 2015-06-29 18:27:30

    It is very true that Paul did not break off contact with the Jews and preached the message of Christ in the synagogues. Of course he did so boldly but at great cost to himself as we can see at Acts 14:19: “But some Jews arrived from Antioch and Iconium, and persuaded the crowds to stone Paul. They dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead.” The following Scriptures from Acts are examples of his preaching activity at the synagogues:
    Acts 9:20, 21 At once he proclaimed Jesus in the synagogues, saying “This really is the son of God!” Everyone was astonished, and said, “Isn’t this the man who caused havoc to those in Jerusalem who call on this name?”
    Acts 13:5 and when they arrived in Salamis they announced God’s word in the Jewish synagogues.
    Acts 17:1-4 Paul and Silas traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia, and came to Thessalonica, where there was a Jewish synagogue. Paul went there, as he usually did, and for three Sabbaths he spoke to them, expounding the scriptures, interpreting and explaining that it was necessary for the Messiah to suffer and to rise from the dead, and that “this Jesus, that I am announcing to you, is the Messiah.” Some of them were persuaded and threw in their lot with Paul and Silas, including a large crowd of god-fearing Greeks, together with quite a few of the leading women.
    Acts 19:8, 9 Paul went into the synagogue and spoke boldly there for three months, arguing and persuading them about the kingdom of God. But when some of them were hard-hearted, and wouldn’t believe, and made wicked allegations about the Way in from of everybody else, Paul left them.
    Those are some of the references to Paul’s work among the Jews although he was primarily the apostle to the Gentiles. Obviously he was able to persuade some of the Jews to follow the Messiah although you can see from Acts 14:19 there were times when he was treated very badly.
    I’ve been studying Galatians and Paul makes reference there too to his apparently worn and battle scarred condition at 4:14: “You didn’t despise or ridicule me, even though my condition was quite a test for you, but you welcomed me as if I were God’s angel, as if I were the Messiah, Jesus!” He loved his Christian brothers but wasn’t afraid to call them out when necessary. Apparently there were “troublers” within the Galatian congregation who were trying to get them to be circumcised. Paul didn’t mince words when he confronted them as you can see from the following passage at Galatians 3:1-5: You witless Galatians! Who has bewitched you? King Jesus was portrayed on the cross before your very eyes! 2 There’s just one thing I want to know from you. Did you receive the spirit by doing the works of Torah—or by hearing and believing? 3 You are so witless: you began with the spirit, and now you’re ending with the flesh? 4 Did you really suffer so much for nothing—if indeed it is going to be for nothing? 5 The one who gives you the spirit and performs powerful deeds among you—does he do this through your performance of Torah, or through hearing and believing?
    Here was a man who spoke his mind when it was necessary. But he wanted the community to remain united in love as Christians are called to do. At Galatians 5:13-15 he makes that abundantly clear as he pleads with them: “When God called you, my dear family, he called you to make you free. But you mustn’t use that freedom as an opportunity for the flesh. Rather, you must become each other’s servants, through love. 14 For the whole law is summed up in one word, namely this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ But if you bite each other and gobble each other up, watch out! You may end up being destroyed by each other.”
    So too today we must put up with each other with kindness and consideration. Everyone must answer to his or her own conscience on matters of faith. However I would hope that doesn’t mean that we can’t discuss things openly as long as we don’t become judgmental.

  • Comment by eyeontorah on 2015-06-29 19:34:33

    It shouldn't surprise us that Paul went teaching at the synagogues. Paul, the disciples, and Jesus all went to the Synagogues to preach, and in the case of the disciples, to learn and teach. Jesus commanded disciples to observe and do what is taught out of Moses’ seat, the Law of Moses. This was done at the synagogues every sabbath.
    (Matt. 23:1-3)"Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on the seat of Moses. Therefore do and observe everything that they tell you, but do not do as they do, for they tell others to do something and do not do it themselves."
    James also offered a scriptural process in verses 20 and 21 to help them in learning God’s ways - His Law. The directive was also given at the 'Jerusalem Council' at Acts 15:21:
    "For Moses has those who proclaim him in every city from ancient generations, because he is read aloud in the synagogues on every Sabbath.”
    The idea was to not imitate the Pharisees in their hypocrisy, tradition, and doctrines that went beyond the Word of God. But when they sat in the seat of Moses (read the Torah) do what they hear.
    Eventually, believers who put faith in Jesus began to be put out of the synagogues. The idea wasn't that they stopped going - they were put out. As Jesus warned at John 16:2:
    "They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God."
    Many had this fear of being put out of the synagogues when Jesus was on earth. This proved to be a great dilemma for some believers at that time. This dilemma is actually some of the basis of the letter to the Hebrews. The writer of that epistle is touching on the subject of You Kippur to stress the point to believers that Jesus is now the High Priest, thus the structure in which they were used to worshiping God, was in fact, elevated.

    • Reply by eyeontorah on 2015-06-29 19:36:34

      *Yom Kippur

  • Comment by Skye on 2015-06-29 19:43:25

    Meleti, I'm not expressing an opinion as to whether a brother or sister should or should not remain in the JW Organisation. What I am wondering is should we be comparing the Jews of the first century with the JW organisation of today? The Jewish nation were God's chosen people - Jesus Christ was a Jew - and this was where the Christian congregation was to originate from and then to the Gentiles. And so where is the comparison with the WT - I don't see one.

    • Reply by on 2015-06-29 21:32:19

      The legalism. Spitting image of the jewish system of things.

      • Reply by Skye on 2015-06-30 03:07:46

        Thanks, Anonymous, but that wasn't the point I was making. But what you say is, of course, very interesting.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-06-30 11:40:47

      I take your point, Skye. The Jewish nation was chosen by God, but when they murdered his son, he rejected them. From that point on, his chosen people were Christians comprising Spiritual Israel.
      “But YOU are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession...” (1Pe 2:9)
      These words no longer applied to the Israel of the flesh, but to that of the spirit.
      When I compare Jehovah's Witnesses to the rejected nation of Israel, it isn't done exclusively, only contextually. In other words, I'm not elevating the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses to the status of the chosen religion of God which has imitated the ancient Jews by now going apostate. That distinction, in my opinion, is shared by all the churches of Christendom.
      I believe that Jehovah's Witnesses are part of Christendom. They have fallen prey to the same affliction as all other churches. All these organized religions of which jw.org is merely a part have departed from the pure message of the good news by introducing doctrines and commands of men that conflict with the headship of the Christ. I am not condemning individuals, for I believe true Christians are everywhere. What distinguishes them from the majority is a sincere desire to know God and Christ. They are truth seekers. They are also willing to suffer the same fate as their Master.
      When Jesus was talking to a company of people who were not his disciples, he told them what would be required of them were they to follow him.
      “He that has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and he that has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not accept his torture stake and follow after me is not worthy of me. 39 He that finds his soul will lose it, and he that loses his soul for my sake will find it.” (Mt 10:37-39)
      These people did not know that Jesus would die ignominiously, impaled as the lowest of the low. But they did know that anyone who died this way was rejected by all. According to their theology, even God rejected such ones as unworthy of a resurrection, which was why their carcasses were through into the Valley of Hinnom (Gehenna) to be burned as worthless.
      What Jesus was telling them was that to follow him, they would have to be willing to accept the opprobrium, shame and rejection of kith and kin. Anything less and they would fail and be rejected by him.
      So yes, I do believe it is correct to compare the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses to the first century Jewish religion as long as it is understood that this is not an exclusive comparison. If a true Christian were found in the Catholic church, or any other one of the many denominations that claim Christ as their king, the same comparison would apply. When a Catholic, Anglican, Baptist, Mormon or Jehovah's Witnesses abandons his membership because he recognizes that his former church is teaching falsehoods, he shows his willingness to take up his torture stake (or cross, is you prefer) and follow the Christ. Should he decide to continue to associate with his former church so as to better spread the gospel until such time as he is forcibly removed, then that IMHO is a matter of conscience.

      • Reply by Skye on 2015-06-30 12:05:00

        Meleti, I understand what you are saying. Thank you.

      • Reply by eyeontorah on 2015-06-30 12:22:07

        I agree with much of what you said there. However, the thought that Israel was rejected by God is a misleading thought that has spread throughout the Christian faith for centuries. The growing anti-semitism of the early centuries established the way for a theology that is now known as 'Replacement Theology'.
        This is a misleading theology because it throws off our view of the prophecies that have been, are being, and will be fulfilled. The idea that Israel was rejected and replaced by the 'Church' if believers sprouted a new way of interpretation. Prophecies were no longer viewed in a literal sense, as they always were. Instead, every prophecy concerning Israel and Judah was interpreted to have a "spiritual" or allegorical meaning. The prophecies of the re-gathering of the scattered tribes of Israel, the Lord returning on Mt. Zion, and reigning from Jerusalem are all viewed as having "spiritual" meaning and aren't seen as things that will literally take place.
        I'm not saying that it's wrong to look for the spiritual meaning in a prophecy, but the misconception that Israel has been rejected has led to an imbalance of allegorical interpretation where men have made the scriptures mean practically anything they want them to mean.
        Israel definitely includes "spiritual" Israelites, so the structure of the doctrine is not taking us away from God and misleading us to a corrupted view of Him. Indeed, we are grafted into Israel and this has nothing to do with our bloodline but everything to do with our faith. (Rom. 11:17,18; Galatians 3:29)
        Romans 11:
        "1 I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew......... 11 Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. 12 But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring!........ 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” 20 Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but tremble. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either....... 23 And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. 24 After all, if you were cut out of an olive tree that is wild by nature, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!......
        do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, 26 and in this way all Israel will be saved. As it is written:
        “The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. 27And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins.” 28 As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, 29 for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. 30 Just as you who were at one time disobedient to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience, 31 so they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now receive mercy as a result of God’s mercy to you. 32 For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all."

        • Reply by Skye on 2015-06-30 16:43:01

          eyeontorah, So many scriptures in the OT seem to me to confirm what you are saying here with regard to the Jews, and I do not see any other explanation. In my Bible study this evening I came across Luke 13:34,35 "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate. I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.'"
          From Jesus' words here it appears that there will be some of natural Israel who will accept the Messiah when he returns. I can't believe that Jesus as a Jew would reject his people, and I can't find anywhere in scripture which says he does. So for now we have spiritual Israel, but by the time Jesus comes back this will include a remnant of natural Israel too.

        • Reply by BN on 2015-06-30 17:49:53

          And who are a jew ? Other than one praising jah? More and more i see this in the prophecies ...

  • Comment by Wild Olive on 2015-06-29 23:30:06

    For a long time I have found articles such as this one border on an almost superstitious dread of Satan,granted one must not underestimate Jehovah's main adversary,but without the real weapons to fight Satan then such fear becomes real,the scriptures are clear that Jesus ransom has undone the works of Satan,once again Jesus gets left out of the equation and the rank and file stay on the treadmill hoping it will protect them .
    How can an organization protect anyone from Satan ?
    There isn't a verse in the bible that even hints at such protection, superstition at its finest !

  • Comment by Tony McGurk on 2015-06-30 01:04:22

    It all came to ahead for me 2 weeks ago today & I declared to my wife that as far as I'm concerned now I am simply a nondenominational Christian & that I'm done with it all so I'm now outside the protective walls in the darkness & vulnerable to the vicious attack of Satan. She said that she accepted my decision & didn't want to hear anymore criticism of her faith meaning WT doctrine & practices.
    I can say that since I made that decision & haven't been to anymore meetings I feel a great load has lifted off my shoulders as I now feel the easy yoke & light load of Jesus. I have simply been reading through the Gospels without WT literature to guide me (tell me what to believe) & I just feel so much closer to Jehovah & Christ Jesus already. Before Bible reading was just another burden to keep up with along with everything else that was expected to keep your Spiritual-o-meter out of the red zone.
    I dunno if they'll eventually disfellowship me as I put a post on Facebook last night to all my JW friends declaring that I no longer consider myself a JW due to the many conflicts I have discovered comparing the Bible to WT doctrine. I assume that will get me the big fat "A" word label.Maybe I'll write a DA letter but then again would that simply be allowing myself to once again play by their rules? Perhaps if I get disfellowshipped my wife, who acknowledged that she knows I still truly love Jehovah, may thing twice about their loving arrangement, who knows? All I can do is keep praying for her.
    In my online research of past months I have found so many examples of the GB condemning the churches of Christendom for certain things which they themselves have practiced. The UN NGO affair comes to mind as well as child abuse coverups.
    I glanced at today's Daily Text (Mon 30 June) that my wife had left open on the coffee table & couldn't but help notice the hypocrisy in the 1st section of the commentary
    They were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd.—Matt. 9:36.
    in such a sad condition? Because those who had the responsibility of teaching the people God’s Law were harsh, demanding, and hypocritical. Rather than helping and nurturing members of their flock, Israel’s spiritual leaders put “heavy loads” on their shoulders.
    Also on the relentless condemnation of Christendom I thought the Dictionary definition is interesting
    the worldwide body or society of Christians.
    the Christian world.

    Doesn't this description include Jehovah's Witnesses? They claim to be the only True Christians so aren't they included in the definition even more so?
    OK I've rambled on & got off track a bit so I'll stop now. I have previously posted here as Ray Byrne, my middle name & my mother's maiden name but now that my exodus from the org is out in the open I no longer need to fly in stealth mode.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-06-30 07:23:52

      Hi Tony,
      I admire your stand. I pray that your wife will come to her senses as well and see the organization as it truly is, not as it paints itself.
      I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even bother with a judicial committee. They will likely use the Facebook post as tantamount to a formal letter of disassociation. It will make their job so much easier. They will consider you a threat now, especially because of Facebook and the wider reach it affords you to unmask false teachings.
      Let us know how it goes. At least you have one place to come to where you can freely express your thoughts.
      Your brother,

      • Reply by Tony McGurk on 2015-06-30 15:22:51

        I simply said "To my JW friends, I no longer consider myself one of Jehovah's Witnesses but still consider you all my Christian bros & sis' & love you all dearly. If you decide to unfriend me that is your choice"
        One non-witness friend who was the 1st to comment said "Why would anyone unfriend you Tony? What you choose to believe is your choice & you've been a good friend to everyone on here" The next day one of the elders is on my friends list & rang my wife, not me, last night to ask if she was ok. Then I got a whole barrage of loving JW's declaring that I was turning my back on Jehovah. One sister who is a good friend of both of us declared that I obviously have no love for Jehovah or his Son & that I didn't care about my wife or any of my bros or sis' then unfriended me.
        My sister told them what for & then rang me in tears as she couldn't believe how they were attacking me. I just told her that I understand how they think & that I refused to retaliate because these loving Christians were showing their true colours. My wife tried to defend them by saying that it's only because they care. Yeah right...

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-06-30 16:29:27

          It's a complex psychology. People will say many hurtful things, sometimes out of good motives--to their minds at least--and sometimes a wicked spirit is at work. They are afraid. Afraid of losing a friend, afraid of being forced to look at things they'd rather not consider, afraid of who knows what. They may sense that something is wrong with the Organization but take a head-in-the-sand approach. Then when a friend takes a public stand, it pulls their head out of the sand. They're not happy about that. If they sense something is wrong, and then see you doing something about it, they feel pressured. They may feel your decision is forcing them to take a stand they're not ready to take. I've had people berate me for not thinking of others. Perhaps Peter's relatives said the same thing to him when he abandoned his nets and went off to follow the Christ.
          Like I said, there are a lot of complex emotions at play here.

        • Reply by Tony McGurk on 2015-06-30 22:18:14

          Yes Meleti, I do understand why they are saying such things as not so long ago my thinking was similar under WT control, but it still hurt to have good friends say such things. Came across this interesting report in an Australian newspaper just a while ago. Mentions the Australian Bethel income for the 2011 tax year was nearly $19 million and mostly came from donations. It earned nearly $350,000 in interest.
          According to the article Shunning is a myth.

      • Reply by BN on 2015-06-30 18:15:34

        That was what they told me, i had sent these letters to so and so... so i did not bother .. this was my closest friends .. said i had nothing to say and that the letter said it all ..told me i was entitled to my view.. i said i only read the bible .. what these socalled friends of mine know i've been doing for at least 2 years now ...

        • Reply by Tony McGurk on 2015-06-30 22:13:25

          Yes that is me now. I class myself as a nondenominational Christian & just read the Bible alone. It is so wonderful to meditate on Jesus words without having to be told what to believe

    • Reply by father jack on 2015-06-30 07:32:48

      Mate I stll wouldn't be so open we still don't really know who we are dealing with here. These people believe everything they are told and may even do anything they are told regardless of how wrong it is. If it comes from the organisation. Look at what happened in tunisia. Who knows ?

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-06-30 07:44:54

        What happened in Tunisia?

    • Reply by eyeontorah on 2015-06-30 08:21:56

      Hi Tony. That was a very bold move to post your feelings about the organization on facebook. The elders will most likely be getting in contact with you soon. I have made posts facebook as well. My posts aren't as outspoken as yours may have been, but my posts are intended to get ppl to think about the faults of man-made doctrines and religious organizations. Although my posts aren't as direct as yours, the elders have still called me asking about them. (It's funny that none of these elders have Facebook accounts, yet they are aware of my posts. Either they have rogue accounts, or there's someone "spying" for them) I've honestly told them how I feel about the organization and how I choose to follow God's Word rather than man's. They've requested to meet with me a few times, but each time I politely decline. I try to avoid the inevitable, but I'm sure it's bound to happen one day. Already I've reached the hearts of some with my posts. My mom, for one, who was raised as a witness, is beginning to see the fallacy of the WT doctrines and she too is speaking to others about it. Other family and friends are also awakening to the truth of the organization. It's a struggle, but at the same time it's a beautiful journey.
      Also, I understand your situation with your wife. I am also in the same boat. My wife is totally against what I call "my search for truth". She sides with the organization regardless. This is something that takes time, patience, prayer and love. Remember to always show her, and any others that disagree with you or even oppose you the Godly Love that Christ's showed.

      • Reply by Tony McGurk on 2015-06-30 22:49:18

        I've always been the type of person that if I see something wrong or disagree I will speak out. That has caused me to be seen as a bit of a rebel in some congregations but I just can't sit back & continue with it all knowing what I know. I mentioned to my wife recently about the WT's 10 association with the UN & that they only cancelled membership because a British journalist caught them out & made it publicly known. She said it was a lie. I told her there's even a ststement about it on the UN's website as they had so many calls from concerned JW's. Her reply was "So just because it's on the UN's website makes it tr.ue?" She's in complete denial even regarding all the child abuse reports. The media are always lying & the WTS never says anything but truth. I've decided to just leave her be & continue to pray that she will somehow see through it. Above all I am determined to prove to her that I can be a spiritual man who loves Jehovah, Christ Jesus & the Bible & apply it in my life without the need for GB control & direction

    • Reply by BN on 2015-06-30 17:50:38

      I got my call from the elders sunday ...

      • Reply by BN on 2015-06-30 18:08:08

        Took them a while, but when i sent out letters proving my point from the Bible .... And i have only sent them to my dearest and closest - yet.
        I discovered what is meant by the covards in Rev 21:8 , and since i sincerely see that that book is NOT about this world ... politics, governments etc ... i do not want to be one ..
        And i' m surtenly not one to jump to conclusions and i'm known for thinking through everything several times ... so i did not deside from one day to another ....

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-06-30 19:04:10

          If you live in a area that allows a conversation to be recorded if one of the parties is aware of the recording, I highly recommend that you do so, if for no other reason then to keep an accurate record. They will not allow witnesses, as public trials are something they fear.
          If I can be so bold as to offer one more piece of advice. Don't be goaded into providing them with evidence against yourself. Instead, follow the example of our Lord and answer their questions with questions of your own. Do not be anxious. These words of assurance from Jesus were intended for just such times.
          “However, when they deliver YOU up, do not become anxious about how or what YOU are to speak; for what YOU are to speak will be given YOU in that hour; 20 for the ones speaking are not just YOU, but it is the spirit of YOUR Father that speaks by YOU. 21 Further, brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise up against parents and will have them put to death.” (Mt 10:19-21)

  • Comment by Skye on 2015-06-30 03:19:18

    qspf, It's true that we don't agree on absolutely everything, but then none of us knows everything. I think your comments are very interesting and beneficial here, and I look forward to more.

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The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures gets a lot of flak. Many people accuse it of being a very biased translation. Now, there's two of them, of course. There's the 1984 version, and there's the 2013. The 2013…

Hello everyone. This is the second to last video in this series on shunning. Thank you for your patience as it has taken a while to get to this point. For those of you who haven’t seen the previous videos on shunning as…

Hello, everyone. I have something truly bizarre to share with you this time. It comes from a rather innocuous place, the July 2024 letter from the Governing Body to all the elders in North America and, I assume, around…

Statement by Brother Joss Goodall To My Brother and Sisters, I am writing to you to bring to your attention some very serious concerns that have been troubling me since August of last year when I listened to a morning worship video by Kenneth…