WT Study: You Can Fight Satan and Win!

– posted by meleti

[From ws15/05 p. 14 for July 6-12]

“Take your stand against [Satan], firm in the faith.”— 1 Peter 5:9

In this continuation of last week’s theme, we learn how to fight Satan and win.
We start off in paragraph 1 by emphasizing the unique JW doctrine that there are two groups of Christians that Satan fights against, anointed Christians and Other Sheep Christians. We quote John 10:16 which doesn’t prove the doctrine. If anything, it can be used to illustrate that there were two types of anointed Christians in the first century: Jewish and Gentile Christians. (See Other Sheep)
Paragraph 3 states: And after the birth of God’s Kingdom in 1914, it was Satan who began “to wage war” with the remnant of anointed ones.”
One can’t help but wonder what Satan was doing prior to 1914. Sitting on his hands, perhaps. Giving the anointed Christians a free pass for 1,881 years seems uncharacteristically sporting of him.  Apparently he was in a pretty good mood until October of 1914 when the 2,520 years ended and he was cast out of heaven.   Then he got really angry.  In fact, that was why he started World War One.   At least, that's how we understand the fulfillment of Revelation 12:12.

But Christians do know why. Through their Bible-based insight, they know that World War I was timed with the birth of God’s kingdom in the heavens, which was to result in “woe for the earth.” Why? “Because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.”—Rev. 12:9-12; compare Matthew 24:3, 7, 8.” (w79 2/15 p. 13 Insight on the News)

They understood this period to be 2,520 years—starting with the overthrow of the ancient Davidic kingdom in Jerusalem and ending in October 1914. (w92 5/1 p. 6 The 1914 Generation—Why Significant?)

So there you have it. The evidence is as plain as the nose on your face. The kingdom was established in October of 1914, and shortly thereafter, Satan was cast down and in great anger caused WWI as part of his war on the anointed. Brother Lett of the Governing Body even said that the evidence for the establishment of the kingdom in 1914 is greater than that for gravity, electricity, or wind.
One point though—very minor, hardly worth mentioning—but you see, the war didn’t start in October when the Devil was supposedly cast down. It started in August. Now it could be that the Devil, in a fit of defeatism because he knew he was going to lose, decided to get the whole war thing out of the way.  (Never one to procrastinate is the Devil.)  So he came down and got things going early…a sort of “running start” to his rage, as it were.
Now some dissenters would suggest that we’re all wrong with this 1914 thing. They would suggest that the Devil was actually cast down in the first century; that when Jesus was granted the kingship to sit at God’s right hand waiting for him to make his enemies a stool for his feet, there was no longer any reason to let Satan wander about in the heavens, foot loose and fancy free, what with Jesus having given the final answer to Satan’s challenge and all. These ones would actually have us believe that Satan’s war on the anointed began back then in fulfillment of Jesus’ words: “Satan has demanded to have you men to sift you as wheat.” (Luke 22:31) They would reason that Satan didn’t have to wait 1900 years before he was allowed to wage his war on “you men”. They would even go so far as to suggest that the centuries-long period known as the Dark Ages is evidence of Satan’s anger at being cast down. Of course, they’re wrong.  We know that.  We have the math on our side.

Shun Pride

Paragaph 4 states: “Satan is anything but humble. In fact, for a spirit creature to have the audacity to challenge Jehovah’s sovereignty and set himself up as a rival god is the epitome of pride and presumptuousness.”
So true. So very true. Now, what about the audacity of setting oneself up as God's exclusive channel of communication?  Of course, that would be fine if one had the credentials to back up such a statement; something like, oh, I don’t know, turning the East river to blood, or maybe splitting the Hudson and walking across. At the very least, it would be nice to be able to point to 100 years of unfailingly true and accurate prophetic predictions.
The irony in this next statement from paragraph 6 needs no further commentary: This type of pride is defined as “inordinate self-esteem” or “a haughty attitude shown by people who believe, often unjustifiably, that they are better than others.” Jehovah hates arrogant pride.

Avoid Materialism and Love for the World

Paragraph 12 states that Jehovah wants us to live comfortably”. However, it warns that “Satan can exploit our desires with ‘the deceptive power of riches.’”
Which of us would not want to live comfortably in luxurious accommodations built in resortlike surroundings?  It wouldn't hurt either if we could do so on someone else's dime.  But alas, we cannot slave for God and for Riches, as the paragraph points out by quoting Matthew 6:24.  So we do well to avoid the accumulation of riches and putting our trust in them.
On a completely unrelated subject, click here to see pictures of the Rivercrest housing complex at Fishkill which the Organization recently purchased for a reported $57 million, so as to house volunteer workers for Warwick. And below are some architectural concepts of what the World Headquarters at Warwick will look like when completed.
Warwick Front LobbyWarwick Concept
It's a lovely area, very resortlike.
Warwick LakeWarwick Aerial
Reminds one of the facility at Patterson. Idyllic, really.
Patterson Aerial View
Anyway, back on topic.  There is one thing that one can’t help question. After 140 years of eschewing the acquisition of material things like extensive real estate holdings, why has the Governing Body suddenly seized ownership of all Kingdom Hall properties worldwide?  Why not leave these properties under the ownership of the individual congregations that built them with their own labor and financial resources?  There is no evidence of the first century Christians pursuing the acquisition of material possessions such as buildings and real estate.  That is something the Catholic Church and virtually every other church organization in Christendom is known for.  And now Jehovah's Witnesses seem to have joined that club.  To what end?  The Governing Body would have us conclude that this is what Jehovah God wants us to do.
The article then goes on to warn against the danger of sexual immorality, which is a valid concern in this world.  They refer to sexting in paragraph 14 calling it "a practice that in some places is viewed as being tantamount to distributing child pornography." 
Yet again, they make a statement attributed to outside sources, while failing to provide the corroborative reference to validate it.  While we in no way condone the practice, calling it child pornography seems to be going over the top and is likely to harm their argument more than help it by making them seem out of touch with reality.

In Summary

Overall, what can be said about this study?  Jesus put it best.

“Therefore all the things they tell YOU, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but do not perform.” (Mt 23:3)

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  • Comment by on 2015-07-06 18:44:03

    I wanted to take a moment and congratulate you on another fine job. And I am, now that I have stopped giggling.
    Such understated, low-key, delicious irony should not go unremarked.
    Were you to continue in this same, self-effacing manner, one would not fail to conclude that the WT is the very synagogue of Satan. I mean, if one were a "dissenter". Why, the very audacity of it.
    Meleti, you've been holding back on us.
    Per WT, "Jehovah wants us to live comfortably." Really? Where's THAT written? 2 Hypocrites 4:4 ?

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-07-06 18:53:06

    I Wonder why they did not use that Gravity line, on this year Convention of Jesus, I would have loved Seeing. Mr. Lett or Anthony Morris say that. I guess it might be old light now. ;)

  • Comment by on 2015-07-06 19:21:14

    This is a script right from WikipediA of when everything started. Please feel free to click on the link to read up on the whole Account. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I
    The trigger for war was 28 June 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, by Yugoslav nationalist Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo. This set off a diplomatic crisis when Austria-Hungary delivered an ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia,[10][11] and entangled international alliances formed over the previous decades were invoked. Within weeks, the major powers were at war and the conflict soon spread around the world.
    On 28 July, the Austro-Hungarians declared war on Serbia and subsequently invaded.[12][13] As Russia mobilised in support of Serbia, Germany invaded neutral Belgium and Luxembourg before moving towards France, leading Britain to declare war on Germany. After the German march on Paris was halted, what became known as the Western Front settled into a battle of attrition, with a trench line that would change little until 1917.
    You will notice WW! was triggered June 28th..Not Oct 5/6..
    Great Resort, I think I will click on Expedia to see if I can book an all inclusive vacation. I hope they will allow children...lol

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-07-06 19:49:53

    When I read that Math line I laughed out loud at work, very awesome moment.

  • Comment by bobcat3 on 2015-07-06 22:35:54

    Enjoyed the article, Meleti.
    Your humor had me chuckling. The points you made reminded me of Friday at the RC. One of the speakers was pointing out how the "sacred secrets" related to Christ are open to JWs and no one else.
    Ironically, many of these false WT beliefs are, in fact, correctly understood by "Christendom's" theologians whom the WT eschews. Yet the WT could correctly know when Jesus began his rule simply by reading good non-WT commentaries. They had the truth about the lie regarding 1914 placed right in their lap by Carl O. Jonsson, but rejected it outright. The darkness the WT is experiencing is from their own haughtiness.
    (Revelation 3:17 NWT) . . .Because you say: “I am rich and have acquired riches and do not need anything at all,” but you do not know you are miserable and pitiable and poor and blind and naked

  • Comment by BN on 2015-07-07 01:06:00


  • Comment by Alien resident on 2015-07-07 15:44:30

    Hi Meleti, Funny and yet Interesting take on the WT study. Well one thing that didn't make sense to me back in the 1980's when introduced to teaching that the Ye oct 5/6 1914, was the year GK was established , I was scratching my head with that point, I would ask myself, the dates are off according to secular history, but I'm no bible scholar..but, when you throw in , the matt 24,Luke 21,mark 13, rev 6, then it sounded plausible even convincing, well that's what started my own personal study. Yes it was exciting time, because the end was just around the corner, as the generation of the anointed,,,well there time was up! Well, we're still here, lol...but the positive's, I have lost a lot, but gained just as much,,,I have come to love Jehovah & have a perfect role model in Jesus. And we would always argue the point amongst ourselves if the Society, keeps planning and buying property, then we need to plan and look after ourselves also.

    • Reply by BN on 2015-07-07 20:57:13

      I guess we all forgot to see that a birth comes after the pains ....Matt 24:8 ...

      • Reply by tim3l0rd on 2015-07-11 07:57:54

        True a birth comes after the pains, but, typically, the pains stop once the birth happens. Doesn't seem like that was the case. In fact, the pains seem to have increased after the "birth" in October.
        Just my 2 cents.

  • Comment by father jack on 2015-07-07 15:49:59

    Watchtower quote we are not misled we know gods Kingdom was set up in 1914 .or words to that effect .shun pride and then to set yourself up as gods spokesman and kick those out who question their authority . Avoid materialism and then spend billions on luxury apartments . Thanks for the article meleti but these guys are the real masters of sarcasm and irony . Whose writing this stuff they would be good at comedy sketches .For the TV . DRINK !

  • Comment by on 2015-07-07 16:52:49

    On a completely unrelated subject ...
    "We start off in paragraph 1 by emphasizing the unique JW doctrine that there are two groups of Christians that Satan fights against, anointed Christians and Other Sheep Christians."
    " THEY start off in paragraph 1 by emphasizing the unique JW doctrine that there are two groups of Christians that Satan fights against, anointed Christians and Other Sheep Christians."

  • Comment by on 2015-07-07 18:52:52

    The luxury apartment complex is not for Warwick workers. It's is for elite retired Bethelites.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-07-07 19:21:08

      Interesting. Can we get confirmation of that?

      • Reply by Wild Olive on 2015-07-07 23:28:18

        That actually makes sense,most of the work done now is of the IT kind and doesn't need grunts anymore like printing work needs, Ime pretty sure the last great printing run was the RNWT, which was done in Japan not the USA,so the need for a lot of grunts is not what it used to be,but they will have to hang onto some of the old keepers of the flame,because where are the next GB going to come from when Losch Lett and co die out?
        Just a thought.

        • Reply by on 2015-07-08 12:53:28

          Since the GB is divinely appointed, they need someone to divinely appoint them. All those divine appointers will be living in the luxury apartment complex. :-))

    • Reply by father jack on 2015-07-08 14:04:44

      Elite retired workers who decides who they are ? What happens to those who aren't elite ? Perhaps they wash the feet of the governing body . The holy ones . F. J.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-07-08 16:03:53

        We have not been able to confirm this, so we must treat it for the moment as a rumor. Not wanting to spread rumors ourselves, let's wait for some verifiable evidence for or against. All we know right now is that a substantial sum of money has been used to purchase luxury housing accommodations.

      • Reply by father jack on 2015-07-08 18:50:05

        It just has to be wrong that sort of thing could never go on inthe true Christian congregation . Favouritism no way hose a .

  • Comment by Skye on 2015-07-08 05:42:54

    Brilliant article - brightened up my day!!

  • Comment by on 2015-07-08 20:24:58

    You mentioned, "the Rivercrest housing complex at Fishkill which the Organization recently purchased for a reported $57 million, so as to house volunteer workers for Warwick."
    These workers will only be there temporarily, won't they ? How long are they going to need all these people? Isn't an outlay of $57 million a rather permanent investment for housing transient workers until this thing is finished ?
    Hate to put it like this, but there's this saying about suicide, that it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
    Just wondered ...

    • Reply by Skye on 2015-07-09 02:11:27

      We do not know the full story behind the WT - we do know that they have an ability to exert an enormous level of control, which is not good.

    • Reply by justapublisher2999 on 2015-07-12 08:56:54

      No speculation here,but there are really only a handfull of options that can happen with this luxury apartment complex once the last of the current tenants have their lease up. use for temporary workers, then sell for a hefty profit once the project is done, keep for the retired bethelites, or my guess, keep for when the rest of the jws want to tour the new facilities and have a place for lodging, for a "donation". sound too familiar? in the end, donations bought the place, now let hardworking jws continue to pay for its maintenance, its not enough that we have to maintain the new assembky halls, the C.O.s apartments, transportation and yes their weekly expenses, and our monthly "unrequired donation" for the kindgdom hall that was probably already paid for (consecutive monthly income). That is putting Jehovah first, then after maintaining all of "Jehovahs" goods, then we can focus on our families. If we did it the other way around, that would be called materialism

      • Reply by Search-Truth on 2015-07-12 22:50:50

        You forgot to mention the monthly allowances paid out to Missionaries, Bethelites and Special pioneers which many are recently retired C.Os. The list goes on & on...

  • Comment by Katrina on 2015-07-09 04:09:42

    "Now some dissenters would suggest that we’re all wrong with this 1914 thing. They would suggest that the Devil was actually cast down in the first century; that when Jesus was granted the kingship to sit at God’s right hand waiting for him to make his enemies a stool for his feet, there was no longer any reason to let Satan wander about in the heavens, foot loose and fancy free, what with Jesus having given the final answer to Satan’s challenge and all. These ones would actually have us believe that Satan’s war on the anointed began back then in fulfillment of Jesus’ words: “Satan has demanded to have you men to sift you as wheat.” (Luke 22:31) They would reason that Satan didn’t have to wait 1900 years before he was allowed to wage his war on “you men”. They would even go so far as to suggest that the centuries-long period known as the Dark Ages is evidence of Satan’s anger at being cast down. Of course, they’re wrong. We know that. We have the math on our side."

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-07-09 05:50:33

    Math that is what you get from higher education..... Oh yeah :)

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-07-09 06:06:23

    I am reading the book Thy kingdom Come the third volume , in the study in the scriptures series. I started it and man, he would not love this article for this week, cause good old Russell was saying in this. Book the end of the world would be 1914, and Jesus presence started in 1874. Amazing.
    In page 59:
    This time of the end, or day of Jehovah's preparation, beginning A.D. 1799 and closing A.D. 1914, through characterized by the great increase of knowledge over the past ages, is to culminate in the greatest time of trouble the world has ever known;
    So I love this fits with our watchtower for this week.... That Math sure adds to knowledge. ;)

    • Reply by Buster on 2015-07-09 06:07:09

      Presence of Jesus started in 1874, my bad for the typo.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-07-09 09:52:29

        Fixed. Sorry that we can't allow an editing feature for one's own comments. Perhaps when the self-hosted site is up. I'm looking for a Wordpress plugin that will permit editing. If anyone has knowledge that could help us, please email me at meleti.vivlon@gmail.com

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-07-09 10:56:54

    It is all good, typing on phones. And from work, things get interesting. Thanks again

  • Comment by on 2015-07-21 00:57:53

    Having personally met the devil, the article clearly shows the writers have not.

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