To Whom Do You Belong?

– posted by hezekiah1
To whom do you belong?
Which God do you obey?
For just the one to whom you bow
Your master is; you serve him now.
You cannot serve two gods;
Both masters cannot share
The love of your heart in its ev’ry part.
To neither you’d be fair.
(Ssb song 207)

To whom do we, as Jehovah’s Witnesses, really belong? Which God do we serve? Whom are we protecting?
Actions speak louder than words and by our actions we show whose reputation we value the most. In light of the recent article The Mandatory Reporting Red Herring, the branch claims to have a high standard regarding the reporting of child abuse. Here is an article about how high a standard they set regarding personal conduct.
I was talking to a Bethel friend last night and he told me something I hadn’t heard of before. Apparently the Bethel family has a very strict code of conduct and dress. Now, I always knew that to visit Bethel you needed to dress in meeting clothes, and that to be in Bethel you needed to be well dressed. What I hadn’t known is that even in some very personal matters, such as hair color, sandals, and shorts, they have strict codes.
Regarding hair color, I was told that sisters have a limited range in which to color their hair. I’m not really sure of the scriptural precedent for this, but I am aware of some who have lost their Bethel service privilege for dying their hair a certain color. So I know there must be some truth to this statement.
Regarding the wearing of shorts, the normal restrictions against “short shorts” or tight and revealing clothing was always known to me. What I didn’t know was that they were not allowed to use the front entrance of Bethel if they were wearing shorts. Being a frequent visitor there, I have to admit I have never seen anyone wearing them in the lobby. The same goes with open shoes such as sandals for men. Brothers simply would not be allowed to wear sandals and walk out the front door at Bethel, apparently to make sure no one looked down on Jehovah or his people. This is where the conversation got interesting.
I was then told the story of a Bethelite who had done a heroic act and saved someone. He was written up in the local newspaper and he was given a lot of praise. What happened next was strange. Some unnamed person googled this brother’s name and dug up some dirt on him that happened years before, even before he became a witness. This consisted of a photo showing this brother in a compromising situation; not anything illegal or immoral, mind you, just a bit embarrassing. Remember, this took place before he was baptized, before he was even one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. When the branch found out about it, he was summarily dismissed from Bethel. I asked my friend why that was. This brother brought praise to Jehovah’s name by his good deed, and now was being punished as a consequence?  Does Jehovah not forgive us all past sins upon baptism? Is not baptism the request made to God to be granted a clean conscience? (1 Peter 3:20, 21)
My friend defended the Bethel decision by saying that the young man was not above reproach and thus not qualified for special full-time service. We have allowed baptized Witnesses who were disfellowshipped for fornication, adultery—even in some cases, based on the testimony in Australia, child abuse—to return and serve as pioneers (full-time servants) and elders.
I countered that there is nowhere in Scripture where Jehovah did something similar to this to anyone who became one of his servants. My friend then got upset and said not to argue with him. If the FDS[i] says he is not qualified then he's not….  Full Stop.
To whom do we belong, indeed?

The Underlying Problem

I found this conversation disturbing for several reasons.

  • Jehovah doesn’t do this to his servants. The simple fact that the Branch feels this way shows me they hold us to a higher standard than does the Almighty. Thus they seem to be acting as a God of their own making.

  • Who were they really protecting? Jehovah’s reputation? Or their own?

  • If they are afraid of a small thing like this being known to the public, what lengths will they go to in order to cover up bigger problems like the mishandling of child abuse in our ranks?

First things first.
Let's look at some examples of how Jehovah treated those who had committed some very public sins.

Jehovah's Dealings with King David

King David, as we all know, was a man agreeable to Jehovah’s heart. Even long after he had died, he was held as a model for subsequent kings to follow. In fact, our Lord Jesus is the antitypical David. (1 Kings 14:8; Ezekiel 34:23; 37:24) Yet we also know that he committed gross sins including adultery and murder and then tried to cover them up. Note that he was already a servant of Jehovah when this happened. Even with all of this history, Jehovah still allowed him to continue to rule, though he still had to endure the consequences of his actions.
Notice what the WT says about him:

“David’s life was filled with privileges, triumphs, and tragedies. Yet, what attracts us to him above all else is what the prophet Samuel stated of David—he would prove to be “a man agreeable to [Jehovah’s] heart.”—1 Samuel 13:14.” (w11 9/1 p. 26)

“All of us are imperfect, and we all sin. (Romans 3:23) Sometimes we may fall into serious sin, as did David. While discipline is beneficial, however, it is not easy to take. In fact, at times it is “grievous.” (Hebrews 12:6, 11) Yet, if we “listen to discipline,” we can become reconciled to Jehovah.” (w04 4/1 p. 18 par. 14)

Yes, we can become reconciled to Jehovah, but apparently not to the Watch Tower Bible &Tract Society, even if the sins are long in our past and were already forgiven us by God. Does this not seem strange to you?

Rahab's Past Is Overlooked

Rahab lived in the city of Jericho and she knew her city well. She also knew the people well. She could see they were terrified of the Israelites who were marching around the city. Yet Rahab did not feel the same sense of dread as her fellow citizens. Why was that? She had dropped a scarlet cord outside one of her windows in an act of faith.  Thus when the city was destroyed, her family was spared. Now Rahab, up until this point, had led a very interesting life. Here is what the WT had to say about her:

“Rahab was a prostitute. That stark fact so alarmed some Bible commentators in the past that they claimed that she was merely an innkeeper. The Bible, though, is quite clear and does not whitewash the facts. (Joshua 2:1; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25) Rahab may have keenly sensed that her way of life was degrading. Perhaps, like many today in such walks of life, she felt that she was trapped, with no other choice if she wanted to care for her family.” (w13 11/1 p. 12)

Rahab was different from her countrymen. Over the years, she had contemplated the reports she heard about Israel and its God, Jehovah. How completely unlike the Canaanite gods he was! Here was a God who fought for his people instead of victimizing them; who elevated the morals of his worshippers instead of debasing them. This God treated women as precious, not as mere sexual objects to be bought, sold, and degraded in vile worship. When Rahab learned that Israel was camped across the Jordan, poised to invade, she must have been dismayed over what that could mean for her people. Did Jehovah notice Rahab and value the good in her?

“Today, there are many people like Rahab. They feel trapped, stuck in a way of life that robs them of dignity and joy; they feel invisible and worthless. Rahab’s case is a comforting reminder that none of us are invisible to God. No matter how low we feel, “he is not far off from each one of us.” (Acts 17:27) He is close by, ready and eager to offer hope to all those who put faith in him.” (w13 11/1 p. 13)

We see that Jehovah spared this woman.  She joined with his people and he even allowed her to become an ancestress to Boaz, King David and finally, Jesus Christ himself. Yet if she were alive today, because of her past, she likely would never have been allowed to serve in Bethel. Does this make sense to you?
An ancestress of our Lord Jesus, not allowed to serve in Bethel. Would Jesus perhaps have something to say about that?

An Insolent Man

We first hear of Saul of Tarsus in the Bible at Acts 7:58 during the stoning of Stephen. The people who were there laid down their outer garments at his feet so he could watch over them. For a Jew, he had all the right connections. Here is what the WT had to say about him:

According to his own writings, Saul was “circumcised the eighth day, out of the family stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born from Hebrews; as respects law, a Pharisee.” That was viewed as an impeccable Jewish pedigree! (w03 6/1 p. 8)

He also had the best of education as well as Roman citizenship which put him amongst society's elite back then. However, Saul also had a dark side. Notice again what the WT says:

“Saul was well-known for his disrespectful speech, even for his violent behavior. The Bible says that he was “breathing threat and murder against the disciples of the Lord.” (Acts 9:1, 2) He later acknowledged that he had been “a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insolent man.” (1 Timothy 1:13) Although some of his relatives may already have become Christians, he said of his own attitude toward Christ’s followers: “Since I was extremely mad against them, I went so far as to persecuting them even in outside cities.” (Acts 23:16; 26:11; Romans 16:7, 11)” (w05 5/15 pp. 26-27 par. 5)

Was Saul’s behavior well known? Yes! So well know that when Ananias was dispatched to witness to Saul, he was more than a little apprehensive about going. Why? As Acts 9:10-22 brings out, Saul’s outrageous behavior had became known to many. Yet again with all this, Saul accepted correction and became the apostle Paul. If he were alive today, he would be considered a full-time servant by Jehovah's Witnesses, yet as such, his past would require us to remove him from any “privileges of full-time service.”

What Conclusion Should We Draw?

The point of this exercise is to show how much Jehovah’s viewpoint differs from the policies and procedures of the Organization that presumes to bear his name.
While Jehovah sees the heart of each individual, and uses them to their fullest potential, the Watchtower or as we now call it, JW.ORG, seems to feel that Jehovah’s standards are too low. Any embarrassing incident from a person’s life, even if committed before they began associating with Jehovah’s Witnesses, is enough for us to want to keep our distance.
It would seem that Bethel has higher standards that Jehovah God himself. Should this not concern us all?
We have often heard the refrain “Do you think you know better than the Governing Body?” Or, “Are you questioning the direction of the Faithful Slave?” What we should be asking is, “Does the Governing Body think they know more than Jehovah God?”
It would appear from their actions and the iron-fisted way they control people that in fact they do. This has been demonstrated repeatedly. On multiple occasions, I have heard while at the branch that the Bible is not enough for JWs, we need the publications as well. We have just placed the organization on the same level as the word of Almighty God.
As song 207 states, we cannot serve two Gods. So the question is, “To whom do you belong? Which God will you obey?”
We’ll see in part two of this article where our misplaced loyalties have often led us.
[i] "Faithful and Discreet Slave" from Matthew 25:45-47

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  • Comment by menrov on 2015-09-06 08:56:52

    Thanks for this. I guess to some this does not come as a surprise. It has become very clear of the past few years or even decades that the reputation of the organization is far more important than reflecting Gods view on things. Because I was apparently not strict enough wit my then 16 years old daughter, I was removed as ms. I did mention to the elders that I believe their way of justice or discipline was not how God treated David or Moses or Aaron. All committed sins against God (I wonder if I actually committed a sin and whether that sin was against God) but none of them were not removed from their position. Yes, they did receive some form of discipline, but remained in their position. Same for Solomon.
    I already then realized that the WT way of justice is far more focused on discipline and humiliation (because that is how I often felt, that I needed to be taught a lesson of humbleness, their view on humbleness) than God or Jesus ever showed.

    • Reply by Meg on 2015-11-13 23:27:37

      My extreme hurt, frustration, anxiety, rage, endless nights of crying, disillusionment aside.. (yes, I could write a book, a lengthy one..I'll save for another time, though)...I actually took the time to READ 'The Gentile Times Reconsidered'. I went through some serious serious opposition to come INTO the 'truth' back in the day, and did most of my extensive research at a time that was mostly 'pre-Internet', so that consisted of lots of library trips, photo-copying, and visiting virtually every church I could in my quest for truth, I DID my homework. But I never questions ONE important fact. It never occurred to me to do so. Was 607 BCE the year that Babylon fell? Oh, I know the math. I lost EVERYTHING to come into the truth. Family, friends, home, and even health from the anxiety and stress. I am one of those who actually prayed for the truth sincerely, and then someone showed up at my doorstep, convincing me of angelic direction. I studied, but then succumbed to pressure, moved, and the once again, prayed a similar prayer (THIS time, for courage to do what was right) and once again...there THEY were, once again convincing me of absolute angelic direction. What was I to conclude? But...I cannot discount what I just read, for all of the reasons that I once fought thru all of the seriously hard stuff that I once did (that once heck of a story, trust me). I am, and always will be, desiring the TRUTH, and to please Jehovah, even if that makes my life difficult. That is what Jesus guaranteed WOULD happen for anyone picking up their torture stake, and following him.
      So now HERE is my quandary. I am a TEACHER of the bible, and I have had a reputation for being a very good one at that..not so much because I consider that I am exceptionally smart, or gifted in this way, but because I have a manner with people that is similar to Apostle Paul, in the respect of becoming 'all things to all people' to win hearts. I have LOVED The truth, and I have LOVED imparting the joy that I have felt imparting that truth. But the trouble is now...that I don't have that joy anymore. And I realize that...if this is actually a falsehood (1914/607BCE), and people are 'discounted' as being unworthy of being a servant of Jehovah, and a Christian because they do NOT believe it...then that is BLOODGUILT INDEED. That means, that we are likely excluding people from baptism, and knowing/accepting the precious truths of the bible, if they DO NOT BELIEVE THIS. I am so angry. Sorry this is long.

  • Comment by Dawn Ann on 2015-09-06 10:51:58

    Sean I enjoyed reading your article. The arrogance of the GB and the Organization as a whole is frightening. Yes, they have placed themselves superior to God and as such meets out punishment that Almighty God would not do to his children who are repentant. It amazes me that ones past before becoming a JW is often held against them. I wish that many of the friends would wake up and see that this is not the "Truth." Hopefully with social media, this would happen eventually. This leads me to think that I really need to pray for those who are blinded by the Organization that they will be awaken and come out and chose which God to obey.

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-09-06 12:00:33

    It reminds me of when GB member Anthony Morris said last year, Have you and your family visited Bethel , and you have visted a famous theme park, explain that to God.......What!!!!!!!, so yeah they care and love how people worsh.... Excuse me look up to them, and how they stand

  • Comment by Deborah on 2015-09-06 13:31:12

    Jehovah's Witnesses belong to the Governing Body.
    Adam and Eve obeyed someone who contradicted God. Jehovah's Witnesses obey men who CONTINUALLY contradict Christ, God's Son.
    In practice, there is no difference. God did not overlook Eve's transgression merely because she was deceived. She knew the command of God and should have trusted in him.
    Jehovah's Witnesses know Christ's teachings but they have been deceived into thinking the Governing Body speaks in his place and has God's blessing to contradict his Son whenever it suits them.
    Whom we in a religious sense OBEY we also WORSHIP!

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2015-09-06 13:37:57

    It is attitudes like this that convince me even further that the WT in general, and the GB in particular, has become the god of Jehovah's Witnesses. They worship the GB. Anything the GB says, goes. Anything the GB tells them to do, they do, without question. For the rank and file JW, their hopes for the future, and their very lives, are deemed to be dependent upon the approval of the GB. When someone has over you the power of life and death in their hands, commands absolute loyalty and obedience, and positions themselves as the only source of divine enlightenment, they are a god. Make no mistake. JWs today worship the GB as the highest of all authorities, superseding God and Christ and any scriptural teaching to the contrary.

  • Comment by Alien Resident on 2015-09-06 17:45:51

    Very sad that such actions would happen, double standard.
    Yes, going back early 1990's, I was invited to go to bethel and clean the windows, well in fact maybe a dozen of us from same Cong. And when it came to eating lunch, they wouldn't let us eat because we weren't dressed in meeting clothes, and although not told of the strict dress code, they did feed us in the basement, we just laughed it off.

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-09-06 20:16:00

    Also a sister said a comment today at the meeting about the whole Jw. Org in one of the paragraphs on this week watchtower, she said how we all are so excited when one of the Broadcast shows up every month.
    She continue that loves every minute of it, and many were saying how loving was using imperfect humans since 1919, I guess good old C.T. Russell is ain't approved by nobody, even if we had a watchtower where we were giving him.praise for his suppose prediction of 1914, aka when he was totally wrong.

  • Comment by Wild Olive on 2015-09-06 21:10:20

    As a counter point to the article and what a strange standard there is, I studied with a guy who had been involved in the underworld and had actually shot someone.
    When he brought this up with the elder going through the questions, the elder said not to worry that's in the past you can get baptised, no need to involve the police .
    Go figure

  • Comment by father jack on 2015-09-08 07:35:22

    Sean , they have done the lad a favour , its a crazy topsy turvey system they have in place , if they dont want the lad as a volunteer down there its thier loss , you would think that they would appreciate someone volunteering thier services ,better to be cast off now and wake up to reality and move on if you ask me ,

    • Reply by Meg on 2015-11-13 23:05:30

      My son was not allowed to serve at Bethel, though he had an exemplary service record for many years, and learned an extremely difficult foreign language that has allowed him to pioneer in a LARGE under-served territory for years. He was crushed, when he applied, and was turned down, why? Because he had taken anti-depressants (not tranquilizers...anti-depressants) in the 3 prior years. Really?

  • Comment by father jack on 2015-09-08 10:17:02

    Its crazy system you give your all as a volunteer and they act like they are doing you a big favour by allowing you to do it . How do they get away with that !, are we supposed to be gutted if they fire us ? Its so outrageous i have never seen anything like it , to me it just shows the power over peoples minds that they have ,

  • Comment by Mark-O on 2015-09-10 00:13:58

    Look at the lyric changes in "To Whom Do We Belong":
    Old lyric: "which God do you obey?";
    New lyric: "Which god do you [NOW] obey?";
    What is that supposed to mean?
    Is that a rhetorical question with a lower case "g" "god"?
    Why is UN NGO Bethel now re-questioning who they and JWs "now obey"?
    Looks like more than melodies and lyrics have changed in Jehovah's witnesses.

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