WT Study: Keep in Expectation

– posted by meleti

[From ws15/08 p. 14 for Oct. 5 -11]

“Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it!” – Hab. 2:3

Jesus repeatedly told us to keep on the watch and be in expectation of his return. (Mt. 24:42; Lu 21:34-36) However, he also warned us about false prophets promoting false expectations. (Mt 24:23-28)
The first review question for this article is: “What reasons do we have for being confident that we are living in the last days?” (page 14)
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe the last days began in 1914. That is what I believed until very recently.
Paragraph 2 states: “God’s present-day servants also keep in expectation, for prophecies about the Messiah are still undergoing fulfillment.”
Variations of this statement—that Messianic or Last Days prophecies are still being fulfilled—are made four times in this article, but we are never given specifics nor proof.

Why Keep in Expectation?

Paragraph 4 states: That in itself is a good reason to remain in expectation—Jesus told us to do so! In this regard, Jehovah’s organization has set an example. Its publications have consistently exhorted us to 'await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah' and to fix our hope on God’s promised new world.”
What kind of example has the Organization set with regard to keeping in expectation? Is it one we should esteem and emulate?  Perhaps not, since from Russell’s day a key feature of our faith has been setting up false expectations. For example, 1799 was held to be the start of the last days, with 1874 (not 1914) being the start of Christ’s invisible presence, and 1878 being the year of his heavenly enthronement, leaving 1914 as the date for Christ’s return and the start of the great tribulation. "This generation" was then believed to be about 36 years in length measuring from 1878 to 1914.  (The idea of overlapping generations would not become necessary for 140 years.)
When the First World War didn’t morph into Armageddon, the date was moved to 1925. Fifty years later, we were looking at 1975. Fifty years have passed since the publication of the book Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God, which gave birth to the euphoric 1975 expectation, and here we are looking ahead to yet another date in the mid-2020s.[i] (It is almost as if we have our very own version of the Jubilee festival.)  It has even been reported that some members of the Organization have spun the worldwide suspension of branch and RTO[ii] construction and the announced dismissal of countless Bethelites back into the field as evidence, not of financial shortsightedness, but of our being so close to the end that we don’t need these buildings anymore. (Lu 14:28-30)
Is this the type of expectation that Jesus was encouraging us to keep close in mind?
Paragraph 5 reinforces the false JW belief that we have been living during the invisible presence of Christ since 1914.

“And the multifeatured sign, which includes worsening world conditions and global Kingdom preaching, means that we are living in “the conclusion of the system of things.” – par. 5

“So we can expect that world conditions, bad as they are now, will continue to decline.” – par. 6

This is the JW version of Field of Dreams: “If you say it, they will believe.” Jehovah’s Witnesses have to believe things are getting worse and worse. Our theology does not support the idea of improving world conditions. The First World War, the worldwide Spanish Influenza, the Great Depression, and World War II were bad, but we have to believe that today things are even worse and that conditions will continue to decline.
We accept this without question. Yet if asked, do any of us yearn for the "better conditions" of the 1914 to 1949 era? How about Europe in the 20 years of recovery following WWII?  How about the United States of America during the Vietnam war and the unrest of the civil rights movement, or the oil crisis of the 1970s?  How about Central and South America from 1945 to the end of the twentieth century when civil strife, insurrection, and regional conflicts were the order of the day?  How about the world before Global trade opened borders?  Sure, we have terrorism now.  No one is saying that the world is a paradise.  But to say it is worse is to ignore the facts of history and evidence before our own eyes.
It seems that we have switched off our brains.
For example, we have this from paragraph 8:

“On the other hand, for the composite sign to serve its purpose, the fulfillment of it would have to be obvious enough to command the attention of those who have been obeying Jesus’ counsel to ‘keep on the watch.’” (Matt. 24:27, 42)

Those attending this week’s study will understand that the composite sign in question was what commanded the attention of Jehovah's Witnesses (then Bible Students) to know that Jesus began ruling as king in 1914.
They will be wrong.
As late as 1929 Rutherford was still preaching that Christ’s invisible presence began in 1874.[iii] It wasn’t until 1933 that The Watchtower moved it to 1914.[iv] Based on what this Watchtower article alleges, we had been misreading the obvious composite sign for 20 years!
Ah, but it is even worse than that. We continued to believe that 1914 was also the start of the great tribulation. We didn’t abandon that belief until 1969. (I remember the part on the District Convention quite well.) So for 55 years we misread the obvious composite sign.
The fact is, Jesus told us not to be misled; not to take wars, famines and earthquakes as a sign of his presence. (Click here for a detailed analysis.) He tells us not to be misled by men telling us they’ve discovered where Jesus is; that his presence has arrived, but is hidden from everyone not in the know.

"Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will perform great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. 25 Look! I have forewarned you. 26 Therefore, if people say to you, ‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; ‘Look! He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it." (Mt 24:23-26)

How could he have worded this more plainly? Yet we continue to misconstrue his words. The above quote from paragraph 8 lists the next verse as a support text for the obviousness of the sign of Jesus’ presence.

“For just as the lightning comes out of the east and shines over to the west, so the presence of the Son of man will be.” (Mt 24:27)

Is there anything in nature more obvious than lightning flashing in the sky? It’s an interesting metaphor our Lord has chosen, is it not? You can even have your eyes closed when lightning flashes and the light still penetrates to the retina.
Now this Watchtower cites Matthew 24:27 as proof that the Organization saw the visible signs of Christ’s invisible presence in 1914, though somehow the world missed the flash. Yet, as we’ve just seen, it would be almost 20 years before they drew that conclusion. And it would be over half a century later before they realized that the great tribulation didn’t begin in 1914.
Do you need someone to tell you that lightning has flashed? That is the reason for Jesus’ use of this metaphor. We won't need human interpreters to tell us when he arrives in Kingly power.   Our own eyes will see it. (Re 1:7)

Keeping on the Watch as Christ Instructed

It is highly unlikely that Jesus would have agreed with what paragraph 8 is saying, because it stands in stark contradiction of his words at Revelation 16:15:

“Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one who stays awake and keeps his outer garments, so that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness.” (Re 16:15)

A thief does not provide signs of his coming; nor is a watchman expected to stay awake only when there are signs that the enemy is approaching. He is expected to stay awake precisely when there are no signs of an enemy approaching. Only in this way do the words of Matthew 24:42 (also cited in the paragraph 8) make any real sense.

“Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.” (Mt 24:42)

There is a sign of Christ’s presence presented in Matthew 24 to be sure. Find it in verses 29 and 30. When we, and all the nations of the world, see those visible signs in the heavens, then everyone will know that Jesus has come and has begun to rule. That is what the sky lightning metaphor signaling the “presence of the Son of man” really means.

“Our expectations are based, not on a naive readiness to believe anything, but on solid Scriptural evidence” – par. 9

If you believe this statement to be true, then consider what follows.

A Blatant Misstatement

From paragraph 11:

Upon recognizing that Christ’s presence began in 1914, Jesus’ followers rightly prepared for a possible early arrival of the end. They did so by intensifying their Kingdom-preaching work.”

Our publications have often referred to this intensification of the preaching work which occurred following the famous “Advertise! Advertise! Advertise the King and his Kingdom” speech by J. F. Rutherford at the Cedar Point, Ohio convention in 1922. This was part of the “Millions Now Living Will Never Die” campaign which preached that the end was likely to arrive in 1925. We’ve just seen that Rutherford was then preaching that Christ’s presence began in 1874. (See footnote iii) Therefore, this statement is patently false, and the magazine's publishers who consider themselves to be “in the truth” should issue a retraction.
It would appear that this statement is here in an attempt to mitigate the growing internet-born awareness among Jehovah’s Witnesses that 1925 was a marked year. This misstep is now painted as being “rightly prepared for a possible early arrival of the end”.
Dictators and despots have learned that if you keep repeating a lie, most people will eventually accept it as truth. The key is repetition with confidence.

“We can expect that Jehovah’s organization will continue to remind us that we should serve God with a sense of urgency. Such reminders are provided not merely to keep us busy in God’s service but to help us remain aware that the sign of Christ’s presence is now undergoing fulfillment.” – par. 15

Events on the world scene clearly indicate that Bible prophecy is now being fulfilled and that the end of this wicked system of things is imminent.” – par. 17

All told, this idea is repeated four times in this article alone, yet not once do the publishers offer proof. They don’t need to. We have been conditioned to believe. The power of this conditioning is evidenced by these words from one of our sisters:

“By preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom, we…can help to rescue persons from sure death in the coming world catastrophe.” – par. 16

We now go door-to-door or stand politely beside our cute carts carrying a huge burden.  On the one hand is a growing awareness by the public of a looming child abuse scandal paralleling that which continues to plague the Catholic Church.  On the other hand is a similar awareness that we have repeatedly failed to predict the end of times.  With this double burden hampering our message, we presume—presume—to state publicly to the world that Jehovah God is using us to rescue them from sure death. (James 3:11)
Perhaps we should be looking instead to apply Matthew 7:3-5 to ourselves.
[i] Proof of this revived expectation can be seen in the September broadcast from tv.jw.org in which David Splane explains that those in the second group are getting older, showing pictures of deceased members of this group, and concluding that all the members of the current Governing Body are of this group and “some of us are showing our age.”
[ii] Regional Translation Offices. Just five months ago, Stephen Lett explained in an historic broadcast that 140 of these offices were being planned for construction around the world.
[iii] “The Scriptural proof is that the second presence of the Lord Jesus Christ began in 1874 A.D.” – Prophecy by J. F. Rutherford, Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 1929, page 65.
[iv] "In the year 1914 that due time of waiting came to an end. Christ Jesus received the authority of the kingdom and was sent forth by Jehovah to rule amidst his enemies. The year 1914, therefore, marks the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of glory." – The Watchtower, December 1, 1933, page 362

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  • Comment by Anonymous on 2015-10-05 12:51:30

    I have felt for some time that the definitive answer about the last days is contained in the book, "Sign of the Last Days - When?" by Carl Olof Jonsson. One of the points he makes is that when Matthew 24 tells us not to be "misled", the Greek text uses an interesting word:
    4 And in answer Jesus said to them: “Look out that nobody misleads you; 5 FOR many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many. 6 You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified. FOR these things must take place, but the end is not yet. “FOR nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. 8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress."
    The word shown as FOR above is from the Greek word "gar". Gar has the meaning "for", "indeed" or "truthfully" but it may also have the meaning of "because". We find various meanings of "gar" as: "for, indeed (a conjunction used to express cause, explanation, inference or continuation),
    actually, after, after all, although, because, indeed, since, then, though, well, what, why, and yes".
    It's the meaning "because" that is the most significant. If we assume that "because" is the correct translation, then this passage has a meaning that is entirely different from WT theology. How so?
    Consider the meaning of the passage with that assumption: 'Look out that no one misleads you, BECAUSE many will come in my name and mislead people, and BECAUSE you will hear about wars and BECAUSE nation will rise against nation - BUT even when you see these things, the end is not yet".
    We are told NOT to be mislead, BECAUSE wars and other problems would continue to occur all throughout history - and that is exactly what has happened - but these man-made problems are NOT the sign of CHRIST'S presence, only a sign that mankind has done a poor job of administering earth's affairs.
    Thus, the outbreak of World War I, as bad as it was, was simply another human event in man's troubled history, not a sign of anything taking place in heaven.
    That being so, all the so-called evidence that 1914 started the last days is simply irrelevant. Christ told us NOT to be misled by such events, because they were ordinary, expected problems that would recur over man's history, and were not of divine origin nor were a means of predicting the time of the end.

    • Reply by Skye on 2015-10-05 14:49:14

      So the question Jesus was replying to in Matthew 24:3 was what would be the sign of his second coming and the end of the age (not the last days of this age). Therefore Jesus second coming and the end of the age would be synonymous.

      • Reply by Menrov on 2015-10-05 15:23:16

        You say " second coming" but that is not what the question was. It is "of your coming". Nor did they say "of your return". No, your coming. In my view, this means that they were asking when Jesus would come in HIs new role because they understood he (Jesus) was not the promised or expected King when on earth. Therefore they (disciples) were interested to know when He would come as King and do what was expected (establish the Kingdom?). Whether they (disciples) had in mind Jesus to come on earth as King or assume HIs role as King and as such influence the affairs of Gods people, the verse do not say.
        In summary, I do not believe the phrase "second coming" is correct as to me it sounds like He comes like He did before. But that is not the way He will "come"
        1) presence
        2) the coming, arrival, advent
        They (disciples) were very interested to understand when they could expect Jesus to act. Well, soon after He returned to the Father and was exalted to the most superior position and within that generation, He acted and the Jewish system was ended and the remnant at that time was saved.
        Anyway, just my view....

        • Reply by Joshua1992 on 2015-10-24 04:48:53

          The "parousia" officially began in 1874, a generation of 120 years from 1874-1994. 1874 is when "Michael stands up" (Daniel 12:1). The 'last generation" of 80 years which begins with a world war is a reference to the period of 1914-1994.
          The "parousia" is the time when varying events take place in preparation for the actual second coming, which occurred in 1992. Of course, 1992 does occur prior to the end of the generation ending in 1994, so that prophecy was fulfilled. The 1992 date is based on the Bible dating the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE, which ends 70 years of exile of the last deportees who were deported in year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar II (Jer. 52:30). That means year 23 actually fell in 525 BCE and year 19 in 529 BCE. 2520 years from 529 BCE = 1992

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-10-24 09:15:43

            Joshua1992, I can't tell if you are pulling our leg or expecting us to take you seriously. If the latter, then this is not the place for you as here we base our beliefs on Scripture not the speculations of men, particularly speculations involving dates. Been there. Done that.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-10-05 15:43:29

        I don't agree. The askers definitely thought the events were synonymous, but Jesus knew they were not and answered accordingly.

        • Reply by Skye on 2015-10-05 16:38:19

          Meleti, what I meant by Jesus second coming and the end of the age being synonymous, is that at the end of the age, the present age, will come to an end when Jesus returns to set up his Kingdom, the new age. So it will be then that "the end of the age" will finally bring "the last days" to a close.

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-10-05 16:42:44

            I understand now. I believe that the end of the age he was referring to was the age of the nation of Israel as God's chosen people, but the presence or advent he spoke of is yet future.

            • Reply by Skye on 2015-10-05 17:01:32

              Matthew 13:39 "and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels."
              Matthew 13:40 "As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age."
              Matthew 13:49 "This is how it will be at the end of the age ......."
              Matthew 28:20 "........and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

              • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-10-05 17:59:05

                Is it that you believe there is only one "end of the age" and that every use of the phrase applies to only that one occasion?

                • Reply by Skye on 2015-10-05 18:50:22

                  The scriptures I have mentioned above, and I include Matthew 24:3, refer to the return of Jesus, I believe, yes. What about Matthew 24:6 "You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come." What was Jesus talking about - the end of the age.
                  The Jewish system at that time 70 CE did come to an end, but it was not "the end of the age." As we know the Bible is all about typology and patterns, and that could have been the meaning of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE.
                  What other scriptures did you have in mind?

                  • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-10-05 19:52:40

                    I take it from your answer--and correct me if I'm misreading this--that you do believe there is only one "end of the age".
                    Is so, I respectfully disagree. The age of the Jewish system of things did come to its end. The age of the gentiles, or the "appointed times of the nations", will also come to its end. The age of the Messianic kingdom will also end when the 1,000 years are over.

                    • Reply by Skye on 2015-10-05 20:38:35

                      Meleti, Respectfully, I've already answered your question. Thanks for the discussion.

                      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-10-05 22:35:39

                        Okey dokey, but just to be clear, I wasn't asking you a question.

    • Reply by Father jack on 2015-10-05 17:09:28

      I think you may be correct anom because even the immeadiate context of matthew 24 v6 and 7 deal with false prophets and thier deceptive message . Ive said that for a long time now

  • Comment by Skye on 2015-10-05 13:52:02

    Meleti, May I just make the point that in your articles, when you refer to "we" that does not include everyone here who takes part in this website. Many of us have left and are no longer involved in WT activities such as their door to door ministry and meetings at the KH. For myself, and for many others, we are now Christians, according to the Bible definition, that is born again, and as such worship God in spirit and truth according to the Good News of the Kingdom of God as Jesus preached.
    I mean no offence or judgement by this comment.

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-10-05 17:11:32

      Then why did you make the comment? Just curious

      • Reply by Skye on 2015-10-05 18:14:47

        Hi Anonymous, I see you are offended by my comment, and I apologise for that and thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain.
        I was a Jehovah's Witness for over 30 years of my adult life, and responsible for bringing my son up as one, though thankfully he left when he was 16 and was able to attend university and have a career, and I am thankful for that at least. I now no longer identify myself as a JW and my relatives and neighbours are aware of this. I think it's helpful for people who take part and those who observe here on Meleti's website are aware that we are not all JWs and that will help, I think, to avoid confusion and perhaps stumbling. In my comment I was trying to explain why I left WT, but as I have said before that was my decision and I understand that the decision to leave is not the same for everyone at this time. Skye.

        • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-10-05 18:54:26

          Thanks for clarifying that Skye. I hope everybody here has a fantastic day. May we all find the peace of God through Christ Jesus Phil 4:6,7

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-10-05 17:18:49

      Actually, never mind, I think you made your point ;-)

  • Comment by Claudelle on 2015-10-05 14:20:33

    Thank you for a very concise article Meleti. I really appreciate your use of our own history to evaluate what is incorrect with our WTBTS teachings. You do not become nasty or dogmatic about it, you simply remind us of past articles and talks. This in it'self is good practice for there are reams of material issued that have convinced most followers of this religion to forget the "good news", as taught by Christ.
    Constant harping about "end times", has a negative impact on those who wish to lead a Christian life, yet are feeling compelled out of fear rather than genuine love of doing good for the sake of doing good. This causes despondency.

  • Comment by AndereStimme on 2015-10-05 15:01:49

    Luke 21:8 He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-10-06 10:44:58

      One would think that as many times as WT has read and applied the admonition not to be deceived, they would try to follow this advice, both for themselves and those who follow them. Yet, the passage in Matthew 24 about the FDS is continually misrepresented. They love to talk about the faithful slave, but not much about the evil slave, at least not any more. They now rarely even mention this subject.
      Matthew 24:45-51:
      "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? 46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. 47 Truly I say to YOU, He will appoint him over all his belongings. 48 "But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, 'My master is delaying,' 49 and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50 the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, 51 and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.
      For WT, there is an enormous problem with this passage. For many years, the evil slave was not only considered to be real, but to represent an entire "class" of people - "the evil slave class". Anyone that WT viewed as an oppose could get labeled as an evil slave. WT went to great lengths to criticize and condemn this so-called class of people. That all changed with the Aug. 15 2013 Watchtower, p.24:
      "Was Jesus foretelling that there would be an evil slave class in the last days? No. Granted, some individuals have manifested a spirit similar to that of the evil slave described by Jesus. We would call them apostates, whether they were of the anointed or of the "great crowd." (Rev. 7:9) But such ones do not make up an evil slave class. Jesus did not say that he would appoint an evil slave. His words here are actually a warning directed to the faithful and discreet slave. Notice that Jesus introduces the warning with the words "if ever." One scholar says that in the Greek text, this passage "for all practical purposes is a hypothetical condition." In effect, Jesus was saying: 'If the faithful and discreet slave were ever to mistreat his fellow slaves in these ways, this is what the master will do when he arrives.' "
      There are so many difficulties with saying this.
      First, since WT said for decades that there WAS an evil slave, they should have taken this opportunity to humbly say they were flat wrong, and they didn't do that. They were either wrong before, or they are wrong now (or, both).
      Second, the words about the evil slave are part of the same account as the faithful slave - the part that WT believes IS a prophecy, since they apply that prophecy to themselves. (That is, they employ a self-serving interpretation, which they benefit from.) However, if the evil slave is NOT a prophecy, but is "a warning" and a "hypothetical condition", that is precisely the same as saying it is a PARABLE. In order to believe this, we must accept that Jesus is going about telling a parable, but when he gets to the FDS, it's suddenly - and without warning - a prophecy, and two sentences later, when he speaks of the evil slave, he goes right back to "parable mode". We must accept that Jesus would speak to his followers using a sort of "prophetic parable hybrid". This would be a very unusual and confusing way to convey information. What's more, there seems to be no evidence that such a literary construct is used anywhere in the entire Bible, except in this very spot (if in fact that's what it is). Now, which is more likely - that Jesus, the great teacher, would express this thought in such an unusual, bizarre manner, or that WT has interpreted this passage incorrectly?
      Third, WT fails to see the irony in the account of the evil slave. What does the evil slave say in his heart? "The master is delaying." Under what circumstances COULD the evil slave conclude that the master was delaying? Would it not have to be if the evil slave decided to presume for himself when the master should have returned, and then became disappointed when it didn't happen? In our modern time, who has made such predictions that failed to materialize? It was not former members of WT who are labeled as "apostates", but the WT itself, through the predictions and false prophecies of past WT presidents and the GB. What has WT done with those who disagree with their false prophecies? The passage says the evil slave would "beat his fellow slaves". Many readers of this web site could confirm firsthand that subjecting those who disagree with WT doctrines with disassociation or disfellowshipping carries an emotional sting far worse than being beaten.
      The idea that the evil slave would "eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards" suggests that this evil slave keeps improper company with bad associations. Looking the other way as child abuse flourishes, and secretly belonging to the UN while lying about it, fit the description of such questionable associations.
      Therefore, WT finds itself in an untenable position. It MUST interpret the faithful slave as a prophecy, or else 'their place and their nation' would be in jeopardy. But they CANNOT interpret the evil slave as a prophecy, because if they do, those words point a guilty finger directly at them.
      Their only recourse - to save face and save their position of power - is to employ an unjustified and unsubstantiated interpretation, and deem this passage as a "hybrid" literary construct, something the Bible NEVER does.
      In making this interpretation, WT undermines their own credibility, in addition to undermining the credibility of their spiritual guidance. If they won't be honest about this, what else have they failed to present honestly?

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-10-06 11:48:28

        An excellent insight, anon. Thanks.
        Then there is the parallel passage in Luke that mentions two additional slaves. (Luke 12:47, 48) How very inconvenient. Therefore, the prophetic application of these two verses have been completely overlooked for as far back as I've been able to see.

        • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-10-06 12:55:41

          There are even further difficulties. Note that v.46 says, "Happy is that slave IF his master on arriving finds him doing so." Thus, the slave's status as being "faithful" is not a certainty, but must be confirmed AFTER the master returns. He then says in v.48, “But IF ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying ...". It seems clear that the determination as to whether the slave is faithful or evil is made at the same time, after the master returns, and the master's judgment had not be pre-decided. Thus, what basis is there for saying ahead of time that one slave is faithful and the other is evil? What basis is there for saying that the "slave" is not in fact one and the same person? And, what basis is there for saying the account of one slave is to be taken literally as a prophecy but the other is a warning or hypothetical situation?
          Thus, a very close examination of these verses seems to tell us that the slave, if "appointed" at all, had not initially been judged as to his merits. The master made this determination, one way or the other, at his return. How could the master literally judge a slave as faithful, but if he were not faithful, it was simply a "warning" to the slave that he had better not be unfaithful? How could the master possibly do such a thing? If the slave has to be faithful, then there is no reason for the master to make any judgment at all, but if there IS a reason, then the evil slave is literal and not a warning. This makes no sense.
          The WT states, "But such ones do not make up an evil slave class. Jesus did not say that he would appoint an evil slave." This is simply a red herring. The fact is, Jesus did not actually say he appointed a FAITHFUL slave either. He ASKED A QUESTION: Who really WAS faithful? Asking a question is NOT the same as answering it. The master allowed his slaves to manage the master's estate as they saw fit, and only afterwards were they bestowed with approval or disapproval.

          • Reply by Father jack on 2015-10-09 15:11:23

            Ooohh thats the sort of reasoning that got me booted out . Have you identified the faithful slave ? The fact is that christ hasnt identified one yet has he . Humans dont know we cant see what goes on in private . In fact this whole argument runs contrary to pauls words at 1 corinthians chapter 4 . This is how we go beyond the thing written by being presuming to judge for ourselves .

  • Comment by Gogetter on 2015-10-05 18:29:53

    Thanks for the great review, I have been anticipating your comments on the recent changes from the annual meeting, and it is no coincidence that this upcoming watchtower is just behind it.
    I have had two serious conversations with and Elder very close friend and another Br. Who professes in my congregation who I believe is more inline with your comments than the Elder. ( and not serving as an elder for some reason??)
    The Elder at the very beginning of the conversation began the GB spin that most of the R&F will be using. "We are like the Israelites walking around Jericho and we are on the the seventh lap" the GB are discerning that we must focus more on the preaching work thus the need to send bethelites to the field, cease many of the construction projects....etc
    He refused to look at the evidence and use his God given gift of reason by examining the recent list of maneuvers by the Org. That speak volumes.
    1-consolidation of power by the New light concerning the FDS as the GB only
    No need to consider any input from the rest of the anointed.
    2-nonsensical generation teaching
    3-major lawsuits with child abuse cases...many are costing millions in judgements as well as public awareness.
    4- unprecedented plea by GB member for money on JW broadcasting
    5- 360 degree turn around from all the announced "needed" construction programs outlined as the reason for the begging for money on the same program just from May.
    6- refusal to believe that the Organization's "chickens have come home to roost" with the expansive unnecessary construction of RTO's etc. All the while the resort in Warwick will survive the cut.
    And much more evidence that I could list.
    This will be our new "stay alive till 75" watershed moment as the spin gets into high gear.
    My friend that I was being very skeptical of the GB motives and that I should trust that Jehovah can take care of the needs of those longtime brothers from bethel.
    I replied I am and I do..... I may get a call from the body after today but I have prepared for that eventuality.
    Keep up the good work Meleti you and others who post here are going to be needed much more in the near future.
    Disciple of Christ.

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2015-10-05 19:13:10

    I love how you get hit with the 607 thing right from the start. Jere 25:8-11 is mentioned but what about verse 12? That's right, AFTER the 70 years were completed Nebuchadnezzar was called to account (539 BCE). There is no possible way you should start counting the 70 years back from 537 BCE. If anything you should count them from 539 BCE. You can't serve the King of Babylon (verse 11) 2 years after he has been overthrown. So in the light of the Bible the whole theory crumbles.
    Here is a gem from the May 2013 Awake p.16
    Earlier, in 607 B.C.E., Babylonian armies razed Jerusalem and led most of the survivors into exile. How long would the Jews be held? God said: “When seventy years have been fulfilled I shall call to account against the king of Babylon and against that nation . . . and I will make it desolate wastes to time indefinite.”—Jeremiah 25:12.
    As mentioned, Cyrus captured Babylon in 539 B.C.E. Soon thereafter, he released the Jews, who began to arrive in their homeland in 537 B.C.E.—exactly 70 years after their deportation. (Ezra 1:1-4)

    • Reply by CHris on 2015-10-11 19:53:49

      I was at a Bible Student convention and it was said 607BC is correct but not for the destruction of Jerusalem. That 607 was when Nebuchadnezzar entered Jerusalem but didn't destroy it until 587BC

      • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-10-12 03:40:43

        Hate to say it but 606 is a lie perpetuated by Nelson Barbour and which Russell accepted. This was later changed to 607 due to the no zero year. Oops. Nelson Barbour was an ex-Millerite, a true believer, who never got over the failure of 1843/1844. What a mess. There is one thing which God has on his time with all of this conjecture, a luxury which we do not have as humans. Time. Time will tell. There will be many false prophets.

        • Reply by The Real Anonymous on 2015-10-12 10:03:07

          I got the impression that WT knew that 587BC was the right date, not 607BC, as early as 1928 or so, but never publicized this. Is anyone out there familiar with this?

          • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-10-12 20:27:48

            Of course they did. Enjoy reading this
            For the record, Daniel was taken captive in the 3rd year of Jehoiakim, Nebuchadnezzars accession year, not with Jehoiachin. There's a starting point for you. Jere 25:1, Daniel 1:1. Compare that with WT explanation.

  • Comment by Alien Resident (AR) on 2015-10-06 02:44:07

    Thanks Meleti, bringing out those points, I never knew Rutherford taught Christ presence was in the 1874. There's a lot of information to digest.
    We seen the hypocracy with Child abuse, problems with disfellowshipping, all these false expectations, and more I'm sure you could add. I have a question-
    In para 6, it asks the question-Could not “the conclusion of the system of things” refer to a future time when world conditions will become even worse? The Bible does indicate that wickedness will greatly increase “in the last days.” (2 Tim. 3:1, 13; Matt. 24:21; Rev. 12:12)
    2 tim 3:1-7 As a JW you were taught it referred to ones turning apostate or those Christendom . Or both I guess..
    So in Quoting 2 tim 3 my question is does this passage refer to ' those in 'gods Organization ' eg GB plus Christians gone rogue or is to Satans system or christendom.
    Then if it 'Gods Organization ' the problems internally is possibly a key as to how close we are to the end!
    Could it be that Paul calls him "the man of lawlessness."
    It is because of his presence, which is "according to the operation of Satan," that the present troubles and suffering are being experienced within God's household.
    If that is the case, His judgment from God will not be late. It is very close at hand! Keep in expectation of it! Doing so will help us to continue to endure to the end, as Jesus said we must.
    Is that what 2 tim 3 is referring to?

    • Reply by CHris on 2015-10-11 19:52:14

      Bible Students have always believe in 1874. Never 1914 as the Second Presence. We still believe 1874 today.

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-10-06 06:08:22

    Wow, wow, wow, this article in the magazine is a game changer ( by the way great review my good man) cause we have entered into the Jw Twilight Zone of past history and changed and lied so much in here my mind is laughing and laughing and crying ( also laughing).
    Where to begin , let's start with trying to say Do we have reason to keep in expectation,..... You know what I think the answer is M-a-y-b-e ( I laugh how the organization continues to talk to us like we are three years old Amazing ).
    There is so much of what they say the composite sign error... 1914, and knew what it meant sure like 20 years later. But hey better late then ever, but no the Organization says they knew it since 1914, What!!!! So let's forget about 1915, 1918-1921 (aka finished mystery aka one of the greatest books ever Not) and the whole millions now living may never die, woops I meant Millions now living will never die, sorry typo right ;) . So 1925 when all the past Prophets (true prophets) would come back, that was for us to keep in expectation to , Right, cause I went to check the yellow pages and could not find David, or Jacob or Moses in the book, I jest of course , well a little, but this article is making a mockery of all who go the meetings and really believe this nonsense.
    Well heck I was reading recently I got in the mail a physical copy of Rutherford The Kingdom: The Hope of the World (1932 printed year on the book) on page 36 True Prophet Rutherford ( he thought so well with all his books he must have ) said that Noah, Abraham, Issac, Jacob...., For many Centuries these Men have been dead, but within a short Season of time from now they will be raised up out of death and as Representatives of the kingdom of God. Yup he said Seasons not years, so this was to keep on expectation, give me a break.
    And they have the nerve to say in paragraph 13 Suppose ( oh no) that Habakkuk became discouraged, wait what!!! God told him it would happens, so of course he was content and of course they ( aka the organization) is trying to tell you don't try to get discouraged, well I guessing many people did in the Fiasco of 1975, Stay alive to 1975, right cause that sure came true, wait it did not. And people got discouraged guess why cause you printed that book Sons of Liberty and started the ball rolling, and all those awakes and watchtowers, right, very keep in expectation.
    We all have our opinions of what this Generation means in Matthew Chapter 24, well I think 99 precent agree that the Organization got that wrong, heck I talked to brother's and sister's and they can't make tails of it. Of course Jesus said it all keep on the watch, I don't need a magazine to say it to me, cause it been wrong 1000 percent of the time in this area, stick to the bible and the words of our Lord Jesus keep on the watch cause he be coming on the hour we don't expect, case closed. Jesus speaks its done, not this flipping and new light nonsense.
    Love to all from Buster

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-10-06 12:54:57

    imminent is used in paragraph 17, why, well to scare all at the meetings and say it is about to happen.
    The dictionary says it means close in time; about to occur, wow well I gursst that means we all better have our to go bags ready. Again why say this, Jesus said thief in the night, nope he meant imminent like in 1914-1915, 1918,1921, 1925, in the 40's, in 1975. Well that sure sounds imminent to me.

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2015-10-07 10:15:24

    If you want to view on a small scale what WT has done on a large scale, go to ebiblefellowship.com. They are predicting that the world will end today, October 7, 2015. The similarities between them and the failed predicitions of the WT are uncanny.

    • Reply by AndereStimme on 2015-10-08 00:36:03

      They got honorary mention in my msn newsfeed, along with several others:

      • Reply by AR on 2015-10-08 00:48:00

        Just checked the link, shared it with a few brothers, I then clicked on the other 12 religions who have predicted the end, and we (JW's) , I realised not everyone here is a JW, come in number 7 with 7 predictions failed according to this reporter.

  • Comment by father jack on 2015-10-07 10:56:00

    About this false message of wars ect being the sign of jesus coming its interesting that at matthew 24v 6 the greek word throeo is used strongs g 2360 it means to be troubled frightened or alarmed it seems its only used 3 other times in the NT once in the parallel account in mark but the other is at 2 thessalonians 2v2 where it says you should not be troubled (throeo ) by a word or letter that the day of the lord is here . So according to the text to apply to our reaction to an false message regarding the coming of christ . It also reminds me of gods message to the nation of israel about false prophets where he said you must not fear them . It seems to me that these so called signs presented as proof of christs 2nd coming at matthew 24 v 6 and 7 are the signs presented by false prophets of which jesus was simply warning us about .

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-10-07 12:58:03

      Precisely. And, we are not supposed to react to these signs. We should neither be terrified, alarmed or anything else. Yet, what does WT do each time it predicts a date or issues renewed calls for "urgency" or "being mindful of where we are in the stream of time"? It stirs up anxiety and alarm - exactly the state of mind that Jesus told us NOT to have. We are supposed to be guided by 1 John 4:18: Perfect love throws fear outside.
      BTW, I have never seen a single instance in any WT publication that ever defined exactly what the "stream of time" was, but they have USED that expression repeatedly to alarm people. Any readers that might know where the WT may have defined this term are invited to comment here.

      • Reply by Father jack on 2015-10-07 15:13:27

        Its a shame but a big friend of mine had convinced himself that the tribulation was about to start in september with all sorts of horrors in store for ordinary people , all based on what he had read on the internet expounded mostly by certain preachers from america . It disturbed me . We have to be careful , we have to get an accurate knowledge of th scriptures if are not going to be misled and suffer the consequences

        • Reply by Wild Olive on 2015-10-08 22:01:50

          Dear FJ, to add to what you said re your friend.I have been observing a growing trend in Americans of "prepping", it seems the American public has lost confidence in its government and is expecting serious financial collapse.
          Where that to happen it would be eagerly latched on to as a "sign",and the hardship would be worse than the Great Depression of the 30s
          You can see why Jesus was telling us to look past these man made catastrophes.
          It's just to easy to think it's another Noah situation.
          I just wonder how the brotherhood is going to do when the event happens and they are caught well and truly with their spiritual pants down?

    • Reply by AndereStimme on 2015-10-08 00:45:10

      By far the best analysis of Matthew 24 (and parallel accounts) is here:
      The writer comes to the same conclusion, namely, that Jesus warned his disciples to beware of those who would say that the end is near, rather than providing a sign by which they could tell that the end is near.

      • Reply by Skye on 2015-10-08 05:09:45

        Study Daniel from Daniel 10:14 to Daniel 12 inclusive.
        If we study the OT, we will learn how God repeats patterns of activity beyond the historical setting - it's called typology, a pattern system. The OT can be described as a map of the future - a pattern repeated on a huge scale. Jesus quoted from the OT prophets of God.

        • Reply by Skye on 2015-10-08 06:07:04

          Matthew 24:15 "So when you see standing in the holy place "the abomination that causes desolation," spoken of through the prophet Daniel - let the reader use discernment"
          Daniel 12:11; Daniel 9:27; Daniel 11:31.

          • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-10-08 23:24:54

            It always seemed to me that Jesus' quotation from Daniel was trying to tell us that what we needed discernment about was that the "holy place" wasn't really holy any more, since the nation of Israel rejected God's son, who then told them, "your house is abandoned to you". That "house", both the nation and the temple, were not holy any more, so that we need to discern that the term "holy" only refers to what it used to be, not what it had become.

            • Reply by Skye on 2015-10-10 04:56:44

              Daniel 12:5-13 "Then I looked, and there before me stood two others, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank. One of them said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, 'How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?'
              The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand towards heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, 'It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.'
              I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, 'My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?'
              He replied, 'Go your way Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.
              From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished, and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.
              As for you, go your ways to the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.'"
              Daniel asked, "How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?" The answer to Daniel's question was 1,290 days which begin when "the abomination that causes desolation" is set up.
              Matthew 24:15; Daniel 12:11; Daniel 9:27; Daniel 11:31.
              These are end-time prophecies, Matthew 24:15 was an end-time prophecy, and therefore could not have been fulfilled in 70CE.

              • Reply by Skye on 2015-10-10 05:10:13

                Sorry for mistype, as you will see it wasn't actually Daniel who asked, "How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled."

              • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-10-10 07:24:26

                Skye, it's fine to use this commenting feature to refer to subjects directly relating to an article. However, if you wish to promote a particular understanding of Scripture, we have set up a web site for just that purpose. Not only you, but all who read your thoughts will find it beneficial to use the Discuss the Truth site for this purpose. For example, I'm sure that some would challenge your conclusion upon reading Mt 24:15 and Mr 13:14 which clearly refer to the prophecy of Daniel you're quoting from and which make application of the prophet's words to the events of 66-70 C.E.
                Discuss the Truth will allow you a better means to explain your position more thoroughly.
                The commenting section of Beroean Pickets is not really set up to do justice to a discussion thread like this.

                • Reply by Skye on 2015-10-10 07:36:57

                  Thank you, Meleti, I get the message! Skye.

      • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-10-08 12:39:14

        That is an interesting link. The author is a little wordy, but he does present a clear analysis, and forcefully shows how Jesus' prophecy did not provide signs about the end, but was a warning of things we should not let ourselves get deceived about. It is a lot of material to go through, but is worth looking into.

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-10-09 16:10:03

    Also in the book Prophecy on page 104 God placed Jesus on his throne in 1914 , but his second presence still began in 1874, man this getting confusing, so he came and in 1878 Jesus started get busy in heaven and waited 4 years, What!!!!! I know this all before but rereading the book the past week, no wonder the Organization can't even make sense of this overlapping generation, they did not know what the deuce was going on in the way past.....Amazing!!!!

  • Comment by Khaleesi O on 2015-10-11 01:06:47

    This weeks watchtower article is filled with conjecture, conjecture and conjecture. I think it was completely coincidental that our public talk too was entitled "Armageddon"...... for the first time in my JW life i felt like walking out from a meeting filled with speculations and lacking scriptural proofs. The comments the brothers/sisters gave at meeting gave me a deep sensation how much they buy into things without scriptural proof and or looking at the whole story and context of Jesus words..... The people who wrote this article forgot a very important text about Jesus coming in as a thief, that means there isn't "special signs" to distinguish his coming in a certain "period of time" we call last days. But his presence is coming like lightening meaning there will be no question for us who are on the watch when we see those signs as Jesus foretold and know it's HIM coming as a King.... Thank you for your analysis Meleti, it is great.

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2015-10-30 10:08:26

    I found it disturbing that the article said that near the end conditions would be bad but not bad enough for worldly people to notice, just us JWs. This really upset me, it's just rewiring the way we think so we don't have any argument against anything the WT says.

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