WT Study: Are You Reaching the Stature That Belongs to Christ?

– posted by meleti

[From ws15/09 for Oct. 26 – Nov 1]

“Attain…the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ” (Eph 4:13)

In this week’s Watchtower review, we will focus a little on style and composition, but mostly on content, particularly the read-between-the-lines kind. First, let us begin with…

A Little Constructive Criticism

One would never want to alienate a portion of one’s audience by using an ill-considered metaphor, would one? Yet the writer of this study article has done just that with his opening words.

“WHEN an experienced housewife selects fresh fruit at the market, she does not always choose the biggest pieces or the least expensive ones.”

Better would be, ‘When an experienced shopper selects fresh fruit at the market, he or she does not always choose the biggest pieces or the least expensive ones.’ Or to avoid the awkward “he or she”, the entire illustration could be presented in the second person. After all, who among us has not shopped for fresh fruit as some point in life?
Then there’s the question of using a fitting illustration. The writer’s purpose is to illustrate with fruit how a Christian grows to maturity. However, fruit only remains ripe (mature) for a brief span of time, after which it over-ripens and becomes rotten. While this may be the case for some Christians, it is hardly the point the writer is trying to make. Therefore, a different analogy is called for. Perhaps trees would have served his purpose better.  They start as saplings but grow to maturity and only get more majestic with age.[i]

Misrepresenting the Text

Our organization loves to quote a single verse out of context – or as in this case, a mere fraction of a verse – and then to base an entire topic on it. In doing so, the actual meaning of the text is often skewed, or even lost completely.
The topic at hand which is based on Ephesians 4:13 has to do with Christians growing to maturity. According to the article, this maturity manifests itself through love (par. 5-7), Bible study (par. 8-10), unity (par. 11-13), and staying inside the organization (par. 14-18).
Rather than take it for granted that this is what the writer of Ephesians was getting at when he penned the words “attaining the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ,” let us read the text in its context.
“And he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers, 12 with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones, for ministerial work, to build up the body of the Christ, 13 until we all attain to the oneness of the faith and of the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to being a full-grown man, attaining the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ. 14 So we should no longer be children, tossed about as by waves and carried here and there by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in deceptive schemes. 15 But speaking the truth, let us by love grow up in all things into him who is the head, Christ. 16 From him all the body is harmoniously joined together and made to cooperate through every joint that gives what is needed. When each respective member functions properly, this contributes to the growth of the body as it builds itself up in love.” (Eph 4:11-16)
Although this was written by no one less than the apostle Paul, he makes no provision for himself nor a so-called governing body in Jerusalem in this maturity-building equation. True, there are the gifts that Jesus gave to men as part of the ministering process, but the purpose is for each one to grow up in all things by love into the one head, Jesus Christ. There is no other head referred to. In fact, Paul warns against those who would take advantage of spiritual children, misleading such ones by cunning and trickery through false teachings and deceptive schemes.
Of course, a deceptive scheme must be hidden. It cannot be seen as a scheme, but must be clothed in the garments of truth. The article does speak of exercising love toward our brothers, the importance of regular Bible study, and the need for unity. These are all positive things. The question is, is there an agenda which is being cleverly cloaked in such positive things? A child might miss that, but a mature Christian can see deeper for he has the mind of Christ, and examines all things spiritually. (1Co 2:14-16)

JW Steganography

Steganography is the craft of hiding messages inside of pictures or images. We have been told that the publishers of the magazine spend considerable time and effort to carefully craft the images, illustrations, and photos in the magazines so as to better instruct their flock. Often, the key point of an article is transmitted through its graphical illustrations and sidebars,[ii] rather than in its text. Such is the case this week.
Fully half of page 5 is devoted to an illustration linked to paragraph six. The caption of the illustration is: “Older Christians can reflect Christlike humility by supporting younger ones now taking the lead.”
It would be expected that older Christians have already attained to the maturity that is the fullness of the Christ, so why is this even here? What is the issue that is being subtly addressed?
The answer is found in the link (see asterisk) to paragraph 6. There it states: “The mature Christian shows humility in that he recognizes that Jehovah’s ways and standards are always better than his own.”
Ah, so the appointment of a younger man over the older one is part of “Jehovah’s ways and standards.” Let’s say the youth in the illustration is 30, and the older man praying under his direction is 80. It would be likely that the older man has been serving as an elder for 5 to 10 times as long as the younger man. That’s a huge experience differential. Is this such a common occurrence that it merits being the main point of the article? Given the power of an illustration and the fact that half a page of real estate is devoted to it, one must assume the answer is Yes. In fact, it is.
Policy changes in the organization are resulting in older men being marginalized solely on the basis of age. Men with 60, 70, even 80 years of experience are being sent out to pasture, while the ranks of travelling overseers are being filled with men in the prime of youth. Concurrent with this Watchtower’s study is the release of a video on tv.jw.org called “Iron Sharpens Iron” in which three forcibly retired district overseers are interviewed to put a positive spin on the new arrangement.
Why is youth being preferred over experience? Is the wisdom and balance that comes with age of less value than the blind obedience of the young and naïve?  It would seem so. This fact is unwittingly revealed by the words of one brother speaking to a 2014 graduation class of the “School for Christian Couples”. After exhorting them not to take the initiative, but rather to follow the instructions they receive from the branch, he refers to them as “spiritual bureaucrats” and “spiritual company men”. (See the 27:15 minute mark of this recording.)
(I find it so odd to hear phrases I used to joke about disparagingly with friends now used as part of official JW vernacular.)
At a time when thousands of Bethelites—many of them older ones—are being handed their walking papers, we get a part on tv.jw.org and a subtle reminder in this week’s study that this is all Jehovah’s doing, part of his “ways and standards.”
The organization has implemented a policy of forced retirement while at the same time callously dismissing thousands with the assurance that Jehovah will provide. They are to go in peace and be well, but no material provision is being made for them.   Additionally, in a sort of reverse retirement age limit, all special pioneers under 65 are being reduced to regular pioneer status and will no longer receive a monthly allowance.  I couldn’t help but recall Paul McCartney’s words:

“Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I’m sixty-four?”

It would seem not. But take heart all you ex-district and ex-circuit overseers trying to get by on a paltry income. Despair not, you ex-bethelites thrust out on a hard, cruel world for the first time in 20, 30, or 40 years with no income, no resume, and few prospects. Stand firm you aged ex-special pioneers as you consider your options now that the branch office teat has dried up. For all this is not man’s doing. No! This is all part of “Jehovah’s ways and standards”. That is what this Watchtower is saying.  This is all Jehovah’s doing.
They would have us believe that the God who is love approves of this?  Where in Scripture is there a provision for the forced retirement of faithful servants without financial provision being made?  (These ones are not even given severance packages, something no worldly firm could get away with.)  Our Organization loves to model Christianity on Israel.  Very well. Were the priests and Levites sent away to fend for themselves when they were getting old and about to become a burden on society?  What was - and still is - Jehovah's standard?

“When you finish tithing the entire tenth of your produce in the third year, the year of the tenth, you will give it to the Levite, the foreign resident, the fatherless child, and the widow, and they will eat their fill within your cities. 13 You will then say before Jehovah your God, ‘I have cleared the holy portion out of my house and given it to the Levite, the foreign resident, the fatherless child, and the widow, just as you have commanded me. I have not violated or neglected your commandments.” (De 26:12, 13)

It wasn't just the Levites who got the tenth, but it was also reserved for those in need.  The foreign resident, the fatherless child and the widow.  But the Organization says, "Fair well. Don't worry.  Jehovah will provide."
At the annual meeting we were assured that these changes had nothing to do with a shortfall in funds.  'No,' we were told, 'the organization has lots of money despite rumors to the contrary.'  If so, then why do they appear to be concerned about ditching the elderly who have sacrificed so much in what JWs could term 'modern Levitic service'?  To cite one case as an example of this trend, a brother who has worked as a journeyman in Bethel for 30 years is being dismissed while his young apprentice is to remain.  The work the apprentice does must be certified by a journeyman, who presumably will now be called in from outside.  If they can't find a willing brother, they will have to pay a commercial firm.  Why send a 50-year-old out who can certify his own work, while keeping the 20-year-old on staff?
Here is God's true "way and standard" about treatment of older ones:

"‘Before gray hair you should rise up, and you must show honor to an older man, and you must be in fear of your God. I am Jehovah.” (Le 19:32)

This Bethel policy seems to be a variation on the corban workaround the Pharisees used to avoid caring for their aging parents.  Saving money for the temple (aka Bethel) is seen as justification for ousting older ones to fend for themselves.  Oh, they're being nice about it, to be sure.  For example, these ones are told that they don't have to make their special pioneer hours for the rest of the year so as to give them time to secure secular work by January.  Truly, our mercy knows no limits.
We have become just like those whom Jesus condemned for "adroitly setting aside the commandment", justifying it all with the logically incoherent claim that the preaching work is paramount.  (Mark 7:9-13)
To understand how serious this is, we have to realize that these policies are unlawful.  They break the two greatest laws in the universe.

“‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets.”” (Mt 22:37-40)

We do not show love for God if we act in a way that brings reproach on his name. If a man who fails to provide for his own is worse than a man without faith, what are we in the Organization? (1Ti 5:8) But to make it worse, we claim that these policies are not ours, but are part of Jehovah's ways and standards!?  We would make God responsible for our actions!

“You who take pride in law, do you dishonor God by your transgressing of the Law? 24 For “the name of God is being blasphemed among the nations because of you,” just as it is written.” (Ro 2:23, 24)

As for showing love for our neighbor, the Bible is very clear on what is expected of us.

“If a brother or a sister is lacking clothing and enough food for the day, 16 yet one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but you do not give them what they need for their body, of what benefit is it? 17 So, too, faith by itself, without works, is dead.” (Jas 2:15-17)

It would seem our faith is dead. These vapid attempts at self-justification, these facile assurances of “Go in peace; Jehovah will provide”, will carry no weight on judgment day. We must always bear in mind that judgment starts with the house of God. (1Pe 4:17)
What of us?  As individuals, are we free of judgment?  Absolutely not.  We must practice the mercy the organization is failing to demonstrate, if we wish to have our judgment with mercy.  (Ja 2:13)  Jehovah will provide for those in need, but his first choice is to provide through his servants.  Only if we drop the ball, does he step in.  So, let us seize every opportunity to obey the words of James by “giving [those in need] what they need for their body.” (Ja 2:15-17)
[i] If you are wondering why I didn't follow my own advice by referring to the writer of this article as "he or she", it's because we all know that the writer is most definitely a male.
[ii] For instance, there was a sidebar or box on page 25 of the 2/15 2008 Watchtower in the article “Christ’s Presence—What Does It Mean to You?” This was the first time Exodus 1:6 was used to introduce the idea of overlapping generations. The idea of using the generation to calculate the length of the last days was still off the table. In fact, the sidebar concludes with the words: “Jesus did not give his disciples a formula to enable them to determine when “the last days” would end.” But the seed was planted, and it bore fruit two years later when the concept of two overlapping generations was introduced which has now come to be used to provide us with a formula to enable us to determine approximately when “the last days” will end. (w10 4/15 p. 10)

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  • Comment by Willy on 2015-10-27 10:52:12

    A huge stumbling block for all those dear brothers and sisters effected by these unjust way of treating them, not at all a reflection of our God Jehovah. I pray they will know this in their hearts and that the congregations will pick up on this and will help everyone of them. We all can show our love and make this a prime topic in our prayers. We are all brothers and sisters and our combined force in prayer will help. Hebr. 6:10

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-10-27 11:13:28

      Amen to that, Willy. We never want to fall into the trap of hating those who oppress us. Jesus set the example.
      “On seeing the crowds he felt pity for them, because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples: “Yes, the harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 Therefore, beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.”” (Mt 9:36-38)

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2015-10-27 11:17:37

    thus becoming an enabler of the WTBTS.

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-10-27 11:50:25

    We know it is a young man game in the organization, no I am not trying to be smart or just to put down the older brothers, and even sisters.
    Look as we are in the last days since 1799, ....excuse me 1914, and in really in the last 15 years the organization is trying to rebrand themselves, go younger and more hopper it seems, heck the last Governing Body Selected is young ( I mean I think 50 years old is young heck, if you ain't Methuselah you are young ). But it seems they are really pushing to get the next generation ( not a pun but it might) of Jw's so the Organization can continue to seem with the times. I know of a elder who served on Bethel with his wife after nearly 20 years one they told him don't need you and take care, I assume they threw out a scripture or two, but wow how Loving.
    I ain't suprise if they pass another Resolution soon, heck we have a new one for this so called Global Assistance Arrangement and the Travelling Overseer Assistance Arrangement, where we Some ( some) money goes for there healthcare and transportation cost...Sure it does.
    I pray and hope that the Organization changes, it ain't, but I can hope and pray, but hey they say they love the most, sure they say it ( and I ain't say many of the brothers or sisters don't) But does the main head of the Organization do what the master Truly says in John 13:34-35, I hope they change, but hey we got a generation to change.
    Love to all from Buster.

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-10-29 15:41:32

      generation? based on the WT we're all part of the same generation lol fools

  • Comment by The Real Anonymous on 2015-10-27 13:17:27

    Some thoughts about this WT article.
    The passage about the "experienced housewife" sounds dated (almost, outdated) and demeaning in this twenty-first century. Why presume only wives go shopping? Personally, I always avoid the awkward 'he or she' construction, since it's not necessary, just as it's normally not necessary to indicate number; what difference does it make how many people went to the market together to shop? I would word this, "When an experienced shopper selects fresh fruit at the market, they do not always choose the biggest pieces or the least expensive ones." This slightly bends the rules of "proper" English grammar to use "they", but it's totally understandable, and will neither confuse nor offend anyone.
    The WT verbiage is not all that bad, but it's clumsy and thoughtless. There are many single persons, single families, and widowed people that will read this; what reason to rub them the wrong way? Anyhow ...
    I appreciate the reference to "steganography", a word I had not heard of before now.
    Another term I would use is "equivocation". This is often thought to mean something like 'being unable to decide' or 'being uncertain'. It's actual meaning relates to a fallacy of reasoning. One sense of this is when two things which are in fact different are treated as if they were the same. Wikipedia describes it as "is an informal logical fallacy. It is the misleading use of a term with more than one meaning..." See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equivocation
    Example: In paragraph 6, we read, "The mature Christian shows humility in that he recognizes that Jehovah’s ways and standards are always better than his own." I personally have no issue with this statement, as it stands.
    However, when we look at the footnote to this, we see, "For example, older, experienced brothers may be asked to step aside from certain responsibilities and to lend support to younger brothers as they take on those responsibilities."
    When the older ones are asked to step aside, who did the asking? Jehovah? No, it was the WT organization. Herein lies the equivocation that always gets implied: 'The ways and standards of the WT organization ARE THE SAME AS Jehovah’s ways and standards'.
    Another obvious example of this equivocation can be seen in the recent brochure, "Return to Jehovah". Was the brochure really asking people to return to "Jehovah", or to return to the WT organization? In the eyes of the WT, these two are one and the same thing; thus the equivocation. In contrast, many who visit this web site would disagree that those two things were in fact the same.
    Once the constant equivocation is stripped away, so much of what is published in by the WT shows itself as being baseless and unfounded.

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-11-01 10:25:21

      I enjoyed both your comments and the article above.
      For any who have seen the Annual Meeting videos, I thought it telling that the announcement about finances and downsizing was a "prepared" statement. You can see the brother (can't remember which one it was) reading the whole statement.

  • Comment by F.S on 2015-10-28 00:31:19

    Nice write up as usual Meleti,
    This past Sunday I was out in the preaching work with a number of elders & their wives. We were 6 in the van. During the break we stopped at a restaurant & the subject we discussed was the bad attitudes people of the world in general are displaying in these last days.. The conversation went on for about 15-20 minutes without me saying a word. Then It was my turn to talk..I mentioned most companies these days treat their employees like a number & that everyone is expendable or could get dismissed at any time. They let go of the older ones & keep the younger ones. Or the company would hire young employees, let the older ones train them & then let them go. Of course with a good severance package etc etc. They all agreed, & further commented that this world is so unfair and corporation are part of the works of the devil & that God will soon destroy this unjust system. Little did they know or even pick up what I was trying to say. Our wonderful and so caring organization has done the exact same thing to our poor older brothers as the evil corporations they were just bashing. Shame on them. I cant believe how naïve our brothers have become.They are drunk with the Cool Aid.
    I wasn't finished yet..lol lol. As we got back in the Van, I mentioned, did you hear about a so & so older brother & his wife who are getting let go from bethel in January? I swear there was a silence in the Van for 10 min, no comment on the question. This elderly couple are getting close 60 yrs old. Who's going to hire them at that age, theirs no severance pkg or employment insurance. Just a golden handshake, thank you very much & so long suckers, you served your organization well. May Jah bless your efforts in the pioneer work.. Live long & prosper...lol lol. I feel really bad for this couple. I Cant imagine them getting stable work, or finding reasonable priced Apt in our city. Maybe they can do window cleaning or Janitorial work until they reach 65? Anyways I hope the best for them.. After the 10 min silence, the drivers says, who has a call? hahaha. I really hope that conversation, had struck a chord with the fools I was with in that Van...Probably not. Stop drinking the cool aid...
    Cheers every1

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-10-28 08:24:43

      Well done! I hope it made them think, break out of the preprogrammed mindset.
      I few years ago, four of us were out in service, and in the normal course of the conversation I remarked on how the "Lord Jesus is watching over us". Had I said "Jehovah", there would have been agreements all around and the conversation would have gone on apace. Instead, it stopped dead and there was this long uncomfortable silence. I could just see the mental gear turning. They couldn't fault this statement because it's well supported Biblically, but it just did not compute.

  • Comment by Father jack on 2015-10-28 13:25:09

    I think the counsel in the watchtower article for the most part seems ok . Paragraph 9 in particular encourages us all to follow a routine of personal bible study and gain accurate knowledge of the son of god . This certainly would help us to reach the stature that belongs to the christ . However the big problem seems to be that when a person follows that very counsel after a while they begin to realise that the religion we are supposed to belong to does not faithfully follow the bible especially the NT but has created many of its own doctrines and procedures and has gone beyond the things written . This puts many of its members in an difficult position . So why give the counsel in th first place ? 1 is it because the writers of this article do not really understand bible truth themselves and are convinced that what is contained in the watchtower is truth . 2 is it merely a confidence trick to convice others that the organisation has bible truth . In the secret hope that people will not actually follow the counsel ? But just be happy to read how the watchtower applies scripture . 3 has the bible become like goldsteins book in 1984 a method to root out and expose those who are not faithful to the party ( organisation ) and remove them or is perhaps another reason ? I dont know !

  • Comment by AR on 2015-10-29 03:21:37

    Thanks for review Meleti, like James 2:13, in saying that, we had a combined family study with another family, from the conversation we had, the general feeling is, it is what it is, I felt like I had to be a voice for these ones, it's this type of lack of empathy, which is fostered unfortunately by the powers that be(GB).

  • Comment by Dawn Ann on 2015-10-31 23:35:45

    Great article Meleti!! The restructuring efforts worldwide really bothers me a great deal. I was the VP of HR for a large company in the U.S. and there are laws that prevented us from replacing older workers with younger workers (age discrimination). When we did a layoff, we crunched the numbers to ensure older workers were not adversely affected. For those who are approved for the layoff based on our internal analyses, we provided a very generous severance package, which included 1-2 weeks of pay for every year of service, Max to one year or severance pay, and outplacement assistance so that these workers can be retrained and positioned for their next opportunity. I find the WBTS actions to be very disconcerting, as these bethelites are being treated far worse than the so called "worldly folks." It's a shame that these folks are not covered under such laws due to volunteering their time in a religious organization. I wonder though, that even if there were some kind of loophole that lawyers can find, whether such outside actions to protect them from being discharged onto the streets without a package (for example bringing a class action suit against the WBTS), if these ones would take advantage of any such provision. The mind control of the WBTS via the video of the three forced out overseers, and the Watchtower article really do brainwash them into thinking they are following Jehovah's standards. They are like sheep being led to the slaughter by giving their full obedience to the organization at the risk of their own welfare. How about the old cronies on the GB are replaced by some youngins!!!! Throw their arces out as special pioneers and let's see if they could even live on that pittance. This all makes me HATE, I mean dislike, LOL, the organization even more. I'm so glad we serve a just God who will bring judgement on the GB, et al.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-11-01 08:49:55

      What you say Dawn Ann is so right. Here we would denounce any company that callously fires works through downsizing without making adequate provision for them, but when we see the Organization doing just that, we say "It is God's will" and "Jehovah will provide for these ones." I've heard this so many times lately. No one is thinking it through. Jehovah provides when we suffer tribulation, persecution or hard times brought on by an uncaring world. Jehovah doesn't cause the tribulation, persecution or hard times just so he can have a chance to provide. Yet if Jehovah is the cause of this, if these are his "ways and standards", then that is exactly what these apologists are claiming though they do not realize it because their powers of discernment have become dulled through years of disuse.

  • Comment by smoldering wick on 2015-11-03 12:40:37

    What I found completely missing in this article was the call for unity that contradicts the most glaring admonition made by Paul in the first 3 chapters of 1 Corinthians. Which is why they left the scripture out entirely since it conflicts with everything he said about who we are to be in unity with.

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