An Open Letter

– posted by meleti
We have been greatly encouraged by the heartfelt outpouring of support that came as a result of the recent article, “Our Commenting Policy.” I had only wanted to reassure everyone that we were not about to change that which we had worked so hard to achieve. If anything, we want to make it better. To know that we are on the right path fuels our resolve to work harder. (I speak in the plural because, though I may be the foremost voice at present, there are others who labor quietly behind the scenes to support this work.)
The question now becomes, Where do we go from here.  We have a plan in the works, the outline of which I would like to share with everyone.  It begins with a realization of our key focus group: Jehovah's Witnesses emerging from the fog of decades of indoctrination and false teachings and traditions of men.

“…the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light
That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.” (Pr 4:18)

This Scripture, though frequently used to justify the failed prophetic interpretations of our leadership, past and present, is fitting for all of us who have awakened and come into the light. It is our love of truth that has brought us here. With truth comes freedom. (John 8:32)
When discussing these newfound truths with trusted friends and associates, you may well have been surprised and saddened—as I have been—to learn how most reject freedom, preferring instead continued enslavement to men. Many are like the ancient Corinthians:

“In fact, YOU put up with whoever enslaves YOU, whoever devours [what YOU have], whoever grabs [what YOU have], whoever exalts himself over [YOU], whoever strikes YOU in the face.” (2Co 11:20)

The process toward spiritual liberation takes time of course. One does not throw off the shackles of enslavement to the doctrines of men in a moment. For some the process is quick, while for others it can take years. Our Father is patient for he does not wish any to be destroyed. (2 Peter 3:9)
Many of our brothers and sisters are in the early stages of this process. Others have come right through it. Those of us who regularly associate here are mindful of the changes in the Organization which seem to presage a major shake-up is on the horizon. Gamaliel’s words come to mind: “…if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown...” (Acts 5:34) The works and schemes of the Organization are strongly entrenched things. Yet we must remember that Paul’s words to the subjugated Corinthians were addressed to all—to each individual, not to an organization.  The truth does not set organizations free.  It frees individuals from, among other things, enslavement to men.

“For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things. 5 For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God; and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ; 6 and we are holding ourselves in readiness to inflict punishment for every disobedience, as soon as YOUR own obedience has been fully carried out.” (2Co 10:4-6)

We have a duty to “inflict punishment for every disobedience”, but first we have to ensure that we are being obedient ourselves.
Some have suggested that our critique of Watchtower doctrine has run its course, and that we should move on to other things. Others are concerned that we might be descending into the downward spiral of JW bashing. The comments which came as a result of the previous article have restored our confidence that such is not the case. We acknowledge that the duty to "inflict punishment for every disobedience" by "overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God" is not something we can shirk off simply because we ourselves have become free. We must be mindful of those who have not yet achieved this freedom, and so we’ll continue to use the Bible to expose the falsehoods that are preached in the name of God, no matter what source they come from.

Substituting for Christ

Nevertheless, we must also look to the commission given to us by our Lord when he instructed us to make disciples of him. Jehovah’s Witnesses already consider themselves to be disciples of Jesus. Indeed, all Christian faiths consider themselves to be Christ’s disciples. A Catholic, or a Baptist, or a Mormon who may answer the door at the knock of a Jehovah’s Witness would likely feel insulted were he to realize that this magazine-wielding individual was there to convert him into a disciple of Christ. Of course, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not see it that way. Viewing all other Christian religions as false, they reason that such ones are false disciples, and that only by learning the truth as taught by Jehovah's Witnesses can they become true disciples of Christ. I myself reasoned this way for many decades. It came as a considerable shock to realize that the reasoning I was applying to all the other religions applied equally to my own. If you feel this is untrue consider please these findings of senior counsel assisting the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse:

"The organization’s handbook for members, Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will, teaches with reference to the ‘faithful and discreet slave’ (and thus, the Governing Body) for instance, that the congregation hopes to ‘draw ever closer to Jehovah by manifesting complete trust in the channel that he is using to direct his people today.’" Submissions of Senior Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission, p. 11, par. 15

So it is through "complete trust" in the Governing Body that we can "draw ever closer to Jehovah."  How do you think our Lord Jesus would view such a teaching?  He made it very clear that no one comes to the Father except through him. (John 14:6) There is no provision for an alternative channel by which we can draw closer to Jehovah. While giving lip service to Jesus as our King and head of the congregation, statements such as the foregoing indicate that Jehovah’s Witnesses are truly the disciples of men. Jesus has been quietly supplanted as Jehovah’s channel of communication.  Proof of that is evident in many ways as one reads the publications.  Take for example this illustration from the April 15, 2013 Watchtower, page 29.
JW Ecclesiastical Hierarchy
Where is Jesus?  If this were a corporation, Jehovah would be its owner, and Jesus, its CEO.  Yet where is he?  It seems that upper management is attempting a coup, and middle management is going along for the ride.  Jesus' role as God's channel has been supplanted by the  members of the Governing Body.  This is a shocking development, yet it was done with scarcely a word of protest.  We are so conditioned to this organizational paradigm that we failed to take note.  This idea has been insinuated into our minds subtly for decades.  Hence, the erroneous rendering of 2 Corinthians 5:20 wherein we insert the phrase "substituting for Christ" even though the word "substitute" does not appear in the original text.  A substitute isn't a representative, but a replacement.  The Governing Body has come to replace Jesus in the minds and hearts of most Jehovah's Witnesses.
It is therefore not enough for us simply to overturn false doctrine. We must make disciples of Jesus.  As we learn truths long hidden from us, we are moved by the spirit to share them with others.  Yet, we must be cautious, wary even of ourselves, for the heart is treacherous.  It is not enough to have good intentions.  Indeed, good intentions have often paved the road leading off into destruction.  Instead, we must follow the lead of the spirit; but that lead is not always easy to see due to our sinful inclinations, and eyesight clouded by years of indoctrination.  Adding to the obstacles in our path are those who will second guess our every move and call our motivation into question.  It is as if we are standing on one side of a vast minefield, but needing to cross, must pick our way through it probing cautiously and stepping gingerly.
Speaking for myself, upon understanding that many of our core doctrines – those teachings that distinguish Jehovah’s Witnesses from all other Christian religions – were unscriptural, I considered the possibility of forming another religion. This is a natural progression when one comes from an organized religion. One has the mindset that to worship God, one must belong to some religious denomination, an organization. It was only by coming to an accurate understanding of the parable of the Wheat and Weeds that I understood there is no such Scriptural requirement; in fact, quite the reverse is true.  Seeing organized religion for the snare that it is, we were able to avoid one particularly destructive landmine.
Nevertheless, we still have the commission to preach the good news. To do this, we have incurred costs. Just under a year ago we set up a nonprofit corporation as a means to allow us to receive donations while protecting our anonymity. This proved to be a very controversial decision, and some even accused us of seeking to profit from this work. The problem is that there is such a stigma attached to funding that it becomes virtually impossible to seek it out without one’s motives being questioned.  Still, most didn't doubt our intentions and some donations came in to lighten the load.  For those we are most grateful. The fact is that the bulk of the funds needed to support this site and our ongoing work comes from the original founders.  We are self-funded.  No one has taken a single dollar out.  Given that, why do we continue to have a "Donate" feature?  Simply put, because it is not for us to deny anyone the opportunity to participate.  If in the future more funds are needed to expand this work than we can invest ourselves, the door will be open for others to help out.  In the meantime, as money comes in, we will use it to further the preaching of the good news as best we are able.
For those who accuse us of self-aggrandizement, I would give you Jesus' words: “Whoever speaks of his own originality is seeking his own glory; but whoever seeks the glory of the one who sent him, this one is true and there is no unrighteousness in him.” (John 7:14)
According to the Governing Body, they are the faithful and discreet slave of Matthew 25:45-47. This faithful and discreet slave was appointed – again according to them – in 1919. Therefore, Judge Rutherford as the foremost member of the Governing Body (such as it was then)  was that faithful and discreet slave until his death in 1942. In the mid-1930s, he wrote entirely of his own originality when coming up with the doctrine of the "other sheep" as a separate class of Christian, one denied adoption as children of God. This was not the first time he spoke of his own originality.  According to Jesus, whose glory was he seeking?  Virtually all of the unscriptural doctrines we continue to be taught in the pages of The Watchtower originally came from Rutherford's pen, yet they continue to be promoted and even expanded upon by the current Governing Body. Again, speaking of one's own originality is evidence one is seeking one's own glory and not that of God or Christ.  This tendency is not confined to the leadership of large religious organizations.  Over the years, we have had a number of people comment extensively on this site to expound their own personal interpretation on various scriptural subjects. Those who are seeking their own glory have always been manifest by a dearth of scriptural support, an unwillingness to address valid contradictory evidence, and a general intransigence of position, and a tendency to belligerence when cornered.  Watct out for these traits. (James 3:13-18)
This is not to suggest that engaging in speculation and personal opinion is wrong. In fact, it can at times lead to a better understanding of truth. However, it must always be labelled as such and never be passed off as doctrinal truth. The day you find me or anyone else on this site expound as truth that which originates from men is the day you should go elsewhere.

Plans for the Near Future

This site has the domain name of Unfortunately, this is compiled from my online alias and therefore gives the appearance of a one-man site. That was not a problem when I started out, because back then my only goal was finding research partners.
While it is possible to change the domain name to something like, there is a significant downside to taking that action in that it would break all outside links to our site.  Since many use internet search engines like google, ask and bing to find us, this would prove counterproductive.
Currently, aka Beroean Pickets does triple duty.  It continues to analyze and critique Watchtower publications and broadcasts using Scriptural reasoning.  It also is a place for Bible research and discussion.  Finally, the "Knowledge Base" is intended as a starting point to building a library of non-denominational doctrinal truth.
The problem with this setup is that a non-Jehovah's Witness coming to our site will likely dismiss it for its JW-centricity and move on.  Another scenario exists where a former witness wants to move past the analysis of our publications to understand God's word on its own, free from JW dogma and counter argument.  The ultimate goal is to provide a place where wheat-like Christians can freely associate and worship in a climate of spirit and truth, completely free of all denominational confusion.
To this end, our thought is to keep as an archive/resource site while we expand our work into other, more specialized sites.  New articles would no longer appear on and the name would be changed to "Beroean Pickets Archive".  (By the way, nothing is carved in stone and we are open to other naming suggestions.)
There would be a new site for the Scriptural analysis of Watchtower publications and broadcasts and videos.  Perhaps that could be called "Beroean Pickets - Watchtower Commentator."  A second site would become Beroean Pickets as it is now, but without the Watchtower Commentator category.  It would analyze and research the Scriptures to try to build a doctrinal framework that is scripturally accurate.  In doing so, it would still address false understandings, though it would not be JW-centric.  Finally, the third site would hold the results of our research; teachings we have all come to agree upon as being accurate and fully supported by Scripture.
Each of these sites would cross reference the others where applicable.
This would serve as the basis for our foray into other languages.  We would start with Spanish, in part because it is the largest target audience for our efforts and in part because a number of our group are fluent in it.  However, we would not limit ourselves to Spanish, but could expand into other languages.  The main limiting factor would be translators and moderators.  The work of a moderator is rewarding and offers an on-line substitute for the door-to-door ministry.
Again, all of this is provisional.  We look for the leading of the spirit.  Much will depend on the support we get from different ones who are able to offer their time and resources.  We can only do what we are able to do.
We look to discern what the Lord's will is for us.
Your brother,
Meleti Vivlon

Archived Comments

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  • Comment by Gogetter on 2015-12-07 08:42:10

    Amen Brother, very wise decisions in my opinion. Thank you!

  • Comment by Kevin Flynn on 2015-12-07 11:10:17

    with all due respect If you want to do discern the Lords will then you must let your light shine through so why are you brothers protecting your anonymity ?.
    It seems as though you brothers fear someone or something or perhaps even being excommunicated by the watchtower. How can the truth set us free to fully accomplish the preaching work if we hide behind anonymity?, Was that what Jesus wanted us to do, most certainly not, in fact Jesus along with his 12 apostles as well as many others had no fear of man and preached the word boldly in the face of tyranny without anonymity.
    What I tell you in the darkness, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, preach from the housetops. And do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Ge·hen′na. Matthew 10:27-28
    Jesus once said " After lighting a lamp, a person puts it, not in a hidden place nor under a basket,* but on the lampstand, so that those who come in may see the light. Luke 11:33
    You are the light of the world. A city cannot be hid when located on a mountain. People light a lamp and set it, not under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it shines on all those in the house. Likewise, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens. Matthew 5:14-16.
    At some point we all have to pick up our torture stake and disown ourselves if we want to glorify Jehovah's great name how is that going to be possible if we remain anonymous?.
    For whoever wants to save his life* will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Really, what good will it do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his life?*+ Or what will a man give in exchange for his life? 27 For the Son of man is to come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he will repay each one according to his behavior.+ Matthew 16:24-27
    I came to start a fire on the earth, and what more is there for me to wish if it has already been lit? .
    Do you think I came to give peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division, For from now on there will be five in one house divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. Luke 12:49-53.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-12-07 11:41:24

      Kevin, I'm assuming from your words that you have revealed yourself to the elders and the brothers in your congregation. Can you tell us in your case how that resulted in your light shining more brightly?

      • Reply by Gogetter on 2015-12-07 13:11:20

        I would guess by Kevin's comments he has never been associated with The congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. If that is the case all the more reason for a separate JW-centric site.

        • Reply by Kevin Flynn on 2015-12-07 18:07:33

          Proverbs 29:20.

      • Reply by Kevin Flynn on 2015-12-07 17:21:24

        Hello Meleti thank you for your reply.
        I'm going to get back to you concerning your question, in regards to my situation.

    • Reply by Out of Africa on 2015-12-07 13:04:33

      I agree with Kevin's thoughts. I am very outspoken about what I believe and feel that my old 'friends' are my territory. Our elders are involved in our case, but have proven a little reticent as we have requested a few answers to some sticky questions, all based on the org's publications and bible only. I am staying away from the meetings until I have my answers (if I'll ever get them :-) ) I have no doubt that my actions will lead to being put out at some point and want to make the best use of my time before then.
      If we are mature, spiritual and well respected Christians, the way the elders treat us (by for example disfellowshipping us), is in itself a witness. People will have to start questioning what is going on. Also it gives our associates an opportunity to show who they are and where their loyalties lie.
      As a family, we are willing to pick up our torture stake to follow the Christ and we also know that the road ahead is likely going to be difficult and lonely. I personally never want to be guilty of the sin of the wicked slave Matthew 24:51.

    • Reply by Claudelle on 2015-12-08 20:57:08

      Why not?

    • Reply by ilBereano on 2015-12-10 03:46:17

      Here I agree with you, K.F. (as long as you agree with Jesus)
      Meleti: "We look to discern what the Lord’s will is for us."
      Very good!
      Firstly we have to understand that the "work" is of Jehovah, therefore He leads it (and Jesus is active, too)
      Once the "daughter of Babylon"(Isaiah 47) is identified being the org.WT(under the leadership of MoL/ 2Tess 2:4) , God's special command for his worshipers (members of Zion) now is
      7 Ho Zion, escape, thou that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon. Zechariah 2.
      this command is part of the final command found in Rev. 18:4
      Another thing for the members of Zion : they have to receive (to give attention) to Christs "angels" - see Matthew 24:31
      31 And he shall send forth his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
      ONLY giving attention to these ones is possible for the "elect" to be gathered together
      this also includes "attaining the unity of faith... and of knowledge" Ephesians 4:11-13
      13 till we all attain unto the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a fullgrown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ
      Acting this way , almost surely will happen to you as Jesus said John 16:1,2
      in this case, what will miss to you (us) ? -- the community / our meeting together with brothers..
      But only for a while ! why ? simple .. Because Jehovah think to the rest of things
      Jesus said "But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness;
      >>> and all these things shall be added unto you."
      If we will obey firstly the Father and His Son , (resulting in disfellowshiping) in a short time Jehovah will give us back brothers and Christian community
      Why ? -- because the time is here for Jehovah to act as prophesied / Haggai 2
      6. For thus saith Jehovah of hosts: Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;
      7. and I will shake all nations; and the precious things of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory, saith Jehovah of hosts.
      8. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith Jehovah of hosts.
      9. The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, saith Jehovah of hosts; and in this place will I give peace, saith Jehovah of hosts.
      ( the members of Zion should understand Jehovah's word)
      Regarding other faithful worshipers , they also must leave Babylon and learn the truth and continue to wash the robes - Rev 22:14 Blessed are they that wash their robes, that they may have the right to come to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the city.
      Attention and obedience should be given to the inspired words in Rev.22:17 ; Matthew 25:31-46 ; Zechariah 8:23 ; Luke17:33-37.
      YHWH bless you all (His worshipers)

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-12-10 07:57:36

        Hi ilBereano,
        Welcome. I appreciate your point of view, though I think further research is needed before we can accept the specific application you make to some of these Scriptures. Still, your thoughts are welcome.

        • Reply by ilBereano on 2015-12-11 17:25:00

          Hello again, bro. M.V ;
          an answer valid also for Father Jack...
          I use english with difficulty and requires much time to me to express thoughts using it
          I did once at my best , it is a little what I can add now (my understandings are the almost the same as expressed 5-7 years before / in each post signed with my name I have tryied to express some idea as logically as I could
          the answer to your questions are at least partially answered there
          please read all my posts and I hope you will see the answer
          let consider that my signature was "rus virgil"
          some other persons have interfered with that thread , but you continue with my posts...

          I am open to pertinent questions ...
          rus v.

      • Reply by Father jack on 2015-12-10 13:11:15

        I bereano what makes you feel that the watchtower organisation is the daughter of babylon and its leadership is the man of lawlessness . Mate i know this religion has had a massive impact on our lives , but on the world scene its pretty much insignificant compared to the power of some other religions .

    • Reply by Joel on 2015-12-10 18:46:11

      I'm not quite sure how availing of the anonymity which the internet affords as normal protocol if somehow equivalent to putting our light under a basket. Some feel that they have very good reasons to prolong an exit from the organisation and some have no desire to leave at all. The only way that you would have a choice in that matter is by preserving some level of anonymity in a public forum.

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-12-11 01:17:46

      “Everyone, then, who acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father who is in the heavens. But whoever disowns me before men, I will also disown him before my Father who is in the heavens. Matthew 10:32-33.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-12-11 08:01:00

        Mt 10:32, 33 might suggest to some that we have to make open declaration of our new understanding of truth to be approved by Jesus, that remaining anonymous is an act of cowardice. There are many who have maintained anonymity for a time, then have been outed by a Judas. Such ones, when confronted, could have renounced their new truths and returned to the JW fold by again submitting to the authority of the Governing Body, but instead decided to maintain their integrity. In modern times, two of the foremost individuals doing this that come to my mind on the spur of the moment are Ed Dunlap and Raymond Franz.
        However, does maintaining anonymity amount to a denial of Jesus? Failing to preach when the opportunity presents itself is one thing, but if one preaches and declares Jesus, but does so with caution, is one not obeying the Lord's command.
        A too rigid application of Mt 10:32, 33 would have Christians in a state were preaching is banned standing on the street corner proselytizing, rather then carrying out their work underground. Which scenario fulfills the Lord's command to make disciples?

        • Reply by The Real Anonymous on 2015-12-11 12:06:11

          The issue of remaining anonymous doesn't have a simplistic answer. If it did, it would have been resolved by now. A good case could be made that remaining anonymous reflects a measure of cowardice. Each person that chooses that path must answer to God and his conscience whether that criticism is valid or not. At times I myself have lodged such criticisms at others, but by my alias name, it's clear I could be viewed as deserving the same criticism. Hypocrisy is easy to see in others but hard to face in ourselves.
          Having said that, bear in mind what Jesus told his disciples just before he died, that they would abandon him and flee. While they were clearly hurt by this truthful appraisal of their character, did Jesus try to talk them out of fleeing? Did he try to talk them out of their obvious cowardice? More to the point, did Jesus try to force his followers to NOT be anonymous? No. Why not?
          Most likely, it is because sentiments among the people were running so strong and so hostile that his apostle might have been rounded up and put to death right then and there. That would have been a terrible blow to the fledgling Christian congregation. His followers could eventually overcome a brief lapse of cowardice on the long road to Christian maturity. They would not get over being dead any time soon.
          As with all aspects of our spiritual lives, we need avoid being rigid and judgmental. It's not our job to police the consciences of other people. It's hard enough to keep our own on the straight and narrow.

          • Reply by AR on 2015-12-11 23:27:37

            I still attend the meetings, with my family, however, with a broader perspective now. Thanks to R Franz and this website which only by coincidence I stumbled across, or maybe it wasn't coincidence. I've spoken to others and continue to speak to people in the ministry and those within and have been reported to. So, without going into my personal file, I will say, you have to be cautious and pick the moment to speak, little bite sizes works best. I think of 1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild temper and deep respect.” – notice he makes the point of being ready to make a defence not preach your defence. So the way I see it now, the opportunity will arise to make a defence, and do so cautiously . Anyway that's my way, I've learnt works for me. Thanks brothers for your hard work in delivering timely information through your research.

            • Reply by AR on 2015-12-11 23:30:17

              Wanted to add about 1 Peter 3:15 and says 'who demands' sorry having a coffee while I'm typing...

        • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-12-11 17:46:45

          “Look! I am sending you out as sheep among wolves;/ [ Watchtower] so prove yourselves "cautious" as serpents and yet innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16
          We must become all things to all people as Paul did.1 Corinthians 9:19-23
          We must Use anonymity when necessary, however if we are ever confronted concerning Jesus name we must never deny him even in the face of death regardless of who's confronting us,
          "Whoever has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not "worthy" of me; and whoever has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me. Matthew 10:37.
          And when confronted with this test of faith this should be our attitude,
          However, when they hand you over, do not become anxious about how or what you are to speak, for what you are to speak will be given you in that hour; for the ones speaking are not just you, but it is the spirit of your Father that speaks by you. Matthew 10:19.

        • Reply by sopaterofberoea on 2015-12-12 10:10:47

          I find it interesting that staff on the writing department remain anonymous. In fact, a prerequisite for any potential writer is that they are able to remain modest, not disclosing they wrote a particular article.
          Elders on the service desk remain anonymous. The brother that may draft a letter from the branch to elders and/or the congregation remains anonymous. Anonymity is a trademark of JW's.
          Those of us who choose to remain anonymous (or use an alias) may have personal reasons for doing so, but at the end of the day, does not the message matter more than the identity of the messenger?

          • Reply by Anonymous hahaha on 2015-12-12 15:22:10

            Crazy sko the people who write the articles in the watchtower are anonymous . So in reality we dont even know whos teachings we are following . Who is supposed to be the faithful slave then giving the food . ? The other thing is this the scripture says continue in the things you learned knowing from what people you learned them from . 2 timothy 3 . Just crazy whos writing these articles . ? Ive never seen or heard the likes of it . What type of author of any book or letter does not reveal his name. In the normal world they just would not be taken seriously would they . I can understand why there is a need to be anonymous on this site but why a magazine that goes out to millions worldwide and has such a hold on people .

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2015-12-07 14:51:29

    Meleti Vivlon - I really enjoyed your open letter. I am tiring out fast within the WT and am having to stay under the radar as a witness still attending (just!). I have often pondered where I would go and have had quite similar thoughts to yourself as to how we view other Christian groups etc. If I had a group I felt comfortable with to associate with, I would be there. Beroean Pickets is a group I find myself levitating more and more towards as feel freedom in Christ. I hope you do take things forward as per your letter.
    Kevin - I personally have to remain anonymous as have family and relatives who are witnesses. The very harsh shunning policy as interpreted by the Governing body of Jehovah's witnesses has pushed some witnesses so far over the edge that they have even committed suicide. There are others who have not had contact with family for decades. This causes deep psychological issues for thousand of ex JW's today. I know one individual in our hall who hasn't seen his granddaughter in over a decade, despite the fact she has now moved on with her life ie now married with children. People come away from WT in their own good time. For the time being, I have to keep my anonymity for the sake of my family. One day, I will say goodbye to the WT and have the courage to cross over 'officially' to a Christian faith group that I feel are wanting to follow in Christs footsteps, such as Beroean Pickets, but will need full assurance I am doing the right thing before going through the fire of shunning by the JW's.

    • Reply by Kevin Flynn on 2015-12-07 17:10:22

      Dearest brother / sisters it was not my intention to suggest or even recommend that we should find another house of worship amongst Christendom with its pagan ideologies.
      If what I said sounded that way please accept my apologies, that's not what I meant.
      You see at present I truly believe that the Watchtower / bethel are Jehovah's temple of true worship however at the same time I also believe there is a wicked slave among Christ brothers and that in itself would pretty much explain a lot of their erroneous prophecies particularly their 1914 scenario so until Jesus comes in his authentic parousia and removes the wicket slave there really nothing we can do.
      However we should continue to follow Jesus' example, now Jesus in spite of the corruption that was going on back in his day concerning the Pharisees and the Sadducees still worshiped in the house of his father as well as preached" regardless" of those corrupted men

    • Reply by Father jack on 2015-12-09 03:15:57

      Thats right sean theres a time to speak and a time to keep quiet . Ecclesiastes 3 . We can be discreet . We have to look at the consequences of our actions and know how to give an answer . Look at stephen of acts 7 . He was very bold but where did it get him . While his stand was commendable im not sure it was so wise . Jesus warned of casting pearls before swine . While i myself did make a stand .and am now out . My situation made it easier than most . Meeting things head on is not always the best way . Take care .

  • Comment by John Gooch on 2015-12-07 18:19:35

    I still attend the mid week meetings though have never been a member.
    I still hope that the J W s are able to survive all that they are trying to survive.
    Better something than nothing.
    I feel God is indeed impressed by their impressive outreach.
    I am at a stage where i believe some really believe that blood transfusion is not wanted by God and who also believe that it can even be proven to be medically safer if you have the faith to do the research.
    But I have not yet done this research.
    I think most J W s are happy to ignore the confusing medical science argument as with evolution.
    A general problem I have with all meetings of any denomination, is relaxing at home from having been to them.
    I look forward to the day when Bible studies get done more often by email.
    Then I can copy and paste different views, feeling free to think in independance.
    Here I am again John Gooch, Oxfordshire, England, UK.

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-12-08 03:54:22

      John . I know your not a baptised witness . But be careful mate with being so open . Honestly mate i was an elder in uk for a long time. I know this sounds crazy but there a certain ones in the religion that are extreme and they will come down on anyone like a ton of bricks . Ive seen it quite a few times . Its the point where christianity goes out the window and the true identity is revealed . Take care . Your brother father jack

      • Reply by Claudelle on 2015-12-08 20:55:43

        Yes, you sound very relaxed about having a "something" which is better than a "nothing". You will find that in the end you will have to suspend all reasonable thought when you encounter a misapplication of scripture or; you discover that you are not supposed to understand the bible without the consent of your superiors and the arrays of literature.
        I hope you do not do away with your thinking capacity. One that is god given and up to us to develop fully. This is not to be undermined by some group who wish to hang you up as lacking in faith and shun your first objection to some irrational doctrine........all this happens after you are baptised of course.
        Don't suspend your rational, thinking mind to others for the sake of some company....any company.

  • Comment by Nick O. on 2015-12-07 20:08:57

    Thank you for your open letter. I too am pleased with the way this website has grown and evolved. I am very thankful that you have continued the Watchtower commentary, as it helps me to continually broaden my perspective. Despite this new perspective, I still have ones close to me I am working with to help understand the real good news, and your articles are invaluable to that effect.
    Though some may question why some may choose to remain in the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, one might liken the situation to a sinking ship like the Titanic.
    One could choose to get off the ship as fast as possible, however rowing away in a life raft and calling back to your friends and loved ones may not be the best way to get them to follow, especially if they doubt the ship is in any real danger.
    Instead, convincing others of the danger, may mean staying on board long enough to warn them, possibly even taking them deep enough to see for themselves the flooding slowly creeping up from below.
    Of course we cannot procrastinate, or be indecisive as we don't want to miss our opportunity to escape, but while the circumstances allow for it we may use our situation in a way that can most help ones close to us. (Ecc 3:7 , Prov 29:20)

  • Comment by Kyp on 2015-12-07 20:32:24

    Well, making four websites out of one is a really bad idea. Every good online marketer will recommend to have them all on one page (e.g. the "search rank" is a result of all the traffic - so you would loose two thirds of your sales rank, when we suppose that every website will get a third of the traffic). Best solution would be: as an archive site and everything alse on the new beroean pickets site. Make up three nice looking sections with good usability. It's obvious, that someone who's interested in JW is also interested in other Christian interpretations and also interested in our understandung of the pure message of Christ. In splitting it up, you create three different worlds. The WWW ist huge and people won't realize the connection between three websites that easy.
    Just my rational thoughts on this. I hope it will help you in making good decisions.

    • Reply by Nick O. on 2015-12-07 20:44:00

      I too like the idea of as an archive site and as a single new site:
      As Kyp said, there could be two or three sections on that site. One could even have two different landing pages (similar to how business often have websites with a "member" landing page, and a "sales" landing page. Similarly there could be two introductory pages, one for Jehovah's Witnesses visiting via referral (either web search or otherwise) and one for Christians interested in finding like minded bible students.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-12-08 08:18:51

        These are valid points. The problem with the Wordpress engine is that, to the best of my knowledge, there is no provision for multiple post pages on a single site. However, in line with KV Reyes idea, I could present the appearance of a single site while enjoying the functionality of multiple ones.

        • Reply by The Real Anonymous on 2015-12-11 20:33:20

          I am hard-pressed to understand why someone would "vote down" Meleti's explanation of the technicalities of WordPress. What is the point of this? A "vote down" is usually reserved for cases where one disagrees with a poster's opinion on some matter. Since this subject involves technical issues regarding web site preparation, a mere "vote down" doesn't convey any useful information. IMHO, whoever did this ought to refrain from doing this, and instead spell out in plain English their views on web site design (assuming that's the problem they have issue with). What you've done is puzzling and very confusing, and not really helpful.

        • Reply by happy2bfree on 2016-01-10 14:42:29

          You could set up a multi site wp, use the same theme on all sites so it looks the same and you could either domain map (extra plugin required) for separate domains or it does a subdomain by default. It would make back end management simpler. Not sure what you mean by multiple post pages though

  • Comment by LV Reyes on 2015-12-07 21:21:25

    I appreciated your Open Letter, Meleti. As a student of the Bible you certainly want to support your decisions with the Scriptures as a guide (but breaking up your web site sounds like a house divided to me :-) Why not use subdomains to compartmentalize the information? Something like: 1. 2. 3. (redirect to etc. Whatever the case, I want you and the rest of those helping out to know that I very much appreciate all the work you do to put this online.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-12-08 08:15:58

      This is a good suggestion, LV Reyes. Thank you.

    • Reply by The Real Anonymous on 2015-12-08 11:30:39

      Technical changes to how the web site is constructed may result in a few modest improvements, but what is more important is what the web site is used for. The Beroean Pickets and Discuss the Truth sites have served as a platform for discussion, debate and general chit-chat. There is certainly nothing wrong per se with such things, but then, we must measure the effectiveness of this site with its long-stated purpose, that of serving as a forum for unbiased Bible research.
      When a WT article is critiqued, or the WT organization is put under a microscope and found deficient, these efforts serve a purpose, and responses to the prior article about "Our Commenting Policy" showed that this in fact serves a real need. Meleti's readership (myself included) find his thoughtful, well-reasoned, scripturally sound and even-handed treatment of these subjects to be reassuring and refreshing. There is certainly no reason to take them away.
      But, what about the larger goal of unbiased Bible research? Take as a simple example the Trinity doctrine. The WT position is clear, that there is no Trinity. I happen to agree with that position. Yet not all readers of this site do agree. Some have differences with the official WT position. Some apparently are leaning quite heavily to belief in the Trinity, although they don't always overtly promote it. There are also individuals that don't believe the Trinity but also believe that WT has misrepresented many of the historical facts, in an overzealous attempt to defend their non-Trinitarian theology. As in many other areas, WT often bends the truth to make their case, seemingly because to them the end (promoting what they see as their version of the truth of the Bible) justifies the means (misquoting sources and taking references out of context).
      When these subjects come up on the BP site, people bandy back and forth with various opinions, some more strident than others, and then once the article gets above 50 comments or so, the group tires out from the discussion, and all is forgotten, and the next WT review article or other subject gets presented. I used the Trinity as an example, but the same could be said about any matter of debate that goes on here.
      As much as discussions can be enjoyable and emotionally satisfying, discussion alone is not research. To continue the example, are the readers of this site of one mind as to whether there is a Trinity or not? What facts can be brought to bear on the subject? Has WT made fundamental errors in its presentation of the subject, or have they simply been heavy-handed while still (mostly) presenting this truthfully? This seems like it ought to be something that need not take many thousands of words to resolve. Either the Trinity is true or it's false. The facts and principles to enlighten us ought be able to be summarized briefly enough that the average person can follow it and understand.
      Now, apply the concepts above to all the "body of truth" found in the Bible. Would it not be beneficial to have a concise summary of what the Bible truly says, apart from sectarianism, speculation, human reasoning and tradition? WT likes to think they are the "go to guys" for such honest biblical insights, but we know that is not the case.
      Any efforts to embark in earnest on the task of establishing a sound understanding of the Bible, a real unbiased Bible research project - and one that leaves a lasting, permanent record of principles learned rather than a temporary record of fleeting conversations - is certainly a step in the right direction. I commend Meleti for his stated direction on this, and wish him every success in making it happen.

  • Comment by CX516 on 2015-12-07 23:07:59

    Thanks Meleti. Agree with everthing suggested. Its a great site now and will be amazing afterwards.
    I like the categorized articles indexed as they are, but I look forward to the Knowledge Base core articles being populated with more topics later on. A challenge, I know, but there so many great comments and articles.

  • Comment by Mailman on 2015-12-08 06:51:55

    Good morning dear brothers in Christ. I was actually waiting for your comments to the latest WT Study Article "Do you See God's Hand in Your Life?" last Sunday, 12/6/15 to get more in-depth insights and comments from the brothers. I don't know but I just felt uninspired reading the paragraphs. Just take a look at this following paragraph (#10):
    10 We have ample reason to believe that Jehovah continues to help people. Time and again, we have heard experiences of how individuals prayed for spiritual help and then received it. (Ps. 53:2) While preaching from house to house on a small island in the Philippines, Allan met a woman who started to cry. He states: “Just that morning, she prayed to Jehovah that his Witnesses would find her. As a teenager, she had studied the Bible with the Witnesses but had lost contact with them when she got married and moved to that island. God answered her prayer so quickly that she was visibly moved.” Within a year, she dedicated her life to Jehovah.
    I asked myself what if that woman was not a former student of the bible or bible study? Would God not answer her prayer that quickly?
    We have heard of stories of people who were not even studying of JWs, who were about to commit suicide, then suddenly a couple of witnesses knocked at his door or gave him a small tract. Eventually, that man got back his senses and didn't proceed to committing suicide. Story sounds familiar to you also?
    What of non-JWs who are also praying, requesting for help from God? Why the WT magazine did not include an example of a person who prayed persistently and received an answer from God even though he is not a Witness? Does God only answer favorably the prayers of JWs? I don't think so.
    Meleti, dear brother, we miss your valuable and deeper insights when digesting WT study articles. Hoping to see them very soon. Have a pleasant day always. :)

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-12-08 08:14:36

      Mailman, I once met a woman in service who was convinced God had miraculously saved her from breast cancer. If one scans the religious literature of other Christian denominations, one finds the same stories and anecdotes of prayers being answered and miracles being performed. Witnesses hear such things and dismiss them as either coincidences or trickery--supernatural or otherwise--to mislead. Yet when it happens to us, it is the hand of God.
      I haven't been able to do that WT Commentator due to personal circumstances. I've been making some rather drastic changes in my life to reduce expenses and free up more time for this work. I should be back to it very soon.

  • Comment by Shane Green on 2015-12-08 17:28:16

    I love this site. DA'ed Autumn this year. Keep up the good work.

  • Comment by Rosie Temple on 2015-12-11 18:12:21

    The term "governing body" was not used among JWs until 1944. So there was only a "board of directors" of a mundane Caesar defined "corporation" of worldly legalism. So JW Rutherford was not a "foremost member" of any such thing, in fact in 1917 he quelled a board takeover that would have installed the 1976 GB Tyranny, in 1917.
    ***Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose 1959; pp. 70-71*** 
    Concerning 1917 Board of Directors second attempted takeover:
    ""There he persisted in his efforts to persuade Rutherford to send him back to England so that he might make his position more secure. When Brother Rutherford refused, he sought assistance from the board of directors and finally persuaded four members to side with him in this issue by making it appear that Brother Rutherford was unfit to serve as president of the Society. Since the board of directors consisted of only seven men, this meant that now the majority of the board of directors had gone in opposition to President Rutherford, Vice-President Pierson and Secretary-Treasurer Van Amburgh. This put the officers of the Society on one side of the issue and the directors who were trying to wrest administrative control from the president on the other side. 
    TOM: How did they expect to do that? 
    JOHN: Their idea was to make the president's position secondary to the board of directors and limit his authority to that of an adviser. That would have meant making a change in the corporation's bylaws, and since it was a complete departure from the provisions of the original charter it warned of serious trouble ahead. 
    [which is exactly what the Governing Body accomplished in 1976!]
    Throughout the entire administration of Pastor Russell, the president and the other officers of the Society had been the ones to decide on new publications; the board of directors, as a body, WAS NOT CONSULTED. Brother Rutherford CONTINUED this same policy as he took up the new administration. ""
    And that is why the "board of directors", about to transform into the "governing body", had to wait until 1944 to "begin speaking about" even the term "governing body". And by 1971 they were further aligning the "GBeocracy" to fit the coming Daniel 8:14 interpretation adjustments of 1982-1999 as well as their 1976 takeover, then finally successful from within.)
    It is an important distinction to recognize, because now, since 1944, the "governing body" term has been introduced, and applied in 1971, and going full coup in 1976. Thus 70 years of a Babel based corporate authoritarian device since 1944 and now 40 years under the fully illegal "Governing Body" apostate override:
    *** Watchtower 1971 12/15 pp. 755-756 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***
    ""The official magazine of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses is The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom. In the year 1944 the Watchtower magazine BEGAN TO SPEAK about the governing body of the Christian congregation.""
    There was no "governing body" in JW early ministry, nor at Jerusalem in the first century—it is ALL from Babel:
    Bloodlines of the Illuminati pg. 2-3 Introduction (by Fritz Springmeier 1998)
    The Mystery Religions each had their secret councils which ruled them, and these councils themselves came under the guidance of a secret supreme Grand Council or Governing Body.
    As were the Pharisees and everything after them to today's GB:
    Occult Theocracy ch. 7 pg 77 Judaism, The Pharisees (by Edith Starr Miller 1933)
    In his book Nicholas II et les Juifs, Netchvolodow explains that " the Chaldean science acquired by many of the Jewish priests, during the captivity of Babylon, gave birth to the sect of the Pharisees whose name only appears in the Holy Scriptures and in the writings of the Jewish historians after the captivity (606 B. C).
    I think the problem and true root is far worse than is being comprehended by most at this time. (Dan11:32a; Dan8:12) They plan to terminate the JW organization, "soon, very soon" (WT 7/15/15), and capture as many JWs as they can (WT 11/15/13), let us not be naive of the magnitude of the GB evils.
    More is coming, be prepared. (Matt24:15)

  • Comment by Theophilus on 2015-12-12 18:58:37

    I would also like to express senciere thanks towards those involved with this site.
    This place has been a real eyeopener and a source of comfort. It's so reasuring to know that we are not alone in this fight.
    I can compare this site to John the Baptist. He likewise helped many Jews to see the hypocrysy and false teachings of the religious leaders of his time. But his ministry was mostly limited to Jews. His message was to prepare their heart for something much bigger to come. Therefore I would sugest to leave this site as it is. A site for current and past JW where all its teachings and belives are examined in light of the Bible.
    But I also believe that there is a great need for another site. Just like Jesus' ministry opened a way for people of all nations, this new site would be for all christians and non christians. A place where they can go and find the real unbiased thruth. John 3:30
    Warm regards

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