New Discussion Forum

– posted by meleti
From time to time, debates begin in our commenting section on important Bible teachings.  Often, those commenting have a personal view that is valid and scripturally based.  Other times, the viewpoint turns out to originate from the thinking of men.  Sometimes, the discussion becomes heated.  This is in part due to the inadequacies of conducting such a discussion using the WordPress commenting feature which is not well suited for this, but rather for making a comment or two on the article in question.
Even if the discussion is conducted in a way that does not undermine the atmosphere readers have come to expect from Beroean Pickets, it is still hard to follow because it becomes mixed in with all the other comments and discussion threads.
Often, my efforts to try to maintain our spiritual environment are seen as heavy handed, and I get accused of curtailing freedom of expression and of reverting back to a Watchtower-style of control when I disallow some comments.
I certainly don't want to stifle legitimate Bible research, even if the topic in question may be something I disagree with.  On the other hand, we did not set up Beroean Pickets to provide an unregulated soapbox for any person with a personal pet belief.
In an effort to avoid extremes and follow the Christian path of moderation in all things, Apollos and I have set up a new forum on Discuss the Truth.  This new BP Discussion Forum will provide a proper means to discuss Bible doctrines upon which there may not be a consensus.  Our purpose will be to arrive at such a consensus with a view to publishing this on Beroean Pickets, thus building a framework of Bible truth and understanding which all can agree with.
Of course, anyone is free to raise any topic on Discuss the Truth at any time, keeping within site guidelines of course.  This new forum will use a slightly different methodology and has a more specific goal in mind.  You can review the new forum guidelines here.
We will stick to only one topic at a time and not initiate a new one until the current one is resolved.  In this way, we will not detract from the activity on other forums.
If anyone wishes to discuss a topic, please email me the information so that I can compile a list.
I will alert all readers of Beroean Pickets each time a new topic is initiated on the new forum.
Your brother,
Meleti Vivlon

Archived Comments

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  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-01-18 12:21:48

    Hi ANTONINVS. Based on our previous discussion, you can now have the honor of opening the first topic based on your understanding that Mt 24:34 refers to a single generation spanning the centuries from the first down to our day and beyond.
    I look forward to the discussion.

    • Reply by ANTONINVS on 2016-01-18 22:36:08

      Hi Meleti,
      Thank you for your kind invitation.
      I will do so forthwith.

    • Reply by ANTONINVS on 2016-01-18 22:40:18

      Hi Meleti,
      I went to the forum you suggest. I am a little unsure how to get in and actually start using it. Do I need to register or something?

    • Reply by ANTONINVS on 2016-01-18 22:51:36

      Hi again,
      I think I completed the registration process I was informed a key code would be emailed to me. I have not received this.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-01-19 07:19:52

        Hi ANTONINVS,
        I've just checked and you show as a registered user of Can you log in now? If so, just go to the BP forum, click the New Topic button and you will be able to post your topic.

        • Reply by ANTONINVS on 2016-01-19 07:35:27

          Hi Meleti,
          I enter my user name and password and nothing happens. I accepted the terms and completed registration.
          If a key or code is supposed to be sent to my email address I never received one.
          I'm not sure what to do.

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-01-19 07:54:25

            I just sent a test email from my own account to the email address you specified on DTT and got this message back:
            Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
            "Your email removed"
            Technical details of permanent failure:
            Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by .
            The error that the other server returned was:
            550 5.1.1 recipient rejected. IB603a
            I replaced your email with "Your email removed" for confidentiality reasons.
            I tried doing this with the email you use on BP and the same result applies.
            Do you have another email with a different provider, gmail for instance, that we can use?

            • Reply by ANTONINVS on 2016-01-19 15:49:55

              Hi Meleti
              I sent you an email address that should work just fine. I use it all the time. I simply can't understand what is happening. I'll try again. I send you an email directly.

        • Reply by Karen on 2016-01-25 17:07:53

          Thank you again

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-01-19 08:26:19

        If you could email me a workable email address, I can make the adjustments manually. My email is

        • Reply by Karen on 2016-01-24 19:40:30

          I have also tried and been unable to log on as the site does not recognise my user name. I thank you again Meleti for the enormous work and research you undertake ... How on earth do you find the time and energy for such a mammoth task??

  • Comment by F.S. on 2016-01-18 12:26:38

    Thanks Meleti,
    This will definitely add a new dynamic to the spectrum... Looking forward to see how this will transpire in the days & weeks to come...

  • Comment by Mr Noodle on 2016-01-18 15:29:41

    Excellent news.
    I'm looking forward to actually focusing on ONE subject at a time.
    I don't imagine for a moment that the purpose of the new forum is to set 'doctrine' for Beroeans, but I do long for a scriptural, well grounded basis for our common desire to "let God be true, though every man a liar".
    Thank you Meleti

  • Comment by happy2bfree on 2016-01-19 16:02:38

    Thank you all so very much for striving to make this site and DTT a safe, encouraging, and beneficial place for us to come to. It can't be an easy task keeping the balance in the role of moderation in addition to your sharing thought provoking research. I will look forward to the research topics and the different perspectives.

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