Bethel Layoffs Damage Control

– posted by meleti
February 1, 2016 is upon us. This is the deadline for the worldwide downsizing of Bethel families.  Reports are that the family is being reduced by 25%, which means thousands of Bethelites are frantically looking for work.  Many of these are in their 50s and 60s.  Many have been in Bethel most or all of their adult lives.  A downsizing of this size is unprecedented and on the whole a completely unanticipated development to many who felt their future was secure and that they would be taken care of by “Mother” until their dying day or Armageddon, whichever came first.
In an apparent attempt at damage control, the Bethel family got an “encouraging” talk delivered by Edward Algian which has been posted on for your viewing pleasure. (See Edward Aljian: An Important Reminder)
It opens with the question: “Why does God permit suffering?”
The reason according to the speaker is that Jehovah needs to vindicate his sovereignty.  We are reminded that based on one of our Kingdom songs, “Soldiers of Jah do not seek a life of ease.” (Forward, You Witnesses - Song 29)
Brother Aljian then goes on to relate three Bible examples of faithful individuals who suffered.

  1. Sarai suffered when Hagar, her maidservant, began to despise her, because she was barren, while Hagar was pregnant with Abram’s child.  Jehovah didn’t warn Abram of the impending disaster and so did not help Abram to avoid the suffering.

  2. Jacob suffered when Joseph was reported as dead. Even though he had communicated with Jacob in the past, Jehovah didn’t tell him that his son was not dead, and thus end his suffering.

  3. Upon his resurrection, Uriah might resent that David murdered him, took his wife, and yet was redeemed and considered the king by which all others were measured.  He might blame God.

With these illustrations in hand, Brother Aljian asks, at about the 29-minute mark, “How can we each uphold Jehovah’s sovereignty?”
Answer: “By maintaining joy in Bethel service, or we could say, by maintaining joy in sacred service over all.”
At the 35-minute mark, he gets down the meat of his talk when he discusses what he calls a “job change”.
Reportedly, there is much dismay and growing resentment as the hopes and dreams of individuals who have grown to feel entitled by their status as Bethelites are dashed.   What they need is an attitude adjustment so that they can feel joy in their role to uphold Jehovah’s sovereignty despite the hardships of this...what was it again? Oh yeah...this "job change."

Misapplying Bible Accounts

The Organization is very adept at taking a Bible account and misapplying it to support some new teaching or policy.  This is no exception.
Consider all three accounts just reviewed.  Ask yourself, "In each case, what was the cause of the suffering?"  Was is some decision that Jehovah made?  Not at all.  He was not responsible in any way.
Sarai was the architect of her own misery.  Instead of faithfully waiting on Jehovah, she came up with the plan to provide Abram with an heir through her maid servant.
Jacob’s misery and suffering was due to the wickedness of this ten sons.  Was he to some degree responsible for how these men turned out?  Perhaps.  But one thing is for sure, Jehovah had nothing to do with it.
Uriah suffered because David stole his wife, then conspired to have him killed.  Though he later repented and was forgiven, there can be no doubt that Uriah’s suffering was due to a wicked act of King David.
Now thousands of Bethelites are suffering.  If we are to extend the three object lessons from the talk, we must conclude that this is also not Jehovah’s doing, but the act of men.  Is it wicked?  I’ll leave that for Jehovah to judge, but it clearly is heartless.
Consider, when a worldly company permanently lays off longtime employees, they offer them a severance package, and they hire placement firms to assist them in finding new employment, and they hire counsellors to assist them with the emotion trauma of suddenly being “out on the street”.  The best the Governing Body could do was to give three-month’s notice and a pat on the back, with the assurance that God will take care of them.
Is this not a variant on what James counsels us to avoid doing?

“. . .If a brother or a sister is in a naked state and lacking the food sufficient for the day, 16 yet a certain one of YOU says to them: “Go in peace, keep warm and well fed,” but YOU do not give them the necessities for [their] body, of what benefit is it? 17 Thus, too, faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself.” (Jas 2:15-17)

Another way the Organization tries to distance itself from responsibility before God and men is by the use of euphemisms.  They love to put a kinder face on the things they do.
What we have here are massive, permanent layoffs with little or no financial provision nor job placement.  The brothers are being sent on their way to fend for themselves.  Yet with a smile on his lips, Edward Aljian calls this a “Job Change.”
He then goes back to his examples to explain that ‘Jehovah did not tell those servants how to avoid their suffering and He does not tell us everything either.  He does not tell us how we will be serving him next year.’  The implication is that none of this is the doing of men.  Jehovah had given these brothers a job in Bethel and now he’s taken it away and given them another job, to preach—presumably as regular pioneers.
So any hardship and suffering that these brothers endure, any sleepless night, or days without a square meal, any difficulty in securing a place to live is all laid at Jehovah’s feet.  He is the one kicking them out of Bethel.
Again, James has something to say about this attitude:

“. . .When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. . .” (Jas 1:13)

Finally, Brother Aljian tries to be encouraging with these words:  “Let’s not forget that Jehovah’s permission of human suffering is temporary and that he will abundantly reward those who uphold his sovereignty.”
This sounds good. This sounds scriptural. What a shame that it is not found anywhere in Scripture.  Oh, we have to be prepared to suffer for the name of Jesus to be sure—a name not mentioned anywhere in the talk—but to say we are to suffer to uphold God’s sovereignty?...Where does the Bible say that? Where does it even use the word “sovereignty”?
We shall have to see whether the rank and file swallow down Edward Aljian’s message that this is all God’s doing and we should take it joyously, or whether they will finally start to realize that these are merely the acts of men trying to conserve a dwindling reserve of funds.

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  • Comment by Out of Africa on 2016-01-30 01:04:12

    Meleti in your opening sentence, you use the phrase 'Bethel families', and rightly such, Bethelites are known to be part of the Bethel family and are called such by the Organization.
    At the Annual meeting held on 3 October 2015, the Governing Body made an announcement about the reductions of the Bethel family. The reason given was "that the Kingdom work is expanding at an accelerated pace and we can only do so much with the funds at our disposal. Every family head realizes that where the household income is limited, he must carefully budget available funds so that his wife and children will have the necessities of life. Well, at Philippians 1:10 we are told to 'make sure of the more important things.' ln harmony with this wise advice, we desire to give priority to those activities that contribute the most to the spiritual welfare of God's people and the advancement of the global preaching work."
    I STRONGLY object to having our family likened to this! No matter how short of funds we have been, we would NEVER even think of putting our children (or even our pets) on the street to meet our budget! The first priority of a family is to look after its members in line with 1 Timothy 5:8 "Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith."
    This is another proof of the fact that the Governing Body can not have Jehovah's approval as they are behaving worse than a person without faith.

    • Reply by Karen on 2016-01-30 02:12:56

      Well said 'Out Of Africa' and very true .... I am now finding it difficult to even LISTEN to a talk given by these men.... They sound as if they are trying to sell us something, and of course they are.....Redundancy without a protection package or any form of support. If we once felt safe and loved being apart of this 'brotherhood' ..... What thoughts now?? More disappointment, hurt and confusion .....

      • Reply by katrina on 2016-01-30 07:19:44

        It has become a business, and because they have put the org over even protection of children they are now desperately trying to save it, its clear Jehovah is not backing this org, it was just a matter of time before things were revealed.

    • Reply by Samuel Clemente on 2016-01-30 02:23:12

      Why don't the GB scrapped the mansion they are building in Warwick. $30 million for their headquarters. I just cannot imagined Jesus and his disciples building such a lavish headquarters. No wonder they don't have any money. They tell the rank and file to lead a simple life, but they are big spenders.

      • Reply by AndereStimme on 2016-01-30 11:41:02

        But this only highlights the fact that, even if Warwick were to cost twice that, there would still be a nearly billion-dollar profit from the sale of the Brooklyn properties. Where did (or will) all that money go?

        • Reply by Dorcas on 2016-01-30 18:14:57

          Think, "lawsuits."

          • Reply by AndereStimme on 2016-01-31 13:10:14

            Well, if the victims of pedophiles wind up bankrupting the org, that may not be perfect justice but it will certainly be poetic.

    • Reply by Greg on 2016-02-01 03:08:42

      Nice reply

  • Comment by Peter on 2016-01-30 02:00:55

    The speaker did mention Jesus in the talk when he was listing some bible texts on serving Jehovah with saying I quote : peter, James, Paul even Jesus himself counseled Christians to rejoice even in difficult circumstances, end of qoute. I thought i would throw that in there, I don't want you to say something that is not true.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-01-30 07:22:15

      Thank you, Peter. So there was a single mention. I appreciate you bringing that up, as accuracy is something I value. Nowadays, I find that even when mention of Jesus is made, it tends to be in the role of object lesson or exemplar. He is often used to show us how we should be obedient to God, then the Organization is slipped in as the mediator--appointed channel--between God and men.

    • Reply by miken on 2016-01-30 15:24:13

      "I don’t want you to say something that is not true". Of course you are right but the point is that the very essence of salvation was not mentioned as such. Jesus is our saviour and he not Jehovah will be ruling over the first 1000 years of the new earth. John 14:6, Acts 4;12.

  • Comment by Father jack on 2016-01-30 03:40:56

    Thats what you get when you put your faith in earthling man . Psalm 146 . I could see this coming about 6 years ago i said it to one of my sons . Hardships and suffering are not caused by god either they mainly caused by human choice wether our own or others .

  • Comment by socrates on 2016-01-30 05:14:41

    Thanks for the great article. Isn't it a strange drift - more and more cherry picking use of the Hebrew bible and less and less use of the Greek bible (new testament). A joyful and clear message has become hazy and adopted to wishful thinking. Things should be different - John 8:12.
    Jesus as light (fos - φως in Greek) in our life, removes our every fear, He sets us free and brave. Jesus is interested in having balance in our lives and be honest - not hidden behind sophistry...
    Please continue the excellent work. The Holy spirit can act on us in wonderful ways
    Note : English is not my first language - I ask for your understanding

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-01-30 07:29:10

      Welcome Socretes. Not to worry about your English. You use it well. Not many native English speakers would know or use "sophistry".
      I concur with your observation that more and more do they drop their bucket into the well of the Hebrew Scriptures and less and less into the Greek. This talk is one good example of that. Three "life lessons" from pre-Christian times, but nothing from the era of Christ. I think it is because there are too many verses in the Christian Scriptures what might get us thinking about our teachings. When everything in the Greek Scriptures speaks to the "children of God" and the writer (or speaker in this case) is speaking to the "friends of God", the Greek Scriptures can present a problem.

      • Reply by Willy on 2016-01-30 07:52:34

        Meleti, before my awakening, I underlined this gorgeous Bibleverse 2 Cor. 6:18. Where Jehovah is talking about sons and DAUGHTERS. Whilst a lot in the Bible reference is male, or brother or brotherhood this verse stands out and I love this verse beeing A female ? And my heart and prayers go out to all the brothers and sisters effected by those cruel rules by making hard working men and women redundant. the congregations have to step up and pick up the tap, and show we are CHRISTIANS.

        • Reply by Willy on 2016-01-30 07:59:59

          Maybe they can use some of the billion that's coming their way by selling the New York realastate.

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-01-30 08:29:45

            Good point, Willy. Imagine if they had made an honest appeal to the worldwide brotherhood (and sisterhood--let's remember that generally speaking the women is more generous in these things) to explain candidly the need for the cutbacks. Then they could have asked for a special fund to help these ones--which would include the special pioneers--to get on the feet in their new life.
            Of course, that would have required they admit that Jehovah's blessing is not measured in numerical growth nor building projects.

      • Reply by Socrates on 2016-01-30 09:28:41

        Thanks for your kind words. I agree with you for the use of Greek scriptures. By the way, I used "sophistry" as it is a Greek word and easy for me to convey the thought. A lot of public speakers in ancient Athens did exactly this. They mislead their audience through meaningless "sophistry". But they did not last long.

      • Reply by AndereStimme on 2016-01-30 11:32:11

        The last time we covered the Greek Scriptures in the weekly Bible reading we did 8 chapters of Hebrews in one week. It seems evident they don't really want us thinking too much on what we read in the NT.

  • Comment by AR on 2016-01-30 13:38:32

    Thanks Meleti, for alerting us to this, very difficult and confusing discussion to listen to. I don't know what to make of it. Yes exactly what you wrote above, and again Why put it on Jehovah to be the bad guy!!
    I know most of the brothers & sisters are humble and would walk away get on with their worship once they leave bethel. But what a way to go. Did they get a pat on the shoulder, an email or text, explaining to them (in a loving way) they are no longer needed. Well, I feel for the older ones in that group. If there not financial set up, it will be upto next of Kin, then the local bro's will probably need to help also and to add to that , with all the current changes to Elders roles , especially for those hitting the 70 ish Mark , well there basically put out to pasture. It's a stressful time all round . I would like to interview these brothers. In 6 mths time to see how their fairing in the outside world or real world.

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2016-01-30 14:09:49

    The FDS throwing out "domestics" from the House of God? Noooooooooooooo! ;)
    Great article, Meleti.
    Thanks brother,

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2016-01-30 15:23:35

      Of course, the TRUE Faithful and Discreet Slave would give his life for the domestics before turning them out in the cold. The TRUE Faithful and Discreet Slave would openly, honestly, and humbly, admit his mistakes to the worldwide brotherhood. The TRUE Faithful and Discreet would count the cost before venturing into foolishly expensive overbuilding.
      The TRUE Faithful and Discreet Slave would both LOVE and FEAR his God, so much so, that his every step would be in mirror step with his Lord, Jesus Christ.
      I have grown so tired of the Governing Body and the brothers who support them. They dishonor Jehovah, they dishonor God's Son, they dishonor the friends around the world.
      I am sure many feel the same.
      Let us pray to our God for deliverance from these men.
      Joshua, fed up with hypocrisy.

      • Reply by Willy on 2016-01-30 16:21:51

        Brother Joshua, lets us pray for all those brothers and sisters made redundant, that they and us may keep our faith and love for our loving God and his Christ. Those effected need our prayer.
        Your sister in Christ

  • Comment by happy2bfree on 2016-01-30 19:00:49

    They just had this as the public talk in this cong where I am at. We phoned in and half-way through I realise this is to Bethelites and the penny dropped as to its aim..... hmmmm followed by wt abt 100 years of kingdom rule.....

  • Comment by Walter on 2016-01-31 06:43:45

  • Comment by father jack on 2016-01-31 11:02:21

    Well done good and faithful slave giving the domestics thier food at the proper time .

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-01-31 12:36:06


  • Comment by ANTONINVS on 2016-02-01 22:29:56

    Don't get me wrong, I feel very deeply for the brothers and sisters that have be ousted from Bethels all over the world.
    But let's remember there are two sides to any coin.
    While I feel for those that have lost their place, and while the way they have been dealt with may leave much to be desired, I can't help feeling that it is wrong on the part of Bethelites to expect to be supported for the entirety of their lives, at the expense of others. It is wrong to expect that once you enter bethel the only way to leave is via a coffin.

    • Reply by F J on 2016-02-03 12:20:21

      I agree christian giving is not the sort of giving where we would expect something back in return . Jesus made that clear when he said give to those who have nothing to repay you . Perhaps jf many had had a more realistic approach they could have avoided these type of pitfalls . I dont want to judge peoples motives here because we just dont know . But the bible does say whatever a man sows this he shall also reap . While we can blame others for our own suffering could it not also be down to the choices we make on our lives . Sorry if i upset anyone with these commemts .

  • Comment by ANTONINVS on 2016-02-02 05:07:01

    While I feel for those that have been discarded, I can't help feeling it is a little presumptuous to expect that even though you have been in Bethel for decades you have a right to expect that you can stay there until they carry you out in pine box. It's the sense of entitlement that may betray an unchristian attitude. Nobody is indispensable. Some of these brothers presume that they are owed something for their years of service. If they are owed anything, it is God who will repay. But please don't assume and presume the brotherhood owes you anything. There is a fine line here. Yes, they may have been dealt with harshly, unlovingly and unceremoniously booted out, but to expect your owed something, well, that's unjustified.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-02-02 09:01:08

      I do agree that I have at times seen an air of entitlement emanating from those in what is called “Special Full Time Service”. In general terms, it is wrong for anyone to think the brotherhood owes them a living. But we are not dealing in generalities but in specifics. The Organization brought many of these ones in while they were fresh out of high school. They filled their heads with the idea that we would grow and grow right up till the end, which was always just over the horizon, just a scant 5 to 7 years away at best.
      Now some of these ones are old, and have no training outside of Bethel service, not resume, no youth, no savings, no pension, and with three months notice, a slap on the back and a hearty Hi Ho Silver and Away, they're dropped on a street corner.
      I do not agree with you. There was a verbal contract here. They are owed something.
      While some bethelites may feel entitled, I know many personally who are humble and only entered Bethel service to serve their God and the brothers. You disapprove of the way these ones are being dealt with, but your words actually lend support to the Governing Body's cruel strategy of dismissal.
      As for the brotherhood owing us something, it does: Love. But love is manifest by actions, by deeds. The way this process is being handled shows a shocking lack of love. Additionally, if you're considering a job like mowing lawns or sorting the mail, it is true that none of us is indispensible, but that is a worldly, corporate mentality. Jesus said that the hairs of our heads are numbered. He was conveying the idea that we are all precious in God's eyes. We are all children of one Father. What Father considers any of his children, even the most unruly ones, dispensible? So the Governing Body is not imitating the love of the Father in treating those under their care in this way.

      • Reply by ANTONINVS on 2016-02-02 16:57:44

        What I meant by nobody is indispensable, is that, if this is God's "organisation" (I hate using that word) and he is running things it will continue to run smoothly with or without any given individual/s. He doesn't need us, we need him. Nobody is so important that the organisation could not function just as well without them. That is the context I was referring to.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-02-02 17:16:33

          I understood that. But not everyone would. I was concerned that the overall tone of the comment might be discouraging to some.

  • Comment by Brenda Evans on 2016-02-02 15:38:51

    We can only pray and sympathise for those who will be directly affected by such a move. It reminds me of the memories that one of our local newspapers received when soldiers finished serving in the army - that many of them had not been de-mobbed, they found it difficult to do things which we take for granted such as shopping, learning how to pay bills let alone affording them.
    In my heart, I wish I had a spiritually positive place for such ones to come and earn a living which could support them during their new days but in an environment which was safe and as far away from the world and its entrapments - but I don't. And you simply have to feel for these people.
    We can only pray and, if possible, to offer what support we can do.

  • Comment by Marvin Shilmer on 2016-02-02 15:39:48

    I know a young couple who sold their home, all furnishings, automobiles etc... to accept an assignment in construction at Bethel. They donated what they got for selling all their things (including the house!) to Watchtower. The idea was they'd work on the headquarters project and then others in the States. Afterward they'd migrate to Branch construction projects in other countries. This was about three years ago.
    They just got the word they're going to have to leave Bethel service. Crushed is insufficient to express what this couple is feeling right now. There were folks back home encouraging them to put away (save) the money they got for selling the home and everything else. But their answer was if Abraham was willing to sacrifice his child then we should be willing to put our money where we think it will do the most good. So they donated all they had financially. Literally.
    I have to tell you this couple means a lot to my heart, and it's hard to even think about what they are facing. What they have though is their youth. I think they'll be okay. Just starting over financially. Right now they have to regroup and get their emotional legs back underneath them.

    • Reply by ANTONINVS on 2016-02-02 17:12:11

      Let's not forget what is happening to this couple and all the others that are being booted out, is typically what happens when you put your trust in men.
      The bible does caution all to be as cautious as serpents. This couple while their intentions and motives were of the highest, were nonetheless naive. They can take comfort from the fact that they are not alone in having been taken for a ride by men. Nor are they likely to be the last. While people blindly surrender to the whims of the GB this kind of story will be repeated over and over again.
      I feel sorry for this couple, but to a large extent they could have avoided the desperate situation they are in if they had thought not only of today but also of tomorrow. Their plight is a result of inexperience and youth. A more experienced couple might have approached things differently. Ultimately the extent of their suffering is only compounded by their own lack of foresight. Failing to plan for future eventualities. For example, did they ever stop and reason that one of them might become chronically ill and that they would be required to leave bethel and pay for treatment etc. I mean really, does one have to spell these things out? Something's are obvious.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-02-02 17:22:51

        It is so easy for us to sit in judgment of others, isn't it? But is it profitable? Does it build up. It's one thing to criticize an organization that is misleading people, because people need to be warned. But to find fault in hindsight with the decision someone made based on their beliefs is disadvantageous to everyone. This is particularly true on a public forum.

        • Reply by carol barbour on 2018-03-28 11:44:46

          this isnt sitting on judgement ,this is an appraisal of a situation/event/miscarriage in peoples lives and the forum provides a means whereby such ones can vent their frustration,share a common experience ;all of which provides them with a voice enabling them to process the hurt etc they have me its therapy and though the experiences are sad and tragic, the fact there is someone who shares your feelings and understands is encouraging

    • Reply by Dyslexic in English on 2016-02-03 03:04:25

      Those being ousted have been betrayed by the “Organization”. Some of them left secular employment and spent all their adult lives in Bethel. Now they have no funds. Some of them are getting old and with no prospect of getting a job. All they will have is relying on their charity of the members of their future congregations. This “Organization” sucks the person and uses him up but when it doesn’t need him (or her) any longer, it throws him (or her) up. What an unloving organization!

      • Reply by carol barbour on 2018-03-28 11:39:37

        i agree and its ironic that the organisation said that very thing about the world and how it would use you and when it no longer needed you,it would discard best pot calling kettle black comes to mind and at worst sheer hypocrisy

  • Comment by Sargon on 2016-02-02 20:50:55

    My brother was included in the layoffs. They offered him the opportunity to be a part time commuter. He accepted. So they will no longer pay for his food or housing, but they still want him to work for them for free while he works another job to pay his expenses. Ridiculous

    • Reply by Father jack on 2016-02-03 11:37:35

      It sems almost like slavery all over again . Only even the slaves of the americas however badly treated they were still were given food and clothing and a roof over thier head . Where as here many slave as a volunteer for many hours and recieve nothing at all . The chains exist not on arms and feet but in minds . They need to " unchain the brain " . The witnesses need to ask themselves a question ; does god expect us to work for nothing : ? Or does the worker deserve his wages . While the bible does encourage us to give at the very least from our surplus to help other disadvantaged people . Does it require us to work for no wages for a multi billion dollar organisation ? Of course any are free to choose and follow which path they want to its thier buisness

  • Comment by AR on 2016-02-03 07:10:37

    Interesting book entitled what Pastor Russell says, it's a question and answer of a collection of articles put in book form, kind of handbook for I B S A , Although this answer doesn't exactly answer this point of Bethel Downsizing, well this the question and answer by brother Russell regarding funds! The year was 1913 that this question was asked. Note his response especially the last paragraph. If he still felt this way today, we don't know obviously, but it's an interesting insight into his thoughts on this subject.
    COLLECTIONS--Spending Much, Asking Little.
    Q128:1:: QUESTION (1913)--1--How is it possible for the International Bible Student's Association to spend so much money, and yet never ask for any?
    ANSWER--Years ago, dear friends, I had my
    experience when a Congregationalist. There was a fair and voting contest on and I remember very well that I solicited from one person, and he very promptly handed me two dollars and seemed pleased to give it. After receiving the two dollars I felt ashamed. I said, You begged. My answer was, You begged for the church. But you would be ashamed to beg for yourself. Yes, I would, but this was for the Lord. But if you would be ashamed to beg for yourself should you not be more ashamed to beg for the Lord? Is the Lord poor? I said, No, and I will never beg or solicit again, nor have I from that time to now.
    The question is, How can we spend so much money when we solicit none?
    People voluntarily push it on us. That is no joke. People really say, "Brother Russell, I am deeply interested in these things and would like to put a little money in. Can I have a chance?" We say, Brother, there is all of the chance in the world. Sometimes people, without the least expectation on my part, have handed me money. For instance, one afternoon when going to a question meeting, a gentleman came up to me and handed me a piece of paper. I put it in my pocket, thinking it was a question. When I got to the platform and pulled it out I found a check for $1,000. Iremembered then that the gentleman who had handed me the check had told me how he had been a very wicked man. He lived in the western country, and while a member of the Presbyterian church, he told me he had not been a Christian at all. He gambled, smoked, drank, and did nearly everything which a Christian ought not to do. He did not say, nor do I, that the Presbyterian church would encourage him in this. He told me he did not know what Christianity was until he read the Studies in the Scriptures. After learning the reasonableness and goodness of God's plan he wanted to use his money to help spread the knowledge which he had appreciated so much, hence handed me the check.
    This is the manner in which the money has been supplied. Our thought has been that as long as the Lord wishes the work to go on, He can take care of supplying the funds. It is His business to attend to how much He sends. If the Lord ever withholds the supply the work will go down in proportion.1

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-02-03 08:36:49

      Thank you for sharing that, AR. I will take it as a guide.

    • Reply by Chris on 2016-02-03 20:49:30

      Pastor Russell was an amazing man. He said " Beware of "organization." It is wholly un-necessary. The Bible will be the only rules you need. Do not seek to bind other consciences, and do not permit others to bind yours. Believe and obey so far as you can understand God's word today, and so continue to growing in grace and knowledge day by day." (Zion's Watch Tower, 1895, p. 216.) ." And "it is plain that the forming of a visible organization of such gathered out ones would be out of harmony with the spirit of the divine plan".

  • Comment by sopaterofberoea on 2016-02-04 07:51:51

    Thank you for bringing to surface a sad reality. I personally feel what we're seeing now is and has been Plan B all along (from the 1975 debacle). That is to say, the "what if" scenario if Armageddon should delay. Most important is a solid retirement strategy for the elite to be taken care of the rest of their lives. The elite are the management team of yes men who have worked their way up the ladder and are now officers and directors of the many corporations and shell companies under the control of WTBTS. These men are obedient to the GB . Theoretically, if the youngest GB member lives until 90, the overlapping generation allows 35+ years for Armageddon to arrive.
    So Plan B it is. Build a 5-star assisted living compound in the country, sell off the prized assets (Dumbo properties) at a huge profit. They may use the proceeds to create a foundation (possibly offshore) with the WTBTS as beneficiary. This divorces ownership of assets from the founder. The ability of the foundation to protect assets in the face of legal claims will depend on a number of variables. But it would certainly be better than the assets being owned by the WTBTS.
    Anyone boomers not in the elite group are considered dead weight. The highest exposure is with the boomer generation, they have (and will have) the highest healthcare needs in the near term.
    I heard from a reliable source that there are (were) some 80,000 in the special full time service around the world. Simple math tells us that the monthly stipends, plus health insurance, could easily amount to $300-$500 million annually, a number that will only rise as the heath care needs of the boomers grow. Those who've taken the "vow of poverty" and have never contributed to SS or medicare are left for the organization to take care of.
    The GB and branch committee have no doubt projected this out 10, even 20 years into the future and see the writing on the wall. Add to this that the organization is getting out of the "donate for literature" products business. Hard copy will soon be reduced to bibles, a few books, brochures, tracks, and two bi-monthly magazines. They are pushing video showings (their own category on the new time slip) and the rank and file will feel little need to donate when they are working off the site at the door or on the street.
    They paid off KH notes with the spin that this was a loving "equalizing". In reality, the amount owed on notes was more than offset by amount in the treasure chest of congregation funds on deposit with the branch. This seizure proved to be another shrewd and profitable transaction. To those congregations that saved for their new KH's and were assured they were in line to have theirs built..... they now say merge congregations, we don't need new KH's right now.
    The cash cow for the GB and elite management team has been buying real estate cheap and renovating it, then sitting on it (tax free) waiting for the ideal market climate to sell. As an example, the Squibb properties were purchased for 3 million in 1969. Materials for renovations cost into the millions, however, the labor force to renovate cost the org only room and board. No property taxes were ever paid on any of the properties, which factors in on how long you can sit on a piece of property waiting for the market to be prime for selling.
    They bought many run down buildings during the 80's real estate market crash, for pennies on the dollar. Much of the renovation was performed by volunteer temp workers, of which there were no strings attached (healthcare, etc). The cost of labor for the renovations was a bed and 3 meals a day. The volunteers paid their own travel expense.
    An off the cuff estimate as to the amount of profit (capital gains) from the Dumbo renovation and property sales (from the Squibb purchase through the 1980's) is 80-90%% of the current sale price. WTBTS Renovation won't pay a dime in capital gains tax.
    Does something seem very wrong with this picture? I submit the Dumbo renovation project has always been Plan B for the elite in the event Armageddon delayed. They needed a sure retirement nest egg. During those years, I questioned why a group that keeps claiming Armageddon is imminent, uses dedicated funds to bid on run down buildings..... that happen to have fabulous views of the East river looking at the Brooklyn bridge and Manhattan?
    And brothers like Don Underwood (who was gifted in management of heavy commercial projects and renovation) and others who were highly skilled in construction and renovation were treated like royalty. And they should have been. They are the reason that the GB had confidence bidding on the rundown properties. They inspected the buildings, and knew exactly what would be involved in renovating them. That's what they did for a living.
    Why are these brothers not recognized for the contribution they made? Where do we find their names even mentioned?
    I guess it comes down to this: WTBTS is a multi-billion dollar corporation. Corporations downsize and the employees involved are expendable. Sad that the employees never thought of themselves as employees.

    • Reply by Gogetter on 2016-02-05 07:11:06

      This is a great overview of the "business" of the WTBTS that is never discussed among the R&F and for that matter to my knowledge even those who have left the org.
      I wonder if anyone has put together a detailed "forensic accounting" of the last 20 yrs of the org. That contains documented proof of how money is acquired and spent as some have rumored that donated funds are used in money markets,currency exchanges,stock investments in questionable companies,hedge funds etc. I of course have no problem believing this goes on especially after learning about UN/NGO issue that is well documented by non-apostate sources.
      If one such documented report exist please post where I can find it, if not maybe that could be performed by someone who has the skills do produce it.
      Surely these financial documents are on public records somewhere. A compilation of such documented un-refutable proof like the UN scandal would be a powerful wake up tool" for many.
      Jesus commanded his followers to preach the good news of the Kingdom not build one here on earth. What must he think of the financial empire that those who claim to be his brother has built?

  • Comment by sam on 2016-02-06 14:35:00

    However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you. These will quietly bring in destructive sects, and they will even disown the owner who bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. Furthermore, many will follow their brazen conduct, and because of them the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. Also, they will greedily exploit you with counterfeit words. But their judgment, decided long ago, is not moving slowly, and their destruction is not sleeping. 2 Peter 2:1-3

  • Comment by sam on 2016-02-06 14:38:21

    These properties were something dedicated / "devoted" to Jehovah unconditionally by his faithful servants through financial donations.
    And now the bible quite clearly states "
    [ That ] no devoted thing that a man devotes unconditionally to Jehovah from his belongings may be "sold or bought back", whether from mankind or animals or the field he possesses.
    Every "devoted" thing is something most holy to Jehovah.
    Leviticus 27:28.
    Yet the watchtower is clearly violating Jehovah's Decree by selling off the many properties that were dedicated / devoted to Jehovah.
    The answer becomes obvious when we read about the chieftains of old who were manipulating the scales as to defraud people out of their inheritance
    “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘You have gone far enough, chieftains of Israel!’“‘Put an end to your violence and oppression, and do what is just and righteous. Stop seizing the "property" of my people,’ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. ‘You should use "accurate scales", an accurate e′phah measure* and an accurate bath measure. Ezekiel 45:9-10.
    “Woe to those who scheme what is harmful,Who work out evil on their beds!When morning light comes they carry it out,Because it is in the power of their hand
    They desire fields and seize them; Also houses, and they take them;They defraud a man of his house, A man of his inheritance.
    Micah 2:1-2.
    Now If one does a little research they will soon find out that the watchtower now owns a majority of the properties including kingdom
    halls Throughout the world due to their cunningly. manipulating legal contracts in their favor.
    And at this very moment they / the watchtower corporation are consolidating numerous congregations to share other congregations so that they can defraud Jehovah's people by selling off the excess and make untold millions if not billions

  • Comment by luke on 2016-02-06 14:52:49

    The watchtower was surely right about one thing ,when they said the light would get brighter and brighter, but little did they know that the light would be shining on them Revealing their lawlessness .
    The watchtowers deception is becoming more and more obvious As they try to cover their tracks .
    It's only a matter of time before their madness is completely revealed . 2 Thessalonians 2:8.

    • Reply by Huldah on 2016-04-23 09:51:56

      JW is the true religion the same as Judaism was the true religion. Jehovah's people always apostasize. It's imperfect human nature. JW is still the only true religion it's just fulfilling prophecy.
      This scripture 2Thessalonians 2:8, completed a picture for me. Don't marvel at this. Jehovah foretold it would happen. Jesus' letter to the congregation s in Revelation 2:16 where he says he will war with apostates with the sword of his mouth. 1:16 shows him with a sword at his mouth and 7 stars or all the elders in his right hand. He will war with them or as Thessalonians says 'do away with them with the spirit of his mouth'.Same thing. Rev 19:15
      Is 11:4
      This is not the end of Jehovah's organization. This is the foretold apostasy that must come before the end and the revealing of the man of lawlessness which is no longer Christendom's impotent clergy but dark ELDERS who fulfil the scriptural warning that if a false prophet prophecies to you...even if comes not listen....Jehovah your God is testing you.....We have long forgotten that we are in the"hour of test" mentioned in Revelation.
      Recall that all the ten virgins Jesus spoke of we're asleep right before he came, not just the five foolish ones, all of them. These developments only show how close we are. If the governing body is asleep/distracted, this fulfills Jehovah's word.
      This anguish we feel over this"operation of delusion" 2Thess. 2:9 is part of the "test" of whether we follow men or Christ. Whether we love truth first or our own will/ego. Psalm 92:7 says when the wicked begin to flourish it is that they will be annihilated forever. Romans 3:4...let God be found true though every man be made a liar.

      • Reply by Anonymous on 2016-12-28 18:49:42

        Wake up and be objective... your only getting information from one side of the line... Don't be Afraid to look over the line.... you will be relieved.... to find out who you REALLY are... not a non thinking person that your God wants you to be

  • Comment by Mark on 2016-02-22 11:33:58

    Does anyone know what is happening to those thrown out of bethel? Are they being taken in by members of he congregations?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-02-22 11:47:18

      I don't know of any getting assistance from the local congregations.

  • Comment by Yehorakam on 2016-04-26 13:57:32

    Just an addition to these comments because I served in Bethel for many years.
    First, in the "Dwelling" manual given to Bethelites, the GB encourages all to make Bethel service their "lifelong career." This is repeated in Bethel Entrants School. They ecourage you to see spending the rest of your life in Bethel. That logically would involve not planning anything else. If anyone from Bethel were to deny that, then I would call him a liar to his face with a clean conscience. I went through Bethel Entrants School in 3 languages, 3 countries and studied the Dwelling Manual just as many times. So, there is definitely a heavy responsibility that rests upon the GB towards those that have done what was asked: forget a wordly career, forget planning for retirement in this system and spend your life in Bethel. If a couple is in their 50's has spent 20+ years in Bethel, does the GB not recognize that this couple envisions spending what's left of their life in Bethel based on the GB's own direction? To let them go at that point is shirking a responsibility towards a couple that gave the best of themselves in Bethel's interests. In essence, Bethel has obtained the best of them and if they let them go at that point, it is showing no responsibility to care for them afterwards. How sad when men fail to accept their responsibilities in a spirit of love.
    I must also clarify that those that are in Bethel are not there because Jehovah decided that they should be there. That is a fallicy promoted by the GB. They would like all brothers and sisters to believe that Jehovah calls them to Bethel and that for some, Jehovah later "calls" them back to the field. In reality, it is a number of HUMAN factors alone that determines being invited and being dismissed. I know so because I served in 3 different branches. For the invitation part, a lot has to do with 1) who they are looking for (if you have a specific skill that is valuable to them). I have seen people with little or no spirituality get invited to Bethel because of their skill. Their deficiencies were overlooked because skill was really needed. Getting invited also depends on 2) who you know (knowing a Bethelite or CO really helps). Again, I have seen spoiled youngsters with little interest in spiritual things get invited due to a CO's recommendation (trying to help out the family). Being invited also has to do with 3) the fact that you're making yourself available (not that many people really want to go). In fact, in poor countries, you would be surprised the number that get invited because they come from prominent families. This doesn't mean that only ones from prominent families get invited, but there is definitely partiality shown in some cases, and God is not partial.
    Whether you stay in Bethel has a lot to do with 1) if the branch is self-sufficient. If it isn't, then there is constant pressure to reduce the size and you may go at any time. So, your dismissal is just a numbers and figures factor (not Jehovah's spirit). It also highly depends on 2) if you are liked by your supervisor(s) and or the branch coordinator or another member of the branch committee. Being liked has a lot to do with being an exemplary bethelite (lots of good comments, always at morining worship with a bounce in your step) and doing everything that is asked of you. I have seen brothers that did close to no work all day in bethel, yet they are still there. Somehow, they managed to please the right people or maintain an appearance of being good workers. I'm not trying to judge them. Their lack of work in essence spoke for itself. Others were famous for looking down and mis-treating their fellow bethelites, yet were so friendly and cooperative with their superiors (kind of like the slave who owed money to the king and put on a face for the king, but then went and beat his fellow slave). This is not to say there aren't a lot of wonderful people in bethel. But, it goes to show that it is not Jehovah who decides whether someone goes or stays in Bethel. It is MEN, and they are influenced by so many factors and often judge by appearances. For that reason, there are injustices in Bethel. There is no injustice with God. That is biblical. So it is totally wrong to say that our father is the reason for our brothers hardships. The ones making decisions in Bethel are imperfect men, influenced by more factors that I can mention here. They are responsible for the decisions made, good and bad. I will provide one classic and glaring example:
    I was best friends with a member of the Branch Commitee who was the head of the Service Department. On one occasion, he very humorously spoke with me about the applications for special pioneer service that came across his desk. He mentioned that when it is a single sister applying for special pioneer service, he doesn't even consider the application if the sister is not pretty (a photo always accompanies the application for review). I said: "You're joking, right?" He said: "No, I'm serious. You have to think about this country, there are a lot of single special pioneer brothers. They all want to get marrieed. Who will they be looking to marry?....Single special pioneer sisters! That way they can continue in special pioneer service. Otherwise they might lose their status. that we don't loose these brothers, we prefer to appoint single sisters who will likely be looked at by the special pioneer brothers." Well, I can tell you that after that conversation, our relationship changed dramatically because I felt quite disgusted that while Jehovah takes an interest in what the heart is (paying no attention to appearance), here this man with authority was doing nothing to imitate our Father and was judging by appearances. It just goes to show that the decisions made are made by men that may have a different agenda or priority than what we think. I have many more examples that could fill a book, and yet I don't speak harshly of Bethel. It is a place filled with imperfect people, just like a congregation or a picnic. It is a good place in general so there are good things to talk about, but it is a deception to call it "a spiritual paradise" when it is composed of imperfect people who make mistakes quite regularly. Not all decisions made there are "Jehovah's decisions."
    In the end, if you have been let go from Bethel, please do not think your father had anything to do with it. True, like all injustices, Jehovah allows them, but he is not the source. It is not what he wants. The way many Bethelites in authority have acted is definitely not what our father wants. Harbor no resentment towards him. Additionally, endeavor not to harbor resentment towards the men that resulted in your dismissal. It is true that they may have acted wrongfully, unmercifully or unlovingly, but resentment is a terrible quality that will rob you of godly joy. I was let go from Bethel and found that my Father has taken care of me, perhaps because I have made every effort to distance myself from a resentful attitude and made the best of my circumstances. I would even share a meal with those were involved with letting me go. That peace is precious. Your father will help you despite what men have done. Some of your brothers and sisters will help you get back on your feet. Cherish those things, don't hang on to resentment and don't look back. Our Father will repay everyone according to their deeds. That includes those that have made unmerciful and unloving executive decisions in Bethel. Let Christ judge them for all will stand before the judgment seat of God. May your way of handling the injustices be a reason for a favorable judgment for you in the future.
    Much love

    • Reply by happycyclist on 2017-01-30 19:34:53

      Dear Brother Yehorakam: I am an unbaptized publisher and I came upon this website by accident or perhaps not. I read your comment, and I love your humble spirit, especially distancing ourselves from developing resentment in our hearts!!! Having internal peace is, indeed, precious! Thank you SO much for sharing this and putting the time to write down your experiences and pass down your wisdom!

      • Reply by julia on 2019-07-20 14:41:46

        You are right about the man made bit. But logically Jehovah is also a product of man's imagination and invention. Rely on yourself for your means of living, because thinking that others have a responsibility to do so is infantilisation. Sorry to be harsh but honestly do your research....

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2019-07-22 15:48:33

          It seems unfair to ask someone to do their research when you haven't shared any facts, but only opinions.

  • Comment by Child Sexual Abuse Policies of – 2018 | Beroean Pickets - Reviewer on 2017-12-15 08:11:36

    […] the ongoing four-thousand-dollar-a-day court fine for contempt, growing media coverage of cultism, staff reductions and printing cutbacks not to mention the sale of Kingdom halls to cover costs—the writing is on […]

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