Beroean Pickets — Reviewer Launched!

– posted by meleti
Effective immediately, the category "Watchtower Commentor" will be discontinued on this site.  A new site has been launched with the sole purpose of publishing all future review articles of publications and broadcasts emanating from
[button link="" type="big" newwindow="yes"] Take me to the new site![/button]

Archived Comments

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  • Comment by Anonymous on 2016-02-08 19:17:44

    Will we need to subscribe to the new site to get updates? Thanks

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-02-09 09:16:10

      Yes, each web site will have its own subscriptions. I would recommend you register instead of subscribe if you want to make comments. Click here to do that. The reason is that each site is independent of the others.

      • Reply by Karen on 2016-02-09 21:12:57

        Thank you Meleti for sharing your personal story with those of us who are only recently leaving the WT .... Reading your story for me, makes you more personable ..... I look forward to the new site .... Again thank you and all those who join with you in writing for this site..... Thank you all for your zeal and tireless efforts in reaching out to others .... There are so many grieving confused individuals out there who no longer know who they are or what they believe in ... or, who to trust ..... This 'walking away' from all you have believed in and lived by is extremely painful and disturbing ..... Indeed a grieving process that you cannot share with those who have no understanding of the WT 'institution'

        • Reply by Willy on 2016-02-10 12:07:14

          Thank you for putting into words how I and for certain a lot of others feel.
          We will overcome those overwhelming feelings in due time and a lot of prayers to our Heavenly Father everyone's situation is different, but what us bind is the love Jehovah showed through his Son Jesus, our Lord.

          • Reply by Karen on 2016-02-11 18:56:20

            Thank you Willy for your words of encouragement, it is greatly appreciated.
            I am still reading brother Franz's book 'Crisis of Conscience' I am finding it difficult to concentrate on any thing else, his story so overwhelms my every thought. Had I had access to this and other 'truthful' information regarding the WT organisation, I do not believe I would have put my young family through such a rigid an unnatural way of life.... We have indeed endured much anguish at the hands of the WT..
            Brother Franz wrote (page 396) "Traumatic as the initial transition may be, it can lead to the development of a truly personal relationship with these two greatest Friends. Perhaps nothing is more crucial or more helpful in making the transition than to come to a full appreciation of the need for that personal relationship with God and his Son. Without that, one may feel unable to have any sense of identity without membership in some system.
            Christ clearly emphasised the personal nature of that relationship.
            (Matthew 10:32,33). His call is, not "come to my organisation" or "come to a certain church or denomination," but rather it is, "Come to me."
            (Matthew 11:28).
            To Meleti ...At first I wrongly misjudged this site... Concerned that yet another 'organisation' was setting itself up as 'all knowing, all righteous' ....
            Your latest 'new site' including 'your story' Meleti has proved to me, that I was wrong. With the advent of the internet we are now able to 'meet together to inspire and build up.' Therefore this is a site that offers without judgement an outlet, where individuals can share their grief, their understanding. Not only in scriptural learning, but also in supporting the grief process that many now are experiencing... Without the caring and patient support of others I do believe that we could be at risk of simply 'drifting off into obscurity.' Without the warmth, the sharing and the encouragement of other like minded Christians who meet together on this site.. .... 'A brotherhood/sisterhood' so to speak ... If that makes sense?? I do ramble at times .... sorry ....
            I thank you ... All of you out there who share their stories. In sharing our very personal often painful stories with others who are in pain, allows the beginning of healing and finding joy once more .... We become a support group for one another and as well as a place of learning .....

      • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2016-02-10 03:45:32

        Meleti, I have registered as you recommended, but I have not received an email confirmation with my password. When I tried to register again it says I am already registered. Is there a delay on registration?

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-02-10 06:40:46

          The email goes out automatically. I've checked and you're definitely registered. It may be that the email went into your Spam or Junk Mail folder. However, you should have no problem commenting on the new site. If you do, please let me know.

          • Reply by Anonymous on 2016-02-10 11:40:42

            Thank you... I have it now :)

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2016-02-08 20:43:55

    No anonymous commenting Meleti? :-(

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-02-08 21:04:16

      Yes, you can still be anonymous, but your anonymity will have to be unique. :)

  • Comment by Brenda Evans on 2016-02-09 08:53:52

    Hi Meleti and everyone
    I think that this is a great move.
    Although everything is under one website on here, but I would often think about your other articles that don't discuss WT studies and feel that it is a shame that something that could be positively discussed that could be spiritually upbuilding, capable of taking us down a road that helps to increase ourselves and discussing Bible principles and Scripture - while, at the same time, tempered a little bit by discussing something else.
    Good for you Meleti.
    And I like the photo of the trees on the new site. Very nice. Feelings of calm!!
    Could I just ask a favour though, just in caser, maybe to keep the promoted weblink on the homepage as you have it here. Thanks for the weblink.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-02-09 09:17:20

      Hi Brenda,
      I will soon be replacing the "What's New" button with a button that will list all the sites and provide hyperlinks to each.

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2016-02-09 20:41:44

    Will you soon be posting your concrete beliefs?
    This is vital for lurkers who are searching.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-02-09 22:19:04

      What are your referring to?

      • Reply by Anonymous on 2016-02-10 11:05:13

        I think it would be beneficial for first time lurkers to see a short list of beliefs which are shared by most taking the lead here. When I first started my walk outside the Watchtower I appreciated it when sites on religion or religious doctrine posted a brief list of their beliefs. This prompted me to look further into their writings if I generally agreed or to move on if I did not.
        I viewed it as an invitation to people of like minds or a courtesy to those who were not.
        It's not that important, just a suggestion.
        Appreciate all your efforts and am looking forward to the new sites.
        Thanks Meleti.

        • Reply by Willy on 2016-02-10 12:00:26

          Dear Meleti,
          There are so many grieving confused individuals out there who no longer know who they are or what they believe in … or, who to trust ….. This ‘walking away’ from all you have believed in and lived by is extremely painful and disturbing ….. Indeed a grieving process that you cannot share with those who have no understanding of the WT ‘institution’ quote from Karen.
          She explained the reason why it would be wonderful to have such a list where Joshua speaks of.
          Love to all of you

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-02-10 12:21:46

            Thanks Willy and Joshua.
            I understand now. I'll work on putting it together for all sites.

  • Comment by life2come on 2016-02-09 22:35:56

    Thanks for keeping this website available for future reference!

  • Comment by Father jack on 2016-02-10 12:48:12

    Personally im not so sure about putting personal beliefs down as absolutes . Its a shame that as soon as someone says for example i do / do not believe lets say the trinity . Then immeadiately minds start to close , looking back now theres very much i could have learned from trinitarians but could never move on from our differences on this subject . Sometimes i think its better just to read the bible and form our own opinions . It can be divisive if we are not careful .

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