Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World

– posted by meleti

 [From ws4/16 for June 20-26]

“Pay back…God’s things to God.”—Mt 22:21

The full verse for the article’s theme text reads:

“They said: “Caesar’s.” Then he said to them: “Pay back, therefore, Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.”” (Mt 22:21)

The Jewish leaders had again failed to trap Jesus by asking him a loaded question: “Should Jews pay Roman taxes?”  The Jews hated the Roman tax.  It was a constant reminder that they were subservient to their Roman overlords.  A Roman soldier could take a Jew and impress him into service on a whim.  This was done when Jesus was unable to carry his own torture stake.  The Romans impressed Simon of Cyrene into service to carry it.  Yet Jesus told his disciples they had to pay taxes and as regards obeying the Romans when impressed into service, he said, “…if someone under authority impresses you into service for a mile, go with him two miles.” (Mt 5:41)

What if the Roman soldier was impressing a Christian to carry his weapons?  Jesus gave no specific direction.  Thus the question of neutrality is not so black and white as we might wish.

It is important to have a balanced view of such things as we consider this week’s study.  There is no question that the Bible requires a Christian to remain neutral as regards the military and political systems of this world.  We have this principle:

“Jesus answered: “My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source.”” (Joh 18:36)

The Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses is instructing us about neutrality in this week’s study.  With all the foregoing principles in mind, let us examine their record.

View Human Governments as Jehovah Does

“Although some governments might appear to be just, the very concept of humans ruling over other humans was never Jehovah’s purpose. (Jer. 23:10)” – Par. 5

Is this not also a problem with religions?  The Catholic Church rules over more people than any single nation on earth.  The instructions from the Papal throne supplant or take precedence over even the Word of God.  This is surely an example of men ruling over other men to their injury.  (Ec 8:9)  Instructions from the Vatican have caused faithful Catholics to follow life courses of action that have often resulted in great difficulty, even tragedy.  For example, the unscriptural policy of celibacy in the clergy is viewed as a contributing factor resulting in many of the scandals currently rocking the church.  Likewise, the policy of prohibiting birth control has imposed great economic hardship on countless families.  These are men's rules, not God's.

Now we must ask ourselves if the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses is any different.  The Governing Body has laid down rules and laws that are not found in the Bible.  For example, in the past, JW publications prohibited vaccinations.  Witnesses loyal to JW leadership would deny their children protection from such diseases as Polio, Chickenpox, and Measles.  Then there’s the ever-changing policies on the medical use of blood.  At one time, many life-saving techniques were prohibited which are now allowed.  Jehovah doesn't prohibit something then change his mind later.  Those laws came from the Governing Body.   Yet to disobey the law of the Governing Body in such things was to bring down punishment on oneself.  Ergo, “humans ruling over other humans" to their injury.[i]

A Thought to Remember

Paragraph 7 has this expression which we should bear in mind as our study continues:

“Although we would not march with the protesters, might we be with them in spirit? (Eph. 2:2) We must remain neutral not only in our words and actions but also in our heart.”

So it is not enough to maintain neutrality in deed.  We should also do so “in spirit”.

A Double Standard

Paragraph 11 makes reference to the persecution which thousands of witnesses suffered in Malawi from 1964 to 1975.  Homes and crops were burned, women and children were raped, Christian Witnesses were tortured, even murdered.  Thousands fled the country for refugee camps.  Even there they experienced suffering and disease when there was a lack of medicine and proper care.

All this because they refused to buy a political party card.   And the reason they refused was because the interpretation of the Governing Body at the time was that to do so would be a transgression of Christian neutrality.  Let us not debate here whether that was a valid application of Bible principles.  The point is, the decision was not left up to the individual conscience of each Christian, but was made for them at head office thousands of miles away. It was “humans ruling over other humans”.  The evidence that it was not divine guidance can be seen from another similar situation going on south of the US border.  In Mexico, and indeed throughout Latin America, brothers were bribing officials to obtain a “Cartilla de Identidad para Servicio Militar” (Identity Card for Military Service).

The card identified the holder in Mexico as a member of the armed forces, placing the holder “in the first reserve subject to being called if and when an emergency should arise which the army in uniform could not handle.”[ii]  Without this military identity card, the citizen could not obtain a passport.  While this would constitute an inconvenience, it pales by comparison to being raped, tortured and burned out of house and home.

If holding a party card is seen as compromising Christian neutrality, why would holding a military identity card be any different?  Additionally, the Malawi brothers would have obtained their cards legally, while the Mexican brothers all got theirs by breaking the law and bribing officials.

Is this not a double standard?  What does the Bible say about such things?

“Two sorts of weights are something detestable to Jehovah, and a cheating pair of scales is not good.” (Pr 20:23)

Returning to the thought expressed in paragraph 7, was this double-standard policy of the Governing Body remaining “neutral not only in our words and actions but also in our heart”?

But it gets much worse.

Gross Hypocrisy

One of Jesus’ most frequent condemnations of the Scribes, Pharisees, and Jewish leaders was that they were hypocrites.  They taught one thing, but did another.   They talked a good story and pretended to be the most righteous of men, but inside they were rotten.  (Mt 23:27-28)

Paragraph 14 says:

“Pray for holy spirit, which can give you patience and self-control, qualities needed to cope with a government that may be corrupt or unjust. You can also ask Jehovah for the wisdom to recognize and deal with situations that could cause you to violate your Christian neutrality.”

Surely the United Nations qualifies as such a corrupt and unjust government?  After all, the book Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand says: “The UN is actually a blasphemous counterfeit of God’s Messianic Kingdom by the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.” (pages 246-248)  The UN is depicted in that book as the scarlet-colored wild beast of Revelation upon which is seated the harlot Babylon the Great, representing the world empire of false religion.

It would appear therefore that the Governing Body did not follow its own counsel by asking ‘Jehovah for the wisdom to recognize and deal with situations that could cause them to violate their Christian neutrality’ when, in 1992, they joined the United Nations as an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization member)!

Their membership continued for 10 years and was only withdraw when the news went public causing embarrassment.  Keep in mind that there was a one-party government in Malawi, so purchasing a party card was a requirement, not an option, and didn’t make one a real party member any more than holding a passport makes you a member of whatever government is ruling your nation at the present time.   Even if you dispute that, it has to be acknowledged that purchasing a party card in Malawi in the 1960s was a government requirement, not an option.  However, the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses was not required to join the United Nations.  No pressure was brought to bear on them at all. They did so of their own accord and quite willingly.  How could holding a party card in Malawi constitute a violation of neutrality, yet holding membership status with the United Nations be okay?

According to the UN, an NGO must share the ideals of the UN Charter.

Again, we return to the counsel from paragraph 7:

“Although we would not march with the protesters, might we be with them in spirit? (Eph. 2:2) We must remain neutral not only in our words and actions but also in our heart.”

Even if the Organization represented by its Governing Body did nothing overt to show it shared in the ideals of the UN Charter, does not the act of becoming a member of the UN mean that they support it “in spirit”?  Can they claim they are neutral in their heart?

According to documents published by the UN, a Non-Governmental Organization member agrees to “meet criteria for association, including support and respect for the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities.”[iii]

The extent of the hypocrisy is evident from this excerpt from the June 1, 1991 Watchtower written a scant year before the WT&TS joined the UN.

10 However, she [Babylon the Great] has not done so. Instead, in her quest for peace and security, she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations—this despite the Bible’s warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God. (James 4:4) Moreover, in 1919 she strongly advocated the League of Nations as man’s best hope for peace. Since 1945 she has put her hope in the United Nations. (Compare Revelation 17:3, 11.) How extensive is her involvement with this organization?

11 A recent book gives an idea when it states: “No less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. “ (w91 6/1 p. 17)

So 24 Catholic NGOs were represented at the UN in 1991 and in 1992 one Watchtower NGO was also represented at the UN.

So while the counsel from this week’s Watchtower study on neutrality is worthy of consideration, it is very much a question of following Jesus’ counsel:

3 Therefore all the things they tell YOU, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but do not perform. 4 They bind up heavy loads and put them upon the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger. 5 All the works they do they do to be viewed by men; . . .” (Mt 23:3-5)


[i] For these and more examples of the tragic result of JW rulership, see the five part series “Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood”.

[ii] Letter from Mexico branch, August 27, 1969, page 3 – Ref: Crisis of Conscience, page 156

[iii] For full information and proof of UN and WT correspondence on this issue, please visit this site.

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  • Comment by mediator007 on 2016-06-22 21:51:42

    Excellent article, my sentiments and reflections exactly. Good job Meleti

  • Comment by 1984 on 2016-06-22 23:06:58

    Thanks for this review Meleti. The extent of their hypocrisy regarding these issues goes deep. Watchtower applied for membership to the UN in 1991 (3 years after the aforementioned Revelation Climax book was published), and to see that this came from the top with full knowledge of the criteria for membership one only needs to September 8th, 1991 Awake and it's cover series on the United Nations. The last paragraph of that series on page 10 is particularly damming for its duplicity. It reads:

    "Jehovah’s Witnesses firmly believe that the United Nations is going to play a major role in world events in the very near future. No doubt these developments will be very exciting. And the results will have a far-reaching impact on your life. We urge you to ask Jehovah’s Witnesses in your neighborhood for more details on this matter. The Bible clearly paints a picture showing that the United Nations will very shortly be given power and authority. The UN will then do some very astonishing things that may well amaze you. And you will be thrilled to learn that there is yet a better way near at hand that will surely bring eternal peace and security!"

    So, while condemning the United Nations and any affiliation with it on the one hand, they were also clearly trying to meet the criteria for membership on the other - to "promote knowledge of the principles and activities of the United Nations." And this in the very same year as the Watchtower you quoted - 1991.

    Also damming is this snippet from the Proclaimers book published in 1993 (while they were members) on page 193 regarding the drafting of the UN charter they had now pledged support of: "On the other hand, Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish leaders actually shared in the deliberations in San Francisco in 1945 during which the UN Charter was drafted. To observers of these developments, it was plain who wanted to be “a friend of the world” and who was endeavoring to be “no part of the world,” as Jesus had said would be true of his disciples."

    I could say more, but I think what makes me the most angry about this whole sorry affair is not just the deception, but their refusal to come clean. Instead they try to justify their actions, minimise and deny, and then have the nerve to call anybody asking questions about this "opposers." I also had the personal ignominy of starting my bible study with JWs in 1991 and subsequently quitting Amnesty International, Greenpeace and World Vision to qualify for baptism.

  • Comment by rogerkirkpatrick on 2016-06-23 00:06:38

    11 A recent book gives an idea when it states: “No less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. “ (w91 6/1 p. 17)

    The recent book quoted from is New Genesis by Robert Muller. The sentence immediately preceding the one quoted above says, "All major world religions are accredited to the United Nations as non-governmental organizations." Thus, the Watchtower Society denounced as apostate other religious organizations which were accredited to the UN as NGOs, subsequently doing the very same thing. Jesus said, "By your words you will be condemned." (Matthew 12:37)

    To view complete documentation of these facts, including the page from New Genesis, see the Facebook page "Jehovah's Witnesses & the United Nations."

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-06-23 07:25:54

      Thanks Roger.

  • Comment by Menrov on 2016-06-23 10:31:52

    Par. 2 tends to give the impression that authorities or governments are allowed to be there. However, see what Rom. 13:1 says Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except by God’s appointment, and the authorities that exist have been instituted by God.
    This means that God does not only allows them to exist, He approved or instituted them. The verse in Acts 5:29 is in my view not so much in relation to governments as a body of authority but more to humans in positions of authority.
    Par. 2 also says: We do not lobby, vote in political elections, run for government office, or try to change governments.
    Many well-known persons in OT scriptures actually held a position in a government. I am not saying that one should vote or run for government office, but I do not see any condemnation about this. If Rom. 13:1 is correct, governments are there because God instituted them. Working with them must be fine then. Even praying for them is fine.
    Par. 3 makes reference to John 17:16 where Jesus says that his disciples are not of the world. In my view, this means that they do not ORIGINATE from the word. They are reborn, from above. In my view it means His disciples (believers) do not form part of the unbelieving world (population). Throughout the bible, it is always believers versus unbelievers. It has in my view hardly to do with neutrality. That is why one should pay taxes. Paying taxes is similar to supporting the government. Also 1Pe. 2:17 is not about neutrality but about love. NASB reads: 17 Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king.
    Par. 4 tends to show that neutrality is relation to one’s life. There is not scripture to support this view.
    This statement in par 5: Man-made governments promote nationalism, which divides the human family  is not in line with Rom. 13:1 as so-called man-made governments are instituted by God.
    Also in par 5 it says: In addition, since 1914, human governments have become rivals to God’s Kingdom. There is absolutely nothing in the scripture to support this view.
    Par 6 says: God lets the world’s political structure remain because it provides a measure of stability that, in turn, helps us to preach the good news of the Kingdom. (Rom. 13:3, 4)
    Again, the reason provide for the existence of government is not to provide a measure of stability. The verses provided say something else.
    Further: We appeal to government authorities for fair treatment, as the apostle Paul did. (Acts 25:11). Paul did not appeal for bad or unfair treatment but because his life was at stake unjustly.
    Lastly: We should therefore avoid implying that a particular official is controlled by the Devil. Instead, when dealing with “governments and authorities,” we “speak injuriously of no one.”
    Funny, I guess it has to do with the prohibition in Russia.
    Par. 7 is in my view, going far beyond what is written.
    Par. 10: ‘Do I enjoy listening to someone in the media because I agree with his political leaning?’ If so, you might look for a more objective source of information
    hahaha…this makes me laugh. I better not comment.
    Overall, par. 8-13 will make one an indifferent person with no opinion, without any knowledge about what goes on in the community or country or even world. I personally noticed I became like that. Par. 14: If you are imprisoned or otherwise punished because of your resolute stand for true worship, pray for the strength to defend your faith with boldness and to endure whatever persecution may come. Hypocritical because when a GB member had to appear in court, he disobeyed and incurred significant penalties, which had to be paid from the donations. Also, with this statement they are saying: it is you suffering, do not ask us to help you.
    In summary, a whole study article on a topic which should be up to the conscious of each individual and not a topic relevant for one’s future life.

  • Comment by Mouchette on 2016-06-23 11:09:52

    I have just one reservation about this article and that's the quotation of Matt 23: 3-5
    I would suggest that all the things they tell you - Do NOT do and observe otherwise
    you may find yourself in the wrong camp. Some of their rules are directly opposed
    to the teachings of scripture and of Jesus in addition to the wrong things they do.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-06-23 11:41:59

      Good point!

  • Comment by Em on 2016-06-23 22:11:46

    Such a good article. I have been looking for info on the UN involvement. I love how they pulled out but never addressed it with the congregations. If I were to mention this to any brother or sister they would never believe it....then refuse to look at any proof for fear of giving ear to sad.

    • Reply by john971 on 2016-06-24 13:32:39

      Years ago, when I brought up the JW UN NGO fiasco to my JW family members, they denied it at first, and said it was apostate propaganda. Then it came out in the media. Oh.. the excuse now was that they joined to get access to the UN Library or something? I can't join the YMCA to work out or swim at, but they can join the UN to get a library card? That makes it alright? What happened to the UN being the "disgusting thing" of bible prophecy, and how the UN was wicked mans representation of Gods Kingdom on earth? They got caught with their pants down. Some JW apologists still deny the UN NGO involvement. Pathetic hypocrisy.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-06-25 09:39:43

        I like the comparison of joining the YMCA to swim. I'm going to remember that the next time I bring this subject up with a JW friend who tries to weasel out of it with a lame excuse.

  • Comment by lazarus on 2016-06-25 22:54:14

    Nice points Meleti, UN involvement and opening remarks.

    No doubt this wt article Which will be studied this weekend in Europe-Uk will seem perfect timing in what's happening in Britain-EU exit.

    Our History, as regards our changed policy on neutrality (non cobantant) notice what Brother Russell stated in 1898 then there was a change of policy, not sure what year. Until 1996 a easing on the stricter policy.

    So,the International Bible Students were permitted to go to war as long as they did not “kill” anyone or they sought non-combative, civilian service in place of active duty.The August 1, 1898 issue of Zion’s Watch Tower page 231:

    “Notice that there is no command in the Scriptures against military service. Obedience to a draft would remind us of our Lord’s words, ‘If any man compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.’ The government may compel marching or drilling, but cannot compel you to kill the foe. You need not be a good marksman. Question. You suggested in a recent WATCH TOWER that, if drafted and in the army, we need not shoot to kill. Would such a course be right? Would it not be fraudulent? Answer. No; it would be quite right to shoot, not to kill. You forget, perhaps, our provisos, which were that we explain our conscientious scruples against war, and seek to be excused; if not excused, that we seek non-combatant positions, as nurses, etc; but if compelled to go a mile or many miles as a soldier, we still need not kill anybody.”

    Whether the issue was shedding blood, noncombatant military work, alternative service, or saluting an image such as a national flag, faithful Christians took the position that there was no middle ground. In some cases they were executedbecause of this stand.”—The Watchtower, September 1, 1986, p. 20

    The GB's position against any type of substitute military service remained in effect until 1996, when it was then made a matter of conscience.

    “Could a dedicated Christian undertake such service? Here again, a dedicated, baptized Christian would have to make his own decision.”—The Watchtower, May 1, 1996, p. 19

    • Reply by john971 on 2016-06-26 12:42:35

      This subject cuts very deeply when it hits ones own life experiences. For those young children and teenagers who grew up in this JW cloud, we had to endure the ridicule and ostracism of classmates and teachers. We had to leave the room during the daily national anthem and Lords Prayer on a daily basis..not our JW parents. We just wanted to fit in and not stand out. I didn't really have any choice.

      Then you hear about the JW UN NGO reality years later, the GB policy in Mexico compared with what the the brothers in Malawi were forced to endure. The GB could have cared less about the victims of these arbitrary and unscriptural policies.

      And now the GB, who have set themselves up in place of Christ. Telling us that they "love each and everyone of us". Mr. Sanderson who proclaims himself as one of Christs brothers, who didn't even bother to listen to any of the statements of child abuse victims at the Australian Royal Commission this year. This is a brother of Jesus. You know..I know the sheep and the sheep know me? Its sickening.

      • Reply by Maria on 2016-06-27 07:02:20

        I feel your pain, don't let man made fabrications come between you and our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus, they know us inside out, they know what you and so many had to endure. They loved us even before we were born and showed their love for us in a most amazing way. You are privileged the veil that's still over more than 8 million others and keeps them captive, has torned. I wanted to console you, and as I went to the above link, this post reflects the words I wanted to say to you.
        Your sister Willy

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