An Appeal for Prayer

– posted by meleti
The power of prayer is something we recognize and when many pray for someone in need, our Father takes note.  Thus, we find appeals like Colossians 4:21 Thessalonians 5:25 and 2 Thessalonians 3:1 where the community of brothers and sisters is asked to pray.

There is an older couple in our online community who are going through a difficult time.  The sister has posted as Orchid61 in the past.  Her husband has resigned his position in the congregation out of conscience, declining to inform the elders—despite their insistence and probing questions—as to the reasons.  Nevertheless, the elders are pushing and want to meet with them, even though the brother has told them it is not necessary.  This is extremely trying emotionally for these dear ones.  So as Paul asked for himself, I now ask of you to "carry on prayer" for them.  (2Th 3:1)  For the prayer of the righteous has much force. (Ja 5:16)

May the spirit of the Christ dwell in us all.

Your brother,

Meleti Vivlon

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  • Comment by Andrew on 2016-05-28 14:47:19

    My wife and I are in a similar situation. The hardest part of being in a situation like this is thinking that nobody can really understand how you are feeling. Please understand that there are many children of God just like you are, who are struggling, not knowing what to do. Ironically, having your faith and loyalty questioned by men often leads to a greater reliance on Jehovah. I find that I am closer to Jehovah than I have ever been, and it has been the questionable actions of the elders that have moved me closer to Him. Please understand that my wife and I will be thinking about you and your situation, and will be offering prayers for your comfort and well being. Knowing that Jehovah is your Father is the greatest source of comfort of all.

    I wish my words could be more eloquent, and I could write something that would strengthen you, but I feel inadequate. A comment on an Internet forum is not as useful as a warm handshake or a hug from someone who loves you regardless of your standing in a human organization. Find someone in the congregation who is like that, and fellowship with them. They are a gift from God. My wife and I were disappointed to realize that out of more than 100 publishers in our congregation, only about four or five were really our friends. The rest displayed conditional love, the condition being our standing as "exemplary" in our congregation. But those four or five have finally shown us what true Christian love really is. It is a thing of surpassing beauty. It is unfortunate that we had to experience such disappointment to finally experience such love and comfort, but now I know it really was worth the anguish.

    Please be assured of our love, despite the distance between us. And knowing what you are going through has actually strengthened my wife and I. Continue to be an example to those in your congregation of unconditional love. There are probably more observing your fine conduct than you are aware of. Having even one brother or sister finally wake up to the true meaning of love will be well worth the pain you are going through.


  • Comment by Yehorakam on 2016-05-28 22:52:33

    Very beautiful words Andrew. I'm also in full agreement with Andrew that the actions of the elders often result in one being further convinced that you are not leaving "the truth."

    Orchid61 and husband:

    I have said a number of prayers already for you. I have asked that you will not be 'cut-off' from your sources of encouragement. How Jesus takes care of you and what those sources of encouragement are will be shown to you I'm sure. Your faithfulness to him is precious and he has promised to reward you.

    As Andrew says, we are far away and words don't match someone's close company during a trial. But I hope that you will take comfort that I have been denied re-instatement by the elders until I accept all the GB's teachings and I cannot give in or reneg what I have learned. To me, it would be tantamount to denying Christ, the one who has called us out of the darkness into the wonderful light. So, hopefully you will derive some comfort knowing you are not alone. You are accompanied my many others who have similar sufferings. Hopefully they will share a few thoughts of what they are going through or been through. Thus, you will see that our love for Christ has put us in the same boat, and I'm happy to be in the same boat with you!

    James 5:11: "Look! We consider happy those who have endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome Jehovah gave, that Jehovah is very tender in affection and merciful (ra-cham')

    Much love,



  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-05-30 19:21:31

    Orchid61 and her husband have expressed to me the appreciation they feel for the support you brothers have given them. They feel the gentle mercy from God upon them.

  • Comment by Joshua on 2016-06-01 16:37:07

    Dear Orchid61 and Orchid61's Husband,

    Christ is with you and you are loved.


  • Comment by dajo on 2016-06-03 03:07:19

    I am so sorry to hear of your situation. The saddest part is that those, who, over the years could help you, now see you differently.
    I have recently found myself in the same situation. I serve on a large boe so I can gradually decline and refuse to do certain parts or assignments.
    My wife does not feel as I do and this has even put a strain on our 40+ yrs of marriage. She has already told me she cannot view me as her spiritual head.
    I am still going to meetings. I do have another 2 people (not JWs) who I can gain some comfort from.
    Meleti started a discussion on how we are affected.
    I feel angry and duped, however that is slowly subsiding. I dont know how this will turn out. I don't think I'll be going to the regional. I'm just taking things daily at the moment.
    If I was ever asked "do you believe the gb is the fds" I would say that I concur and agree with J Jackson's statement to the Australian Royal Commission and leave it at that. Please take care and be careful.
    They would probably want to corner me and give me a label. "the shrewd one considers his steps...."
    "meditates as to how to give an answer. I will keep you in my prayers.

    • Reply by tyhik on 2016-06-06 15:25:23

      It is much easier to leave together with your spouse. So it's really important that you'll get your wife with you. I myself am an unbaptized publisher, who started studying just recently, but my wife has been a witness for 20 years. Not sure how it will work out at our home. Me as a non-witness, I have been able to tell my wife that I don't believe WT is God's org, because I don't see a biblical backing to it. Almost all the biblical backing is the first half of Rev 11 and a few verses from Mal 3, as explained in the red Revelation Climax book. I agreed to follow my wife's advise and went to an elder to discuss those. He was not able to add anything meaningful. It all boiled down to "be patient and you will experience that God is with the organization". I took this answer back to my wife and challenged her to provide biblical backing. She tried and finally came to the conclusion there's not much of it. But she still does not agree it's not God's org.

      Then I showed to her that there are a few things GB teaches, which are in direct contradiction with Bible. Like the dedication vow w.r.t Matt 5:33-37. And asked her what would she do in my situation: do what GB says and go against Jesus' teaching to get baptized, or honor the Jesus' words in the Bible. This truly confused her, but finally she agreed that while we should dedicate ourselves to God with our thoughts and actions, we should not vow. Another discrepancy I showed her was the part of the shunning policy, where talking with a shunned one in the household, spiritual topics should be especially avoided w.r.t Luke 4, Jesus talking to Satan, citing 3 times the OT, so definitely a spiritual discussion. Bible is my best friend.

      All these discussions need of course careful planning and I have been trying to show that the most important thing for me is to truly follow God and his word and that those discrepancies worry me. I am really not sure how this all will work out. But it's worth the effort. I try not to show org in bad light, this might provoke defense. I just try to show by the Bible, what is right. I try not to hurry. It may take many months if not years.

      I with you best in your efforts.

  • Comment by sonofthunder on 2019-06-30 23:06:55

    Thank you brother for this information reminds me of the movie the matrix in which computers were controlling people and anyone who managed to wake up or become aware of what's really happening

    They would send agents to capture and bring them back under the control of the matrix

    In a similar sense I see this is what's happening to this couple...The watchtower is using Elders to keep people under their control or to bring them back under their control.

    This is really a time of rejoicing because this couple is now witnessing and experiencing Jesus words in Matthew 18:12

    And Jesus said that " no one can snatch the sheep out of my hand"Matthew 10:28

    Yes I pray for them ..that Jehovah God and his son Jesus gives them the strength by holy spirit to give a bold witness if the need comes to it. . And we all rejoice to witness the exodus of others coming out of Babylon the great

  • Comment by busymountain on 2020-04-21 06:54:48

    This inquiry from the Elders happened to me today during the Quarantine. Dropped in and asked If I really believed thus and so. I said I wasn't sure but was going to leave the door open for the possibility. They of course wanted to direct me on what the faithful slave had written on the subject. I of course said there was no need and told them "it wasn't something they could change my mind on just because they wanted it changed" It very much surprises me that some of the best people in the world miss this point about our faith. Its ours and all the peer pressure in the world will not make that change.

  • Comment by jwc on 2023-01-29 07:43:03

    Eric, you know I am new to this group. But when I see messages of people being harassed it has to stop. I am also a trained and qualified Community Advocate and if you think I could help and give direct advice (or if they are in the UK perhaps a visit) to any of our group please let me know.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2023-01-29 12:45:52

      Thank you for your willingness to support our brothers and sisters when they come under attack. Many are suffering trauma from years of having been indoctrinated and coming out of a cult mentality can be very difficult.

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