2016, Dec 5-11 – Our Christian Life and Ministry

– posted by meleti

Covering Chapter 5 Paragraphs 1-9 of God’s Kingdom Rules

When I speak to friends about the erroneous teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I rarely get a Scriptural counter argument.  What I get are challenges such as “Do you think you know more than the faithful slave?” or “Do you think Jehovah is using you to reveal truth?” or “Shouldn’t you wait on Jehovah to correct things in the Organization?”

Behind all these questions, and others like them, is the underlying premise that God doesn’t reveal truth to us personally, but only through some human channel or medium.  (We know the Devil uses mediums to speak to humans, but does Christ?)  At least that seems to be the conclusion if we are to accept this position, which is adopted consistently by Jehovah’s Witnesses when confronted with attacks on their own doctrines.

The ubiquity of this defense makes the statement in this week’s Congregation Bible Study particularly ironic:

“After his death, how would he continue to teach faithful people about God’s Kingdom? He assured his apostles: “The spirit of the truth . . . will guide you into all the truth.” * (John 16:13) We may think of the holy spirit as a patient guide. The spirit is Jesus’ means of teaching his followers whatever they need to know about God’s Kingdom—right when they need to know it.” – par. 3

From this, one might conclude that the accepted teaching among Jehovah's Witnesses is in line with John 16:13, namely, that the spirit works in all of us to lead us to understand the Bible.  This is not the case. The current doctrine is that since 1919 the spirit of Jehovah has been directing a select group of men at headquarters—the faithful and discreet slave—to tell us what we need to know when we need to know it.

So, while the statement made in paragraph 3 is accurate biblically, the application made is that the Governing Body is the one being guided by God's spirit, not the individual Witness.  This allows Witnesses to look at any teaching as coming from God. When that teaching is modified, abandoned outright, or reversed back to a previous understanding, the Witness will look at the change as the work of the spirit and the old understanding as the attempt of imperfect men to understand God's word.  In other words, "the old" is the work of honest-hearted, but misguided men, and "the new" is the work of God's spirit.  When "the new" is changed, it becomes "the new old" and is attributed to imperfect men, while the "the new new" takes its place as the leading of the spirit.  This process can seemingly be repeated ad infinitum without causing any disquiet in the minds of the rank and file.

Here’s the analogy the study makes in its opening paragraphs to convince us that this is the process Jesus is using to guide us by holy spirit.

“IMAGINE that an experienced guide is leading you on a tour of a wondrous and beautiful city. The city is new to you and to those with you, so you hang on to the guide’s every word. At times, you and your fellow tourists wonder excitedly about some of the city’s features that you have not yet seen. When you ask your guide about such things, however, he withholds his comments until key moments, often just when a certain sight is coming into view. In time, you grow ever more impressed with his wisdom, for he tells you what you need to know right when you need to know it.” – par. 1

“True Christians are in a situation similar to that of the tourists. We are eagerly learning about the most wondrous of cities, “the city having real foundations,” the Kingdom of God. (Heb. 11:10) When Jesus was on earth, he personally guided his followers, leading them to a deeper knowledge of that Kingdom. Did he answer all their questions and tell them everything about that Kingdom at once? No. He said: “I still have many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them now.” (John 16:12) As the wisest of guides, Jesus never burdened his disciples with knowledge that they were not prepared to handle.” –par. 2

According to paragraph 3, Jesus, by means of the spirit, is like this tourist guide.  With this illustration and application fresh in mind, the reader is told of some mistaken teachings and asked:

“Do mistaken ideas such as these cast doubt on whether Jesus was guiding those faithful ones by means of holy spirit?” - par. 5

The answer with an explanation that sounds both logical and reasonable is:

“Not at all! Think again of our opening illustration. Would the premature ideas and eager questions of the tourists cast doubt on the reliability of their guide? Hardly! Similarly, although God’s people sometimes try to work out details of Jehovah’s purpose before it is time for the holy spirit to guide them to such truths, it is clear that Jesus is leading them. Thus, faithful ones prove willing to be corrected and humbly adjust their views.” – par. 6

Those who’ve had their mental powers dulled (2Co 3:14) will not notice the inconsistency between the illustration and its application.

In the illustration, the tourists had their own speculations and ideas, but anyone present listening to them would know immediately that the source of the information was not the tour guide, because they could all hear the guide’s words directly.  Additionally, the guide never tells them one thing, then changes his tune and tells them another.  Thus, they can have complete trust in the guide.

In the real world application, the tourists pass their ideas off as coming from the guide. When they change them, they claim they were wrong due to human imperfection, but the new instructions are the ones that come from the guide.  When a few years go by and they are forced to change once more, they again blame the error on human imperfection and say that the newest instructions are truth revealed to them by the guide.  This cycle has been going on for well over 100 years.

A more accurate illustration would be that of a tour group where everyone is issued headphones.  The guide speaks, but an interpreter translates his words into a microphone that transmits to all in the group.  This interpreter listens to the guide, but also injects his own ideas.   However, he is forced to change them whenever they don’t fit with the city features being described.  He makes flimsy excuses for the error, but reassures everyone that what he is now saying is what the guide said.  The only way for the other tourists to avoid being continually misinformed is for them to remove their headsets and listen directly to the guide.  However, they are told they don't speak his language and so could not understand him even if they tried.  Some venture to do so anyway, and are shocked to learn the guide is communicating in a language they understand.   The interpreter sees these ones who are now trying to get others to take off their headsets and has them evicted from the group for disrupting the unity of the group.

If you do not believe this is an apt illustration; if you do not believe the interpreter is willfully misinforming the tour group, then consider the evidence to be found in the very next paragraph of this study.

“In the years following 1919, God’s people were blessed with more and more flashes of spiritual light.” – par. 7

Spiritual light comes from the holy spirit. It comes from the “tour guide”, Jesus Christ.  If what we call "light" turns out to be wrong, not a product of the spirit, then the light is actually darkness.

“If in reality the light that is in you is darkness, how great that darkness is!” (Mt 6:23)

Judge for yourself if the principle "flashes of light" from 1919 to 1925 were from God or men.[i]

  • Around 1925, we would see the end of Christendom.

  • The earthly paradise would be established about that time.

  • The earthly resurrection would also commence then.

  • The Zionist belief in the reestablishment of Palestine would occur.

  • The millennium (1000 year reign of Christ) would begin.

So when the Governing Body approves a statement like, “In the years following 1919, God’s people were blessed with more and more flashes of spiritual light", are they woefully misinformed; or are they intentionally misleading the flock?  If you feel it is unintentional, then you are left to conclude the interpreter of the "guide's" words is appallingly inept—an indiscreet slave who doesn't verify his sources of information before feeding the flock.

This misinformation continues with the next sentence in paragraph 7.

“In 1925, a landmark article appeared in The Watch Tower, entitled “Birth of the Nation.” It laid out convincing Scriptural evidence that the Messianic Kingdom had been born in 1914, fulfilling the prophetic picture of God’s heavenly woman giving birth, as recorded in Revelation chapter 12.” – par. 7

How many of our brothers will look up the aforementioned article to find this "convincing Scriptural evidence"?  Why are these "landmark articles" not part of the Watchtower Library program online or the CDROM?  See for yourself what it says by downloading the March 1, 1925 Watch Tower and reading the rather lengthy article.  What you will find is nothing approaching evidence, convincing or otherwise.  It is filled with speculation and interpretative antitypes, some of them self-contradictory (see par. 66 re: the flood disgorged by the Devil).

“The article further showed that the persecution and trouble that came upon Jehovah’s people during those war years were clear signs that Satan had been hurled down from heaven, “having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.” – par. 7

One wonders if the author even bothered to read the “landmark article” he refers to, because it claims there was no persecution “during the war years”.

“Be it noted here that from 1874 until 1918 there was little, if any, persecution of those of Zion.” – par. 19

“Again we emphasize the fact that from 1874 to 1918 there was scarcely any persecution of the Church.” – par. 63

The study closes on a particularly jarring note:

“How important is the Kingdom? In 1928, The Watch Tower began to stress that the Kingdom was more important than personal salvation by means of the ransom.” – par. 8

Denying the ransom is an act of apostasy.  It amounts to denying that Christ came in the flesh, since the main only reason he appeared in the flesh, i.e., as a human, was to offer himself up in ransom for our sins. (2 John 7) Thus, minimizing its importance comes dangerously close to the same apostate thinking.

Consider this: The Kingdom lasts 1000 years.  At the end of the 1000 years, the Kingdom ends with Christ surrendering all authority back to God, because the work of the Kingdom has been accomplished.  What is that work?  The reconciliation of humankind back into the family of God. In a word: SALVATION!

Saying that the Kingdom is more important than salvation is like saying the drug is more important than the disease it is designed to cure.  The purpose of the kingdom is the salvation of humankind.  Even the sanctification of Jehovah’s name is not achieved apart from human salvation, but as a result of it.  This mock humility of the Organization that "it is not about us, but all about Jehovah", actually dishonors the name of the God they purport to exalt.


[i] For a fuller account of the often-ridiculous false teachings stemming from that period, see this article.

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  • Comment by PoetryofProvidence on 2016-12-04 19:56:21

    Always concise and to the point , without salvation would there be any to populate the Kingdom ,where there will be "peace on earth and good will towards men"

  • Comment by lazarus on 2016-12-05 02:49:24

    Thanks Meleti, i appreciate in modifying the illustration of the tour guide to an interpreter relaying messages for the tour guide, that was more fitting. Also tying in Salvation as a theme which gets lost in the JW message.

    In paragraph 5 , they somewhat admit to some mistakes , that's fine , let's give them Credit for being honest about it.

    And para 7, says “Light has flashed up for the righteous and rejoicing for those upright in heart.” – Psalm 97:11, NWT

    So who's to blame for their errors since 1919? Jesus I guess as his the head! But I sincerely doubt it!!

    Thanks for highlighting those errors, I mean, flashes of light ! It's true, the "interpreted message" from the interpreter doesn't follow the tour guides own map and commentary.

    You said, "Spiritual light comes from the holy spirit." Just maybe there lies but one issue with the GB of the day.

    Maybe the interpreter was tuned into a different frequency! For example

    Bro Rutherford and the Governing Body had this to say about the Holy Spirits Role. Please note these quotes,

    “But when the Lord Jesus comes to his temple and gathers his approved ones into the temple, is there any further need for the office of the holy spirit as a helper and advocate? If not, then the advocacy of the holy spirit would there cease. Jesus, being in the temple and with his chosen ones, would act for them directly.” (Watchtower, September 1, 1930 p. 263)

    “When the temple class is gathered the administration of the holy spirit as an advocate, it seems, would be at an end.” (p. 263)

    “The holy spirit that had been the guide of God’s people, having performed its functions, was taken away, and the Lord Jesus himself, being present, represented his people and advocated in their behalf before Jehovah God, that is, in behalf of those who had fallen into distress because of their failure to properly use their lips in proclaiming the truth.” (Salvation, 1939 p. 217)
    See Articles in full down below.

    Watchtower September 1, 1930 p. 262-264

    Preservation 1932 p. 51-52 and 193-194

    Salvation 1939 p. 216-217

    Interesting quotes to say the least.

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2016-12-05 18:53:08

      These quotes are disgraceful and wicked!

      Has any other Leader of a religious organization denied that he operated under the Same SPIRIT that guided the Apostles and Raised our Lord Jesus Christ by our God??

      Does any author of any of the 66 books make such an Outrageous claim??!!

      So by What spirit then???

      They don't cast down demons like Jesus did in his ministry so where did these Other "spirits" that Rutherford communicated with ...go?

      Our Master Jesus Says:

      “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order.
      Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.” (Matthew 12: 43-45)

      They Never clean "Gods" House? ! How can they prophesy in a name that they literally shudder at?

      Very eye opening...


      • Reply by lazarus on 2016-12-06 14:27:19

        yes, I think it's one thing to have your speculations and another to ask those that are perceiving everything coming from the Watchtower publications as if coming From Christ, to present those speculations as though there truths. It will always come back to bite! But I wonder also where his head was!

        • Reply by mailman on 2016-12-10 01:29:41

          Exactly Bro. Lazarus, you took the words out of my mouth. Publishing mere ideas or speculations (even before they were guided by the Spirit) that are perceived to be guided by the holy spirit or the Christ is nothing short of blasphemous if not very presumptuous I think.

          Ideas like these should just stay behind closed doors and never published to mislead others. Writers should have provided a disclaimer at least to warn their readers.

          • Reply by Candace on 2016-12-11 01:59:15

            Ok...so what evidence would you need to be satisfied that God's spirit is acting in the organisation? No one is performing miracles or voices booming out of heaven these days. But how does the work of preaching the good news to the entire earth sound, something that has never happened before and no other group has been able to achieve? The massive growth in people coming into the truth in every country, which is still happening today in the developing countries?

            I think its important not to focus on the mistakes or the negative things that has happened in the past. If Jehovah had that attitude none of us would even be here! Jehovah allows mistakes to happen in the organisation because I think this constantly reminds us that we are all in desperate need for his kingdom to come, yet at the same time he lovingly blesses our efforts when we do things right even if the direction comes from imperfect men. He is truly a just and merciful God who deeply cares about us which is amazing because we are all made from dust and not entitled to anything.

            • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-12-11 06:46:04

              Let us assume for the moment that we alone are fulfilling Matthew 24:14 and let us assume also that we are experiencing phenomenal growth. Can you point to a Scripture in the Bible that says that true Christians would be identified by such things? If not, then are you not imposing human criteria as the basis for determining God's blessing?

              Now let us address your criteria. One third of the world claims to be Christian. That means that one third of the world believes in Christ as the savior. So who is responsible for that "massive growth"? Who has preached "the good news to the entire earth"? Certainly not Jehovah's Witnesses. We came on the scene much to late to lay claim to that accomplishment.

              Today, we preach to the Christian part of the world, so at best we preach to 1/3 of the earth. We do not preach to the hundreds of millions of Muslims, Hindus, and Buddists out there. We are barely scratching the surface of that field.

              As for our "massive growth", please consider the statistics we ourselves compile. We are not keeping up with population growth and were it not for the Spanish field, we would be diminishing in developing lands. In fact, in most we are, even if you do not factor in population growth.

              Then there is the greater growth of our competitors. The 7th Day adventists started just 15 years before we did, yet they number 18 million vs. our 8 million. They have missionaries in 200 countries. So if massive growth and worldwide preaching is the criteria, perhaps we should be SDAs. Then there is the Iglesia ni Cristo. They started 40 years after we did, use God's name, don't believe in the Trinty and hellfire, and preach from door-to-door. They number 5 million. Based on your criteria--which is the criteria used by the Organization to justify its authority over us--we should join that church.

              Jesus gave us the criteria to determine true Christians and it is a love of truth and love for each other, like the love he showed us.

              You speak of mistakes, but a mistake is something one does unwittingly or through simple miscalculation. A mistake can be differentiated from a sin by examining the motive, and the motive is manifest by deeds. Deeds speak!

              If I make a mistake and you point it out to me, my humility and love of truth--or lack thereof--will be evident by my reaction. If I correct the mistake and apologize to any who have been adversely affected by it, making amends where necessary, then you can see it is truly a mistake. However, if after years and repeated attempts, I hold to the "mistake" and threaten and persecute those who are trying to correct me--like the Pharisees did with Jesus and the apostles--then it isn't a mistake at all. It is a sin.

              • Reply by mailman on 2016-12-12 00:31:42

                What one hallmark will true Christians be identified? I guess not the preaching or teaching. It's in John 13: 34, 35. :)

            • Reply by apollos0fAlexandria on 2016-12-12 10:56:01

              Here's the evidence I would have to see in answer to your question ... for those taking the lead to treat the individual sheep as Jesus treated individual sheep, and in the way that he instructed his followers to do.

              It's not about numbers. It never was. And it's not about "the truth" in the way you use the expression, because like other religions JWs teach a lot of things that are not true.

              When the interests of the organization conflict with the interests of an individual, even well meaning elders will put the organization first. That is what they are trained to do by those at the top who set policies.

              It is the most obvious and consistent marker to me that something is deeply wrong. The outside of the cup is nicely cleaned to be sure, but when it comes to the inside ....

              • Reply by apollos0fAlexandria on 2016-12-12 11:27:29

                And rereading my comment I realize there is a lot of unspoken subtext. Some people may wonder what sort of thing I'm talking about. Why shouldn't the care of the individual come second place to those of the greater number?

                Although I don't want to get into specific examples (which I could) my point is simply that Jesus cared about people, not organizations.

                That attitude is NOT reflected in the policies of JWs. Like many organizations before them, they see a greater good in protecting the entity itself rather than demonstrate love in the way that Jesus demonstrated it. That's my best attempt at putting it into words.

                "What is True Love?" was the title of a recent JW movie wasn't it? Well that's a very good question. You won't find the answer in the movie, but you will find it in the gospels.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2016-12-05 06:58:05

    Meliti, your version of the illustration is excellent.When we study well, will are guided by Holy Spirit, as long as our motive is right and we wish to seek the truth of God's word. It is not complicated.
    What does this demonstrate ? Fulfillment of Daniel 9:4 - in that "many will rove about and the true knowledge will become abundant. There was a time, even it is often a while back, when the GB seemed to be keen on roving about and dispensing true knowledge. But if
    someone reaches wrong conclusions they become dogma, what happens next? It becomes impossible to rove about and dispense true knowledge, because they are trying to fit it in with the dogma.
    Once you have dogma, everything has to fit round the dogma, and the longer the dogma goes on, the harder it is to admit it was wrong.
    Nevertheless, may we all stick firmly to God's word, believe solidly what is written therein, and admit that we do not understand things until Jehovah really reveals them.

  • Comment by tyhik on 2016-12-05 11:51:02

    Meleti, with your modification of the tour guide example, you made it a really good one! I'm looking forward to make a good use of it in discussions with some JWs soon.

    In the beginning, when we started studying this kingdom book, I was really unhappy. However, if you have fellow JWs you would like to help wake up, this book may be a valuable tool. It is full of strong yet unfounded claims. The examples are skewed. Main doctrines are poorly covered with scriptures. It's full of self-righteousness. With a little help, a sincere JW may start seeing this. Thank you GB.

    • Reply by Dajo on 2016-12-10 21:01:35

      I really do feel your comment about waking some up could be happening tyhik.
      A long time friend, an old elder I have known for 40 yrs who originally helped my wife and I into the organization (whoopsie... I nearly said "the truth) phoned me out of the blue very concerned as he had recently heard I am no longer going to meetings or out witnessing.
      Anyway he probed and prodded as he wanted to know why etc. When he got the point that I wasn't willing to discuss it over the phone he said: "you know the purpilish coloured book we are studying, well some brothers in our congregation are upset and questioning things...."
      I won't elaborate any further but this is going to get interesting.
      As a side point March next year I believe. . the branch here in Australia is being looked at again by the ARC.

      • Reply by mailman on 2016-12-11 23:50:19

        Hi there Bro. Dajo. I think there's an inherent risk of publishing this purple book because not all the brothers would appreciate and welcome ALL the food being fed to the flock especially those that have already raised eyebrows.

        For example, on the admission that 1874 and related dates leading up to 1914 were erroneously thought and published, have we seen other direct and written admissions of faulty assumptions made just right after 1914? If none, then why only now?

  • Comment by GodsWordIsTruth on 2016-12-05 17:52:36

    Amazing Article!

    It is Instructive and has provided me relief!

    (1Thessalonians 5:21-22)

    The Message (MSG)
    "Don’t suppress the Spirit, and don’t stifle those who have a word from the Master. On the other hand, don’t be gullible. Check out everything, and keep only what’s good. Throw out anything tainted with evil."

    They Lead but do not Follow.

    What of the many qualified teachers of God's people who have written in to offer correction and Rebuke of their shaky teachings?!

    Also, are they trying to introduce the idea that Christians can be spirit led? Maybe because of the Memorial numbers?

    I don't ever recall an idea like this in their teachings. Nobody was baptized in the name of the Holy Spirit after a certain time right?

    very crafty I think ....


  • Comment by GodsWordIsTruth on 2016-12-05 18:25:39

    The article you attached is revealing!


  • Comment by Candace on 2016-12-05 21:34:57

    Oh great..now I can't get the weirdness of this illustration out of my head as I am doing my personal study. Thanks Meleti!

    Seriously though, I often daydream about what would happen if Adam and Eve didn't disobey God. Would someone eventually disobey anyway (say Cain, because everyone likes to bag Cain) and we would be in the same situation anyways? Or what if everyone stays obedient down to this day and we are still in a gorgeous paradise. If thats the case then wouldn't Kingdom rule be a necessary thing? Whether salvation is needed or not I have get the feeling that if there are several billion people living together on the planet there has to be some kind of rulership (kingdom) one way or another.

    • Reply by Menrov on 2016-12-06 04:01:08

      Good point, indeed, some kind of government is needed. But that is already in place, right? Jesus is already sitting on his throne. The kingdom does not depend on the people talking about it. It is something that is arranged in heaven. Jesus said to make disciples and teach them all that Jesus taught. This means one should first focus on the Teacher and make people trust that teacher. Why else would they become disciples of Jesus, which was that task given? Therefore one can read about all the things Jesus did when on earth, his miracles, his love for people and his final offer for us. Even John 17:3 does not make any mention of the kingdom in relation to eternal life. See these verses in Luke 13:
      18 Thus Jesus asked, “What is the kingdom of God like? To what should I compare it? 19 It is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the wild birds nested in its branches.”

      20 Again he said, “To what should I compare the kingdom of God? 21 It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed with three measures of flour until all the dough had risen.”

      Nothing about a government or ruling.
      Again: Joh 3:15 so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.”

      It is therefore not scriptural to make the kingdom news (whatever is meant with that) more important than the King of that Kingdom.

      • Reply by Candace on 2016-12-06 20:53:33

        Hi Menrov, how about our most famous scripture? Matthew 24:14 "And this good news of the KINGDOM will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come"

        So yes the kingdom is arranged in heaven but it does depend on people talking about it. Actually the stones will cry out if nobody did but there's 8 million people happily talking about God's Kingdom today so no stone action any time soon!

        • Reply by Menrov on 2016-12-07 03:12:57

          Hi Candace :-), I guess the core question is: what is this good news or gospel of the kingdom exactly. Have a look at Luke 16:16 “The law and the prophets were in force until John; since then, the good news of the kingdom of God has been proclaimed, and everyone is urged to enter it.
          You see, it is not 8 million who are talking about (their interpretation of) the gospel, but it was already proclaimed after John the Baptist. And people were at that time urged to enter it. How could they enter it if 1) it was only setup in 1914 2) it is a government?
          Could it be that entering the kingdom meant to accept and follow Christ? What do you think?

          • Reply by Candace on 2016-12-08 11:00:17

            That question sure made me think, Menrov :')
            Was Jesus was warning the Jews about the the end as in the 'great tribulation' that happened in 70A.D but also about our time as well?
            The governing body officially announced that the good news has been preached to the entire inhabited earth. And thanks to JW.org anyone with an internet connection can have access to life saving knowledge at their finger tips.

            So sometimes I wonder, why isn't the end here yet? I admit to being confused by this just a bit. Maybe the good news hasn't been preached to all the inhabited earth to Jesus satisfaction (since we have to teach them all the things he commanded us) and the countless not at homes when we go door to door witnessing doesn't count as meeting that criteria. who knows?

            • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-12-09 09:09:20

              Candace, the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses has nothing to do with the timing of the end. The end only comes when the full number of the children of God is reached, the brothers of Christ. Revelation 6:10,11

      • Reply by THE DRIFTER on 2016-12-08 19:03:35

        "Good point, indeed, some kind of government is needed."


        Did the first couple need a government?

        Was there ever a mention of it prior to Adams act of disobedience?

        How did the idea go over with Jehovah/Yahweh when Israel wanted a king?

        And finally, ...where did Christ say the law would be written for >his< people?

        Just saying, ...

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-12-06 08:59:30

      We cannot begin to answer such valid questions as you raise until first we get the idea of God as universal sovereign out of our heads. That idea causes us to view ever arrangement through the lens of rulership. A king with his subjects. While the kingdom is a temporary measure designed to take us back to God, that is, to a reconciliation with God as 1 Corinthians 15:28 shows, it will be done away with to be replaced with what Adam had. This reconciliation isn't to reconcile us back to God as his subjects. Adam was God's son, so we are to be reconciled as children of God. If we view God as father and all humanity as children, we will have a better starting point to try to figure out how the new world society will be run.

      • Reply by Candace on 2016-12-06 20:49:00

        How did we get to the idea that God ISN'T the universal sovereign? Of course he is, being creator and source of life to everything. He gets to make whatever laws (physical or anything else) he fancies and we would have no say about it what so ever.

        Good thing for us, God IS love so he does everything kindly, mercifully and in our best interests at heart. But I get what you are saying, Jehovah doesn't want to rule over us oppressively like a slave to a master, he wants to treat us like his children (once we are reconciled).

        • Reply by Dajo on 2016-12-12 14:47:51

          Candace, I admire your tenacity and love for our father. One thing that always had me wondering was the decades of going to the memorial each year and sitting dumbly as we "watched" some bread and wine rotate around.
          There is another site related to this one.. (you may already be aware of). It is beroeans.study and has some thought provoking articles, could I suggest you look for the one titled "Adopted!".
          JWs have class systems and Rutherfords 1935 idea has no scriptural basis.
          With kindness, David

  • Comment by Smoldering Wick on 2016-12-07 13:54:54

    On the tour guide illustration my comment was to point out that while Jesus and holy spirit might be there to lead us, to conclude that that they would mislead us would be an unforgivable blasphemy. Only human speculation can mislead us.

    It is also important to end our comments at that point since we want to give the ones hearing the opportunity to draw their own conclusions. It's the only loving thing to do. I did it for all my Bible studies so why shouldn't I do it for my brothers and sisters?

    May the love of Christ help all of us! Stay faithful to the end whatever that end might be! That's all I can say.

    Your brother in Christ,

    Smoldering wick

  • Comment by mailman on 2016-12-10 01:32:48

    We just discussed the chapter yesterday and while in session, I asked our 2 elders (my friends who are open-minded) where in the paragraph is the scriptural proof that the Bible Students were guided by Christ in publishing erroneous ideas.

    Nobody wanted to answer. They just smiled and pointed at each other who to answer first. :)

  • Comment by Em on 2016-12-11 17:27:54

    Thank you for this article. So many great points. It's funny because they have set up a perfect arrangement where if you question something they CURRENTLY teach, you are an apostate, because that means you are questioning God himself. But if you ask why previous teachings were wrong, it's because they are imperfect...if they are imperfect, then why is questioning them the same as questioning GOd? And around and round we go.... It's so sad that those that realize these things can't share it with others. If you do, you are an apostate and they won't engage or listen at all. So you have to keep quiet. So, people will quietly fade from the organization..and people still inside will say "Oh they don't go to meetings, but they KNOW it's the truth." Um...actually, they probably realize it's not but are not able to say anything because they don't want to be officially shunned. So people inside think that those that leave didn't find anything better but just got discouraged or couldn't keep up the fine fight. Such a joke. It's a con. And they will say that other religions teachings make their faith invalid. Well....maybe they are just waiting on God to correct it. Why is it not ok for catholics to stay in their religion and "wait on God" to fix false teachings but that's what JW must do or be shunned. I hate being bullied. I hate that I am allowing myself to be bullied. But I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. Your articles and this community are such a relief for me. I can't even begin to explain how much. It's like FINALLY...I don't have to pretend the Emperor has clothes!

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