They Broke Free From False Religion

– posted by meleti

[From ws11/16 p. 26 January 23-29]

“Get out of her, my people.” – Re 18:4

What does it mean to break free from false religion? The answer, according to this week’s Watchtower study is:

In the decades leading up to World War I, Charles Taze Russell and his associates realized that the organizations of Christendom were not teaching Bible truth. Accordingly, they resolved to have nothing to do with false religion as they understood it. – par. 2a

Modern-day Jehovah’s Witnesses embrace the sentiments of Charles Taze Russell and his associates.  They would agree with the rest of what is said in paragraph 2.

As early as November of 1879, Zion’s Watch Tower straightforwardly set out their Scriptural position by stating: “Every church claiming to be a chaste virgin espoused to Christ, but in reality united to and supported by the world (beast) we must condemn as being in scripture language a harlot church,” a reference to Babylon the Great.—Read Revelation 17:1, 2. – par. 2b

In short, Witnesses agree that true Christians must get out of any religion that does not teach Bible truth. Additionally, they acknowledge that such religions are identified as part of Babylon the Great not only because they teach falsehoods, but because they are affiliated with or lend support to the kings of the earth, as evinced by the reference in this paragraph to Revelation 17:1, 2.

For example, the Watchtower has condemned the Catholic Church as part of Babylon the Great because of her affiliation with and support of the United Nations.  Witnesses consider the UN to be the image of the wild beast described at Revelation 13:14. (w01 11/15 p. 19 par. 14)

In condemnation of the Catholic Church specifically and Christendom in general, the Watchtower said:

Today, Jehovah’s Witnesses warn that a flood of executional armies will soon sweep over Christendom.…If Christendom had sought peace with Jehovah’s King, Jesus Christ, then she would have avoided the coming flash flood.…However, she has not done so. Instead, in her quest for peace and security, she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations—this despite the Bible’s warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God. (James 4:4) Moreover, in 1919 she strongly advocated the League of Nations as man’s best hope for peace. Since 1945 she has put her hope in the United Nations. (Compare Revelation 17:3, 11.) How extensive is her involvement with this organization? ...A recent book gives an idea when it states: “No less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. (w91 6/1 p. 17 pars. 9-11 Their Refuge—A Lie!)

The shocking irony of this condemnation is that only one year later, in 1992, the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society became a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) member of the United Nations, just like the aforementioned twenty-four Catholic NGOs.  It remained a member for 10 years, renewing its membership on a yearly basis as required by UN policies, and only renounced membership when a UK newspaper article exposed its relationship with the United Nations to the world at large.[i]

If we are to accept the condemnation expressed in paragraph 2 of this week’s study—and we do accept it—then we must also accept that is tarred with the same brush.  It is part of false religion.  It has sat atop the wild beast with the rest of Christendom by becoming a certified member of the UN for a full decade.  These are facts and as unpalatable as this may be to dyed-in-the-wool Jehovah’s Witnesses—as it was to me initially—there is no getting around them.  The criteria for such a judgment is not ours, but has been established by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  The principle Jesus gave us applies:

“for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged; and with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU.” (Mt 7:2)

Woe to you…Hypocrites!

Some may suggest that our 10-year membership in the UN was a mistake which has been corrected. They would say that more is required before we can be justifiably accused of being part of Babylon the Great.  They would state that the main criteria for being a “harlot church” is the teaching of falsehood, or as Gerrit Losch called it in the November Broadcast, “religious lies”.[ii]
Is part of the Christendom it condemns so often because it also teaches “religious lies”?

A thoughtful consideration of this week’s Watchtower study will help us to answer that question.

Jesus repeatedly referred to the Jewish leaders of his day as “hypocrites”. Nowadays, influenced by the dominant mentality of ‘political correctness’, we may find those words too strong, but we shouldn’t, because to do so would be to water down the force of the truth.  In reality, Jesus spoke accurately and with a view to saving others from the corrupting leaven of those men. (Mt 16:6-12) Should we not imitate his example today?

In paragraph 3 of this week’s study, we’re asked to refer to the article’s opening illustration depicting a woman in the 18th century standing up before her congregation, reading a letter renouncing her membership. To use terms which are familiar to Jehovah’s Witnesses, this woman was publicly disassociating herself from her congregation. Why? Because it taught falsehoods and was affiliated with the beasts (kings) of the world—in line with the reasoning of Russell expressed in paragraph 2.

The courage of this woman, and others like her, is considered praiseworthy by the writer of this WT article.   Additionally, the article condemns the religious organizations of that day with the following words:

In another era, such a bold move would have cost them dearly. But in many countries in the late 1800’s, the church was beginning to lose the backing of the State. Without fear of reprisals in such countries, citizens were free to discuss religious matters and to disagree openly with the established churches. – par. 3

Let us attempt to re-imagine this picture. Bring it forward 120 years. The woman is now dressed in 21st-century apparel, and the minister is dressed in a suit and no longer has a beard. Now make him an elder in the congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  We can imagine the sister as one of the publishers, perhaps even a pioneer. She stands up and renounces her membership in the congregation.

Would she even be allowed to do so?  As a disassociated one, would she now be free to openly discuss religious matters with other members in the congregation? Could she renounce her membership without fear of any reprisals?

If you are not a Jehovah’s Witness, you might assume so, given the religious climate of freedom within Christendom.  However, you’d be sorely mistaken.  Unlike other Christian religions, JWs harken back to the mentality prevalent prior to the 18th century; the very attitude they’ve just condemned.  While the laws of civilized countries do not permit burning at the stake or imprisonment as was the case in the past, they do support, for the time being at least, the punishment of shunning.  Our sister would experience severe reprisals in the form of disfellowshipping—a practice worse than the current practice of Catholic excommunication.  She would be cut off from all JW family and friends, and those who would try to resume association with her would be intimidated by threats of their own disfellowshipping.

Does it not seem hypocritical to condemn the churches of the past for doing the very thing that Jehovah’s Witnesses widely practice today?

Is hypocrisy a mark of true religion?

The Love of the Truth

The principal criterion used to determine whether or not an organization is part of Babylon the Great is a love of truth.  A love of truth causes one to reject falsehood when found.  If one rejects the love of the truth, one cannot be saved.  Instead, one is considered to be lawless.

But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents 10 and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved. 11 So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness. (2Th 2:9-12)

Therefore, let us examine this week’s study as an object lesson, a means to determine whether or not love of truth can be found in those crafting the teachings of

New Speak

While Christians eschew involvement in the politics of this world, truth lovers cannot help but be appalled at the beating truth is taking in the public arena of late.  (John 18:36)  For instance, today we have learned that in response to the false claim by President Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer that “This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period”, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway stated Spicer wasn’t lying, but merely stating “alternate facts”.

Coined phrases like “alternate facts”, “present truth”, and “new truth” are just ways of masking falsehoods and lies.  Truth is timeless and facts are facts.  Those who suggest otherwise are trying to sell you something.  They seek to redefine reality and get you to believe in the lie.  Our Father has warned us about this, but we will suffer if we do not listen.

“That is why God lets a deluding influence mislead them so that they may come to believe the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2Th 2:11, 12)

Have those claiming to feed us as the appointed slave been guilty of re-crafting reality?  Let us review paragraph 5 before we attempt to answer that question.

In years gone by, we believed that Jehovah became displeased with his people because they did not have a zealous share in the preaching work during World War I. We concluded that for this reason, Jehovah allowed Babylon the Great to take them captive for a short time. However, faithful brothers and sisters who served God during the 1914-1918 period later made it clear that as a whole the Lord’s people did everything they could to keep the preaching work going. There is strong evidence to support this testimony. A more accurate understanding of our theocratic history has led to a clearer comprehension of certain events recorded in the Bible. – par. 5

“In years gone by, we believed…”  Does this not lead you to believe that this is an old belief, not something current?  Does it not conjure up the idea of something that happened in the distant past, not something for which we today are responsible?  The fact is that until this article was published, as recent as last year, this is what we believed and were taught.  This is not “in years gone by”, but very recent.

The next statement is intended to make us think that the Governing Body is responding to recently discovered evidence.

“However, faithful brothers and sisters who served God during the 1914-1918 period later made it clear…” Later?!  How much later?  Anyone alive and of an age to remember what went on in the Organization during World War I died a long time ago.  Fred Franz was one of the last to go, and he died 25 years ago.  So when exactly is this “later”?  It would have to be back in the 1980s at the latest, so why are we hearing about this only now?

This is not the worst of it.  Fred Franz, who was baptised before the war, became the principle architect of all Watchtower doctrine following the death of Rutherford in 1942.  This particular doctrine goes back to at least 1951, and quite possibly earlier.[iii]

During the years of the first world war, 1914 to 1918, the remnant of spiritual Israel came under Jehovah’s displeasure. His kingdom by his Christ had been born in the heavens in 1914, at the end of the “appointed times of the nations” that year; but, under the great stress of persecution, oppression and international opposition during those war years reaching a climax in 1918, God’s anointed witnesses failed and their organization experienced a breakup and they came under captivity to the world system of modern Babylon. (w51 5/15 p. 303 par. 11)

Consider the importance of the timing!  Fred Franz and other associates at headquarters, who had firsthand knowledge of what actually transpired during the war years, crafted a doctrine which they knew was based on—as Kellyanne Conway infamously put it—“alternate facts”.  They knew firsthand what went on during those years, but chose to craft a different account of the facts, an alternate reality. Why?

Let us reword paragraph 5 to accurately reflect the reality, not the crafted version this WT article would have us believe in.

Until last year, the Governing Body taught through the publications that Jehovah was displeased with the Bible Students under Russell and Rutherford because they did not have a zealous share in the preaching work during World War I.  We concluded that for this reason, Jehovah allowed Babylon the Great to take them captive for a short time.  However, faithful brothers and sisters who served God during 1914-1918 told us a long time ago that this was wrong, but the Governing Body then and now chose to ignore their testimony and the facts available to us from historical documents in our Bethel library.

Again, Why?  The answer is revealed by an analysis of paragraph 14 from this study.

Malachi 3:1-3 describes the time—from 1914 to early 1919—when the anointed “sons of Levi” would undergo a period of refinement. (Read.) During that time, Jehovah God, “the true Lord,” accompanied by Jesus Christ, “the messenger of the covenant,” came to the spiritual temple to inspect those serving there. After receiving needed discipline, Jehovah’s cleansed people were ready to take up a further assignment of service. In 1919, a “faithful and discreet slave” was appointed to provide spiritual food to the household of faith. (Matt. 24:45) God’s people were now free of the influence of Babylon the Great. – par. 14

The question for this paragraph is: “Describe from the Scriptures what took place from 1914 to 1919.”  According to the paragraph, Malachi 3:1-3 was fulfilled, but according to the Scriptures that prophecy was fulfilled in the first century not the twentieth. (See Matthew 11:7-14)

However, the leadership of the Bible Students needed to establish its legitimacy from Scripture.  To do so, they sought a secondary fulfillment of Malachi 3:1-3, an antitypical fulfillment which is not found in Scripture.  (Such antitypical fulfillments have now been disavowed by the Governing Body.[iv]) To make that fulfillment seem to fit, they had to find a way for the messenger of the covenant to be seen to inspect the congregation from 1914 to 1919, because in 1919 they wanted to claim his approval.  A zealous congregation didn't seem to fit.  They had to be captive to Babylon, so they rewrote history and corrupted the fine record of zealous service of thousands of faithful Christians.

Imagine slandering thousands of your brothers and sisters this way.  Imagine publicly declaring that Jehovah God was displeased with those faithful men and women when you knew firsthand that the evidence showed otherwise.  Imagine proclaiming what God’s judgment upon them was, as if you were His spokesman and knew His mind and His decrees.

And to what end?  So that a handful of men who were released from an Atlanta penitentiary in 1919 could command the reins of Christ’s flock?

One wonders why we've needed two articles to downgrade the severity of unfaithfulness from 'drawing the displeasure of God' to 'requiring a wee bit of discipline'.  Be that as it may, in paragraph 9, we chastise "some brothers [for purchasing] bonds to provide financial assistance to the war effort", but disingenuously fail to mention they were given the green light by Rutherford and associates to do so. (See Apocalypse Delayed, p. 147)

Breaking Free from False Religion

Is it necessary to imitate the example depicted in the opening illustration to “get out of her”?  Witnesses believe so, but they believe this is accomplished by joining  However, if she also teaches falsehoods and has shown affiliation with the image of the wild beast, then what other organization do we flee to?

A careful reading of Revelation 18:4 indicates that God’s people are in Babylon the Great at the time she is about to receive payment for her sins.  It also shows that the only action required is one of exiting. Nothing is said about going anywhere, about fleeing to another place or organization.  Like the Christians in the first century, when Cestius Gallus surrounded Jerusalem in 66 C.E. all they knew was that they had to flee "to the mountains". The exact destination was left up to them. (Luke 21:20, 21)

The Bible indicates that true, wheat-like Christians will be growing among false weed-like Christians right up to the end.  That means they will be in Babylon the Great in some sense right up to the harvest. (Mt 13:24-30; 36-43)

It is likely that our ideas about ‘getting out of false religion’ are influenced by thinking implanted in our minds by the publications of  That should no longer be allowed to influence us.  Instead, each of us should examine Scripture ourselves, guided by holy spirit, to determine how best to serve God in our current circumstances.  Any decision should come from our own conscientious determination of God’s will for us individually.


[i] For more information into the JW UN NGO, see this link.

[ii] “Then there are religious lies. If Satan is called the father of the lie, then Babylon the great, the global empire of false religion, can be called the mother of the lie. Individual false religions could be called daughters of the lie.” – Gerrit Losch, November Broadcast on  Also see, What is a Lie.

[iii] It is very possible that earlier references are to be found outside of the WT Library program which has a database that excludes publications prior to 1950.

[iv] See Going Beyond What Is Written.

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  • Comment by Thaddeus on 2017-01-25 15:48:10

    Thank you for " educated speculation " I feel you're on point with much of it. Do you know what page in the June 1st or 15th 1918 wt i can find this reference concerning war or 'Liberty bonds? I read both issues and must've missed it.

    • Reply by AndereStimme on 2017-01-27 13:29:27

      Hi Thaddeus,

      In the June 1, 1918 WT, it's in the article RENDERING GOOD WITHOUT OFFENSE, under the subheading ESSENTIALS, UNITY-NON-ESSENTIALS, CHARITY, pp. 168-169, (6268).

      See also, in the same issue, pp. 173-174 (6271):

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-01-27 15:28:55

        Thanks for the reference, Andere. I'd been looking for that for some time

  • Comment by Danish Dynamite on 2017-01-23 22:23:21

    Meleti..the applied logic has caused some serious "new light" in my life:) Absolutely brilliant articles you have shared here.
    I am trying to understand why they crafted a wrong doctrine( why was the 1918-1919 modern-day-Babylonian-captivity-doctrine important?) was any other teachings dependent on this doctrine?

    • Reply by AndereStimme on 2017-01-24 12:18:31

      If I may indulge in a little bit of educated speculation, I would say that the reason is alluded to in par. 9:

      Some brothers purchased bonds to provide financial assistance to the war effort

      As usual, the 'official' version is not exactly forthcoming. From James Penton's Apocalypse Delayed: the 1 and 15 June 1918 issues of The Watch Tower...Bible Students were called on to join with other Americans in a national day of prayer for an Allied victory over German 'autocracy,' and the society now proclaimed that the purchase of 'Liberty' or war bonds had nothing to do with religion. Individual Bible Students were therefore to be free to purchase or not to purchase those bonds as they conscientiously saw fit. Almost immediately this caused a conflict in the Bible Student community and really became the major cause of the Standfast schism in western Canada and the northwestern United States. Later, after Rutherford and his seven companions were released from Atlanta Penitentiary in 1919, The Watch Tower repudiated its 1918 compromising statements, and the society always attributed them thereafter to having been taken 'captive to Babylon' or false religion.

      So, the "some brothers" were right at the top. Declaring themselves to have been taken 'captive to false religion' was an excuse, and a way of doing penitence, for Rutherford's monumental and disastrous lapse of judgment. But now that those details have faded from the collective JW memory, there's no longer any need to excuse, much less apologize for, such transgressions. Especially since doing so interferes with the present narrative. After all, if Jesus was inspecting them at that time, why would he choose a group that was 'captive to false religion'? That he found them to be good kids that just needed a wee bit o' discipline makes for a much better story.

  • Comment by Truth-Seeker on 2017-01-24 00:30:25

    Yes, Fred Franz was The Oracle of the Society all those years, so all the wacky ideas were from him. Little by little the credibility of his doctrines is being taken down by the WT writers because they don't hold up under scrutiny. I call it a "defranzisation process". That's what ya get for having men and not Christ as your role model.

    • Reply by AndereStimme on 2017-01-24 11:39:09

      Don't you think, in this Facebook age, that it should be "unfranzing"? As in, "They unfranzed that doctrine".

  • Comment by Smoldering Wick on 2017-01-24 03:50:07

    As I read your commentary, Meleti, I'm reminded of a game my kid's used to play where each child took turns pulling pins from a tower until the last one caused it to finally come tumbling down.

    This is truly their dilemma---and I'm sorry to say the governing body desperately needs their 1918-19 BTG captivity doctrine to validate their FDS appointment doctrine. I truly fear for those brought up "in the truth" since the "accurate knowledge" We've boasted to have is on the verge of imploding in on us all. I just hope we are all humble enough to take it on the chin. ?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-01-24 10:22:41

      I fear that too many are in it for the reward. They talk about the end being near to the virtual exclusion of all else. They have put faith in men and their promises, but not in God, and will blame God rather than themselves when the promises of men fall through. So sad.

    • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-01-24 05:09:34

      I've never been a fan of boxing, but even the Apostle Paul referred to it so.....
      I feel that I've been well trained by this site and others and my own deep study and clear thinking, to take any blows that may come from an implosion of "accurate knowledge".
      In fact I feel so ready for the match I'm bouncing like Ali. Bring it on. I can take all the blows, I'm well protected by real faith.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-01-24 10:20:28

        When the time comes, you'll float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. :)

    • Reply by PoetryofProvidence on 2017-01-27 02:53:51

      It would be "very delightful" to have your voice and poetry back among "the living" and it's sooooo good to see you here "again" with your voice . tell "resolute" I haven't forgotten you all , just gettin' Old and slow .

  • Comment by THE DRIFTER on 2017-01-24 12:22:49

    "That is why God lets a deluding influence mislead them so that they may come to believe the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Th 2:11, 12)
    Worth a repost!

  • Comment by lazarus on 2017-01-24 17:45:45

    Thanks Meleti, excellent review once again. I appreciate the point of The Bonds, answering the question, were to flee to? A point I've been meditating and praying about for a while.
    My advanced apologies for the long comment. And feel free to correct me as some of my observations may be incorrect. Especially the one on the 501.c3. I'm just looking into that.

    The Return of Christ is a big deal according to the scriptures, if Christ returned in 1914, it was a non event really, as Judgment 1st starts with the house of God. However, the study suggests, that the brothers were still working hard, eg photo-drama , and the imprisonment of the 8 members and following there release in 1919. Christ then decides to appoint them over his domestics. However no one on earth new of this Historic Event!

    Christ now in charge of these few. Early announcements were breathtaking, New Publication, Advertise the word and Prophesies. One of those announcements was that in 1925, as prophesied , the Princess of Old would arise from the Grave, those few thousand anointed would all take their Judgment seats next to their brother Jesus. Ahh, failed prophesy. Well a few years earlier it was the 1914 failure also.

    Unbeknown to brothers today, the failed teachings of 1914 & 1919 1925, 1935,1975 , instead of being dates and events to base your faith on, these are stumbling blocks for honest hearted ones. But the big one is 1914. IMho.

    My older brother mentioned in conversation, so what ever happened to 1975? He surprised me when he mentioned that. Why? For 1, his not a witness but that shows that the brothers were expecting Christ Return in those years and so was the public or at least that heard the message in the 1970's.

    Proverbs 30:6 warns: "Add nothing to his words, that he may not reprove you, and that you may not have to be proved a liar." The Watchtower, September 1, 2005, under the heading "God's Word Safeguards the Congregation," on page 31, says, after quoting Proverbs 30:6: "Yes, those who tamper with the Bible are really spiritual liars—the most reprehensible liars of all!" Not my words. This does not apply only to matters of doctrine but anything that is not taught by Jehovah in his Word. (John 8:44; Romans 3:4)

    It's interesting what the book Mein Kampf, in part said about a lie.
    The abbreviated version: "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf chapter 10. Source Wikipedia.

    I Agree with the Drifter use of 2 thes 2:11,12.

    Just on a side note, one might look up on Wikipedia the Corporations run by the watchtower.'s_Witnesses

    What's interesting is that until Oct 2000, the Governing Body members sat on these boards. Today members of the Great Crowd or other sheep now occupy these seats! There are a few reasons for this change. At that time anointed numbers dwindling, issues in France over tax, any future legal battles, possible conflicts of the NGO crisis, not being accused of being holding a seat of a of a Religious corporation and being a anointed Minister of Religion. A Great Crowd minister although is justified to hold these seats in a Corporate Role.
    Keep in mind we're talking about Business Matters.
    Just some observations, why they stepped down from these boards, now I could be wrong, of course.

    However, point being is that they've never separated themselves from the State.

    Well if one understands that one needs to apply to be a Corp or even to have a 501.c 3 status. What does this mean? Quotes of a lawyer.

    The 501c3 corporation. Barbara Ketay, a lawyer at the Biblical Law Center, wrote the following:
    "O.K. Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, Deacons, Trustees, Elders... listen up! Let's stop all the hocus-pocus, the illusions, the scams, the fairy-tales and the outright lies regarding what the 501(c)(3) incorporated church is and is not. For a change, let's deal with facts. For those of you who don't understand "facts," in the legal arena, facts are used and are supported by documented evidence which would be admissible in a legitimate court of law. Facts are not hyperbole! [i.e. exaggeration]"
    -Barbara Ketay, "The 501(c)(3) Incorporated Church: The Real Truth," Biblical Law Center, retrieved Aug 1, 2016, []

    Ketay goes on to list facts about what a 501c3 church corporation is by lawful state definition:
    The creator of a corporation is the State.
    The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over the corporation.
    The corporation is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers.
    The corporation has no constitutionally protected rights.
    The corporation is an artificial person.
    The corporation submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the State.
    The corporation is created for the benefit of the public.
    The corporation is a State franchise.
    The corporation is a privilege granted by the State.

    So according to this legal perspective if You have a 501c3 INCORPORATED status.

    That means your church or organisation is a corporation of the state.

    The message is:
    The creator of your church or Congregation is the State.
    The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over your church.
    Your church is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers.
    Your church has no constitutionally protected rights.
    Your church is an artificial person.
    Your church submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the State.
    Your church is created for the benefit of the public.
    Your church is a State franchise.
    Your church is a privilege granted by the State.
    (The word church can also be replaced with ministry or mission.)

    Is it a clear Biblical violations a 501c3 incorporated that the Religion is committing! Once a Minister has signed the papers, it does not matter who the minister says his creator is when he's up on the platform , because he signed a document , putting the state in place of our Lord.

    Interesting quote also: "I am not the only IRS employee who's wondered why churches go to the government and seek permission to be exempted from a tax they didn't owe to begin with, and to seek a tax deductible status that they've always had anyway. Many of us have marveled at how church leaders want to be regulated and controlled by an agency of government that most Americans have prayed would just get out of their lives. Churches are in an amazingly unique position, but they don’t seem to know or appreciate the implications of what it would mean to be free of government control."
    -Steve Nestor, IRS Senior Officer, IRS Publication 526, quoted by Peter Kershaw, In Caesar's Grip, self-published, 2000; See also Thomas Lake, Romans 13 In a Constitutional Republic, Xlibris Corporation, 2011, p. 9, ISBN: 9781456846886

    Remember There are different features of Babylon the Great.

    One of those features according to Revelation 18:7,is she has“glorified herself and lived in shameless luxury.”

    Living in “shameless luxury” . Since 2014/2015 the Watchtower took over All the properties once run by the local congregation. Interesting move don't you think. It's not personal it's business.

    Their Currently living in luxurious complex. Of course so are many other Religions who are all part of Babylon the Great. What's the difference? Mal 3:18 says "And you
    will again see the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person, between one serving God
    and one not serving him." You can see why Jesus said let the wheat and weeds grow together until the harvest time. You'll see the fruits. We would of not seen these fruits early on as clearly as we do today.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-01-26 15:16:27

    Hi Everybody. Fine article, as always, and excellent comments. Nothing surprises me anymore. The thing that keeps me going to (most of )the meetings is the knowledge that I believe all in attendance are wanting to worship God with spirit and truth (John 4:24) and the conviction that some are beginning to spot the untruths, falsehoods, call them what you like. I want to be there for them.

    • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-01-26 17:45:04

      I know what you mean, Leonardo. I look around the hall when I do attend, and see the same few answering, and some others with blank looks and I wonder.... Do you feel the same way that I do?
      I wish there was some secret handshake ( as opposed to secret knocks for basement entry?) that we could use to find one another. It would be so good to have company while enduring.
      I've spoken my mind, well, only part of my mind... Not half of what I really know and feel, to a very small minority very close to me. I've been told to keep quiet, not speak of what I feel, or risk losing their friendship.
      It makes me sad. Why can't they see that they are as trapped and controlled as the Bible Students mentioned in the book study? Are we told what to think? Yes! Openly! Remember the talks at the regional convention? Control your thoughts, actions, etc? Why doesn't it register with them?
      So frustrating.
      well.... We keep on keeping on.

      • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-01-26 17:47:15

        By the way folks.... I do consider you all as company while enduring, and I treasure your comments and encouragement. The standard of scriptural knowledge and love for truth here is wonderful and you all mean a lot to me. Thank you. You keep me sane. I think. ??

    • Reply by mailman on 2017-01-29 01:40:26

      There were few hands raising up this morning during our meetings to answer. That is to think that all they have to do is just to read comfortably from the paragraphs. :)

  • Comment by lazarus on 2017-01-26 17:44:40

    Note this interesting quote back in 1912.

    Wt Sept 1 1912 "During the great Babylonian captivity the Jews were compelled to live in Babylon to be a part of her, to support her, although their bondage was not severe. So today God’s people are required to stay in Mystical Babylon, be a part and parcel of Babylon; to support some of her wards and denominations.Therefore it becomes a difficult matter to flee out of Babylon. But we find in the Scriptures graphic pictures of what is coming upon Mystic Babylon, and those who would escape must flee. As Cyrus, a type of Christ, overthrew Babylon, so a part of the work of the second advent will be the overthrow of antitypical Babylon. – Jer. 51:6; Rev. 18:21"

    There's a fine line when one is Captive to Babylon, and one is released from Babylon the Great from Christ!
    That is when one understands they are captives , and now, the truth sets them free, yet they choose to stay behind, in captivity to help family & friends for Example. To live amongst them and to keep separate from its false teachings beliefs and practices, even participating in the ministry, were one then preaches different doctrines to what one now believes, From my own experience it's tough going and still going.

    At 2 Corinthians 6:16,17 notice what Paul says, "For we are a temple of a living God; just as God said: “I shall reside among them and walk among [them], and I shall be their God, and they will be my people.” 17 “‘Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’”; “‘and I will take YOU in.’” 18 “‘And I shall be a father to YOU, and YOU will be sons and daughters to me,’ says Jehovah the Almighty.”

    So Christ's disciples who are 'a temple of a living God', are the same ones who God calls 'my people' and have gotten out of symbolic Babylon at Rev 18:4.

    What's of interest is Paul's quoting, Isaiah 52: 9 "Become cheerful, cry out joyfully in unison, YOU devastated places of Jerusalem, for Jehovah has comforted his people; he has repurchased Jerusalem. 10 Jehovah has bared his holy arm before the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth must see the salvation of our God.
    11 Turn away, turn away, get out of there, touch nothing unclean; get out from the midst of her, keep yourselves clean, YOU who are carrying the utensils of Jehovah."

    • Reply by tyhik on 2017-01-30 08:11:24

      Hi Lazarus. The 1912 WT citation demonstrates a flip-flop of the doctrine of when the captivity of Christians begun. It shows that the captivity starting in 1918 was already a new light upon an earlier light.

      • Reply by lazarus on 2017-01-30 14:47:56

        Hi Tyhik, Yes, you can imagine the think tanks in Bethel trying to tie loose ends every couple of decades as they realise that previous teachings never made any sense or would hold up under scriptural truth. One must wonder how Jehovah feels. Very sad. para10"Think about the many organizational changes that have been made during the past decade—and bear in mind that Jehovah is behind such developments" 2 studies ago. So according to the watchtower, Jehovah is behind such flip flops.

  • Comment by anonymous on 2017-01-27 23:24:59

    I would like to share something I found interesting, and I feel is on topic with the theme of breaking free from false religion. A Mormon named Jeremy Runnells wrote a letter called "Letter to a CES director".

    He was eventually disfellowshipped in a kangaroo court, where the elders refused to answer questions. The Mormons are like cousins to the JW's in many respects. As to which religion is worse to be indoctrinated in from childbirth, I don't know. Jeremy did mention in a video his father, also a Mormon, said to him he will always be part of the family and always be his son. Bravo

    • Reply by Enoch on 2017-01-28 21:16:35

      "As to which religion is worse to be indoctrinated in from childbirth, I don’t know. "...... No coffee , no Beer.....definitely the Mormons! :-)

      Although that being said, the Mormons do get to wear some fancy underpants and they can get out of door to door work after their mission. Hmmmm. I'm still leaning to the coffee and beer. Nice try Mormons! :-)

  • Comment by Enoch on 2017-01-28 21:59:46

    Some interesting comments from the conductor this morning at the Hall.

    1. "The slave just had to be appointed in 1919.It has to be that year. Why? Because it was only then that they came completely out of Babylon and false religious practice."

    2. " In World War 2 the brothers changed their understanding of the "Superior Authorities " and taught that they were Jehovah and Jesus. Although this was wrong it helped the brothers to be completely Neutral. In fact it wasn't until the 60's that we finally got the Superior Authorities correct. Yes that's right , it took us about 50 years to get the correct view."

    Does anyone else see a bit of contradiction between `1 and 2 ??

    The other thing that really got on my wick was the congregation going Ape on the picture of the woman "disassociating from the church". In the picture the Minister of the Church is seen decrying the woman for reading the letter.

    The brothers in their comments tore strips off the "Babylonish Minister" for his actions. There is also one member of the Church sitting with his arms crossed in the front row and one of the sisters criticized this parishioner for his aggressive demeanour.

    This is just rank hypocrisy as Meletti brought out in his review. If a member of the JWs respectfully wanted to read to the congregation their reason for leaving they would quite literally be shut down. Brothers would shut down the sound system and the Elders would try and remove the brother/sister from the auditorium. (even using mild physical of the arm)

    The Org will not allow you to be announced as "disassociated". They will only use the generic "Brother so and so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses". In the vast majority of announcements it will be because of Disfellowshipping, not disassociation. Hence it's my position that the way the Org refuses to announce someone as "disassociated" if that is their request, amounts to slander and character assassination as it is misleading the congregation as to the reasons for the individuals exit.

    When I disassociated I tried to make it clear that I was still a Christian and I was only disassociating from the WT bible and tract Society. I don't believe that any human beings have the right to say a person is no longer a Witness of Christ or Jehovah if that individual is making a stand against actions that are tyrannical and an affront to Liberty. As already mentioned, to allow the congregation to think that an individual was disfellowshipped when they left on their own accord amounts to slander and lying by omission of details/fact.

    ASV)  Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

    • Reply by Menrov on 2017-01-29 03:40:07

      The scene portrayed in the picture would never be allowed in a kh. First, women are hardly allowed to speak other than in a small d2d play. And men only when appointed to speak but setting is strictly controlled. Now in hindsight, I find it most misleading the announcement of someone no longer being a jw. It always gives a feeling that the person was "bad". This is the result of pure internal "marketing" of the organisation about disfellowshipped people. About all religious organisations will have to prove to its members that they are "the chosen" ones. And unfortunately, many people tend to be longing for such a person or organisation. They want to believe. Hence for many it is difficult to leave their religious organisation as they have made that environment the foundation of their faith. If they leave, what about their foundation? IN particular I believe JW's are in that position. For them, it seems that leaving the organisation is equal to leaving (denouncing) God. Absolutely not true of course but again, the results of the "internal marketing" of the organisation. They make you believe it. That is why they continue to discuss these imaginary events around 1918, 1919.

    • Reply by tyhik on 2017-01-30 07:30:01

      Enoch "The other thing that really got on my wick was the congregation going Ape on the picture of the woman “disassociating from the church”."

      Something similar happened in our congregation. If anybody would have wanted to disassociate oneself, it would have been a perfect moment to step up and (try) read the disassociation letter.

  • Comment by mailman on 2017-01-29 01:37:42

    Matthew 16:17-18
    17 Jesus answered and said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon BarJonah, l for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but m My Father who is in heaven. 18 "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."

    This verse is very critical I guess in understanding the period when there's no faithful and discreet slave according to the Society and that the world was dominated by apostate Christianity after the death of the apostles.

    How can this teaching possibly be an unassailable truth when Christ gave his followers an assurance that his church would always remain - would never go extinct. No apostate teaching or leaders can break his church. If it's really true that apostate Christianity or imitation-Christians have taken over and displaced true Christianity, then this would have invalidated Matthew 16:18, wouldn't it?

    I would certainly welcome your comments dear brothers. Thanks

  • Comment by Maria on 2017-01-29 04:38:00

    Hi Menrov,

    That's why I love this Bibleverse: 1 Corinthians 3:11New International Version (NIV)

    11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

    Not any denomination, just Christian.
    My best friend for years didn't want to listen and ran to the Elders. She said, even when you are right in your discoveries, she would never leave the environment of the JW. Well I said that's your choice not mine and I cried for loosing her friendship, but I gained so much more building ones faith and not loosing it, on the foundation Jesus.
    God and our beloved Lord have nothing to do with the manmadefabrications of any man. They are the ones you can trust.

    Love to all
    Willy the female counterpart of William ;)

  • Comment by tyhik on 2017-01-30 07:56:04

    Thanks Meleti for the nice job.

    The citation about the "harlot church" is fantastic. In the light of the recent UN NGO membership affair, I can only refer to Matt 12:37
    "for by your words you will be declared righteous, and by your words you will be condemned.”
    Also, John 9:41 is completely relevant I think:
    "Jesus said to them: “If you were blind, you would have no sin. But now you say, ‘We see.’ Your sin remains.”"
    It is a complete hypocrisy by the GB to pull out this harlot church citation, being fully aware of their UN affair. Four of the current GB members (Herd, Lett, Lösch and Splane) were already in the GB when Org's UN relationship got published by The Guardian in 2001.

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