2017, Feb 27-Mar 5 – Our Christian Life and Ministry

– posted by Tadua

Treasures from Gods Word

Isa 65:18, 19 - There will be great rejoicing (ip-2 384 para 25)

The reference in Isaiah’s Prophecy Part 2 says this:

“Today, too, Jehovah makes Jerusalem “a cause for joyfulness.” How? As we have already seen, the new heavens that came into existence in 1914 will eventually include 144,000 co-rulers, who have a share in the heavenly government.”

So what evidence is there to prove that ‘as we have already seen, the new heavens that came into existence in 1914 will eventually include 144,000 co-rulers’?

Looking back to paragraph 21 in the same chapter 26 we find this ‘proof’:

Recall, however, that Peter echoed Isaiah’s prophecy and showed that it had a future fulfilment. The apostle wrote: “There are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell.” (2 Peter 3:13) In 1914 the long-awaited new heavens came into existence. The Messianic Kingdom born in that year rules from heaven itself, and Jehovah has given it authority over all the earth. (Psalm 2:6-8) This Kingdom government, under Christ and his 144,000 co-rulers, is the new heavens.—Revelation 14:1.

Did you see the proof? True, both Isaiah and Peter point to a future fulfillment, but where is the 'proof' of 1914 at that fulfillment?  The timing is unspecified.  If there is proof, why are no scriptural references given so that we can prove it to ourselves?  This doctrine is like a house of cards.  As long as you leave it alone, it will stand and look impressive, but play with it even slightly and the whole structure comes tumbling down.

Apply yourself to the Field Ministry

The talk under this section is "Meeting Together – A Permanent Feature of Our Worship."  It is unclear what this has to do with applying ourselves to the field ministry, but let's not quibble over classification.

The theme scripture is Isaiah 66:23: “from new moon to new moon [monthly or every 29 or 30 days] and from Sabbath to Sabbath [every Saturday], all flesh will come in to bow down before me says Jehovah”.

The organization is looking to find Scriptural justification for its requirement to have Jehovah's Witnesses meet for their two weekly meetings.  Jews kept the Sabbath, but only those who lived near the temple could journey there on the Sabbath, since travel was restricted. (Acts 1:12)  Apparently, from ancient times, they stayed home on that day. It wasn't a day of worship, but a day of rest.

“Six days may work be done, but on the seventh day is a sabbath of complete rest.” (Ex 31:15)

Once again, a Scripture is being pressed into service to support some commandment of men.  The context shows that Isaiah isn't speaking of Jewish meeting customs, but to a future time when there will be new heavens and a new earth.

“For just as the new heavens and the new earth that I am making will remain standing before me,” declares Jehovah, “so your offspring and your name will remain.” (Isa 66:22)

The writer of Hebrews does encourage us to meet together.  Hebrews 10:24, 25 is quoted in the w06 11/1 pp30-31 reference, but all it says is to ‘not forsake the gathering of ourselves together, but instead to encourage one another’.  Did you spot the Scriptural mandate to meet mid-week and on Sundays, to listen to talks from a platform based on a pre-designated outline supplied by a small group of men who claim that their authority is given by God?  How can we 'encourage one another to love and to fine works' in such a restrictive and controlled environment?

The claim made in paragraph 15 of the WT reference is that we worship Jehovah by, among others things, attending Christian meetings (twice weekly, listening to a select few) and engaging in the public ministry (once a week at least, putting in a recommended minimum of 10 hours a month).  How does that reconcile with the Scriptural principles we just described, especially bearing in mind that Jesus, at John 13:35, said that ‘all will know you are my disciples if you have love among yourselves’?  If love is the identifying mark of true disciples, then shouldn't our meetings focus mainly on helping us to display love to one another, as Hebrews 10:24, 25 says, rather than our ministry and organization?

Do you find the CLAM meeting incites you to ‘love and fine works’?  Or does it bore you week after week by showing you over and over how to make theocratic sales calls? By the end of the meeting, how much time and energy do you have to encourage your fellow attendees? Very little, judging by how quickly most Kingdom Halls empty after a CLAM meeting. And how much encouragement do you receive?

Congregation Bible Study

Taken from God's Kingdom Rules, pp. 87-89 par. 1-9.

Chapter 9, "Results of Preaching – 'The Fields...Are White for Harvesting'"

Paragraphs 1 - 4a contain an accurate relating of events of Jesus and his disciples in the 1st Century.

It’s interesting however to briefly highlight the fact that Jesus had just done two things before making the theme's quote: 1) He had witnessed or preached informally. Jesus was resting at the well and spoke to the Samaritan woman when she came to draw water. (John 4:6-7). He wasn’t preaching from house to house at that time; and 2) he had discerned a spiritual interest and followed up on it. He hadn’t stood next to his scrolls waiting for someone to talk to him.

Having set this scene, a modern-day application is attempted.  First, in paragraph 4, the foundation is laid by accurately stating that Jesus began the harvest back in the first century.  However, we are to assume that the harvest ended as some point in time, because apparently for centuries the crop lay dormant until our day. Well, not actually our day since everyone around in 1914 is dead, but at least in the day of our ancestors.

How does the book attempt to apply Jesus' words which were obviously applied from his day forward to our day exclusively?  Apparently, a word search was performed on the word "harvest".  Finding another occurrence of the word in Revelation, the Organization ignores the context and uses Revelation 14:14-16 to try to support its "last days" theology.

5 In a vision given to the apostle John, Jehovah reveals that he assigned Jesus to take the lead in a global harvest of people. (Read Revelation 14:14-16.) In this vision, Jesus is described as having a crown and a sickle. The “golden crown on [Jesus’] head” confirms his position as ruling King. - par. 5

Yes, Jesus is ruling as king during this harvest, but did it start in 1914?  This harvest isn't just of the wheat, "white for harvesting", that Jesus spoke of in the theme text. No, this harvest is of grapes and they do not end up in God's storehouse, but crushed underfoot. This harvest results in bloodshed.

“And still another angel emerged from the altar, and he had authority over the fire. And he called out with a loud voice to the one who had the sharp sickle, saying: “Put your sharp sickle in and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for its grapes have become ripe.” 19 The angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and he hurled it into the great winepress of God’s anger. 20 The winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress as high up as the bridles of the horses for a distance of 1,600 stadia.” (Re 14:18-20)

If this harvest began in 1914, then what can we say about everyone harvested back then?  Everyone—EVERYONE—from that era, both good and bad, is dead! There is no way that the harvest spoken of at Revelation 14 can be made to fit the historical events of 1914 and the years that followed.

The author of the book ignores this, however and supplies a question for paragraph 5 that is pre-loaded to elicit just the answer the Organization is looking for: “Does this vision help us to determine when this global harvest began? Yes!”

Notice the use of “began?” instead of “begins?” and “Yes” instead of “Let us find out.”

Paragraph 6 claims, “Since John’s vision in Revelation 14 shows Jesus the Harvester wearing a crown, his appointment as King in 1914 had already taken place." It then offers Daniel 7:13,14 as proof, but all Daniel confirms is that the prophet had a vision of the future when Jesus would be appointed king by Jehovah God.  No time frame is given, nor any means supplied to calculate when that appointment takes place.

The paragraph continues “Sometime after that, Jesus is commanded to start the harvest (verse 15)”. Notice verse 15 states:  ”Put your sickle in and reap, because the hour has come to reap, for the harvest of the earth is thoroughly ripe.”  Ask any farmer how much time he has to harvest a crop that is "thoroughly ripe" before it spoils.  Given that this harvest includes the destruction of the grapes, it could not have already occurred.

The paragraph continues by linking the harvest to the parable in Matthew 13:30, 39 where the wheat and the weeds grow together till the harvest, when the weeds are removed first then the wheat is gathered. It is reasonable to link that parable with the events described at Revelation chapter 14.  However, things fall apart if we try to link these two accounts with the JW interpretation concerning 1914.  It is not just that no date nor year is mentioned.  Notice that the weeds are gathered first and burned.  If this started in 1914, then where do we see historical evidence of burned weeds? Where is there evidence of wheat gathered into God's storehouse?  Where is there evidence of the sons of the kingdom shining as brightly as the sun?  (Mt 13:43)

It then makes the claim that his anointed followers were cleansed from 1914 to early 1919 so that the harvest work could begin, and that he appointed the faithful slave to help the brothers realise the urgency of the preaching work.

How were they cleansed by 1919? Do the following beliefs indicate a cleansing work took place?

(See subject ‘Beliefs Clarified’ in 1986-2015 Index, under ‘List By Year’.)

Christmas, dropped in 1928. Christmas (Saturnalia) was still celebrated until 1928. - See w95 5/15 p. 19 par. 11

The Pyramid of Giza, dropped in 1928.  The Pyramid of Giza was believed to sign the timing for the start of the great tribulation until w28 11/15 and w28 12/1 abandoned the belief – See w00 1/1 p. 9, 10

Easter, dropped in 1928.  “The prominent heathen festival of Easter was also brought over and engrafted into the so-called Christian church.” —The Golden Age, December 12, 1928, page 168.

The Cross, dropped in 1934.  “The cross is pagan in origin.”—The Golden Age, February 28, 1934, page 336

New Year’s Day, dropped in 1946.  “The whole New Year’s celebration with its high jinks and drunken revelry is not Christian, regardless of the day on which it occurs. Early Christians did not observe it.”—Awake! December 22, 1946, page 24.

So exactly what was cleansed by Jesus from the Bible Students during the 1914-1919 period?  Very little it seems. The same ‘Beliefs Clarified’ only gives the following for the massive cleansing work between 1914-1919.

1915: w15 9/1, on the issue of Christian neutrality.  It stated: “To become a member of the army and to put on the military uniform implies the duties and obligations of a soldier as recognized and accepted. . . . Would not the Christian be really out of his place under such conditions?”

A step in the right direction, but a cleansing by Christ?  It wasn't until 1939 that it became clear that Christians could have absolutely no part in war. (w39 11/1)

1917: w95 5/15 p. 21 par 1. “In 1917, Jehovah’s people published an explanation of Revelation in the book The Finished Mystery. It fearlessly exposed Christendom’s religious and political leaders, but many of its explanations were borrowed from various sources. Still, The Finished Mystery served to test the Bible Students’ loyalty to the visible channel Jehovah was using.”

How could the Bible Students discern what visible channel Jehovah was using? After all ‘many of its explanations were borrowed from various (other) sources’.

According to the Explanatory Note on page 10 of the ‘Studies in the Scriptures’ Vol.7 (1917) ‘The Finished Mystery’, Charles Taze Russell used:

Barnesʹ ʺRevelationʺ.
Coffinʹs ʺStory of Libertyʺ.
Cookʹs ʺRevelationʺ ; a compendium of the presentations of seventy‐two leading commentators on Revelation, in all languages and all ages of the Church.
Edgarʹs ʺPyramid Passagesʺ. Vol. II.
Smithʹs ʺThoughts on Daniel and Revelationʺ.

In truth the only ‘cleansing’ appears to have been the removal of the Directors appointed by Charles Russell in his will who did not support J. F. Rutherford becoming President. However, the facts of history do not support the idea that Jesus was behind this. (See Look! I Am With You All the Days)

Paragraphs 7-9 talk about understanding the need for the preaching work in 1920 and how the workers were joyful at this urgent work (emphasis theirs).  How easy do you find it to remain joyful, knocking on the door of an empty home, or standing mute next to a trolley? Is it not much more joyful to share (enthusiastically) with your friends (if you have any non-witness friends) and work colleagues the results of your private Bible study? Yet how often do we get training to do informal witnessing at the CLAM meeting as opposed to door knocking?

Paragraph 9 highlights the great increase from 1934 to 1953 of 41,000 to 500,000. During that same time, the Latter Day Saints (Mormons) increased from 750,000 to about 1,250,000, having been about 60,000 in the 1860’s. Jehovah’s Witnesses have grown from 500,000 in 1953 to 8,340,847 now. In the same period the LDS have grown from 1,250,000 to 15,634,199, double that of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Seventh Day Adventists have grown to 19 million.

Over this same period of time, the world population has grown from around 2 Billion to 7.4 Billion. It is said that you can make any conclusion you like out of statistics. I won’t comment other than to say, while there has been an increase in Jehovah’s Witnesses, it is hardly amazing or outstanding. The current year increase, in percentage terms of 1.8% is much the same as the Adventists (1.5%) and the LDS (1.7%). Surely if the preaching work had Jehovah’s backing, the increase would be greater. (To clarify, we are not any other faith, but only showing how statistical growth cannot be seen as a measure of God's blessing.)

All the above leaves us with a question to ponder: Are we really in the time of the harvest? Or does that come at Armageddon.?  To be continued next week....

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  • Comment by Amitafal on 2017-02-28 02:52:34

    Hello Meleti
    Thank you once again for your hard work and thorough examination of scriptures.
    I too researched the Heb 10:24,25 scripture. It's funny that not only do other bible translations use the word "gathering" or "assembling" together as well as "meeting" , but our old ref Bible used to use the word "gathering". I can't help feeling they changed it in our new 'Grey' bible to "meeting" to try and emphasis that we should go to their meetings. We can encourage one another as you say by discussing scripture, or showing kindness, talking to one another and socialising. In fact I met with an old friend last week , who is not a JW. After about 4 hours catching up and telling her how I don't want to be a JW anymore, I came home and felt so much better. She could see through the teachings of the Org and the control they have over us. Your weekly reviews are also of encouragement.
    Dare I ask is there a way you could give us a few guidelines to try and awaken other JWs without getting into trouble? Your version of the demos we have for the ministry - but without the awful videos and cliches.
    Many thanks

  • Comment by kyaecker on 2017-02-28 12:42:15

    Thank you Meleti for your efforts on the CLAM. I Really benefit from your critique on this meeting. I look forward to your comments every week. Thank you!

  • Comment by tyhik on 2017-02-28 16:36:07

    Thank you Tadua for the informative article.

    During the CLAM meeting, it was very strange to hear some 120 people trying to convince each other and themselves that the "conclusion of the system of things" started in 1914.

    The "conclusion of the system of things" in Matt 13:39 is in fact "conclusion of the age" [age: Greek aionos, Strong 165]. The same Greek word is used in the following verse:

    Hebrews 9:26
    26 Otherwise, he would have to suffer often from the founding of the world. But now he has manifested himself once for all time at the conclusion of the systems of things [aionon] to do away with sin through the sacrifice of himself.

    The "last days" [Greek eschatos hemera] seem to be synonymous to the "conclusion of the age(s)". Here are a few verses that use eschatos hemera and shed some light of whether last days could have started in 1914.

    Acts 2:17
    17 ‘“And in the last days,” God says, “I will pour out some of my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams,

    Hebrews 1:2
    2 Now at the end of these days he has spoken to us by means of a Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the systems of things.

    1 Peter 1:20
    20 True, he was foreknown before the founding of the world, but he was made manifest at the end of the times for your sake.

    I do not wonder any more that rank and file is blind to some scriptures. But I don't believe that the "guardians of the doctrine" are not aware of the ones I cited above.

  • Comment by Candace on 2017-03-01 11:30:22

    I had to laugh at the comment about a 'word search' to find a supporting scripture for the word 'harvest'.
    Do the writers actually do this? The scripture makes no sense in context to the paragraph so I suspect the answer is yes!

    Well I am so glad that I am not the only one finding the CLAM meetings totally boring. When I look around during these meetings I see sleepy children getting grumpy because they are staying up late for no reason, lots of bored tired faces..until the video of the week is played at full volume to startle everyone.
    I feel embarrassed about previously following their direction to play videos at the door advertising the organisation.

    The Gods Kingdom rules book is good for indoctrinating people who don't want to look up references for themselves but at the same time it has the opposite effect of turning people away like myself by exposing how much JW history is being rewritten to suit today's flavour and scriptures being misapplied terribly to justify its strange version of 'logical' arguments.

    One day I wish they will just get rid of the midweek meeting altogether. Then I don't have to feel like puking everytime I get a ministry school part, which is like every month lately since not enough people are on the list. Trying to act out a fake 6 minute bible study gives me a headache.

  • Comment by Enoch on 2017-03-02 02:02:55

    The statistical growth chart was "optimized" to give a picture of continual growth. The only way this could of been done is by deliberate manipulation of the statistics to warp the picture of what has been occurring. For instance my blessed Australia had these statistics...
    1962 - 1987 - 2013

    (15927) - (46170) - (66023)

    The major flatlines in org growth in Australia were due to the 1975 failed prediction and the 1995 failed generation teaching. You'll notice they fall flat in the middle of the cited time frames. So in 75-80 there was next to no growth in Australia and in 95 the publisher numbers weren't much below the 66023 shown for 2013. By optimizing the statistics they get to hide the 75 slump and also hide the fact that there has been minimal growth in Australia for the past 22 years.

    As Tadua quite rightly indicates, you can cherry pick and tweak statistics to make things look a certain way when this isn't the case.

    Even if there had of been no slumps in 75 and 95, growth statistics are irrelevant anyway. As Tadua quite rightly points out, other orgs have experienced far greater results in the same time periods. They did so without door to door preaching and telling followers not to have kids or get job/educational/life skills. Amazing what results Christians can have in evangelizing when they live balanced, well rounded lives. :-)

    • Reply by tyhik on 2017-03-03 04:28:40

      Major growth of mormons comes from big families. Probably the most new JW baptisms are the born in ones. Regarding growth numbers, WT is the victim of its imminent dooms day doctrine. I saw a video of an old exJW lady on youtube, who talked about the witness baby boom on 1960's. But it died out in the light of approaching 1975 foray, and was forgotten afterwards. So the phenomenal growth numbers, and the God's blessing if numbers are the measure of it, are really in the hands of the GB. With GB's blessing, many-many witnesses would probably be happy to have more children. However, for JW baby boom children to start make a difference in baptism numbers, the dooms day should be pushed at least a few decades away.

      Oh well. Unbelievable, how much power the GB really has over their sheep.

  • Comment by Enoch on 2017-03-02 03:39:28

    My apologies to Tadua....i wrote my previous comment to Meletti. Apologies to Tadua for tbe oversight and thankyou for your review!!!??

  • Comment by SeasonsOfGrace on 2017-03-02 12:04:11

    Regarding WT statistics and whether Jehovah is blessing this Org ... recently a brother on social media posted a link to a picture of the new compound at Wallkill.
    There were thousands of comments about how much 'Jehovah is blessing' the Org because the compound (headquarters) is so nice and beautiful and grand, etc.. one comment was something along the lines of- 'it's the beginning of our making the earth a paradise'..
    After reading through a dozen or so comments, I googled images of Scientology headquarters, and LDS headquarters, and Roman Catholic Church headquarters, and SDAdventist headquarters. Guess what I found? (Search for yourself if you like)
    Amazing, grandiose, beautifully adorned 'compounds' that were looking just as magnificent as Watchtower headquarters.
    I had half a mind to post this observation and ask the question... 'Is Jehovah ALSO blessing these religions? If we measure our blessing from God by how grand our headquarters are, then surely He must be blessing these other religions too?'
    Of course that would just be complete blasphemy to 'asleep' JWs...

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-03-02 12:44:48

      Quite right. You'd be called an apostate just for making the comparison.

  • Comment by Truth-Seeker on 2017-03-04 12:35:24

    When I was baptized in 1969 there were 3,000 baptized with me - at one assembly! In 2016 the publishers increased in the whole USA by 3,000 - in one year! Where is the
    miraculous growth?

    • Reply by SeasonsOfGrace on 2017-03-04 14:09:24

      That baptism would have been pre-1975. They might experience a greater increase in baptisms now if they went ahead and set or hinted at another specific Armegeddon date. ?

  • Comment by PoetryofProvidence on 2017-03-08 13:59:58

    I thought I read somewhere that the seventh volume was completed by someone else ? (not that it matters a great deal in terms of faith and teachings being polluted for the last two millennium's) but the continued pressing as to whom is ruling over congregations in this "age" .

  • Comment by 2017, March 13-19 – Our Christian Life and Ministry | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2017-03-14 19:16:29

    […] Finally paragraph 21 restates the claim that ‘a small group of God’s servants has grown into “a mighty nation”’, an argument which we analyzed in the the CLAM review for February 27 to March 5. […]

  • Comment by 2017, October 16 – October 22, Our Christian Life and Ministry | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2017-10-17 17:56:46

    […] Gods Kingdom Rules p102-105 and Clam Review http://beroeans.net/2017/02/27/2017-feb-7-mar-5-our-christian-life-and-ministry/ amongst […]

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