Identifying the True Religion

– posted by meleti
Jehovah’s Witnesses are trained to be calm, reasonable and respectful in their public preaching work.  Even when they meet with name calling, anger, dismissive responses, or just the plain old door-slammed-in-the-face, they strive to maintain a dignified demeanor.  This is laudable.

On those occasions when Witnesses are on the receiving end of a door-to-door visit—by Mormons, for instance—they usually respond respectfully, though they are likely to challenge what the visitor is preaching.  That's okay too.  Whether they are calling on others, or being on the receiving end of a preaching call, they willing engage in dialogue because they are confident they have the truth and that they can defend their beliefs using God’s inspired Word, the Bible.

This all changes, however, when the source of the preaching is one of their own.  Should a fellow Jehovah's Witness disagree with some doctrinal teaching, or point out some flaw or shortcoming in the Organization, the demeanor of the average JW changes entirely.  Gone is the calm and dignified defense of one's beliefs, replaced by charges of disloyalty, character attacks, a refusal to engage in dialogue, and even threats of judicial punishment.  For those outsiders accustomed to the persona they see at their doorstep, this may come as a shock. They may find it hard to believe that we are talking about the same people. However, having been on the receiving end of such discussions time and again, those of us who frequent these sites can attest that these responses are not only real, but common. Witnesses view any insinuation that their leadership is teaching falsehood or acting incorrectly as an attack on God himself.

This is similar to the environment in Israel for Christians in the first century.  Preaching then meant being shunned by all one's peers, disfellowshipped from the synagogue and ostracized by Jewish society. (John 9:22)  Jehovah's Witnesses rarely meet this type of attitude outside of their own organization. They can preach to the community at large and still conduct business, speak freely with anyone, and enjoy the rights of any citizen in their country.  However, inside the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, the treatment for any dissenter is similar to that experienced by Jewish Christians in first century Jerusalem.

Given that we must face such obstacles, how are we to carry out our commission to make known the Good News of the Christ when preaching to unawakened Jehovah's Witnesses?  Jesus said:

“YOU are the light of the world. A city cannot be hid when situated upon a mountain. 15 People light a lamp and set it, not under the measuring basket, but upon the lampstand, and it shines upon all those in the house. 16 Likewise let YOUR light shine before men, that they may see YOUR fine works and give glory to YOUR Father who is in the heavens.” (Mt 5:14-16)

 However, he also warned us not to throw our pearls before swine.

“Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw YOUR pearls before swine, that they may never trample them under their feet and turn around and rip YOU open.” (Mt 7:6)

He also said that he was sending us out “as sheep amidst wolves” and that we should therefore prove ourselves “cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves”.  (Mt 10:16)

So how do we let our light shine while obeying Jesus’ other directives?  Our goal in this series—“Reasoning with Jehovah’s Witnesses”—is to open a dialogue on finding ways to preach effectively, discretely, and safely with those who would often resort to outright persecution as a means to silence any who disagree.  So please feel free to use the Commenting feature of each article as it is published to share your own thoughts and experiences with a view to enriching the whole of our brotherhood with knowledge of effective witnessing techniques.

Admittedly, no amount of finesse will win over all listeners.   No proof, no matter how overwhelming and incontestable, will convince every heart.  If you could walk into a Kingdom Hall, extend your hand and cure cripples, restore sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf, many would listen to you, but even such overwhelming manifestations of God’s hand operating through a human would not be enough to convince all, or sad to say, even the majority.  When Jesus preached to God’s chosen people, the vast majority rejected him.  Even when he breathed life into the dead, it was not enough.  While many put faith in him after he resurrected Lazarus, others plotted to kill both him and Lazarus.  Faith is not a product of incontrovertible proof.  It is a fruit of the spirit. If the spirit of God is not present, faith cannot exist.  Thus, in first century Jerusalem, with such overwhelming manifestations of God's power to bear witness to the Christ, the Jewish leaders were still able to control the people to the point where they called for the death of God's righteous Son.  Such is the power of human leaders to control the flock; a power that apparently has not waned over the centuries. (John 12:9, 10; Mark 15:11; Acts 2:36)

Therefore, it should not surprise us when former friends turn on us and do everything the law of the land allows to silence us. This has been done before, notably by the Jewish Leaders in the first century who used similar tactics in an attempt to silence the pestilent Apostles. (Acts 5:27, 28, 33) Both Jesus and his followers posed a threat to their power, place, and nation. (John 11:45-48) In a similar way, the ecclesiastical authority of Jehovah’s Witnesses from the Governing Body on down through its traveling overseers right to the local elders exercises power, has a place or status among its people, and acts as a sovereign over what they themselves describe as a “mighty nation”.[i]  Each individual Witness has a huge investment in the Organization.  For many, this is a life-time investment.  Any challenge to this is a challenge not only to their worldview, but to their own self-image.  They view themselves as holy, set apart by God, and assured of salvation because of their place in the Organization.  People are bound to protect such things with great tenacity.

What is most revealing is the means they use to protect their values and beliefs.  If these could be defended using the two-edged sword of God’s Word, they would happily do so and thus silence their opposers; for there is no greater weapon than the truth. (He 4:12) However, the fact that in such discussions they virtually never employ the Bible is, in itself, an indictment of their tenuous position, just as it was for the Jewish leaders in the first century.  You will recall that Jesus often quoted Scripture, and his opposers retaliated by quoting their rules, their traditions, and by invoking their own authority.  Not much has changed since then.

Identifying the True Religion

Given all the foregoing, on what basis or foundation can we even think to reason with such an entrenched mentality?  It may surprise you to realize that the Organization itself has provided the means.

In 1968, the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (now more commonly referred to as published a book which was colloquially named “The Blue Bomb”.  The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life was intended to provide an accelerated study program to take the Bible student to the point of baptism in only six months.  (This was during the lead-up to 1975.)  Part of that process was the 14th chapter titled “How to Identify the True Religion” which provided five criteria to help the student quickly determine which religion was the only true one.  It was reasoned that true Christians would:

  1. be separate from the world and its affairs (p. 129)

  2. have love among themselves (p. 123)

  3. have respect for God’s Word (p. 125)

  4. sanctify God’s name (p. 127)

  5. proclaim the kingdom of God as man’s true hope (p. 128)

Since then, each study aid published as a replacement to The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life has had a similar chapter.  In the current study aid—What Can the Bible Teach Us?—these criteria have been somewhat blurred and a sixth one has been added.  The list is found on page 159 of that tome.


  1. do not get involved in politics

  2. love one another

  3. base what they teach on the Bible

  4. worship only Jehovah and teach others his name

  5. preach that God’s Kingdom can solve the world’s problems

  6. believe that God sent Jesus to save us[ii]

(These two lists have been reordered and numbered for easier cross reference.)

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that these criteria establish Jehovah’s Witnesses as the one true religion on earth today.  While some other Christian religions might meet one or two of these points, Jehovah’s Witnesses believe and teach that only they meet them all.  Additionally, Witnesses teach that only a perfect score qualifies as a passing mark.  Miss just one of these points, and you cannot claim your religion as the one true Christian faith of which Jehovah approves.

It is widely acknowledged that turnabout is fair play.  When the spotlight is turned on the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses, do they really meet each of these criteria points?  This will be the foundation for a series of articles in which we will be analyzing whether meets its own criteria for being the one true faith God has chosen to bless.

These articles are intended to be more than a dry recitation of facts.  Our brothers have strayed from the truth, or more accurately, been led astray, and so what we are looking for are ways to convey the truth so that we can reach hearts.

“My brothers, if anyone among you is led astray from the truth and another turns him back, 20 know that whoever turns a sinner back from the error of his way will save him from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” (Jas 5:19, 20)

There are two parts to this process.  The first involves convincing a person they are on the wrong road. However, this is likely to leave them feeling insecure even lost.  The question arises, "Where else will we go?"  So the next part of the process is to provide them with a better destination, a superior course of action.  The question isn't, "Where else can we go?" but "To whom can we turn?"  We must be ready to provide that answer by showing them how to return to Christ.

The following articles will deal with step one of the process, but we'll tackle the important question of how best to lead them back to the Christ at the end of this series.

Our Own Attitude

The first thing we must deal with is our own attitude.  As angry as we may feel after discovering how we have been misled and betrayed, we must bury that and speak always with graciousness.  Our words must be seasoned so as to be more easily digested.

“Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.” (Col 4:6 NASB)

God’s grace on us is exemplified by his kindness, love, and mercy.  We must imitate Jehovah so that his grace works through us, pervading our every discussion with friends and family.  Belligerence in the face of obstinacy, name-calling, or sheer pig-headedness will only reinforce the opinion opposers hold of us.

If we think we can win over people by reason alone, we are bound to be disillusioned and to suffer unnecessary persecution.  There has to be a love of truth in the first place, or little can be accomplished.  Alas, this appears to be the possession of only a few and we have to come to terms with that reality.

“Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it.” (Mt 7:13, 14)

Getting Started

In our next article, we will deal with the first criterion: True worshippers are separate from the world and its affairs; do not get involved in politics and maintain strict neutrality.


[i] w02 7/1 p. 19 par. 16 Jehovah’s Glory Shines on His People
“At present this “nation”—the Israel of God and more than six million dedicated “foreigners”—is more populous than many of the world’s sovereign states.”

[ii] The sixth point is a recent addition.  It seems odd to include it in this list since every Christian religion teaches Christ as the Savior. Perhaps it has been added to address the oft-heard accusation that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in Christ.

Archived Comments

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  • Comment by Identifying the True Religion – Neutrality | Beroean Pickets - Reviewer on 2017-03-04 10:25:33

    […] this in mind, let us tackle the first of the criteria points highlighted in the previous article in this […]

    • Reply by katrina on 2017-03-13 07:16:46

      Excellent article! I think many doubt but in fear for their different reasons. I just say to my sibling, not sure if that scripture was in context, and read the context. Or the last JW broadcast was said this and that but did you note.... have said to me leave it in Jehovah's hands, or if its wrong wait for new light, still the little seed was planted.

  • Comment by LVReyes on 2017-03-04 10:37:34

    Great development of the topic, Meleti. I look forward to reading more articles in this series. Kudos!

    • Reply by dionys on 2017-03-04 16:22:31

      LVReyes, your photo, crown wreath and flower, where is that from?

  • Comment by simplyme on 2017-03-04 14:39:00

    I look forward to these articles because I have literally spent hours trying to figure out how to help ones wake up.

    A witness who would try to teach something scripturally that was different than the organization would be quickly labeled an apostate and shunned.
    At the same time they actively seek out ones in the ministry who might have those same beliefs and discuss the scriptures with them.
    What irony!

    Also I wonder if Jesus was expelled, because in the first part of his ministry it seemed to be in the synagogues but later it seems it was mainly in public places or somewhere outside.

    • Reply by Menrov on 2017-03-05 03:37:00

      Funny,I had the same thought lately. He first started in the synagogues. I have learned that it was a common practice that everyone could speak. That is when Jesus read Isaiah. Later, likely, the leaders of the synagogue tried to stop Him speaking and it seems that Jesus decided to visit people in their houses (well actually, Jesus did not preach like that, he just sent the 70 out to do that. ).

  • Comment by Rod Hucker on 2017-03-04 15:38:41

    Hi , Meliti, I’m a relatively newcomer to this site and come to appreciate the articles greatly. I can only imagine how much time you spend researching, writing and editing each article. I wonder if JW.ord goes to the same lengths. Anyhow, this week’s article is relevant to me as I recently had a discussion with my brother over the organisations teachings. (I left the organisation some 10 years ago). After 2-3 hours of “discussion”, the conclusion he came to was that I should just come back to the meetings and pretend to believe the society’s teachings so that we can resume having family gatherings etc.
    Not sure what that says about my brother or the hold the society has on its members.
    I look forward to the series. Thanks again for your efforts.

    • Reply by tyhik on 2017-03-04 16:48:48

      Hi roddles. Your mentioning of "come back, pretend, get reinstated so that we can talk to you again" reminded me a suggestion that may help somebody.

      If you are facing DFing, but want to keep your all in family and friends talking to you then there is a better solution than fading. Threaten to sue WT to get financial damages for losing your family and friends. There are claims on the net that WT let them go without DFing.

      • Reply by Rod Hucker on 2017-03-04 17:06:41

        Hi tyhik, thanks for our suggestion. Not sure I want to go down the legal path as that will only serve to widen the gap with my family, especially my children, (all adults with own kids now), without whom I'm quite sure I will never find real inner peace and happiness. I keep holding out hope that they too will see the "truth" for what it is and i'd like to be there when that happens. My door is always open to them and i don't want to give any reason for them not to knock on it. Thanks for the idea, though.

  • Comment by tyhik on 2017-03-04 16:20:44

    Tough topic. Sure, preaching to fellow witnesses is a hard and time consuming task. And sure, there is no general formula and there is not much of a success with many witnesses. Therefore, for practical reasons, for now I have concentrated my efforts to preaching to my spouse, who I consider the most important person to wake up around me.

    The first thing usually tried is to bring out all the bad and wrong about the organisation we know. That needs to be done at one point, but perhaps not as the first thing. I tried it and I am lucky that this did not end up in break up of communication between me and my wife.

    There is a better, but a much much harder way. When waking up ourselves and finding Jesus, we must let this make a difference in our life. The difference must be visible. For example, Jesus came to serve, not to be served. So for some time I've been trying to follow his example, both when with my family and elsewhere. It's been a very rewarding experience if I really manage to live like that. If I really understand and satisfy the needs of my family members that I did not understand before, they notice it. Another great guiding line for me has been Galatians 5:22,23 "On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control." There is always something in us that we can work with to improve.

    Meleti, you said:
    "There are two parts to this process. The first involves convincing a person they are on the wrong road. ... So the next part of the process is to provide them with a better destination, a superior course of action."

    This is the typical order of steps. But what I propose here is to try the other way around: to show first the superior course and only later come to the flaws of the inferior one.

    • Reply by Thaddeus on 2017-03-04 18:13:49

      Very good point you made. I too have recently been pointing out the errors about the Organization to my beloved and have experienced a not so positive response. She doesn't want to hear "negative talk" anymore. I can see it is affecting her,so I've stopped. I'm glad you shared your experience and suggestion of reversing the two steps. I think it will work.
      Thank you my brother

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-03-05 08:40:52

      You make an excellent point, Tyhik. We have to consider what works best in each situation and for each individual we are trying to reach. There can be no hard and fast rules, I suspect.

  • Comment by dionys on 2017-03-04 16:21:30

    great series into, i look forward to it

  • Comment by Candace on 2017-03-04 19:48:51

    I was working with an elder a while ago and the householder said she was not interested in changing her religion. The brother said "thats Okie, we respect people's beliefs so we aren't here to convert people. We like to tell everyone about the good news of the kingdom, regardless of their denomination.'
    The elder still uses this line today as far as I know.

    After that door I asked him, is that really true that our preaching work isn't about 'converting people'?
    He said 'of course not, thats just what we say to get the magazines through the door'

    I wasn't sure what to think after that.

    And lately, when I get interrogated about which organisation/religion is the right one if you think JW is not teaching the truth? I said NONE, we get out of her like it says in Revelation about Babylon the Great.
    They looked at me like I was a dangerous person and said 'I hope you are joking about that. We are being serious here, you know'.
    Thats when I learnt to avoid talking freely among brothers and sisters in the congregation.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-03-05 08:50:32

      I had a discussion just last night Candace, with some friends from childhood. The standard, "But where else would we go?" came up and I pointed to what Peter actually said, "To whom else would we go?" She didn't get it, because to her, it is impossible to worship God outside of the confines of an organization. It is almost impossible to overcome this implanted mentality.

      • Reply by Karen on 2017-03-16 21:39:08

        Since being shown that scripture in it's true form Meleti I asked the same question of my sister who is very much apart of the WT and has shunned me for over 10 years, (even when I was part of the congregation of JW), not being 'spiritual enough I expect' ... there was no response, it is an unheard of question and does not fit the indoctrinated WT question 'where shall we go'.... The GB of course ...

        Thank you Meleti your articles are always well researched and thought provoking ..... and encouraging ....

  • Comment by Awakening on 2017-03-04 20:26:43

    To all who are facing this challenge in love and by God's grace we are compelled to try and reach those we know and love, I would like to share some about the path my family is on. I am a 4th gen and I raised my now adult children as the 5th. We have managed to get out as a unit as well as help my anointed mother. We continue to reach out to those still in. First, we show practical kindness, not just nice words. Second, we refer to the Bible. We tie scriptures and stories in the Bible to their lives and the difficulties that they are experiencing now. We assure them of their personal worth in God's eyes and His willingness to act for them personally. Third, we share 'trivia' we have come across in reading the interlinear, such as Greek and Hebrew words and their meanings.Forth, we don't point out the wrongs of the org. This will be seen at the right time and by God's grace. When subjects come up, and they will, about something not being right, we bring out 'that just doesn't make sense' for those claiming to love Jehovah. We help them to reason that those who have God's Spirit acting on them will show His 'fruitage'. We remind them that 'by their fruits you will recognize them' and ' a person faithful in least is faithful in much.' To those living within the org for a long time these phrases are a deep and strong message. Use old talks or articles that you 'find encouraging' to strengthen these points. Recently, in my area there have been a rash of extremely disturbing immoral behavior. There has been a noticeable 'coolness' in the love in the cong. This is really having an effect on those who love truth. See them as they are, 'skinned and thrown about as seep without a shepherd. Help them to see they have a 'Fine Shepherd' that is bringing them closer to Himself.

  • Comment by beanie on 2017-03-04 21:45:16

    It's nice that the articles and comments are tactful as well as positive, and not too many negative comments, and stick to truth as it's seen.
    JWs have been told the use of Christ Jesus as Messiah had been over focussed on in the past and in future Jehovah would be the main reference altho should not mentioned too many times. Or something like that - just remember reading in a WT. That's why Jesus is left out a lot and Jehovah mentioned a lot.
    New songs have slowly replaced those 'over-focusing' on Jesus as well, but this reason I'm just told by an elder, not read officially myself.
    Most focus is now on Jehovah, and the Hebrew Scriptures used a lot where the Christian scriptures would be more appropriate.

    Since about AD 33 Jesus told us Christians to refer to God in prayer as Our Father; actually he himself never referred to his father as Jehovah, always as God or Father. The disciples did so too, so I'm wondering if we Christians nowadays should also say God or our Father or Heavenly Father as they did.
    (Jehovah replaces the more correct Yahweh. ref 1950 NWT about that)
    As Christians we have already accepted and have faith in Jesus Christ who was prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures. Now we have so much more to learn from the Christian scriptures, the words of God, of Jesus, and the disciples, how to get close to our Heavenly Father by getting close to His Son, the ONLY way we can get close to our God for salvation,
    God said "Listen to him".
    Oh, sorry, negative thought - 2 Cor 5:20 "ambassadors SUBSTITUTING for Christ" is an added word. (Ref BibleHub many Bibles and interlinear). Is that why Jesus was replaced/substituted 100 years ago by FDS and not now between them and 'Jehovah'?
    Positive thought - thank you all esp Meleti, being very helpful for people like me wanting to learn what the Bible actually says/means.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-03-05 09:52:06

      Thank you, Beanie, and welcome!

  • Comment by lazarus on 2017-03-04 22:14:46

    Thanks Meleti, Great introduction into a sensitive area of communication within the brotherhood.

  • Comment by Dajo on 2017-03-04 22:15:56

    Thoughtful article. Thanks. Yes I've seen exactly as you descrbe when I even touch on something "out of line with the JW mindset" 'when trying to converse with my dear wife.
    The best part I have learned from your article is the need now, for me to really think about my own attitude and become more Christ like.
    Thanks again, this will help me with all aspects of the spirit's fruitage and I guess good things take time. It was a timely reminder for me as I've been been getting rather bitter and sarcastic of late.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-03-05 07:05:19

    A tough subject, but an excellent way to go about it - to get input from all of us. I was working with a publisher (yes I am still out on the ministry) and suggested that in helping someone who isn't sure about us that it is so important to show them exactly what the Bible says on the matter, and felt an immediate resistance to what I was saying , an almost what ? you don't trust the publications ?. Just goes to show how careful you have to be even when you think you are on safe ground.

    • Reply by Karen on 2017-03-16 21:31:13

      Leonardo Josephus can I ask .... With respect ..... Why are you still out in the field ministry and on this site expressing different thoughts to that of the WT? Why do some people choose to remain within the organisation knowing it to be false? Is it to try and reach others from within perhaps?

  • Comment by Joseph Anton on 2017-03-05 12:11:25

    I hesitate to admit this, because it feels like doing so classifies me as disgusgrunteled. But I landed in a judicial investigation three years ago over a difference of opinion over what was, essentially, a matter of conscious concerning my employment. (sorry, no tawdry sins in this story) It was during this 'meeting' that a bunch of things came to light to me that I had never realized before.

    The brothers asked me immediately following opening prayer if I had a recording device, which put me on my heels. I never would have thought in a million years to record what we were about to discuss, but then again, I never in a million years thought I would have landed in a judicial committee for something so trivial. I immediately thought two things. These guys must think I'm the type of person who would record a private meeting for some nefarious purpose. (I later discovered all of the judicial meetings former members now post on YouTube - I had no idea this existed before) And that maybe I should make some record of this meeting. I didn't. But it certainly planted the seed that I was the only one of the four of us brothers not taking notes.

    I would next discover that I would be the only brother in the back room to actually open his Bible that afternoon. I read a scripture to them (feel the need to be discrete here because it was an unusual parable I used) that served as a reminder to myself that I can be a forceful and loud and opinionated person. And that this scripture felt like a great reminder to me to be polite, and to listen to the counsel of the brothers. During our 90 minute meeting this turned out to be the only scripture read save the one standard scripture they open every JC with. James 5: 14, 15.

    I wasn't disfellowshipped. I was publicly reproved as it would happen. I couldn't give you sin I had actually committed, because, as I said, it was a difference of opinion concerning a matter that I felt was none of their business. (I apologize for the lack of detail here, it turned out to be widely known, and that detail would 'out me' as they say in the underground) Still, it shook me awake.

    I later learned from a good friend - one who had committed a gross sin and was disfellowshipped by the same body of elders - that when he was told he would be disfellowshipped, these same men who read James 5 to him, excused him from the meeting with no formal prayer with him. They judged him unrepentant, and booted him out into the world to fix himself - no Christian aid required.

    This came as the biggest surprise to me. The fact that we're now concerned about 'rats' recording secret meetings which frankly, have no biblical foundation, and the fact that elders no longer need to use the Bible to lay down law on a member of the congregation, it's just 'counsel' you either respect or if you don't, you are publicly humiliated for disrespecting. But the final straw became the discovery that we eject our brothers and sisters from association with no offer of prayer for their goodwill. This lead me to do much more research, mainly into the scriptures, but also into the organization. It is my belief that you can be woken up, all on your own, without really looking for it to happen or with any outside interference from a caring brother or sister or family member.

    Whether we should give JW.ORG any credit for this, it does create some strong Christians ultimately. Though as a side effect of intolerant and paranoid policies, and obviously, I believe it stamps out as many angry atheists as it does the tempered devout.

    You're one of the few Christian thinkers I read Meleti. We come from similar stock I guess. But your anonymity affords your sword an edge the Governing Body can no longer claim to have anymore. Please keep it up.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-03-05 13:53:15

      Thanks Joseph Anton. My recommendation to anyone is that when two elders wish to meet, then either refuse, or if you choose to meet, tell them up from that you are recording because there are two of them to corroborate each other, but only one of you which just isn't fair. If they don't like that, then you can offer them to the Bible alternative. When they ask what that is, you say, "Why, meeting at the city gate of course. So, I'll invite other members of the congregation to join us, shall I?" They'll like that even less.

      But you could say that you're just following the counsel of Jesus:

      “. . .But there is nothing carefully concealed that will not be revealed, and secret that will not become known. 3 Wherefore what things YOU say in the darkness will be heard in the light, and what YOU whisper in private rooms will be preached from the housetops. 4 Moreover, I say to YOU, my friends, Do not fear those who kill the body and after this are not able to do anything more.” (Lu 12:2-4)

      Reading the Bible will make them feel even more uncomfortable, but whacha gonna do?

      • Reply by Joseph Anton on 2017-03-05 15:32:33

        I discovered then that I was a true innocent to how the system works. I had no idea of the existence of an elder's manual, and I think truthfully they rely on us being naive to the inner workings. I have since read every manual - I know the rule book. It's hard to view the religion I was born into as a game with rules, and moving pieces, but I dont see it any other way now.

  • Comment by Yehorakam on 2017-03-06 16:40:38

    Nice article Meleti...and timely. It represents the challenge we all have to share Bible truths with those that feel they have it all. I have found that 99% of Witnesses will be on the defense on the get go if they hear even the slightest comments suggesting there is a problem with the organization (the road they are on). I'm disfellowshipped and found out recently that I have the new label of 'apostate,' so it makes my preaching the good news difficult, yet not impossible. I fully agree with your comments about our being gracious. I think that's actually where it starts...within us. How could we show others truths about Christ if we had an resentful, angry or even hateful disposition? Would they even take us seriously? Our imitation of Christ is the best resort. Of course, if we truly have an axe to grind in our interior, it will show regardless of how much we try to hide it under a "gracious appearance." We have to BECOME gracious, not just act gracious. So, letting go of resentment has to be done before moving on the step of helping others to wake up. We may be reviled, but we should not go reviling in return. So, I've found that treating those that revile me with kindness opens doors. Again, it can't be a facade just to push an agenda. It has to be genuine kindness. For those that can see I am trying to imitate Christ, it sometimes opens up the opportunity to share scriptures that clearly show the truth. As Tyhik mentioned, clear truths will stand out, and a sincere person will then see what's wrong with their present beliefs. Not a whole lot will have to be said about pointing out mistakes. If the person is a lover of truth, he will acknowledge what the Bible says, see the shortfalls of his doctrine and wish to know more. Funny, although disfellowshipped, I have had half a dozen elders agree with me on my explanation of scriptures that show that the societies policies and procedures on disfellowshipping and reinstatement do not follow the scriptures. I have shared clear scriptural proofs to elders, they acknowledge I'm right, but then fall back on being loyal to the organization (instead of being loyal to God's word). So, as we know, there will be no waking up of those that don't want to be woken, those that love organization more than the truth, those that are not willing to possibly leave everything behind to follow Christ. Only those that are fine soil will be touched by "seeds" of the sacred secrets of the Kingdom and produce fruitage. Being that Christ directs the preaching work through the action of the HS, we should not be overly concerned about trying to convince someone. If they don't respond, just leave them alone. We scatter seeds, and if someone in particular is to become a disciple of Christ, Christ will make sure that we will have the opportunity to speak to the person at the right time and it will have the desired results. Many "wake-up" to the problems in the organization and stop there. They haven't gained much, as they are still in a 'dead' condition. They have to wake up AND become a disciple of Christ, and receive "life" and that only happens if Christ and the HS are involved. So, praying for Christ's guidance through the HS should be a daily petition if we want any results.

    Much love,

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-03-07 08:24:55

      Well said!

  • Comment by AFRICAINE on 2017-03-06 23:15:13

    A most timely article- portions of which - if I may - I would like to include in my "dossier" of defense for my forthcoming JC [I was subpoenaed last week] I actually have no intention of entering the KH for this and will be meeting with an Attorney this evening to discuss certain matters going forward.
    At the heart of their charges against me are e-mails I distributed. I have subsequently asked them to forward me the precise e-mails which form the basis of their "exhibits" but they have refused to do so. Hence the choice to ask Legal Counsel to request it for me.
    Most of what you covered in this article is at the heart of what has transpired.
    btw the DF'ing itself will be no additional hardship as they had shunned me for 3 years already. There was not one attempt to "bring me back" - I am so free and happy at this time.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-03-07 08:33:04

      Please keep us updated on developments. If you feel you cannot write about these things publicly, please use my email for reasons of confidentiality, as there is something to be learned from all of these encounters. (

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