The Ransom—A Perfect Present From the Father

– posted by Tadua

[ws2/17 p. 8 April 10 - 16]

“Every good gift and every perfect present is from … the Father”.   James 1:17

The purpose of this article is as a follow up to last week’s study. It covers, from a JW perspective, what role the Ransom plays in the sanctification of Jehovah’s name, the rule of God’s Kingdom and the accomplishment of the purpose Jehovah has for the earth and humankind.

The greater portion of the article is dedicated to an analysis of the Model Prayer from Matthew 6:9, 10.

“Let your name be Sanctified”

William Shakespeare wrote, “What’s in a name. That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. (Romeo and Juliet). The Israelites typically gave their children personal names that conveyed specific meanings, and adults were sometimes renamed due to particular characteristics they displayed. It was then, as it is today, also a means of identifying a person.  The name brings up an image of the person behind it.  It is not the name that is special, but who and what it identifies that is important. That is the point made by Shakespeare, you could call a rose by another name but it would still look as beautiful and have the same lovely scent. So it is not the name Jehovah, or Yahweh, or Yehowah that is important but what that name means to us in terms of the God behind that name.  To sanctify God's name means to set it apart and treat it as holy.

Therefore, with this in mind the statement in Paragraph 4, “Jesus, on the other hand, truly loved the name of Jehovah”, most likely sounds strange to our ears. If you are newly married, you love your spouse, but if you say, "I absolutely love my spouse’s name", people might think you a little strange.

Back in the first century, there were many gods. The Greeks and Romans each had a pantheon of gods, all with names. The names were treated as holy, pronounced with respect and reverence, but beyond that the worship and attention went to the god itself. Is it not therefore reasonable to understand that Jesus, when giving us the model prayer, wanted the name of Jehovah to be treated as holy instead of being the object of insults and the like from non-Jews who took Jehovah to be merely the God of the Jew’s. Jesus wanted Jehovah to be known as the God of all people, and treated as such. How would that come about? Firstly Jesus would have to give his life as a ransom sacrifice, which then would open the way for Jehovah to extend the invitation to the Gentiles as he did in 36 CE starting with Cornelius.

On that basis, the question in paragraph 5 should be “How can we show that we love Jehovah God, and show respect for his name?” rather than “How can we show that we love Jehovah’s name?” The focus is wrong. Rather, as the rest of the paragraph shows, we should indeed “do our best to live according to his righteous principles and laws.”

In paragraph 6, the usual distinction between anointed Christians and the “other sheep” is made by the organisation. However, does such a distinction exist in the scriptures? We have examined this subject in last week’s Watchtower review and other articles on this site. We will also examine it closer here.

Let us take a closer look at James 2:21-25—the only Scripture ever used in an attempt to label the “other sheep” as friends of Jehovah instead of his children. Verse 21 states, “Was not Abraham our father declared righteous by works after he had offered up Isaac”. Romans 5:1, 2 says, “Therefore now that we have been declared righteous as a result of faith....” What difference is there between these two scriptures? None, other than faith and works. Based on these two scriptures (especially in full context) there is no difference between Abraham and the early Christians. Faith moves true servants of God to approved words, by which God can declare them righteous. James 2:23 shows that in addition to being declared righteous as an outstanding as a man of faith, Abraham was also called Jehovah’s friend. There is no scriptural basis for calling anyone else Jehovah’s friend.  Abraham was not called God's son because the basis for adoption had not yet opened up in his time.  Nevertheless, the benefits of the ransom, (i.e., adoption) can be extended retroactively it seems.  Consider that Matthew 8:11 and Luke 13:28,29 tell us “that many from eastern parts and western parts will come and recline at the table with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of the Heavens.” Matthew 11:12 shows “the Kingdom of the Heavens is the goal toward which men press, and those pressing forward are seizing it”.

“Let your Kingdom come”

Paragraph 7 reiterates the organisation’s view of the kingdom arrangement.

The claim that participating in the preaching work shows our support for the Kingdom misses the point that there is more to bear witness than knocking on doors. Our works speak more than our Christian routine. To translate Jesus' warning in Matthew 7:21,22 into modern day language, “Not everyone saying to me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord’ did we not prophesy in your name [from door to door, did we not preach that your kingdom would start ruling in 1914], and perform many powerful works in your name, [like building many fine Kingdom Halls and Bethel facilities, and translating Bible literature into many languages]? And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.”  Jesus is looking for love, and mercy, and obedience to his commands—not the great works that impress men.

For instance, in James 1:27 we learn that the form of worship of which the Father approves is “to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world.”  What charitable works is the Organization known for? Do we have lists in every congregation to provide for widows and orphans as the first century congregation did?  Does a 10-year-membership in the United Nations Organization qualify as being "without spot from the world"?

"Let Your Will Take Place"

In paragraph 10, we get an example of the mixed messages being conveyed which confuse most witnesses. According to the Organization, are we friends or are we sons? Having stated we are friends earlier in the article now it tells us, “As the Source of life, he becomes the Father [Note: not friend] of everyone who is resurrected.” Then it correctly says how appropriate it is that Jesus taught us to pray “Our Father in the heavens”. Yet, because of the mixed message, how do you open your prayers? Do you pray “Our Father in the heavens”? Or do you often find yourself praying “Our Father Jehovah” or “Jehovah our Father”? When you call or speak to your fleshly father, do you address him “My Dad Jimmy” or “Jimmy my Dad”?

Jesus being the firstborn son of God told his listeners in Mark 3:35 “Whoever does the will of God, this one is my brother and sister and mother”. (italics theirs).  Would that not make these ones, sons of God (albeit human ones)?

Is it God's will that we should be his friends?  If so, where does it say that?  And if not, then if we pray that his "will take place" while simultaneously preaching something that is not his will—that humans are not his sons, but his friends—are we not working against the very thing we are praying for?

“Show Your Gratitude for the Ransom”

Paragraph 13 discusses how “our baptism shows that we belong to Jehovah”. Let us remind ourselves of Jesus' command about baptism. Matthew 28:19,20 tells us, "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.”.

Now contrast that command with the current baptism questions.

  1. “On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?”

  2. “Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit directed organization?”

No mention of being baptised in the name of the Father, Son, and holy spirit.  Yet, they go beyond Jesus command by tying the baptismal candidate into an earthly organization? Additionally, they also presumptuously indicate that you cannot be a Witness of Jehovah without associating with the JW Organization.

Paragraph 14 again gives a mixed message by misapplying Matthew 5:43-48 talking to all witnesses and saying, “We prove that we desire to be ‘sons of [our] father who is in the heavens’ by loving our neighbour. (Matt. 5:43-48)”. The scripture actually says, “Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens”. Notice the scripture says we prove ourselves sons of God by our actions, rather than “we desire to be” sons of God.

Paragraph 15 teaches that Jehovah will adopt those of the great crowd at the end of the thousand year reign of peace, however the cited scriptures in support of this, Romans 8:20-21 and Revelation 20:7-9 do not support such a notion. Indeed Romans 8:14 tells us that: “For all who are led by God’s spirit are God’s sons”. Does this mean that if we are part of the claimed ‘God’s spirit directed organization’ we are therefore God’s sons? I do not think they intended that link to be made. Instead, let us look to the scriptures once again to understand what ‘led by God’s spirit’ might actually mean. Galatians 5:18-26 shows that we ‘are led by the spirit’ if we manifest the fruits of the spirit. Rather different to the unprovable claim made by the GB.

In addition, the suggestion, “it is as though Jehovah has drawn up an adoption certificate” for the great crowd is pure speculation (although many witnesses will consider this as revealed truth). The only adoption spoken of in the scriptures (Romans 8:15, 23, Romans 9:4, Galatians 4:5 and Ephesians 1:15) refers exclusively to those termed ‘sons of God’.  The idea of an "adoption certificate" with a thousand-year completion date is silly and completely unscriptural.

To conclude, let us agree at least with sentiments of paragraphs 16 and 17 and echo the words of Revelation 7:12 “Let the praise and the glory be to our God forever and ever” for the loving provision of his son Jesus Christ as a ransom for all humankind.

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  • Comment by caasi notwen on 2017-04-10 12:13:25

    Thanks Tadua for your excellent analysis. For a newbie to this site, it really helps me to be forearmed for the GB interpretation to come for the week. Your efforts are appreciated.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-04-10 14:43:51

    Thank you Tadua. Simple but clear. Well done. When I first learned the truth the first thing that drew me to Jehovah was the knowledge that he was willing to have me in his family, despite the way I had been living my life. I could at least have some sort of relationship with him, and I had a hope. It was a welcome back - you can be part of my family, and what you need to do is clean up your act. Like the prodigal son.
    Friendship ? Does Jehovah want me as a friend ? It just seems awkward, and as you have said, remarkably unsupported by scripture. I realize Jesus told his followers that they could be his friend if they followed his commandments, but Jehovah does not say this, neither does anything particularly support this idea. Abraham at least spoke to some of his representatives, and viewed those angels as Jehovah, so he felt so much closer. I have a long way to go before that ever happens, so Jehovah as father is something so much more comforting.I can hang my hat on that thought.

  • Comment by John S on 2017-04-10 20:27:13

    Another fine statement of truth Tadua.

    You touched on a VERY big truth here in your statement:

    " Abraham was not called God’s son because the basis for adoption had not yet opened up in his time. Nevertheless, the benefits of the ransom, (i.e., adoption) can be extended retroactively it seems. Consider that Matthew 8:11 and Luke 13:28, 29 tell us “that many from eastern parts and western parts will come and recline at the table with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of the Heavens.” Matthew 11:12 shows “the Kingdom of the Heavens is the goal toward which men press, and those pressing forward are seizing it”.

    Yes, yes.

    Try to tie Father Jehovah's hands to certain ones living before the holy spirit was poured out at Pentecost will not be in heaven as the Kingdom Government....and I believe you will be sorely surprised when the Kingdom comes!

    He is God Almighty, and he "will cause to become whatever he causes to become."

    Really, who gets to be adopted is HIS decision to make.

    I feel very strongly about this passage you mentioned in passing: I go to different churches every week-end. And I worship God and Christ shoulder to shoulder with people in every one. And I KNOW many of these are fine, upstanding Christians, working very hard to be approved, and see Jesus when he returns, and are longing to see the Father as Jesus promised.

    This is one of the scriptures I love to peruse, as to me, it seems to be saying even some who are not Christians, possibly, but fine, Godly people, will enter the Kingdom, too.

    Let us all remember whose show the Judgment at Armageddon is; Acts 17:31

    Go on, WT...continue to lambaste churchgoers, and disfellowshiped ones, 'apostates', and those not JW's all you want.

    You (GB, and WT hierarchy) are NOT in charge, and are WAY out of line.

    "Who are you to judge the house slave of another? To his own master he stands and falls." Jesus said.

    Rom. 2:1-10 has many points to ponder concerning who gets judged or merits God's approval; Christian or not.

    • Reply by SeasonsOfGrace on 2017-04-11 08:06:37

      Your thoughts brought to mind Acts 10:35:

      "But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him."

      I've wondered about seeking fellowship in a local community church. My experience with 'christendom' or rather, Christians who are not JW, has always been pleasant. There is alot of focus on encouragement to love and fine works. And they DO read the bible! Contrary to what WT teaches about 'false religions/ christendom'.

      • Reply by John S on 2017-04-12 06:50:13

        Yes, that's true. There are fine works being accomplished world wide by church ministries ; 1000's of denominations, millions of members, doing the will of God by zealously following Jesus example to teach and alleviate human suffering.

        How else did the world become so filled with almost a billion Christian believers? WT has only played a very tiny part of the global witness for Christ, and shows a shocking stinginess, and disregard for any other belief's fine works....including the entire Protestant Reformation, where they criticize and belittle famous men who broke the chains of the Catholic Church.

        I have read several books over the years writing the experiences of missionaries in far corners of the earth who preached and comforted with food, medicine, and farming techniques, helping the poor. Miracles happened for these self-sacrificing men and women, along with their children many times. Brought tears of thankfulness to my eyes and heart. Jesus blesses those who are working hard to bring his message to the far corners of the earth ; leaving behind comforts of hearth and home....

        As always, WT toots their horn , and bangs a drum wherever they go, although their message does not resemble the one Jesus preached at all. I heard a missionary (JW) told a visiting brother to one African brother NOT to give any local Witness ANY money, or encourage them any way with gifts (food?).

        These locals were building a KH , while their diet consisted of rice flavored with ; get this; orange peels ...not even the oranges.

        Yet, starving, and malnourished, WT encourages building a new Kingdom Hall, instead of, say a tent awning and set up some subsistence farming locally so their physical needs could be met first.

        Tell me, how is Jesus' example being followed in these places JW missionaries are working, compared to other churches who focus on food first; gospel next?

        "The crowd is hungry; assemble them and give them something to eat,"...Jesus said before feeding the 5000.

        • Reply by John S on 2017-04-12 07:03:15

          P.S. SOG,

          When I go to the churches, I give direct attention at appropriate times, to teach what the Spirit wants at that time. Best not to push, although as you know from my weeks of commenting here, it does pour out of me sometimes, quite too much, sorry.

          But it is so encouraging for me, too, to see those who, like last Sunday at a Baptist church, who pray to God and Christ for help;

          One lost her leg in a car accident

          One family lost their 5-yr old son; car wreck

          elderly sister's husband of 47 years passed

          one young woman singing in choir holding a 2-yr old squabbling/fussing...overjoyed to have successfully adopted him, because she was infertile

          and about 10 others, all carrying cardboard signs with their experience to the front of the church and holding them up so all could see what God had delivered them through.

          So, many times when I go, Father and Christ just want me to be silent, and witness the love and faith of many others, in many churches.

          There is, indeed, a lot Witnesses need to learn. As James said, we need to be slow to speak, and swift to listen.

          This critical and judgmental attitude WT has integrated into the hearts and minds of all of us, is a major impediment to Jesus' command; 'love one another'.

          I tell you truly, I bring a handkerchief every Sunday, as it always gets well-used.

  • Comment by lazarus on 2017-04-10 23:23:14

    Thanks Tadua, I like your quote from Shakesphere, What's in a name, I think Gods Name is Unique and Important, of course the person (character) of God is extremely important to.

  • Comment by John S on 2017-04-12 07:08:07

    Thanks again, Tadua...

    You write;

    "Another instance of the organization changing the words of the living God is Acts 21:20. If this verse was translated correctly in the NWT translation the confusion would be even greater. There the older men said to Paul “You behold, brother, how many thousands of believers there are among the Jews”. The Kingdom Interlinear makes it clear the Greek word here translated is ‘myriads’ which means plural of 10 thousand not thousands. The import of this is that by the death of the Apostle John over 40 years later, the number of Christian ‘anointed ones’ and hence part of the ‘144,000’ according to the organization’s teaching must have numbered at least 100,000, if not far more. If we add in those who claimed to be anointed from 1874 to now, the numbers exceed a literal 144,000 by a large margin. It therefore becomes obvious something is seriously wrong with this teaching."


  • Comment by Rufus on 2017-04-13 08:57:49

    An unsigned adoption certificate, with no hope of actual adoption for 1000 years, is a useless piece of paper. How is the ransom being applied, if the result leaves millions of Christians no better off than Jews and Arabs, who are sons of Abraham?

    The conclusion is that by rejecting personal membership in the Kingdom, which Jesus offers through the ransom at the memorial, one rejects the value of the ransom being applied. Luke 22:29 Byington “and I invest you, as my Father did me, with kingship,” Or ASV “and I appoint unto you a kingdom, even as my Father appointed unto me.”

    Therefore, the ransom only works in our behalf if we accept its provisions, exercising faith by partaking of these simple emblems to affirm the adoption. The missing signature on the adoption paper is our own. Jehovah already paid his heavy share by offering his own son in our behalf.

  • Comment by tyhik on 2017-04-14 13:46:37

    Thank you tadua very much for your contributions. They are very much appreciated.

    Par 4 or the WT article starts as follows: "Jesus, on the other hand, truly loved the name of Jehovah John 17:25,26". This sentence together with the referenced verses shows that witnesses have not understood these verses at all.

    Let's take John 17:26
    "26 I have made your name known to them and will make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them.”

    Jesus claims that he has made Father's name known to the disciples so that Father's love may be in them. It is clear that it cannot be just the name Jehovah or Jahveh or JHVH that, once heard, fills anyone with love. Here the name is meant in the broad sense. Here it means the character of the Father, major characteristic of which is love. So, Jesus was able to make disciples know that Father is love. Loving His name means loving His character. Making His name known means making known that He is Love. Everyone who truly understands that Father is love, will be filled with this love too.

    Instead, witnesses concentrate on the label Jehovah, and have hard time trying to truly love that label.

  • Comment by tyhik on 2017-04-14 14:02:10

    Tadua, you brought up applying sonship retroactively, supporting it with the typical verses. I just wanted to add here another one, that I don't remember having seen used. It's Hebrews 7:3 about Melchizedek:

    He 7:3
    "Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever."

    How can Melchizedek remain a priest forever, if not part of the new Jerusalem?

  • Comment by kyaecker on 2017-04-16 14:14:58

    In the discussion of The Watchtower it is clearly brought out to be witnesses of Jesus. "In his last words to his disciples before he returned to heaven, Jesus instructed them to be witnesses of him “to the most distant part of the earth.” (Acts 1:6-8) The conflict comes that when we do go door to door all we talk about is Jehovah this and jehovah that. It's not a Christ based message per se. Yet they admit it here to be "witnesses" of Jesus.

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