2017, May 29 – June 4, Our Christian Life and Ministry

– posted by Tadua

Treasures from Gods Word: “Jehovah Blesses Humility and Punishes Arrogance”

Jeremiah 50:29-32 – Babylon would be destroyed for acting arrogantly against Jehovah

Israel profaned Jehovah’s name, but he sanctified his name to take away their reproach. This is a warning to us today. We need to ask: Are our actions or the actions of the organization profaning Jehovah's name? The so called ‘Two Witness rule’ comes to mind. In the Australian Royal High Commission on Child Abuse the transcripts (and YouTube video) show that even a ‘worldly’ lawyer knew the scriptures better on this subject than a member of the GB, who claim to be guardians of doctrine. Jehovah will clear his name at Armageddon, but what will become of the profaned? Jehovah does not change, so based on his past dealings with Israel those profaners are in for a torrid time. (Ezekiel 36:21-24)

Jeremiah 50:38, 39 – Babylon would never be again be inhabited  (jr161 para 15)

The prophecy against Babylon took some considerable time to be completely fulfilled, until the 4th century some 800 years later, although it was never powerful again and dwindled rapidly after the time of Alexander the Great. Jerome states in ‘Lives of illustrious men’ that Babylon was a hunting ground in the 4th century CE. Thus not all Bible prophecy is fulfilled instantly or quickly or according to man’s desire. We should bear this in mind when desiring Armageddon to come. Jehovah will bring it in his time, not ours, and we cannot and should not second guess him.

Talk – In Recent Years, Why have our publications seldom mentioned Types and Antitypes? (w15 3/15 17-18)

Paragraph 5 says: Some writers in the centuries after Christ’s death fell into a trap—they saw types everywhere.[bold ours] Describing the teachings of Origen, Ambrose, and Jerome, The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia explains: “They sought for types, and of course found them, in every incident and event, however trivial, recorded in Scripture. Even the most simple and commonplace circumstance was thought to conceal within itself the most recondite [hidden] truth . . . , even in the number of fish caught by the disciples on the night the risen Saviour appeared to them—how much some have tried to make of that number, 153!”

For example one writer who fell into the trap found the following types and antitypes among others: “In the type, the golden vessels of the Temple were carried away and profaned by literal Babylon: in the antitype, the precious, divine (golden) truths, pertaining to the service of the true Temple, the Church were far removed from their proper places, perverted and misapplied by mystic Babylon.” [1]

Also: ”As shown in the accompanying diagram, the period of their favor, from the commencement of their national existence at the death of Jacob, down to the end of that favor at the death of Christ, A.D. 33, was eighteen hundred and forty-five (1845) years; and there their "double" (mishneh)--the repetition or duplication of the same length of time, eighteen hundred and forty-five (1845) years, without favor--began. Eighteen hundred and forty-five years since A.D. 33 shows A.D. 1878 to be the end of their period of disfavor. A.D. 33 plus 1845 = A.D. 1878. All these prophetic points in the past are clearly marked, and we should expect some evidence of God's returning favor to Fleshly Israel ("Jacob") in or about A.D. 1878.”[2].

And a final example (there are many more): “Then measuring down the "Entrance Passage" from that point, to find the distance to the entrance of the "Pit," representing the great trouble and destruction with which this age is to close, when evil will be overthrown from power, we find it to be 3457 inches, symbolizing 3457 years from the above date, B.C. 1542. This calculation shows A.D. 1915 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1915 years A.D. equals 3457 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation--no, nor ever shall be afterward.”[3]


Paragraph 7 states: “If such interpretations seem far-fetched, you can understand the dilemma. Humans cannot know which Bible accounts are shadows of things to come and which are not. The clearest course is this: Where the Scriptures teach that an individual, an event, or an object is typical of something else, we accept it as such. Otherwise, we ought to be reluctant to assign an antitypical application to a certain person or account if there is no specific Scriptural basis for doing so.”

My challenge to all current Witnesses and indeed the Governing Body is:

Please answer the question ‘Where do the scriptures teach that’ Daniel 4 and Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the 7 times has ‘an antitypical application’?

Should not the Watchtower’s own counsel be followed ‘we ought to be reluctant to assign an antitypical application to a certain person or account if there is no specific Scriptural basis for doing so’.

Why would Jehovah use a punishment meted out to an arrogant pagan King (Nebuchadnezzar) to be the antitype of God’s Kingdom rule being suspended?

Also if he did, then why did Jesus say ‘you do not know on what day your Lord is coming’ (Matthew 24:42) as Jesus knew the prophecies of Daniel?

Does not the interpretation of the 7 times seem far-fetched to you on this basis?

We need to know the answer to these questions for otherwise as Galatians 1:9 shows we would be accursed for going beyond the good news already declared.

The same writer as quoted above with 3 examples as types and antitypes also gave this reason on the matter: “Daniel's interpretation of the dream relates only to its fulfilment upon Nebuchadnezzar; but the fact that the dream, the interpretation and the fulfilment are all so carefully related here is evidence of an object in its narration. And its remarkable fitness as an illustration of the divine purpose in subjecting the whole race to the dominion of evil for its punishment and correction, that in due time God might restore and establish it in righteousness and everlasting life, warrants us in accepting it as an intended type.”[4]

So note, according to our mystery writer the Bible doesn’t teach Daniel 4 is a type \ antitype, but because the writer thought it was a fitting illustration and the mathematics fitted his chronology, then it must be so.

So who is our mystery writer who found so many types and antitypes in the Bible, and even in the Great Pyramid of Giza? It is none other than C.T.Russell, the founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses. His successor as President of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, J.F. Rutherford was no better, but space does not permit a similar examination. We have to ask one final question, Why has the type and anti-type of Daniel 4 not been dropped in the light of this article, only taking types and antitypes mentioned in the scriptures? Could it be that if this was dropped then the entire basis for their claim to be the 'appointed faithful and discreet slave', is neither discreet nor true?

Remove the Rafter Video

The scenario that is unfolded in this video portrays a brother who still only gives Bible readings, something he had been doing since he was a young kid. He also notices how a certain couple is on the platform every week, and that elders only notice their own favorites for so-called ‘privileges‘.

If all these things are true, is he really proud, and critical for noticing it and getting upset about it? If the things he stated were an exaggeration and he was looking to pick fault regardless then maybe there would be grounds for saying so, but if these events are really true, then, no, he is not proud and critical.

It’s an interesting choice of events that upset the brother. Can you identify yourself as having noticed this behavior or suffered similarly? I certainly can from my personal experiences in my own congregation and my own circuit. Was the brother portrayed really a hypocrite? Not unless he was a poor speaker and had been given repeated assistance to improve. Not unless he refused to be interviewed or partake in demonstrations on the platform. Not unless he was also an elders favorite, or showed favoritism himself. In Matthew 7:1-5 Jesus was counseling about being judgmental, and critical, not about being upset because of injustices.

Focusing on ourselves instead of others as recommended is good counsel, but stating that ‘the best way to change the congregation is to change yourself’ is highly idealistic. Unless others apply the same counsel, while you could become a better Christian, you would still be suffering the same upsetting events for years to come. Would it not be better to add ‘So, elders do you show favoritism? Do you use the same brothers for interviews all the time?  Do you help brothers to improve in speaking and teaching ability? Then they can assist in sharing the load of teaching the congregation. Then you will be helping your brothers and sisters avoid becoming upset and disappointed and discouraged.’

[1] PDF Page 460, B209,(Vol 2 p209) 1916-1918 Studies in the Scriptures, by C.T.Russell, WBTS.

[2] PDF Page 468, B212,(Vol 2 p 212) 1916-1918 Studies in the Scriptures, by C.T.Russell, WBTS.

[3] PDF Page 874, C342,(Vol 3 p342) 1916-1918 Studies in the Scriptures, by C.T.Russell, WBTS

[4] PDF Page 367, B95, (Vol 2 p95) 1916-1918 Studies in the Scriptures, by C.T.Russell, WBTS.

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  • Comment by Jerome on 2017-05-31 07:38:57

    The following is an excerpt taken from "1914 Touchstone of the Watchtower" by Max Hatton:
    Russell placed his confidence in the record of Leviticus relating that the Jews would be punished 7 times. He saw in Daniel 4 what he described a ―Another Line of Testimony.‖ On October 9, 1910, Pastor Russell addressed a Jewish Mass Meeting. His address, ―Zionism In Prophecy‖ was published by the Society in a book Pastor Russell‘s Sermons. On pages 478 and 479 of this book we are informed that Russell said: The whole period of time in which these various Gentile governments would dominate the world would last until Messiah‘s promised Kingdom. And this period is symbolically stated to have been ‗seven times‘; that is, seven years - evidently not literal years, but symbolical. - Dan. 2:28-45; Lev. 26:18, 24, 28. At their end, the lease of earthly power of Gentile governments will terminate in the great Time of Trouble foretold by Daniel (12:1). Then Messiah shall stand up in the sense of assuming control of earth‘s affairs and Gentile governments will cease; for all nations shall serve and obey Messiah. Then God‘s Chosen People, Israel, will come to the front in the world‘s affairs: for they will become the representatives and instruments amongst men of Messiah‘s Kingdom (etc.). It is significant that in his entire discussion, Russell never once referred to Daniel 4. There is no doubt that his confidence rested largely on the 26th chapter of Leviticus. (See also Government chapter VI, written by Rutherford, published 1928.)...
    Why is it today that Leviticus 26, which was the basis for Russell‘s 7 times, has been dropped and today only Daniel 4, which was formerly only supporting evidence, is all that is used?"
    Max admits it is a mystery that has yet to (and probably never will) be explained, but he offers three possibilities:
    1.Russell had looked for blessings to come upon the Jewish Race, and on page 90 of Vol. 2 of Studies in the Scriptures, he said that 1914 would be followed by ―the blessings recorded in the latter part of the same chapter (Lev. 26:44, 45)‖. If the Jews were no longer to receive these blessings from after 1914, it would be rather difficult to maintain that their punishment would extend to this year.
    2. Perhaps the new administration, which has shown less inclination toward following Russell, dropped Leviticus 26, realising that it could not be used because of the point raised under possibility 1.
    3. It should never have been used in the first place. Read in their context, these verses refer to the intensity of the punishment, i.e. sevenfold.

    He concludes with this thought:
    "When Leviticus 26 was used to teach 7 times of punishment to Israel, which was at the hands of the Gentiles, it would not have been so bad to read into Daniel support for this. Now though when Leviticus is no longer used, there is not the slightest excuse for using Daniel 4 in this manner. It is being used to maintain what was formerly taught on the basis of Leviticus 26. This is a theory, a theory which no longer has a basis and so an attempt is made to use what was formerly support for the theory, as the basis."


  • Comment by eve04 on 2017-05-31 13:24:14

    Thank you for your summary. Sadly the Other Sheep doctrine is based on anti-type/type of Jehonadab. Since they did away with this nonsense where does that leave the other sheep, a-baaaan-doned.

  • Comment by James on 2017-05-31 15:00:28

    ”Some writers in the centuries after Christ’s death fell into a trap—they saw types everywhere."
    They fell into a trap. Who set the trap? Russel, Rutherford,Franz all fell in this same trap.If they were alive today they would be charged for apostasy if they fail recant before a body of Elders.
    Fred Franz in particular would be amazed how his works on Types and anti types have been discarded.

    The Rafter video describes a norm in many congregations,so its not pride but feeling of injustice, it happens even in Conventions and Assemblies.

    The question on "critical attitude" is rendered "no respect for elders"in Nigerian Pidgin English, so if you voice or feel injustice you have no respect for elders.Listen,Obey and be Blessed

    Thanks for the review Tadua

  • Comment by tyhik on 2017-06-01 05:01:23

    Thank you Tadua. That type/antitype talk was a hypocrisy indeed. In particular if paired with the Rafter video. They are blind guides indeed.

    Nice that you brought up those old examples of type/antitype speculations. I'd like to add another. In 1930th the Org taught that Jesus' blood redeemed only the 'Jehu' class. The following is what was taught about the 'Jonadabs'.

    WT 1934, Aug 15, 2nd part of the article "His Kindness", par 21:
    "It is only after the Armageddon and after the blood of the antitypical "goat of the sin offering that is for the people" is applied to the great mercy seat the way of justification to the life on earth will be opened."

    The antitypical 'goat of the sin' was meant to be all the people to be killed in Armageddon. Their blood would be an offering to God to redeem 'Jonadabs' and to cleanse the land.

  • Comment by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-06-02 06:28:08

    This scenario about the brother , who doesn't receive the "privileges " of others , I think highlights a major flaw in the system of worship of the JWS , I feel the whole thing is set up to encourage the spirit of competition among the brothers , and feeds the ego . Which in turn drives people on just to work that bit harder ,and in turn promotes the works of the flesh rather than the fruit of the spirit .

    • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-06-02 07:11:56

      In fact , I would go as far to say , all we really need to be doing at the meeting is , reading the scriptures in context , understanding thier true meaning and learning how to apply them in our personal life . Ephesians 4 v 11 to 16 , Yet the witnesses have all sorts of things on the agenda , which have weighed the brothers down with the heavy work load , which again leads to problems with stress , and anger , matthew 11 v 20 to 30 1 john 5 v 3 , again the system is counter productive and promotes the works of the flesh , than the fruit of the spirit ,

      • Reply by eve04 on 2017-06-02 15:25:02


    • Reply by eve04 on 2017-06-02 15:24:33

      OMG. I have thought that for several years now. So many things in the congregations promote competition. Rather ones want to admit it or not in most cases they will not admit this, but you are treated differently depending on what status you are in the congregation. I know from personal experience when I was a pioneer. I hated the extra attention, now I get none. :)

  • Comment by Johnsc11 on 2017-06-06 09:27:47

    CT Russell was NOT the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses. He was the founder of the International Bible Students Association and the original Watch Tower society. What took place after his death is no responsibility of his. May will use the claim "well what's taught by the JW's wouldn't exist without him." But let's be real; how many beliefs do the JWs and the Bible Students still hold in common. When the JW's changed their name in 1931 they stated that they declined to be called Bible Student's. Rutherford knew what he was doing. His goal to to get the Bible Students to trust him by reprinting "Pastor Russell's Sermons, and Zion's Watch Tower". The starting in 1919 he started changing the doctrines. He even stated in his book Preservation that studying the Tabernacle, Great Pyramid, Character Development and using the Cross-and-Crown were all idolatry. Their beliefs no longer matched theirs. Like like we can't say that the Papacy founded the Lutheran religion when one is the direct result of the other.

    Also, the entire OT is typical. We find the greek word "tupos". One of the most complete types is Joseph. Thing's don't need to be stated to be types for them to be. But we should never use types to form doctrines. Only to back up what's already known. Like how Hagar and Sarah represent covenants. The casting off of Ishmael represents casting off of the Jewish nation. Biblical typology is a facinating thing. Also, as for the Doubles, they align with the Jewish nation perfectly. The 1845 years is also shown uin the Tabernacle. The dimensions of the most holy were 9x10x20.5 cubits when we consider the thickness of the boards. This produces 1845. This was not taught by Russell but brethen later on. When the double ended in 1878 this is when the first signs of the Jewish return with the establishment of the Petah Tivkah. These were the beginning of the signs of the restoration of Israel. Just shy of 1917 (39-40 years later) the Balfour Declaration came about. The Jewish Doubles align perfectly with what is going on with Israel.
    Types have been misapplied by the JWs. But the types used by Russell were amazing.

    As for the Great Pyramid I believe it to be the Bible in Stone. Edgar Morton who was a Bible Student published a book called "Great Pyramid Passages" which is still published today, that describes how the GP aligns with the Bible which is perfect. Some things aren't right but I believe it is God's Stone Witness. Also, Isaiah 19:19,20 in the Jubilee Bible even uses the word "pyramid."

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-06-06 09:52:14

      In that case, Johnsc11, you would have us accept 1914, because dimensions from the so-called "great stone witness" were used to "prove" that date as well.

      Numerology, a methology practiced in paganism, by some sects of the Jews, and unfortunately, by far too many Christians including Jehovah's Witnesses, is not a Scriptural way of finding truth. I have personally seen who it misleads sincere ones away from truth into following men. We must guard against it.

      • Reply by Johnsc11 on 2017-06-06 10:07:47

        Well remember that the 1914 date is not the date of Jesus return but the end of the Seven times of Israel which allows Israel to return to their homeland. We see this. Numerology is not the same as Jehovah using the numbers in the Bible. Nearly every number means something. For example, the Israelites were to be in bondage for 400 years. There are 360 days in a Jewish year. 400 x 360 is 144,000. The experiences of the Jews were typical of the Christians of the Gospel Age. The 144,000 number is shown in the Goat's Hair curtain, the Most Holy with the Ark of the Covenant. Its show all through the Bible. God was a God of numbers. I don't believe in dates with the Pyramid. That was used by Edgar and John Morton and Adam Rutherford. We don't use many of them today. God is a God of math. The JWs 1914 is incorrect. Russell believed in 607 BC which is correct but not for the destruction of Jerusalem.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-06-06 10:43:52

          That it can be said that Jehovah "is a God of math" does not mean that he has embedded hidden truth in Scripture to be decoded by mathematicians. He can also be called a God of physics for He created the physical universe, yet did he intend physicists to interpret Scripture for us? He is a God of chemistry for all chemistry is a product of his creative hand, yet should we turn to chemists to decipher hidden meaning in Scripture?

          Actually, the Bible never refers to Jehovah as a God of math. It does refer to him as a God of love. So if we are going to use anything to understand the Bible, we should use love.

          Numbers are enticing and can be used to trick the foolish into following wise and intellectual ones. It is a method which the Governing Body continues to use. (I have read that the number "666" has been used to identify Emperor Nero as the wild beast, because the numerical value of the letters of his name can be made to add up to that number.) Numerical patterns and curiosities can be found everywhere, but that does not mean they have any prophetic meaning. After all, the Scriptures are revealed to babes, not mathematicians. (Mt 11:25)

          Incidentally, your example seems flawed. Since we're making a math calculation of "years times days", we have to include the additional months used periodically to align the Jewish year with the solar one. That would add hundreds of additional days over a 400-year period to our calculation, skewing the result. And after all of that, even if there were a curious match, so what? What, if anything, does it prove? We would have to rely on a man to put meaning to the result of the calculation and we're right back to the basic problem of men following men.

          Sorry, John. Been there. Done that. Got the T-Shirt. Burned the T-Shirt.

          • Reply by Johnsc11 on 2017-06-06 11:39:11

            Every number in the Bible has a meaning. Whether you agree with it or not doesn't make you correct. You draw a strawman arguement. He is a God of physciss but he isn't hiding physics in the bible but is using numbers. For example Ezek 46:1
            "'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: The gate of the inner court facing east is to be shut on the six working days, but on the Sabbath day and on the day of the New Moon it is to be opened."

            These numbers mean something. 6 days representing the 6,000 years of mankind and the 7th (Sabbath) being the millennium. Most people would read that and think nothing of it. Noah's ark days are placed on a calendar and we get 70AD, 1878, 1914, 1948. coincidence? I think not.

            Also, pertaining to the Jubilee cycles. Just becasue you have lost faith in true biblical number-studies doesn't mean we should chuck it all out of the door. They are there for a reason. Look at "mene mene takel upharsin." These are the weights that numbers equal "Daniel 5:25 is equivalent to 2,520 gerahs" Wonder what that number means.

            Also from when the Israelites with jacob when they entered Egypt to Joseph was 144 years.

            For example, the Ark of the Covenant has a perimeter of 8 cubits. There are 18 inches in a cubit. 18 x 8 = 144. This alludes to the 144,000 since its in a 10x10x10 Most holy which = 1,000. 144 x 1,000=144,000.

            They are all there for a reason. So your "been there done that" must have been in the wrong destination. We both know that Satan corrupts things and then misleads you from the truth. Like he used natural selection to make people believe in evolution and then make be lose faith in God. So he has used false numbers to make you not trust true numbers and this chucking out much truth.

            As for your false error for the 400 years. We are given the number 400. You've used the conversion for Gregorian Calendars. This skews the answer. But that fact that he gives us the 400 and they used the 360 makes it work. Tell me that 144,000 is just a coincidence. Number 144,000 is through the bible from the beginning. Jehovah knew this was the number of the bride from the beginning. If you want to reject it then so be it. But these are not coincidences.

            But if you convert the 7 times to out calendar and start freom 607 you get 1878. Hmm another date we have.

            Every number in the bible has a reason. Nothing is random.

            • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-06-06 13:16:05

              Your comment speaks for itself. For instance, to accept that Exekiel 46:1 means something more than that the gate was closed for 6 days a week, we just accept that you, a mere man, are the holder of hidden knowledge, and that to gain it we must follow you. Our leader is one, the Christ, and the truth of the Bible is revealed to us not though men, but through the inspired word of God revealed to each one by holy spirit.

              Others may aid by explaining, but always we can turn to the inspired writings to prove these things for ourselves.

            • Reply by eve04 on 2017-06-08 12:32:10

              I will have to agree with Meleti the average person who is not good at math (I am one of them, hate math. All of that math seems like the word problems we had to figure out in school) would be at the mercy of the one interpreting the numbers, making them a follower of that individual. Even if they did mean something that would leave many of us out of the picture in regards to understanding and building a solid faith. I believe Jesus would have said look to numbers or you will need to calculate what I am
              saying but instead in gave illustrations that the common man could understand.
              Jimany Christmas that scared me reading it because I would not catch on. :(

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