2017, June 19 – June 25, Our Christian Life and Ministry

– posted by Tadua

Introduction to Ezekiel (video)

An unremarkable video except for giving the wrong date of 617 BCE for the exile of Jehoiachin.[1]

Find Delight in Preaching the Good News ( + video)

Paragraph 1 asks “Have you ever found it difficult to preach? Many of us would answer yes to that question. Why?” That is a good question.  Is it apathy or hostility or fear of talking to strangers that has stopped you? Or is it rather because of having to deal with the consequences of a lack of education, leading to severe financial problems? Or is it because of being ashamed of belonging to an organization that refuses to adequately address the malignant problem of pedophiles and make much-needed policy changes? Or is it because your conscience will no longer allow you to preach doctrines that you know are not taught in God’s Word the Bible?

Can you no longer preach as a ‘message of hope’ that, although we should follow Christ, we cannot be his brothers, because we are not able to be sons of God, and Jehovah God cannot be our father, but just an invisible friend?

It is true that the real good news benefits us physically and spiritually if we apply it properly, but causing unnecessary divorce, for example, just because a mate decides they wish to leave the organization, brings harm, not benefits.

Paragraph 4 reverts to the default ‘select a scripture, misapply it, and hope no-one notices’ method. Hebrews 6:10 is used in support of the witnessing work. The NWT bible translates and obscures the true meaning of this scripture as ‘ministering to the holy ones and keep on ministering’ and applies the ministering to preaching. The Kingdom Interlinear however translates the Greek text more correctly “having served the Holy ones and serving [them]”. The scripture in context is therefore about serving and assisting the holy [chosen] ones rather than preaching to outsiders per se.

Isaiah 43:10,11 is likewise used in support of the witnessing work. However on reading the context it becomes clear that the witnesses (Israelites) were to be passive witnesses to Jehovah God’s actions. Rather than being commended or named as his special witnesses, indeed quite the opposite was the case. The nation of Israel continued to sin despite many warnings and so Jehovah had poured out and would pour out his anger on them. He warned them that to ransom them he would give Egypt to their captors (as he did to Cyrus' son, Cambyses II), so they could not look to Egypt to save them. They were to witness Jehovah’s powerful actions in redeeming them and rescuing them from Babylon, not yet even a world power at that time. Rather, he had chosen them as a servant (under the Mosaic covenant), not as witnesses to go out and proclaim.

Video: Regain Joy through Study and Meditation

The video parallels the article's content in many ways. It tells the likely fictitious story of a regular pioneer sister. She finds herself losing joy, but not because she is doing anything bad. She loves the congregation and Jehovah but found herself unmotivated. She felt something was missing, so her enthusiasm waned and her meeting attendance suffered.

All of this is plausible, but then comes the unlikely departure from reality. Two loving elders noticed and visited her to give her encouragement [to keep up the hour requirement?]. They asked about her spiritual routine [of reading the publications and as an afterthought the bible], and talked about the example of Mary the mother of Jesus who paid careful attention to what she was told by the angels and meditated upon it. The sister had been reading but not digesting, so they helped her take control of her schedule [which should have been done before she was appointed as a pioneer]. Finally they encouraged her (rightly) to do daily personal Bible reading and prayerful meditation.

Many witnesses who visit this site have found that they need to do even more meaningful Bible study and prayer to cope with the lack of motivation they feel for preaching and attending meetings, in this case not due to a lack of study, but rather because study of God’s word has opened their eyes to the misleading predictions and teachings made by the organization.

Many pioneers (and publishers as well) have suffered in these areas for a number of reasons. These include trying to live on meager income through low paying jobs due to a lack of education, qualifications and skills. Also, struggling to reach an artificial man-made target of hours per month, sometimes just for the kudos of being called a ‘regular pioneer’. As a result they have neglected their personal spirituality and can no longer spare time to assist their fellow brothers and sisters, and in some cases not even assist their own (witness) parents.

It was of interest to note that reference to one of the most appropriate scriptures for this common scenario was omitted: Romans 2:21 which asks the question “do you the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself?” In other words we have to feed ourselves spiritually on a regular basis, before attempting to help others. We also need to be convinced by our personal study of the scriptures so we can speak truth from God’s word at all times.

Additionally Jesus condemned the practice known as ‘corban’ mentioned in Matthew 15:5 “Whoever says to his father or mother: “Whatever I have that could benefit you is a gift dedicated to God,” 6 he need not honor his father at all.’ So you have made the word of God invalid because of your tradition.”

The scribes and Pharisees taught that money, property, or anything that a person dedicated as a gift to God belonged to the temple. According to this tradition, a son could keep the dedicated gift and use it for his own interests, claiming that it was reserved for the temple. Some evidently evaded the responsibility of caring for their parents by dedicating their assets in this way.”[2]

There was no counsel to avoid the modern day equivalent practice where many pioneers expect non-pioneer siblings and other witnesses to take care of their aged parents, because they are busy ‘doing the more important work’. Nor was there counsel to older parents to ensure that instead of leaving all their worldly goods to the organization they should first take care of any offspring.

Yes, sadly the whole thrust of this video was to encourage ones to remain as pioneers while no heed was paid to other vital Christian responsibilities. James 1:27 gave a totally different slant from the video on what is important as a Christian when he wrote that “the form of worship that is clean...from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world” by developing Christ-like qualities.

Gods Kingdom Rules (kr chap 14 para 1-7)

The content of paragraph 1 contradicts the opening sentence of paragraph 2. How so? Paragraph 2 opens with: “After the Kingdom was established in 1914”. Yet this statement conflicts with John 18:36, quoted in paragraph 1. Jesus said: “My kingdom is no part of this world”.  He spoke in the present tense, indicating his kingdom had to be already in existence. This was his reply to Pontius Pilate’s question: Are you ‘the king of the Jews’? Therefore, Jesus reply indicated he already had a kingdom of his own, so he was not going to be King of the Jews, in rivalry to Pontius Pilate and Rome. He confirmed this by saying “If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from this source.” Pilate had nothing to fear, Jesus’ kingdom was not from the support of men.

However we should note that while the kingdom was already established at this time, it would appear Jesus was not yet king at that time, according to the parable he gave in Luke 19:12-27, and Luke 1:33.

Paragraph 2 makes a claim that cannot be substantiated “our unity provides compelling evidence that God’s Kingdom rules”. Unity or at least perceived unity can come about through any number of causes, and is not solely the preserve of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In Nazi Germany for instance there was a perceived unity, because of the oppressive dictatorship, and peer pressure.  There are many organizations, political, social and others which have unity of goals and thoughts because that is the reason they group and congregate together. That does not prove their goal is necessarily right, or for the common good. What unity is however more likely to indicate is that there is strong central control.

Paragraphs 3-5 discuss the changes in understanding regarding being no part of the world with regard to armed conflicts. It was not until a year after the start of the World War I in September 1915 that some guidance was given to the early Bible Students. We have to ask, if these early Bible Students were God’s chosen people, why did they not know about how to abstain from war much earlier? The following religious groups have all had a pacifist or similar stance to wars: the Amish/Mennonites from the late 1500’s, the Quakers from the late 1600’s, and the Christadelphians and Seventh Day Adventists from the 1860’s.  As some ideas such as 1914 had their origins with Seventh Day Adventists, why was this understanding also not taken up?

Paragraph 6 deals with the experience of a Brother Herbert Senior who followed the suggestion of the September 1, 1915 Watchtower. There were four other Bible students with him. Why were they not also mentioned?[3] Further information on the Richmond 16 can be found here.[4] These conscientious objectors included Methodists, a Congregationalist, a Quaker, a Church of England (Lay Reader), and Socialists.

Paragraph 7 shows it took until the beginning of World War II to give clearer direction on neutrality. It claims this was spiritual food at the proper time. Was it? Or was it over 60 years late? Indeed, hundreds of years later than other Christian faiths.


[1] See previous articles on this site discussing the issues with dating 607 BC as the fall of Jerusalem.

[2] Study Notes: Matthew 15:5 NWT Matthew Study Notes.

[3] Clarence Hall, Charles Rowland Jackson (later left IBSA, but remained a Bible Student), plus 2 others

[4] http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/richmond-castle/richmond-graffiti/c-o-stories/


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  • Comment by lazarus on 2017-06-20 19:42:34

    Thanks Tadua, good analysis, You brought out many points, I like personally the reasoning , from Gods Kingdom Rules (kr chap 14 para 1) regards to the contradiction of the kingdom established in 1914 & Jesus words that his kingdom (present) is no part of the world.

    I'm sure the Russia ban will come up in the Book Study. With a witness family receiving a medal and Pinned by Putin himself on an Extremist! The Irony, or Gods sense of humour.

    Definitely many truism regards Pioneers. As I Pioneered to close to a decade. I realised early on you needed to have a full time wage to survive in the Pioneer field. Just to make ends meet and not have that additional stress as many who weren't supported by family, really struggled. Me hours is the most talked about amongst Pioneers. Then, the subject will change to relate an experience so no ones gets to down about it. Men's Yoke not Christ's.

    I like the scripture in Romans 2:21.

    Regards to the Chariot or celestial Chariot , these words don't appear in Ezekiel chapter 1. The Vision is amazing and should move one to study. It's very detailed regarding the Glory of the heavens.

  • Comment by Dajo on 2017-06-21 14:40:38

    I went last night after many months of non attendance. Nothing has changed. It is like mowing the lawn, or cleaning your teeth. Painting a wall. Some things we do on auto pilot - we just do them as they have to be done and we've done them so often we could do them in our sleep.
    I kept falling asleep. When I was not asleep others appeared in a dazed state.
    About 4 or 5 e's came and shook my hand just before the meeting started and if I get a visit I will use some points (carefully) from paragraphs 1 and 2 from your review, Tadua.
    Thanks for your accurate summing up, yes it IS when we do more research, more bible reading and more meditation that is not coloured by WT paintbrushes,that the fog starts to lift.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-06-22 15:52:59

    Tadua. Concise and straight. You start with some reasons why we might have difficulty preaching, mentioning that our conscience will not allow us to preach what is not taught in the Bible. You also mention misleading predictions and teachings. Perhaps I can elaborate on those reasons.
    1. Lack of love and concern shown from the top down.
    2. Cruel stance on disfellowshipping and application of 2 John vs 10 to all who have left.
    3. The rather unnecessary house rules on female clothing and beard, even though most smart women in city live wear slacks or trouser suits, even the Prime Minister of GB. I hope you do not think I am encouraging women to wear beards !
    4. Teachings on faithful slave being appointed in 1919 with no evidence, along with other teachings (generation) which look like little more than a bad guess.
    5. Stance on 587 BCE as being incorrect, despite available evidence.
    6. Treatment of serious questions as an affront to the authority of the GB.
    7. Constant repetition that we are very close to the end and the push to pioneer, in spite of Jesus words that no man knows the day or the hour.
    8. Insistence on spending many weeks dropping leaflets inviting people to Memorials and Assemblies, regardless of how few respond or how far away those events are held.
    9. Cruel dismissal of those who sign up for full time service, even if they do not complain about it.
    10. Giving the impression that everything done for JW.Org is being done for Jehovah.

    And I have not mentioned the UN membership or Paedophiles. Well I have now.

    I am sure others can add on plenty more to this list.

    • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-06-22 18:42:19

      I've seen Phillipians 3 v 8 , " I consider all things as refuse " applied to further education before now , when the context seems to me to be speaking of the futility of the religion Paul left , a religion based on man made laws , and performance , ring any bells

    • Reply by Tadua on 2017-06-22 19:27:19

      Thank you for your concise listing of so many reasons. Once one gets started, there are so many it's difficult to know when to stop. It's frightening really. Talk about only the tip of the iceberg. Still it will eventually sink the titanic organisation.

    • Reply by wild olive on 2017-06-27 18:49:45

      Hi Leonardo Josephus
      Just reading through your partial list of problem doctrines and behaviour,I can't help but think how many of them fit with narrsissistic behavioural patterns,have a look at what a narssist is and what the markers of their behaviour are,and then compare to how the org acts,quite revealing

  • Comment by wild olive on 2017-06-22 19:00:06

    I struck a deal with my wife that I will only read the bible as family study,nothing else,that CLAM meeting is nothing short of revolting,and that Kingdom Rules book should be reentitled,Lies of The Kingdom.

    • Reply by Tadua on 2017-06-22 19:21:10

      Wild olive
      That's a good deal. That's all the early Christians had and that's all we need. Re kingdom rules book. It was the first publication I have never read through. I would agree it would be better named 'Lies about the Kingdom'.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-06-23 12:21:39

    Tadua, just a thought. If it was any other publication, it could just be called Kingdom rules, as that is what so many of our publications prove to be, just man made rules. I am not keen to call it God's Kingdom rules, as his rules are usually more clearly spelled out in the scriptures.
    Apologies if someone on this site had thought of this already, but I cannot recall seeing it here.

    • Reply by simplyme on 2017-06-23 17:51:48

      Someone once said the book should be titled Kingdom rules, rules and more rules.?

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