JW Jingoism

– posted by meleti
In the July, 2017 broadcast on tv.jw.org, the organization appears to be defending itself against attacks made by internet sites.  For example, they now feel the need to try to prove there is a scriptural basis for calling themselves “The Organization”.  They also seem to be attempting to plug the hole made by their constant emphasis on Jehovah to the virtual exclusion of Jesus.  In addition, they are trying to explain in a positive light why kingdom halls are only rarely being built in most countries, and why there is a sell-off of existing halls—although they never actually come right out and acknowledge the sell-off or the lack of new construction.  This is essentially a video intended to make Witnesses feel good about the Organization by attempting to show how Jehovah is blessing the work.

Admittedly, it is well done and it is a challenge to resist the powerful influence such carefully crafted propaganda can have on one’s mind.  Nevertheless, we remember the inspired warning:

“The first to state his case seems right,
Until the other party comes and cross-examines him.”
(Pr 18:17 NWT)

So let us do a little cross-examination of the July 2017 broadcast entitled: “Organized to Do God’s Will”.

Governing Body member Anthony Morris III starts off by attacking those who say that one does not need to belong to an organization to have a personal relationship with God.  Now, before getting into that, we should recall that Jesus tells us that he alone is the means through whom we can have a personal relationship with the Father.

“Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If YOU men had known me, YOU would have known my Father also; from this moment on YOU know him and have seen him.”” (John 14:6, 7 NWT)

That would seem pretty clear, but Anthony Morris III would have you believe that somewhere between you and the Father goes "The Organization".  Of course, this is a difficult case to make given that there is no mention whatsoever of “organization” anywhere in the Bible—neither in the Hebrew nor the Greek Scriptures.

To plug this annoying little hole, Morris says that the Bible does support the idea of an organization, citing “for example, 1 Peter 2:17.”  (The “for example” is a nice touch as it implies that this text is but one of many.)

In the NWT, this verse reads: “…have love for the whole association of brothers…”  Building on this he says, “one dictionary definition for ‘association’ is, ‘an organization of persons having a common interest.’”

Morris is failing to mention one crucial fact: The word “association” does not appear in the original Greek text.  The word translated in the NWT with the phrase “whole association of brothers” is adelphotés which means “brotherhood”.  Peter is telling us to love the brotherhood.  To be fair, this word has been translated in a variety of ways as can be seen here, but never as “association” nor any other word that makes one think of an organization.  So Morris the Third’s link between adelphotés and “organization” depends on an erroneous translation.  Given that they have a vested interest in our accepting this rendering, we cannot be blamed for wondering if it is the product of bias.

Continuing to look for evidence of a first century organization, he next reads Acts 15:2:

“But after quite a bit of dissension and disputing by Paul and Barʹna·bas with them, it was arranged for Paul, Barʹna·bas, and some of the others to go up to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem regarding this issue.” (Acts 15:2 NWT)

“Sounds like an organization to me,” is Anthony's pat response to this verse.  Well, that’s his opinion, but honestly, do you see “organization” writ large over this verse?

Let us remember that the whole reason for this dispute arose because “some men came down from Judea and began to teach the brothers: ‘Unless you get circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.’” (Acts 15:1 NWT) The problem was started by members of the Jerusalem congregation, so they had to go to Jerusalem to settle matters.

True, Jerusalem was where the Christian congregation started and the apostles were still there at that time, but is there anything in these verses to support the idea that Jerusalem served as the headquarters for an organization that was directing the worldwide preaching work in the first century?  In fact, in the whole of Acts of the Apostles which covers the first three decades of the preaching work in the first century, is there evidence of a Governing Body?  One cannot read a copy of The Watchtower these days without coming across some mention of the Governing Body. Would we not expect a similar preponderance of references in Acts as well as the letters written to the Congregations during that time.  If not by using the term "governing body", then at least some references to the “the apostles and older men in Jerusalem” directing the work or approving missionary trips and the like?

Later in this broadcast, Anthony Morris III explains how the Cart Witnessing was first tested in France “with Governing Body approval”.  It seems we cannot try a different preaching method unless we first get the "all-clear" from the Governing Body.  Would we not expect to read Luke explain how he, Paul, Barnabas and others “stepped over to Macedonia” because they’d got governing body approval from the apostles and older men in Jerusalem (Acts 16:9); or how they had initiated their three missionary journeys because they’d been commissioned by the governing body (Acts 13:1-5); or how the disciples were first informed by the governing body that they would now be known as “Christians” (Acts 11:26)?

This isn’t to say that Christians shouldn’t associate together.  The whole of the Christian brotherhood is likened to a human body.  It is also compared to a temple.  However, both the body and temple analogies involve Christ or God. (See for yourself by reading 1 Corinthians 3:16; 12:12-31.) There is no place in either analogy to insert a human governing body, nor is the idea of an organization conveyed in either illustration.  The idea of humans ruling over the congregation is anathema to the whole concept of Christianity.  'Our leader is one, the Christ.'  (Mt 23:10)  Wasn't the idea of humans ruling other humans what came from Adam's rebellion?

As you listen to the broadcast, notice how often Anthony Morris III refers to “the organization” instead of using the more appropriate Bible term, “congregation”. Around the 5:20-minute mark, Morris says that unlike other organizations, “Ours is theocratic.  That means it is ruled by Jehovah as head over all.  Isaiah 33:22 says, ‘He is our judge, lawgiver and king.’”  Morris has to go back to the Hebrew Scriptures to a time before Jehovah appointed Jesus as our judge, lawgiver and king to get this reference.  Why return to the old when we have the new?  Why not quote from the Christian Scriptures to teach the current theocratic arrangement? It doesn’t look good when the instructor doesn’t appear to know his subject.  For instance, Jehovah is not our Judge.  Instead, he has appointed Jesus to that role as John 5:22 indicates.

Perhaps to answer the frequent accusations that JWs are marginalizing Jesus’ role, Anthony Morris III next quotes Ephesians 1:22, and compares Jesus to the CEO of a company.  This is unusual since Jesus is usually overlooked in discussions of this nature.  For instance, he was completely removed from the Organization’s authority flow chart printed in the April 15, 2013 issue of The Watchtower (p. 29).

Perhaps they are trying to correct that oversight.  If so, a revised flow chart would be nice.

Nevertheless, even here, the Governing Body does not appear to know its Bible.  Morris does not seem to want to give Jesus his full due.  He continues to call Jehovah the King who directs the angels, while Jesus is only the head of the earthly organization.  What about these texts?

“Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.” (Mt 28:18)

“And let all of God’s angels do obeisance to him.” (He 1:6)  Or as virtually every other Bible translation puts it, “worship him”.

This hardly sounds like an individual whose authority is limited to the Christian congregation.

Moving on, we find that a portion of the video is devoted to explaining how the LDC (Local Design Office) works.  We were told back in the May 2015 broadcast by Governing Body member Stephen Lett that money was urgently needed for the “1600 new Kingdom halls or major renovations…right now” and that “worldwide we are in need of more than 14,000 places of worship”.

Now, two years later, we hear little about Kingdom hall construction.  What has happened is that new administrative departments (what Bethel calls “desks”) have been established with the goal of selling Kingdom hall properties.  As the video explains, existing halls have been underutilized, so congregations are being merged to form fewer, but larger groups.  This makes sense economically, since this frees up properties for sale, and the funds can then be sent back to headquarters; a fact made possible by the 2012 decision to cancel all Kingdom hall loans in exchange for assuming centralized ownership of all Kingdom hall properties.[i]  The problem is that this is purportedly not an economic organization, but a spiritual one.  At least that is what we are led to believe.  So what matters—or what should matter—are the needs of the flock.  We were told that the Book Study arrangement was cancelled because of rising gas prices and the hardship imposed by forcing people to travel long distances to get to the meetings.  Does that reasoning no longer apply?  Selling a Kingdom hall that is conveniently located and thus causing an entire congregation to travel a much greater distance to get to another hall hardly seems to be putting the interests of the brothers in first place.  We never had problems funding hall construction in the 20th century, so what has changed?

What seems a more plausible reason for all this restructuring is that the Organization is running low on funds. They recently had to let go a quarter of all staff worldwide.  This included the majority of special pioneers, who can preach in areas that are isolated. These are the true pioneers who go to open up new territories and establish new congregations.  If the end is close and the most important work is the preaching of the good news to all the inhabited earth before the end comes, then why shrink the ranks of the foremost evangelizers?  Also, why make it harder for new converts to get to meetings by having few locations requiring more travel time?

What is more likely is that the organization is trying to paint a pretty picture to cover an unpleasant reality (for them).  The work is slowing down and indeed the growth which has always been seen as a sign of God’s blessing is turning negative.  Our numbers are shrinking and our funding is shrinking.

Evidence of this tactic to only show the good and draw from any positive story evidence of God’s blessing can be seen from the account of the building of the branch office in Haiti (about the 41-minute mark).  The plans called for more structural reinforcing than the outside contractor considered necessary, and he tried to get the building committee to change the plans and save money.  They did not, and so when the earthquake hit, it was seen as a blessing from Jehovah that they did not give in to outside influence.  Anthony Morris III actually says that this account sent chills up his spine.  It is conveyed as Jehovah taking a hand in the worldwide construction work.  However, the plans were worked out, not by holy spirit, but based on structural engineering standards for building in earthquake prone areas.  The brothers wisely stuck to the standards that worldly scientists, engineers and architects have developed after years of research, testing, and building on past experience.

Still, if we are to take this decision not to compromise our building codes as direct intervention by Jehovah, then it would appear his interest stops at the branch building level and doesn't get down to the level of Kingdom hall construction.  What else are we to conclude when we read about a disaster like the destruction of the Tacioban Kingdom hall in the Phillipines that was wiped out by a tidal surge, killing 22 Jehovah’s Witnesses?  If Jehovah stepped in to prevent the Haitian branch from destruction in the earthquake, why didn’t He direct the Filipino brothers to build a stronger structure? Now, there is a spine-chilling account!

The Organization's emphasis on places of worship goes back to the old mentality during the time of Israelite nationhood.  The Governing Body wants a return to that nationhood, but dressed in the cloak of Christianity.  They are missing the truth that the legitimacy of any group of Christians is established, not by places of worship, nor by success in construction endeavors, but by what is in the heart.  Jesus foretold that places of worship are no longer signs of God’s approval.  When the Samaritan woman claimed her legitimacy as a worshiper of God by the fact she worshiped in the mountain where Jacob’s well was, contrasting this with the legitimacy claimed by the Jews who worshiped in the Temple, Jesus set her straight:

“Jesus said to her: “Believe me, woman, The hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will YOU people worship the Father. 22 YOU worship what YOU do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation originates with the Jews. 23 Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.”” (John 4:21-24)

If the Governing Body wants true legitimacy for Jehovah’s Witnesses, they must start by removing all the false doctrine which has dominated the religion since the days of Rutherford, and start teaching truth by spirit.  Personally, I see little chance of that ever happening and I’m normally a glass-half-full kind of guy.


[i] It should be noted that historically, a hall, its property and assets were all owned by the local congregation, not the Organization.  While the cancellation of existing loans was seen as a charitable action, the reality is that it opened the way for the organization to assume legal ownership of all properties around the world. Actually, the loans were not cancelled, but were relabeled.  Congregations holding a loan were directed to make a “voluntary monthly donation” for at least as much as the amount of the cancelled loan.  Additionally, all congregations with halls fully paid off were directed to make similar monthly donations passed by resolution.

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  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2017-07-06 13:49:58

    I just watched the broadcast and was about to message you to ask if you have seen it and would you please refute the " association of brothers" assertion. You beat me to it, bravo!

    I also noticed how the "one definition of association is an organisation" tactic was used. Even if association was a correct translation of the Greek word, cherry picking " one definition" and effectively telling us that the one we should accept gets my hackles up.
    And again... Did you notice in the encouragement for newish ones to read the Organised book?... ( a crafty ploy to instil The Rules of the Governing Body in my opinion), AM111 said that we might be asked by an elder what our goals are and if we're floundering for an answer we can find a list of approved goals (that the G.B want us to reach out for) in the book. Sigh.?

    My goal is never again to be bamboozled by men.

    Did you also notice that although the awful old picture from the 2013 WT of theocratic authority chain of command was used in this broadcast they had chopped off the top bit, and instead we were shown new illustrations of the heavenly part with a prominent Angel right next to Jehovah? I guess that's supposed to be Jesus. I hate this idea of him being an angel. Even a prominent one. He created them all. Grr. Anyway, it's very intriguing that they seem to be addressing issues we have... Who is reading " apostate web sites" now? ??

    Once again the cringeworthy musical arrangement made me squirm but I have to say, what great voices the singers have.

    Thanks for the review and cross examination, Meleti. It's a good antidote to the propaganda.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-07-06 16:57:07

      "Cringeworthy" hits the nail on the head. The lyrics praising the governing body were so unseemly. Where is the humility of these men?

    • Reply by Keepitsimple on 2017-07-06 21:24:37

      "was about to message you ...please refute the ” association of brothers”"
      your digging skills are in good shape
      you were very fast on this one...

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-07-06 21:55:09

        I had some help from Apollos. :)

  • Comment by Keepitsimple on 2017-07-06 21:04:54

    Usually the GB ignore us officially and it's worked well because the GB by giving no attention to us,it's like we had no real arguments , but by reacting, GB show that more and more JW start to ask questions, and by answering it, we see what kind of munition they really had, and it's look like blank shots with style, they have no choice now to explain things.

    "it is well done and it is a challenge to resist the powerful influence"
    this show how fairly you use your judgement, you are not here to hate and destroy but to show truth with love.

    "The problem was started by members of the Jerusalem congregation, so they had to go to Jerusalem to settle matters."
    that the more logic answers i ever hear about to why they go to Jerusalem.

    very good constructive critic, Thanks

  • Comment by Yehorakam on 2017-07-06 21:28:00

    Excellent review Meleti. Here's a thing about those that would open up new territories. Where I'm at, they've cut back drastically on special pioneers. In the last year, one brother that was to be eliminated had been a special pioneer for over 10 years. He broke down when talking with the Service Department. He couldn't understand why his "privilege" was being taken away. They explained the lack of funds and lack of significant increase in the territory. But here's the "special" part of the conversation. He was told that if he could support himself and his wife financially and still preach 130 hours a month, then they would still be counted as special pioneers, thus keeping the "privilege." And he actually fell for it! After a few months of trying this new deal, he burned out and fell into a depression because he realized he could not continue. About Gilead missionaries, a change was made a few years ago. It was public. The GB stated that they were not going to use the missionaries out in the field to make disciples and form new congregations. They figured the best use of a missionary would be in branches or larger congregations in big cities where they could "train" others. That is their using their own word. What a hoax. The Gilead program is an intensive study of WT teachings and policies. Personal contact is frequently made with the GB during the program so the students will feel so overly "indebted" to them. So, the GB very wisely sees these ones as being the most trustworthy to implement every thing they say in big congregations or in branches. What a waste it would be to have a missionary conducting bible studies and making disciples in areas where the good news has not yet been heard :). Better to have a personal pupil of the GB instructing elders, bethelites and others how to do things the GB's way. Can we see the twisted reasoning here and how it always works to GB's benefit?

    As regards Haiti, what Morris fails to mention is that during the first phase of expansion at the Branch, an outside contractor was not used. Only International servants and local brothers were used. Interestingly, during phase 1, some international servants, some members of the Haitian Branch Committee and many local brothers did exactly what the worldly contractor did in phase 2. They questioned and even criticized the structural engineering by Brooklyn saying it was overkill and a waste of resources...and even asked for them to change the plans and save money! Why were changes not made? Did Jehovah intervene? No. The Design Build Committee in Brooklyn simply insisted that the brothers stick to the plans. That's what engineers do! Brooklyn wags the tail, not the other way around. They are the engineers. Engineers that wish to keep their integrity to their profession do not allow for changes that will compromise structural integrity. So, it was a simple case of Engineers doing their job. Well educated worldly engineers also do the same. They insist things are built to spec. The reason why Haiti stood out is because they had terrible building methods, and actually very few buildings in Haiti have been built or supervised by a foreign group of engineers. So, pretty well everything crumbled, except buildings built by foreign groups to a higher standard.

    Interestingly, there are many brothers that work in construction in Haiti. Many of the houses they built collapsed due to shoddy methods and materials and people died. Why didn't Jehovah enlighten those brothers to improve their methods and prevent others from losing their lives? It would appear that Jehovah plays favorites and only gave direction for Bethel to be built well. (I know that is not the case).

    As regards a first century GB, you hit every nail on the head using the scriptures. I would like to add that their was a "pseudo-governing body" in the first century if you will have it, but it did not include the apostles. This pseudo GB was the very rabble rouser Jews who you mention that frequently left Jerusalem, visiting other congregations as if they were envoys of the apostles, trying to impose themselves and their consciences on others. They wished to govern over the individual Christians and congregations. The saw themselves as being a group with authority over others. And no surpruse, for they had left a Jewish system where there was a central governing body and individual rulers in the synagogues. They wished to implement this in the Christian congregation. They totally missed the point that Christ was now the only ruler over individual Christians. Fortunately the apostles shied away from controlling others. Paul stayed away from Jerusalem and was blessed. When the other apostles finally obeyed Jesus' command to make disciples of all the nations and leave the bad atmosphere in Jerusalem, it was at that point that experienced blessings and were blessed to write inspired books, etc.

    The GB today has done exactly the same today as that Jewish pseudo GB in the first century. They cannot fathom the idea that an individual Christian will be all right without them somewhere in the picture. They insist a serious sin will not be forgiven by God unless THEIR policies are followed in disciplining the person. They teach that prayers are not heard by God unless THEIR recipe for prayers if followed. Those that do not attend THEIR arranged meetings and assemblies are not approved by God. Despite the clear evidence that Paul had almost 0 contact with the apostles in Jerusalem for almost 20 years (Gal 1:15-2:10), they suggest he was a member of a governing body. They do this because they cannot imagine a spirit anointed Christian would know what to preach or where to preach, nor be able to provide spiritual food without receiving instruction from a centralized governing body like theirs. They negate Christ's position, and the action of the holy spirit. Their judgement will be very heavy. They will only resort to worse scare tactics that allow them tighter control as they see droves leaving the organization and funds drying up. I would almost go as far to say that they have HAD their reward in full, for the bad times that have already started is ending the 'rewarding period.'

    Much love,

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-07-06 22:00:32


      Thank you for adding this wealth in insight into the real world consequences of the Organization's policies and decisions.

    • Reply by apollos0fAlexandria on 2017-07-07 09:36:45

      Great article Meleti. And I really appreciated this comment Yehorakam. It boggles the mind how they would suggest to someone to carry on doing 130 hours of free labor, and try to support themselves just so they can retain a title. And it's equally mind boggling that a person would do it. If a person wants to set themselves a target of "preaching hours" there's nothing wrong with that. But in this scenario where's the human decency? The org sees that the person has a weak spot for keeping a title, and they don't hesitate to use that for their own ends. Why not simply say "Brother, we're sorry we can't fund you any more. Here are some practical suggestions as to how to make this transition", rather than continue to milk him until he's dry?

      • Reply by Eleasar on 2017-07-07 12:55:51

        There is a further issue based on a "culture of privilege"to measure a person's spirituality. This becomes so ingrained that this brother probably sees it as a weakening of his spirituality. It reminds me of Matthew 23:4. The Pharisees saw religion as set of "Do and Don'ts". I would love to hear the Lord's perspective on this!

        In our Circuit and Region, I know brothers who work so hard at politicking behind the scenes to get Teaching Based assignments. Some of them are devastated if they are missed out. Also, when it comes to assessing new brothers for this role, these brothers often use the excuse but they haven't got the experience and hence get marked down. I used to say, "how can they get experience unless given a chance and then we can help them improve?"

        Many brothers saw this as the way everyone could see how well they are doing spiritually.

    • Reply by Keepitsimple on 2017-07-07 12:09:42

      thanks Yehorakam,
      GB impose their view that Jerusalem is the central command but you give me insight that the bible history rather show a central group of trouble makers. Why i'm not surprise GB want to follow this group as an example.

  • Comment by Lone Survivor on 2017-07-07 18:25:36

    Yehorakam great comment, i really appreciate the information I have a son that is a missionary and he and his wife came home to visit a while back and I could tell something was not setting well with both of them but I didn't press it. Brothers and sisters keep up the good work best wishes to all

  • Comment by Eleasar on 2017-07-07 05:33:46

    Superb dissection of broadcast Meleti.

    The pattern emerging is that JWs are a CHURCH! There is a clear clergy class and where historically the view was the home book study group is the building block for congregations, now LDC representatives can close down kingdom halls, merge congregations etc. The congregations have no say. All of this was handed over a few years ago.

    This is what happened over 200 years after the time of the apostles. Certain elders became prominent, "episcopos" becomes bishop and then bishops became part of Church Councils and hierarchy. Post Nicaea once the Catholic (Universal) Church is agreed by Constantine, there is no real congregational arrangement.

  • Comment by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-07-07 01:30:46

    So anthony morris had chills up his spine , because the builders had to stick to the plan . And do a proper job , its a "miracle " haha we builders are not all cowboys mate ! Hahaha . I'm starting to like tony he's funny !

  • Comment by Eleasar on 2017-07-07 05:40:52

    According to Brother Morris, we need an organisation and must not fool ourselves. JW teachings say that there were "anointed" Christians down through the ages. My question is that how could they exist with an organisation and which organisation helped them.

    Furthermore, when he claims this is the best organisation on earth, what is the criteria to make this judgement. Also, what other organisations were measured against the criteria and by who?

    • Reply by Yehorakam on 2017-07-07 11:45:04

      Eleazar, in agreement with what you say, one of many scriptures that woke me up was Matt 28:20 where Jesus said "And look! I am with you ALL the days until the conclusion of the system of things." The GB taught for many decades that there were no anointed between 100 CE and 1870 CE. Then they changed that to say there might have been anointed but there was no faithful slave dispensing spiritual food during that time and Christ only turned his attention to a group of anointed in 1919 and at that point started to care for the spiritual needs of that particular group. So what was our Lord doing for 1800 years? According to them nothing. Being that their "organization" did not exist during that time, no food was dispensed for 1800 years. They show Christ and his promise to be a total failure. He said he would be with his anointed ALL the days until the conclusion. That means a constant attention year after year all throughout those 1800 years to all he called to be sons of God.

      • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-07-07 13:52:14

        Yeah mate , the penny drops on these verses from time to time , they say Christ returned invisibly in 1914 , actually Christ has been invisibly present among christians since the 1st century , according to the bible , This teaching is one of the biggest mistruths taught by the watchtower and is the corner stone of many other false teachings as well , that have led to many problems ,

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-07-07 06:24:24

    Meliti, thanks for bringing out the thought on "association". Naughty to try to bend a word meaning brotherhood into something else. Pretty much the same with Acts 15 and "Sounds like an organisation to me". Sounds like a number of congregations and the apostles to me. Whether that makes an organisation is pedantic, but I guess we are going to continue to use the expression until everyone accepts "Jehovah's organisation". It is a bit like Jehovah's friend. I wonder what funny phrase they will come up with next.
    Did you note the part justifying the re-organisation of kingdom halls ? If you look at averages and capacity of our halls, of course they will appear to be a little under-used. That is how they were designed ! To allow room for special meetings (memorial, circuit overseer visits etc), you need more space than the average attendance. They way our hall is designed, there is little space between chairs anyway, so to draw conclusions from the number of unused seats is dangerous. we have the extra chairs for the odd occasions when they are needed, but not for every week. Often Circuit Assembly halls are fairly under used. Are we to cut one of them out too and go back to using local facilities an hours drive close ? Don't mind that one.

    • Reply by Yehorakam on 2017-07-07 11:33:20

      Hey Leo, their word bending makes the NWT look like a paraphrased version in this instance. They take one easy to understand word "brotherhood" and replace it with a phrase "the whole association of brothers." I think if there's time to write another version of the NWT, the next version will read "the whole organization of brothers." Sounds like an organization to me! Hahaha. How desperate they get. Willing to change certain verses to support their doctrine.

      • Reply by Ludavid on 2017-07-07 14:18:30

        BTW there is some interesting words from " perimeno.ca - Make shure of all things" aboute NWT :
        "NWT ― Since the 2013 version, I prefer to refer to it as the New Watchtower Bible (NWB), as the brackets, which previously indicated words and phrases that were added by the publisher, have now been removed; making it appear that these spurious additions actually belong in the Bible. Thus, the New Watchtower Bible no longer qualifies as a true translation. Ironically, they condemn other Bible Translations for the same thing, making additions based on their beliefs.―See Deuteronomy 12:32; Revelation 22:18"

        It's seems to me that things in WT going from bad to worst on many levels.

  • Comment by AndereStimme on 2017-07-08 15:57:25

    Having served many years in the developing world, I can attest that the missionaries were, generally but with honorable exception, pampered prima donnas whose main function was administrative, i.e. making sure that everything was done by WT rules. They lived in missionary homes with air conditioning, washing machines and other amenities not enjoyed by the people they were supposed to be serving. The special pioneers, on the other hand, were locals who knew how to reach their neighbors with the message while living on a pittance. We used to say that each special was worth three missionaries. So, cutting the SPs, at least in areas where there are few JWs, is to put finances over faith.

    Secondly, does anyone seriously think that Paul went up to the older men and apostles in Jerusalem to see what they would decide and bow to their will no matter what? He went up there to make them do the right thing. He would later describe the incident like this: "This matter arose because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you." -- Gal 2:4, 5

  • Comment by lazarus on 2017-07-09 01:13:02

    Thanks Meleti for your review, I appreciate the explanation of 1 Peter 2:17, new point for me. I feel as I read these articles and the comments my understanding of scripture is becoming more clear.

    The opening part by brother Morris, a branch member here in Australia gave a similar theme talk at the dedication of our Kingdom Hall some 27 years ago.

    This brother opened his talk by stating, that the word Organisation does not appear in the Bible! Did he get some 250 people's attention with that statement, you bet he did. I remember most of his key points of that talk, because I wanted to hear why then can we say that God would have an organisation today.

    It tells me these brothers in high positions in the Organisation know this. Yet, why don't they just state it.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-07-09 08:21:20

      Interesting account, Lazarus. Makes me mindful of this scripture:

      “. . .And Jesus said: “For [this] judgment I came into this world: that those not seeing might see and those seeing might become blind.” 40 Those of the Pharisees who were with him heard these things, and they said to him: “We are not blind also, are we?” 41 Jesus said to them: “If YOU were blind, YOU would have no sin. But now YOU say, ‘We see.’ YOUR sin remains.”” (Joh 9:39-41)

      • Reply by lazarus on 2017-07-09 15:25:52

        Early in my studies if I wasn't sure or heard a point being made off the platform, I would try and find an answer to it or verify it. And I remember now if the watchtower ever admitted to this point about the word Organisation not appearing in the bible. So , I found it today.

        It's a question from readers, " Since the word"Organisation " does not occur in the Bible, even in its original languages, what right do we have to say that God had an organization or to speak of God's Organization? 5/1 1981.

        They do admit it eventually, that the word doesn't occur in Hebrew or the Greek scriptures .

  • Comment by Bobcat on 2017-07-09 09:08:15

    “for example, 1 Peter 2:17.” (The “for example” is a nice touch as it implies that this text is but one of many.) In the NWT, this verse reads: “…have love for the whole association of brothers…”

    My feeling is that the citing of 1 Pe 2:17 to prove that God has an earthly organization is disingenuous at best. Morris and company do not mean to say that "the whole association of brothers" = "God's organization." The verse is only used to prove that God has an organization. The reality is that THEY are God's organization, and "the whole association of brothers" only "associate" with it.

    The "for example" helps to show that 1 Pe 2:17 is not being used as another name for "God's Organization." It is only being used as an "example" to prove the concept that God is organized. Try replacing "God's Organization" with "the whole association of brothers" when talking to a CO and see if he does not correct you.

    • Reply by Thaddeus on 2017-09-21 17:12:51


  • Comment by Scrubmaster on 2017-07-09 10:58:41

    I wonder if the GB is preparing for all of the lawsuits that may come from the abuse cases and this is why Kingdom Halls are being sold off, along with dwindling donations.

  • Comment by Joseph Anton on 2017-07-10 14:53:27

    Stealing "JW Jingoism."

  • Comment by Thaddeus on 2017-09-21 17:11:22

    Above its stated "We never had problems funding hall construction in the 20th century, so what has changed?"
    Answer (at least in part) is more and more LAWSUITS, judgments ordering US to pay tens of millions for crimes we didn't commit. If the bad policy was actually CHANGED at least it wouldn't happen again. However, even though some adjustments have thankfully been made,the change doesn't go nearly far enough.
    Why not have a mature sister (not nessasarily an elders wife I might add) be involved in a matter of pedophilia? After all, wasn't Deborah used by God as a Judge in Isreal (Judges 4:5)?
    Better still, wouldn't it be wise to have policy to hand over accusations of this sort to the local authorities to investigate?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-09-21 18:50:44

      >>Better still, wouldn’t it be wise to have policy to hand over accusations of this sort to the local authorities to investigate?

      We do. It found in Romans 13:1-7. :)

  • Comment by Thaddeus on 2017-09-21 17:36:13

    Meleti, I'd like to have your thoughts please.
    Especially since the July 2017 Broadcast and you suggested to put Jesus name in place of Jehovah where appropriate I've been giving due credit to Jesus as guiding the gb (the fact that I don't believe he actually is is another matter), Jesus is our Judge, ALL authority means ALL authority, Christ will take care of it as Head of the Congregation...etc.

    The reply I'm always receiving is that "all credit goes to Jehovah." "Jesus NEVER took credit for himself." "Jehovah is ultimately the head over all so it's appropriate to say Jehovah, not Jesus." Thus all these statements are a hurdle for me because I don't know how to reply. They still insist this is Jehovah's Organization, Jehovah's directing our Ministry. How can I overcome this?

    Even though Morris said "This is the best imperfect organization on the planet", this one brother that I associate with regularly simply will not say the words. He insists the old adage that it is a perfect Organization, it's the people who are imperfect, not the organization. He made a comment during the WT study Sunday before last and quoted Morris but left out the word imperfect. This brother just can't formulate the words "imperfect organization" in the same sentence.
    Please, how MIGHT I overcome this?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-09-21 18:55:51

      I'm not sure who said this Thaddeus, but it goes like this: "You cannot reason a man out of a position he hasn't been reasoned into."

      Your friend is not using his reason. He has his mental shields up and all your missiles of logic will just smash on the outside and never reach his brain. He has to drop his shields for you to get through to him.

      As for the other question, yes all credit goes to Jehovah, but no one can approach Jehovah except through Jesus, so why not give the credit to Jesus and let him pass it on. Why bypass Jesus? This is what my JW brothers cannot grasp.

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