Weep With Those Who Weep

– posted by meleti

[From ws7/17 p. 12 – September 4-10]

“Keep encouraging one another and building one another up.” – 1Th 5:11

(Occurrences: Jehovah=23; Jesus=16)

Having suffered the recent loss of my wife after four decades of happy marriage, I can take great comfort from the Bible texts referenced in this week’s Watchtower study, particularly so because I do not stop at the cited verses, but go on reading to get the fuller sense of how the Father comforts us.  For example, paragraph 1 directs us to read 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4:

“Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our trials so that we may be able to comfort others in any sort of trial with the comfort that we receive from God.” (2Co 1:3, 4)

There is a vital element missing which will escape you if you confine yourself to only the cited verses.  The next verse reads:

“For just as the sufferings for the Christ abound in us, so the comfort we receive through the Christ also abounds.” (2Co 1:5)

The next “read” Scripture is Philippians 4:6, 7 found in paragraph 6.  Again, an amplified reading provides additional insight into the means by which we are comforted.

“. . .Always rejoice in the Lord. Again I will say, Rejoice! 5 Let your reasonableness become known to all men. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.” (Php 4:4-7)

Clearly, the Lord here referred to is Jesus Christ who is near.  We should not take this to mean that the end is near.  This was written almost 2,000 years ago.  No, the nearness is physical, though not perceived with physical eyes.  Jesus assured us that wherever two or three of us are gathered in his name, he is with us.  What a comfort that is. (Mt 18:20)

Acts 9:31 is also referenced in paragraph 6.  It contains an arbitrary insertion of "Jehovah" into the text of the NWT Bible version, but in the original, the word used was “Lord”.  If we read the context (vs. 27, 28) we find that Lord is indeed the correct rendering, because it refers to the Lord Jesus appearing to Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus and that Saul spoke boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus in that city.  So when verse 31 speaks of ‘walking in the fear of the Lord’, we can see that Jesus is being referred to.  The Israelites were to walk in the fear of Jehovah, but we are not Israelites. We are Christians.  The Father has given all authority and judging to the Son, so we are to walk in fear of him. (Mt 28:18; John 5:22)

Paragraphs 7 thru 10 shows just how empathetic Jesus is toward those of his followers who are suffering pain.  The next “read” Scripture is found in paragraph 10: Hebrews 4:15, 16.

If we read a few verses before, we can get some important additional information.

“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold on to our public declaration of him. 15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tested in all respects as we have, but without sin. 16 Let us, then, approach the throne of undeserved kindness with freeness of speech, so that we may receive mercy and find undeserved kindness to help us at the right time.” (Heb 4:14-16)

Speaking from personal experience, holding on to my public declaration of Jesus Christ has helped me greatly to endure the pain of loss I've experienced.  I am enduring twin losses.  The loss of a life companion who by marriage became "flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone" as God intended is a unique kind of pain, lessened, but not done away with entirely by the hope we both share.  (Ge 2:23) The other pain is very different, but one shouldn't take from that, that it is any less traumatic in its own way.  A lifetime of belief cannot be discarded as easily as one takes off an old sweater.  For many thousands, awakening to the fact that what they believed was the one true faith on earth—the visible organization chosen by Jehovah God himself—has been so disturbing that they have experienced a total shipwreck of their faith in both God and His Christ.

Jesus will not abandon us, even if we abandon him.  He will knock on the door, but he will not force his way in. (Re 3:20)

Paragraph 11 gives us some wonderful Scriptures to comfort us in times of immense grief.  How sad though that the teaching of Jehovah’s Witnesses, which casts the Other Sheep as no more than friends of God, strips away much of the power of those words.  For example, it quotes 2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17 but ignores the fact that these verses apply to the adopted Children of God.

“However, we are obligated always to thank God for you, brothers loved by Jehovah, because from the beginning God selected you for salvation by sanctifying you with his spirit and by your faith in the truth. 14 He called you to this through the good news we declare, so that you may acquire the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 So, then, brothers, stand firm and maintain your hold on the traditions that you were taught, whether it was by a spoken message or by a letter from us. 16 Moreover, may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and gave everlasting comfort and good hope by means of undeserved kindness, 17 comfort your hearts and make you firm in every good deed and word.” (2Th 2:13-17)

The Congregation—a Source of Great Comfort

A promising subtitle, but alas, I have not found this to be the case.  Speaking with others who have suffered loses similar to mine, I realize that I am not alone in this.  Even those who remain died-in-the-wool Jehovah’s Witnesses have expressed their disappointment in the congregation due to its lack of real support.

I do not think this is due to ill will.  Rather, it is the consequence of the routine established by the Organization.   I recall being very busy with this routine.  I was taught that if I held to the routine, I would be saved.  I was supposed to do all the things the Organization told me to do like regularly attend all the meetings, keep my hours up in field service, reach out for greater responsibility as an appointed servant, attend conventions and circuit assemblies, support the circuit overseer during his visits, keep the hall clean and well maintained, etc. These are things that are highly visible and easy to measure.  (The amount of field service and placements one logs every month is tracked and recorded.)

However, comforting the grieving is not part of that routine and is not measured.  So it garners no kudos from those above.  For this reason, it tends to fall by the wayside.  To illustrate, a field service car group might be in a remote territory (ours measured hundreds of square miles in size) and near the home of a aged widow.  Would they go in for an encouraging visit? Often not, because they could not count their time and mindful of keeping their hours up, they'd forgo the opportunity to show Christian love and practice the form of worship of which the Father approves. (James 1:27)

For those of us who have, or are in the process of, departing from this artificial form of worship,  the trauma of having friends and family turn their backs on us is mitigated by the new, truer friends we are encountering. (2 Ti 3:5) As Jesus promised, we will actually end up with more and better friends and family. (Mt 19:29) I have certainly experienced the truth of his words.

Keep Providing Comfort

I appreciate the counsel under this subtitle. It is appropriate. However, I fear it is too little too late.  The occasional article like this one—as good as it may be—is not enough to overcome the mindset of Witnesses indoctrinated to put works in first place, to measure faith by the number of hours one devotes to the preaching work.

So while this is a good article for the most part, I doubt that it will change much in the status quo of JW.org.

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  • Comment by eve04 on 2017-09-06 12:01:21

    You are so right. I remember an Elder asked if he could do a shepherding call on me when the CO was visiting our Cong and we were out in service. However, he asked because the return visit he was supposed to take the CO on cancelled and so I was just a time filler. Another time the Elders wanted to do a shepherding call was when I came off the pioneer list. They waited 4 months to ask, why because the CO was coming. I told them no, I didn't want a shepherding call. They were shocked! So I agree with you and Wild Olive its all driven by policy and procedures. :(

    BTW those two times and two other times in the whole 34 years was a shepherding call done or offered.

  • Comment by Warp Speed on 2017-09-03 20:07:50

    Sad but true. I agree that there is no ill will on the part of most. The reality is that you are on a constant treadmill to do more and more for the Org. It leaves little time or energy to be a source of true comfort to those we should be like family to. You correctly point to the best source of comfort- the words of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    • Reply by wild olive on 2017-09-05 22:22:40

      Hi Warp Speed(is that a description of how fast your getting away from falsehoods??)
      It's when you start analysing the "treadmill " that some things reveal themselves .
      Basically JWs approach salvation the same way that rehab cleans up substance abusers. The individual is given rules and motivation to follow those rules,the way motivation is exerted is by creating an environment that is totally controlled,this is done by the org by cutting people off from any contact that's "worldly", and with drug addicts they are isolated to prevent them getting hold of anything that caters to their addiction,including like minded addicts. Enforced long enough a person develops new habits,this is why it's paramount to the JW leadership that a person gets to all the meetings as soon as possible,getting them into a pattern of good habits,which of course gets them busy and distracted,makes it appear that a change takes place,when, in reality,all that's changed is their habitual pattern, this explains why if for some reason the pattern gets broken,ie sickness, exhaustion, family issues,financial reverses etc ,their " spirituality " is all of a sudden threatened and "feels" weak,this condition is exploited by the org ,to guilt the person into getting back into "spiritual routine", I notice this phenomena especially amongst older JWs because they are emotionally spent "hanging on for the end" that's just doesn't seem to be getting here after been promised to be close umpteen times.
      This stands in stark contrast to what the scriptures hold out,that is to be born again in spirit,to become a new creation in the image of Christ,and a child of Jehovah held close to him through a sacred blood authenticated covenant.
      The biblical "method" if you can call it is
      Salvation,given by Jehovah, which will then give you faith,which will then give you the means to perform works.
      In contrast the Jw method, (which is the same in all cultish type religions) is , works first ( give up smoking,give up friends, change your job if it's not appropriate,do what the leadership says without question), which is said to now be your faith,which will in the unknown distant future give you salvation. That's why the treadmill is essential .

      • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-09-06 17:35:29

        Wild Olive,

        Thanks for shout out. I never really thought about my online name meaning to leave falsehoods in a hurry. Now that you bring it up, I would have to say it makes sense. A Freudian slip maybe?

        You sure described the "treadmill" in depth. Pretty dead-on! Something I really appreciate about this site is that people here are thinkers. Not taking things at face value anymore just because somebody tells you to and out of blind obedience, obeying.

        Enjoy all your comments and look forward to conversing again,

        Warp Speed

        • Reply by wild olive on 2017-09-07 02:18:13

          Thanks WS
          Likewise enjoy your input, isn't it refreshing to be allowed to ask questions about your beliefs instead of having it shoved at you with the expectation of believe it or else.
          I went to the Dont Give Up convention and decided I won't be going to another one ,it's just too easy to see through the manipulation,misapplication and sundry falsehoods that make up the framework of JW beliefs. This site has helped me to deprogram myself,others have sought out therapy to do so and that has aided them, non of this would be necessary if what we had been taught was truth to start with.

        • Reply by Phelps on 2017-09-10 06:32:22

          Bueno ,creo que todos estamos aquí porque teníamos el monstruo de "nuestro pensamiento crítico" demasiado amarrado y encadenado. Aunque no todos vamos tan rápido como tú querido amigo "Hi Warp Speed"?

          • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-09-10 12:30:10

            Hi Phelps,

            Please forgive me, but my Spanish is very rusty. I do understand the gist of what you said though. Indeed, our critical thinking skills are are being refined by this site. Now I need to further refine my Spanish language skills! Thank you for taking the time to communicate,

            Your friend,

  • Comment by Amitafal on 2017-09-04 02:35:04

    Lovely article & so true. I remember thinking when on the ministry that there often wasn't time to stop in on elderly or sick or inactive brothers and sisters because of counting our time. I used to feel that we were putting so much effort into finding 'one sheep' but not looking after the 100 we had! On one CO visit /Pioneer meeting it was mentioned that we could take a packed lunch to the one we are visiting and eat it there to 'kill two birds with one stone'. So we tried this - well apart from being organised taking it along and making sure the one working with you hasn't forgotten to bring their lunch, have you ever tried to eat and talk at the same time? It wasn't a very successful visit and we were still clock watching as could only spare about 40 mins. However Galatians 6:10 was always there in my mind, so after a while I didn't worry about how long I stopped off ( I still counted my time), although I don't think the sister with me did. I used to think would Jesus say you have to dedeuct time off to go to the toilet or see that brother or sister? I don't think so.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-09-04 06:48:46

    Meliti, this must have been a hard article for you to write . You make good points, and we were always too "hour conscious" to get a balance. We also barely knew what to say to those in need. While we showed sympathy, we also regurgitated the party line, without the slightest idea as to whether it would work.
    Everything seems to be geared to an imminent end to this system, and pressing on the accelerator.
    I agree with your point that the overall attitude of the Society can end up shipwrecking all of our faith. I am trying to cling on to faith in God and Christ at least.
    It would be of help to many of us, whatever age we may be, to get some insight on how you are going about making true friends after breaking free.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-09-04 08:43:42

      You reminded me of something, Leonardo. I worked for years side by side with our then Presiding Overseer, a "Bethel elder" before the did away with that arbitrary and unscriptural distinction. All in all, he was a good man, but one who did things by the book. When calling on weak ones, or those undergoing a particular trial, he would make copies of Watchtower articles that dealt with whatever the brother or sister was facing and leave them with the individual by way of "encouragement". I never spoke to him about it because I knew he was just doing what was expected of him--shepherding 101--but it always seemed like a cop-out to me. People need a listening ear, not a text book solution to their problems.

      • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-09-04 09:08:14

        I can relate to that experience Meleti. Over the years, I have been on many shepherding calls with brothers who did the same thing. Print a copy of an article, give it to the friends- all better! Providing a caring, listening ear is far more effective. Definitely more Christ-like

        • Reply by Joseph Anton on 2017-09-04 10:50:27

          I have been the person struggling with major issues - death in the family, propensity to drink too much as a result - that has been the recipient of a photocopy of a Watchtower article as the solution to my problems at the time. It felt woefully underpowered, and frankly apathetic. I've since gotten a qualified councilor, and it's actually been a game changer for me, personally. Magazines are not magic beans.

          • Reply by eve04 on 2017-09-04 21:17:44

            I remembering being out in service and we came up to the door of someone who was an ex-witness that had been sexually abused. The sister with me said here just take this magazine and it will help. Before I know it I said" that is not going to help him". It was like she wasn't even listening to him. When we got back with the rest of the group I had to argue my point of why just giving someone a magazine is not the answer.

            As for counting time, it was so sad when I was pioneering there were times I couldn't even go visit those in the hospital because I had to get my time and by the end of the day I was just to tired. I would always feel so bad.

            • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-09-04 21:48:32

              There is definitely a connection between counting time and being tired.....

              • Reply by Phelps on 2017-09-10 06:37:52

                Y creo que es porque siempre deseamos hacer un servicio más práctico a favor de los demás sin tanto protocolo ...cansa y aburre mentalmente

      • Reply by Keepitsimple on 2017-09-06 21:55:06

        Thanks Meleti and your team about your meditations gems...
        about giving WT article and not be a listening ear, apart for a few exception,for what i saw, to them an article is like a magic spell, a lucky charm, like a pill of encapsulated God spirit, no need to ear the victim and had empathy, just put under under their pillow (figuratively speaking) and the job is done.
        Until they really knows Jehovah and Jesus will to put us in their family, they prefer to stay in the comfort zone and use wt article with sanctified words instead of hearing words from the people in pain. That the problem to work by rules instead of love, can we come to a point of being superstitious?

      • Reply by Phelps on 2017-09-10 06:15:32

        Creo que a todos nos ha tocado trabajar con "hermanos" en el pastoreo así?. Siempre legalistas, siempre regidos a lo que está escrito y no a su propia voluntad de ayudar. Hace un año casi dos años, me visitó el superintendente de circuito con un anciano. Éste hermano ya tenia preparado lo que me iba a decir, no me preguntó que me pasaba ni porque estaba tan alejado de la "organización" ,sólo dio su discurso en mi casa (rápido porque tenia que irse a comer) y se fue. Habría valorado más su esfuerzo si me hubiera escuchado ?

    • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-09-04 08:49:06

      This 'breaking free" that you mention is something that is a new process to me
      right now. It is admittedly difficult to do after being in the Org for close to forty
      years. I am gradually starting to discern that not all "worldly" people are bad people. With that said, I still tend to be very reserved about who I really want to associate with. Thankfully, at this point, I still have some close friends who are still active witnesses as well as family that are "still in". I am trying to slowly make new friends (like you and others here) who still truly love our Father and his Son. Definitely a challenge. I believe it can be done though. I hope this helps a little Leonardo,

      Warp Speed

  • Comment by Robert-6512 on 2017-09-04 15:46:37

    I was married for 34 years, and my wife became a JW in 1995. Five years ago she died. Her funeral was attended by many from my old KH. Some years prior to that, we started distancing ourselves from the KH, mostly for personal reasons rather than because of the kind of doctrinal disputes that appear on this forum. In the few times since that JWs have crossed my path, usually at local restaurants, the reaction of these people is almost always the same. They try to tell me to come back to the KH, come to the Memorial, come to a convention. They ask how I am, but don't listen to the answer.

    The one thing they never say is, "I am sorry your wife died." They seem to view each such encounter almost llike a "sales opportunity". It's as if they are thinking in the back of their mind, "oh boy, another new customer prospect". The stress of my wife's death lead to a heart attack. They know of this, but never ask about that, either.

    To them, I am not a person, and I am barely a former KH member. I am merely a commodity to be exploited, a potential "brownie point" to make them look good, were I to take them up on their offer.

    One person offered me a "Return to Jehovah" brochure in a cofffee shop. I declined by (truthfully) saying I already read it online. They never bothered to ask me what I thought of it. Had they done that, I would have told them I thought it was demeaning, insulting and presumptuous, though now I can see more clearly just *why* it was presumptuous: They equate leaving the WT corporation with leaving God. I do not.

    Not a single aspect of my post-KH relationship with these people ever reflected any mourning or grief on their part over my loss and difficulties. I am merely someone to be used, to make them look better.

    And, they wonder why I don't jump at the chance to take them up on their offer.

  • Comment by pquin7 on 2017-09-04 17:27:12

    I too know the feeling of being broken, discouraged and the sense of feeling alone and disconnected, especially after finding out so many things about the Organization and leaving it. I lost many so called friends lost my wife my home almost everything all for the sake of listening too the voice of my master. But as our Master said My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. it has not been an easy journey in my neck of the woods, but I take comfort on the words of my beloved brother Paul..who said Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ. In the end my brothers all of his true sheep will suffer some form of loss, But thats why we where called for right? to follow in his steps or at least try too.He left us an example to follow, did he not say “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his crossbeam daily and follow me.He also said And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. What a beautiful thing to be called his son..as our brother john said, But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, what a comforting thing to know that he gave us that right. I am sorry I don't mean to sound to preachy, but many scriptures keep coming in my head as I write these words.Well all I can say is, it is nice to be a part of this on line community of my brothers. would like to take this time to thank my brother in Messiah Meleti for the open and encouraging words you post in a daily bases. I will leave you all with the words of our brother paul... For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. I love you all shalom.

  • Comment by wild olive on 2017-09-04 20:33:07

    Would have to agree that the failing of the cong to support is not due to ill will but to adhearance to procedure and policy passed off as gods will.
    I am right now in contact with a sister who has deliberately committed adultery to break her marriage to a drug addicted abusive husband,who Lo and behold was himself a victim of child abuse in the org and is more than likely one of the 1008 that were not reported,as came out in the ARC.
    For 10 years this sister was told by elders to stick with her marriage ,then when she took action out of self preservation she was told why didn't you seperate earlier? What's amazing she confessed what she had done without any attempt to hide anything,hasn't been DF,but can't understand how contradictory the counsel was given to her,and now is confused if god is real.
    Case in point.
    Also Meleti,all I can do is weep with you over your departed life long companion, thank you for all the time and effort to keep this site going despite what's happened to you,I really can't put in words the appreciation for what's found here.

  • Comment by SeasonsOfGrace on 2017-09-06 14:21:30

    My personal sentiments match most of everyone else's comments. After my mother passed, not a single person from my congregation came to encourage our family. A congregation we associated with for over 30 yrs. In fact my dad's former church members, (that he had not associated with for over 25 yrs after becoming a JW), came to visit and pray and brought meals for our family. True Christian love in my opinion. As the months went on, my dad stopped responding to the brothers invites to go 'out in service' (he was severely depressed after mom's passing and could barely leave the house most days) they stopped calling altogether or even checking up on him. I guess he (and 'we') all became lost in their eyes and not worth the bother. This very event and the way the congregation acted was one of the turning points in my waking up process. So, kind of bittersweet looking back. The treatment was painful but the freedom we have now is priceless!

    • Reply by wild olive on 2017-09-06 18:44:57

      Hi SOG
      Your experience echos mine so I can sympathise and also rejoice with you,how's that for a paradox?
      I have a son who started having seizures at 18 mths old,he has just not long turned 20. He has been close to death more times than I can remember,and in fact this weekend just gone was in ICU in an induced coma for 3days to stop seizure activity. Ime not saying this to garner sympathy, but when I look back on 18 years of living hell, the one constant is the complete lack of help from the cong,oh yes I get a phone call occasionally and sometimes a pat on the back with your a jolly good fellow,but I can count that on one hand.
      The people who have really done something useful and practical are all worldly people, I also came to the realisation that the expectation of wanting help from the cong was causing me stress and frustration, because I had been led to believe they were my fellow believers who scripturally would offer needed help in such times of stress, not so, as you experienced.
      So I found myself going through my own "Armageddon", which has caused suffering and hardship ,but at the same time Ime grateful because it's shown me what is true and what is false,and it couldn't have happened any other way, and now if a JW happens to sympathise that's exactly what I say to them looking them straight in the eye.
      Then one day it hit me,I don't need the org, I've gone through hell without any assistance from the " brotherhood ", overnight they were now obsolete and what replaced them is true Christian freedom and a better connection to Jehovah , the strange thing is that now more bro and sis come for help from me ,they know something has changed and know it's superior to what they have, but have needs that are not been met and that is how I serve Jehovah now caring for those who are also skinned and thrown about .

      • Reply by Deo_ac_veritati on 2017-09-06 23:14:50

        Wow, that's quite a story Wild Olive. Please accept my Christian love and sympathies for all you've apparently gone through with your son. Prayers for you and him. If there's anything I can do, please let me know.

        • Reply by wild olive on 2017-09-06 23:34:10

          Thank you D_a_v
          If there is one thing I would ask ,it's that truly righteous people ask a prayer in faith that what is happening to my son finishes. What would happen if he was healed ?
          And if it did what would it prove ? After all that's what 1st century Christians used to do .

  • Comment by Phelps on 2017-09-10 06:05:44

    Hola a todos.Hola meleti! He leído todos los comentarios de ustedes y sus sentimientos tan profundos me motivaron a escribir. Hace 10 años mi esposa quedó embarazada.ya teníamos un hermoso niño de dos años; y esperábamos con anhelo el nacimiento de este bebe; sin embargo, después de 7 meses tuvo un accidente y la criatura murió y mi esposa casi muere. Estábamos destrozados...pero lo peor vino después!! La total indiferencia de todos los hermanos en la congregacion! Era como si no hubiera pasado nada! Era como si pensaran que por ser hombre "fuerte" en la congregacion,no necesitaba consuelo.como si no hubiera muerto nadie importante! Esto me destrozó.como era posible salir a predicar del amor en la "organización" cuando no lo sentía en mi? Era como si tuviera que vender mi producto sin estar convencido de ello...finalmente meleti, gracias!esos pasajes bíblicos de mateo 23 y santiago siempre estuvieron en mi mente. En la "organización" nada se hace sin una norma establecida, sin un requisito ya establecido y la misericordia y la justicia son cosas que no tienen ley...o como dices tu, no se pueden medir. Siempre están en nuestra mente:"si hago esto...Que dirán los ancianos".nunca se puede visitar un "inactivo" porque que dirán lo ancianos y así como podemos decir que somos un pueblo libre? El amor no tiene ley y no se puede restringir...Ahora sí gracias por este comentario meleti y a todos por expresar sus sentimientos tan profundos...Desde colombia tienen a alguien que ora por ustedes...Los amo

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-09-10 09:17:09

      Siento mucho la tragedia que tu y tu esposa han experimentado, Phelps. Puedo confirmar lo que tu dices acerca de la falta de simpatía Cristiana procedente de los miembros de la congregación. Cuando el cristianismo se reduce a una fórmula y es regulado por los hombres, el espíritu de Dios está restringido . Los hombres dejan de pensar por si mismos, lo cual produce una falta de sentimiento. Hay que pensar y reflexionar sobre el sufrimiento de otros para comprenderlo cabalmente hací como para poder simpatizar con el que sufre. La ilustración del esclavo inicuo que no podía actuar misericordiosamente hacia su compañero después de recibir la misericordia del Rey demuestra una actitud humana de mirar hacia adentro, no afuera. La rutina ‘espiritual’ que la organización impone fomenta la actitud mental del "Yo Primero".

      I'm so sorry for the tragedy you and your wife have experienced, Phelps. I can confirm what you say about the lack of meaningful response of the congregation. When Christianity has been reduced to a formula and is regulated by men, the spirit of God is blocked. Men stop thinking, and when they stop thinking, they stop feeling, because you have to think about and ponder the suffering of another to properly understand it and then empathize with the one suffering. The illustration of the wicked slave that could not act mercifully toward his fellow slave after receiving the mercy of the King demonstrates an inward looking attitude, a "Me First" way of thinking.

      • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-09-10 12:38:01

        Hi Meleti,

        Do you know of a good English-to-Spanish translation app? I used the free google "Translate" and it is less than stellar. I want to be able to communicate more effectively with Phelps and others here but it has been almost 30 years ago that my wife and I helped a newly established Spanish Congregation. Any good suggestions?


        • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-09-10 12:57:05

          I have used google translate, which seems to work well. Bing also has a translate feature. No translate app is perfect, but google seems better than bing. You will get the best results if you know something about the 'other' language, to fill in the gaps when the software lets you down. Don't totally rely on software since it can make mistakes, but it can help you understand the main point.

          • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-09-10 13:13:55

            Thanks Robert. My knowledge of Spanish seems to be the problem, not the app. You have just confirmed what my wife just told me. Foiled again! I will have to actually re-build some more synapses in my brain.( Not as easy as it once was) Thank you for your response Robert,


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