I’m Not Worthy

– posted by meleti

“Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” – Luke 22:19

It was at the memorial of 2013 that I first obeyed those words of my Lord Jesus Christ. My late-wife declined to partake that first year, because she did not feel worthy. I have come to see that this is a common response among Jehovah’s Witnesses who have been indoctrinated all their lives to view the partaking of the emblems as something reserved for a select few.

For most of my life, I held this same view.  As the bread and wine were passed during the yearly commemoration of the Lord’s Evening Meal, I joined my brothers and sisters in refusing to partake.  I did not view it as a refusal however.  I saw it as an act of humility.  I was acknowledging publicly that I was not worthy to partake, because I had not been chosen by God.  I never really thought deeply on the words of Jesus when he introduced this topic to his disciples:

“Accordingly Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to YOU, Unless YOU eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, YOU have no life in yourselves. 54 He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I shall resurrect him at the last day; 55 for my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. 56 He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and I in union with him. 57 Just as the living Father sent me forth and I live because of the Father, he also that feeds on me, even that one will live because of me. 58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. It is not as when YOUR forefathers ate and yet died. He that feeds on this bread will live forever.”” (Joh 6:53-58)

Somehow I believed that he would resurrect me at the last day, that I could receive everlastingly life, all the while refusing to partake of the symbols of the flesh and blood by which everlasting life is granted.  I would read verse 58 which likens his flesh to the manna of which all the Isrealites—even the children—partook and yet feel that in the Christian antitypical application it was reserved only for an elite few.

Granted, the Bible does say that many are invited but few are chosen. (Mt 22:14) The leadership of Jehovah’s Witnesses tells you that you should only partake if you have been chosen, and that the choosing is done via some mysterious process by which Jehovah God tells you that you’re his child.  Okay, let’s put all the mysticism aside for a moment, and go with what is actually written.  Did Jesus tell us to partake as a symbol of being chosen?  Did he give us a warning that if we partake without getting some signal from God, that we would be sinning?

He gave us a very clear, straightforward command.  “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.”  Surely, if he didn’t want the vast majority of his disciples to "keep doing this" to remember him, he would have said so. He wouldn’t leave us wallowing in uncertainty.  How unfair would that be?

Is Worthiness a Requirement?

For many, the fear of doing something that Jehovah might disapprove of, is ironically keeping them from gaining his approval.

Would you not consider Paul and the 12 apostles to be the most worthy of men to partake of the emblems?

Jesus chose 13 apostles. The first 12 were chosen after a night of prayer. Were they worthy? They certainly had many failings. They bickered among themselves about who would be the greatest up to shortly before his death.  Certainly a presumptuous desire for prominence is not a worthy characteristic.  Thomas was a doubter. All abandoned Jesus in his moment of greatest need. The foremost of them, Simon Peter, denied our Lord publicly three times. Later in life, Peter gave way to fear of man. (Gal 2:11-14)

And then we come to Paul.

It can be argued that no follower of Jesus has had more impact on the development of the Christian congregation than he. A worthy man?  A desirable one, for sure, but chosen for his worthiness?  In fact, he was chosen at the time he was most unworthy, on the road to Damascus in pursuit of Christians. He was the foremost persecutor of the followers of Jesus. (1Co 15:9)

All of these men were not chosen when they were worthy – that is to say after they had done notable deeds befitting a true follower of Jesus. The choosing came first, the deeds came afterwards. And even though these men did great deeds in the service of our Lord, even the best of them never did enough to win the prize by merit.  The reward is always given as a free gift to undeserving ones.  It is given to those the Lord loves and he decides whom he will love.  We don't.  We may, and often do, feel unworthy of that love, but that does not stop him from loving us the more.

Jesus chose those apostles because he knew their heart. He knew them far better than they knew themselves. Could Saul of Tarsus have been aware that within his heart existed a quality so precious and desirable that our Lord would reveal himself in blinding light so as to call him out? Did any of the apostles really know what Jesus saw in them?  Can I see in myself, what Jesus sees in me? Can you? A father can look at a young child and see potential in that infant far beyond anything the child can imagine at that point. It is not for the child to judge his worthiness. It is only for the child to obey.

If Jesus was standing outside your door right now, asking to come in, would you leave him on the stoop, reasoning you are not worthy of him to enter your home?

“Look! I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his [house] and take the evening meal with him and he with me.” (Re 3:20)

The wine and bread is the food of the evening meal. Jesus is seeking us out, knocking at our door.  Will we open to him, let him in, and eat with him?

We do not partake of the emblems because we are worthy. We partake because we are not worthy.

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  • Comment by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-19 15:03:07

    Notice this key point from the passage above: "56 He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and I in union with him. 57 Just as the living Father sent me forth and I live because of the Father, he also that feeds on me, even that one will live because of me."

    Jesus is telling us that the primary reason he was alive was because of his Father. That is, Jesus was alive because he was the son of the living God. So it is his sonship that was the most important factor.

    WT continually equates being a child of God and being destined to live in heaven and rule over the earth. Did Jesus say anything about heaven or anything about ruling there? NO. Further, did Jesus mention anything about being anointed as a requirement? No. How could he, since at the time, no one was, or else no one would be worthy.

    By falsely equating these things, and by fraudulently taking away our "Father" and replacing Him with a bogus "Friend", WT denies its followers the chance of establishing a relationship as a child of God, and denies them the opportunity to partake, as their hearts would otherwise incline them to, had they not been talked out of it.

    These WT doctrines do a grave disservice, and corrupts the simple truth of the scriptures. All true Christians can be children of God, all can rightly call him Father, all can rightly partake, and all can properly look to Christ as their Mediator, even though only some (but not all) of those children will be destined to temporarily rule on earth over mankind for a limited period of time.

    WT's stance on this matter is wrong.

  • Comment by Ludavid on 2017-08-19 15:46:24

    "As the bread and wine were passed during the yearly commemoration of the Lord’s Evening Meal, I joined my brothers and sisters in refusing to partake.  I did not view it as a refusal however.  I saw it as an act of humility."

    There is something deeply disturbing and weird in this teaching of JW and influence that have on the R&F.
    Now (after my awakening), for me it is little bit scary that public refusal of the taking bread and wine, direct command of our Lord, and possible impact that this can have on relationship with him and Jehovah. Moreover, I also saw it as an act of humility!

    Sometimes it is look to me that is on the scene something much more than just erroneous teaching of the man.

  • Comment by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-19 16:50:26

    I wish I could remember where I first read this, but a while back some commenter wrote to the effect that "JWs have an annual ritual called the Memorial in which they reject the body and blood of Christ".

    Such a profound statement in so few words.

    Hopefully, as more people wake up, they will realize it is WT that should be rejected, and not the body and blood of Christ.

    We have to reject the notion, 'I am not worthy'. The truth is, THEY are not worthy.

  • Comment by rusticshore on 2017-08-19 17:46:57

    If you arw no longer an active Witness, may I kindly ask in what manner do you partake? Do you attend the yearly memorial and quietly partake, or do you do so on your own? Just a curiosity. Perhaps since I am newly dis-engaged with the congregation I am curious.
    I appreciated your insightful commentary above

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-08-19 22:19:01

      At first I did so with another local couple. Now our local group has grown, and we combine our memorial with others who we meet with online. But as Jesus said, when two or three are gathered in his name, there he is with them.

  • Comment by James on 2017-08-19 17:55:20

    "Did Jesus tell us to partake as a symbol of being chosen? Did he give us a warning that if we partake without getting some signal from God, that we would be sinning?"

    Like a brother in a previous post commented "the apostles who partook that night were not anointed as at that day,their anointing was over 50 days later at Pentecost. Had the apostles been JW they would have been " respectful " observers.

    This doctrine is the most erroneous in my opinion. Whether one rules as kings in heaven or not was not a criteria, Jesus said the emblems "were given in our behalf". What more could be clear than that?
    The early history of JW- that the great multitude was a secondary heavenly class is at least closer to the scriptures that this later contraption of JFR.
    It takes God's grace to awaken,but the individual must recognise the Bible as superior, infallible, to GB and Watchtower publications.
    I have partaken (am not superior to anyone) since 2015 in my Cong..Have tried to reason with my wife but she say " wait on Jah". I reason with her that were the scriptures are clear obeying it is the real waiting on Jah, for now no change on her part.
    Most jw fancy life on earth due to repetitive persuasion with colorful artwork, they see what appeals, they can't see beyond the physical.
    Funny enough, they are encouraged to see paradise with the minds eye n discuss that prize, but the annointed are told not to discuss their hope with others or what they hoped for in heaven, what a paradox.
    I pray Jehovah opens willing eyes of the heart

  • Comment by Vox Ratio on 2017-08-19 21:18:31

    A very worthy article, Meleti.

    Personally, I have found that one of the simplest ways to reason on this precious truth is by means of only two scriptures (one of which you used in your commentary):

    1) Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: "This means my body which is to be given in YOUR behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me." – Luk. 22:19

    2) Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. – Mat. 28:19-20

    These two scriptures are chronologically ordered, and the second is reflexive upon the first. What this means is that all of Christ's teachings must be taught and remain essentially unchanged until he returns.

    From this we can determine that since eating and drinking the Lord's Supper is a command, and since the admonition to teach all of Christ's commands is itself a command, then all disciples must eat and drink, and all disciples must teach fellow believers to do the same.

    If a disciple is what we are if we remain in Christ's words, what can we say we are if we depart from them? (Joh. 8:31)

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-08-19 22:23:06

      Sound reasoning, Vox Ratio. Thanks. I'll be able to use that in the future in discussions with friends, assuming any will still talk with me. :)

  • Comment by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-08-20 05:05:13

    I was thinking , just reading the bible plainly and simply , no one would ever , ever come to the conclusion , that a christian should never partake of the bread and wine full stop ,and that they should publicly refuse to partake . The witnesses view large parts of the NT as just something that applies to someone else , how on earth can you claim to be a christian with an attitude like that ? However there's massive warnings in the NT about the importance of avoiding false teachers, they are just not heeded that's all , ps enjoyed your comment meleti "we do not part keep because we are worthy , we partake because we are not worthy ! BEWARE THE LEAVEN OF THE SCRIBES AND PHARISEES ! And they call me an apostate !?????

    • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-08-20 06:02:35

      The witnesses say that those verses in john 6 about eating Christ's flesh and drinking his blood have nothing to do with the bread and wine of the memorial , because it wasn't instituted till later , however the language seems plain enough to me , if we heard a young couple talking about wedlock would we conclude that it had nothing to do with thier marriage because the day hadn't arrived yet but set for another couple of years ? The witnesses say those verses have to do with exercising faith in jesus only , however what do they think the memorial is? Is it not an open proclamation and display of faith in the death and resurrection of Christ , what impression is given if we fail to partake in front of everyone , is that an act of faith , hardly ! It seems more like an act of disobedience and a lack of faith to my mind ! NO , I'm pretty sure if we want to benefit from the ransom then we need to partake as is stated at John 6 , however one question I do have though is a side issue about the sealing by holy spirit of a person .

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-08-20 08:28:29

        Is your question about when we are sealed or how we are sealed?

        • Reply by tyhik on 2017-08-20 12:36:54

          @Meleti. Both how and when would be very interesting topics.

          Thank you for the clear article!

        • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-08-20 13:29:48

          Meleti it's more about the manifestation of the spirit in a person's life , to me it seems that in bible times for the most part the manifestation was quite dramatic, unlike today , it just seems different that's all ,

    • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-20 10:13:34

      The fundamental question is WHY - why does WT work so hard to impede and prohibit its followers from partaking?

      There is a hint in how I worded this question: "its followers". Not Christ's followers. WT clearly understands that being called "anointed" bestows a degree of power. The more power their followers have, the less WT has for itself. WT has done everything it can to diminish this threat to their own power. How?

      1. They assert that (a) the Revelation number 144,000 is literal, and (b) only members of the 144,000 can partake. These are false assertions. A clear-eyed reading of Revelation shows that with few exceptions, the numbers appearing there are symbolic. The number "12" for the tribes of Israel and number of apostles is literal, because we can confirm it. The number "1000" may be literal, but we can't be sure. A survey of every biblical reference to "1000" seems to indicate it's mainly a means to express "many" or "a lot" or "a long time", not necessarily that exact number. 144,000 is almost certainly symbolic.

      2. As many have argued on this forum, there is good reason to believe that all true Christians are children of God, and because of that, all are worthy to partake. Membership in the "144,000" group is not a requirement to partake. That is a separate, unrelated issue.

      3.Post-1935, when WT promoted the Great Crown doctrine, all new JW's basically had to "prove" they were "anointed", whereas in the past they just took your word for it. This is like a "barrier to entry" to slow down or discourage new participants.

      4. In the 1980's time period, the declining numbers of partakers were held up as proof of the nearness of Armageddon. Now that the numbers are double the 1980's figures, WT doesn't talk about that any more.

      5. When the GB appointed itself the as FDS, it relegated all other "anointed" Witnesses to "just part of the domestics", taking away any last semblance of importance those people might have had. Previously, WT at least made a pretense that all anointed around the world were collectively the FDS, suggesting that they all contributed to the operation of the organization. Now, there is no such pretense.

      6. To make sure the growing numbers of partakers do not misunderstand WT policy, they come out with very discouraging articles about them. WT tells partakers to 'not assume they are better than others, not to discuss their heavenly calling, not to draw attention to the fact they are "anointed", not to expect to be treated differently, not to think they will get any more "privileges" than others do, as much as possible not even discussing or mentioning that they are anointed, and if someone asks about it, they are to shut down the conversation'. WT especially does not want any "anointed" acting like they have any insights, understandings or (worse) opinions other than what appears in the WT magazine.

      Yes, WT understands the situation all too well. They will tolerate no rivals to their position of power. It is no accident that persons who newly partake are questioned and grilled about it, with elders demanding to know why they are partaking and to justify their actions. That is not an honest concern over someone who might be partaking due to a mistaken understanding or misguided motives. It is an effort to suppress what they see as a threat to their authority and power base.

      Their treatment of new partakers in this way is anything but innocent.

      • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-08-20 14:59:08

        Point 3 Robert , what you said about having to prove that your anointed , they quote romans 8 v16 with regard to themselves , saying it's a personal conviction , ie gods spirit bears witness with our spirit , And according to the insight book is an inner reaction based on what we read in the bible , not some mysterious voice , but when I qouted the same verse and the same line of reasoning they didn't like it , and questioned the validity , ok we know many are invited but few chosen but why can't they let jesus choose who is and isn't ? Instead of choosing themselves who is and isn't !

        • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-20 15:06:05

          For some time, I have felt the idea that many being called but few chosen is a distinction between many being called to be God's children but few are chosen to be future kings and priests. If that is a correct understanding, it would allow for all true Christians to partake even though a limited number might be anointed.

          • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-08-20 16:22:49

            Looking at the whole of matthew 22 Robert the illustration has a fulfilment in the rejection of the jews of jesus Christ and his kingdom firstly , the invitation then went out to people of the nation's many of whom who were not suitable delegates at the wedding , and showed it by thier garments , perhaps referring to a failure to put on the Christian personality although having a formal invitation were rejected , this seems to agree with other verses in the bible like matthew 7 v 21 , revelation 2 and 3 , illustrations of the wheat and weeds and the dragnet , also the sheep and goats of matthew 24 and even perhaps day I say it the faithful and discreet slave , of course I could be wrong though that's just my opinion ,

  • Comment by tyhik on 2017-08-20 13:29:30

    Comment retracted.

    • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-20 13:51:29

      tyhik, that is some excellent research. (I AM NOT SURE WHY YOU WOULD RETRACT THAT. IT SEEMED LIKE A WELL THOUGHT OUT COMMENT.)

      I would have never seen that if you hadn't pointed this out. I can see that 'divide' describes the bread which is broken, and 'distribute' means that each participant retains a share of what is being divided. By contrast, 'pass' only conveys the thought that some object is travelling from one person to the next without (necessarily) stopping as each person took a share. The apostles did in fact 'pass' these things, AFTER they consumed some of it.

      It's clear (NOW that you explained it!) that the NWT is indeed biased.

      Thanks for bringing this out. This is very helpful and informative.

      • Reply by tyhik on 2017-08-21 14:00:06

        I retracted it because after commenting I got a nagging feeling that this topic (knowingly mistranslating Luke 22:17 in NWT) may have been discussed in this forum already. Search revealed that yes, there's a whole article on exactly that topic from just a few months ago. Well, when retracting, I should have posted a link to the article.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-08-21 14:23:20

          Thanks Tyhik, but never worry about repeating something. If most are like me, they will have forgotten and we can always benefit from truthful reminders.

        • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-22 10:39:54

          If you had a copy of your comments, or can remember them, I would encourage you to add them back. I thought they were well-considered.

          • Reply by tyhik on 2017-08-23 05:11:16

            No copy, sorry. But the linked article really covers everything I said.

            • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-24 10:02:45

              But I don't see any links either. Am I missing something? Could you repeat the links? I don't know where they are.

  • Comment by Filius90 on 2017-08-21 23:14:47

    I myself could never understand or grasp the idea that Jesus only died for 144,000 honestly that’s what we are being taught. It’s almost like they are the ransom? We don’t get anything without them. Outside of 144,000 the rest of us are just hitchhikers. One of our lines of reasoning to use is “the anointed/144,000 have to rule over someone that’s what the Bible says the kings/Priest will do.” Why would the need or privilege for 144,000 to rule in heaven outweigh the lives of billions of humans combined? If the rest of us didn’t count there would be no reason for the anointed to rule because there wouldn’t be anyone to rule over. The ransom sacrifice was for humans not spirit creatures. Constantly we hear “how loving a provision it is that Jehovah has begun taking 144,000 from the earth because spirit creatures don’t know what it’s like to be human or can’t relate.” I beg to differ it seems like Satan has mankind figured out pretty good as well as the demons that forsook their proper dwelling place during Noah’s day, I mean if we follow the account they knew human DNA enough to make a flesh and blood body that could reproduce a child.

    • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-22 20:02:57


      When WT doctrines don't make sense, don't fit together, and can only be taught with convoluted, complex explanations, that is nature's way of telling you that these doctrines are false. Allow me to explain you how I view this matter. Then tell me if you think it makes sense.

      1. The "144,000" in Revelation is symbolic of the number of those destined to rule on the earth. The actual number is unknown; it could be larger or smaller, but in any case, the passage of 2,000 years does not mean that "time has run out" for new people to be added to the ruling group. Time has no bearing on the matter. WT's notion that this aspect ended in 1935 or any other year they devised is false and without scriptural foundation. The sudden increase in Memorial partakers may be an indication that more people recognize their status as God's children, rather than many more people being prospective rulers. Because WT itself is not a true religion, we cannot know for certain what these events actually signify.

      2. Those who are to become rulers are not going to heaven, because no one is. They will rule on earth for a limited period of time as ordinary humans, temporarily having a measure of authority over other people. When Christ finally turns over the kingdom to God, these individuals will no longer be rulers but will remain on earth with the rest of us.

      3. Of course Jesus didn't die for the 144,000 alone; he died on behalf of everyone exercising faith, without regard to whether someone was destined to rule or not.

      4. The "other sheep" are not the great crowd, but are Gentiles allowed to become Christians in the first century. Some time on or before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70, the status of fleshly Israel no longer had any merit with God; He abandoned Israel, and from that point on, there was no longer any advantage or merit in being a natural Jew over a Gentile. The modern day nation of Israel is, in the eyes of God, utterly no different than any other Gentile nation.

      5. Because no one is going to heaven, it is true that the great crowd is on earth, but then so is everyone else. The defining trait of the great crowd is not so much that they are on earth, but that they are not rulers.

      6. In Revelation, the "temple" represents the earthly rulers. The great crowd is "in" the temple due to the fact that they work side by side with those rulers, assisting and cooperating with them. Because of that, neither group needs to be in heaven to be in the "temple". They are all on earth. As you say, not everyone can be a ruler, because someone has to be the subjects; otherwise the rulers would not be needed. That is a correct assumption.

      7. The ransom was indeed for humans. Both the rulers and those being ruled are humans on earth.

      8. The characterization of human rulers being taken to heaven as a "loving provision" is false and is utter nonsense. God and Christ do not NEED humans to help them rule mankind. God tells us, 'who is the man of counsel that has advised me, that they could cause me to know anything?' When Jesus was on earth, how many times did he ask the apostles for advice on how to carry out his ministry? Um, never. God and Christ do not need the help of the 144,00, but WE need them, to help coordinate human activities related to making the earth a paradise. If the rulers were spirits in heaven, how could they help guide people on earth? Would they do it by "remote control"? By sending us "email" at the right time? Jesus was a spirit, but even he needed to be on earth to converse with and educate people. If even Christ needed to be here, how could the 144,000 get away with not being here? I see no way that such an arrangement would work.

      9. Christians who received of the spirit are not automatically made rulers. In the first century, receiving the gift of the spirit primarily was an outward indication of God's approval to show onlookers that His blessing was no longer with Israel but with the new Christian congregation, not necessarily that they would be a ruler. (The "outward" aspect was due to the ability to perform powerful works that onlookers could see.)

      10. All true Christians are God's children, all have Christ as their Mediator, all properly refer to God as Father - NOT as "friend", and all are worthy to partake of emblems. Being chosen as a prospective ruler over mankind is a separate matter from being a child of God. All rulers will be God's children, but not all of God's children will be rulers. Since no one goes to heaven, and rulership is only a temporary assignment, the distinction between the two groups is far smaller than WT has made it out to be. At the end of the 1,000 years, when the temporary rulership of the "144,000" group ends, these two groups will become one united human family with no distinctions between them at all.

      • Reply by Filius90 on 2017-08-22 21:19:46


        • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-22 22:01:39

          Hello Filius,

          I hope that you didn't retract your comments on my account. If you did, please accept my apologies. You may still have time to edit your posting and put back what you wrote before.

          You should never feel like what you say is 'not good enough'. No one is here to judge. We all have different abilities, different knowledge and different life experiences. Many JWs start out unable to express what is on their mind, except that they have a vague suspicion that something isn't right but don't quite know how to explain it.

          When people interact on forums like this, we are limited to the written word, since that's all we have to go on. If I were to talk to you in person, I would be able to draw you out and help clarify what was on your mind. But here, all we have to go on is what is on the screen in front of us. I don't know everything and I don't understand everything, nor does anyone else here. We're just trying to do the best we can. We're mere mortals trying to get through the day, just like you.

          You shouldn't let anyone on this forum (certainly not me) hold you back from speaking up. No matter how you express yourself, your questions may spark an interesting debate, and cause people to think about things in ways they wouldn't have otherwise done if it were not for you.

          Never think you or your questions are not important. They are. We need everyone. Don't give up.

      • Reply by Rita K on 2019-10-27 19:52:13

        Blessed you are , i agree with you with most of what you say:

        1)Christians who received of the spirit are not automatically made rulers. In the first century, receiving the gift of the spirit primarily was an outward indication of God’s approval to show onlookers that His blessing was no longer with Israel but with the new Christian congregation, not necessarily that they would be a ruler. (The “outward” aspect was due to the ability to perform powerful works that onlookers could see.)
        2)Those who are to become rulers are not going to heaven (there is a true in this), because no one is (what do you mean by no one is? ). They will rule on earth for a limited period of time as ordinary humans, temporarily having a measure of authority over other people ( yes "by authority you mean "work" for the love of Christ)
        3)God and Christ do not need the help of the 144,00, but WE need them, to help coordinate human activities related to making the earth a paradise. If the rulers were spirits in heaven, how could they help guide people on earth? (This is true but remember God wisdom is a mystery, we have to try to see how our Father think and we will be surprised), remember that our relation change not only for us but also for angels since genesis 3:15

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-08-22 22:21:14

    I've noticed a tendency of late to express scriptural opinions as fact, personal interpretations as revealed truth. I hope I'm not being harsh. I don't mean to be. I only want to point out that while we respect everyone's right to try to understand difficult passages of scripture, we benefit others most by citing the Scriptures on which our understandings are based and then explaining, again, from Scripture, how we have arrived at such understandings. That way, we will make no one a follower of men as is the sad case with Jehovah's Witnesses who hang on every word sounded down from the Governing Body. Instead, we will help them to be a follower of Christ, and we gain the added benefit of exposing our reasoning to the scrutiny of others who are also guided by the spirit so that we can have our understanding tested and refined. It's really a win-win scenario.

  • Comment by 2017, September 4 – September 10, Our Christian Life and Ministry | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2017-09-04 18:07:11

    […] sure hope? No, a removal of hope. As discussed in the recent topic on this site (See I’m not Worthy) the real meaning of John 6:53-58 is hidden from us. We are also taught that we can only now […]

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The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures gets a lot of flak. Many people accuse it of being a very biased translation. Now, there's two of them, of course. There's the 1984 version, and there's the 2013. The 2013…

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Hello, everyone. I have something truly bizarre to share with you this time. It comes from a rather innocuous place, the July 2024 letter from the Governing Body to all the elders in North America and, I assume, around…

Statement by Brother Joss Goodall To My Brother and Sisters, I am writing to you to bring to your attention some very serious concerns that have been troubling me since August of last year when I listened to a morning worship video by Kenneth…