Are You Willing to Wait Patiently?

– posted by meleti

[From ws8/17 p. 3 – September 25-October 1]

“You too exercise patience.”​—James 5:8

(Occurrences: Jehovah=36; Jesus=5)

After discussing how difficult it can be to wait, especially due to the “pressures of living in these ‘critical times’ that are so ‘hard to deal with’”, Paragraph 3 reads:

But what can help us when we come face-to-face with such difficult circumstances? The disciple James, Jesus’ half brother, was inspired to tell us: “Be patient then, brothers, until the presence of the Lord.” (Jas. 5:7) Yes, we all need patience. But what is involved in having this godly quality? – par. 3

According to James, we only have to be patient until the presence of the Lord.  According to the Governing Body, the Lord’s presence begin in 1914.  So doesn’t that render the remainder of this discussion moot?  By the reckoning of the Organization, we've been in the presence of Christ for almost a century, so according to James, we no longer have a need for patience, since the reality is here.  (Now we have another square peg to try to fit into a round hole.)

What Is Patience?

In paragraph 6, the study quotes from Micah.  This quote is often misused by Jehovah’s Witnesses.  How?

The conditions we face today are similar to those in the days of the prophet Micah. He lived during the reign of wicked King Ahaz, a time when all sorts of corruption prevailed. In fact, the people had become “expert at doing what is bad.” (Read Micah 7:1-3.) Micah realized that he could not personally change these conditions. So, what could he do? He tells us: “As for me, I will keep on the lookout for Jehovah. I will show a waiting attitude [“I will wait patiently,” ftn.] for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.” (Mic. 7:7) Like Micah, we too need to have “a waiting attitude.” – par. 6

The wicked conditions that Micah could not change existed within the nation of Israel, or to put it in terms all Witnesses can understand, these wicked conditions existed within Jehovah’s earthly organization of the day.  Micah knew he couldn’t change them, so he decided to “wait on Jehovah”.  When confronted with disturbing conditions in the modern Organization, Jehovah’s Witnesses often use a similar line of reasoning and acknowledge that since they can’t change what’s wrong in the Organization, they will be patient and "wait on Jehovah" to fix it.

The problem with this line of reasoning is that it is used to justify inaction and compliance with wrongdoing.  We know it is wrong to teach a lie. We know it is wrong to support and carry on a lie. (Re 22:15)  We also know that false doctrine—by the organization's own definition—constitutes lying.  So if "waiting on Jehovah" means that a witness can continue teaching a falsehood reasoning that he must wait until Jehovah corrects the wrong, he is missing out on the historical lesson from Micah.

Micah was Jehovah's prophet.  He continued to proclaim God's message of truth.  True, he didn't take it upon himself to correct things, but that didn't mean he allowed himself to practice worship that was not acceptable to Jehovah.  (2 Ki 16:3, 4) He didn't reason that this false worship was promoted by the Governing Body of his day, King Ahaz. In fact, he openly condemned such practices.

So if we are to take these words to heart, we would not want to condone nor propagate any false teachings or practices of Jehovah’s Witnesses even should we chose to remain a member of the Organization.  Additionally, we should be willing to speak the truth when the occasion presents itself, even if this means running the risk of persecution.  For example, let's say that a victim of child abuse rejects the Organization.  The elders read out an announcement to the effect that so-and-so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses, which is code for "all must shun this person".

Will we comply with such an unscriptural practice, or will we continue to give loving support to someone who needs it due to being horribly victimized?  A wait-on-Jehovah attitude may seem like a safe course, like we are not making a decision, but deciding to do nothing is a decision in itself.  Any decision, even deciding to remain passive, carries a burden of consequences before the Lord. (Mt 10:32, 33)

In closing, paragraph 19 reads:

Remember, too, what helped Abraham, Joseph, and David to wait patiently for the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promises. It was their faith in Jehovah and their trust in his dealings with them. They did not focus just on themselves and their personal comfort. As we contemplate how well things worked out for them, we too will be encouraged to show a waiting attitude. – par. 19

Why does this type of article dominate the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses?  Why do Witnesses seem to need such constant reminders? Surely they are no less patient than their counterparts in the rest of Christendom?

Could it be that there is a need for these articles because of the emphasis put on how near the end?  We are a people constantly looking for signs to interpret. (Mt 12:39) At this year’s regional conventions, Governing Body member Anthony Morris III used the term “imminent” to speak of how close the Great Tribulation is.  “Imminent” means “about to happen”.  It is a word that has been used to imbue Jehovah's Witnesses with an artificial sense of urgency for 100 years—one I've heard my whole long life.

From the December 1, 1952 The Watchtower:
A WORLD does not end every day! Not since the great flood of Noah’s time has a “world” or system of things for governing the affairs of all mankind passed out of existence. But now, by occurrence of every detail of the great sign Jesus gave, we know that we face the imminent end of the present world system.

Yes, we must be patient and we do eagerly await the end of wickedness and the still-future presence of Christ, but let us not be like those who focus on the end and the reward to the virtual exclusion of all other things.  That road only leads to disillusionment. (Pr 13:12)

Archived Comments

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  • Comment by eve04 on 2017-09-25 15:18:39

    Wait on Jehovah. Micah was waiting for Jehovah to correct the problems in the nation of Israel. JWs may be waiting on the wrong person. As we all know Jehovah has given Jesus all authority and he is head of the congregations. If and when any changes are made they will come thru Jesus. They so miss the point. Why not mention Christians who had to wait. Always examples from the OT.

    • Reply by stranger on 2017-09-25 16:29:06

      Examples of the O.T. Over-Time, O'ver-(s)-Ti-me, Over (se-er)-Tim-e. Examples of Old test I meant, old test of men, Shall I go on? Not now I'm going to get a some "elder"berry Wine. I got to brush up on my Greeeeeek!!!! 1 tim 5:10 {I love you Timmy}

  • Comment by Warp Speed on 2017-09-24 19:00:50

    How many times have all of us on this forum heard Micah 7:7 misapplied over the years? Of course, "Wait on Jehovah" actually means " Wait on the Org".

  • Comment by stranger on 2017-09-24 23:21:36

    By all means I AM. Whats All this talk about the organiZation? What happened to The New World Society, and terms like "public re-proof". Where did they go? Someone's closet perhaps..... For I have been waiting. James 1:1,2,3 and 4. No problems here at all!!

  • Comment by BrotherNicodemus on 2017-09-24 23:33:07

    I think you do your part with this site and private conversations. No one can say you are a coward. But what of us that are still very in. Responsibilities, family, friends. Not that we would shun an abuse victim. I don't think I know any. But besides that extreme scenario occurring, can't we keep functioning, be happy, not bring trouble on ourselves and be patient. Or is there something safe we can and should do. It's a scary thought to bring the Apostate label on ourselves because of how it will effect our loved ones. It might be a matter of timing. Maybe also conviction. Thanks for your articles.

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-09-25 12:07:29

      My feelings also. This site may have pointed at all the flaws, but knowing there are others in the same boat keeps me going, plus the knowledge of real truth that I am learning.

      • Reply by simplyme on 2017-09-25 18:01:58

        BrotherNicodemus and Leonardo Josephus,

        I completely understand what you two are saying. I was in the same situation about a year ago and I had the same thoughts. Our fortunate situation was my immediate family and a few other friends all felt the same. We knew there was something wrong and we were all digging for the truth. We were planning on staying "in" as long as possible to help others. But then over time the meetings became harder and harder to take and field service became much more difficult since we were learning accurate Bible truths.
        Over time the Jehovah's Witness grapevine became much more active about us and the elders wanted to meet with different ones of us, so we decided to leave together and refused to meet with the brothers. Now we study the Bible together and hope others will join us.
        Maybe the spirit is helping you to help others while your still in and maybe the spirit will let you know when it's time to leave.

        • Reply by wild olive on 2017-09-26 02:20:29

          Hi simplyme
          Great that you had a few along with you in your quest for truth, most desirable .
          I deliberately stuck my neck out,delivered a letter to the elders outlining 10 things that I considered WT falsehoods, with the expectation of been disfellowshipped, that was 4 yrs ago and haven't seen hide nor hair of an elder , no announcement ,nothing, most unexpected, calm before the storm maybe?
          Maybe I scare them ? Don't know ?

          • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-09-26 07:19:29

            I would be very interested in seeing the ten items in your list. Maybe your list is different than mine or others of us on the forum. If you were willing to share, I am sure others would benefit.

            • Reply by wild olive on 2017-09-27 21:23:21

              Hi Robert
              Glad to share my list so here it is.
              In my letter I stated that
              1) Jesus is mediator for all 1Tim 2:5&6 and his ransom is applicable completely now, not partially now and more later. This correct understanding of the ransom then renders the following wrong because there are not 2 classes of Christians.
              2) That there are other sheep who don't get the full value of the ransom now and can be declared righteous now ,not 1000 yrs in the future.
              3) That then also makes the doctrine of the 144000 wrong . This then leads to
              4) Everyone who has faith in the ransom should then partake of the emblems as a declaration of their faith in said ransom, not because they like the idea of going heaven.This then leads to,
              5) Jehovah does not have an organisation, the arrangement for worship he put in place was a covenant , not an organisation, again said covenant can only be entered into by partaking of the emblems. The only physical thing is the congregation which is different to an organisation , the congregation is ruled from heaven by Jesus, the organisation is ruled by the governing body in Brooklyn. ( before Warwick).
              6) The good news preached by JWs is not authorised by Christ , he did not present having a pet tiger and a lakeside mansion as the good news of the kingdom, he preached entry into the kingdom of heaven as a son of God and an heir of the kingdom, not a friend of God and a subject of the kingdom.
              7) Judicial committees are scripturally illegal and have no support in the bible . Which leads to,
              8) The elder arrangement as practised now is also unsupported scripturally,as elders have no right to put someone on trial secretly without full disclosure to the congregation, they have become executives of congregation not shepherds. Which leads to ,
              9) The attempted cover up of a rampant child abuse problem that has been left in denial.
              10) Reporting field service is contrary to Jesus counsel to putting on a show before others as was the practise of the Pharisees.
              That was the list ,it was a bit longer and had a few more scriptures but was no in depth lengthy document that others have presented ,I did have a copy but my other half threw it out .
              I wonder how it compares to others on this site.

              • Reply by wild olive on 2017-09-27 21:27:03

                Forgot to add ,the only thing that the elders met debated with me was point 5 ,that says it all, they said the difference between organisation and congregation was fighting over words. And that was it .

                • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-09-27 22:13:01

                  W.O. would you want to see my "list" ? I don't have an "official" one like you but I could compare your points with how I see things. It's not quiite the same as yours but there is a good deal of overlap

                  • Reply by wild olive on 2017-09-27 23:37:12

                    Yes ,please share

                • Reply by wild olive on 2017-09-28 04:13:49

                  Hi IOHB
                  I did partake without saying anything and no one has said anything, most puzzling?

              • Reply by Devora on 2017-09-28 06:54:09

                WO,Good.There's so very many Scriptures involved in your proofs,that come to mind.& maybe one or more of those elders became at least an'internal thinker'(PIMO as a result)because of your list?(PhysicallyInMentallyOut)

              • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-09-29 08:52:22


                • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-09-29 09:11:22

                  A good point and a door that swings both ways.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-09-25 06:53:22

    Wait on the Org. But for what ? So far, I have noticed two scriptures which have been significantly changed in the 2013 NWT compared to what was written before. I am sure there are others, but I have not found them yet.

    Leviticus 5:1 was previously used as a basis for reporting wrongdoing by a brother or sister. We are still expected to report the wrongdoing, but the scriptural basis in Leviticus has now gone. Have WT changed their teaching ? No.
    Luke 10:4 used to speak about not embracing anyone when you greet them. There never was the word embrace in the Greek, and the scripture has now been changed to simply "greet". Does this matter ? Yes. Why ? because the Watchtower 1985 7/15 page 31 uses this verse in its reasoning on the policy of "not saying a greeting"to all disfellowshipped ones. I have no intention of going into all the details here, because Meliti has already written plenty on the subject, and I am sure many of us on this site have done their own research into 2 John verses 9-11.
    Nevertheless, once again the scripture has been changed, but the application has not. The information is there. How long am I to wait patiently for Jehovah to correct this ? If the F& DS know what is right but do not do it, does James 4:17 apply ?
    Please check the references for yourselves, friends. Otherwise I shall be writing too much.

    • Reply by Menrov on 2017-09-26 04:03:14

      This is the footnote from NWT study bible on Luk 10:4: greet anyone: Or “embrace anyone in greeting.” In certain situations, the Greek word a·spaʹzo·mai (“to greet”) may have involved more than saying “hello” or “good day.” It could have included the embraces and long conversation that may take place when friends meet. Jesus was not encouraging his disciples to be rude. Rather, he was emphasizing that his followers should avoid unnecessary distractions and make the most of their time. The prophet Elisha once gave similar instructions to his servant Gehazi. (2Ki 4:29) In both cases, the mission was urgent, so there was no time for delay

      Now, the famous key words: certain, may have, could have, may take. Based on what scriptures do they make the claim they know what Jesus meant??

      • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-09-26 08:52:28

        Hi Menrov. Thank you for your reply. However, the footnote is unsupported in the original Greek. There is no word used for embrace and "Aspazomai" nowhere indicates anything other than "greet".
        I have wandered through all the uses of "Aspazomai" as well as "Khairo". "Khairo" has the sense of rejoice, which is confirmed by Vines and the Watchtower 1985 7/15 page 31, as well as many other translations.
        I have no idea (but am willing to be corrected) where the idea that Aspazomai means to "enfold in the arms, thus to greet, to welcome" (as quoted in the Watchtower reference above) comes from. Perhaps the root word means this, but there is no occasion in the Christian Greek Scriptures that it was ever used with this meaning. Besides, the 2013 NWT Bible, which used to say "do not embrace anybody in greeting" now reads "do not greet anybody along the road". So I am personally pleased to see that change.
        No other translations suggests the thought of embracing in greeting at Luke 10:4.
        Is it a bit of what Meliti calls "circular reasoning" in that WT translate the verb as "embrace in greeting" and then say this is what Aspazomai means ? Hum

  • Comment by Devora on 2017-09-25 08:43:23

    James 5:7-11 speaks of the prophets-suffering in patience.When I realized what I had to do-albeit slowly-escape!it was with deepest reflections followed by many prayers:Father,is THIS how it will be?(loss from within the org of friends/acknowledgements,along with the unloving,severe judgements)...answers:the agony was spelled out!as if in a # of movie screen shots--this will happen,that will,the Test:How far will I travel,go,to be Christ's in full?will I be willing to be 'sacrificed','killed'so to speak,by men? What is more important--glory to Jah & Christ...or fear of man?Am I a true one?Is this what those prophets of old,Christ's early followers;Christ-himself;all the historical record of persecutions,killings... similar,what I will face?Is following the Christ to wherever He goes-mean my utmost moral courage?Will I be patient then;stay the course?despite my heart being shredded over the friends-still within?

    • Reply by wild olive on 2017-09-27 05:19:05

      Hi Devora
      The questions you pose are almost exactly the same ones I've mused over myself. And of course there is no packaged answer, which is what we used to get from the org, which is also very comfortable compared to were we are now. ( too many whiches)
      It dawns on one that now the reality of been a true follower of Christ is not what the org sold us back when we started out, scriptures like Mat 5:1 -16 have so much more meaning and challenge, it will be a miracle of grace that any of us make it.

      • Reply by Devora on 2017-09-27 08:23:33

        Thanks,WO...The patience shown in James(the whole context)shows the pattern up to today-- All who take on walking(or crawling,on the knees;with all-fingers clinging sometimes)on the Christ's path,suffer- likewise...But,keeping my eyes/mind/heart on the Finale,actually has been one of the great Comforts...along with being here with fellow believers...Joy of holy Spirit!& Keep the Rock we have to stand on,firmly under your feet... Patience...the miracle will come:2nd Thessalonians 1:3-10.

        • Reply by wild olive on 2017-09-29 18:45:43

          I can almost see you clawing your way along emotionally , powerful word pictures devora, and I really feel an attachment to people like you , where as the ones who are still in are incrementally becoming bad association by their continued blindness to real truth, I believe Meleti has said in other articles the day will come where we have to literally let go completely those who choose to remain blind, they will have to suffer the judgement of sheep or goat, Jehovah's wrath will come against those who do not obey the good news about Christ , so while it sad it's also inevitable, so keep clawing away ,others just might see something in what your doing and change their minds, but in the end it will get down to what choices people make , and that's something only the individual is responsible for, you can't change their minds for them , Jehovah certainly wouldn't, why should we ever think we have to or feel some personal responsibility for their poor choice?

          • Reply by Devora on 2017-09-29 23:07:50

            In patient understanding that it's all our own free choices;agreed.Since none can read hearts except Christ with Jah's authority,I do ultimately leave it prayerfully in their Perfect hands...and as I've 'faded',love for people(of all sorts) has grown;'judgements' have faded(except over those claiming G.O.D. Lordship).But Love,as in 1st Corinthians Ch.13,never stops hoping,either.On this site,here we can'incite to love' and each of us supplies something of spiritual value for mutual upbuilding; encouragements.(# of scriptures in mind)Who knows--whether someone who's still"in" may wake up,by reading all the spiritual solids laid out as a banquet here?None so tasty,as flavored,seasoned with Love...actually,it's the Main Course many have been starving for.

  • Comment by Robert-6512 on 2017-09-25 09:56:23

    There is a difficulty with the often-cited WT admonition to 'wait on Jehovah'. Exactly what is it we are supposed to be waiting FOR? The only thing I can think of is, we are supposed to wait on Jehovah to intervene - to do something on our behalf, to resolve some matter or correct some problem. But, is that a reasonable expectation?

    WT quotes verses that discuss patience as if though those words were universally applicable, and while they contain good advice, they might not necessarily apply to all people and all situations in all periods of time.

    The quote from Micah spoke of having a waiting attitude for the God of salvation. Micah was a prophet, and his words could easily have been prophetic of the attitude required by future captive Jews in Babylon waiting to be rescued. Likewise, the passage in James was written at a time prior to the destruction of Jerusalem. The Christians James was writing to needed to not be overly anxious about the turmoil going on in that city.

    In any case, the Bible times in which Micah, James and others wrote were marked by occasional miraculous events in Israel and powerful works of the spirit by Jesus and the first century Christians. But, as indicated by 1 Corinthians 13, those works would eventually cease. One indication that they would cease is that after Acts and the mention in 1 Corinthians 14, the Bible has little further to say about gifts of the spirit, as though incidents of powerful works were already on the decline. For these reasons, we must ask, is there any scriptural basis for believing that God would intervene in man's affairs now (prior to Armageddon, that is) or that He would empower humans to intervene on His behalf?

    There is, instead, scriptural evidence that intervention in human affairs is not God's 'standard operating procedure'. Consider these verses:

    Deut. 30:19: "I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive".

    Joshua 24:15: "choose for yourselves today whom YOU will serve".

    Romans 12:2: "be transformed by making YOUR mind over, that YOU may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God".

    Does the Bible ever say, 'choose to serve God and prove to yourself the will of God - or else I will choose for you' ? Where in the Bible has God's will been forced on someone by having their free will overridden, so that they acted in a way God wanted but against their own will? There is little evidence of it. But, isn't that the very sort of 'intervention' WT is implying when it says 'wait on Jehovah' ? It sure seems like it.

    One might argue that God could intervene by forcing the minds of persons He viewed as His enemies to change in a way that served His purpose. A possible example is when human languages were changed at the Tower of Babel. And, we could conclude that having a person's language forcibly changed against their will was punishment, meted out by God in lieu of being executed. Outside of such events, and His dealings with the nation of Israel, is there any evidence He ever did such a thing - intervene to countermand human free will?

    I would be interested in hearing other viewpoints on this. Personally, I cannot see how divine intervention in the present day world would be consistent with what God has revealed about Himself and how He operates. No doubt that situation will change in the future, but not now.

    To me, JWs who are 'waiting on Jehovah' are waiting for something that will not occur. And, for the record, that is a bad thing. Maybe if more courageous JWs had acted instead of 'waiting on Jehovah' there would be fewer child abuse victims among their ranks.

    • Reply by stranger on 2017-09-25 18:17:42

      I thought you said you were out of the org. I can't tell with your writing. We, We, WE is not proper if you really are! Zec.10:3 (nwt)

  • Comment by Menrov on 2017-09-26 04:59:47

    Waiting for the Lord / YHWH / Yahweh / Jehova(h), means to wait for the leaders / governing body to change a doctrine or policy. But if the Lord would tell the individual to leave the organisation, it is dismissed. In other words, they are not waiting for instructions from the Creator but from their leaders. That is not what Micah had in mind. For the ordinary JW, the governing body is synonym for Jehovah....

  • Comment by Dajo on 2017-09-29 09:35:04

    I don't know the whole context of the above conversation as some was deleted, however, I have no doubt that the deletions were warranted.
    Robert, I always sit up when you write a thing or two. Robert, you stimulate nuerons in my mind, and you ask interesting questions.
    You did that with (I think wild olive) and then gave your opinion.
    This next sentence is important.
    A comment can be "an opinion" BUT.. an opinion is simply that.
    A viewpoint - a point of view (pov) or, our, my, your, "take" on things, stuff or ideas.
    This site has on it many, many articles that do not need my endorsement or approval.
    Here is the point I am trying to make:
    The COMMENTS that readers make... and it takes time - (I'm doing this lying halfway across my bed in sub tropical heat in Australia tapping on a silly andoid screen wishing I was at my desktop doing this in half the time. That was a rant and a bit..
    Anyway back to my point, Rob.You have a great theocratic mind
    I enjoy you comments.
    If you don't agree with an article, read the comments, vote down the ones you disagree with and carry on.
    The writer of the article, and by the way, owner of the website has suggested you could even write your own article to be published. What a great offer! Simple!
    Simplicity is the essence of perfection.
    Thanks Everyone here.. this and dtt are all I have right now.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-09-29 10:02:39

      Thank you for this, Dajo. When I got up this morning, I saw that Robert had deleted his own comments, which I respect. However, it didn't make sense to leave my responses up there and to avoid questions and confusion, I decided to remove the entire exchange.

      I know that for many of our readers, making a comment is hard. Some express fear that their comment won't be good enough since we have a number of very learned commentors sharing their insights. I would encourage all to comment, because we love to hear from all and are enriched by the faith, simply expressed, of even the newest member to our growing family--for that is what any Christian gathering is made up of, family members.

      I would also like to state that I am not discouraging freedom of expression, but rather encouraging all to 'season their words with salt'. (Col 4:6) It is an ongoing challenge to bridle one's tongue--or in our case, the fingers on our keyboard--but one we must continue to overcome. (I struggle with it constantly.)

      My main concern--and this applies to myself as much as anyone else--is that dominant personalities tend to overwhelm the voices of gentler ones. We've seen what dogmatism does in quelling the voice of reason from our long association with the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses where personal opinion and questioning is strongly discouraged. So I would never want to keep others from freely expressing their opinion.

      However, there is another side to that coin. Strongly expressed personal opinions are just a hair's breadth away from dogma. We have seen how the Watchtower expresses an idea at the start of an article with words like, "it would seem", or "it appears", or "evidently", but by the end of the article, or sometimes the end of the paragraph, the conditional is removed and now the idea is expressed as an established fact. Words like "might", "may", and "possibly" are nowhere to be found and now the idea simply IS.

      So it may not be enough to preface a comment with "this is my view", especially a long one. Mixed in with one's view are facts. Differentiating between opinion and fact can be a challenge. To aid the reader, our opinions should be peppered with conditionals so that the reader can differentiate between what 'is' from what 'might be' as he or she reads the throughout the article or comment.

    • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-09-30 01:04:37

      Thank you for the kind words. I don't expect to be contributing anything further to this site. Meleti and I have a difference that cannot be resolved. I dislike arguments, and being involved in them is stressful. I am at a point in life where stress is a threat to me. That is because my health is not good, and I am not doing well. After my wife died five years ago I had a heart attack, and things are worse now. There is no way to predict the future, but I don't believe I will be alive a year from now.

      Because of that, I have to think seriously as to what I spend my remaining time on. Clearly, I must have thought that being part of this forum was important, or else I would not have poured my heart and soul into what I wrote. But, I am afraid my heart cannot take the strain of arguments and discord, such as between Meleti and me, the bulk of which readers are not aware of, since I deleted them.

      There are also practical matters, such as ensuring my estate documents and such are properly organized, a thing I have procrastinated finishing because it's depressing to do, because I didn't feel well enough to do it, and truthfully, because a large part of my free time has often been spent on this forum, pondering things that I might contribute to it, when doing so would make a difference. I no longer have the luxury of using my time in that way. I have to face the fact that I am running out of time. If I don't get my paperwork in order, my heirs will have a very difficult time with things, and I shouldn't impose that burden on them. In short, I need to get my act together, while I still can.

      I have learned a lot during my own journey of awakening. It is regrettable I learned it now, because after being freed from that false religion and all the needless burdens it imposes on its followers, I am not going to live long enough to enjoy my freedom. Oh well, I guess. My wife didn't live even this long, so who am I to complain?

      To those who thought my words were worth reading, thanks. To those that didn't, all I can say in my defense is that I tried to make a difference, knowing that we can't always be right. At least you have to try.

      So long.

      • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-09-30 10:30:43


        I wish you the best going forward. While I have not always agreed with everything you have written, I really did appreciate you putting in the time, effort, and research into your posts. Life in this current world structure that we live in is grossly depressing and unfair, to say the least.

        Please know that even though I never met you in person, I feel that I made a positive connection with you.

        Again Robert my brother, all the best,


      • Reply by Devora on 2017-09-30 12:46:21

        Am new here but most definitely appreciated your posts.Hoping you'll feel the Peace...and Love from above,that excels all(painful)thought.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-10-01 01:03:43

        Let us not redefine a reasonable request as an argument. You are welcome to continue commenting if you like.

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Hello, everyone. I've been wanting to do this for some time, to start a playlist, a series of videos dedicated just to understanding the Bible and leaving behind all the detritus of I'll still have to do videos…

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Hello everyone. This is the second to last video in this series on shunning. Thank you for your patience as it has taken a while to get to this point. For those of you who haven’t seen the previous videos on shunning as…

Hello, everyone. I have something truly bizarre to share with you this time. It comes from a rather innocuous place, the July 2024 letter from the Governing Body to all the elders in North America and, I assume, around…

Statement by Brother Joss Goodall To My Brother and Sisters, I am writing to you to bring to your attention some very serious concerns that have been troubling me since August of last year when I listened to a morning worship video by Kenneth…