How We Put On and Keep On the New Personality

– posted by meleti

[From ws17/8 p. 22 – October 16-22]

“Clothe yourselves with the new personality.”​—Col 3:10

(Occurrences: Jehovah=14; Jesus=6)

Last week we saw how the Organization left Jesus out of consideration when discussing stripping off the old personality, even though the verses that were under discussion were all about him.  Let's review what Paul said to the Ephesians to refresh our memory:

But you did not learn Christ in this way, 21if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught in Him, just as truth is in Jesus, 22that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, 23and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth. (Eph 4:20-24 NAS)

This week’s continuation of the discussion opens with a parallel thought expressed by Paul, this time to the Colossians.  However, again we find the emphasis on Jehovah not Jesus, which would be fine if that were in accordance with Scripture; in other words, if that were Jehovah’s message to us—but it is not!

The passage under consideration is Colossians 3:10. Confining ourselves to that single verse, we will find it easy to think it is all about Jehovah.

“and clothe yourselves with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it,” (Col 3:10 NWT)

Rather then confine ourselves to just one verse, let us go for the richer experience that derives from reading the context. Paul opens by saying:

If, however, you were raised up with the Christ, go on seeking the things above, where the Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2 Keep your minds fixed on the things above, not on the things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life has been hidden with the Christ in union with God. 4 When the Christ, our life, is made manifest, then you also will be made manifest with him in glory. (Col 3:1-4 NWT)

What powerful words!  Is he speaking to Christians with an earthly hope—friends of God who must endure an additional thousand years of sinfulness before being declared righteous?  Hardly!

We are “raised up with the Christ”, so let us keep our “minds fixed on the things above”, not on fleshly desires.  We have died with regard to sin (See Romans 6:1-7) and our life is now “hidden with Christ in God.” (NIV) When Jesus, our life, is made manifest then we too shall be made manifest in glory. I say again, what powerful words!  What a magnificent hope!  How shameful that this is not what we preach as Jehovah's Witnesses.

With such a hope in view, there is an overwhelming motivation to want to strip off the old self and put on the new.  Why would we not “put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.9Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator "? (Col 3:5-10)

Paragraph 1 makes us think that this image is that of God, as if Christ does not factor in, but we are only in God’s image if we imitate Christ.  We are fashioned in the image of Jesus and thereby attain to the image of God.  (2 Co 4:4; Ro 8:28, 29)  That Christ’s role is vital in putting on the new personality can be seen by a further consideration of the context in the Letter to the Colossians:

“. . .Also, let the peace of the Christ rule in your hearts, for you were called to that peace in one body. And show yourselves thankful. 16 Let the word of the Christ reside in you richly in all wisdom. Keep on teaching and encouraging one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs sung with gratitude, singing in your hearts to Jehovah. 17 Whatever it is that you do in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through him.” (Col 3:15-17)

We are to do "everything in the name of the Lord Jesus".  We let the "peace of Christ rule."  We "let the word of the Christ reside."   This does not speak of Jehovah but of Jesus.  This clearly is not Witness jargon.

With these truths in mind, let us consider aspects of the article.

“You Are All One”

Before proceeding, let us acknowledge that the JW teaching of two classes of Christians contradicts Paul’s words that “Christ is all things and in all”. (Col 3:11)  We have one group that is deemed as privileged to rule with Christ, who are declared righteous to life eternal, and are adopted as God’s children, and will inherit the Kingdom,  In this group, Jesus resides by spirit.  Only members of this first group may ascend to the office of Governing Body.  We have another group, the Other Sheep, that is subservient to the first. This group are not children of God, but only his friends. They do not inherit the kingdom—only sons inherit—nor are they declared righteous upon their resurrection.  Instead, they are no different from the rest of unrighteous humanity who must work toward perfection over the course of a thousand years—according to JW theology.

Despite the subtitle's reassurance, Jehovah’s Witnesses are most certainly not “all one”.

Paragraph 4 tells us to treat all people of all races impartially.  Never missing an opportunity to turn the focus to the Organization and its leadership, we are told that “to encourage our brothers to “widen out,” in October 2013 the Governing Body approved a special arrangement to help the brothers to get to know one another better.”

I was baptised in the early 1960s and was under the impression through even way back then we Witnesses were racially impartial.  Apparently, I was wrong.  What a surprise to learn that an initiative was required as late as only four years ago to get the brothers to accept those of other races.  This initiative couldn't come about independently either, but had to wait for Governing Body approval.  So what have we been doing up till now?

“Tender Affections of Compassion, Kindness”

When you consider these beautiful words of Paul—tender affection, compassion, kindness—what comes to mind?  What did Paul have in mind?  Was it pioneering?  Was he speaking about learning foreign languages to assist in the preaching work?  Is that what Paul had in mind when he spoke of putting on the new personality?

Apparently so, since the article devotes about 20% of its coverage (paragraphs 7 thru 10) to develop that line of logic.

Clothe Yourselves with…Humility

Finally, in paragraph 11, Jesus is brought into the discussion, albeit briefly.  Alas, as is so often the case, he is only introduced as an exemplar or model for us to follow.  Still, we benefit from that consideration at least. Nevertheless, the focus quickly switches back to the Organization:

How much more difficult it is for sinful humans to avoid improper pride and haughtiness! – par. 11

We also need to pray frequently for God’s spirit to help us fight any tendency of feeling superior to others.​ – par. 12

Being humble will help us to promote peace and unity in the congregation. – par. 13

"Peace and unity" are code words that mean conformity with the teaching of the Governing Body.  "Pride, haughtiness, and feeling superior" are what happens when one disagrees with what the Governing Body teaches or when one disagrees with a decision of the local body of elders.  However, this shoe fits only one foot.  By contrast, the Governing Body’s teachings cannot be questioned, nor is their position on the inviolable nature of JW doctrine seen as evidence of pride, haughtiness, or a superior attitude.

“Clothe Yourselves with…Mildness and Love”

Jehovah God is the best example of showing mildness and patience. (2 Pet. 3:9) Consider how he responded through his angelic representatives when Abraham and Lot questioned him. (Gen. 18:22-33; 19:18-21) – par. 14

Question: If responding as Jehovah did when questioned by inferiors like Abraham and Lot is an example of mildness and patience, what does it mean when men persecute those who question them?  Surely, this would indicate the very opposite of mildness and patience.  Can you question the Governing Body without fear of retribution?  Can you question the local body of elders without experiencing any negative consequences?  If you question the Circuit Overseer, will you be met with "mildness and love"?

What can we learn from Paul’s words about humility and mildness?  The article advises:

Jesus was “mild-tempered.” (Matt. 11:29) He showed great patience in putting up with the weaknesses of his followers. Throughout his earthly ministry, Jesus endured unjust criticism from religious opposers. Yet, he was mild and patient right up to his wrongful execution. While suffering agonizing pain on the torture stake, Jesus prayed that his Father forgive his executioners because, as he said, “they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) – par. 15

If we stop attending meetings, we meet with disdain, disapproval and even ostracism. When we share some of the marvellous truths we’ve uncovered with JW friends, we often get ridiculed. Soon gossip spreads and we are maligned behind our backs, often by gross exaggerations and outright lies.  We may feel very wounded and want to lash out, to retaliate.  However, if we put on the new personality fashioned after the Christ, we will react with humility and mildness, even praying for such ones who have come to act as enemies. (Mt 5:43-48)

There is much in this Watchtower study to benefit us as long as we include Jesus in the consideration and stick to the truth.

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  • Comment by Devora on 2017-10-15 19:32:11

    Well said about the sad realities-within the congregations--STILL learning even about honoring others of different colors..?whew..yet,how can they grow,when they keep being fed'elementary'baby food?Ephesians 4:13-16(it exposes the'leaders'gb agendas also).But on here,such spiritual growth is being realized..& Beautifully-put,when you said about what a powerful motivator,our hope in Christ!Focusing on Him is the Key(the gb.keeps misplacing).

    • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-10-16 05:19:45

      To be fair, the WT article did say that the initiative in 2013 was in South Africa where congregations had been segregated for decades by apartheid laws.
      Apartheid was abolished in 1994 however, and I admit I thought when reading that account, " 20 years later there was still a problem?".
      I've lived in Africa ( not SA) and have experienced the multi racial love and respect between Witnesses. We associated freely and ate in each other's homes, there was genuine love and hospitality shown.
      Maybe it took longer in SA because of the decades of legal separation.

      Having said that I do agree that the tender affections etc seem to disappear when you become inactive or miss meetings. It seems that the Christian personality is only a veneer with some. Is it fear of being viewed as 'weak' by association?

      I enjoyed your article Meleti thanks as always. I especially liked the counsel to put on the new personality ourselves when dealing with those who don't understand our actions. It's good that we can glean some good advice from the WT sometimes! ??

      • Reply by wild olive on 2017-10-16 17:44:52

        Hi Martha
        Just to add some additional information to your comment.
        I grew up in SA during the late 60s into the early 70s, when apartheid was heavy handedly ruling the country.
        With its collapse has come an interesting set of circumstances, don't think Ime praising apartheid because nothing could be further from the truth, but it separated, not just the races , but also kept in check the many tribal differences that exsist in SA that are an ongoing source of extreme violence, which now are unchecked , and it makes SA the most violent place on the earth at this time, there are more murders per head in Johannesburg than anywhere else in the world, I would have thought maybe Colombia or Mexico , because of drug cartels , but no its SA.
        One of the main targets in the new SA are white people, the boot is on the other foot now , and white genocide is taking place in SA and the media is silent about it, I imagine the effort put forward by the org is to stop brothers who are Bantu , from indulging in a spot of poetic justice against their white brothers , I could be wrong , but given the situation in SA , I would say that's what's happening and it's had to be corrected, the Bantu brothers are probly facing pressure from the world to hit back ,and now it can be done with virtually no consequences, if your not white.

        • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-10-16 17:56:18

          I can believe it WO. We had a few families move into our area a decade or so ago and the tales they told of the violence was hair raising.
          I lived in Africa ( not SA) in the 70's and saw how easily tribal warfare could flare up and also how vulnerable whites were. It's a sad situation, I loved Africa so much but will not return until the Kingdom is ruling over us all. From what I hear from old friends there it's a beautiful but very dangerous place. We have no idea, here in our relatively peaceful countries, what life is like over there.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-10-17 13:47:42

          The fact that a special initiative had to be approved by the Governing Body to address this problem highlights the lack of "food at the proper time" being provided to witnesses. This is not an SA problem though the special circumstances there serve to highlight the issue. The one outstanding characteristic of Christians is their love for one another. If the Governing Body had been doing the job they claim to have been doing all these decades--since 1919 by their own count--then the love would already be there and be there in spades. It would stand out to those in the world who would point and say, "These people are truly different. They truly love on another."

          We do not see that love in the organization. We see a facade of love, a semblance that may fool some on the outside for a time, bolstered by ongoing propaganda for those on the inside so that they can turn a blind eye to incidents they know of personally that show a lack of love. Thus, they compartmentalize those negative experiences as "exceptions to the rule" and chant in unison, "we alone have the love that identifies true Christianity." They say this while failing to provide charitable aid to non-JWs in times of disaster. They say this while shunning victims of child abuse who leave the Organization. Indeed, they shun anyone who stops going to meetings, or who dares to question the authority of the Governing Body.

          So the Governing Body has to fall back on policy initiatives and the like to keep the sham alive, to keep JWs believing they really do fulfill John 13:34, 35. What a tragedy that Christianity should have been so perverted for so many for so long.

          • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-10-17 17:26:50

            Well....that comment made me sit up and take notice.
            Well said.
            Nail on head.

          • Reply by wild olive on 2017-10-17 19:10:23

            I was trying to be accomodating , but sadly as you said Meleti, the love is a facade, and there are a growing pile of "exeptions" that are now the rule

  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2017-10-16 05:39:07

    Just an added thought,
    When we read those passages in Ephesians and Colossians and just meditate on them without WT glasses on, doesn't it become startlingly clear that Jesus is the key.... To everything that we need to be and to attain to. He is the key to our salvation, but also the one we should be looking at to learn the new personality.
    Jehovah gave him to us as a gift, to follow and copy. How sad that this religion I grew up in has almost put that gift in the back cupboard.

    " You did not learn the Christ to be so" Eph 4:20

    I thought that was a powerful statement. Sobering but very motivational.

  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2017-10-16 06:18:56

    Comment removed... Someone didn't like it. Sorry whoever you were, ? Wish there was a delete button and not just an edit.

    • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-10-16 13:56:45

      Thanks brother. ?

      I'm a bit over sensitive and tend to think I've done or said something wrong, so retract if possible.

      Actually all I said was ' that was cool, brain. I agree!'

      It wasn't meant flippantly, maybe cool has a different meaning elsewhere or nowadays. I'm pushing 60 but still say cool. ?
      I do enjoy your comments, they're refreshingly straightforward and I guess you're somewhere in UK like me because I ' get' your meaning (most of the time) ?. In fact your comment today was very like what my hubby says. He's an ex elder and was very outspoken in his time... Caused a few tidal waves... And now he does it from the sidelines. ?
      Thanks for taking the time to reply. Much appreciated.

      • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-10-16 17:37:38

        That was cool Martha. I agree! If somebody got offended by a comment like that, we're all in trouble.....

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-10-17 13:19:59

        I like your comments as well, MarthaMartha

      • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-10-17 17:24:04

        Stay strong brain... Thanks for your kindness.

      • Reply by Devora on 2017-10-17 19:22:50

        Martha,Robert,Others,may you have the Peace of Christ reside in your hearts..I know,the very things we(as Paul had said)-do not wish to do,its also happened to-as many recorded in God's Word-as we just turn its pages to find!..please do not not worry..we are humans,sincerely trying to put on that Christian apparel...we all fall short in this time.To 'graduate' to the path of near-perfect"non-judgement" is all of our noble goal,Dear Brothers and Sisters...fully-realized in our future.Hold to The Love-in every way-until then.

      • Reply by Smoldering Wick on 2017-10-20 16:13:02

        Hi IIOHAB,

        Whenever someone quotes 1Cor1:10 I recall how easily I cut my teeth on it 50 years ago. Now I squirm whenever I hear it because Paul used the entire first three chapters of 1 Corinthians to argue against organizational unity. I also cut my teeth on the book, 'Make Sure of All Things' (now Reasoning From the Scriptures) which also shortchanges us of Paul's sound reasoning, so how can I blame those still clinging to WT teachings?

        While I enjoy all of the posts, sometimes I need to just let them settle deeper into my subconscious self remembering how Jesus set the example and Paul followed it. (Eccl3:7;Heb 9:5) 'Come Lord Jesus!' (Rev. 22:20)

    • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-10-16 22:04:52

      Now you know how I feel.

      "Outsiders" protest with righteous indignation when confronting censorship, until the day arrives when the Outsiders become Insiders, at which point righteous indignation is replaced with righteous control, and the cycle begins again.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-10-17 17:57:24

        Robert, I don't agree with whomever gave MarthaMartha's comment a thumbs-down, but that was hardly censorship. Expressing disagreement is part of freedom of expression, and if you are critical of it, that is also freedom of expression. Censorship is not always a bad thing. There is a Bible basis for it. As long as we follow the guidelines of our Master, we should be fine.

  • Comment by Phelps on 2017-10-16 08:13:58

    Traducción de Google :
    hello to all dear and beloved brothers in the world ... May the goodness of Christ be with you all. Thanks to these articles from this website I have learned to value our Lord Jesus Christ more. I speak more about Him and how beautiful His example and life is for us. I have to admit that it was not easy at first because I felt betrayed to my own teachings, but I realized that I betrayed Christ by refusing to talk about him. for me it is sad that my brothers see me as a strange beast in the congregation, I am almost not worthy of their Christian love. that saddens me a lot they even turned away from my son. Why can not you see the magnitude of the personality of Christ in his dealings with those who think differently? it is very rare that the watchtower speaks of Jesus and when he does it is very superficial ... that makes me angry because it shows the lack of sincere affection to the son of God. every time I read these articles here ... I strengthen myself and I pray that all of us here will be built in Christ our Lord ... thank you very much to everyone because they are all edifying

  • Comment by Phelps on 2017-10-16 08:23:55

    Traducción de Google :
    yes ... sometimes the watchtower "stumbles" talking about the correctness of Christ, but as it is not his custom he does it with coldness and lack of affection towards Christ our Lord. but when you talk about the business of administration there are praises and praises of all ... I'm tired of having to go to a meeting and have to separate in my head what I must feed, what I should throw in the trash, since I must add a little taste to Christ so that it is perfect ... this website gives the secret touch to the spiritual food that we need

  • Comment by wild olive on 2017-10-16 18:17:18

    Great post Meleti.
    Something that gets missed by WT articles like this one , since Jesus role is downgraded, one doesn't get the authentic connection to him as mediator, Jesus is the one who has authority over our sins, he's purchased this authority with his perfect life, becoming the "vine" that we need to attached to , the "way" in which we should walk, and the "truth" that sustains us in this world of lies. Without this real connection, one doesn't come to a correct understanding of how sin is dealt with by Jesus, which then leads a person to establish their own righteousness Rom10:3&4,which is basically where this article goes, always presenting a "technique" or a set of steps to take that now give you a new personality, if it was that simple then it would be set out in the scriptures , everyone could follow the steps and bingo all are righteous, but no , faith is required, faith in Jesus , faith in a person and the work he accomplished in paying our debt, and as Paul says in Heb 12:1 the sin that easily entangles is lack of faith, in the end , under a guise of humility and mildness,that's where this article takes a person.

  • Comment by Menrov on 2017-10-17 01:14:00

    The WT hardly grows in numbers. And before one can be baptized as a JW, that person has done the study of at least one WT book, attended meetings and participated in field service.
    That means that this article is written for JW's that have been baptized at least a couple of years ago and as such, you'd expect them to have changed their personality by now, right? They should all, at least the majority, have developed by now a personality that meets the JW standards, right? Being impartial towards races should be not an issue anymore, right? Humility, mildness and love, all basic Christian characteristics, right? WHen someone starts to work, you do not keep on teaching that person how to calculate or write or buy groceries etc, as these things are basics already know by that person at that age. Normal maturity and growth in kwowledge.

    It is therefore more and more my believe that either 1) the leaders believe or know that on average, most JW's do not significantly change their personalities but are becoming people that try to comply to the JW standards (i.e. not a real change of heart) but as followers, which is also what the leaders of the organisation want them to become OR 2) that most of the publications are actually written to support the image of the organisation. To show to the outside world how "superior" their teachings are and as a result, how much better the organisation is. Maybe both views are correct.

    I work in a global operating company, with many cultures and races and religions and life styles. There is a program about diversity and inclusiveness. A program to support the people in the organisation to be themselves, respect others and appreciate differences. As a result, there is hardly any controversy in the organisation due to differences in religion, culture or lifestyle. Big difference of course with the WT is, that in my company, not one view is presented as better than the other. I.e. the lesson is not that people in my company are better than those in another company. All are treated equal. No sense of superiority. In my view, a more "Christian type" of approach than the WT approach.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-10-20 07:06:41

    Crazy. Almost every WT study has counsel to learn to be forgiving, and there have been plenty of articles reminding us how to carry this out, yet here we have an article including a section on being compassionate and showing kindness and all we get is a few paragraphs on learning a foreign language and pioneering. Which did Jesus set an example in, for us to imitate ? So much more could have been made of this section.
    As you also say, Meliti, you cannot question the GB, and even your own BOE, without fear of reprisals. And that despite scriptures such as in Jude's letter which encourages showing mercy to those that have doubts.
    I have not forgotten (was it your saying, Meliti ?) that little bit about coping with questions I cannot answer, but not answers I cannot question. Jesus may have given some cryptic answers to a number of questions, but he never criticized others for asking the actual questions.
    May all the friends here continue to grow in accurate knowledge of Jesus and Jehovah.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-10-20 15:20:44

    To MarthaMartha and Brain and any others in the UK. Hi. Hope to see you some time. Just do one thumbs up to let us know how many of us there are in this country. Hope I am not using the site incorrectly, Meliti.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-10-21 13:11:53

      I'm here in the UK for the next week, so I added my "thumbs up"

  • Comment by Pekanman on 2017-10-21 08:56:08

    Just a note, in Matt: 20 1-16 is the parable of the vineyard workers and how they all got equal payment. I know this is used to show how new ones and those with years of faithful service are treated equally, but doesn't this also show how our King,the vineyard owner, also only has one reward for your work? There wasn't special things for some and you are a junior employee so you only get this. Our King was also teaching one reward.

  • Comment by Jerome on 2017-10-21 20:05:57

    Just a note on paragraph 1. Genesis 1:26,27 is cited in reference to Jehovah being the creator of man. Yet the scripture says: "let US make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness."

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