2017, November 27 – December 3, Our Christian Life and Ministry

– posted by Tadua

Treasures from God’s Word and Digging for Spiritual Gems

Remain Spiritually Alert and Active.

Habakkuk 2:1-4 In order to survive the coming day of Jehovah’s judgement, we must keep in expectation of it (w07 11/15 pg 10 para 3-5)

Verse 1 - If we are to accept any reproof, or correction or discipline then it should be clearly backed up by Scripture, rather than personal opinions, or non-scripturally based teachings.

Verse 3 – We are awaiting the Lord’s Day, when Jesus comes in glory to fulfill his and our Father’s will.

Verse 4 – Cites Hebrews 10:36-38 which says “he who is coming will arrive” which is a clear reference to Jesus coming in glory. Jehovah will not be coming on the clouds, but rather our Lord Jesus Christ. “But my righteous one will live by reason of faith”, not by reason of the many failed expectations of the arrival of Armageddon.
Nahum 1:8, Nahum 2:6 - How was Nineveh exterminated? (w07 11/15 p9 para 2)

Other than the date of 632 BC for the fall of Nineveh, which all historians date to 612 with a few to either, 613 BC or 611 BC rather than 632 BC, this reference is factually correct.

Talk (w16/03 23-25) - Can you help in your congregation?

The main reason that the early Christian congregation had “apostles” was because Jesus appointed them with a specific purpose in mind. To witness to what they had seen as eyewitnesses. The Greek word ‘apostolos’ conveys the meaning of  “someone sent (commissioned), focusing back on the authority (commissioning) of the sender”., “to represent him in some way”. It is commendable that many have shown a missionary spirit. However, if we are commissioned to represent someone, we need to accurately convey the message of the sender. Sadly, the more we examine the scriptures we discern how far the organization still is from the truth of Jesus' words. In these circumstance it is difficult to be a zealous witness for the organization.

It is true we all have to be witnesses for Christ and the good news, but surely how we achieve it is up to our conscience and abilities. It is interesting to see how important eating with one another was in the 1st century. Pivotal events and conversations in the life of Jesus and his earliest followers took place over the dinner table. This adds weight and meaning to the records in the Scriptures such as Galatians 2:12, 2 Thessalonians 3:10, 1 Corinthians 10:27, Jude 1:12, Romans 14:2, John 6:53 and Luke 22:15.

Kingdom Rules (chapter 22 para 1-7)

Nothing of note for comment.

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  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2017-11-28 17:41:13

    Thank you, Tadua ?
    I particularly liked your comments
    "Verse 4 – Cites Hebrews 10:36-38 which says “he who is coming will arrive” which is a clear reference to Jesus coming in glory. Jehovah will not be coming on the clouds, but rather our Lord Jesus Christ. “But my righteous one will live by reason of faith”, not by reason of the many failed expectations of the arrival of Armageddon."
    Failed expectations only come from having faith in men's inaccurate interpretations. If we put our trust and faith in Jesus and his words, we will simply stay watchful and believe that he will come.
    I wonder who are the ones " shrinking back" from faith in Jesus Christ?
    If Jesus is being left out of the equation to the point that he is rarely mentioned, where is the faith?
    Having been at the assembly this weekend and hearing a baptism talk that didn't mention Jesus or the ransom at all... It makes me sad. It was basically saying you've made a vow and don't think you can get out of it.
    The final talk did have a lovely section on the ransom that cheered me up. However, to have a baptism talk with no mention of the Christ... Is it even valid any more?

    • Reply by eve04 on 2017-11-29 14:44:22

      I felt the same way at our Assembly in October. After the baptism talk I had enough. I could not stay the afternoon. It was especially sad because the Assembly was "Don't Give Up-Follow the Christ. Christ Jesus should have been mention more times in the baptism talk then any other talk. Instead no mention maybe I counted once however, they chose to mention those in the OT.

  • Comment by Psalmbee on 2017-11-28 19:41:04

    Thank you, Tadua for the clam review review. I especially liked your commentary in the 2nd to last paragraph. Discerning how far the org. still is from the truth of Jesus' words. I would venture to say "Discerning how far the org. has purposely distanced themselves from the "truth" of Jesus' words. 1Cor 1:2

    • Reply by Psalmbee on 2017-11-30 17:35:02

      83+ Years ago 1934 Rutherford limited who Jesus could mediate for to just the 144,000 WT/34 4/1 p104. During this period Rutherford introduced the concept that only 144,000 go to heaven. "Jesus is the sole mediator for the anointed only" (144,000) WT/79 11/15 p27. That explains to me why the Governing Body has almost fully shunned Jesus, if I had to put a fraction on it, my guesstimate would be 13/16ths. Heb.13:16

  • Comment by lost in space on 2017-11-29 04:13:28

    Yes Tadua- it is hard to discern if you are male or female ? - we appreciate your insightful commentary and at times needed expose of the CLAM. It takes time and intentionality to be accurate in your review. Thanks on behalf of the 1000s who likely read your thoughts!?

  • Comment by Robert-6512 on 2017-12-01 17:53:11

    You noted, "the more we examine the scriptures we discern how far the organization still is from the truth of Jesus’ words. In these circumstance it is difficult to be a zealous witness for the organization."

    In Acts 1:8 Jesus said his followers would be witnesses of *him*, not his Father and not on behalf of an organization of men.

    It ought to be, not simply difficult, but impossible, for a true Christian to be a zealous witness for an organization, whether that be WT or any other.

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