Child Sexual Abuse Policies of – 2018

– posted by meleti

DISCLAIMER: There are many sites on the internet that do nothing but bash the Governing Body and the Organization.  I get emails and comments all the time expressing appreciation that our sites are not of that type.  Yet, it can be a fine line to walk at times.  Some of the ways they act and some of the things they practice in the name of God are so outrageous and bring such reproach on the Divine Name that one feels compelled to cry out. 

Jesus did not hide his feelings about the corruption and hypocrisy of the religious leaders of his day.  Prior to his death, he exposed them using powerful yet accurate terms of derision. (Mt 3:7; 23:23-36)  Yet, he did not descend to mocking.  Like him, we must expose, but not judge.  (Our time for judging will come if we stay true – 1 Cor. 6:3)  In this we have the example of the angels.

“Bold and willful, they do not tremble as they blaspheme the glorious ones,11whereas angels, though greater in might and power, do not pronounce a blasphemous judgment against them before the Lord.” (2 Peter 2:10b, 11 BSB)

In this context, we have an obligation to expose wrongdoing so that our brothers and sisters can know the truth and break free from enslavement to men.  Still, Jesus spent most of his time building up, not tearing down.  It is my hope that we can imitate him in that, though I don’t feel there is enough positive and constructive Bible study on our sites as yet.  Nevertheless, we are moving in that direction and I hope that the Lord affords us the resources to accelerate that trend. 

Having said all that, we will not shy away when there is a serious need that must be addressed.  The problem of child abuse is such a need and its mishandling by the Organization has such far-reaching ramifications that it cannot be ignored nor glossed over.  Recently, we have been able to review the policies that are being conveyed to the JW elders worldwide by means of the 2018 One-Day Elders’ School.  What follows is a review of those policies as they pertain to handling cases of child sexual abuse that arise in the congregation, and an attempt to assess the ramifications of these policies on the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses.


The ARC findings,[i] the UK Charity Commission investigation, the Canadian 66-million-dollar class action lawsuit, the ongoing four-thousand-dollar-a-day court fine for contempt, growing media coverage of cultism, staff reductions and printing cutbacks, not to mention the sale of Kingdom halls to cover costs—the writing is on the wall.  How will the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses fare in the coming months and years?  Can it survive?  To date, the Catholic Church has, but it is immeasurably richer than can ever hope to be.

There are 150 Catholics in the world for every one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  So one might think that the scale of the Church’s pedophile liability would be 150 times greater than that of Alas, that does not appear to be the case, and here’s why:

Let us try to define the problem in dollar value.

The first major scandal to hit the Catholic Church was in Louisiana in 1985.  After that, a report was authored but never officially released warning that the liability relating to pedophile priests could amount to one billion dollars.  That was thirty years ago.  We don’t know how much the Catholic Church has paid out since then, but let’s go with that figure.  That liability resulted from a problem confined to the priesthood.  There are currently about 450,000 priests worldwide.  Let’s assume, as revealed by the movie Spotlight based on the work of the Boston Globe investigative team back in 2001 and 2002, that about 6% of priests are pedophiles.  So that represents 27,000 priests worldwide.  The Church is not being charged with covering up abuse among its rank and file, because they do not get involved in such things.  The average Catholic who commits this crime is not required to sit before a judicial committee of priests.  The victim is not brought in and questioned.  The right of the abuser to remain a member of the church is not judged.  In short, the Church does not get involved.  Their liability is confined to the priesthood.

This is not the case with Jehovah’s Witnesses.  All cases of sin including child sexual abuse are to be reported to the elders and are dealt with judicially, whether the outcome is to disfellowship or to dismiss, as in a case involving only a single witness.  This means that Jehovah’s Witnesses currently deal with abuse from among the entire flock—eight million individuals, more than sixteen times the pool size from which the Catholic Church pedophile liability is drawn.

There were 1,006 unreported cases of child sexual abuse in the files of the Australia branch of Jehovah's Witnesses. (Many more have come forward since the ARC investigation made the news, so the problem is significantly larger.) Going only with that number—the number of currently known cases—we should bear in mind that in 2016 there were 66,689 active Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia.[ii]  In the same year, Canada reported 113,954 publishers and the United States reported about ten times that number: 1,198,026.  So if the proportions are similar, and there’s no reason to think otherwise, that means Canada probably has about 2,000 known cases on file, and the States is looking at something in excess of 20,000.  So with just three out of the 240 countries where Jehovah’s Witnesses are active, we’re already getting close to the number of likely pedophiles the Catholic Church is liable for.

The Catholic Church is so rich that it can absorb a multi-billion-dollar liability.  It could cover it by selling only a small fraction of the art treasures stored in the Vatican archives.  However, a similar liability against Jehovah’s Witnesses would bankrupt the Organization.

The Governing Body tries to blind the flock into believing there is no pedophilia problem, that this is all the work of apostates and opposers.  I’m sure the passengers on the Titanic also believed the hype that their boat was unsinkable.

It is very likely too late for any changes made now to mitigate the liability for past mistakes and sins.  However, has the leadership of the organization learned from the past, shown repentance, and taken steps befitting such repentance?  Let us see.

What the Elders Are Being Taught

If you download the talk outline and the September 1, 2017 Letter to all Bodies of Elders it is based on, you can follow along as we analyze the latest policies.

Conspicuously missing from the 44-minute discussion is any written direction to contact the secular authorities.  This, above all else, is the one reason that the Organization is facing this impending financial and public relations catastrophe.  Yet, for reasons unexplained, they continue to bury their head in the sand rather than face this issue.

The only mention of mandatory reporting to the authorities comes up in the consideration of paragraphs 5 thru 7 where the outline states: “Two elders should call the Legal Department in all of the situations listed in paragraph 6 to ensure that the body of elders complies with any child-abuse reporting laws. (Ro 13:1-4) After being informed of any legal obligation to report, the call will be transferred to the Service Department.”

So it appears that elders will be told to report this crime to the police only if there is a specific legal obligation to do so.  So the motivation for obeying Romans 13:1-4 doesn’t seem to stem from love of neighbor, but rather fear of reprisal.  Let’s put it this way: If there is a sexual predator in your neighborhood, would you want to know about it?  I think any parent would.  Jesus tells us to “do unto others as we would have others do unto us.” (Mt 7:12) Wouldn’t that necessitate our reporting knowledge of such a dangerous person in our midst to those whom God has appointed per Romans 13:1-7 to care for the problem?  Or is there another way we can apply the command in Romans?  Is keeping silent a way of obeying God’s command?  Are we obeying the law of love, or the law of fear?

If the only reason for doing so is the fear that if we don’t, we could be punished for breaking the law, then our motivation is selfish and self-serving.  If that fear appears to be removed by the absence of any specific law, the unwritten policy of the organization is to cover over the sin.

If the Organization stated in writing that all allegations of child sexual abuse are to be reported to the authorities, then—even from a self-serving point of view—their liability issues would diminish greatly.

In paragraph 3 of the letter, they state that “the congregation will not shield any perpetrator of such repugnant acts from the consequences of his sin. The congregation’s handling of an accusation of child sexual abuse is not intended to replace the secular authority’s handling of the matter. (Rom. 13:1-4)”

Again, they quote Romans 13:1-4.  However, there are different ways to shield someone who is guilty of a crime.  If we do not report a known criminal simply because there is no specific law requiring us to do so, are we not engaging in passive shielding?  For instance, if you know for a fact that a neighbor is a serial killer and say nothing, are you not obstructing justice passively?  If he goes out and kills again, are you free from guilt?  Does your conscience tell you that you should only report what you know to the police if there is a specific law requiring you to report knowledge of serial killers?  How are we obeying Romans 13:1-4 by shielding known criminals through our own inaction?

Calling the Branch

Throughout this document, the requirement to call the Branch Legal and/or Service desk is made repeatedly.  In lieu of a written policy, elders are subjected to an oral law.  Oral laws can change from one moment to the next and often are used to shield the individual from culpability.  One can always say, “I don’t recall exactly what I said at that time, your Honor.”  When it’s in writing, one cannot escape responsibility so easily.

Now, it could be argued that the reason for this lack of a written policy is to provide flexibility and to address each situation based on the circumstances and needs of the moment.  There is something to be said for that.  However, is that really why the Organization continually resists telling the elders in writing to report all crimes?  We’ve all heard the saying: “Actions speak louder than words”.  Truly, the historic actions of the Australia branch’s handling of child sexual abuse are speaking at a megaphone volume.

First of all, we find that the words of the outline regarding calling the Legal Desk at the Branch Office to find out if there is any legal requirement to report do not match the actions practiced over decades in Australia.  There is, in fact, such a law to report knowledge of any crime, yet no report was ever made by Organization officials.[iii]

Now consider this: In over a thousand cases, they never advised the elders to report a single case.  We know this because the elders would surely have obeyed the Branch’s direction in this.  Any elder who disobeys the Branch Office doesn’t remain an elder for long.

So since no reports were made, are we then to conclude that they were instructed not to report?  The answer is that either they were dissuaded from reporting, or nothing was said in this regard and they were left to their own devices.  Knowing how the Organization likes to control everything, the latter option seems farfetched; but let’s say, to be fair, that the issue of reporting is never specifically mentioned as part of Branch policy.  That leaves us with two options.  1) Elders (and Witnesses in general) are so indoctrinated that they just know instinctively that crimes committed in the congregation are not to be reported, or 2) some of the elders asked and were told not to report.

While there is a strong possibility that the first option is true in most cases, I know from personal experience that there are some elders who are conscientious enough to feel the need to report such crimes to the police, and these would surely have asked the Service Desk about it.  The 1,006 cases on record in the Australia Bethel would have been dealt with by thousands of elders.  It is impossible to conceive that out of all those thousands there were not at least a few good men who would have wanted to do the right thing to protect the children.  If they asked and got the answer, “Well, that’s entirely up to you”, then we can conclude that at least some would have done so.  Out of thousands of so-called spiritual men, surely the conscience of some would have moved them to ensure that a sexual predator did not go free.  Yet, that never happened.  Not once in a thousand opportunities.

The only explanation is that they were told not to report.

The facts speak for themselves.  There is an unwritten policy within the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses to conceal these crimes from the police. Why else are the elders told repeatedly to always call the Branch before they do anything else?  The statement that it is just to check in to make sure what the legal requirements are is a red herring.  If that is all it is, then why not send out a letter in any jurisdictions where such a requirement exists telling all the elders about it?  Put it in writing!

The Organization likes to apply Isaiah 32:1, 2 to the elders around the globe.  Read it below and see if what is described there jibes with what the ARC turned over in its investigation.

“Look! A king will reign for righteousness, And princes will rule for justice.  2 And each one will be like a hiding place from the wind, A place of concealment from the rainstorm, Like streams of water in a waterless land, Like the shadow of a massive crag in a parched land.” (Isa 32:1, 2)

Driving the Point Home


For indications that all the foregoing is an accurate evaluation of the facts, notice how the rest of paragraph 3 reads: “Therefore, the victim, her parents, or anyone else who reports such an allegation to the elders should be clearly informed that they have the right to report the matter to the secular authorities. Elders do not criticize anyone who chooses to make such a report.—Gal. 6:5.”  The fact that elders have to be instructed not to criticize anyone for making a report to the police indicates that there is a pre-existing problem.

Further, why are the elders missing from this group?  Should it not read, “the victim, her parents, or anyone else including the elders…” Clearly, the idea of the elders doing the reporting is simply not an option.

Out of Their Depth

The entire focus of the letter has to do with handling the heinous crime of child sexual abuse within the judicial arrangement of the congregation.  As such, they are imposing a burden on men who are ill-equipped to deal with such delicate matters.  The Organization is setting these elders up for failure.  What does the average guy know about handling child sexual abuse?  They are bound to bungle it despite their best intentions.  It’s simply not fair to them, not to mention the victim who likely needs real professional help to overcome life-altering emotional trauma.

Paragraph 14 gives more proof of the bizarre disconnect with reality evident in this latest policy directive:

“On the other hand, if the wrongdoer is repentant and is reproved, the reproof should be announced to the congregation. (ks10 chap. 7 pars. 20-21) This announcement will serve as a protection for the congregation.”

What a stupid statement!  The announcement is simply that “So-and-so has been reproved.”  So?!  For what?  Tax fraud?  Heavy petting?  Challenging the elders?  How will the parents in the congregation know from that simple announcement that they should make sure they’re kids stay away from this man?  Will the parents start to accompany their children to the bathroom now that they’ve heard this announcement?

Unlawful Disassociation

“If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse one.” – Mitchell Garabedian, Spotlight (2015)

The above statement is doubly true in the case of the Organization.  First, the willingness of the elders and even congregation publishers to do little to protect the “little ones” is a matter of public record.  The Governing Body can shout all they want that these are just lies by opposers and apostates, but the facts speak for themselves, and the statistics show this is not an intermittent problem, but a process that has become institutionalized.

Added to this is the egregious sin that is the JW policy on disassociation.  Should the abused Christian victim leave the congregation, abuse is heaped upon abuse when the local congregation (“the village”) of Jehovah’s Witnesses is instructed from the platform that the victim is “no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses”. This is the same announcement made when someone is disfellowshipped for fornication, apostasy, or child sexual abuse.  As a consequence, the victim is cut off from family and friends, shunned at a time when his or her emotional need for support is paramount.  This is a sin, plain and simple.  A sin, because disassociation is a made-up policy that has no foundation in Scripture.  Thus, it is a lawless and loveless act, and those who practice it should bear in mind Jesus words when speaking to those who thought they had his approval.

“Many will say to me in that day: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’” (Mt 7:22, 23)

In Summary

While this letter indicates that some minor improvements are being made in the way Witness elders are instructed to handle these matters, the elephant in the room continues to be ignored.  Reporting the crime is still not a requirement, and victims who leave are still shunned.  One may assume that the continued reticence to involve the authorities stems from the Organization’s misguided fear of costly liability law suits.  However, it may be more than that.

A narcissist cannot admit that he is wrong.  His rightness must be preserved at any cost, because his entire self-identity is tied to the belief he is never wrong, and without that self-image, he is nothing.  His world collapses.

There seems to be a collective narcissism going on here.  Admitting they are wrong, especially before the world—Satan’s Wicked World to the JW mindset—would destroy their cherished self-image.  That is also why they shun victims who resign formally.  The victim has to be seen as the sinner, because to do nothing to the victim is to accept that the Organization is at fault, and that can never be so.  If there is such a thing as institutional narcissism, it seems we have found it.


[i] ARC, acronym for The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

[ii] All numbers taken from the 2017 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

[iii] Crimes Act 1900 – Section 316

316 Concealing serious indictable offence

(1) If a person has committed a serious indictable offence and another person who knows or believes that the offence has been committed and that he or she has information which might be of material assistance in securing the apprehension of the offender or the prosecution or conviction of the offender for it fails without reasonable excuse to bring that information to the attention of a member of the Police Force or other appropriate authority, that other person is liable to imprisonment for 2 years.

Archived Comments

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  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2017-12-15 08:45:26

    Amen, my brother. I humbly thank you for your boldness and honesty.

  • Comment by Pekanman on 2017-12-15 08:49:36

    In speaking with the elders of my congregation I was told Australia had no reporting laws so that is why there was none reported. Nevermind justice for the victims, and protecting the children. This is inexcusable and shows a lack of love, a lack of understanding, and goes against everything our King taught us about love and how he felt about children. This desire to shield Jehovah's name from reproach is used as an excuse to lie and call it theocratic warfare. Listen the angels, demons, Jesus, all the spirit creatures know what happened. Why do we care so much what man thinks????

    • Reply by Filius90 on 2017-12-15 18:59:53

      Whats funny is that in the publication entitled "What Can The Bible Teach US?" on page 10 in paragraphs 8,9 the question is "Why would it be unfair to blame God for our problems? Give an example." Well in paragraph 8 it directs us to Luke 15: 11-13 - the prodigal son account. Further in the paragraph it sums up that one couldn't and shouldn't blame God for current problems like a parent can't be blamed for a wayward child. So Jehovah can't be blamed for Adam and Eve, or Satan, but somehow we living in the supposedly worst time ever can bring (by the organizations definition) reproach on his name. So perfect or sinless beings that became corrupted get a pass as to reproach but according to the GB us "last-days" simpletons asking questions are the worst of the worst? I don't get it.

  • Comment by Menrov on 2017-12-15 09:17:41

    The ARC just released their final report with a set of recommendations. There is a section for the WT and for Religious institutions in general.

    • Reply by Psalmbee on 2017-12-15 10:35:57

      Menrov, that's 114 pages of governmental hogwash! Shame, shame, shame Watchtowerama strikes again. It's absolutely disgusting. Satan is their best friend and the Church's cause he's kept them in business all these years!!! (Is 57:4,5)

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-12-15 11:09:42

        I'm not so sure it is governmental hogwash, Psalmbee. The report is submitted to the Australia parliament. They will consider its provisions and determine what steps to take. We'll have to wait and see whether they sit on their hands, or act. There may be nation-wide reporting now. Or they may implement a fund for compensation that all religions will have to contribute to. Even if nothing happens, they brought what was hidden into the light and done us a great service.

        • Reply by Psalmbee on 2017-12-15 12:22:42

          I hope you're right Meleti, but it reminds me of a time when my dogs got loose and ate the neighbors geese. I was taken to court and had to pay a $400 fine of which my neighbors got not a penny, the court kept all the money. Amazing how that works! They too had light shined on them that day. Of course I went to my neighbors and personally did what I could to make it right with them on my own because the court definitely did not serve them justice.

        • Reply by John of ARC on 2017-12-17 16:13:41

          Think you are right, Meleti. The ARC’s work and achievements are unprecedented globally, and a constitute a watershed on how authorities approach the issue.

  • Comment by Psalmbee on 2017-12-15 09:27:23

    Jehovah's Witnesses, an uproar has risen among your people. A mother herself has been dashed to pieces along with her own children. You people have plowed wickedness. Unrighteousness is what you have reaped. Elders you have eaten the fruitage of deception, for you have trusted in your way, in the multitude of your mighty ones. A place to flee to has perished from the shepherds and a means of escape from the majestic ones of the flock. Jehovah is despoiling their pasturage!

  • Comment by Devora on 2017-12-15 09:50:43

    Meliti,Thank you.The org.'s hypocrisy in this gives me such 100% grieved anger(as in #of Jesus'own;Bible's records of his righteous,fully- expressed indignations?) 2 or 3yrs.ago,remember the 'Memorial Invitation'? Just at a first glance..Sick!'every person has a child'in a lowering-descent into their'pedophile paradise'.So twisted. & the fact that they still will not release the'secret database'of molestors SHOUTS "Guilty".

  • Comment by John of ARC on 2017-12-15 12:24:11

    Having browsed your review, I would like express my full support. The child abuse issue, harming its victims horrendously, signifies much of what is wrong with with the Org. The self righteous response from the org’s leadership (which we are to obey blindly, lest we burn in Armageddon, birds picking out our eyeballs) is beyond comprehension. A plethora of other abuses and problems exist, and we are not allowed to express our grief openly on any of them. How unlike the precedent set in Acts ch 6! The underlying problems behind most of them reaches its climax in the child abuse issue, not escaping the wider society’s scrutiny and should function as an alarm bell to even the drowsiest JW. Thanks, Meleti, for your hard work exposing the lawlessness of the Org.

  • Comment by Robert-6512 on 2017-12-15 13:24:19

    Reading this article, I cannot help see the similarity of this to a song from the rock opera Tommy. In it, Tommy becomes a pinball wizard and then a cult leader. In the last song, the cult followers start to rebel, first by whispering "We're not gonna take it" and then by shouting it. You can hear the song here:

    It is interesting that at the end of the song, it sounds like Tommy is pleading for his followers not to leave, while some of them still want to hold on, saying "from you, I get the story".

    Right now, in JW land, people are whispering "We're not gonna take it". At the rate things are going, the shouting will not be far behind.

    • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-12-16 10:32:02

      Good call on the Tommy analogy. It has been a while since I listened to it.
      Your mind and mine are on the same page many times Robert. Just like your Rush Limelight analogy a while back.

      In all seriousness though, I would agree that there are "whispers" of discontent in JW Land. Our task will be to help these ones waking up to the reality of the Org to not give up on God and Christ because of Men's hypocrisy.

      May the Lord help us to be a strength to our JW Brethren......

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-12-15 15:41:53

    Fine summary. You are absolutely correct when you point out that most elders are totally ill equipped to deal with these cases.

    I only ever got involved with one case as an elder, and felt just that way. Calling the legal desk, on a related incident, I was told to listen to what they had to say very carefully. This involved some (I cannot remember exactly) 15-20 minutes of advice which was way over my head and which was totally impractical. The incident was not one of child abuse but involved some questionable antics by two young girls, one of whom had been subject to child abuse. All this merely confirmed how poorly equipped I was to deal with the case, as were the others, and the appeal committee later.

    Yet, even at this late stage the GB will not budge. The two witness rule stands, and that is that. So what should be done ? Should the elders simply say "We are not equipped to handle this case properly", well that would be some admission. But it might at least be true .

    • Reply by wild olive on 2017-12-15 18:39:16

      I rember the same LJ
      I'll tell a little story to set the theme. When I was 8 yrs old living in South Africa I did something wrong that has a bearing on this issue. I lived on a farm with my grandparents, all my play mates were the black kids of the farm workers. One day , for no particular reason, I said to my grandfather, " I saw one of the kids stealing some corn out of the storage barn" , well did he react, he sent men to get this kid, who got a merciless beating with a sjambok ( like a thick whip) , I watched while this poor kid got the beating of his life, and wanting my grandfathers approval, torn between do I tell the truth or not , and maybe get a beating myself. That day I perpetrated a crime against another human being solely out of ego, I cried for days and couldn't say why I was crying to anyone , leaving my mother and grandparents most puzzled.
      Move on decades later, Ime sitting in a judicial committee, the subject was a young sister who suffered depression, she would get drunk , sleep with some random man , then self harm out of guilt by cutting her arms and legs, I sat in this committee, with the overwhelming feeling of not having any way of helping this person, this problem was way over my head , and the heads of the other two on the committee, yet they acted like they knew exactly what to do. The other two decided that disfellowshipping was required, I disagreed , another elder was called in to replace me. In the end this disturbed young sister you got disfellowshipped , I found out later what had been decided, and the same feeling on the day I watched that young African get a beating came rushing back , I knew once again , that a crime had been committed against another human being , and I said nothing . I won't let it happen a third time.

      • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-12-16 04:13:07

        Just reminds me - Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I'm sure I have been fooled more than once.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-12-16 09:35:48

        Thank you for sharing that experience, Wild Olive. It is a great lesson for all of us. Too often we have turned a blind eye to injustice, but our Lord is forgiving and knows we are dust. He gives us time to learn from our failures and make the changes needed so that one day, we can sit with him and judge in righteousness.

        • Reply by wild olive on 2017-12-20 01:00:57

          Thanks for the acknowledgement from you brothers and sisters
          Just something Meleti said that I would like to clarify.
          To say I turned a blind eye is not really the truth, I would say I turned an indoctrinated eye to the situation. I believed there is a difference. Most of us know what is right , but I didn't say anything because of indoctrination, which then goes back to what are the GB actually teaching? How can anything they teach be truth if it puts a person in a mind set that shuts their mouth to what is wrong?
          Sounds more like a lurking place for the enemy of truth, I personally believe that the org is a " lurking place " for the great lier himself, hard to accept that all that time spent may have actually been under demonic influence. But that's what time seems to have shown . And yes to have the hope to rule and judge with Christ is a wonderful thing, but I had the wool pulled so easily over my eyes , if I get chosen it will be a miracle .

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-12-20 07:11:45

            Well, Wild Olive, Christ was known for his miracles.

          • Reply by Devora on 2017-12-20 08:16:55

            WO,so well said. Exactly the same thoughts as mine... they(the org)plainly have been "proving"(Mt.7:15-20) themselves,and influencing the hearts and minds of those still-in,in sly obscufations,like the devil's works.1st Timothy 1:3-7;2nd Timothy 3:2-9 come to mind...Our brother Meliti has well-proved all this from the Scriptures,in previous essays. Heartfelt Thanks to Jah and Christ,for all of You, with the spirit You show!

          • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-12-21 16:32:14

            Thanks for clarifying the blind eye. Mind you , who does the Bible say is behind the blinding (2 Cor 4;4) ?

  • Comment by lost in space on 2017-12-16 01:38:20

    Abuses of children-and domestic mates and the elderly continue to be an incredibly sad and sorry saga of betrayal of love and trust. PLEASE keep crying out for help if this is happening to you or anyone you know. Abuse affects people the rest of their lives.Thanks to Meleti for addressing this vital problem in our congregations and community.

  • Comment by lost in space on 2017-12-16 02:13:37

    See Recommendations 16 under Religious Institutions in the ARC Final Recommendations to Institutions.

    • Reply by Psalmbee on 2017-12-16 08:32:22

      Three recommendations for the JW's and all three go against Biblical ordinances. No way they are gonna comply with those recommendations. GB probably high fived each other when they saw that.

  • Comment by Truth-Seeker on 2017-12-16 03:34:46

    A stern indictment, Meliti! I agree with it so whole-heartedly that it hurts!

  • Comment by Psalmbee on 2017-12-16 09:03:58

    Meleti, you mentioned that you didn't feel like there is enough positive and constructive Bible study here as of yet. I want to be the first to apologize for any loose conduct I may have displayed.(1 Tim 4:6,7). I respect this site and want to keep it respectful. You do an outstanding job keeping this site clean. Thank you!

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-12-16 09:40:22

      Thank you, Psalmbee. I appreciate your comments as well. Interesting alias by the way.

      • Reply by Psalmbee on 2017-12-16 10:47:47

        Yeah, I don't know where, why or how things pop into my head, maybe it's (1Cor 2:13) or maybe it's (Is 45:7). One thing I do know for sure is that I'm a sinner and I'm guilty until proven or judged innocent. I also feel like the Apostle Paul in the case of (Phm 1:1)!

  • Comment by John of ARC on 2017-12-16 14:25:27

    The Org’s application of Isaiah 32:2, as mentioned above, has agonized me over the years. What a relief, that Isaiah 32:2 likely refer to Christ, and not JW elders.

  • Comment by Joseph Anton on 2017-12-17 08:32:07

    1 Peter 2: 13-17 - "13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, 14 or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.
    15 For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men.
    16 [Act] as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but [use it] as bondslaves of God. 17 Honor all men; love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king."

    • Reply by John of ARC on 2017-12-17 13:36:15

      Will the Vatican submit itself to authorities before Warwick does? Alea iacta est.

      (Then they only need to rectify belief in trinity, immortal soul, hell etc. etc. Still, it bodes well for Catholic children wrt. abuse)

      • Reply by Psalmbee on 2017-12-17 14:18:13

        John of ARC, the simply answer to that question is a resounding NO, the way I see it, is neither of the two are gonna submit to anything. Satan never submits. The Great Harlot that "sits upon many waters" is laughing at such small talk. To say it deserves "serious consideration" is in other words saying "Hell No"!!

        • Reply by John of ARC on 2017-12-17 16:06:40

          You may very well be right, Psalmbee. However, publicly admitting the problem ( being the worlds larges church by numbers), is still not something JW has done, apart from Jackson weakly admitting it to the ARC by saying that old procedures have been updated, indicating the older ones were not that good... what I would like to hear, is a statement from JW Broadcast, saying that “the org has failed miserably protecting ‘orphans and widdows’, and that such and such actions will be taken to mend the problems, and a sincere apology to victims, for failing to protect them.” (James 1:27). They should also apologize calling people apostates for not tolerating lax handling of child abuse.
          The Society has said it is not responsible for the abuse of children under it’s wings. by setting itself up as a high control religion with its judicial committees and internal rules, it makes it (at least morally) responsible for it’s members and their children. They themselves are tearing the social contract with their (weakest) members into pieces by sending back the responsibility to parents, and lambasting victims that leave the org.
          (That being said, child abuse is a crime, calling on public authorities to investigate and punish perpetrators regardless, and professional help for the victims. Elders and bystander in the congregation should only reach out with love to the victims. Nothing more. Nothing less.)

          From Herald Tribune:
          “Canberra and Goulburn archbishop Christopher Prowse said reform has been underway but the commission’s final report “marks the line in the sand”.
          “We can only right the wrongs through actions.””

  • Comment by Smoldering Wick on 2017-12-17 13:10:55

    "But you, do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your Teacher, and all of you are brothers." Mt.23:8

    Our biggest problem has always been that we were denied to partake of Christ. This has separated us from him and the spirit only he can distribute through his mediation. No one is more to blame than those who propagate this while knowing it to be false.

  • Comment by Gogetter on 2017-12-21 17:47:48

    Reading this I wonder how many Elders sat through this presentation and wondered what was really going on in the organization concerning child abuse.
    How many if any, even know about the ARC meetings and the testimony of Geoffrey Jackson. Or even the multi millions of payouts to victims and fines because of the Two Witness rule or failure to apply Rom. 13 in these cases.
    I bet that it was never mentioned from the platform as a point of reference for this presentation.
    I also wonder how the poor Elder who was awake to the real situation and obviously supplied this talk outline was able to sit through this without standing up in the middle of the room and scream. (But thankful he was for us here to have the inside info)
    The GB have become much like the North Korea Rulership the people are in total isolation from the outside world and believe everything they are told through fear, starvation, complete information control and propaganda.
    The only difference is the majority of the R&F and especially the Elders have self-imposed information control out of fear of 7 GB members ( and Apostates) who have convinced all that they,NOT Jesus hold the key to salvation.
    I’m confident that the GB and their helpers are in all out panic mode, just look at the push for more control and the increase of nonsensical teachings (1919/ generations etc.) no more types / antitypes, But still teaching types/ antitypes (recent CLAM meetings)the signs are all there.

    Be ready my brothers and sisters when it all comes down and it will, for the refugees from the organization will be great indeed.

    Thank Jehovah and his Son for Meleti and this place of refuge it will be surely needed even more in the future.

    • Reply by wild olive on 2017-12-21 22:28:58

      I think your right GG
      There will indeed be refugees from JWorg, I believe that's why we are here, to help them when JWorg collapses .
      I don't want in anyway for this to be a self righteous indictment , but who is going to be in a postion to help these when the inevitable happens? Is listening to more talks on JW broadcasts on obedience going to help?
      Many will realise they have no "standing before the son of man" Luk 21: 36 . Many will be stumbled because of this , that's happened already to the many who have become atheists because of the actions of JWorg , but the worst is to come Mat 24:10 .
      We who are seeking truth will be the ones who " shine as the sun" Mat 13:43 , not because we are special, but we will have " oil in our lamps " Mat 25:4, we will be able to direct these lost ones to the "true light" Joh1:9 and be blessed for doing so, I know this because I tried to get disfellowshipped and somehow it didn't come off , it's like Jesus said not yet there is more to do in my name where you are, not outside. Just some food for thought .

      • Reply by Ludavid on 2017-12-21 23:56:50

        "We who are seeking truth will be the ones who ” shine as the sun” Mat 13:43 , not because we are special, but we will have ” oil in our lamps ” Mat 25:4, we will be able to direct these lost ones to the “true light” Joh1:9 and be blessed for doing so, I know this because I tried to get disfellowshipped and somehow it didn’t come off , it’s like Jesus said not yet there is more to do in my name where you are, not outside. Just some food for thought".

        Wonderfuly put together!
        I think that many of us have had same experience and developed same line of reasoning.
        Mabe it is, not becouse we are special, but becouse some inclination of ours harts and God's spirit that operates in us.
        Just something for deep meditation and self scrutiny.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-12-22 10:10:15

        I believe you and Ludavid are on to something, GoGetter.

    • Reply by John of ARC on 2017-12-23 08:52:47

      Thanks for sharing your reflections, Gogetter. I concur. In the near past I shared some of my grievances with two current elders of the not too brainwashed kind. it was awkward, because they seemed to agree with most of what I said. No real counter arguments. their coping strategy is sticking their head in the sand wrt inconvenient truths, “as they see nowhere else to go”. As we rounded up the conversation, I said as you did above, that I would not be surprised that the org would implode before the end. One of them even accept that as a possibility. Gives me hope that many more (who still have not searcherd for information outside the org’a vicinity) would be taking the kool aid uncritically.

      Ps: None of them has contacted me afterwards to correct my thinking. Just one of them had wagely heard about ARC’s child abuse work and Jackson’s testimony.

  • Comment by rusticshore on 2018-05-12 09:41:21

    W​hen we consider the vast number of difficulties the Governing Body is faced with when it comes to defending themselves against the secular authorities, they often defer to the scriptures to proclaim they are under persecution, that such may be expected of true followers of Christ. Such was the case with the Australia Royal Commission and its definitive investigation (as well as a plethora of other criminal investigations worldwide in the child abuse problems prevalent in the organization) into severe atrocities against child abuse in the organization, and the UNSCRIPTURAL stand taken by the Governing Body to defend themselves. Not long after, they spoke of being persecuted for what they call, a scriptural stand on the subject of child abuse, giving little to no attention to the pandemic problem with this in the organization, going back decades!

    ​However, I saw the recorded video(s) of the Royal Australia Commission investigation, including the interview of Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson. Anyone who witnessed this legal investigation would easily see that the Royal Australia Commission (a "secular authority" under God), was exceedingly respectful, polite, and very diplomatic in the manner in which they addressed brother Jackson. I was amazed at the level of calmness, directness, and subtlety the officials were in directing the matter - a matter that had resulted of no less than one thousands separate cases of child abuse in Australia - because of the unscriptural stand the Governing Body has taken and refuses to correct at unbelievable pain and trauma to the victims and their families!

    ​And there are many proclamations made by the Governing Body over the decades that they are the object of "persecution" by the authorities because of their Christian stand. But this is nothing more than an unholy and vastly inappropriate grandstanding by the Governing Body, that is, in manipulating the members of the organization in believing that they are being persecuted, when in fact, they are not! The Governing Body has a long history of making decisions that have resulted in much pain and suffering to many thousands of members through the decades. Such was the case in Malawi in the late sixties and seventies. The Governing Body had made decisions for the members on certain official things that robbed the Witnesses in Malawi to make a decision based on their individual Christian conscience, mind you, as God's Word allows. They made official decisions that resulted in thousands of our brothers and sisters being persecuted, raped, murdered, and forced from their homes and lands - only to find later (16 years later) the Governing Body reversing its decision on certain political parameters (i.e. selective service, Mexican cardilla etc) after the dust had settled.

    ​And again, this has been the status quo down to our day. We see it profoundly when it comes to the Governing Body crying "foul." Again, it is their claim that the secular authorities are persecuting them. The Governing Body is the epitome of something a movie director once stated about war. He said: "They call this war a cloud over the land. But they made the weather and then they stand in the rain and say: 'Shit, its raining!'" And this is exactly what we see with regard to child abuse and the massive investigations and monetary sanctions being leveled against the Governing Body! They made the weather, by once again, misapplying scriptures and purposely ignoring other scriptures to keep their current rules on child abuse handling by overseer's in tact. But when they are called to account by "God's ministers for justice," they scream bloody murder and quickly defer to persecution as the issue.

    ​What is expressed above is nothing more than charlatan behavior by the leadership! Yes . . . they are scriptural charlatans! Back in the days of Jerusalem, there were those who were pottery makers who created beautiful clay cylinders, vases etc. But during the drying process sometimes the pottery would reveal slight cracks in the pottery. The businessmen who were honest would discard them, or perhaps sell them at a cheaper price. The businessmen who were dishonest would melt wax and fill the cracks. After the wax had dried they would repaint the pottery so that it looked perfect. The wax concealing the cracks was not easily visible. Later, when the buyer would set the pottery in the sun, the wax would melt revealing the cracks, clearly leading to the buyer to be very upset, knowing they had been conned by dishonest businessman. Yes, the maker was nothing more than a charlatan!

    ​Likewise, the Governing Body, by their printed material, referencing certain biblical passages (but withholding others), as well as presenting a kind face along with a pleasant smile on JW Broadcasting, deceive the members in to buying the lie! And until the member decides to research the scriptures more deeply, they may never realize that what has been sold to them is nothing more than an intellectual deception held together with wax-like fraudulent efforts to deceive!

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