Podcasts on iTunes

– posted by meleti
Hello everyone.

I've had a number of requests to publish our podcasts on iTunes.  After some work and research, I've managed to do that.  The recordings attached to each post from here on out will contain a link that will allow you to subscribe to our iTunes podcast.  This podcast will include not only the reading of our articles, but the audio portion of our videos.  The videos themselves will be available on YouTube.

Here is the Apple Podcast link.  It should be noted that each upload goes into an approval queue, so while the audio recording will be immediately available on this website, the iTunes podcast recording may take a little time to appear.

Your brother in Christ,

Meleti Vivlon

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  • Comment by BrotherNicodemus on 2018-02-21 21:51:41

    How do you do it? Great job. I've watched them all twice.
    However, I have a little trouble with understanding chapter 24 and 25. That a greatest tribulation ever vs21 is not the same as the great tribulation.
    Also the word "then" is used throughout Matt 24 like vs 30 and 31 pointing to the end with Jesus coming.
    Also after vs 34 about a GT, vs 36 says "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows" speaking of Jesus coming.
    So I am confused. Could it be Jesus was speaking vaguely and layering his answer to include both 70 ce and Jesus coming at the end?
    Matt 24 and 25 are so confusing to me.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2018-02-22 17:21:36

      There are still some things, like the use of "then" and "immediately after" that cause uncertainty. For now, I'm happy to see that the generation does not have a secondary fulfillment, that the reference to wars, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes is a warning not a sign we're in the last days, and that Jesus will appear visibly when he finally arrives. That's the important stuff.

      • Reply by BrotherNicodemus on 2018-02-22 23:20:16

        Ok thanks Eric.

  • Comment by Mike Felker on 2018-02-22 07:37:15

    You did it! Thank you for getting this on iTunes. My drives will be much more intellectually fulfilling now :-)

  • Comment by Joseph Anton on 2018-02-22 17:44:20

    I drive almost three hours a day to and from work. This time I use to listen to a variety of podcasts - mostly to increase my knowledge and expand my understanding. I'm extremely happy you're releasing a podcast. For those of us on the road YouTube is not an option. Thank you Eric.

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