2018, May 28 – June 3, Our Christian Life and Ministry

– posted by Tadua

Treasures from God’s Word and Digging for Spiritual Gems – “Avoid becoming ensnared by Fear of Man” (Mark 13-14)

Bible Study (bhs 181-182 para 17-18)

This item is about the privilege of prayer. As per usual, unsubstantiated statements and claims are made, such as “Jehovah uses angels and his servants on earth to provide the answer to our prayers (Hebrews 1:13-14)” This cited scripture does not support that statement. Verse 13 is discussing Jesus (who is sitting at God’s right hand). Verse 14 is talking about the angels being used by God for holy service sent to serve those about to inherit salvation. But that does not make it clear that the angels will provide the answer to our prayers, nor does it even allude to other servants of God on earth. This is not to argue against the statement, but rather to show that once again no care to support statements, claims and conclusions is taken.

This then becomes a big problem when the paragraph continues “There are many examples of people who prayed for help in understanding the Bible and shortly after that received a visit from one of Jehovah’s Witnesses”. Now the statement is likely correct, however, the statement does not prove anything, but the inference intended because of the context is that the visit of one of Jehovah’s Wtinesses is a result of the angels. However, there is no evidence to link the “answers to our prayers” with “a visit from one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.” All religions claim examples of this, so the question is, is there anything that clearly identifies Jehovah’s Witnesses being used exclusively and that the angels specifically direct people to the Organization as opposed to any other religion? The veracity of this statement depends on a number of things such as:

  1. It was not a co-incidence of timing, caused by time and unforeseen occurrence. (Ecclesiastes 9:11)

  2. Jehovah is using the organization (inclusively or exclusively) to accomplish his purpose.

  3. Jehovah’s Witnesses are teaching the truth of God’s word and the correct Good news and hence God would direct people to them.

“Jehovah can also motivate someone who comments at a meeting to say what we need to hear or an elder in the congregation to share a point from the Bible with us. (Galatians 6:1)”

Of course Jehovah can do that, but that is not what Galatians says. There it does not mention God, nor elders, but rather spiritually minded and mature brothers (and sisters) who are aware (hence they know their fellow brothers and sisters) that a brother is taking a false step and doesn’t realize it, to help that one realize their false step, so they can make the needed adjustment if they desire.

The only statements that have substance are that “Jehovah also uses the Bible to answer our prayers and to help us to make wise decisions. When we read the Bible, we may find scriptures that will help us.”

However the wording is poor, and seems to be trying to play down the importance of reading the Bible so that Jehovah can help us through his word, when it says “we may find” almost implying we will be fortunate to find the helpful scripture. It seems not surprisingly, that the Organization would prefer us to listen to someone’s comments at the meeting or more likely an elder’s counsel than read the Bible.  After all, reading the Bible for ourselves and understanding it for ourselves amounts to independent thinking, something the organization condemns.

“Jehovah will help you be bold” – Video

The video is fine while discussing the Israelite girl who spoke to Naaman, but then the whole aim is revealed at the end. The whole aim of this video is, not to help children to be bold to speak about the hope from the Bible or share an upbuilding or helpful verse from the Bible with their schoolmates, but rather to place the literature of the Organization. It also perpetuates the misleading teaching that we can only become God’s friend. Think how much more exciting and encouraging it would be, to be told that we can become sons and daughters of God, rather than just friends.



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  • Comment by Psalmbee on 2018-05-28 15:58:23

    I always thought they go out in twos when going door to door. Am I mistaken?

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2018-05-28 16:04:47

      Yep !

      • Reply by Psalmbee on 2018-05-28 16:19:21

        So now I'm guessing that the more experienced ones go to the doors of the homes they have never been to by his or her self? Is that correct?

        • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2018-05-28 17:53:11

          I never worked with anyone once I reached the age that I could say no. I was ok when my children were small... I could speak with them alongside me, but working with other JWs terrified me all my life.

          So long as I had someone working the road with me I was fine. I literally couldn't speak with someone alongside me. I would work along with my husband but he would do all the doors, then I would go on my own to a couple to do my bit.
          When I gave up going on " the doors" it was like I'd been set free. The freedom from fear is precious.

          There is what I would call silent peer pressure to work as twos, but you do get the occasional difficult one who prefers to work alone. ??

          • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2018-05-30 03:37:53

            A driving test is a very good analogy Brain. ?
            I remember one sister older than me ( lovely sister but a bit of a battle axe) gave me counsel on every door I did for a whole morning. I was 19. I never worked with her again! ?

            Once, I went to the group in the week by myself when my husband was working. I got assigned to work with the Ministerial Servant who was taking the group. I actually got on well with him because we’d sort of grown up in the truth together, but when we drove to the territory, he drove left and I drove right.... home! ??

            I apologised later but that was the end of me trying to comply with expectations in the ministry. Be happy I’m here, I’d say and no thanks I don’t need a partner.
            Awkward Annie, maybe I should have used that as an alias!

        • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2018-05-28 17:56:46

          I don't quite get what you mean by your question Psalmbee.
          Most doors are ones we haven't been to before, whether we're on our own or with a partner. People move regularly and territory areas are huge. I would say that in 40 years I only knew the householders of a few homes. Every door was new territory.
          Ha, the spell correct wanted to put new terror.

          • Reply by Psalmbee on 2018-05-29 17:22:04

            Thank you for the explanation Martha, I was always under the impression that they went out as a pair, mainly for safety reasons.

  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2018-05-28 18:05:18

    Good reasoning Tadua, thank you.
    The idea of prayers being answered has always bothered me. For every JW who believes their prayer was answered there will be more who have asked and not received an answer. Repeatedly. So what kind of God is partial and picks at random those he will answer?
    As you said, there are people from other religions who fervently believe their prayers were answered.
    Either God answers prayers of some, when he feels like it, of any religion or none, or most things are chance and coincidence.
    I've come to believe the latter is more likely. Otherwise, we would have a Father who is unfair. Which isn't true.
    To me these unsubstantiated statements are just mind fodder to feed the poor brothers and sisters who need to believe it, or who can't see through the razzle dazzle that keeps them a captive audience.

    • Reply by Warp Speed on 2018-05-28 19:11:18

      Hi Martha,

      Hope you and your husband are doing well. Always encouraged by your comments.? This point you make about some prayers seemingly being answered while others are not has always intrigued me.

      Indeed, I believe some things are just pure coincidence at times. It is a subject that I need to study and research more for sure....

      • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2018-05-28 20:58:49

        Hi WS and family!
        We’re doing just fine thanks for asking. ?
        Hubby and I have had some intriguing conversations over the years and done much studying on prayer. It’s one of our recurring convos! To be honest I don’t understand it from the aspect of answers to prayers. I get it that we can read the scripture and find comfort or advice. Further than that though... what can be proved?

        Do you remember the experience ( I think it was in a broadcast way back) about the sand that was needed to build a KH on an island and none was to be had? Then a typhoon dumped a load of sand just in time for the hall to be built. The brother giving the talk suggested that this was Gods answer to their prayers. That typhoon killed people in other places. In fact I seem to recall that witnesses were killed. Were they not praying? Was sand for a KH more important than saving lives?
        It turns prayer into a lottery and I don’t like it when the GB throws around these suggestions. All it does is make Jehovah look mean and fickle.

        And yet the Bible tells us to pray. Jesus told us to pray. So it must have some effect. Someone told me that when we pray it activates a certain part of our brain that has a calming and enlightening effect. That’s putting it very simply... I don’t remember the scientific details.
        I wonder sometimes whether God designed us to need to pray and that it would make us feel better., that our brains can tap into the divine in some way.

        All in all, it’s a great puzzlement!

        Good to hear from you. Say hello to Mrs WS from me and Mr Martha ?

  • Comment by Amitafal on 2018-05-29 03:45:55

    Thank you Tadua for your hard work in writing these articles. You really make the point clear and keep to scriptures and give me something to think on.
    I too used to feel Jehovah had answered my prayers, especially when they seemed so specific. I used to have arguments with my husband about this as he didn’t believe they had been answered and I did. As time passed and we both left the Org, my thoughts have changed somewhat and I feel inclined now to believe that it was coincidence to some degree and that I did things in my power to manoeuvre events so they happened. As you say there are many examples of non JWs praying and feeling their prayers heard.
    I do feel however that Philippians 4:6,7 is very true, having prayed fervently at times when deeply distressed or near to that so called “breaking point”, and then a calmness comes over me and all seems clearer. However that is just my opinion.

    • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2018-05-29 04:06:16

      Well said Amitafal

      My experiences match yours exactly. I still pray to praise and express gratitude and occasionally if something is really bothering me I will ask if it’s possible for assistance.

      If things happen to work out as I asked, I say thank you. Even if it wasn’t divine intervention I’m still grateful for the outcome. ?

      Also, Philippians 4:6,7 is definitely true. I wonder though, if that isn’t describing the physical effects of praying that I mentioned before. It would still be from Jehovah because he made us that way.

      Love from Martha

    • Reply by Tadua on 2018-05-29 08:02:44

      Hi Amitafal
      Like Martha I have personally found Philippians 4:6,7 to be true. However there is a big difference between God helping us deal with situations through his Holy Spirit when we have personally asked for him to help us and God manoeuvring events in our favour, perhaps effectively forcing those with opposing opinions or no faith in God to go against their own will. From my current understanding of this subject (which is a work in progress) based on the scriptural record it seems God only manoeuvres people and events to ensure his primary purposes and prophecies are not thwarted by Satan. He also helps people who pray for help to cope with situations, but beyond that I am skeptical. If he answered many prayers then he would be removing the free will of others, i.e situations like that of Baalam are not normal practice.
      For instance in elders meetings if one prays for Holy Spirit for guidance and unity and yet a strong minded elder gets his way against scriptural principle is Jehovah blessing and answering the prayer by working through that individual? That would be illogical. In my experience Prayer for the right thing will not be answered by God forcing headstrong individuals to do the right thing. Just some thoughts on the subject.

  • Comment by Maria on 2018-05-30 05:40:50


    "but when we drove to the territory, he drove left and I drove right…. home! ??"

    Well you have me in stitches over that LOL.

    And feeling 19, well I wish I was ;)

    Warm regards,

    • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2018-05-30 17:52:42

      I wish I was 19 too. Not in wisdom though, I like being a wise old woman. We will be ageless one day though Maria, wise with our years but a body in perfect working order ..... In whatever fashion our Father decides. ?
      ( I'd really like to be a perfect woman as we were meant to be ... I've been waiting for that for 60 years!)
      Much love Maria,

  • Comment by Dajo on 2018-05-31 12:17:17

    Once again a very discerning review of the mid week meeting.
    Thanks Tadua

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