2018, June 25 – July 1, Our Christian Life and Ministry

– posted by Tadua

Treasures from God’s Word and Digging for Spiritual Gems – “Resist Temptations as Jesus did?” (Luke 4-5)

Bible Study (jl lesson 28)

Right at the end of this lesson is a paragraph headed “A Note of Caution:”

It states “Some Internet sites have been set up by opposers to spread false information about our organization. Their intent is to draw people away from serving Jehovah. We should avoid those sites. (Psalm 1:1, Psalm 26:4, Romans 16:17)”

Of course that caution may be true about some sites, but it is not the case for the sites I have seen. It definitely is not the case for this site. To back up their claim they should give the names of some of these sites along with quotes of the so-called “false information” and provide verifiable facts that those quotations are indeed false. In the absence of such proof, all these statements are just unverified assertions.

The sites they are really worried about are sites that spread true information about the Organization, since their only defense against the truth is to attack those who spread the truth about the organization with lies and slander.

In fact, sites like this one enable commenting, so that if someone cares to offer a different point of view, or point out an error, they can do so.  Why does JW.org not permit such a commenting feature?

We do not wish “to draw people away from serving Jehovah”, rather we wish to help those disillusioned by the teachings of the Organization or by the treatment received from it, to avoid losing their faith in God altogether. We want to help them find peace and continue serving God and Jesus Christ and benefit from the good news found in God’s word.

The authors of articles on this site want you, dear reader, to be Beroean-like and check for yourself that what is written is true. You should not take our word as truth.  We do not want you to replace the organization with us.  Using the Scriptures as your guide, you will find out who the “deceitful men” really are, so that you can “avoid those who hide what they are” (Psalm 26:4).

Social Networking – Avoid the pitfalls (video)

This is actually very good, both the message it carries and the presentation. It was also rather surprising in that the entire voiceover commentary was by a sister, rather the the usual ubiquitous brother. There were also two brief mentions of scripture. It you have family members particularly younger ones, this is actually well worth watching together.



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  • Comment by Alithia on 2018-06-25 21:10:45

    The Org thinks here that they are getting the first punch in.

    Also with Romans 16:17 in mind. In certain situations one way to avoid detection and being exposed is to hide in plain sight, so people will not suspect you.

    It is sites like this one that they refer to that they know and fear exposes them for the very things condemned by God and Jesus in Romans!!!

    • Reply by katrina on 2018-06-26 04:41:34

      Very well put Tadua especially

      The sites they are really worried about are sites that spread true information about the Organization, since their only defense against the truth is to attack those who spread the truth about the organization with lies and slander.

      In fact, sites like this one enable commenting, so that if someone cares to offer a different point of view, or point out an error, they can do so. Why does JW.org not permit such a commenting feature?"

  • Comment by Psalmbee on 2018-06-25 23:10:53

    Did anyone notice they used the word opposers in exchange for apostates? They forgot to mention that 99.9% of those opposers are former members and people who have dedicated most of their lives to the Org. Are they getting weak with their language or does it just seem that way?
    Personally I have not noticed a mass exodus, no more so than it has always been. Even with all the "opposers" spreading their message the one's hearing it are staying in more than getting out. Does anyone have any numbers to disprove what I'm saying?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2018-06-26 09:11:35

      Hi Psalmbee,

      My 'evidence' is anecdotal, but I would venture to say that there are many, many PIMOs out there just waiting for an opportunity to 'go elsewhere' without being cut off from their family and friends.

      Even now the bovine fecal matter is speeding toward the ventilation device. It may be in a long ballistic trajectory, but I'm confident that it will arrive on point in good time and then many will wake up at long last.

      • Reply by Psalmbee on 2018-06-26 10:23:45

        I like the way you so delicately put that Meleti, and it will be nice to see a big sign above the headquarters that reads "UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT" or "GRAND RE-OPENING".
        Perhaps more to the effect of what you said "FINAL BLOWOUT SALE".

        What about that word opposers, what's your take on that? Is it the same as apostate
        or should it fall under a different category? Should we not be concerned with such minor implications?

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2018-06-26 10:49:23

          I tend to think they are using opposers as an all encompassing term to include ex-JWs as well as "worldly people". They have the entrenched mentality of a cult, and I'm beginning to think there is such a thing as institutional narcissism in which everybody must be wrong because we--the collective--are right.

          • Reply by AndereStimme on 2018-06-27 12:29:41

            They may be using the term "opposers" so as to include PIMOs and faders in the list of "dangerous unlisten-to-ables". After all, the undisfellowshipped among us still have access and are therefore very unsafely positioned. Perhaps that's why the term "opposers" is less ungood than "apostates".

      • Reply by Gogetter on 2018-06-27 05:35:34

        I agree 100% with the PIMO situation. I have made an effort to determine that for myself over the last several years by just asking very innocent thought provoking questions for example asking a brother,sister, elder to explain the new light on the “overlapping”generations as I’m having difficultly explaining it to others. As of today no one has even attempted to do so! My comments back to them “how are we to teach Bible students this core teaching if we can’t even understand it? Their look speaks volumes and you can tell they are extremely bothered by this. That is a seed planted!
        I have no fear bringing up the ARC testimony of Br Jackson , I mean after all that wasn’t an Apostate impersonator on the video was it? And all those elders and a GB member that were testifying, we can’t call it Apostate propaganda and thus we can safely view these proceedings!
        I point out the fact that the Organization has spent millions on child abuse lawsuits, many are surprised and shocked and several have personally told me (including my active wife) that they will no longer donate funds to the branch only to the local Kingdom Hall expenses, they don’t want their hard earned money going toward that. ( Drying up funds to org yes! )
        So bottom line, although those are my local experience I would dare say this is happening worldwide and as TIME along with the internet is the Orgs worst enemy we will see a major movement of more PIMO’s that will of course stall this monster cult machine from moving forward.
        To support this just lookup the leaked videos on Of the organization’s bean counters, discussing the financial issues very telling indeed.
        (John Cedars YouTube)

      • Reply by standswithafist on 2018-06-30 12:40:46

        yes, absolutely...I am one of them. I am in good standing, though I dont go as often as I used to. I handle the microphones, and answer every meeting i go to, even if I dont mean it. I have 4 kids, and our family is considered exemplary, at least a little. We go about 75% of the time as a family, but I go about 50% of the time, mainly because I travel for work.

        the only one who knows how I feel is my wife, i have talked at length with her about it. To her credit, she hasn't turned me in. I regularly share articles and points from this site, and she listens for a little bit but doesn't agree with me.

        I would leave in a heartbeat if we could, but I am staying in for my family. In this zero sum game, they dont get to keep my family. I've been out mentally for 3 years now.....I can wait another 10.

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2018-06-26 12:06:37

      No mass exodus noticed around here, although I have heard of one or two elders stepping down. Many still seem to think the end is imminent, it is all so close, but then they will quote whatever is thrown at them.

      • Reply by Psalmbee on 2018-06-26 18:40:15

        I hear ya on that LJ, any comment on their soft language they have been using? Maybe some unwanted effects of political correctness that are affecting them? For example: mentally diseased, demon infested apostates in exchange for opposers? Or it used to be, beware of Satan and his demons, but now it's "stay spiritually strong against the evils of the World". Am I wrong? Is this the way they are being progressive?

  • Comment by LaRhonda T. on 2018-06-26 10:52:47

    Very interesting...I wonder if our dear Brother Wilson's videos are what they're talking about? Seems to me that Watchtower leadership is doing a lot more "surveillance work" than they are admitting to. Borean Pickets does so much good in helping people like me to fully understand the Scriptures, make up my own mind and have an in-depth study of the Scriptures. I can't thank you enough.Personally< I think they are going to go back to telling Witnesses to 'stay away from the internet' and we will probably see a mass exodus from Facebook sometime in the near future, I'm pretty sure it will be mentioned at this summers' conventions.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2018-06-26 14:00:38

    JW.org will not say the names of those websites. They are too scared that some will start looking at them if they ever name them. And as for false information, there is misleading stuff (e.g shunning) on their own website, not to mention the many teachings which they cannot support, and the half truths of history in the Rules book.
    Anyone who bothers to search under the heading fall of Jerusalem 607 BCE (Jehovahsjudgement. co.uk) will note that it begins with accusations against apostates. Who wrote the article is not stated, but it supports JW teaching 100% and attack’s everyone else. So, is this approved or apostate ?

    • Reply by samisaac on 2018-06-30 17:18:40

      I tend to think that there are both good, sites line Bp, rather friendly although disagreeing with wt doctrine, but in a polite and constructive way. But there are also not especially nice sites that maybe don’r exactly lie about Jw and even general Christian beliefs but rather present everything in a very emotional or sensational manner that may cause people to turn off their critical thinking. Of course I wouldn’t prohibit people to visit sites like those, but I didn’t feel that they bring me closer to the truth of the Bible and God. But I think it’s quite a stretch to include Bp in that category. Here we learn to study the deep truths of Gods word and we are not forced to believe an individual’s interpretation but rather pray for the spirit and discuss freely with others about the scriptures to gain understanding. Sorry for going on like this but IF they refer to Bp as ”apostate” (I don’t know if they do), it makes me really angry. Since when is it apostate to think that ALL christians can be seen as God’s children? This and other truths have been put forth from the Bible. Thank you Meleti, Tadua, Eleasar, Anderestimme and others. Without you I would’ve surely turned atheist or agnostic by now.

      • Reply by Dajo on 2018-06-30 18:30:49

        Yes I agree with all you have said Sam. The same would be true for me. What I find ironic is that some of us cannot even express how we feel to our loved ones who are still involved. They very conveniently use the term apostate as a go to word that they misapply, misquote even slander ones like myself who have woken up to their shenanigans...!
        I can’t even find the word apostate in the Bible.
        Ok, I am not disfelloshipped - however what has happened is a cooling off of affections and warmth and not seeing some relatives and family as much. So what they are doing I call emotional shunning.
        I agree that some sites are just not worth spending time on as they encourage bitterness and you can usually tell them by the type of language that is permitted in the comments.

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