“Let Your Light Shine” to Glorify Jehovah

– posted by Tadua

[From ws 6/18 p. 21 – August 27 – September 2]

“Let your light shine before men, so that they may … give glory to your Father.”​—Matthew 5:16.

Before beginning our review, I would just like to draw attention to the non-study article that follows this study article in the Watchtower. It is entitled, “The Power of a Greeting”, discussing how greeting others can be beneficial for both them and us. It is unusually free of any hidden agenda or tailoring to the desires of the Organization, and therefore its contents are beneficial to us all.


The article opens with an attempt to show the Organization is growing and advancing. The first paragraph states “HOW thrilling it is to hear of increases that Jehovah’s people are experiencing.” It then goes on to give a couple of examples, that of Bible Studies and Memorial attendance.

However, this claim should raise questions in the minds of the brothers and sisters, because for the majority that is not what they experience locally. In many western lands Kingdom Halls are being sold off and congregations merged. Additionally how do we reconcile this claim with the following information?

The 2017 Service Year Report states:

During the 2017 service year, Jehovah’s Witnesses spent over $202 million in caring for special pioneers, missionaries, and circuit overseers in their field service assignments. Worldwide, a total of 19,730 ordained ministers staff the branch facilities”.

The 2016 Yearbook p. 176 shows:

“During the 2015 service year, Jehovah’s Witnesses spent over $236 million in caring for special pioneers, missionaries, and traveling overseers in their field service assignments.  Worldwide, a total of 26,011 ordained ministers staff the branch facilities.”

You will notice the great reductions. The monies used to care for those in assignments was reduced by $34 million, some 15% reduction. Additionally the branch staff reduced by over 6,250, some 24% reduction. If the Organization is growing at such a pace, why such dramatic reductions? Even if the suggestion of automation efficiencies is offered, surely they would need to maintain the staff and expenditures just to cope with anticipated increases.

The other question for consideration is: What brought this about? Most organization’s automated their processes a long time ago, along with the resulting downsizing.  Why is the Organization so far behind? Something does not add up in the picture that is being portrayed.  We are clearly not being told the whole story.

At the end of the paragraph we are told:

“Think of the millions of interested ones whom we welcomed at the Memorial.They could thus learn of the love that God expressed when he provided the ransom.​—1 John 4:9” (Par.1)

What did those who attended the Memorial learn? According to the paragraph it was all about God’s Love for providing someone to die as a ransom. But let us stop and think for one moment. Was it the memorial of God’s love? No, that was not the instruction Jesus gave. Jesus said “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19).  Jesus instituted it as the memorial of his death. Why not mention what love Jesus showed in making the sacrifice which was manifested by his willingness to give his life on behalf of the world? This appears to be part of a pattern in the majority of the Organization’s publications to marginalize Jesus. The cited scripture, 1 John 4:9 (which many Witnesses preparing this material sadly will not read), says:

“God sent his only-begotten Son into the world so that we might gain life through him.” (1 John 4:9)

Clearly, if Jesus had not been prepared to go through that harrowing and painful ordeal, then there would be no memorial, and no hope of everlasting life through him.

The theme scripture of the article is Matthew 5:16. So the best place to start in an examination of what Jesus meant is in the context of that verse. The immediate context, Matthew 5:14-16 reads:

“You are the light of the world. A city cannot be hid when located on a mountain.  15 People light a lamp and set it, not under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it shines on all those in the house.  16 Likewise, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens.” (Matthew 5:14-16)

What kind of illumination was Jesus referring to? Philippians 2:14-15 helps us when it mentions:

“Keep doing all things free from murmurings and arguments,  15 that YOU may come to be blameless and innocent, children of God without a blemish in among a crooked and twisted generation, among whom YOU are shining as illuminators in the world”. These verses are clearly talking about how one acts in a Christ-like manner, being “blameless and innocent …. among a crooked … generation.” (Phil 2:14, 15)

Strange that these verses from Philippians are not mentioned in the article.

In Matthew 5:3-11, the verses immediately prior to the passage we are discussing, every verse starts “Happy are …”

Jesus said “Happy are …“:

  • those conscious of their spiritual need.

  • those who mourn as they will be comforted.

  • the mild tempered.

  • those hungering for righteousness.

  • the merciful.

  • the pure in heart.

  • the peaceable.

  • those who are persecuted.

  • those reproached for Jesus' sake.

So like Philippians 2, Matthew 5 is clearly talking about our Christ-like actions that would stand out and show as a light to others that we are following Christ, to attract them to also follow him.

A similar passage to Matthew 5 is found in Luke 8:5-18. It is a parable about sowing seed on different grounds. The seed that falls on soil that is fine prospers as verse 15 states “after hearing the word with a fine and good heart, retain it and bear fruit with endurance.” Notice how a good heart is the key, and such ones retain the message from the word of God. Because they have a good heart and remember the message they go on to bear fruit with endurance. The message helps them practice the qualities that come from a worthy—attractively good and intrinsically good—heart.

Therefore, you would expect that the Watchtower article would be about at least one of these aspects, right? Sadly, no. The first heading is “Extend the Invitation.”

Extend the Invitation

This section sets the tone for most of the remainder of the article. We showed above that between Philippians and Matthew 5 we have 11 vital attributes to choose from to discuss as a fine work that would give glory to our Father in the heavens.

Which of these attributes did the article choose? Of the 13 attributes mentioned in these two scriptures which one is the theme of this WT article? None of them. It is ‘telling the good news’. Not only that, but they spend most of the paragraph (90 words plus) to highlight why we should view this as the most important of fine works, by referring to a 1925 Watchtower article (which does not cite a single scripture). On the basis of the quote from this 1925 WT article alone they present the conclusion:

“Clearly, one way we let our light shine is by preaching the good news and making disciples. (Matthew 28:19-20)” and as an afterthought, the way “In addition, we can glorify Jehovah by our Christian conduct” is limited to “our friendly smile and warm greeting” as we preach, and this says “much about who we are and what kind of God we worship.” (Par.4)

It certainly does tell us much about who the Organization is. It tells us a lot about the Organization that is teaching the following:

  • The understanding of Matthew 5:16 is based on a 1925 Watchtower article

  • The WT article quote contains no scriptures (cited, or quoted)

  • Our fine works are ‘behaving well in the ministry’

  • And having a “friendly smile and a warm greeting.”

Sorry, but that really is digging the bottom of the barrel in order to support the Organization’s view that preaching is the only thing that matters. ‘Desperate’ is a word that comes to mind followed by ‘unhelpful’.

Paragraph 5 opens with the reminder that “When you enter the house,” Jesus told his disciples, “greet the household.” (Matthew 10:12)”. This is good advice but it lacks any expansion on what to greet someone really meant.[i] That would have definitely been a helpful point to understand the full import of Jesus instruction.

We are then treated to reminders that Witnesses should know. Perhaps many are failing in this regard hence the reminders.

“Your positive, friendly manner as you explain why you are there can often allay a householder’s concern or ease his irritation. A pleasant smile is often the best introduction.” (Par.5)

Surely, if we are bringing the true good news, it would, by its nature, be positive, and we would be endeavouring to be friendly. Perhaps the problem is that Witnesses in general do not feel positive about preaching about Armageddon; or feel confident in proving Jesus began ruling in 1914; or feel able to explain the doctrine of the overlapping generations that allegedly means Armageddon is imminent.

Is it not the case that a false smile can be seen through by most householders? True smiles are the result of people inwardly happy at their lot in life and their outlook for the future. If there are no smiles then there are problems here too. Perhaps the problems are caused by

  • low income jobs due to obeying the Governing Body’s direction on no university education,

  • worries of failing health they did not expect to face in this system of things,

  • or lack of a retirement pension owing to a poor decision again based on the promise of the Organization that Armageddon would be here by 1975, then the end of the century, then imminent due to the GB members becoming elderly and hence near the end of the overlapping generation and so forth.

Any number of these factors and more could affect their desire to smile.

“A pleasant smile is often the best introduction. That has also proved true when brothers and sisters engage in public witnessing using a literature cart”.

 Now this is definitely valid counsel. In the course of my travel to work I pass brothers and sisters engaged in cart work almost daily. So many times I have been tempted to ask them if they left their Kingdom smile at home. So many look as if standing next to a trolley of Organization literature is the last thing they want to do.

Paragraph 6 then peddles the non-scripturally supported idea that letting ones light shine can be fulfilled by putting Bible literature on a table for people to see. Talking about an elderly couple it says, “They decided to let their light shine right outside their home.”

Booksellers can do exactly the same thing, but I am sure the Organization would not want to put them in the category of ‘illuminators’, despite the fact that the brothers and sisters are expected to pay, (sorry, donate) to cover the expense of the literature they generously gave away. This is not what Jesus had in mind when he spoke the words recorded in Matthew chapter 5.

At least paragraph 7 cites Deuteronomy 10:19 which is a good reminder to accept and show care and concern for foreign residents, or immigrants as they would be called today. However, are we not trivializing Moses' words by suggesting this applies to learning a few words of greeting in a foreign language so we could direct such foreign residents to a website.

Paragraph 8 contains the long awaited admission that the midweek “Life and Ministry meeting” out of which they have dropped the term ‘Christian’, is solely about ministry rather than ministry and Christian life when they say “Jehovah lovingly provides the Life and Ministry Meeting so that we can become more effective in the field ministry.” That is insulting Jehovah and what he is able to do. The quality of the current CLAM meeting is far inferior to its predecessor the Theocratic Ministry School. It is difficult to see any potential public speakers becoming trained by the current CLAM meeting. At least under the TMS brothers benefited from that training and even the sisters had to use ingenuity to keep their assignments fresh and interesting. Now it is the same format week in, week out.

Discussing meetings, paragraph 9 says:

Parents, help your children to let their light shine by teaching them to comment in their own words”.

That is a definitely needed reminder, but one that sadly applies to most adults as well. The goal put before them is made all the more difficult by the very prescriptive wording of the questions of the Watchtower and other publications which mean it is difficult to do anything but regurgitate part of the paragraph. Hardly conducive to answering in one’s own words. But then with less prescriptive questions undoubtedly the answers given may not support and agree with what the Organization is trying to teach in the Watchtower (as they might actually be solely based on the Bible) and they don’t want to allow that to happen. True Christian freedom of expression is not allowed.

Promoting Unity

Paragraph 10 suggests “Another way to let your light shine is by promoting unity in your family and in your congregation. One way parents can do so is by arranging for a regular Family Worship program.

Promoting unity is another thing that was not in the list of fine works mentioned in Matthew. However promoting unity to a good extent is a commendable course of action. How arranging for a regular Family Worship program would promote unity other than that all the family is doing it, is not clear. Especially when the main suggestion for material is watching yet more TV this time in the form of JW Broadcasting as the next sentence in the article suggests: “Many include watching JW Broadcasting sometime during the month”.

Paragraph 11 suggests taking an interest in older ones, but it should extend to much more than asking them for an experience.

Paragraph 12 suggests “You can also show understanding to those whose health and circumstances limit what they can do.” This too is a good suggestion but it should be applied to far more than the suggested helping them to preach. What about jobs around their house and garden they are no longer able to do?

Paragraph 14 says “Ask yourself: ‘How do my neighbors view me? Do I keep my home and property tidy, thus reflecting well on the neighborhood?” Again this seems to be a regular suggestion which would indicate it may be a problem. How can we keep our home and property neat and tidy when the vast majority of our time is spent in secular work, meeting assignments, preparation and attendance and field service and getting food for the household? When all this has been completed, then there is little time to do anything to the house and property, and no energy left to do it with. Such is the treadmill we end up on when striving to be Witnesses and carrying all the extra imposes burdens.

Keep on the Watch

Paragraph 15 addresses yet another so-called aspect of letting our light shine that is not mentioned in Matthew 5. That of continuing to preach. It states:

Jesus repeatedly exhorted his disciples: “Keep on the watch.” (Matthew 24:42; Matthew 25:13; Matthew 26:41) Obviously, if we believe that the “great tribulation” is a long way off, that it will come sometime but not in our lifetime, we will lack a sense of urgency with regard to the preaching work. (Matthew 24:21)

Here, we have the result of continually crying wolf when there is no wolf.[ii] Eventually, those who without the continued false calls would have continued staying alert, have now become so tired with all the ‘high alerts’ that they have lost their drive when alerted once again. In each of these scriptures cited “(Matthew 24:42; Matthew 25:13; Matthew 26:41)” Jesus not only exhorted us to stay on the watch but also told us the reason why, “because you know neither the day nor the hour.” However the Governing Body make it clear that they know better than Jesus Christ, as they have been telling us for a lifetime that Armageddon is imminent as a brief search of Watchtower online library will reveal.

  • we know that we face the imminent end of the present world system.” w52 12/1 pp. 709-712 - The Watchtower—1952 (66 years ago!)

  • it is warnings, now being broadcast earth wide, of an imminent world destruction​—Armageddon—​that we are talking about. w80 12/1 pp. 3-7 - The Watchtower—1980 (38 years ago)

  • It is similar with God’s warning message about the imminent “storm wind” of Armageddon. (Proverbs 10:25) g05 7/8 pp. 12-13 - Awake!—2005 (13 years ago)

  • Soon, God’s Kingdom will bring an end to these last days with the war of Armageddon. w15 11/1 pp. 7-8 - The Watchtower—2015 (3 years ago)

We could go on, but the above selection will suffice to highlight the continual cry of ‘wolf’ or Armageddon over the past 70 years alone which is a lifetime for most people.

When paragraph 17 claims “We are letting our light shine to an extent that could not have been imagined previously” then we wonder how exactly?

  • By preaching? When we are not preaching truth?

  • By Christian actions? Questionable. How so, when we hear more and more reports in the newspapers of mishandling of child sexual abuse problems? How so, when we hear of the sale of LDC equipment which can be and is used for flood and storm relief? Need we go on?

The final paragraph (20) starts:

”Happy is everyone who fears Jehovah, who walks in His ways” sang the psalmist. (Psalm 128:1)” It appears God’s ways, letting our light shine solely consist of “let your light shine – by inviting others to serve God, by conducting yourself in a way that promotes unity, and by maintaining a watchful attitude …Others will see your fine works, and many will be moved to give glory to our Father. – Matthew 5:16).”

What a contrast to Jesus encouragement. He said in Matthew 5:3-10

 “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.
 “Happy are those who mourn, since they will be comforted.
 “Happy are the mild-tempered, since they will inherit the earth.
 “Happy are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness, since they will be filled.
 “Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy.
 “Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God.
 “Happy are the peacemakers, since they will be called sons of God.
10  “Happy are those who have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake, since the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.”

These were the fine works he was referring to in Matthew 5:16. Let us earnestly make every effort to manifest these qualities instead, as these are the ones that will cause others to “give glory to your Father who is in the heavens.”


[i] Please see the article on this site entitled “The Peace of God that excels all” for a fuller explanation of what greeting meant in the 1st Century AD.

[ii] Crying wolf is an expression derived from a story https://www.knowyourphrase.com/cry-wolf

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  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2018-08-30 00:37:53

    Greetings to all. ?
    I’ve been away and am returned to England a lot browner ? ? and educated about a very different part of the world.
    It’s good to see you all.

    Thank you Tadua, another enjoyable read.
    This business of letting one’s light shine, and the hubris of the org saying how well they’re doing in that regard, suddenly made me think of an old practice from Cornwall and Devon.

    It was called Wrecking.
    Cornwall’s rocky coast led to many wrecks in the old days. Communities along the coast would go out in force to salvage the wreckage, and eke out a living from what they found. Nowadays it’s called marine salvage and is regulated.

    Legends arose of deliberate wreckings, caused by setting a false light that would confuse the crew, and lure a ship onto the rocks, where the wreckers would be waiting to collect the booty and spirit it away before the Revenue Men could arrest them.
    Whether it really happened or not isn’t known, but if you have a love of the sea and have visited Cornwall you will know about Wreckers.

    My point is that those (fictitious?) wreckers let their light shine. They were experts at letting their light shine and they could boast about it just as the org does in this article. But to what end? The light that has been shining for the last century and more, is a false light. And it has drawn people to a rocky end for many years. A false light drawing people in to a wrecked faith.

    So boast if you like, GB and Org. You’ve fooled some people into thinking you are the source of true light and led them away from the real light, our Lord.
    Our Lord sees all and hears all and our Father in Heaven does too. There’s no hiding from them. You will be held to account for the “light” you’re so proud of.

    • Reply by wild olive on 2018-08-30 18:06:54

      Love your story of the sea Martha. Those same "wreckers" also existed on the Bass Strait islands down here in Aus, to this day they are still very much a " closed" community, and all sorts of shenanigans still go on in Bass Strait and the west coast of Tasmania, a wild isolated place. They used to be called moon cussers , because a moon lit night prevented their illegal activities from taking place.
      A ship called the Farsund was wrecked in Bass Strait and was rumoured to be a victim of the moon cussers, look up the wreck on google , its spectacular, I got to sail to it about 29 years ago.
      Maybe a new name for the GB , moon cussers ???

      • Reply by Alithia on 2018-08-31 17:50:43

        Wow WO just what I was thinking! There was a TV series when I was about 10 years old that had that title and they were doing that very thing. Although it was set in England, all about contraband and shipwrecks.

        How appropriate as an illustration! The Og has done just that, drawn people to a light in this bedarkened world but the results is for many only "shipwreck" of their faith.

        I suppose the question in many people's mind is for those, after making it safely to shore; what are our personal obligations and how do we go forward with any possible rescue of those who have founded on the rocks of illusion and misdirection.

  • Comment by huang on 2018-08-31 10:41:26

    GB generate more heat than light with their prophetic utterings. In paragraph 15 When Jesus said “Keep on the watch” he meant to be vigilant. Certainly he did not mean to pick a date (year) then focus all our expectations on it
    In 1974: "Reports were heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning .. pioneer service in the short time remaining before the wicked world's end. Some postponed surgery or cashed in their insurance policies to prepare for Armageddon. Of course nothing happened in 1975 except for a lot of disappointment. So Jesus’ words “Keep on the watch” should be balanced by what he next said, “ because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming ” We simply do not know and just have to be vigilant.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2018-08-29 05:50:13

    WT reply to a recent query to WTBTS concluded with "focus on this never to be repeated assignment". How can anyone focus on such a work if scripture based answers to serious questions, which are quite likely to be raised in the house to house work, are avoided, or only answered with reference to logic based on skewed interpretations in WT publications.
    It seems that, more and more, the whole focus is on preaching and how JWs appear to others outside of the Organisation. What happened to truth ?

    • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2018-08-30 00:40:16

      Exactly, Leonardo. ?

    • Reply by Alithia on 2018-08-31 17:55:40

      The Watchtower likes to have it both ways. The make the claim that they have the objective truth around all things spiritual, and yet to bolster their failed predictions and constantly changing belief system they ascribe to the present post-modernist general world view that truth is a subjective thing. It can change and a develop subject to the changing of time and environment. A nonsense of course, and many are starting to sense this in the Org either consciously or otherwise that this is stretching credulity to the limits.

  • Comment by mailman on 2018-09-01 06:15:28

    It saddens me to see for countless times WT publications uses "ransom" on Memorial-related topics not that it is wrong per se but its use somehow lessens the value of the Lord.

    Writers need to understand that while the ransom refers to Jesus, the Lord is much, much more than just a ransom.

  • Comment by Sim'on on 2018-09-02 07:31:07

    Very helpful as always, especially the theme scripture explanation. Does anybody know if that June 1 1925 WT article is available somewhere on the web?

    • Reply by Tadua on 2018-09-04 17:29:40

      I got the entire collection of publications from archive.org from 1879 to 1950, books, booklets, magazines, etc. It’s free and legal to download because copyright has expired. I believe their copies came from the US National Library, although I cannot be certain. They have massive catalogues of University libraries and so on.

  • Comment by Eleasar on 2018-09-11 04:57:31

    Excellent contextual analysis of Matthew 5:14-16. The context of the verses from 3-10 and the rest of the sermon clearly demonstrates it has nothing to do with the preaching work. The preaching work is a product of the christian person and not what makes the christian person. In paragraph 4, they state "In addition, we can glorify Jehovah by our Christian conduct." This is a clear twisting of the meaning of the verses.

    They want to support Rutherford's nonsense and hence go back to a WT article from 1925 and ignore what is in front of them in the Bible.

    Our smile and genuineness arises from our real christian character. I found the following in the BSTNT commentary by John Stott. It is a good analysis of the Sermon on the Mount and the structure that Jesus uses.
    1. Jesus addresses our character (5:3–12)
    2. Jesus speaks of our influence (5:13–16)
    3. Jesus speaks of our righteousness (5:17–48)
    4. Jesus highlights our devotion (6:1–18)
    5. Jesus examines our ambitions (6:19–34)
    6. Jesus turns to our relationships (7:1–12)
    7. Jesus examines our wholeheartedness (7:13–27)

  • Comment by Bernardbooks on 2018-08-27 13:53:21

    Thank you. Very nice review.

    It saddens me greatly when I read Jesus words, “let your light shine before men, so that they may see your fine works and give glory to YOUR FATHER who is in the heavens”, and yet so many members who are being told to let their light shine primarily by the organization’s preaching work, do not even consider God their Father fully with the exception of him being the creator of all things. So, basically he’s only the Father to them in the same sense he is of all people whether they believe in him and his son or not. Very sad and unscriptural.

    I have always felt that our light can shine so much better throughout our daily activities and interactions with people which can actually present better opportunities to discuss the good news rather than by putting business attire on and going to knock on people’s doors trying to talk to them about things that they are almost never ready or willing to talk about at that moment.

    Even before I discovered the false teachings I remember having thoughts about the tendency for a light facade when it comes to the idea that their form of preaching was the primary way of letting your light shine.
    I observed in my area that the thought of going out in service without a tie on was not even an option in most brothers minds but then comparing that with the conduct and speech when not in service attire at work or other places, there seemed to be no trouble at all acting in a way that certainly didn’t let any light shine that would’ve brought glory to God. Like many other observations, it reminded me so much of the religious leaders hypocrisy and focusing on certain little things while neglecting the most important, as revealed in the gospels.

    • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2018-08-30 00:41:51

      “reminded me so much of the religious leaders hypocrisy and focusing on certain little things while neglecting the most important, as revealed in the gospels.”

      Well said, BB, and I agree.

  • Comment by wild olive on 2018-08-28 03:05:52

    In my study of late I have come to the conclusion that Matt 5:3-10 are actually mistranslated in the NWT, the Greek word is makarios, which can be happy, but if a person is been abused for Christs sake, to say they are happy is macsosistic,a better word use is blessed, which is how most other translations render it.The same goes for mourning,a person can be blessed if they mourn, but say they are happy?
    A further point to those verses is the way they are presented as a formula to be happy, what Jesus is teaching is in fact steps to reach higher to a divine standard .
    Jesus also said to let our light shine, but not make a public display of our works, it's round the other way in JW land.

    • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2018-08-30 00:16:27

      I like your reasoning on that, WO. It didn’t make sense to me to be happy in those circumstances also.
      “ what Jesus is teaching is in fact steps to reach higher to a divine standard”
      That makes much more sense, because in mourning and in persecution we can learn and grow and reach a better standard of Christian behaviour, and thus be blessed.

      • Reply by wild olive on 2018-09-01 05:13:53

        I would take that even a bit further and venture to say that the sermon on the mount Matt 5- 7, is Jesus first real big speech in his ministry to a big crowd , remember he was looking for the lost ones of Israel, but his words would eventually fall on the ears and hearts of gentiles. All together they along with us are going to become living stones in a temple, Jesus sermon on the mount is a major "stone making" teaching session, since Jesus said that everything has been delivered to him (Matt 11:27 & Luk 10:22) it's really Jehovah speaking through him, Jesus was teaching something that went above the commands of the Law,which was a perfect law, he is really exposing the mind of Jehovah, he is showing the way to the divine. Not just a good example or nice words.
        If your wonder where I got all this ,it's out of my new Thompson chain bible.

        • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2018-09-02 04:22:14

          WO will you stop it? I’m jealous!
          Which of the chain bibles do you have please? I will have to have one now. ?

          • Reply by wild olive on 2018-09-02 06:58:03

            Hi Martha
            The Thompson bible comes in 4 translations ,theKJV, RKJV, the NASB and the ESV. I have the ESV as I thought it was the in between of all of them, it does have bias in it, for instance they have put LORD in for Jehovah in the ot text, but use the name freely in the reference material, I find that a funny contradiction.
            In total it has 120,000 chain references 6 of which are devoted to the trinity,I get the feeling that Dr Thompson was compelled to put something in about the trinity much the same way that JW are compelled to believe things they may not wholly believe.
            Something else I gleaned from it is that basically every statement made by Jehovah in the OT is a prophecy of Jesus,those two scriptures in my last post help to grasp that, I see why many say Jesus and Jehovah are the same person, no, it's just that everything Jehovah says has now been passed to Jesus up until the end of the thousand year reign, explains a lot, and ime sure that's how our 1st century brethren would have
            read it, since they only had the OT scriptures, the bible wasnt complete until about 110 AD .

        • Reply by Psalmbee on 2018-09-01 12:58:31

          "Thought current" works every time W/O, what's really amazing is when the Holy Spirit actually becomes the Holy Ghost and you realize that Jesus' Authority is so much more than one ever imagined or ever could. Wonderful wonderful Bible. (Acts 19:40)

          • Reply by wild olive on 2018-09-02 07:01:25

            Yes psalmbee, it is a monumental work , and I like how all it's doing is connecting scriptures, not trying to push a doctrine.

    • Reply by Alithia on 2018-08-31 18:10:12

      Thanks for this post WO. This understanding harmonises so much better with the scriptures. I refer to Hebrews chapter 11-12 where Paul summarises the faith of past ones. Reading the account it hardly conjures a picture of happy smiling faces when you read of people being sawn asunder and forced to live in caves and holes in the ground and hurled thrown down etc! Paul did not refer to this as being cause for being happy. Rather as an example of unpleasant things we may need to contend with before we gain the prize that our hope holds out for us.

      Translating as happy suits the agenda of the Org in that it is an easier lead as they want their converts to follow their carefully prepared and onerous prescription of "you will enjoy Organisational benefits and earthly happiness to the point of delirium in the spiritual paradise where everyone is perpetually happy to the max"! All the while being exhorted to divest oneself of life's opportunities, assets, energies and resources in general and ignoring pressing and important issues of life that need to be dealt with very differently.

      P.S will talk on phone soon. My voice has given put from the new job that requires talking all day. Have to preserve. When throat calms down will talk. Sorry. You know when we get going it is an intense 1-2 hours!!!!!

      Have good day all. Welcome back Martha Martha.

      • Reply by wild olive on 2018-09-01 05:16:00

        Look forward to the call, if you sound like the god father I know why?

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Hello everyone. The 2024 annual meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses was perhaps one of the most significant ever. For me, it constitutes a turning point. Why? Because it gives us hard evidence of what we have long suspected,…

Hello, everyone. I've been wanting to do this for some time, to start a playlist, a series of videos dedicated just to understanding the Bible and leaving behind all the detritus of JW.org. I'll still have to do videos…

The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures gets a lot of flak. Many people accuse it of being a very biased translation. Now, there's two of them, of course. There's the 1984 version, and there's the 2013. The 2013…

Hello everyone. This is the second to last video in this series on shunning. Thank you for your patience as it has taken a while to get to this point. For those of you who haven’t seen the previous videos on shunning as…

Hello, everyone. I have something truly bizarre to share with you this time. It comes from a rather innocuous place, the July 2024 letter from the Governing Body to all the elders in North America and, I assume, around…

Statement by Brother Joss Goodall To My Brother and Sisters, I am writing to you to bring to your attention some very serious concerns that have been troubling me since August of last year when I listened to a morning worship video by Kenneth…