Happy Are Those Who Serve “the Happy God”

– posted by Tadua

“Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah!”—Psalm 144:15.

 [From ws 9/18 p. 17, November 12 – 18]

The article opens with the claim that “JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES certainly are a happy people. Their meetings, assemblies, and social gatherings are characterized by the pleasant sound of joyful conversations and laughter.” Is that your experience?

My congregation used to be relatively happy, especially compared with some of the more ‘super-righteous’ local congregations. However, now it also seems to have been struck with a malaise. Many leave as soon as the meetings finish. The chatting is much more subdued. Most seem to just be treading water, hoping against hope that Armageddon comes very soon and washes their troubles and doubts away.

The whole situation reminds me of the truth of Proverbs 13:12a which says “Expectation postponed is making the heart sick”. As for social events, they seem to have all but dried up.

We are then asked in the article:

What about you personally? Are you happy? Can you increase your happiness? Happiness may be defined as “a state of well-being that is characterized by relative permanence, by emotion ranging from mere contentment to deep and intense joy in living, and by a natural desire for it to continue.”

Personally, my answer to “Are you happy?” is Yes, never been happier. Why?

You might ask yourself how you feel, now that you're free of the artificial barrier Witnesses put between themselves and everyone else. Is it not easier to talk to people and be helpful, or just plain friendly? Maybe you now have time to be able to help a charity that improves the lives of those disadvantaged through no fault of their own. Have you noticed that most actually appreciate the help, without expecting it as their due? Have you also learnt far more about Jehovah and Jesus Christ recently, including much you had not fully appreciated before? Additionally, because you learnt it for yourself through personal study instead of being taught by others, it means much more to you. Like others who have awakened, maybe you also now feel free of the constant, depressing guilt tripping that causes Witnesses to feel we are not doing enough to fulfill all the extra, unnecessary burdens put upon us by the modern-day equivalent of the Pharisees.

Paragraph 3 unnecessarily reminds us of the myriads of reasons that can cause unhappiness, none of which by any means is unique to Witnesses.

Strong Spirituality, fundamental to happiness (Par.4-6)

According to paragraph 4, we show we are conscious of our spiritual need “by taking in spiritual food, cherishing spiritual values, and giving priority to worshipping the happy God. If we take those steps, our happiness will grow. We will strengthen our faith in the coming fulfillment of God’s promises.”

The more important question is, are we conscious enough to take in spiritual food directly from the True Source, God’s Word the Bible? Or do we feed only on regurgitated milk that the Organization provides?

Paragraph 5 says the following:

The apostle Paul was inspired to write: “Always rejoice in the Lord [Jehovah]. Again I will say, Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4)”

It seems the Organization is not content to just replace “Lord” with “Jehovah” some 230 times, with dubious support and in many cases against the context. In addition, now they seem to feel the need to add new examples on a whim to make a point in the Watchtower article. A read through Philippians chapters 3 and 4 makes it obvious that Paul was referring to Jesus when he put ‘Lord’ here. So why this insertion?

A few examples are:

  • Philippians 4:1-2 “Consequently, my brothers beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, stand firm in this way in [the] Lord, beloved ones. Eu·oʹdi·a I exhort and Synʹty·che I exhort to be of the same mind in [the] Lord”.

  • Philippians 4:5 “Let YOUR reasonableness become known to all men. The Lord is near”.

As encouraged in paragraph 6, “he who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in [it], this [man], because he has become, not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, will be happy in his doing [it]. (James 1:25)” The only perfect Law is found in God’s Word. It is not to be found in publications of men, whatever they claim, or however well-intentioned they are.

Qualities that enhance happiness (Par.7-12)

Paragraph 8 invites us to consider Matthew 5:5, “Happy are the mild-tempered, since they will inherit the earth.  It then claims:

After coming to an accurate knowledge of the truth, individuals change. At one time, they may have been harsh, quarrelsome, and aggressive. But now they have clothed themselves with “the new personality” and display “the tender affections of compassion, kindness, humility, mildness, and patience.” (Col. 3:9-12)”.

Has this been your experience in the Organization? Having learnt the Organization’s version of “truth”, do most Witnesses change for the better? Or are they so busy spending time in the pursuits mandated by the Organization, that they have little time or energy to really apply Bible principles and become true Christians? Are they relying instead on kudos for participating in Organizational pursuits to get them through Armageddon?

Paragraph 9 further claims:

"Jesus’ spirit-anointed disciples inherit the earth when they rule over it as kings and priests. (Revelation 20:6) Millions of others who do not have the heavenly calling, however, will inherit the earth in the sense that they will be allowed to live here forever in perfection, peace, and happiness”.

Many would conclude that Revelation 20:6 supports the Organization’s teaching of a heavenly calling. Yet “over” is ‘over’ as in authority over, not from a higher heavenly position which is how it is commonly interpreted. Revelation 5:10 which reads as follows in the NWT “and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth” gives the same impression. The ESV, as with many other translations, however says “and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth”. The Kingdom Interlinear reads “upon” rather than “over” which is the correct translation of the Greek word “epi”. If they are upon the earth they cannot be in heaven.

The next 3 paragraphs discuss Matthew 5:7, which says, “Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy.”  They contain good points and encouragement.  However, applying the Parable of the Good Samaritan involves more than helping fellow Christians as suggested. The good Samaritan selflessly helped a Jew. This is  someone who earlier could have, and probably would have, shown disdain or even shunned the Samaritan as they passed one another, which they surely would have done if the Jew had not been attacked by robbers.

In Matthew 5:44, Jesus said, “Continue to love YOUR enemies”. He expanded on this in Luke 6:32-33 saying “And if YOU love those loving YOU, of what credit is it to YOU? For even the sinners love those loving them.  33 And if YOU do good to those doing good to YOU, really of what credit is it to YOU? Even the sinners do the same”.

If sinners do good to those who love them, then surely true Christians would go further in showing love as Christ said, not just doing good to fellow believers as the paragraph suggests. How are we any different from sinners if we only show love to fellow Witnesses?

Why the pure in heart are happy (Par.13-16)

In this section the theme is based on Jesus' words at Matthew 5:8, which reads, “Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God.”

We have already highlighted:

  • The subtle change to Philippians 4:4 altering its meaning.

  • The misunderstanding about where the chosen ones will rule.

  • The deliberate misapplication of the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Given the above, the audacity of the "Read" scripture, 2 Corinthians 4:2, is manifest:

“But we have renounced the underhanded things of which to be ashamed, not walking with cunning, neither adulterating the word of God, but by making the truth manifest recommending ourselves to every human conscience in the sight of God.” (2 Co 4:2)

Cherry picking "proof texts", avoiding the context for clarification of the real meaning, altering the Bible translation to support organizational interpretation...do these things demonstrate compliance with Paul's words to the Corinthians?

Does JW teaching recommend us to “every human conscience in the sight of God”?

The other cited scripture is 1 Timothy 1:5 which says, “Really the objective of this mandate is love out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy.”

Have the many teachings and practices unique to Jehovah's Witnessesoveruse of extreme shunning, prohibition against the medical use of blood, failing to report child sexual abuse, a 10-year affiliation with the U.N.—demonstrated 'love out of a clean heart, a good conscience and a lack of hypocrisy'?

Happy despite difficulties (Par.17-20)

Paragraph 18 states:

Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake.” What did Jesus mean? He went on to say: “Rejoice and be overjoyed, since your reward is great in the heavens, for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you.” (Matthew 5:11, 12)”

It is vital that we understand that any persecution is because of being a good Christian, rather than because of slavishly following Organizational rules and suggestions that bring us unnecessarily into conflict with so-called "opposers". An unnecessarily confrontational attitude with authorities will often result in a show of that authority and perhaps persecution.

In summary, a typical article, containing good, useful information but with some glaring issues concerning accuracy.

Yes, we can be happy serving the Happy God, but we need to ensure that we serve God in the way he requires, rather than what any Organization says he requires. Organizations always add rules. Christ’s way is that of principled love. As he said in Luke 11:28, “Happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it!”

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  • Comment by Bernardbooks on 2018-11-17 17:18:36

    Paragraph 14 says,

    “The great crowd who hope to live on earth can also enjoy a righteous standing as friends of God.”

    Paragraph 17 says,

    “Jesus next said: “Happy are the peacemakers.” (Matt. 5:9)”

    Then the paragraph goes on to make the impression that the primary way being a peacemaker makes us happy is the peaceful conditions created.

    The article puts a period in the middle of Jesus sentence and also completely ignores the reason Jesus highlighted why the peacemakers are happy.
    Very, very sad.

    Jesus said,

    “Happy are the peacemakers, since they will be called sons of God.”

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2018-11-18 09:35:39

      Nice catch, BernardBooks!

  • Comment by Bernardbooks on 2018-11-13 00:16:35

    I’m happy to no longer be constrained by the groupthink mentality of the organization.

    w13 7/15 p.3 paragraph 3
    “For a number of years, WE thought that the great tribulation began in 1914 with World War I and that “those days were cut short” by Jehovah in 1918 when the war ended so that the remnant would have the opportunity to preach the good news to all nations.”

    Of course, in saying “WE” they don’t mean the governing body or the anonymous writers of the articles but they mean all the members lumped together past and present whether they knew or really believed it or not, saying in unison “WE thought this, didn’t WE?

    It feels very good to be able to explain my beliefs based purely on what I have found in the Bible and not having to say, “let me check with what my group believes first and then I’ll get back to you about what we or I believe.”

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2018-11-13 03:32:17

      Well said BB.

      The group think was based on 1 Cor 1:10 "you should all speak in agreement", thus making it an identifying mark of (true - I do hate how this word is used in this context) Christians. In other words, if you do not agree, you are walking out of step.

  • Comment by jamesbrown on 2018-11-13 18:35:44

    I feel your frustration in your analysis of the WT article, from what I am gathering you are still a witness like myself.

    Nicodemus: Comes to my mind, he was a believer but in secret, because he knew what would happen to him if he comes in the open and say what he thinks, all of us can relate to this including Eric he had to wait for an opportune time to revel himself.

    Dog returning to its vomit:You said "The more important question is, are we conscious enough to take in spiritual food directly from the True Source, God’s Word the Bible? Or do we feed only on regurgitated milk that the Organisation provides?"
    When I put my hand up to answer during the meetings, I feel like the above - if i dont people will be asking questions

    When I turn in my field service I feel like the above, how do you feel? are you still active in the congregation?

    The answer: Jesus said at Matthew 26: 23 Therefore, all the things they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but they do not practice what they say.

    We have a perfect book, being interpreted by imperfect people, there are bound to be mistakes.

    Love the article

    You brother in Christ

    • Reply by Tadua on 2018-11-13 19:03:26

      Hi JamesBrown
      I don’t intend any criticism of anyone by this answer, but I personally avoid regurgitated answers. But, then I always have. For years even before I woke up, I would only give answers based on the scriptures themselves. Otherwise I wouldn’t answer. However, the very pointed questions the WT articles have these days make it increasingly hard to do so. I totally understand your position.
      I turn in a token field service report, but I hate doing it.
      I cannot wait to leave but like so many including yourself it’s difficult to do so right now.
      It’s true there are bound to be mistakes with imperfect people. We are all imperfect and I am certainly not excluded from that, But sadly with the Organization it mostly seems to be deliberate mistruths rather than mistakes.

      • Reply by jamesbrown on 2018-11-13 22:57:10

        Hi Tadua

        You speak my mind and heart, i tried to comment on the scriptures only and what I believe its saying and and how I can connect them to other parts of the bible and not the GB way, only to be told from platform, can we please stick to what the SLAVE CLASS is teaching us, very sad to say the least.

        Take care my friend and brother in Christ.

      • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2018-11-14 04:55:44

        Snap ! And also snap to your earlier comment about it being increasingly hard to keep quiet about things that are scripturally wrong. Either there will be a change or I will find myself even more on the wrong side of the BOE, who already treat me as if I have just trod in something unpleasant.

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2018-11-14 04:52:26

      Thank you James. When I first came on this site many were simply encouraging others to "get out". I think you are right, that a lot of us are still in, though to a much lesser extent than we were, and the rest of what you say is are spot on. That, I find helpful, just to know we are on the same boat.
      We are all still fighting for truth wherever we are. I guess first century Jews (pre 33 CE) were stuck in the same boat. At least they could discuss what the Scribes and Pharisees were up to, although the account in John 9 shows they still had to be very careful.

      On that basis, take care.

      • Reply by Tadua on 2018-11-14 06:48:27

        Hi JamesBrown and Leonardo
        I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you both and all who comment.
        As you say we are all in the same boat and everyone’s comments help encourage us all.
        I am definitely mentally out of the Organization.
        Because Of what I have learnt in my research and personal Bible study over the past few years, I could definitely never return mentally.
        It is also increasingly difficult to keep quiet in the congregation on the seriously wrong things, so my days even as an unwilling attendee are numbered.
        I personally have found Jesus advice in Matthew 10:16 very helpful when he said “Look! I am sending YOU forth as sheep amidst wolves; therefore prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves”
        Cautious in that we don’t need to make ourselves a target, but at the same time we don’t follow the harmful things the Organization teaches and wants us to practice.
        I am so glad to have found a group of like minded people, who want to serve God, but are no longer prepared to follow the dictates of men.

        • Reply by jamesbrown on 2018-11-14 20:29:35

          Hi Leonardo and Tadua

          You brothers are a breath of fresh air to me, we are definitely mentally out of the Organisation, the only reason why I am in is because of my family and very close friends.

          Tadua my brother just think what that will do to your family if you are disfellowshipped, after all anyone caught speaking against GB is sinning against holy spirit, look at the 2nd baptismal question. You will be saying prayers in your house with your family as you have been doing for years, but their loyalty will be divided as they will not agree with you in their heart and you cannot share any biblical talk with them, because you have been handed over to Satan and anything you say IS questionable.

          Long time ago a family of 5, husband, wife and 3 children in our congregation received a thank you card from a sister, for something good done for her, and in turn this sister, who was an artist drew a beautiful flower and 4 bees buzzing around it.
          Wife asked this sister, we are 5 in the family, why 4 bees, her reply was, 1 of your daughters is disfellowshipped and you cannot expect me to include her in MY drawing, my conscious will not allow it.

          Are you willing to put yourself and your family through all this and much more, remember it will be very hard for your family to be invited without you and lets not forget, your family will be labelled and all because of YOU, its as though you are the cause of it and all what you wanted to do is stand up in the hall and yell at the top of your voice WAKE UP, please, WAKE UP, stop following men.

          I am sitting here and feel your frustrations dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t.

          My advice don’t do it for the sake of your loved ones. A brother told me a long time ago, if the GB body has MISLED the brothers on a teaching or doctrinal matter and caused them to leave and never come back, then they have become a stumbling block.

          Matthew 18: 7 “Woe to the world because of the stumbling blocks! Of course, it is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to the man through whom the stumbling block comes.

          Matthew 18: 6 But whoever stumbles one of these little ones who have faith in me, it would be better for him to have hung around his neck a millstone that is turned by a donkey and to be sunk in the open sea.

          So many people have put faith and trust in the GB and have had their marriages destroyed and family members NEVER spoken to and all because of following man-made rules, just think what our leader Jesus will do to this group of men.

          So my brother hang in their or change your congregation, maybe there is a different spirit in the new one, but they all have the same leader GB.

          Matthew 10:16 “Look! I am sending YOU forth as sheep amidst wolves; therefore, prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves”

          Dont forget Tadua you can write just as good articles as GB can if not better, so go ahead and write one I know you can.

          Hang in their my fellow brother in Christ, just hang in their.

  • Comment by pquin7 on 2018-11-15 09:22:01

    Just to inform the brothers here regarding Rev 5:10 context and grammar needs to be understood correctly..When "epi" is used with a verb denoting authority or rulership then "epi" indicates the compass of that authority or rulership. If a search is made of the Greek N.T. where "basileuw[to reign as a king]epi" occurs(as it does in Revelation 5:10)you will be able to see that in every case "epi" means "over", example., Luke 1:33; Acts7:18. If you look up the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible of Jamieson, Fausset and Brown:

    "...KELLY translates, "reign over the earth" (Greek, "epi tees gees"), which is justified by the Greek (Septuagint, Judges 9:8, Matthew 2:22). The elders, though ruling over the earth, shall not necessarily (according to this passage) remain on the earth...." Also if you look up

    A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature by Arndt and Gingrich(p.286)-- b.fig.-a.over of power,authority,control of or over someone or something.......Rv 5:10. and also if you look up..

    The New Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament(p.231)--A.with the GENITIVE.... d.fig.used of things,affairs persons,which one is set over,over which he exercises power.....Rev.[5].10.

    Note here that translating EPI at Revelation 5:10 as "over" is "justified by the Greek."

    The point of vv.9, 10 is not where these "kings" will rule but whom over they will for these "kings" are those who have been "bought...for God" and from "every tribe and tongue and people and nation" and these kings will rule "over" these or the remnants of these. The same thought is given in Revelation 2.26 where we can read "To everyone[Gk; AUTW lit. "him")that conquers and continues to do my work to the end, I will give authority over[Gk; EPI] the nations."-New Revised Standard Version.

    The New Testament in the Language of the People--C.B.Williams
    The New Testament in Modern Speech--Weymouth
    The Holy Scriptures, A New Translation from the Original Languages--Darby
    The Complete Bible in Modern English--Fenton
    The Holy Bible,A Translation From the Latin Vulgate in the Light of the Hebrew and Greek Originals--Knox
    The Modern Language Bible-New Berkeley Version
    The Bible, An American Translation--Goodspeed.
    The Amplified Bible
    The Unvarnished New Testament--Gaus.
    Holy Bible, An American Translation-- W.F.Beck.
    Compare also Marshall's Interlinear which says under the word 'epi' at Rev.5:10 - "on(?over)"

    Clearly then, those translations that translate EPI as "over" at Revelation 5.10 are the more accurate in conveying the meaning of the original.

  • Comment by jamesbrown on 2018-11-15 19:24:12

    Dear brothers and sisters,

    My wife and myself got into a “discussion” concerning below comments at our meeting this week regarding the choosing of a replacement for Judas as being part of the Slave Class and I read the following:

    “Because of the defection of Judas Iscariot, who died unfaithful, there were only 11 apostles remaining, and during the 40 days from Jesus’ resurrection until his ascension to heaven he made no appointment of a replacement. Sometime during the ten days between Jesus’ ascension and the day of Pentecost it was viewed as necessary that another be selected to fill the vacancy left by Judas, not simply on the basis of his death but, rather, on the basis of his wicked defection, as the Scriptures quoted by Peter indicate. (Ac 1:15-22; Ps 69:25; 109:8; compare Re 3:11.) Thus, by contrast, when the faithful apostle James was put to death, there is no record of any concern to appoint anyone to succeed him in his position of apostle. —Ac 12:2.”

    I asked the question: If the 11 apostles died faithful by 65CE, and the only one was left was the apostle John, and NO replacement was made, then who led the Christians out of Jerusalem? Also, who was giving them food at the appropriate time from 66CE – 100CE – 1919CE?

    My wife’s response was: There will be and always has been GB / Slave class to feed and lead us be it from 33CE till Armageddon as one Class fed another.

    I was about to show that the GB used to believe that but changed their mind, I was stopped by her pleading “I was raised in the TRUTH, please don’t destroy my faith”.

    I thought of what Jesus said “You will know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you free”

    I thought of tearing down and rebuilding her faith in bible and not in GB, but then I stopped and asked myself, is it worth while to destroy her happiness and all because of GB, I don’t think so.

    What good is it if I argue until the cows come home about the GB teachings knowing this will destroy our happy marriage?

    The saying is true “The operation was successful, BUT we lost the patient – wife”

    I hope this will touch someone’s dilemma at home.

    Your brother in Christ

    • Reply by Psalmbee on 2018-11-15 22:42:37

      Hi JamesBrown,

      An investigation of the Scriptures reveal several individuals as Apostles in addition to the original twelve. Twenty five in total.

      First and foremost Jesus Christ (Heb 3:1).

      Compare Romans 16:7

      There were two unnamed Apostles. See 2Cor 8:23

      I would have to break out my notes to supply all the scriptures describing all the Apostles mentioned in the New Testament.


      • Reply by Psalmbee on 2018-11-15 22:46:07

        Typo error on Ro 16:17, I meat to put Ro 16:7!*

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2018-11-16 03:31:23

      You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. After a while, you realise it is not even worth while taking the horse to the water.
      I agree, it is not worth wrecking your marriage over the GB.
      Many sisters are given the challenge of coping with an opposing mate and are given much good advice to deal with that situation. View it as a similar challenge for you, and eventually something will come up that you can openly discuss.

      • Reply by Tadua on 2018-11-16 03:52:59

        Dear JamesBrown
        I would heartily echo the thoughts of Leonardo. I have 2 close family members who know many things are not right and seem to know in their hearts that maybe it’s not the truth, but seem to be afraid to acknowledge it to themselves, afraid of what is on the other side.
        Systematically the Organization teaches all the wrong things about all other religions. The big problem is as a result they have the Borg’s view of Peter’s reply to Jesus in John 6:68 where he said “Simon Peter answered him: “Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life;“
        I.e. they think “where shall we go to? There isn’t anything better” rather than “whom” I.e. sticking to the Christ.
        This puts them in a very dangerous place. They can only walk this tightrope to safety safely on their own. If we try to push they may fall.
        My heart goes out to you and all other dear readers who are in the same or similar position.

    • Reply by Eleasar on 2018-11-16 05:52:30


      This is a key weakness in JW theology. The current understanding is that the “Slave” shows only since 1914 and from 1919. There was NO “Slave” from 33 to 1919. After the apostles died out there was an apostasy. How do they know this? What evidence do they provide? What historical sources do they use?

      Your wife goes against the “Slave” if she thinks that there was a “Slave” from 33 to 1919.

      What happened from 1879 to 1919? Were there congregations? How did those in 1919 learn about the bible?

      In addition, if there was a GB in Jerusalem, where did they go in 66 CE? Why is there no mention of such an entity in the early writings or among early historians like Eusebius?

      During the first 4 centuries, how come no central GB did not rule against the Gnostic heresy by Marcion et al?

      Why did Constantine have to call a Council in 325 CE and not a central GB?

      Who determined the final canon of scripture? Based on current JW theology, it is Babylon the Great!

      Interestingly, in the new Ezekiel Book, Christendom is not apostate as they never had the truth.
      I find showing WT references and asking questions and not providing answers and using the NWT to show scriptures that conflict with their thoughts is the best way. The Word is being used and Hebrews 4:12 is powerful. It takes time for them to think it through.

      The secret is to build your wife up with scriptures and not mention JW theology. If she brings it up ask questions and use the NWT to move her on. She is in a very scary place and Jesus did not destroy the faith of others.

      My wife has now been driven out by the behaviour of the elders. Over a period of time, if you develop the fruitage of the spirit it will help. Love and patience are two big ones. At the same time, they must see joy and peace in your life along with kindness and mildness. Then they can see the evidence and might be willing to make changes.

      All of this involves walking the path of the Master and this is NOT an easy walk but a fulfilling one.

  • Comment by jamesbrown on 2018-11-18 18:14:09

    Eleasar & Leonardo,

    You brothers are gems in the "organisation" I will definitely apply your advise and bring the bible more into my conversation than GB teaching.

    I live in Australia, Sydney, pity you brothers are not from my area.

    Take care and keep up the spiritual war fare.

    My warmest love, your brother in Christ

  • Comment by jamesbrown on 2018-11-20 00:56:08

    Dear brothers and sisters,

    Has anyone come across any scriptures that is of interest, during your bible study that cares to share.

    As we are going through the book of acts, I came across a puzzling situation: For example 3000 that got baptised they did not go preaching first and then got baptised.

    This has been the situation through out the book of Acts. However, GB says we have to go preaching and then get baptised.

    My friends every day I log in to see if someone has something to share, most of the time I dont find any, so how about encouraging one another since we live in different parts of the world. What do you think.

    Spiritual starvation what is it:

    All you need to do is talk with someone about their religious beliefs to realise that the problem is far worse than we can ever imagine. People will tell you, "Oh, I don't need to go to congregation / church in order worship God, I can do that anywhere I am." Truly, you can worship God anywhere you are; however, God did not intend for us to worship alone.

    "Whenever two or more are gathered in my name, I will be in their midst!" Jesus Christ gave this wonderful promise to us! What a great reason to gather together in His Name to worship Jehovah. The best place to gather in His Name is this site or congregation.

    If we have been feeding daily on God’s Word, it’s natural to feel “hungry” when we skip our quiet time. But if we continue to neglect it, we may lose all desire to study the Scriptures. In fact, we may be starving ourselves.

    So my dear friends please, please share your thoughts as some of us are starving spiritually.

    Your brother

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2018-11-20 11:27:35

      Hello JB. Fair points.
      What is encouraging is to be able to discuss truth. What truths ? Any truths.
      For what it is worth, what I noticed, going through Acts, is what the early Christians spoke about :- The largest number of answers to this is that they witnessed about Jesus' resurrection, both on to Earth and then to heaven (they had seen him ascending to heaven). Other times, statements simply state that they spoke or witnessed about Jesus, or the kingdom of God (though they were less specific about exactly what aspect of the kingdom) or something else (not often).
      Conclusion ? What they witnessed to is what they had seen already, just as any credible witness in court is asked to say what he or she witnessed, not what he/she heard someone else speak about. This is what Isaiah also speaks about when he says "You are my witnesses", namely the nation as a whole could witness about what Jehovah had done. They and we can only witness about the future to the extent that we can show from the Bible what God will do .
      I do not think Jesus(or Jehovah) minds us witnessing about him before are after baptism. The GB's line is a rule of imperfect men. If we wish to be a JW, then that is the rule. It is not wrong, nor is it particularly right. If I could have seen that this was a rule of man before I got baptised, I might have seen through a lot of other things, and then not have got baptised. But I did not see those things. Which is why I am here on this site, and very grateful to Meliti and others involved for it.
      Does that make sense ?

    • Reply by Warp Speed on 2018-11-20 09:47:16

      Hi JB,

      I don't think the account in Acts of Baptism before preaching is puzzling at all. That is the Bible account, it's no secret that the Org has it wrong again.

    • Reply by Bernardbooks on 2018-11-20 13:59:14

      In the November 2016 monthly broadcast governing body member Gerrit Lösch made the statement,

      “We understand more about the truth today than Christians in the 1st century.”

      I feel that this is not only a delusion of grandeur but it also promotes the premise that all the rules and traditions that the organization has added over the years are a progressive raising of standards and structure.

      When it comes to baptism I love the simple and beautiful examples found in Acts 8:36-38 and 16:30-33. Quite a difference when comparing those accounts with the way the organization promotes their structured and seasonal baptisms at assemblies and conventions.

  • Comment by jamesbrown on 2018-11-20 17:19:36

    Good morning BB, that is excellent the way you presented this logic from the scriptures I will make sure to use it in my conversation with my wife and others
    Thank you once again my brother

  • Comment by jamesbrown on 2018-11-20 17:38:14

    Leonardo, Leonardo, Leonardo, my dear brother,

    Twice I cried since I have been on this site, Once when I read what Meliti/Eric wrote about the scriptures and how he explained them and now you my brother the way you explained how you feel about your baptism, and the scriptures, because thats how I feel.

    Please dont stop sharing your thoughts no matter how small they are, because you dont know who is about to give up.

    Again I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2018-11-21 03:37:41

      And thanks for your encouraging comment. A kind thought to go to sleep with.

  • Comment by jamesbrown on 2018-11-20 18:21:58

    Warp Speed

    Isn't it interesting here we are a group of brothers and sisters, gathered together to share spiritual thoughts and yet we are counted as apostates from the GB point of view because they interpreted the bible their way.

    Book of Acts is plain to see how GB got it wrong, for example:

    Early disciples were called Christians by Jehovah.

    Baptism was before preaching, not the other way around.

    Disciples were persecuted on account of Jesus NAME not Jehovah's.

    Preaching was done in the temples and market places NOT house - house.

    These are just a few things I have come across, I am sure their are more to come from the brothers and sisters on this site

    So my brother keep these thoughts of yours coming, I am like a dry sponge in spiritual waters, as I mentioned to Leonardo, these beautiful gems keep them coming please

    Many thanks my brother

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