Young Ones, Your Creator Wants You to Be Happy

– posted by Nobleman

[From ws 12/18 p. 19 – February 18 – February 24]

"He Satisfies you with good things all your life.” ​— Psalm 103:5


The focus of this week’s article is the youth among the JW ranks. The Organisation sets out what it deems to be Jehovah’s view on how young people can attain happiness. With that in mind let us examine the counsel offered in this week’s article and see how it measures up to Scriptural scrutiny.

Paragraphs 1 opens with the remarks “IF YOU are a young person, you have likely received much advice about your future. Teachers, guidance counselors, or others may have encouraged you to pursue higher education and a lucrative career. Jehovah, however, advises you to take a different course. To be sure, he wants you to work hard while you are at school so that you are able to earn a living after you graduate”.

Most Witnesses would take the statement made in the opening remarks as true. Although many may feel grieved or unhappy about such statements, many Witnesses would not dare to challenge such statements in their own minds, not to mention in open discussions with others.

It appears that the organisation is encouraging young people to ignore any career guidance they receive from teachers or advisors who are not in the Organisation.

When analysing this week’s Watchtower, we should assess whether the Watchtower addresses the following questions:

What is the Bible’s stance on taking guidance or advice from teachers and guidance counsellors on the issues of a secular career or higher education?

Are there any Scriptural examples of we could refer to which could shed light on how Jehovah or Jesus would view education or a secular career?

What scriptural evidence is provided to support the assertion that Jehovah does not want young people to not pursue higher education?

Paragraph 2, on the face of it, appears to offer sound scriptural reasoning.


Paragraph 3 refers to Satan as a “self-appointed adviser”. Interestingly the term is never used to describe Satan in the Bible and particularly would not be used in the context of the conversation that took place between Eve and Satan in the Garden of Eden. The Oxford Dictionary refers to an adviser (also written as advisor) as “A person who gives advice in a particular field”, for example an Investment Advisor. For Satan to be an adviser would imply he had some knowledge or expertise in a particular field or aspect. Satan did not offer Eve advice or guidance, he deceived her or misled her and slandered Jehovah.

Why would the Organisation use the term “self-appointed adviser” when referring to Satan? Could it be that the organisation is drawing a comparison between the advice provided by counsellors and teachers at school to the “advice” offered by Satan to Adam and Eve?


Paragraph 6 starts out with the scriptural thought that humans have a spiritual need that only our Creator can satisfy. However, the paragraph then claims that God satisfies our spiritual need through “the faithful and discreet slave”.

If one examines the context of Matthew 24:45, it becomes apparent that the parable refers to the slave (the noun) in the singular. In order to apply this scripture in a plural sense to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses the Organisation sometimes inserts the word “class” in some of its literature or public discourses.

Note that the explanation of who the “Faithful and Discreet Slave” was changed in the fourth article of the July 15, 2013 Watchtower. Note the points below which that watchtower introduced:

  1. The Apostles were not part of the Faithful and Discreet slave

  2. The slave was appointed to feed the domestics in 1919 (even though they did not realize it until 2013! ).

  3. The slave is comprised of prominent qualified men at headquarters when they act together as the Governing Body of Jehovah’s witnesses.

  4. The slave beaten with many strokes and the slave beaten with few are completely ignored

Point 4 above makes the conclusion that the Governing Body is the Faithful and Discreet Slave, incongruent with the account at Luke 12 particularly the points brought out in verses 46 – 48.

The explanation provided by the Organisation of the Faithful and Discreet slave is incomplete without the explanation of verse 46 – 48.

Paragraph 8 makes another bold assertion, citing Habakkuk Chapter 3 out of context “Soon, every part of Satan’s world will come crashing down, and Jehovah will be our only security. Indeed, the time may come when we will depend on him for our very next meal!” – This is called fear mongering. The aim is to win the minds of the audience over through fear and not through proper reasoning. Jesus said that no one knows “The Day” except the father (Matthew 24:36). As Christians, we need not be concerned about when the end will come. Our focus should be serving God in Spirit and truth. Our choices with regards to our career or what we do with our lives should be motivated by the Love of Jehovah and Love of neighbour (Matthew 22:37-39). Jesus said if we based our decisions on those two commandments, we would have fulfilled the law.


Paragraph 9: “When you first meet someone who is not in the truth, what do you know about that person? Other than his name and physical appearance, probably very little. That is not the case when you first meet someone who knows and loves Jehovah. Even if that person is from a different background, country, tribe, or culture, you already know much about him​—and he about you!

The statement is logically flawed. To illustrate, imagine two people from different towns and different high schools begin to attend the same University. The two (John and Matthew) have been taught the same academic curriculum, used the same textbooks and have been taught the same methods of solving complex problems and suppose that even the religious education received by the two students is identical. Also, assume that the people who oversee the high school curriculum and approve the textbooks are the same people for both of the students.

When the students meet on the first day of University, it is likely that they may have a few things in common. They share the same principles, the same religious beliefs and may even follow the same approach in solving problems. Suppose that there is a third student (Luke) who grew up in the same neighbourhood and had similar childhood experiences as one of the other students (Matthew) but was taught a completely different curriculum and religion.

Could you say for sure that John would know more about Matthew than Luke would?

In some respects, yes, particularly in relation to Matthew’s education and religion. However, you would equally say that Luke would know more about Matthew’s childhood experiences and background than John would. Matthew and Luke may even like the same type of food or clothing.

Now, switch the high school curriculum and religious teachings of John and Matthew for JW Doctrine. Say that John and Matthew are both Jehovah’s Witnesses. Switch the people who oversee the curriculum with the Governing Body and assume Luke is a non-Witness.

Does the statement still make sense?

Simply being taught the same doctrine and approach to dealing with life’s complex issues does not mean you know more about a stranger than what someone else would know. It depends on the prevailing circumstances.

Note that there is very little scriptural support provided for the statements made by the writer in paragraph 9 – 11. This is an attempt by the Organisation to create a false sense of community among Jehovah’s Witnesses.


The Goals mentioned in paragraphs 12 are fine goals for all of us as people who profess to be Christian to pursue. We need to make it our goal to read the Bible as often as possible.

There is even some truth in this statement made in paragraph 13 “a life marked by secular ambitions and pursuits​—even if these seem very successful—​is ultimately a life of futility”. If we make the pursuit of material things and a secular career the primary objective in our lives, to the exclusion of our spiritual and emotional needs, we may find life less fulfilling. In much the same way, we would feel less fulfilled if we only ate ice cream or dessert for breakfast, lunch, and supper every day. Jesus in Matthew 6:33 said we should “seek first the Kingdom of God”, he did not say seek only the Kingdom. Jesus knew that to have a truly fulfilling life a good balance was needed.

The Organisation wants Witnesses to believe that there are only two choices any Christian can make. The first choice, which they claim is acceptable to God, is to dedicate all your time in pursuit of Organisational objectives such as building Kingdom Halls, working at the various JW headquarters around the world or spending at least 70 hours or more preaching JW doctrine. The other choice is to choose to pursue higher education or a career in this world and eventually leads to an unfulfilling life that is disapproved by God. For many witnesses who have pursued higher education this has not proved to be true. One can pursue higher education and still pursue spiritual goals. Of course, much depends on whether we equate spirituality to Organisational objectives or to what the scriptures teach us about what it means to be a true Christian.


Paragraph 16 “Where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom,” wrote Paul. (2 Corinthians 3:17) Yes, Jehovah loves freedom, and he put that love in your heart.” Considering the preceding paragraphs and the Organisation’s general approach to dictating what choices its members should make, it is ironic that the Organisation quotes Paul’s words. The context is completely ignored, and the verse is used to support the Organisational agenda. When you have time read all 18 verses in 2 Corinthians 3 to understand what the true meaning of the quoted words is. In reality, the Organisation has very little tolerance for those who do not unquestioningly follow its directive. If the Organisation was truly a place of freedom it would not sanction those who sought clarity on doctrinal issues which appear to be in contradiction to what the Bible teaches.

Now let us attempt to answer the questions that we raised at the beginning of this review.

What is the Bible’s stance on taking guidance or advice from teachers and guidance counsellors on the issues of a circular career or higher education?

The Bible does not explicitly state Jehovah’s view on taking advice from teachers or guidance counsellors. However, the following scriptures a useful in weighing up any form of advice:

Proverbs 11:14 – “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellers there is safety.” - King James Bible

Proverbs 15:22 – “Get all the advice you can, and you will succeed; without it you will fail” - Good News Translation

Romans 14: 1 – “Welcome the man having weaknesses in his faith, but do not pass judgment on differing opinions.” - New World Translation

Romans 14: 4-5 – “Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for Jehovah can make him stand. One man judges one day as above another; another judges one day the same as all others; let each one be fully convinced in his own mind” [bold ours] - New World Translation

Matthew 6:33 – “Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you” - New World Translation

  • From the scriptures above it appears there is wisdom in consulting widely when it comes to important matters such as career and education.

  • Where there is no clear breach of scriptural requirements each Christian should make up their own mind with regards to personal decisions and not judge others for coming to different conclusions

  • In all we do, we should always seek first God’s kingdom.

Are there any Scriptural examples of we could refer to which could shed light on how Jehovah or Jesus would view education or a circular career?

Acts 7:22-23 – “Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. In fact, he was powerful in his words and deeds. “Now when he reached the age of 40, it came into his heart to make a visit on his brothers, the sons of Israel. When he caught sight of one of them being unjustly treated, he defended him and avenged the one being abused by striking down the Egyptian” - New World Translation

Daniel 1:3-5 – “Then the king ordered Ashʹpe·naz his chief court official to bring some of the Israelites, including those of royal and noble descent. They were to be youths without any defect, of good appearance, endowed with wisdom, knowledge, and discernment, and capable of serving in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the writing and the language of the Chal·deʹans. Furthermore, the king assigned to them a daily ration from the king’s delicacies and from the wine he drank. They were to be trained for three years, and at the end of that time they were to enter the king’s service. Now among them were some from the tribe of Judah: Daniel, Han·a·niʹah, Mishʹa·el, and Az·a·riʹah” - New World Translation

Acts 22:3 – “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Ci·liʹcia, but educated in this city at the feet of Ga·maʹli·el, instructed according to the strictness of the ancestral Law, and zealous for God just as all of you are this day.” - New World Translation

Moses, Daniel, Han·a·niʹah, Mishʹa·el, Az·a·riʹah and Paul where all educated secularly.

Note the following:

  • They were educated at different times in human history and under different human rulers and therefore the education they received would have been vastly different.

  • Their education and secular careers did not prevent Jehovah or Jesus from using them to achieve his service.

  • They were loyal servants or Jehovah until the end of their lives.

  • Ultimately, it was not their education and careers that mattered to Jehovah, but their heart condition.

What scriptural evidence is provided to support the assertion that Jehovah does not young people to not pursue higher education?

The answer to this question is simple.

This article has failed to show young people how they can find true happiness in serving God.

In Matthew 5 Jesus provided us with a comprehensive list of principles, which would lead all his servants to living happy lives. An in-depth study of this chapter will provide young people with practical ways in which they can lead happy lives as young Christians and avoid the pitfalls of being taken captive by the philosophies of men.


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  • Comment by Truth-Seeker on 2019-02-17 15:41:36

    Always amazing how the WTS discourages education. If they were to have The Truth, they should by their own words not fear any repercussions of higher education.

  • Comment by Warp Speed on 2019-02-17 16:31:04

    Nice job Nobleman!

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2019-02-18 04:37:21

    Higher education - what is the problem for WT ? Is it the time spent - when a teenager could be pioneering and possibly helping on builds ?

    Is the location, being away from home?

    Where do apprenticeships fit ? Is it ok to be an apprentice builder, but not an IT apprentice, or train to be a surveyor, accountant, solicitor etc etc?
    If WT wants builders and pioneers, where do the other skills come from ?

    Some who have not gone through higher education have worked through to positions of responsibility (and very decent pay) - are these to be commended, or do we look down on them, or do we just keep quiet.

    Is it materialistic to plan for supporting a family or even retirement, or is it better to struggle and rely on the benefit system, even viewing this as a provision from Jehovah ?

    Higher Education is looked down on, but no alternative is proposed. The result is that those with brains, who wish to avoid being looked down on for making the "wrong" decision, find other ways of building some sort of life, buying their own home, etc.

    An all the difficulties arise because the GB insist the end of this world is imminent, rather than any sound scriptural base for their stand ?

    • Reply by lost in space on 2019-02-18 05:44:38

      Absolutely Leonardo- to your final paragraph observation. And then they have the audacity to build their own paradise bethel despite their owngoing cries of an imminent end..the same cry for decades!! While it is commendable to live simply, not pursue prominance in this system, look forward to kingdom blessings -seeking stability, a satisfying job, reasonable income and saving for the future should be encouraged instead of "condemned".
      Incidentally kind of off subject, I believe the "end is imminent" mantra has now amounted to crying wolf and has served to dishearten, disillusion possibly many now. I do wonder how much damage it has done. We want to worship Jehovah based on love, not the created gb fear based methods that at times are employed.

    • Reply by messenger on 2019-02-24 04:09:11

      Part of the reason for WT's current condemnation of university educations is its policy to hold onto its past policies. WT disparaged higher education way back when it was under the control of Rutherford, and for some of the same reasons. Possibly back to the days of Russell also.

      Rutherford claimed university educators steer pupils away from God. That thought from WT still continues and is a correct thought to a degree. Many educators are religious people. But some are not, and some of those that are not who are science teachers do teach, "you cannot prove God exists." I had one that would say that almost everyday.

      And while the evolutionary theory has nothing to do with whether or not there is a creator, many people, both religious and nonreligious, believe those ideas are inseparable. All colleges and universities teach the evolutionary theory. Let me qualify that. I am not sure about religious colleges.

      It's also true that universities teach homosexuality is caused by biological conditions, not environmental, thus teaching it a natural human condition. Part of WT's fear is that those who expose themselves to these teachings will abandon what they were taught about God.

      Most of those controlling WT have not attended universities. Therefore WT might not be aware that pupils' exposure to the teachings I referenced covers a very small part of their university education. For me those ideas only arose in less than 2% of the classes I took.

  • Comment by jamesbrown on 2019-02-18 18:52:12

    Nobleman great article

    Leonardo & Lost in space: Very well put

    This is the conversation that I had with one of highly regarded elders after reading the article about higher education.

    I asked if the org is against higher education, then why does the org not walk the talk? Before I knew it another elder joined in, and this one was a smart ass in the way he asked for an example of what I am saying, I said allow me to give you a crude example, the org is dead against prostitution according to the bible, correct, they said YES, I posed the question wouldn’t it be wrong to get the BENEFITS that comes from prostitution? Again, I got YES.

    So, I said the org is against higher education and they talk, the talk, BUT they are more than happy to get the benefits from the brothers and sisters that have gotten higher education, university degrees, (doctors, nurses, architects’, lawyers, accountants, etc….) that’s NOT walking the talk, is it?

    One of the elders said do you know how much would it cost the org if we hired outside professional’s, millions and why should we do that if we have such ones in the org.

    So, I said without thinking, if I was a “worldly” person my reply to you would be, why hire the services of a prostitute when we have so many in the org?

    The two of the elders had no hesitation of pointing the fingers in my face and telling me that my attitude will land me in a lot of hot water, just watch what you say and keep your comments to yourself.

    Eric, I forgot your famous scripture whenever I am nasty in my reply’s, its in the book of Colossians, and you bring me back to be kind in my speech again.

    Lazarus, I was as rough of a sand paper as they come by, double shot – long black – coffee with two sugars.

    Awake 22/3/1993:

    Why So Many False Alarms?

    The World’s End—How Near?

    THE story is told of a boy who watched the sheep of the villagers. To stir up a bit of excitement, one day he cried out, “Wolf! Wolf!” when there was no wolf.

    The villagers rushed out with clubs to drive off the wolf, only to find that there was none. It was such great fun that later on the boy repeated his cry.

    Again, the villagers rushed out with their clubs, only to discover that it was another false alarm.

    After that a wolf did come, and the boy sounded the warning, “Wolf! Wolf!” but the villagers dismissed his cry as another false alarm. They had been fooled too often.

    So, it has become with those who proclaim the end of the world. Down through the centuries since Jesus’ day, so many unfulfilled predictions have been made that many no longer take them seriously.

    The rest of the article is just self-justification, no more and no less.

    I hope I didn't offend anyone with my comments, and if I have I do apologise.

    Looking forward to your comments.

    • Reply by X cult member on 2019-02-18 20:50:20

      Hey JB . Maybe you can help me with something
      I'm trying to figure out what your doing on this site
      Are you a double agent of the Are you just one of those people who just like to start conflict and sit back and watch? Are you a fence sitter? Are you an apostate as defined as by the .org? Just coming to this site will make you an apostate to the org
      I believe that you are still loyal to the JW organization.
      My reasons for saying this is in your 3rd sentence you say above "highly regarded elders" and in previous statement you don't like the talking negatively of the jw articles
      I've noticed that you've caused a lot of arguments and made a lot of people upset by insulting them and then apologize for your behaviour.
      There's a lot of good bible verses that can help you with your typing skills to show love and kindness.
      I know of another person who is near and dear to me that does the exact same thing as you do.
      Maybe you are not aware of what you are doing and maybe you are and just like the conflict. I hope you are not aware. But if you are aware, you should be ashamed of yourself and STOP commenting!!!

      Most of the people coming to this site are coming here because they need help with their awakening from the false prophet of the

      What your doing is just mean and uncalled for. Show love and kindness to your fellow brothers and sisters as we are all followers of the Christ
      I'm sorry if I put you on the spot or insulted you as knowing is half the battle

  • Comment by X cult member on 2019-02-18 21:00:04

    Nice job Nobelman.
    My father who wasn't part of the collective but used to attend the assemblies used to get very upset when they used to push these articles
    He could see the org brain washing first hand

  • Comment by Alithia on 2019-02-19 00:58:54

    Hello, my brother was called into the Australia branch Bethel to head up the Law department in the early 80s. He was really an Accountant but had a major in Law too. He is a very academic minded person. All acquired at a time when University was really frowned upon. In any case he stayed there for about 5 years. In this time he helped mentor about 4-5 of the branch leadership as they studied through university to get there Law degrees. Vincent Toole the guy on the ARC fluffing around with his answers and why he did not report a single case of child abuse was one of them. JB perhaps you could mention that to your "respected Elders" this no doubt has been repeated around the world umpteen times. No they do not walk the walk only the talk and not so when it suits them.

  • Comment by jamesbrown on 2019-02-19 18:58:17

    Good morning all picketers,

    Well officially I am "marked" by my HIGHLY REGARDED ELDERS for up to 3 months, I can no longer comment, no longer give talks, no longer be seen as an example to the congregation, however I can still put in my monthly field service report.

    One thing my dear picketers, I didn’t go down without a fight as I mentioned to my HIGHLY REGARDED ELDERS “you are condemning my words and attitude, but you are more than happy to get my field service report, so you can look good before the CO?

    Alithia, after ARC I had a talk to Vin Toole, as I know him personally, why did he lie under oath, it was blatant lies and misleading information? He called it Theocratic Warfare Strategy & keeping my job, so I asked $$$$$ come before telling the truth is that what you are telling me? He simply said James drop this kind of talk as it will cost me dearly.

    X cult member, you said I am Double agent…. My name is Brown, James Brown, how does the tune go after 007.

    Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue;Those who love to use it will eat its fruitage.

    Proverbs 18: 24 There are companions ready to crush one another, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

    Be well and take care.

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2019-02-20 09:10:14

      Similar restrictions as I had a couple of years back, except I am allowed to comment.

      I sent a letter on to WTBS regarding the ARC statement, which Eric has a copy of. At least a got a reply - extremely evasive and definitely not answering the question - you can have a copy if you go via Eric and get my E mail address. Was it at the ARC that they described themselves as Guardians of our Doctrine (God) ? I can't remember.

      Be careful, my friend.

      • Reply by jamesbrown on 2019-02-20 17:55:19

        Good morning LJ

        Yes it was in the ARC that Jeffery Jackson said that GB is the Guardians of the doctrine of the bible.

        Matthew 10:16 “Look! I am sending you out as sheep among wolves;so prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves.

        I will keep you words in my mind, as I dont want to be their target practice.

        All the best

  • Comment by Thaddeus on 2019-02-21 21:10:49

    I always enjoy articles shared on this site, particularly the WT reviews. I'd like to share my thoughts on this review. First, you really, really need a proofreader. Just saying.

    Secondly, while I agree that the Orgs view is severely out of harmony with Scriptural counsel, I feel that this review is grasping at straws in order to find SOMETHING to write about.
    I hope that haters don't attack me for my comment, but if so, let the bullying begin. ?

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2019-02-22 04:11:06

      Thaddeus, we used to have an "edit function", so I will apologise if I leave an error in my comments.
      Are we straining out the gnat ? It is a review.
      The article this week looked fine in principle, as on the surface there was much to commend. Nevertheless, it is a review. If the writer, Nobleman, did not bring out the points he saw, it would not be much of an article. There is always something to observe, and I am grateful that he has done so.

      Just a little note on higher education, as it was touched on. How many in the UK view would view 6th form college as "Higher education" ? Is this not the norm in the US ?

    • Reply by Alithia on 2019-02-22 17:00:31

      Thadeus, I think you need to appreciate this review in the light of what all of the scriptures say about youth and education, including past reviews that have made a critical analysis looking at other angles too. I do not think each review is meant to be a Treatise on each subject, that would be too laborious and unnecessary.

      Also for any reader and you, it is a case not only of what the Org says about education but also what it does not say about what Jehovah says to youth about the matter.

      The Org misrepresents what Jehovah would encourage youth to pursue in the way of securing a happy life in the present circumstances.

      The books of Ecclesiastes and Proverbs are called the books of wisdom by the Jews for ages. These books express Jehovah's thoughts on how a young person can navigate their way forward in life by gaining and using wisdom from above.

      This wisdom encourages one to gain knowledge and understanding, to work hard, to work smart, to excel in knowledge and practical ability!!! To thoroughly enjoy the benefits of such endeavours but also to remember to live life in the knowledge that Jah will judge us at the end days. And to quote a couple of verses we are familiar with; wet the edge of the wedge, to stand before Kings etc.

      The Org does violence to what Jah says to youth in the way of wisdom regarding education. This review is an affirmation of what is a continuous indoctrination by the Org to misrepresent Jah by misconstruing bible passages and also by omitting the full scope of what the scriptures say.

      And now the "bullying". I think you are the "nitpicker".

      Love you Thad. Love to all.

    • Reply by Psalmbee on 2019-02-22 21:56:54

      I think you did a fine job Nobleman. I know some of us have gone beyond the age of being a young one, but there are many older ones that are feeling the grip of this teaching through the decades.

      I hope you are planning on doing more articles/reviews. Keep them coming, there is a lot of straw in every bundle, and if these young ones don't get an education, they will be toting the bundles.

    • Reply by Nobleman on 2019-02-24 06:17:14

      Thanks for the feedback. We will aim to do better on the proofreading. The workload for the reviewers has increased since the introduction of the Spanish site. Sometimes things fall through the cracks and they cannot pick up errors in our submissions. I also agree that it may seem as if this review is “looking” for something to write about.

      This may be as a result of two things:

      Firstly, reviewing a number of articles, you begin to realize how repetitive the information is. The articles offer very little in examining the scriptures from a neutral Christian perspective. There is often very little new information in some of the articles.

      Secondly, in reaching conclusions around doctrinal issues, for many Witnesses it is not what the article says, but rather what it does not say that may have the largest impact.

      For instance, think about how different most Witnesses would view the counsel from the GB if they did not believe it was the “Slave” that Jehovah uses today to feed His sheep.

      Now to assist someone to accept a challenge to the viewpoints of the GB in the article, you may need to first discuss the credentials of the GB. (Not related to the article right? This is grasping at straws for instance). But I recall how important that was to me when I first read an article on this website.

      The challenge with any audience is that everyone is at at different points in their spiritual journey. What may be obvious to one person may not be to another.

      Would love to know where you feel we could have done better on this article. Please send us your suggestions on where we could have omitted some information or added something different.

  • Comment by messenger on 2019-02-23 13:50:37

    I appreciate your use of Romans 14:1-5 Do not pass judgment on those with different (biblical) beliefs. That was one of the first things we were taught to do, to pass judgment on those with different understandings on scriptures. See the Truth book.

    The apostate (WT) taught us everyone else not a JW is apostate, because it (WT) only applies that scripture (Romans 14:1) to mundane issues when it applies it at all.

    The biggest trick WT plays on people is getting them to believe the Devil is not effective in influencing those at the top of its organization, GB members and WT writers.

    Kevin Spacey from Usual Suspects, "The greatest trick the Devil ever played is convincing people he doesn't exist."

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