Listen to Jehovah’s Voice

– posted by Tadua

“This is my Son . . . Listen to him.”—Matthew 17:5.

 [From ws 3/19 p.8 Study Article 11: May 13-19, 2019]

There in the title of the study article and the theme scripture we already have the contradictory message given by the Organization. We are told to listen to Jehovah’s voice, whose voice asks us to listen to Jesus voice. Yet most of the article is only about listening to Jehovah.

We are reminded “In the past, he used prophets, angels, and his Son, Christ Jesus, to convey his thoughts to us” (Par.1) and “Today, he communicates with us through his Word, the Bible.” These statements are accurate and show how we can listen to both Jehovah and Jesus. There are no inspired prophets today, nor do angels visit us. We have everything we need in his inspired word.

All whom Jehovah has chosen to represent him in the past have had clear proof of appointment. The prophets had their prophecy come true. Some were given power to perform miracles. Moses and Aaron were clearly appointed, as was Jesus. Those not clearly appointed were not appointed by God or Jesus.

At Jesus baptism, there was a clear appointment as Luke 3:22 records “and the holy spirit in bodily shape like a dove came down upon him, and a voice came out of heaven: “You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you.””

A while later at Jesus’ transfiguration (Luke 9:35) the disciples were told to “Listen to him”. These clear evidences of Jesus appointment were not easily forgotten or overlooked or questioned. The Apostle Peter still remembered the transfiguration some 30 years later as recorded 2 Peter 1:16-18.

In like manner if a slave were to be appointed over someone’s belongings would we not also expect such a clear and unquestionable appointment. (Matthew 24:25-27) A self appointed slave would (and should) never be taken seriously.

What did Jesus voice ask his disciples to do (who incidentally were also clearly appointed)?

Paragraph 9 reminds us of the following:

“he lovingly taught his followers how to preach the good news, and he repeatedly reminded them to keep on the watch. (Matthew 24:42; 28:19, 20)

“He also urged them to exert themselves vigorously, and he encouraged them not to give up. (Luke 13:24)”

And perhaps the most important points “Jesus stressed the need for his followers to love one another, to remain united, and to observe his commandments. (John 15:10, 12, 13)”

John 18:37 holds an important reminder from Jesus. “Everyone that is on the side of the truth listens to my voice.” Clearly, the opposite is also true. Those who do not listen to Jesus voice are not on the side of truth.

In this we are reminded that Jesus said: “My sheep listen to my voice.” (John 10:27) , and “Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. In turn, whoever loves me will be loved by my Father.”​(John 14:21).

Paragraph 12 marks where the scripturally based discussion is interrupted for the self advertising of the Organization and its demands.

In this paragraph we are asked to cooperate with the elders based on Hebrews 13:7,13 even though those taking the lead in the first century were clearly appointed by Holy Spirit, unlike today. We are also asked to accept without question that the Organization is “God’s Organization”, the format of the meetings, and the type of new tools and methods we are expected to use in our ministry and “the way we build, renovate, and maintain our Kingdom Halls”. Yes, you understand it correctly, you are expected to pay to build, renovate and maintain your Kingdom Hall, just so that if the Organization decides your Hall is not fully utilised then they can send you to a different hall miles away, and sell your Hall and keep the money for themselves.

Paragraph 13 reminds us “Jesus assured his disciples that his teachings would refresh them. “You will find refreshment for yourselves,” he said. “For my yoke is kindly, and my load is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30)”

For those reading this review who are still fully practicing JW’s, please be honest with yourselves. Do you honestly find refreshment from the teachings of the Organization or is it a heavy load?

The requirement to be at meetings twice a week, to prepare for them, to answer up multiple times, to attend meetings for field service before preaching, and that is before we get to the unwritten rules such as no non-Witness friends, no after school activities, no further education and hence no well paying job, spending at least 10 hours per month preaching, cleaning and maintaining the Kingdom Hall and more!

The amount of Witnesses on anti-depressants is shocking. It is hidden, like many things, but is actually rampant as you will find when you start asking. A large contributory factor has to be the treadmill of work, physically and mentally, to remain considered "a spiritual person" within the Organization.

Paragraph 16 states “Or we may be disturbed by false stories that opposers spread about us. We may think about the reproach these reports bring on Jehovah’s name and his organization.” This is an open and shut case of shooting the messenger and ignoring the problem. The Organization is likely referring to so called false stories that they don’t care about sexually abused children when they claim they do, but their hands are tied by the Bible requirement for two witnesses. (See past JW.Org broadcasts)

As highlighted many times on this site, this is a whitewash. Their main support for the two witnesses stance is the Mosaic Law. Jesus released Christians from the Mosaic Law, and the Law for two witnesses primarily related to offences which carried capital punishment (death penalty). Today we acknowledge the secular law of the countries in which we live, and this is a Bible command. Child sexual abuse is a crime and therefore any (all) allegations should therefore be reported to the relevant secular authorities before any congregation action is taken.

Opposers of the Organization do not need to spread false stories, there are too many shockingly true stories to be told. The real problem is not only the failure on the part of the Organization to change its own pharisaical procedures but also the false claim that they are God’s Organization on earth. That claim is what brings reproach on Jehovah’s name. As mentioned earlier, there is no evidence that God ever chose the current Organization to represent him. The whole basis on which they claim this appointment is mired in the mess of 1914 which arose from a very questionable interpretation of a dream given to a pagan King of Babylon which was fulfilled on him 2,550 or so years ago. That Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE can be disproved from the scriptures without resorting to secular history which holds 587 BCE as Jerusalem’s destruction by Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar.[i]

Paragraph 17 makes the claim that “Additionally, Jehovah’s spirit moves “the faithful steward” to keep giving His servants their food supply. (Luke 12:42)”.

So, the teachings of "the generation that will not pass away", or "the overlapping generations". Are they from Jehovah’s spirit or from men’s? If from Jehovah, then why is his spirit telling us lies? As the scriptures remind us that “God” is someone “who cannot lie” (Titus 1:2), it stands to reason that these lies must be from men, they cannot be from God. Additionally, by extension these men cannot be God’s faithful steward. Any steward that lies about what his master says is removed from service straight away.

Yes, those of us still affected by the tentacles of the Organization do well to take encouragement from Hebrews 10:36 where “The Bible reminds us: “You need endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the fulfillment of the promise.”.

Indeed, let us follow the example of the faithful Apostles who when told to be silent about what they had learnt gave this well known reply to the Pharisees of their day “We must obey God as ruler rather than men” (Acts 5:29). Then we will truly be listening to Jehovah’s voice and not men’s voice.


[i] Please see the forthcoming series “A Journey through Time” on this site for scriptural proof.

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  • Comment by Bernardbooks on 2019-05-14 15:03:18

    Tentacles of the organization.
    That is a good way to word it.

    The governing body demands members to listen to them in a way that even Jesus didn’t demand. I’ve never heard or read any statement from them that matches the candid and humble words of Jesus found below.

    “If I am not doing the works of my Father, do not believe me.”
    (John 10:37)

    To me this is very revealing of their true character.

  • Comment by Chet on 2019-05-14 15:38:04

    I wonder if the Watchtower could write an article about any subject without somehow referring to “the Faithful Steward” and/or “the Faithful and Discreet Slave”? Conveniently, they just happen to be there, ready to claim that sobriquet at the drop of a hat.

    • Reply by lost in space on 2019-05-14 18:47:16

      LOL LOL

  • Comment by lost in space on 2019-05-14 17:43:39

    Awesome solid reasoning once again Tadua. Yes, the so-called,self appointed, possibly self Anointed ' great 8.. The governing body have little evidence of Jehovah's approval.or to be fully listened to.

    • Reply by LarryWilson on 2019-05-14 18:26:09

      Jerusalem actually fell in 529 BCE. Learn this. Know this.

      • Reply by lost in space on 2019-05-14 18:46:39

        Well said LarryWilson.
        POMO husband "If ever" has also done extensive research, along with many ex-JW You-tubers and also Wikapedia contributors to comprehensively prove that is undeniably CORRECT!!

      • Reply by Maria on 2019-05-16 06:16:35


        Interesting use of avatar. A subliminal taken from the Revelationbook. The idol pansface within the hand of the glorified Jesus.
        Subliminals, one of the reasons I faded from the Watchtower after 40 years of being a JW.
        After my knowledge about the subliminals, my whole collection of books and other WTpaperware ended in the recycling bin, where it was put to good use again.
        Glas to say my husband faded with me at the same time.
        Kind regards.

  • Comment by rusticshore on 2019-05-14 21:29:47

    "Listen To Jehovah's Voice" followed by Matthew 17:5 is similar by comparison to something I discovered in the longest Sophia and Caleb video "Jehovah Will Help You Be Bold" (11:59 in length). It was all about Sophia being apprehensive about placing "Learn From the Great Teacher" book with her classmates.

    At the end of the video, Sophia calls out to another class mate named "Timmy." She asks, "Hey Timmy, do you want to see what I was reading on the bus?" Timmy responds, "Sure!" Sophia opens the book and says, "This book teaches about Jehovah!" Timmy responds, "Jehovah?" She replies, "Yeah, that's God's name. It tells us about a happy future for the earth. Plus, there's a bunch of pictures in here to help you learn about him." At this moment, the camera focuses clearly on the front and back covers as the book is held open for Timmy. Again, you see a clear picture of Jesus with the children surrounding him. YET, NOT ONE SINGLE MENTION OF OUR DEAR LORD EVEN ONE TIME IN THE VIDEO!

    • Reply by rusticshore on 2019-05-14 21:31:48

      Also . . . "Jesus" receives a grand total of only EIGHT mentions among five videos - in all the 34 videos! You will need to watch SEVEN videos just to hear His name mentioned for the first time.

      • Reply by lost in space on 2019-05-15 08:44:38

        Excellent pick up Rustic shore. We noticed the same minimalism of the role of Jesus in JW literature. Makes sense from the g.b.point of view to do so as the mediatorship role for Jesus belongs only to THEMSELVES as part of the so-called " little flock".

      • Reply by lost in space on 2019-05-15 08:46:49

        Sorry about repeat comments by me- fairly new to doing this and don't know if message gets thru at times, or how to delete an entry!!

    • Reply by lost in space on 2019-05-15 06:16:49

      Excellent pick up Rustic shore! Yes, we were troubled by the minimal discussion of Jesus. It's BRAND Jehovah. Good but not good enough!

  • Comment by Helanren on 2019-05-15 10:51:02

    Something more about the article's title, I recently found out that 'Jehovah' is a wordt created by merging 'Yahweh' and 'Adonai'. YaHWeH + AdOnAi = Yahowah. This reminded the reader to not pronounce the divine name, but say Adonai instead.
    Maybe you already knew this, but this convinced me even more that most witnesses don't even know what they are speaking about.

  • Comment by jamesbrown on 2019-05-16 01:28:51

    Hi Tadua

    Thanks for this article, because it gives me more scriptural way of reasoning with the elders.

    Last week I made a few waves with one elder, and before I knew it another one joined in the conversation that revolved around first paragraph of last week WT about baptism:

    "They did not trust Jehovah and his standards. They chose to set their own standards of good and bad. (Gen. 3:22) But look at what they lost.

    They lost their friendship with Jehovah. They also lost the opportunity to live forever, and they passed sin and death on to their children. (Rom. 5:12) Adam and Eve’s choice led to misery."

    So I posed the question by looking at the picture that said" After he accepted Jesus, the Ethiopian eunuch wanted to get baptized as soon as possible ".

    No preaching first then baptism. So are we setting our own standered of what is good or bad?

    All what I got was, we just have to trust the slave class. And a visit in the next few days from them, I suppose to straighten my thinking.

    I liked what you said " All whom Jehovah has chosen to represent him in the past have had clear proof of appointment. The prophets had their prophecy come true. Some were given power to perform miracles. Moses and Aaron were clearly appointed, as was Jesus. Those not clearly appointed were not appointed by God or Jesus."

    Their are many fine points that you presented, but I think I will stick to one.

    How do they know that I have NOT been appointed by Jehovah and Jesus, just as GB has been???

    What prove is their they are and I am not???

    Again Tadua a good article to ponder on.

    Take care my brother.

    • Reply by messenger on 2019-05-16 23:40:24

      ["All what I got was, we just have to trust the slave class. And a visit in the next few days from them, I suppose to straighten my thinking".] JamesBrown

      James or your elders were tippy toeing around to see if you might intend to, or already have, spread your ideas to other Witnesses. Unfortunately they care about that more than they care about you. Have you ever thought of the reason why that is so? I suggest mainly because of selfishness. That they are concerned about their prestigious position of elder, and their own standing in your church as APPROVED disciples themselves. If they let different ideas spread through your congregation-those accepted by WT as apostasy- those elders' standing in your organization will be threatened. Hmmm, same reason religious people took Jesus down. So it goes, better for one man to go down (you) if it proves necessary, than the whole body (elder body) to suffer any harm whatsoever.

      If you are going to stay and want some other things to ask, here are some more ideas. But if you utter such thoughts you could expect the patter of more feet up to your door, and expect the potential and probability of an inquisition, not just to snuff you, but to root out others you might have infected WITH YOUR WORDS. But if you like playing tiddly winks, here are some more ideas to share with them:

      1. Since a wife has a husband as her head, just as a man has Christ as his. Yet a mother is also a head to her children, showing the relationship between the husband and wife does not define the relationship between a mother and her children. Then do you agree that the relationship between the Father and Son to each other does not define the relationship the Bible claims Christians should have to each one of them, as separate beings? Our relationship to the Father is obviously different than Christ's relationship to him. And our relationship to Christ is obviously different than the Father's relationship with him. That being true, who are the people in Isaiah 9:6 that are spoken of as recognizing Christ as their God? Does the scripture speak of apostate Christians, or those that are Christ's disciples?

      2. Since Matthew 24: 33 & 34 define "this generation" (vs 34) as the generation that sees "all these things" (vs 33), then why does the GB claim "this generation" could possibly be identified before all the things Christ spoke of proceeding those two verses occur? Proceeding that statement Christ said a tribulation like one that will never occur again would happen. And proceeding those verses he said there would be SIGNS in the heavens, and a SIGN of the Son of man in heaven that all tribes will be aware of. So doesn't "all these things" include everything Christ spoke of that proceeded that phrase (this generation)? And if not, why not?

      3. Why at Luke 21:8 did Christ say not to follow those coming on the basis of his name saying.'The due time has approached,' when WT preaches that exact message? Please help me understand why we preach THAT, when Christ said not to.

      4. Christ's quotations about Gehenna are more prevalent than any other Bible characters' comments on that subject. And Christ always spoke of it as a place where some things lasts forever, like the smoke ascending and worms, or the "rich man." Why is it Christ will kill forever a Christian who interprets his teaching on that subject in a literal way, accepting that the literal things there include consciousness, as with the rich man and Lazarus? If Christ is killing because of a Christian believing a wrong interpretation about that subject only, is he judging Christians by their intelligence level, loyalty to a group of Bible interpreters, or just on what basis in that case does Christ judge us?

    • Reply by messenger on 2019-05-17 03:32:28

      Here is another question James. Why does the Governing Body claim the statement "when that which is complete arrives," at 1 Corinthians 13:10 means the completion of the Bible, when just two verses down at 1 Corinthians 12:12 Paul claims HE will see the subject (THAT) in the sentence. And yet Paul died before the Bible was finished? Also, WT claims the surrounding scriptures support an idea that God stopped contacting people after the Bible was completed. But none of the surrounding scriptures speak of God initiating contact with anyone, or that he stopped initiating contact with anyone? That is If WT was correct about what THAT is. See 1 Corinthians 12:27- 13:13. However if WT is incorrect, which it is, about what THAT is , and THAT which is complete arriving is the complete revelation of Christ (either through our resurrection or our surviving until his 2nd coming) , then a contact in the scripture is spoken of. But still there is no mention of a time period when God stopped contacting people. So ask them to explain their interpretation. Since the scriptures speak of other things passing away, but not the passing away of God's contact with individuals. As a matter of fact there is no scripture that makes that claim in the entire Bible.

      • Reply by messenger on 2019-05-17 03:38:57


        I meant two vss down at 1Cor:13:12 not 12:12

    • Reply by lost in space on 2019-05-18 08:07:38

      James brown.. Gotta luv it when the "vultures circle". Innocent as a dove, cautious as serpents.. When pimo or Pomo!! (physically in, mentally out...).
      Your question to them was right on the money!

  • Comment by Alithia on 2019-05-17 19:10:06

    Watching a VDO a few months back on JW Broadcast, on why we must trust the faithful and discreet slave by governing body member “brother Loesch”; he climaxes his presentation and arguments with a question designed to penetrate your mind and heart, and mostly to affect your emotions, but also in a way to by-pass the mind's ability to reason and to critically evaluate everything presented thus far.

    He asks a rhetorical question, “Jesus trusts the faithful and discreet slave, do you”???

    The basis and the arguments for this question, is built mostly on the experiences of Moses and the ancient nation of Israel.
    However it is good to review critically the real truth of the matter as to why Moses and the nation of Israel could stake their lives on, and fully place their trust in Jehovah under Moses’ leadership.

    Then compare this with Mr Loesch and his appeal and see if there is really a direct connection, and compelling and undeniable reasons to follow the directions of the “faithful and discreet slave”, as he claims.

    Firstly, Loesch begins by explaining how unsure Moses would have been of himself when given the commission to front up to Pharaoh and then to lead the Nation out of Egypt. Asking how would we feel if we were asked to do the same? He continues by saying that nevertheless Moses did what he was told despite what must have been many misgivings!

    No doubt this slant on things is designed to anticipate anyone who has their own misgivings when it comes to obeying the faithful and discreet slave, much as most of us would have had prior to awakening. Such misgivings as the Orgs view on , education, marriage, children, employment, meetings, witnessing, the string of failed prophetic dates, continual changes in “understanding”, reversal and complete overhaul of beliefs, celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries, entertainment, vacations, friendships, and the list is endless. In addition to the idea that the faithful and discreet slave may at any time give a direction that is completely counterintuitive under the circumstances and appear to be anything except the course any intelligent and reasoning person may decide to pursue.

    Jehovah knows our human constitution and mentality. He does not ask us to bear, believe or do anything unless we are fully convinced in our own mind regarding the matter and are exercising completely our own free will. If Moses did things at God's command that he really did not want to do then his free will would have been overridden. Jehovah would not want this at all.

    Therefore Jehovah gives us what is necessary according to the circumstances, to the point where we can decide, using our reason and our free will to voluntarily, and in an informed way do His will. The governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ operates differently.

    They are of the opinion that even if you thoroughly disagree with their view, fully resent it, think it to be fully detrimental to you and your family and consider it to be contrary to biblical teachings, you nevertheless must obey! Otherwise you will merit God's displeasure much like Korah in Moses time.

    The biblical account of Moses and his experience of having trust (Or pisti in Greek which is the word used for faith today in modern English) is a very different account from the way Loesch presents it. Loesch and the governing body are tricky in the way they do this. Side stepping, and stepping away, from the real facts using carefully placed words. With more fancy steps than a Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly routine.

    This is demonstrated when Moses first encountered God in the form of a burning bush! And God spoke to him! And commissioned him to speak to Pharaoh and lead his people out of Egypt.

    Moses protested that they would not listen to him. So God empowers him with the miracles, his staff turning into a snake and his hand with leprosy and back to normal. Moses is fine with this, and then he protests that he is poor of speech. God sought this out too, and appoints his brother Aaron as his representative speaker on his behalf! At this point any misgivings? None! Moses heads off to have an audience with Pharaoh.

    Pharaoh is stubborn and refuses to listen. Then follows an astonishing display of power by the 10 plagues announced to Pharaoh by Moses! Each one so clear cut and detailed and executed in the exact manner as described by Moses, such as darkness in the Egyptian areas and light in the Israelites areas. Death of the Egyptian first born and not the Jews!

    It does not end there. They are lead out by a fantastic pillar of cloud in the day and a pillar of fire at night!
    Imagine sitting at your campfire at night looking at this immense spectacle of a pillar of fire in the night sky that would move. No need for any convincing that it is by God or that you should listen and obey!

    Then there is more at the foot of Mount Sinai. God speaks, the people are terrified, and the whole mountain smokes and trembles like a huge Earth quake! Moses is given the 10 commandments and comes down and his face is emitting beams of light too. (Incidentally shortly after would the people turn their backs on God and worship an idol, demonstrating that they still had free will and felt they could do as they should)

    So when the Org appeals to this scenario and warns people to not be like Korah, this is incredible that they can use this account for the purpose of garnering support for their authority over the rank and file JWs!
    Under those circumstances Korah must have been completely insane to act as he did by challenging Moses God given authority!

    In any case the answer to brother Loesch to his question if we trust the faithful and discreet slave is another question, back to the Governing body. Why should we obey you or trust you??? What have you shown in the way God does to assure his people this is the best course to follow?

    They only have a string of false predictions, confused and constantly changing theology and a myriad of contradicting, arbitrarily imposed rules and sanctions that have zero biblical foundation.

    The fact is the Organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses leadership are like Korah! They are the ones who arrogantly want to assume authority over others. Like Korah they make unsubstantiated claims of having the authority that is not accorded to them.

    And like Korah in time they will be taken down in an abyss of obscurity and of a forgotten memory of those who simply want to exercise domination of others. Both their own and the others ruin!

    My God continue to have mercy on us and all of the folk who are still spell bound by the Orgs leadership and false teachings.

    Love to all from Alithia.

    • Reply by Chet on 2019-05-17 22:32:13

      “Why should we obey you or trust you??? What have you shown in the way God does to assure his people this is the best course to follow?”

      That’s an excellent point. Ashas been already pointed out, prophets of old were able to perform miracles or interpret dreams accurately. They were Abe to do things not humanly possible, which means God had to have been using them directly. Now I will give credit where credit is due; the Witnesses were early to the game with regard to a hope for a restored earth, and I think this convinced a lot of people that they were being used by God.

      But this assumption goes too far. The gem of truth with regard to the hope for earthly blessings was wonderful, but there were many false and misleading doctrines that the Witnesses taught, as well. The notion of “anointed” Christians and others whom were not anointed certainly has spread some confusion. My own conclusion on this matter is that humans don’t go to heaven. This earth is our realm. Isolating the teaching of a restored earth as evidence of their organization being uniquely used by God is a bit short sighted and certainly not enough to convince me.

      They have parted no seas, healed none of the infirm nor raised the dead. They have prophesied, but their predictions have a habit of failing. According to Deuteronomy 18:20-22, they are not prophets of the True God. Now, with the GeeBees posturing as media stars of JW Broadcasting, it’s only more brazen.

      • Reply by Alithia on 2019-05-18 21:38:50

        Chet you are right about the Earthly Kingdom hope we could look forward to. This is a real draw card that seemed to cause us all to overlook too many other things.

        One reason being that this paradise was going to materialise soooo soon that we thought these other things should not be as of a great importance than they should have been. They could be resolved later.

        In fact in an unofficial way this was emphasised many times in so many ways. Such as what is the point of speculating if we are going to have washing machines or cars in the New System? Remember all that?

        This was because we thought the New System was so close.

        Also I may have been a little too harsh in my last comments about the GB having any evidence to substantiate their claims to authority as God's spokesman.

        There was I suppose about half a dozen really cool, super fast print in 4 colors, printing presses around the world spitting out millions of bits of paper with information. (That became redundant almost as fast as it was produced!)
        Moses staff/snake was the anti-type of the fast striking large snake that could devour large volumes of paper. The ink was the venom that stung the clergy.

        Remember MEPS! The language translating software developed in the eighties. We could not but hear about this amazing development that had Gods backing and had the world in amazement! Now that was a miracle on a scale that dwarfs the 10 plagues!!!
        What God did to the people building the Tower of Babel was the anti-type in reverse.

        And of course there was Jesus' property portfolio that was vast and increasing rapidly until recent times where his investments are on the dwindle. I wonder where he is directing his"faithful servant" to invest?
        As they say we should follow the smart money! Well we do not have to worry about that either. They have already told us and keep reminding us at nearly every opportunity. Into the Orgs cofers of course!!!

        Im joking of course!

        Love to all fromAlithia.

      • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2019-05-20 04:28:09

        I laughed at your Geebees posturing as media stars, Chet, but it’s no laughing matter is it?
        Just the other day I was talking to an old friend who lives far away and didn’t know I’d faded.
        The JW broadcasts came up and I was suddenly reminded of your comment when there was an adoring gushing of praise for the GB and how wonderful, how funny, how loving... how wonderful that we can actually see them and when they say “ we really love you” it almost brings one to tears with joy.
        I was transported back to 1973 and my school friends discussing David Cassidy. That’s what it sounded like! Fan worship!
        When I said “ The whole thing creeps me out actually,” it was as if I’d said I prefer Donny Osmond to David Cassidy and was instantly distanced from the fan club.,
        Funny, but not funny.
        And what’s worse, the GBs seem to lap up the adoration.
        I don’t like it at all.
        I can’t see Jesus appreciating it either.

        • Reply by lost in space on 2019-05-20 05:58:14

          Martha,Martha - Isn't it all so very "creepy",. The knowledge that "we have no salvation in man' (sorry, cant remember scriptural reference).. and call no man your Father.. somehow, somewhere in time has become lost.
          Its almost heresy to dare suggest they are mere men, supposed to be an example in "washing the feet" of Jesus disciples etc.

          OH GOODNESS me, sometimes it is hard being PIMO!!!

    • Reply by lost in space on 2019-05-18 07:51:06

      Wow Alithia... Finger cramps?? Thanks that was an outstanding presentation of accuracy and reasoning..

      • Reply by Maria on 2019-05-20 09:43:48

        Hi, Lost in space, well I have found you :) and hope you were looking for the next two verses.

        Psalms 146:3

        Put not your trust in princes, in mortal man, who cannot save.

        John 14:6

        Jesus answered: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

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