Help Others Deal with Stress

– posted by Tadua

“All of you have unity of mind, fellow feeling, brotherly affection, tender compassion, and humility.” – 1 Peter 3:8

 [From ws 6/19 p.8 Study Article 26: Aug 26-Sept 1, 2019]

This article is a rarity in that it actually is beneficial for all to read as it will help us to be of some help and benefit to anyone in the situation of being under stress.

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  • Comment by Truth-Seeker on 2019-08-26 10:17:05

    I didn't particularly like the article. It doesn't really get down to the nitty-gritty. Death cannot be viewed objectively, only subjectively. In my experience, never expect from the congregations love and comfort when losing a spouse or experiencing a divorce for an enduring length of time. And where was the compassion for those who have 'lost' loved ones to disfellowshipping? The comment that took the cake was “I understand that death makes people 'uncomfortable'". What an understatement!
    This present life doesn't seem to count for Watchtower. It is something to be dispatched with expediency because the 'real life' is coming. I adhere to the promise of future life, too, but death cannot be taken with a grain of salt, just matter-of-fact. To be of any help to your brother/sister, one has to get down into the ashpit with the struck soul as in the case of Job. People have to really be there for the person if that person truly means something to them. We all have limited means, but we all have a mouth. All of us have been faced with death or will some day have to face death. That the Witnesses act crippled in the face of death is added proof they are not getting the 'proper food at the right time'.

    • Reply by billy on 2019-08-26 16:27:39

      I haven’t read the article but from my own experiences within the organisation you are spot on Truthseeker

  • Comment by Christian on 2019-08-26 20:33:09

    I now live a happy and contented life, so I tend to read things that will uplift not tear down my spirit. As a consequence I generally avoid reading watchtower publications, so I didn't read this article. From my own experience I have seen little genuine compassion in wt circles, any care giving is generally offered tokenistically through local org. filters. There are a few kindly and loving individuals within the arrangement, but they're often dear sisters or humble souls who really care for others, rarely Elders or their shadows. All very sad, but the product of man-made thinking. Perhaps we're seeing an epiphany or a renaissance occurring with articles like this, I'd like to think so, but I feel a little like Thomas - I need to see the evidence first.

  • Comment by jamesbrown on 2019-08-28 01:17:30

    I was reading from Contemporary English Version and I thought to add two words that describe some of our situation:

    John 16: 1 I am telling you these things, so that you will not turn away. 2 You will be chased out of the synagogues "congregations" . And the time will come when people will kill "disfellowship" you and think they are doing God a favour.

    3 They will do these things because they don't know either the Father or me. 4 I am saying this to you now, so that when the time comes, you will remember what I have said.

    Take care everyone

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