Armageddon is Good News!

– posted by Tadua

“They gathered them together to … Armageddon.”​—Revelation 16:16

 [From ws 9/19 p.8 Study Article 36: November 4 – November 10, 2019]

The Watchtower study article says it will answer the following 4 questions.

  • What is Armageddon?

  • What events will lead up to it?

  • How can we be among those who will be saved at Armageddon?

  • How can we remain faithful as Armageddon draws near?”

Therefore, let us investigate how truthfully and effectively these 4 questions are answered.
What is Armageddon?

Revelation 16:14 tells us “And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Ma·gedʹon.” So, the Bible tells us it is a place. But despite this, and acknowledging that “Strictly speaking, it refers to the situation to which “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” are gathered in opposition to Jehovah.”, the article goes on to say “However, in this article, we will also use the term “Armageddon” to refer to the war that immediately follows the gathering of the kings of the earth” (par.3).

This statement results in the perpetuation of the incorrect perception in most Witnesses minds that Armageddon is God’s War, rather than the figurative place where that war takes place. By preaching to others that Armageddon is coming, rather than God’s War is coming, have we not been guilty of misleading people? Surely it would have been of more impact to say God’s War is coming, thereby showing he has an interest in sorting out the mess the earth is in, and certainly more truthful.
What events will happen leading up to Armageddon [God’s Great War]?

The proclamation of “peace and security” precedes “Jehovah’s day.” (Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6.) (Par.7-9)

Please examine this in-depth examination of this scripture here.

Needless to say, the emphasis on the erroneous application of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 leads to a frenzy of speculation among the rank and file Witnesses every time any politicians make statements about peace or make efforts to bring peace in world trouble spots. This speculation should be avoided by all true Christians.

Jesus himself warned us not to speculate. Perhaps the Organization would do well to heed Jesus own words, quoted here in the Organization’s own literature, which highlighted Jesus warning. A previous Watchtower commented ““Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” This question posed by Jesus’ disciples revealed that as yet they did not know the purpose of God’s Kingdom and the appointed time for its rule to begin. Warning them not to speculate about the matter, Jesus said: “It does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction.” Jesus knew that his rulership over the earth was reserved for the future, long after his resurrection and ascension to heaven. (Acts 1:6-11; Luke 19:11, 12, 15) The Scriptures had foretold this”.[i] (Bold Ours)

Yes, this teaching that a proclamation of peace and security precedes Armageddon and God’s Great War is solely speculation. We cannot know the times or the seasons, only God does.

The judgment on the great prostitute. (Read Revelation 17:1, 6; 18:24.) (Par.10-12)

“Babylon the Great has brought much reproach on God’s name. She has taught lies about God. She has prostituted herself spiritually by forming alliances with earth’s rulers. She has used her power and influence to exploit her flocks. And she has spilled much blood, including the blood of God’s servants. (Revelation 19:2)”. (Par.10)

“She has prostituted herself spiritually”

A quick question for readers to ponder over.

Do you know of a religion that has prostituted herself spiritually by forming alliances with earth’s rulers?

Would not the act of a religious organization joining one of the United Nations institutions constitute such a prostitution?

An Organization that is one such prostitute can be identified by reading and examining the proof supplied in the following article Identifying the True Religion – Neutrality on this site.

“She has used her power and influence to exploit her flocks”

The frequent requests for donations, the requests for free labour for so-called “Theocratic Building Projects”, the selling of Kingdom Halls by LDC’s and removal of elders who raise objections to such, are all evidence of the Organization using “her power and influence to exploit her flocks”.

“she has spilled much blood, including the blood of God’s servants”

Over the years, many hundreds if not thousands of Witnesses have died for the following reasons:

  • Rejecting vaccinations. – banned by the Organization from 1921 until 1952 [ii]

  • Rejecting blood fractions – banned by the Organization from 1945 until 2000 [iii]

  • Rejecting whole blood transfusions – banned by the Organization from 1945 until now. [iv]

  • Driven to suicide - Many Child abuse victims ignored, then disfellowshipped because they leave the Organization to get away from the abuser who is allowed to remain in the Organization, often losing fellowship with all their family when they need them the most. Ongoing. For example, see articles on Australian Royal High Commission into Child Abuse.

The attack of Gog. (Read Ezekiel 38:2, 8-9.) (Par.13-15)

This is a perpetuation of the application of type/antitypes despite the Watchtower article vowing not to continue to assign types/antitypes [v] [unless of course it suits the Organization].

A review of the Organization’s teaching on these verses can be examined here. There is no Biblical evidence that such an attack will come. Certainly when Jesus clearly stated that his coming would be like Noah’s day, coming as a surprise, as recorded in Matthew 24:36-42.
How can you be saved at Armageddon?

Acts 4:12 gives Peter’s inspired answer. Talking about Jesus Christ, filled with holy spirit he said, “furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.”  Also, the Apostle Paul wrote “By this undeserved kindness, indeed, you have been saved through faith, and this not owing to you, it is God’s gift” (Ephesians 2:8).

Yet according to the Watchtower article we are only saved by “keeping Kingdom interests in first place”, a euphemism for keeping the Organization’s interests in first place and living by God’s righteous standards and preaching the Organization’s version of the good news. No mention of God’s gift, rather just doing works to ensure salvation is owing to us, with these requirements being in contradiction to Ephesians 2.

Paragraph 18 continues to peddle the false premise that there is a heavenly hope for a limited number. Please prayerfully and carefully review the following series “Mankind’s Hope for the future, Where will it be?” for an in depth review of exactly what hope for the future is taught in the Bible for all mankind.
How can we remain faithful as the end draws near?

What is the suggestion given in the Watchtower article as to how to remain faithful? Paragraph 19 suggests, “A key is to persevere in heartfelt prayer. (Luke 21:36) We must also follow up our prayers by studying God’s Word daily and meditating on it, including its amazing prophecies concerning our times. (Ps. 77:12) These activities, along with a full share in the ministry, will keep our faith strong and our hope alive!”.
In Conclusion

We would echo the suggestion of Luke 21:36. We would also agree with the suggestion to study “God’s Word daily and meditating on it”.

However, very importantly, we must avoid getting fixated upon attempting to know when Armageddon and God’s Great War is coming. Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:36-42 that some would speculate about this, but it was only Jehovah God who knows when this will be. In this way we will avoid being stumbled and losing our faith because of those who cry wolf when there is no wolf. Rather, by focusing on ourselves in developing the fruitages of the spirit we will be ready for God’s Great War whenever it comes.


[i] kl chap. 10 pp. 95-96 par. 14 God’s Kingdom Rules




[v] See w15 3/15 pg17-18.

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  • Comment by Fani on 2019-11-05 12:00:49

    144000 selon rev 14 :4 sont ceux qui continuent à suivre l'agneau où qu'il aille.
    C'est donc leur berger.
    La grande foule ce sont ceux qui ont blanchi leurs robes dans le sang de l'agneau Rev 7:14
    C'est donc aussi leur berger.
    Puisque tous ont le même berger ne peut on pas dire qu'ils sont un seul troupeau ?

    Eph 1 : 8 à 10 Cette faveur imméritée, Dieu l’a fait abonder pour nous en toute sagesse et intelligence 9 en nous faisant connaître le saint secret de sa volonté. Celui-ci est conforme à sonbon plaisir par lequel il a décidé d’établir une administration au terme des temps fixés, pour réunir toutes choses dans le Christ, les choses qui sont dans le ciel et les choses qui sont sur la terre."

    Le royaume de Dieu unifie toute création en Christ.

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2019-11-05 12:40:24

      Bienvenu (Bienvenue ? ) Fani
      Mais, Je ne comprend pas.
      Any translators available ?

  • Comment by Bobcat on 2019-11-03 18:48:00

    Hi Tadua,

    First, I appreciate all your hard work getting these articles out.

    Just Asking asked about the heavenly hope. This post on DTT has a synopsis of what I have come up with so far regarding the 144,000. The 144,000 are all martyred before the GT takes place. Then they are seen on "Mount Zion" in Rev 14:1-3 where it is said that they are "bought from the earth." That would seem to be a righteous reward for what service to God & Christ cost them. Anyways, that's my view at this time.

    On Armageddon: Rev 16:16 places the gathering of the kings and their forces to the place called "Armageddon" during the 6th bowl. This is before the 7th bowl and the "great earthquake." of Rev 16:18-21. The WT holds that they are gathered their following Babylon's demise. This is incorrect. Going by how Rev 16:16-21 lists events, all of the events of Rev 16:19-21 happen at "Armageddon." But the gathering of the kings and their forces described at Rev 16:16 happens before the 7th bowl is poured out. Rev 16:16 is describing Ezek 38:9.

    Part of the reason WT has things out of order is because they hold that "the great city" of Rev 16:19a is Babylon the Great. Contextually, Babylon is referred to third in the listing of events given in Rev 16:19 - (1) The great city, (2) The cities of the nations, (3) Babylon the Great. With Babylon listed third, "the great city" can only refer to something else. And the assembling of the kings and their armies to "Armageddon" just prior to the pouring out of the 7th bowl in Rev 16:17 is a clue to which "great city" is being referred to.

    Another clue to which "great city" is being referred to in Rev 16:19a is what happens after 'the great city was split into three parts,' namely, 'and the cities of the nations fell'. There is only one city that would represent the counterpart to "the cities of the nations." And it is not Babylon - herself one of 'the cities of the nations.' There is only one "great city" in the Bible that would not also be a "city of the nations."

    On the so-called "cry of peace and security," I agree with you that 1Th 5:3 is not describing a "cry." Mt 16:13 has the same verb (rendered "are saying") with the same inflection as in 1Th 5:3. The idea behind the present active "are saying" is a viewpoint or opinion, what they "think." It is not referring to an announcement. It is referring to an attitude towards "Jehovah's day" such as is described in Lu 17:26-30. There is a verb for an announcement. It was used in Mark concerning John the Baptist "crying out" in the wilderness. That verb is not used in 1Th 5:3.

    Having said that, I have uncovered a "peace and security" announcement that happened shortly before the 1st century GT took place. (I posted about it here.)

    At any rate, keep up the good work!

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2019-11-06 03:30:55

      Hi Bobcat, a lot of thoughts in your comment. Could you help me understand one, however ? On what basis do you believe the 144000 were all martyred, considering Revelation 14 only says that they keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes ? You appear to be connecting Revelation 5:9-10, but those verses do not imply that all the 144000 were martyred.
      I look forward to your reply.

      • Reply by Bobcat on 2019-11-06 18:13:17

        Hi Leo,

        I understand Rev 7:1-8 to be an expanded answer to the question raised in Rev 6:9-11 in the 5th seal. The "souls" there ask when justice will be served against their persecutors due to their having been martyred. The answer they are given is, 'not until the full number of your brothers are killed in a similar fashion.' Rev 7:1-8 gives the full number.

        Note the verbal links between Rev 6:9-11 and Rev 7:1-8 - In Rev 6:9-11 vengeance only comes after the full number of martyrs is reached. In Rev 7:1-8 the 'harming winds' are only released after the 144,000 are sealed.

        You should note also that the 144,000 are a sub-group ("out of") of what is referred to as "all the tribes of Israel" which I understand to refer to Christianity (a la Mt 21:43; 1Pe 2:5, 9; Gal 6:16)

        Similarly, Rev 7:9-17 is an answer to the question raised in Rev 6:17 during the 6th seal. The 6th seal (Rev 6:12-17) describes the 'wrath of God and the Lamb' during the great tribulation. The ones fleeing in Rev 6:17 recognize this and ask, 'Who is able to stand?' They think no one will survive God's day of wrath. Rev 7:9-17 shows they are wrong.

        Rev 7:9-17 gives the answer: A great crowd comes out of the great tribulation and is seen standing before the throne. "Standing before the throne" is not a place so much as it is a position of favor. One that allows them to survive the great tribulation. (Cmp Lu 21:36)

        It might be helpful to see the entire chiastic/symmetrical structure of Revelation that I've been working with that forms part of the underlying basis for my conclusions. (Here)

        Regarding Rev 5:9-10, I view that as referring to all of faithful Christianity, of which the 144,000 are a part of. Many references regard Rev 5:9-10 to be an allusion to Ex 19:6. Rev 5:9-10 is the Christian counterpart of what natural Israel could have become if they had remained faithful. (See the scriptures I cited 4 paragraphs above, at the end of the paragraph.)

        This post (on the DtT forum) gives a little more detailed answer than I gave you here. (If you are interested, that is.)

        At any rate, I hope that answers your question, or at least helps towards that.

        • Reply by Tadua on 2019-11-07 19:43:55

          Hi Leo , Bobcat
          You will no doubt both be interested in the upcoming WT review “See look a great crowd” , I look forward to your comments then.

  • Comment by Bernardbooks on 2019-11-03 21:03:44

    How can you be saved at Armageddon?
    Paragraph 17
    “It also includes supporting Christ’s anointed brothers as they care for their weighty responsibilities. —Matt. 25:31-40.”

    It saddens me whenever I see the organization add their interpretation of what Jesus meant when he mentioned “the least of these my brothers” in one of the articles.

    To date, I have only seen one place in the wt library where the organization has commented on Jesus simple and beautiful words about who he considers to be his family or his “brothers”, “sisters” and “mothers” in Matthew 12:50 and Luke 8:21. It is in the following quote.

    w19 May p.16 paragraph 9
    “Our fellow worshippers of Jehovah are our spiritual family. For instance, Jesus spoke of those who joined him in worshipping Jehovah as his brothers, sisters, and mother. —Matt. 12:48-50.”

    How a member of the organization would try to explain the conclusions the organization jumps to in explaining who Jesus “brothers” are in Matthew 25 while ignoring his own answer to the question is beyond me. I personally feel that most have never even thought about it because the organization has steered clear of highlighting it.

  • Comment by Fani on 2019-11-04 22:51:06

    Pour répondre à "je ne fais que demander" je ne pense pas que les justes ont tous l'espérance d'aller au ciel.
    A l'origine Dieu à créé les hommes pour vivre éternellement sur la terre. "remplissez la terre et soumettez la...Dieu vit que c'était très bon"

    Après le péché Jéhovah Dieu dit : «Maintenant, pour qu’il n’avance pas sa main et ne prenne pas aussi du fruit de l’arbre de vie, pour qu’il n’en mange pas et ne vive pas pour toujours... » Gen 3 :22 il ne dit pas que cette vie pour toujours sera dans le ciel.
    Rev 2 : 7 "... au vainqueur je permettrai de manger des fruits de l’arbre de vie, qui est dans le paradis de Dieu.”
    Jésus parle t'il d'un autre arbre de vie ?
    Je pense qu'il est raisonnable de faire le lien avec l'arbre de vie du jardin d'éden, donc pour une vie sur la terre.

    Rev 22 : 2"... Il y avait des arbres de vie qui produisaient 12 récoltes de fruits, donnant leurs fruits chaque mois. Et les feuilles des arbres étaient pour la guérison des nations."
    Rev 22" 14 "Heureux ceux qui lavent leurs longues robes pour avoir le droit d’accéder aux arbres de vie et pour pouvoir entrer dans la ville par ses portes."
    Jésus parle de la guérison des nations donc des humains, donc sur la terre.
    Jésus ne parle pas spécialement des ressuscités injustes mais de ceux qui ont lavé leurs robes dans le sang de l'agneau donc ceux qui l'ont reconnu, les justes.
    Rev 21 :3" la tente de Dieu est avec les humains... " les humains sont sur la terre. Dans le ciel, ce ne sont plus des humains.

    Les psaumes et les livres des prophètes sont des livres prophétiques. Ils parlent de conditions paradisiaques terrestres.
    Esaie 65 :17" Car voyez ! je crée un nouveau ciel et une nouvelle terre ;... Le loup et l’agneau brouteront ensemble,le lion mangera de la paille comme le taureau,et le serpent mangera de la poussière. On ne fera pas de mal et on ne causera aucun ravage dans toute ma montagne sainte », et bien d'autres versets... ça ne s'est pas réalisé sur Israël.
    Certains sur ce site ironisent sur notre espérance de vivre dans un paradis en paix avec les animaux. C'était pourtant les conditions de vie qu'à voulu notre Père pour ses enfants GEN 1 :26
    qu’il tienne dans la soumission les poissons,...toute la terre et tous les animaux domestiques" (ce qui n'exclut pas que certains étaient plus sauvages par nature) Dieu a trouvé que C'ETAIT TRES BON.
    Pourquoi considérez que c'est un espoir de second choix ? (pour les injustes ressuscités)
    Ce qui est important, que nous soyons sur la terre ou dans le ciel, c'est d'être en union avec le Christ et donc avec Dieu.
    Nous pouvons tout en étant sur la terre "voir" le Christ ou notre Père. Jésus répondit à Philippe
    Jean 14 :19 "Dans peu de temps, le monde ne me verra plus, mais vous, vous me verrez, parce que je vis et que vous vivrez."
    Nous serons UN, humains et creatures célestes, car la volonté de Dieu "sera faite au ciel comme sur la terre"
    Math 5 : 5 Heureux ceux qui sont doux de caractère, puisqu’ils hériteront de la terre.
    Pourquoi comprendre autre chose que ce que dit le Christ ? On héritera de la terre.

    Neanmoins, il me semble que Dieu choisira certains pour aller au ciel. (144000
    sûrement symboliques-nombre déterminé par Dieu ? Les apôtres? Les prophètes ? Tirés de la nation juive ? ) je ne sais pas.
    C'est Dieu qui choisit. De plus, il a beaucoup de demeures.
    Je ne qualifierais pas cela d'une autre espérance. Il n'y en a qu'une : c'est le salut, la grâce de faire partie du Royaume de Dieu peu importe où. (je ne veux pas être trop longue je ne m'étendrai pas sur ce sujet)

    Si on trouve injuste d'avoir la vie sur la terre comme les ressuscités injustes.. Jésus dans la parabole des ouvriers n'ayant pas tous autant travaillé pour lui, dit :

    "Compagnon, je ne te fais pas de tort. Tu t’es mis d’accord avec moi pour un denier, non ?  14 Prends ce qui est à toi et pars. Je veux donner aux derniers ouvriers autant qu’à toi.  15 N’ai-​je pas le droit de faire ce que je veux avec ce qui m’appartient ? Ou ton œil est-​il envieux parce que je suis généreux ?” Math 20 :13/14

    Christ ne nous a t'il pas promis la vie éternelle ? Nous l'aurons. De quoi nous plaignons nous ? Sa miséricorde est plus grande que son jugement. C'est super.

    S'il est vrai que je n'ai aucune aspiration à aller ciel, (mais je ne suis sûre de rien) , ce que je sais et désire c'est que la volonté de Dieu se fasse sur la terre comme au ciel et je sais qu'elle sera bonne pour moi.

    Merci encore pour ce site.
    Mon affection fraternelle.


    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2019-11-05 15:50:57

      Hi JA and Fani (Nicole ?)
      Thanks for introducing this ignoramus to Google translate. It is a lot easier on this desktop than my I pad.
      John 10;16 has been discussed extensively by Eric. The one flock contains christianised Jews and Christainised Gentiles. One flock is what they have become, all under the authority of Jesus Christ, but sadly broken into lots of bits by the multitude of Christian religions of this world. If Jesus says they are one flock then that is what they are, unless a person believes that only his religion is acceptable to God. The Jews were one flock, but were rejected, so Jesus had to bring out the honest hearted ones to form the Christian congregation. Since then we are back in the same position as was in the early part of the 1st century, so that no one can identify true worshippers properly.
      The only solution to the position in heaven, to my mind, is that the 144000 are a specially selected group for a particular purpose. They are bought as first fruits, but when are they chosen ? If I was selecting first fruits from literal fruit, I would choose them when the fruit is ready close to harvest time. If that has not started, then maybe none of the 144000 have yet been chosen. Perhaps they are taken from the grave to heaven at the time when Jesus chooses. I DO NOT KNOW.
      Fani, your question is simple, but there is an answer but it is not simple, but it may not be as complicated as we make it. Who knows ?

  • Comment by Nightingale on 2019-11-09 03:47:15

    No I don't believe in any heavenly hope. There is not a single verse in the Bible where Jesus would say something like "you all will be in heaven with me" or Paul saying "we will all be with Jesus in heaven". I think the whole teaching is just a big misunderstanding from the 2nd or 3rd century which Christendom churches have kept alive all these centuries. The Bible is all about the planet Earth and how it is going to be fixed. God's Kingdom is the tool how its going to be fixed - why would that kingdom be anywhere else than on Earth? If the UK gets a new government, would that new government rule from Australia? "The kingdom of the heavens" that Matthew uses simply means The kingdom of God ("heaven" refers to God in many verses). There is no such thing as the Kingdom IN heaven in the Bible.

    That said I think it might be possible that the resurrected Christians with their spiritual bodies might have access to the heavenly realm like Jesus did. But the Christian hope is to be one of those people who restore the humankind with Jesus on this Earth. We shouldn't even talk about "heavenly hope" or "earthly hope", the term the Bible uses is "hope", that should be enough.

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