“Come to Me, … and I Will Refresh You”

– posted by Tadua

“Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you.”—Matthew 11:28

 [From ws 9/19 p.20 Study Article 38: November 18 – November 24, 2019]

The Watchtower article focuses on answering the five questions outlined in paragraph 3. They are:

  • How can we “come to” Jesus?

  • What did Jesus mean when he said: “Take my yoke upon you”?

  • What can we learn from Jesus?

  • Why is the work that he has given us to do refreshing?

  • And how can we continue to find refreshment under Jesus’ yoke?

How Can We Come To Jesus? (Par.4-5)

The article's first suggestion is to ""come to" Jesus by learning as much as we can about the things he said and did. (Luke 1:1-4)." This is a good suggestion as we see by Luke's example. "...I have traced all things from the start with accuracy, to write them in logical order to you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may know fully the certainty of the things that you have been taught orally". Certainly, if we do this to the best of our ability, then we will begin to see where anything, including the Organization, is leading us away from the Christ.

Notably, the very next suggestion (in paragraph 5) sends us straight to the congregation elders. The Watchtower says,  “Another way to “come to” Jesus is by going to the congregation elders if we need help. Jesus uses these “gifts in men” to care for his sheep. (Eph. 4:7, 8, 11; John 21:16; 1 Pet. 5:1-3)”. However, the idea that Jesus uses gifts in men to care for his sheep is misleading. The Kingdom Interlinear used in the Watchtower library actually shows that the correct translation of the phrase should be that “he [Jesus] gave gifts to the men”, as confirmed by the verses where Paul then enumerates those gifts in Ephesians 4:11: “And it was He [Jesus] who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,” (Beroean Study Bible). See also Biblehub.

The Bible record makes it clear that the various gifts of Holy Spirit were given to first century Christians by Jesus. A good shepherd, therefore, was not necessarily also a good evangelist or a prophet. The congregation needed all these gifts and needed all to use those gifts and to work together. Paul made this point in Ephesians 4:16 when he wrote: “From him all the body is harmoniously joined together and made to cooperate through every joint that gives what is needed. When each respective member functions properly, this contributes to the growth of the body as it builds itself up in love“.

As we see, Jesus gave gifts of Holy Spirit to men (and to women) in order to build up and benefit the congregation, but he did not give gifts of men as elders and expect each member to obey them and do their bidding. How would Jesus feel today to see men "lording it over those who are God's inheritance"? 1 Peter 5:13.

Take My Yoke Upon You (par.6-7)

Paragraph 6 engages in speculation by stating: “When Jesus said: “Take my yoke upon you,” he may have meant “Accept my authority.” He could also have meant “Get under the yoke with me, and together we will work for Jehovah.” Either way, the yoke entails work”.

We might wonder what would Jesus' listeners have immediately thought of when asked to take his yoke upon them? They may have first thought of the yoke they were so familiar with, the one designed for two cattle used to pull a plough or similar farming implement in a balanced way. Is the idea here though that Jesus wanted us to come under his control by accepting his authority? No. Jesus did not ever try to control anyone as it would have contradicted his words in John 8:36, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be truly free” (freedom in the context of enslavement to sin). It would hardly be freedom, if we gave up one form of control and we were then to be controlled by Jesus.

In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus appears to be contrasting his yoke with the yoke of another. He says, “Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for yourselves.  30 For my yoke is kindly, and my load is light”. Note the three key emphasized phrases. Jesus was pointing out that his listeners were already working too hard, in fact slaving. They were toiling and loaded down, bending under the heavy burdens placed on them, not only by sin, but also by the Pharisees.

Jesus was offering a refuge to those who would accept the freedom of the Christ. First, they would be freed from enslavement to the Law Covenant and second, they would be freed from the burden of enslavement to the traditions of men, enforced by the Pharisees. Instead, believers could endeavor to put on the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:9-16, Romans 8:21, Galatians 5:1) and know his freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 states: “12 Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. 13 We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at the end of what was fading away. 14 But their minds were closed. For to this day the same veil remains at the reading of the old covenant. It has not been lifted, because only in Christ can it be removed. 15 And even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image with intensifying glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (Beroean Study Bible).

If sharing the yoke with Christ will refresh us, then will it not also make our lives easier and more pleasant? Christ was offering to reduce our burdens by sharing them with him, instead of trying to carry the burdens on our own. Christ does not add to our burdens because that would not be refreshing. True to form, however, the Watchtower implies in paragraph 7 that the Organization nonetheless expects us to strap on a yoke to do the work of preaching. No matter that Jesus gave various gifts of Holy Spirit so some could be teachers, some shepherds, some prophets and some evangelisers. According to the Organization, we all have to work as evangelisers!

Learn from me (par.8-11)

“Humble people were drawn to Jesus. Why? Consider the contrast between Jesus and the Pharisees. Those religious leaders were cold and arrogant. (Matthew 12:9-14)”. The passage in Matthew 12 highlights how Jesus cared for those who were ill and cured them even on the Sabbath, following the principle for which the Sabbath was created-- for refreshment, both in the physical and spiritual aspects of life. However, the Pharisees could only see that Jesus was doing “work” in their eyes and hence breaking the Sabbath law in their eyes.

Likewise, today, are not the modern-day Pharisees only interested in the hours on your monthly report spent knocking on empty doors? Do they care how much time you spend helping the elderly and the infirm? Do they care how much time you spend helping those distressed because of events in their lives outside their control? Indeed, you will be considered "inactive" or "a non-reporter" if you do not go from door to door for at least 1 hour a month. Is it not obvious that circuit overseers are told to focus on how much field service a person does rather than on his true Christian qualities when making appointments?

Paragraph 11 admonishes us: “Never would we want to be like the Pharisees, who resented those who questioned them and persecuted those who expressed an opinion contrary to their own”. But is it not clear that shunning and disfellowshipping those who have doubts or scripturally question a current teaching of the Organization, are Pharisaic ways of handling sincere concerns?

If a person reading this article does not believe that the leaders of the organization are like Pharisees, why not put it to the test for yourself? See what happens when you openly tell more than one elder that you cannot believe the “overlapping generations” teaching because it does not make logical sense, (which it does not). As to what then will follow, you cannot say you were not warned.

Continue to find refreshment under Jesus Yoke (par.16-22)

The remainder of the Watchtower article is the Organization’s slant on what they consider Christ’s “yoke” and “work” to be. Regretfully and notably, this work is not discussed as working on Christian qualities in order to imitate the Christ, but rather on the prominent work of attending meetings and pioneering.

Paragraph 16 opens with “The load that Jesus asks us to carry is different from other loads that we must bear”. It then continues with “We may be exhausted at the end of a workday and have to push ourselves to attend a congregation meeting that night”. But what load does Jesus ask us to carry? Where in the scriptures did Jesus ask us to flagellate ourselves to attend a weekly evening meeting? Before you answer, remember that Hebrews 10:25 was written by Paul, not Jesus. Also, the apostle Paul was not referring to weekly meetings using an Organization’s prescripted format, where everyone gets served the same bland, non-nutritional food.

The only meeting or gathering together Jesus mentioned was in Matthew 18:20 where he said “20 For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst”, and this was not commanded. The meetings and gatherings recorded in the Christian Greek scriptures all appear to have been impromptu, triggered by a particular need or event, and were not part of a structured regular schedule of meetings (For example Acts 4:31, 12:12, 14:27, 15:6,30).

Next, we appear to have the push to give up anything resembling a reasonably comfortable life and become paupers by twisting the account in Mark 10:17-22. The paragraph (17) says: “Jesus presented the young ruler with an invitation. “Go, sell what things you have,” Jesus said, “and come be my follower.” The man was torn, but it appears that he could not let go of his “many possessions.” (Mark 10:17-22) As a result, he rejected the yoke that Jesus had offered him and continued to slave “for Riches.””.

Is there any evidence given by Jesus that the rich man slaved for riches? In reality, the riches were likely inherited, as rulers in that time period often came from rich families. Is it not true that finding it difficult to give up something is very different than working very hard to get more? Is not this point something that we should not overlook? Does it not appear that the Organization is desperate to make the scripture fit its own agenda here?

Can we see the twisted application of this scripture in order to encourage a Witness to give up full-time secular work and slave for the Organization as a pioneer, a construct of the Organization and not the Bible? A Pioneer status was, and is not, a requirement of a Christian or “work” required by Christ.

We can see in Paragraph 19 that there is the thrust to support the non scriptural idea that we can replace Jesus' yoke by appealing to Jehovah's "authority" to work!  The Watchtower writer states: “We are doing Jehovah’s work, so it must be done Jehovah’s way. We are the workers, and Jehovah is the Master”. 


The agenda of this Watchtower article is notably the Organization pointing out that it expects its adherents to slave for it and that the authority of Jehovah is its authority. While trying to explain the meaning of Jesus' yoke, the Organization shows a Pharisaical attitude, pointing out that a true Christian should slave in preaching for it and not worry about income. The Organization, like the collective group of Pharisees, under the guise of  trying to appear Christlike, are imposing a heavy yoke of slavery, of the work of unscriptural preaching. The Christ's refreshing yoke has been twisted for an evil purpose. Should we not all realize that when we are freed from mandatory activities yoked upon us by the Organization, then we actually start to feel the freedom of the Christ?

Archived Comments

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  • Comment by Psalmbee on 2019-11-17 12:03:07

    Hey Just Asking,

    I am very offended by your comments to Tadua. Who made you the Rule maker? This is not your site and if you don't like it I'm sure there is a Kingdom Hall not far from you that you can attend.

    Every since you have began posting here you have tried to take control and I for one think that you are a self righteous individual with JW tendencies.

    It's absolutely not your place to make such comments.


    • Reply by Psalmbee on 2019-11-17 20:38:32

      The one up above, or the one you deleted and edited twice?

  • Comment by Psalmbee on 2019-11-17 15:07:58

    Hello to all,

    I got to say that the way I view Tadua's use of the expression "the reviewer" is a "refreshing" sign of progression.

    " If anyone has doubts ask him, but don't try to teach him."

    This reviewer Psalmbee, appreciates the usage of it and actually would like to see more of it.

    What Tadua said in just one paragraph paints a good picture of the rut some are in.

    Psalmbee, (Ho 11:6)

  • Comment by Justin Michesloff on 2019-11-17 15:40:26

    Just Asking,
    I actually agree with you on this one, one should not do what one is counseling against.
    That said, the public presentation of your opinion comes across so aggressively.
    Are you angry? Is there something that those of us in this community could do to help?
    Might I suggest meditating on Colossians 4:6 before further posts.
    Grace and Peace.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2019-11-17 16:34:19

    JA, I do not think you are a Watchtower apologist, but you are relatively new here, and have made many good points already, but it can be hard to let go of WT teachings. I hope you will not take offence if I say that some of your comments seem to indicate that may be the case. Personally, I do not care if Tadua chooses to use the expression "reviewer". If someone does not accept what Tadua says is true, then that is fair enough. I cannot prove the accuracy of those statements either, and I will simply take them in line with what I know.
    Our CO recently tried to explain the "overlapping generation teaching". I do not think he believed it, because he made a right hash of it, and gave up part way through. It looked to the rest of us that he had been told to include it in his talk. And he duly struggled. Did he believe it. I did not ask him. If anyone on this site does not believe that I am reporting this accurately , I am sure they will take the comment with a pinch of salt, just as we also do with many experiences in the Watchtower, where we know they may or may not be typical.

    I think most of us have all been here long enough to know how to review items critically. I hope so. Let us all be civilised in our comments and not get too personal. There is only one winner when we act like that.

  • Comment by wish4truth2 on 2019-11-17 18:04:21

    Thanks for your examination of the article, it is very infomative. There is non witness Christian doing the same thing a review on every WT study article, he is doing a pretty good job too. He gives a non ex witness angle, in other words he is not influenced by past indoctrination not yet let go,as " Leonado Josephus" and "Just asking" is referring to.

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2019-11-18 06:12:28

      Thank you so much, Wish4truth2 for your direction to the michaeljfelker youtube site. He is not a Witness, but his independent reviews show how easily an outsider can see through what the Org is trying to teach. So now we have (I assume) an ex (or PIMO) Witness view and a non Witness view, but with both using the scriptures with a lot of skill.
      If anyone thinks those here are attacking the Witnesses, you will find MJK can see right through and come up with the same faults the rest of us are aware of.
      I suppose I should also say - thanks to the writers of the Watchtower, without whom we would have so much less to discuss !
      Bye for now and love to all.

  • Comment by Psalmbee on 2019-11-18 06:29:26

    I have read this article several times to try and see what the tender footed PIMO's are trying to say about Tadua's review. The more I read it the more I see how correct he is with his assertions. The thing is, some who have made a career of being a JW want to come here and bring exactly the same things with them that they are trying to escape from.

    Now they think that just because they say "Jehovah and Jesus" in the same sentence, they have made some kind of huge step in separating themselves from the Org. It is a step but not a huge one,

    Tadua, don't let anyone keep you from progressing, I have been reading your articles for 2 or 3 years now, and they have continually been getting better and better.

    Tadua is not angry and he absolutely is not being aggressive in any kind of harmful way. He may be getting a little tired of spoon feeding some grown adults which is very understandable.

    Love to all,


  • Comment by Tadua on 2019-11-18 09:01:23

    Hi just asking
    I will certainly review my use of “reviewer” in future reviews. However in my defence, I am not expecting others to accept my experiences without verification if they feel the experience is not true or want further verification. Additionally, we are not on a level playing field with the Organization. Many on this site (and that may or may not include me) are PIMO’s. Therefore to provide verification or further details in many instances could give clues to the Organization’s “apostate hunters” as to who they are.
    This is not the case with the Watchtower unverifiable experiences. They have nothing to hide, except being proved wrong. Furthermore, they expect people to follow the example of those “experiences”. Surely, therefore such “experiences” require greater verification than noting the personal experience of associates who cannot be named for their own safety with which readers can identify with from their own experiences.

    • Reply by Psalmbee on 2019-11-18 22:38:21

      "Apostate hunters"*. A term I have not heard used before. Thanks Tadua.

      They would have to be hunting active JW's in order to collect a bounty. Would that be correct?
      But on second thought the legal eagles for the WT Corp. have their ways and means to bring a lawsuit against Non JW Activists, although I have not heard of much of that happening as of yet.

      Psalmbee, (1Cor 6:1)

      • Reply by simon1288 on 2019-11-25 10:53:55

        what is PIMO it is also used?

    • Reply by Gogetter on 2019-11-19 06:15:35

      I’ve read all the comments here a couple of times and I’m totally confused about the issue started by JA!
      This I think is much to do about nothing!
      All should stop and just think of how much time it takes the “reviewer”
      To prepare the Watchtower “review” each week for the benefit of all
      To “review” the main tool (WT mag.) the organization uses to teach some truths but often to mislead the R&F ?
      I mean what other way should Tadua refer to himself when giving his opinion, experience or understanding of a topic under discussion?
      Remember none of us have to be here, readers or especially the “reviewer”
      I for one, have great appreciation and respect for the hard work of the “Reviewer”, and it never once crossed my mind he was trying to draw attention to himself, so Keep up the good work Tadu.

      I say this with love and respect to JA....Chill brother we got bigger fish to fry!

      • Reply by tito2019 on 2019-11-19 09:31:20

        I second that Gogetter. I'm new to the site and it never crossed my mind that Tadua was bringing attention to himself. Great job brother Tadua!

  • Comment by Frankie on 2019-11-19 17:14:34

    Dear Tadua

    First of all, I would like to thank you for this review of the WT article (btw, the picture is nice), as well as for your patient work, useful especially for PIMOs remaining in WTS congregations, but also for others in this forum.

    Your analysis is very good, especially with reference to the harsh non-biblical pressure on Christians in WTS congregations by the Organisation’s leadership.
    This pressure causes that good and joyful activity, such as the preaching about the God’s Kingdom, often becomes a hated activity. Good turns into bad. And the word WORK becomes something undesirable, even pejorative. I experienced it.

    Based on my understanding so far, I’d like to point out the content and meaning of some words in the verses of Matt 11:28-30 discussed in Par. 6-7:
    "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

    My yoke, my burden
    It is not yoke as yoke and burden as burden.
    You are correct saying that people in Jesus’ time suffered under the yoke of hundreds of Pharisees’ ordinances, and that "his yoke is in contrast to the yoke of others." The Jews were enslaved under this yoke, just as Christians today who sigh under the yoke and burden of modern religious Pharisees.

    Jesus' yoke is not his own, nor his load is his (as if he had been harnessed or carrying something). Jesus TAKES AWAY the yoke and the burden of the men, and INSTEAD we receive from him the yoke and the burden, which is in sharp contrast to the yoke and the load of men. The yoke he gives us is easy and the burden to carry is light.

    The yoke and the burden really represent work. So should we work? What is this job about? And what will it bring us?
    As mentioned above, the very word WORK, under the pressure of WTS managers, has already become bitter in the mouth of many, and maybe they feel the need to eliminate it from Christian life.

    Lord and servant
    Jesus Christ is our Lord. The Bible writers call Him Lord - Peter, John, Paul, James. But if He really is our Lord, then what are we? We are servants (Eph 6:6). Because He is our Lord, He has the right to command us how to behave and what to do.

    Many times he told his disciples how to behave, e.g.: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." (John 13:34).
    Or what to do: „Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." (Matt 28:19-20).

    "I have commanded you”, “go”, “do it" - it's not just a noncommittal recommendation, it's not a matter of "I can but don't have to". He is our Lord.

    Yes, Jesus set us free. He freed us from sin. And every Christian who is called is at the same time a servant of Jesus Christ (for whom he works as for the Lord):
    "For he who was called in the Lord as a bondservant is a freedman of the Lord. Likewise he who was free when called is a bondservant of Christ." (1 Cor 7:22).

    If Christians are servants of sin, they are on the path of death. If they are freed from the service of sin they become servants of righteousness:

    „ ... having been set free from sin, have become SLAVES of righteousness.” (Romans 6:16-18)

    What are the work, the yoke and the burden?
    Through His word and His life, Jesus showed us how to behave and what to do.
    He preached the Kingdom of God, healed, raised from the dead, showed compassion and love, and taught love.
    He never made compromises, he was humble. He gave hope, showed the way into eternal life. He never forced anyone into anything. He never lied. The commandment was for those who want to keep it from their hearts. He did not subdue anyone by intimidation [and I certainly forgot a lot of things :o)].

    The ministry for him (yoke, burden) was received by the disciples out of love and with love. If love is the main engine of our work, then we barely perceive the yoke and burden.

    What Lord Is Jesus?
    Jesus does not control us as people control others. Jesus kindly guides us along the path of life, for He is the way, the truth and the life. He goes in front of us and leaves us his footsteps so we don't get lost. And even if we get lost, He'll take us by the hand and bring us back. If we weaken, He will give us strength. If we fall, He'll lift us.

    Isn't that a great Lord? He loves us, and if His love remains in us, we love Him. I love Him and I will be happy to do whatever He commands me. Working for such a Lord is a joy and refreshment.

    If WTS management forces me to work harder and harder, even under the threat of damnation, then such a yoke and burden will become unbearably heavy and such work will disgust me over time. The result will be frustration and psychological problems.

    If I work with love for someone I love, it will be refreshment to me and the burden will be as light as a feather. The result will be the joy of work. Our Lord gives us such work to rest. And His yoke is so subtle that we don't even feel it.

    Moreover, we do not have to worry that we will not be able to handle this work of Jesus. Every Christian will do it! Because:
    „ ... for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." (Phil 2:13).
    So our heavenly Father Himself will do it through His holy Spirit in us and our refreshing work will be done with pleasure.

    Love to you Tadua and to all. Frankie

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2019-11-20 05:14:51

      Amazing how much better Christianity sounds when we keep it simple. Thank you Frankie.

  • Comment by Obvious Interests on 2019-11-21 11:27:19

    Hello everyone, thank you for this article Tadua. I've been a long-time reader of the articles posted on this website and many of them have helped me with my understanding of the scriptures as an active PIMO JW.

  • Comment by Fani on 2019-11-22 04:42:44

    nous ne voudrions jamais ressembler aux pharisiens, qui n’appréciaient pas du tout qu’on leur pose trop de questions sur ce qu’ils disaient et faisaient, et qui persécutaient ceux qui exprimaient une opinion différente de la leur"

    J'en perds ma respiration...Comme beaucoup d'autres j'ai été excommuniee parce que j'ai dit que certains enseignements de l'organisation n'avaient aucun fondement biblique.

    Ils se condamnent eux mêmes. Ils font exactement comme les pharisiens.

    Je suis curieuse de connaître les réponses qui vont être données lors de l'étude. J'attends les réponses des PIMO.

    (je pense qu'ils vont parler juste de la maison et du travail...)


  • Comment by Atromitos on 2019-11-22 06:25:04

    Thank you Tadua. Your reviews of the WT study make PIMO life bearable for so many.

    Your honest and courageous considerations have kept me engaged with God, Christ and scripture at times where I've felt sucked into the vortex of atheism.

    Truly refreshing and strengthening.

  • Comment by simon1288 on 2019-11-25 10:47:07

    Hello Tadua, thanks for the review? How do we go to Jesus or how do we obey that invitation?

  • Comment by Fani on 2019-11-29 02:03:10

    Bonjour "je ne faisais que demander"

    Je suis sur ce site depuis quelques mois.
    Je suis contente de vous retrouver.
    J'ai souvent beaucoup aimé vos commentaires.
    Continuez. Vous répondez justement à des questions.

    Vous vous êtes mal compris avec Psalmbee.
    C'est notre ego qui nous joue de mauvais tours.
    Ne soyons pas trop méchants les uns avec les autres.

    Psalmbee. Pourquoi dire : retournez dans une salle du royaume près de chez vous ? "
    C'est trop triste de dire cela.
    J'apprécie aussi vos commentaires. Continuez.

    Nous sommes tous là parce que nous recherchons ce qui est vrai et bon.
    Soyons de vrais frères et sœurs.

    Faites la paix et que Tadua, Psalmbee et je ne faisais que demander continuent dans l'exhortation et l'amour.

    Que la paix soit avec nous tous.

    (j'espère que vous pourrez traduire)

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