Who are the 24 Elders of Revelation 4:4?

– posted by meleti
This article was submitted by Stephanos

The identity of the 24 elders in the book of Revelation has been a subject of discussion for a long time. Several theories have been raised. Since nowhere in the Bible is a clear definition of this group of persons given, it’s quite likely this discussion will continue. This essay should therefore be considered as a contribution to the discussion and in no way pretends to end it.

The 24 elders are mentioned 12 times in the Bible, all within the book of Revelation. The expression in Greek is οἱ εἴκοσι τέσσαρες πρεσβύτεροι (Transliteration: hoi eikosi tessaras presbyteroi). You will find this expression or its inflections in Revelation 4:4, 10; 5:5, 6, 8, 11, 14; 7:11, 13; 11:16; 14:3; 19:4.

The theory brought forward by JW.org is that the 24 elders are 144.000 "anointed ones of the Christian congregation,  resurrected and occupying the heavenly position Jehovah promised them" (re p.77).  Three reasons for this explanation are given:

  1. The 24 elders wear crowns (Re 4:4). Anointed ones are indeed promised to receive a crown (1Co 9:25);

  2. The 24 elders sit on thrones (Re 4:4), which could align with Jesus' promise to the Laodicean congregation 'to sit on his throne' (Re 3:21);

  3. The number 24 is considered to be a reference to 1 Chronicles 24:1-19, where is speaks of king David organizing the priests in 24 divisions. The anointed ones will indeed serve as priests in heaven (1Pe 2:9).

All of these reasons point in the direction that these 24 persons will be both kings and priests, contributing to the idea that the 24 elders are anointed ones with a heavenly hope, since these ones will be become king-priests (Re 20:6).

Is this line of reasoning sufficient to draw a valid conclusion as to the identity of the 24 elders? It would appear that there are several arguments that undermine the foundation of this interpretation.

Argument 1 – A Beautiful Song

Please read Revelation 5:9, 10. In these verses you will find a song that the 4 living creatures and the 24 elders sing for the Lamb, who is clearly Jesus Christ. This is what they sing:

“Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, 10 and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.” (Re 5:9, 10 ESV[i])

Notice the use of pronouns: "and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth." The text of this song is about the anointed ones and the privileges they will receive. The question is: If the 24 elders represent anointed ones, why refer to themselves in the third person—"they" and "them"? Wouldn’t the first person—"we" and “us”—be more appropriate? After all, the 24 elders do refer to themselves in the first person in this same verse (10) when they say “our God”.  So apparently they are not singing about themselves.

Argument 2 – Consistent Counting

Please take a look at Revelation 5. The setting in this chapter is clear: John sees 1 God = 1 person, 1 Lamb = 1 person and 4 living creatures = 4 persons. Is it reasonable to think that these 24 elders are then a symbolic class representing a congregation or is it more likely that they are just 24 persons? If they weren’t a symbolic class of anointed persons, but a literal 24 anointed ones that represent the group of persons with a heavenly hope, would that make sense? The Bible doesn’t indicate that some anointed persons would be more privileged than others. One could argue that the apostles might be placed in a special position with Jesus, but no reference can be found that 24 persons are honored with a special position in front of God. Would this lead us to conclude that the 24 elders are 24 persons that do not represent the anointed as a class?

Argument 3 – Daniel 7

There is a particular Bible book that contributes to the understanding of the book of Revelation: the book of Daniel. Just think of the similarities between these two books. To mention only two: angels bringing messages, and frightening animals rising up from the sea. Thus, it is worthwhile to compare Revelation chapters 4 and 5 with Daniel chapter 7.

The main character in both books is Jehovah God. In Revelation 4:2 he is described as “the one seated on the throne”, while in Daniel 7:9 he is “the Ancient of Days”, taking a seat on his throne.  Additionally, it is noteworthy that his clothing is as white as snow. Other heavenly beings like angels are sometimes described as wearing white clothes. (John 20:12) So this colour isn’t exclusively used for former humans in a heavenly position (Revelation 7:9).

Jehovah God is not alone in this heavenly setting. In Revelation 5:6 we see Jesus Christ standing before God’s throne, depicted as Lamb that has been slain. In Daniel 7:13 Jesus is described as “one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him”. Both descriptions of Jesus in heaven refer to his role as a human, specifically as a ransom sacrifice for mankind.

The Father and Son are not the only ones mentioned. In Revelation 5:11 we read about “many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands”. Similarly, in Daniel 7:10 we find: “a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.” What an impressing scene this is!

Anointed ones with the prospect of being priest-kings with Jesus in his kingdom are also mentioned in both Revelation 5 and Daniel 7, but in both cases they aren’t seen in heaven! In Revelation 5 they are mentioned in a song (verses 9-10). In Daniel 7:21, these are the holy ones on earth with whom the symbolic horn wages war. Da 7:26 speaks of a future time when the horn is vanquished and 27 speaks of all authority being handed to these holy ones.

Other persons are also present in the heavenly visions of Daniel and John. As we already saw in Revelation 4:4, there are 24 elders depicted sitting on thrones. Now please look at Daniel 7:9 which says: “As I looked, thrones were placed”. Who were sitting on these thrones? The next verse says, “the court sat in judgment”.

This court is also mentioned in verse 26 of the same chapter. Is this court comprised only of Jehovah God, or are others involved? Please notice that Jehovah God is seated among the thrones in verse 9—the king always sits first—then the court is seated in verse 10.  Since Jesus is described separately as “the one like a son of man”, he does not comprise this court, but is outside it.  Likewise, the court does not comprise “the holy ones” in Daniel 7 or the people made into a kingdom of priests in Revelation 5 (see argument 1).

What does the term, “elders” (Greek: presbyteroi), mean? In the gospels this terminology refers to the older men of Jewish society. In a number of verses, these elders are mentioned accompaning the chief priests (e.g. Matthew 16:21; 21:23; 26:47). Thus, they are not priests themselves. What was their task? Since the days of Moses, the arrangement of elders functioned as a local court (e.g. Deuteronomy 25:7). So at least in the mind of the reader who was familiar with the Jewish judicial system, the word “court” was interchangeable with “elders”. Please notice that Jesus, in both Revelation 5 and Daniel 7, enters the scene after the court is seated!

The parallel between Daniel 7 and Revelation 5 is striking and leads to the conclusion that the 24 elders in the book of Revelation are the same ones described in Daniel 7. In both visions, they refer to a heavenly group, a court of elders, that is sitting on thrones around God himself.

Argument 4 – Close to Whom?

Each time these 24 elders are mentioned, they are seen in proximity to the throne on which Jehovah God sits. In each instance, except in Revelation 11, they are also accompanied by the 4 living creatures. These 4 living creatures are identified as cherubs, a special order of angels (Ezekiel 1:19; 10:19). The 24 elders aren’t described as standing in a very close position to Christ such as the 144.000 persons who are "with him” (Re 14:1). The same verse also makes clear that the 24 elders can’t sing the same song as the 144.000 persons, so they can’t be the same persons. Please notice that the 24 elders are continually in the proximity to God himself to serve him.

But what about the arguments that are mentioned at the beginning of this article and lead many to the conclusion that the 24 elders are the anointed ones? Please consider the next counter-arguments.

Argument 5: Thrones Symbolizing Authority

What about the thrones the 24 elders are seated on? Colossians 1:16 states: "For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him." This text indicates that in heaven there are  hierarchies by which authority is dispensed. This is a concept which is supported by other Bible accounts. For example, Daniel 10:13 refers to the angel Michael as "one of the chief princes (Hebrew: sar). From this it's safe to conclude that in heaven there is an order of princes, a hierarchy of authority.  Since these angels are described as princes, it is appropriate that they would sit on thrones.

Argument 6: Crowns Belonging to Victors

The Greek word translated “crown” is στέφανος (transliteration: stephanos). This word is very meaningful. This type of crown is not necessarily a royal crown, since the Greek word denoting that status is is διαδήμα (diadema). HELPS Word-studies defines stephanos as: “properly, a wreath (garland), awarded to a victor in the ancient athletic games (like the Greek Olympics); the crown of victory (versus diadema, "a royal crown").

The angelic princes like Michael mentioned at argument 5 are powerful persons who have to use their strength to battle with demonic forces. You find impressing accounts of such wars in Daniel 10:13, 20, 21 and Revelation 12:7-9. It is comforting to read that the loyal princes emerge from such wars as victors. They deserve to wear a crown that belongs to victors, don’t you agree?

Argument 7: The Number 24

The number 24 could represent a literal number of elders, or it could be representative. It could relate to the account in 1 Chronicles 24:1-19, or not. Let’s assume that this number is related to some degree to 1 Chronicles 24. Does this prove that the 24 elders must be annointed persons serving as priests?

Please note that 1 Chronicles 24:5 describes their tasks in this way: “sacred officers and officers of God” or “princes of the sanctuary, and princes of God”. Again the Hebrew word “sar” is used. The emphasis is put on the service in the temple for God. The question becomes: Is the earthly arrangement a model of the heavenly arrangement or is it the other way round? The writer of Hebrews notes that the temple with its priests and sacrifices was a shadow of a reality in heaven (Heb 8:4, 5). We must realize that the earthly arrangement can’t be found one-to-one in heaven. For example consider that all the anointed persons as priests eventually enter the Most Holy, i.e. heaven (Heb 6:19). In the days of the temple in Israel only the High Priest was allowed to enter this area once in a year! (Heb 9:3, 7). In the “real arrangement” Jesus is not only the High Priest but also the sacrifice (Heb 9:11, 12, 28). No need to explain further that in the “shadow arrangement” this was not the case (Le 16:6).

It’s remarkable that Hebrews gives a beautiful explanation of the true meaning of the temple arrangement, yet makes no a reference to the 24 priestly divisions.

Incidentally, the Bible relates one occasion in which an angel does something that reminds us of a high priest’s task. In Isaiah 6:6 we read about a special angel, one of the seraphim, that took a burning coal from the altar. Something like this was also a task of the High Priest (Le 16:12, 13). Here we have an angel acting as a priest. This angel clearly is not one of the anointed ones.

So a single numerical reference to a priestly order is by no means conclusive evidence of a correlation between the accounts in Chronicles and Revelation.  If the 24 elders do refer to 1 Chronicles 24, we might  ask ourselves: if Jehovah wanted us to inform us about an angelic order that serves him in his heavenly court, how could he make it comprehensible to us? Could it be possible that he would use images in the same earthly arrangement that he already uses to explain heavenly things?


What conclusion do you draw after considering this evidence? Do the 24 elders represent the anointed ones? Or are they angels who hold a special position close to their God? Many Scriptural arguments indicate the latter. Does it matter one could ask? At least this study brought a very interesting parallel to our attention, namely between Daniel 7 and Revelation 4 and 5. Maybe we can learn more from this equation. Let’s keep that for another article.


[i] Unless otherwise stated, all Bible references are to the English Standard Version (ESV)

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  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2019-11-29 13:08:00

    Hi Eric and Stephanos
    I was just thinking about this during the night yesterday, so I am really glad that you have tackled this. The explanations in JW.Org publications (as highlighted in this week's CLAM meeting, did not answer the questions that we would have liked answers to. At least the Revelation Climax book acknowledges the possible inconsistencies, but the answers here were not up to much.
    This is what I concluded :-
    Here (in Revelation 14:3) the 144000 are seen singing a new song before the 24 elders. The Revelation Climax book tries to cover this with the question "Why is it that these overcomers (Yuchh!) are referred to as the symbolic 24 elders as well as the 144000 ?"). The explanation that follows fails to answer the question, merely explaining that the 144000 are brought from mankind, while the 24 elders are the same group viewed in heaven. AT leasdt that is what they seem to be saying.
    The evidence from this is then that the 144000 are not the same as the 24 elders, and it all seems quite clear.
    There is nothing in chapters 4 & 5 to contradict this conclusion. as for the white garments, it seemed reasonable to conclude that anyone in Jehovah's presence would need white garments. The 24 elders were not given them, nor are they described as having washed them.
    I am afraid that the conclusions made by JW.Org are without foundation, and the explanations given in the Revelation Climax book are about as easy to explain as the overlapping generation teaching.
    Therefore the 24 elders are not the 144000, but I really have no idea why anyone needed to promote this view in the first place

  • Comment by Jerome on 2019-11-29 14:55:54

    Excellent article Stephanos.
    I just completed my own study comparing the 144,000 and the 24 elders. Instead of the priestly divisions in 1 Chronicles 24:1-19, I noticed a reference in 1 Chronicles chapter 27 that may help in the identification. Note what Insight on the Scriptures has to say:
    “During David’s 40-year reign various specialized offices were created in addition to the tribal arrangement. There was an inner circle of counselors surrounding the king himself, besides the older men of influence that served the centralized government. (1Ch 13:1; 27:32-34) (Insight on the Scriptures vol.1 pgs. 1230-1231 Israel)
    “David retained many of the older organizational plans of the army, such as holding the position of commander in chief himself, appointing field commanders like Joab, Abner, and Amasa, and having under them the heads over thousands and over hundreds. (2Sa 18:1; 1Ki 2:32; 1Ch 13:1; 18:15) However, David instituted some novel plans of his own. A system of monthly rotation provided 12 groups of 24,000 (a total of 288,000), so that a soldier normally served only one month a year. (1Ch 27:1-15) This does not mean that all 24,000 for one month came from the same tribe, but, rather, each tribe furnished its share of the monthly quota throughout the year. (Insight on the Scriptures vol. 1 pg. 174)

    1 Chronicles chapter 27 lists these leaders and commanders of the people. Each division had a commander with 24 leaders of 1000 men each under him.

    Furthermore, if as the society claims, the 24 elders are indeed another picture of the 144,000 kings and priests, how is it that the 144,000 are seen singing before the 24 elders in Revelation 14:3?
    The Revelation book provides this answer:
    “How can the 144,000 sing “before” the elders, since the 24 elders are the 144,000 in their glorious heavenly position? Early in the Lord’s day, those “dead in union with Christ” were resurrected as spirit creatures. Thus, faithful anointed Christians who have conquered are now in heaven, symbolically fulfilling functions comparable to those of 24 divisions of priestly elders. They are included in the vision of Jehovah’s heavenly organization. (1 Thessalonians 4:15, 16; 1 Chronicles 24:1-18; Revelation 4:4; 6:11) The remnant of the 144,000 still on earth are therefore singing the new song before, or in the sight of, their resurrected brothers in heaven. (Revelation Climax pg. 201 par. 10)

    But, since there is not a full 144,000 persons on earth in sight of the 24 elders, but only a remnant, does this not result in both numbers being symbolic?

  • Comment by James Paul on 2020-01-05 13:37:47

    Nice article and eye opener, well researched, I always wondered how John saw ressurected anointed Christians and if he swears himself. Now I'm glad to know the true meaning of who these elders are.

  • Comment by chicho on 2020-02-26 03:10:41

    Hay un texto que dice que los angeles se dividen en familias, supongo los 24 ancianos son arcangeles o los jefes de esas familias de angeles que representan a las decenas de miles de ellos. No entiendo porque la JW dice que esos ancianos son los ungidos si primero dicen que 144 mil lo son, que tendrian que ver 24 de esos 144 mil? Aun asi el numero 144 mil es Simbolico, ya que el libro de Apocalipsis es simbolico, nada literal que sepamos. Toda la doctrina de la JW se basa en Apocalipsis

  • Comment by trace on 2020-10-04 17:26:13

    One possibility is, that the 24 elders are spiritual creatures who already received the privilege to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad (Gen.3:22), by already getting moral autonomy and ability to judge. Although having a kind of moral autonomy, they still acknowledge Jehovah's authority as could be indicated in Rev.4:10, by casting their crowns before the throne, thus imitating Jesus who although having eaten from both tree of life and of the knowledge, put father's will first (John.6:38).

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2020-10-04 17:43:38

      Why would spirit creatures need to eat from a physical tree?

      • Reply by trace on 2020-10-04 18:28:22

        As far as I understand, there are others, at least Jesus in prehuman existence, who are considered knowing good and bad as it is seen from Gen.3:22, of course, there are no trees in heaven, but apparently there was a way, at least for him to qualify.
        Anyway, I don't believe that the tree of knowledge of good and bad in the garden of Eden was created just to be forbidden forever (compare Jam.1:13). I believe there must have been a way to eat from it legally, although not revealed at that time.

        • Reply by Ad_Lang on 2020-12-09 23:57:38

          As far as I have learned and done personal study, I can tell this tree must have had distinct fruit that represented Jehovah's ultimate authority to set the boundaries on right and wrong. Note how the connection between "knowing" and being "like God" is used in Acts 1:7, where Jesus said to his disciples: "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority" (NKJV). Apart from that tree, it seems that Adam and Eve were free to do whatever they liked, and the only further boundaries they set would be by their own initiative based on love for God and for each other (and, in time, their children). How ironic, that they believed Satan, who promised them what they already had!

          It is possible that Adam's rebellion gave Satan a strong argument he could use to mislead angels. Compare Genesis 6:1-4 and Jude 6. One might think that this "disobedience" was a matter of grossly crossing boundaries, such as bestiality would be. It's not unthinkable that Satan's interpreting Genesis 2:17 in literal days would have helped him to persuade angels to believe that God had indeed not told the truth, because people kept on living for so many years after that wrongdoing.

          Jehovah, being aware of the intention of the heart, must have noticed Satan's brooding during creation, e.g. at the time that Job 38:7 describes. That may quite possibly have been the reason for this tree to be there, giving Satan an opportunity (a platform) to show himself for what he truly is. Also, mankind's being confined to the earth may be due to damage control. At the end of the 1000 years, Satan will be let loose again for a short while, and will gather all humans who are inclined to follow up on his twisted reasoning. This will be dealt with quickly, and the remaining ones may see their boundaries vastly expanded, e.g. space travel and possibly a way to properly connect with the spirit realm and the remaining spirits, as the currently ongoing war will be over.

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