Holy Spirit in Action - In the 1st Century Christian Times

– posted by Tadua

Jesus and the Early Christian Congregation

Matthew 1:18-20 records how Mary became pregnant with Jesus. “During the time his mother Mary was promised in marriage to Joseph, she was found to be pregnant by holy spirit before they were united.  19 However, Joseph her husband, because he was righteous and did not want to make her a public spectacle, intended to divorce her secretly.  20 But after he had thought these things over, look! Jehovah’s angel appeared to him in a dream, saying: “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife home, for that which has been begotten in her is by Holy Spirit”. It identifies for us that the life force of Jesus was transferred from heaven into the womb of Mary by the means of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 3:16 records the baptism of Jesus and the visible manifestation of the Holy Spirit coming upon him, “After being baptized Jesus immediately came up from the water; and, look! the heavens were opened up, and he saw descending like a dove God’s spirit coming upon him.” This was a clear acknowledgment along with the voice from heaven that he was God’s son.

Luke 11:13 is significant as it marked a change. Up until the time of Jesus, God had given or put his Holy Spirit upon selected ones as a clear symbol of his choosing them. Now, please note what Jesus said “Therefore, if YOU, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to YOUR children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him!”. Yes, now those genuine hearted Christians could ask for the Holy Spirit! But what for? The context of this verse, Luke 11:6, indicates it was to do something good to others with it, in Jesus’ illustration to show hospitality to a friend who unexpectedly arrived.

Luke 12:10-12 is also a very important scripture to keep in mind. It states, “And everyone that says a word against the Son of man, it will be forgiven him; but he that blasphemes against the holy spirit will not be forgiven it.  11 But when they bring YOU in before public assemblies and government officials and authorities, do not become anxious about how or what YOU will speak in defense or what YOU will say;  12 for the holy spirit will teach YOU in that very hour the things YOU ought to say.”

Firstly, we are warned not to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, which is to slander, or speak evil against. In particular, this would likely involve denying the clear manifestation of the Holy Spirit or its source, such as the Pharisees did about Jesus miracles claiming his power was from Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24).

Secondly, the Greek word translated “teach” is “didasko”, and in this context, means “will cause you to learn from the scriptures”. (This word almost without exception refers to teaching the scriptures when used in the Christian Greek scriptures). The obvious requirement is the importance of knowing the scriptures as opposed to any other writings. (See the parallel account in John 14:26).

The apostles received Holy Spirit after the resurrection of Jesus according to John 20:22, “And after he said this he blew upon them and said to them: “Receive Holy Spirit””. However, it appears that the Holy Spirit given here was to help them keep faithful and keep going for a short while. This was to change shortly.

Holy Spirit becomes manifest as Gifts

What happened not long after was different in application and use to those disciples receiving Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Acts 1:8 says “but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me …”. This came true not many days later at Pentecost, according to Acts 2:1-4 “while the day of the [festival of] Pentecost was in progress they were all together at the same place,  2 and suddenly there occurred from heaven a noise just like that of a rushing stiff breeze, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting.  3 And tongues as if of fire became visible to them and were distributed about, and one sat upon each one of them,  4 and they all became filled with holy spirit and started to speak with different tongues, just as the spirit was granting them to make utterance”.

This account shows that, rather than just power and mental strength to continue, the early Christians were given gifts by means of Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues, in the languages of their audiences. The Apostle Peter in his speech to those witnessing this event (in fulfillment of Joel 2:28) told his listeners “Repent, and let each one of YOU be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of YOUR sins, and YOU will receive the free gift of the holy spirit.”.

How did those early Christians not at the gathering at Pentecost receive Holy Spirit? It appears it was only through the Apostles praying and then laying their hands upon them. In fact, it was this limited distribution of Holy Spirit only via the apostles that likely led Simon to try to buy the privilege of giving others Holy Spirit. Acts 8:14-20 tells us “When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Sa·marʹi·a had accepted the word of God, they dispatched Peter and John to them;  15 and these went down and prayed for them to get holy spirit.  16 For it had not yet fallen upon any one of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.  17 Then they went laying their hands upon them, and they began to receive holy spirit. 18 Now when Simon saw that through the laying on of the hands of the apostles the spirit was given, he offered them money,  19 saying: “Give me also this authority, that anyone upon whom I lay my hands may receive holy spirit.”  20 But Peter said to him: “May your silver perish with you, because you thought through money to get possession of the free gift of God”.

Acts 9:17 highlights a common feature of the Holy Spirit being poured out. It was by someone who already had been given Holy Spirit, laying on their hands to those worthy to receive it. In this case, it was Saul, soon to become known as the Apostle Paul. ”So An·a·niʹas went off and entered into the house, and he laid his hands upon him and said: “Saul, brother, the Lord, the Jesus that appeared to you on the road over which you were coming, has sent me forth, in order that you may recover sight and be filled with holy spirit.”

An important milestone in the early Congregation is recorded in the account in Acts 11:15-17. That of the pouring out of Holy Spirit upon Cornelius and his household. This quickly led to the acceptance of the first Gentiles into the Christian Congregation. This time the Holy Spirit came directly from heaven because of the importance of what was happening. “But when I started to speak, the holy spirit fell upon them just as it did also upon us in [the] beginning.  16 At this I called to mind the saying of the Lord, how he used to say, ‘John, for his part, baptized with water, but YOU will be baptized in holy spirit.’  17 If, therefore, God gave the same free gift to them as he also did to us who have believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I should be able to hinder God?””.

Gift of Shepherding

Acts 20:28 mentions “Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed YOU overseers [literally, to keep an eye on] to shepherd the congregation of God, which he purchased with the blood of his own [Son]”. This needs to be understood in the context of Ephesians 4:11 which reads “And he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers”.

It therefore seems reasonable to conclude that the “appointments” in the first century were all part of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Adding weight to this understanding, 1 Timothy 4:14 tells us that Timothy was instructed, “Do not be neglecting the gift in you that was given you through a prediction and when the body of older men laid their hands upon you”. The particular gift was not specified, but a little later in his letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul reminded him “Never lay your hands hastily upon any man”.

Holy Spirit and non-baptized believers

Acts 18:24-26 contains another fascinating account, that of Apollos. “Now a certain Jew named A·polʹlos, a native of Alexandria, an eloquent man, arrived in Ephʹe·sus; and he was well versed in the Scriptures.  25 This [man] had been orally instructed in the way of Jehovah and, as he was aglow with the spirit, he went speaking and teaching with correctness the things about Jesus but being acquainted with only the baptism of John.  26 And this [man] started to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Pris·cilʹla and Aqʹui·la heard him, they took him into their company and expounded the way of God more correctly to him”.

Note that here Apollos was not yet baptized in the water baptism of Jesus, yet he had Holy Spirit, and was teaching correctly about Jesus. Apollos’ teaching was based on what? It was the scriptures, which he knew and had been taught, not by any Christian publications purporting to be explaining the scriptures correctly. Furthermore, how was he treated by Priscilla and Aquila? As a fellow Christian, not as an apostate. The latter, being treated as an apostate and totally shunned is today usually the standard treatment meted out to any Witness who sticks to the Bible and does not use publications of the Organization to teach others.

Acts 19:1-6 shows that the Apostle Paul came across some who had been taught by Apollos in Ephesus. Note what transpired: “Paul went through the inland parts and came down to Ephʹe·sus, and found some disciples;  2 and he said to them: “Did you receive holy spirit when YOU became believers?” They said to him: “Why, we have never heard whether there is a holy spirit.”  3 And he said: “In what, then, were YOU baptized?” They said: “In John’s baptism.”  4 Paul said: “John baptized with the baptism [in symbol] of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus.”  5 On hearing this, they got baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.  6 And when Paul laid his hands upon them, the holy spirit came upon them, and they began speaking with tongues and prophesying”. Once again, the laying on of hands by one who already had Holy Spirit appears to have been necessary for others to receive the gifts such as tongues or prophecy.

How the Holy Spirit worked in the first century

Holy Spirit being upon those first century Christians led to Paul’s statement in 1 Corinthians 3:16 which says “16 Do YOU not know that YOU people are God’s temple, and that the spirit of God dwells in YOU?”. How were they God’s dwelling place (naos)? He answers in the second part of the sentence, because they had God’s spirit dwelling in them. (See also 1 Corinthians 6:19).

1 Corinthians 12:1-31 is also a key section in understanding how the Holy Spirit worked in first century Christians. It helped both back in the first century and now to identify if Holy Spirit was not on someone. Firstly, verse 3 warns us “Therefore I would have YOU know that nobody when speaking by God’s spirit says: “Jesus is accursed!” and nobody can say: “Jesus is Lord!” except by Holy Spirit”.

This raises key questions.

  • Do we view and treat Jesus as our Lord?

  • Do we acknowledge Jesus as such?

  • Do we minimise Jesus importance by rarely talking about or mentioning him?

  • Do we usually direct almost all attention to his father, Jehovah?

Any adult would rightly be upset if others continually bypassed him or her and always asked his/her father, even though the father had given him/her all authority to act on his behalf. Jesus has the right to be unhappy if we were to do the same. Psalm 2:11-12 reminds us “Serve Jehovah with fear and be joyful with trembling. Kiss the son, that He may not become incensed and YOU may not perish [from] the way”.

Have you ever been asked in the field service by a religious householder: Is Jesus your Lord?

Can you remember the hesitation you likely made before replying? Did you qualify your answer to ensure the primary attention for everything went to Jehovah? It makes one pause for thought.

For a Beneficial Purpose

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 are self-explanatory, “Now there are varieties of gifts, but there is the same spirit;  5 and there are varieties of ministries, and yet there is the same Lord;  6 and there are varieties of operations, and yet it is the same God who performs all the operations in all persons”.

A key verse in this whole subject is 1 Corinthians 12:7 which states “But the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for a beneficial purpose”. The apostle Paul goes on to mention the purpose of the various gifts and that they were all intended to be used to complement one another. This passage leads into his discussion that Love never fails, and that practicing love was far more important than the possession of a gift. Love is a quality we have to work on manifesting. Further, interestingly it is not a gift that is given. Also love will never fail to be beneficial, while many of those gifts such as tongues or prophesying can cease to be of benefit.

Clearly, then an important question to ask ourselves before praying for Holy Spirit would be: Is our request being made for a beneficial purpose as already defined in the scriptures? It would be inadvisable to use human reasoning to go beyond God’s word and attempt to extrapolate if a particular purpose is beneficial for God and Jesus, or not. For example, would we suggest that it is the same “beneficial purpose” to build or obtain a place of worship for our faith or religion? (See John 4:24-26). On the other hand to “look after orphans and widows in their tribulation” would likely be for a ”beneficial purpose” as it is part of our clean worship (James 1:27).

1 Corinthians 14:3 confirms that the Holy Spirit was only to be used for a “beneficial purpose” when it says, “he that prophesies [by Holy Spirit] upbuilds and encourages and consoles men by his speech”. 1 Corinthians 14:22 also confirms this saying, “Consequently tongues are for a sign, not to the believers, but to the unbelievers, whereas prophesying is, not for the unbelievers, but for the believers.”

Ephesians 1:13-14 talks of the Holy Spirit being a token in advance. “By means of him also [Christ Jesus], after you believed, you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit which is a token in advance of our inheritance. What was that inheritance? Something they could understand, “a hope of everlasting life”.

That is what the Apostle Paul explained and expanded on when he wrote to Titus in Titus 3:5-7 that Jesus “saved us  … through the making of us new by holy spirit, This spirit he poured out richly upon us through Jesus Christ our saviour, that after being declared righteous by virtue of the undeserved kindness of that one, we might become heirs according to a hope of everlasting life”.

Hebrews 2:4 reminds us again that the beneficial purpose of the gift of the Holy Spirit has to be in accordance with God’s will. The Apostle Paul confirmed this when he wrote: “God joined in bearing witness with signs as well as portents and various powerful works and with distributions of holy spirit according to his will”.

We shall finish this review of the Holy Spirit in action with a brief look at 1 Peter 1:1-2. This passage tells us, “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the temporary residents scattered about in Ponʹtus, Ga·laʹti·a, Cap·pa·doʹci·a, Asia, and Bi·thynʹi·a, to the ones chosen  2 according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, with sanctification by the spirit, for the purpose of their being obedient and sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ:”. This scripture yet again confirms that God’s purpose has to be involved for him to give out Holy Spirit.


  • In Christian times,

    • the Holy Spirit was used in a wider variety of ways and for a variety of reasons.

      • Transfer Jesus life force to Mary’s womb

      • Identify Jesus as the Messiah

      • Identify Jesus as God’s son by miracles

      • Bring back to the minds of Christians the truths from God’s word

      • Fulfillment of Bible prophecy

      • Gifts of Speaking in tongues

      • Gifts of prophesy

      • Gifts of shepherding and teaching

      • Gifts of evangelising

      • Instructions as to where to concentrate preaching efforts

      • Acknowledging Jesus as Lord

      • Always for a beneficial purpose

      • A token in advance of their inheritance

      • Directly given at Pentecost to Apostles and first disciples, also to Cornelius and Household

      • Otherwise passed on by laying on of hands by someone who already had Holy Spirit

      • As in pre-Christian times it was given according to God’s will and purpose


  • Questions arising which are outside the scope of this review include

    • What is God’s will or purpose today?

    • Is Holy Spirit given out as gifts by God or Jesus today?

    • Does the Holy Spirit identify with Christians today that they are God’s sons?

    • If so, how?

    • Can we ask for Holy Spirit and if so what for?




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  • Comment by How Holy Spirit Helps Us - Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2020-01-05 11:03:22

    […] Holy Spirit in action – In the 1st Century Christian Times […]

  • Comment by Parents – Train Your Children to Love Jehovah - Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2020-02-23 11:41:55

    […] [ii] For an examination on how Jehovah and Jesus used Holy Spirit in the first century please see this article.. […]

  • Comment by wish4truth2 on 2020-02-23 18:05:19

    Hi Tadua, what is the answer for our times today, is Holy Spirit given today, or is it a gift that was done away with?The Scriptures remain silent, it was all about the first century establishment of Christianity, today it is established. Many today claim, they received Holy spirit, but they also claim their religion is the right one. It is a question that we all want answered.

    • Reply by Tadua on 2020-02-23 19:20:30

      Hi wish4truth2
      For what it is worth, In my initial partial investigation for a follow up article on that very topic, I have found little evidence for the likelihood that Holy Spirit would be widespread today. Certainly once I stripped away the Borg’s hyping and speculation and claims away, which have no solid evidence backing them, I was left with little other than Holy Spirit helping one to cope with problems. I certainly found no basis or evidence of interventions, or manouvering of events and other people, as the Org would claim and as happened on an infrequent basis in Christian times and for the prophets.

      • Reply by wish4truth2 on 2020-02-24 00:42:02

        Hi Tadua, thank you for answering. I would totally agree with you. On the basis of my own research I found the same. One cannot help at times to feel quite lost when I read about the first century congregation which had help, were informed and had purpose. I still cannot get my head around our time and our purpose since leaving the borg. We are scattered sheep. Otherwise the scriptures seem silent as far as understanding help and being informed. It is like living during a mid sentence ellipsis..................... we know what comes before and after but we dare not guess what is in between. (my wife calls it our dark age) I guess that is why we keep searching for truth, and keep on the watch.

        • Reply by marielle on 2020-02-25 06:27:55

          Nous sommes tous un peu perdus lorsque nous quittons l’organisation dite « divine ».
          Notre vie pleinement réglée sur un emploi du temps serré, laisse un vide qui peut désemparer et laisser croître un sentiment de culpabilité. C’est ce que souhaite le collège central, qui prive des liens spirituels, sociaux et affectifs, tous ceux qui ne comprennent pas les Ecritures comme eux. Et qui, de surcroît, veut faire croire que nous abandonnons Dieu et Jésus-Christ.
          Toi et ta femme, vous savez que cela est faux.
          Comme tu aimes ta femme, Jésus aime sa congrégation dont il est le Sauveur, dont vous faites partie. Ephésiens 5 : 23.
          L’esprit ne se manifeste plus comme ce fut le cas au premier siècle, mais nous pouvons aujourd’hui, selon ce que dit Paul « nous remplir d’esprit » ou « marcher par l’esprit ».
          Ephésiens 5 : 18. Romains 8 : 9
          Vivre selon l’esprit, c’est avoir l’esprit de Christ et lui appartenir.
          Il n’y a rien de plus rassurant. J’en parle en connaissance de cause, car je n’ai pas d’enfant, j’ai perdu mon mari, mes amis, et une partie de ma famille TJ après 30 ans de vie commune.
          Nous sommes sur le chemin, et voulons pratiquer le fruit de l’esprit, contre lequel il n’y a pas de loi. Galates 5 : 22,23.
          Même si nous devons méditer chaque jour sur la Parole, comme le faisaient les Béréens, nous n’aurons jamais la connaissance de la vérité absolue.
          « La sagesse et la connaissance de Dieu sont immenses ! Que ses jugements sont difficiles à comprendre et que ses chemins sont inexplorables ! Qui est parvenu à connaître la pensée de Jéhovah ? Romains 11 : 33,34.
          Le bât blesse quand on commence à se croire élus et demander à d’autres de nous suivre, alors que Dieu ne nous a pas parlé.
          Nous sommes unis en pensée, recevez tous deux mon soutien et mon amour fraternel.

          • Reply by marielle on 2020-02-25 06:31:17

            Il faut lire Jésus aime sa congrégation dont il est le Sauveur.

      • Reply by Ralf on 2022-04-11 00:36:56

        I recall Peter instructing the Pentacost crowd to be baptized to receive forgiveness of their sins and to receive the Holy Spirit. I don't see any reason for baptism gifts to cease. Baptisms in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit today should be just like those of the first century, don't you think?

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2022-04-11 14:23:26

          Do you think that because you don't see a reason for them to cease, that we have a solid foundation for belief?

  • Comment by Ralf on 2022-04-11 12:05:26

    I read the rules concerning sharing posts on this website. Opinions are only acceptable if scripture can show some validity. I believe this post has sufficient bible text references.
    Only a person can be grieved. Isaiah 63:10. 
    The Spirit is speaking, while an impersonal force can't speak. Matt 10:20. 
    The other helper sent by Jesus is a HE and not an IT. Jn 14:16.  
    The (Helper)Spirit of truth, HE will testify, not IT will empower you to testify. John 15:26
    The Spirit is a HE who comes and guides, not an IT. Jn 16:13. 
    Forces or inanimate entities don't fore tell things. Acts 1:16.
    We can't lie to an it, only to a who. Acts 5:3.
    The Holy Spirit is a witness just as people are. Acts 5:32.
    The Holy Spirit searches all things, a force doesn't search. 1 Cor 2:10
    The Spirit is testifying. An inanimate thing can't testify. Heb 3:7.  
    The Spirit is crying out "Abba! Father!", nothing but a person can cry out with words. Gal 4:6.
    God's Holy Spirit as a person, also has the attributes which only God can possess, the omni's. Here are examples from the bible. 
    Omnipresence: God's Spirit is where God is present. Ps 139:7ff. "Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?" 
    Omniscience: God's Spirit teaches, reveals, searches, knows everything even the depths of God.  1 Cor 10: 10ff "10 For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. 11 For who among people knows the thoughts of a person except the spirit of the person that is in him? So also the thoughts of God no one knows, except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God. 13 We also speak these things, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words."
    Omnipotence: God accomplishes great things not by His power (of course He has all power and therefore can do anything) but it is through the doing of His Spirit who is a person not an it.  Zech 4:6 "Then he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, saying, ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of armies."
    So, what do you think? Perhaps you can respond with something to further my understanding of Watchtower theology about Jesus and the Holy Spirit?
    Luke 24:49; John 15:26. The Holy Spirit indwells those who are baptized into the saving Name of Jesus the Messiah through the laying on hands of the presbytery, Acts 2:38; 8:17; 19:6; 1Timothy 4:14; 2Timothy 1:6. 
    Sincerely, Ralf

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2022-04-11 15:22:27

      First of all, since there is nothing to establish that the holy spirit is God Almighty, the discussion of whether or not it is a person becomes academic.

      However, we need to start by establishing that there are more than two options. Witnesses claim it is an impersonal force. Trinitarians claim it is a person. I don't think we should put the cart before the horse. We should look at all the evidence and then follow as best we can, where it leads.

      I don't know if you are just being hyperliteral and ignoring the poetic and metaphorical nature of language, particularly the Hebrew tongue, or if you are exercising eisegesis and imposing only your interpretation on verses, but I'm going to assume the former out of fairness.

      Citing Isaiah 63:10, you conclude that only a person can be grieved. Consider Isaiah 3:26 which refers not to a person, but to the city of Jerusalem: "Her entrances will mourn and grieve, And she will sit on the ground desolate.”

      You state: "The Spirit is speaking, while an impersonal force can’t speak. Matt 10:20." Again, not accurate. "to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel." (Hebrews 12:24)

      You state: "The other helper sent by Jesus is a HE and not an IT. Jn 14:16." True, and the city of Jerusalem is a "she" not an "it" at Isaiah 63:10.

      "The (Helper)Spirit of truth, HE will testify, not IT will empower you to testify. John 15:26" How does a person empower me.

      "The Spirit is a HE who comes and guides, not an IT. Jn 16:13." The GPS on my phone guides me.

      "Forces or inanimate entities don’t fore tell things. Acts 1:16." According to the newspaper, it's going to rain today.

      "The Holy Spirit searches all things, a force doesn’t search. 1 Cor 2:10" Google also searches all things, far better than my person can.

      "The Spirit is crying out “Abba! Father!”, nothing but a person can cry out with words. Gal 4:6." Quote the whole verse for accuracy. It reads: “Now because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts, and it cries out: “Abba, Father!”” (Galatians 4:6) How can a person be sent into my heart and the heart of millions of others?

      "The Spirit is testifying. An inanimate thing can’t testify. Heb 3:7." Nonsense! "“I have testimony weightier than that of John. For the works that the Father has given me to finish—the very works that I am doing—testify that the Father has sent me." John 5:36

      Now to be fair, you have to list all the scriptures that don't support the idea of the holy spirit being a person and explain them, otherwise you will appear biased.

      How can a person be a dove? (Matthew 3:16) How can a person be over 100 tongues of fire? How can a person be filled with a person? (Acts 2:1-4) How can I be sealed by a person? (Ephesians 1:3) How can I be baptised with a person? (Matthew 3:11) How can a Person be put on another person? "Look! My servant whom I chose, my beloved, whom I have approved! I will put my spirit [person] upon him." (Matthew 12:18)

      If I'm a person and the Father is a person and the holy spirit is a person, then we can read Matthew 10:20 like this: "for the ones speaking are not just you, but it is the person of your Father that speaks by you."

      If Jesus is God and the holy spirit is God then what did Jesus "yield up" when he died? "When Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, He yielded up His spirit." (Matthew 27:50)

      How can I be born of a person? “. . .So it is with everyone who has been born from the spirit.”” (John 3:8)

      If the spirit is a person, then this makes no sense, because it implies that dispensing the holy spirit is quantitative. Can i get 1% of a person? "For the one whom God sent speaks the sayings of God, for He does not give the spirit sparingly." (John 3:34)

      “. . .God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with [the person of the holy spirit] and truth.”” (John 4:24) Make sense?

      If the spirit is a person, why would Jesus use the metaphor of breath to describe it? “. . .After saying this he blew on them and said to them: “Receive holy spirit.” (John 20:22)

      Jesus gave the apostle instructions. The holy spirit didn't appear as a person and give them instructions. So why does it say, “. . .The first account, O The·ophʹi·lus, I composed about all the things Jesus started to do and to teach 2 until the day that he was taken up, after he had given instructions through holy spirit to the apostles he had chosen.” (Acts 1:1, 2)

      How can a person be poured? “. . .“I will pour out some of my spirit on every sort of flesh,. . .” (Acts 2:17)

      if the holy spirit is a person, then what is his free gift? It can't be himself? “. . .you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit.” (Acts 2:38)

      How exactly did a person fill Peter? “. . .Then Peter, filled with holy spirit, said to them:. . .” (Acts 4:8)

      “. . .they selected Stephen, a man full of faith and holy spirit, . . .” (Acts 6:5) So he's full of faith and also full of a person?

      “. . .and aglow with the spirit, he was speaking and teaching accurately the things about Jesus. . .” (Acts 18:25) How can you be aglow with
      a person?

      Does a person dwell in us? “. . .Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that the spirit of God dwells in you. . .” (1 Corinthians 3:16)

      I'm not interested in Watchtower theology. If you want to understand Watchtower theology, I recommend you contact Jehovah's Witnesses at JW.org.

      I don't believe the holy spirit is some impersonal force. I also don't believe it is a person. Between the erroneous doctrines of Catholicism, and the erroneous doctrines of the Watch Tower corporation, lies some middle ground where truth is to be found. Let us seek that out and avoid the false teachings of men.

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In this video we will continue our analysis of the gaslighting methods used by the Governing Body to induce a hypnotic grip on the hearts and minds of Jehovah’s Witnesses. This time we’ll be covering a talk delivered by Gage Fleegle on JW.org called…