Jehovah, Our Father, Loves Us Dearly

– posted by Tadua

“You must pray, then, this way: ‘Our Father’” ​—Matthew 6:9

 [From ws 02/20 p.2 April 6 – April 12]

Paragraphs 1 and 2 start the article nicely, contrasting the potentially death dealing way to approach a King, but that by comparison, Jehovah invites us tor all to him using the phrase “Our Father”.

 “For example, although Jehovah bears such lofty titles as Grand Creator, Almighty, and Sovereign Lord, we are invited to call on him using the familiar term “Father.” (Matthew 6:9)” (para.2)

Why can we call Almighty God, Father? In Galatians 4:4-7 the Apostle Paul explained that Jesus was sent as a ransom for all.

 “But when the full limit of the time arrived, God sent forth his Son, who came to be out of a woman and who came to be under law,  5 that he might release by purchase those under law, that we, in turn, might receive the adoption as sons. 6 Now because YOU are sons, God has sent forth the spirit of his Son into our hearts and it cries out: “Abba, Father!”  7 So, then, you are no longer a slave but a son; and if a son, also an heir through God.”

But that was not all the ransom was for. It was also for more than that, as verse 5 states, it was “that we, in turn, might receive the adoption as sons”.

This raises a serious question, because the Organization teaches that only a limited number are chosen as sons of God and also that these have a different destination (allegedly heaven) to the rest of mankind. Yet, the Apostle Paul makes it clear that Jesus death was to repurchase all under law and that once a person accepts that purchase, they become adopted as sons. That is why we are invited “to pray this way, ‘Our Father’”. Only sons or adopted sons are invited and given the privilege to call someone ‘Father’. Friends are not.

Likewise, when paragraph 3 rightly says “Because he is our Father, we have a responsibility to obey him. When we do what he asks of us, we will enjoy marvelous blessings. (Hebrews 12:9)”, the context is that Apostle Paul is talking to those who are adopted as sons.

Hebrews 12:7-8 states “It is for discipline YOU are enduring. God is dealing with YOU as with sons. For what son is he that a father does not discipline?  8 But if YOU are without the discipline of which all have become partakers, YOU are really illegitimate children, and not sons”. (Note: ‘discipline’ in these verses is better replaced by ‘instruction’ based on the meaning of the Greek word translated discipline, because of the connotation discipline has today as punishment and restriction, instead of instruction).

Therefore, when the Watchtower article slips in “Those blessings include everlasting life, whether in heaven or on earth”, it is disingenuous, as no heavenly destination was suggested in those verses, nor is any scripture cited supporting this claim.

Jehovah is a living and caring father (para. 4-9)

Paragraph 4 says “Jesus so perfectly reflected his Father’s personality that he could say: “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father also.” (John 14:9) Jesus often spoke about the role that Jehovah fulfills as a Father. In the four Gospels alone, Jesus used the term “Father” some 165 times in reference to Jehovah”. This is true. But, also, in complete contrast to what the Organization and other religions teach about humans going to heaven, Jesus, just a few verses later in John 14:23 taught that “In answer Jesus said to him: “If anyone loves me, he will observe my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him and make our abode with him. It was not the other way around, I.e. that some would go and make their abode in heaven with God. (See also, Revelation 21:3)

How our living Father cares for us (para. 10-15)

Paragraph 13 indulges in speculation based on the premise (shown to be false in many previous articles and reviews on this site) that the Organization is Jehovah’s earthly Organization. Not only does it claim to be so, but further than that, suggests that everything provided by the Organization is said to come from Jehovah.

The Watchtower article then claims: “He showed us personal attention when we first learned the truth, using our parents or another teacher to help us come to know him”.

There is no scriptural evidence that God specifically pays personal attention and specifically helps our parents or Bible study teacher to help anyone learn ”the truth”, regardless of the fact as to whether the Organization teaches really is “the truth”. This is just a “feel good soundbite” without any substance to back up the claim.

“In addition, Jehovah instructs us through our congregation meetings”. It is dangerous to make such claims, as would Jehovah arrange for us to be taught untruth or lies? Of course not. It would be blasphemous to suggest that God would do that. Yet, for example the claim that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE and that hence 1914 marked the start of Jesus invisible rule can be disproved in so many ways. Despite this, still the Organization  teaches this claim as “revealed truth” and that any who dare question it are apostates.

The claim in paragraph 14 is disingenuous when it claims: “as part of our training, our loving Father disciplines us when necessary. His Word reminds us: “Those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines.” (Hebrews 12:6, 7) Jehovah disciplines us in many ways. For instance, something we read in his Word or hear at our meetings may correct us. Or perhaps the help we need comes from the elders”.

The implication here is that Jehovah is watching us and decides when we need correction and arranges it through the meetings or the elders, pointing us to the Organization and teaching us thereby to be dependent on them. However, the Greek word for discipline means “instruction that trains someone to reach full development”.

As the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:16 “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining [instructing] in righteousness”. Jehovah has already given us all the instructions we need in his Word. It is up to us to read his Word the Bible and apply them. He has not arranged the meetings, nor the elders, they are merely the arrangements of a man-made Organization.

Paragraph 19 repeats the Organization mantra that there is a limited number of 144,000 who will rule in heaven to whom they usually restrict the term “sons and daughters of God” as referring to.

” Jehovah purposed to adopt 144,000 individuals from among mankind who will serve as kings and priests in heaven with his Son. Jesus and those associate rulers will help obedient humans to come to perfection in the new world”.

The latter sentence about helping humans to come to perfection is just pure speculation without any scriptural support. On the other hand we find in the scriptures a passage like 1 Corinthians 15:52 tell us “and the dead will be raised up incorruptible”, and it will be “in the twinkling of an eye”, not protracted over a thousand years.

Revelation 20:5 on which the statement of the Organization is based is an interpretation that does not really make sense. If the verses in Revelation 20 are chronological it makes more sense that the resurrection in verse 5 is being explained in verses 11-15, rather than it meaning a gradual growing to perfection.


A typical mix of good and poor unsubstantiated claims. But we can turn to the scriptures for a positive conclusion to this review.

Revelation 2:2-3 encourages us to be like the Ephesians to whom Christ said: “I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles, but they are not, and you found them liars.  3 You are also showing endurance, and you have borne up for my name’s sake and have not grown weary”.

We are here because we “cannot bear bad men”. We have found each other because we “put those to the test who say they are apostles” or God’s chosen faithful slave “and you found them liars.” We “also are showing endurance” because we still want to serve God and Christ. Let us help one another according to our circumstances so we do not grow weary.

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  • Comment by Elpida on 2020-04-11 13:03:32

    Instruction makes more sense to me as when someone is disciplined, they are punished for something. Considering Jesus suffered for us, it leaves the impression that what Jesus suffered was not enough.

    In regards to the JW religion being the truth, I look at ALL religions as being slanted towards their beliefs. Jehovah God, on the other hand, is not a religion and is not biased. By stating that the truth lies only with the Witnesses is contrary to what God is saying.

    I think God gives everyone personal attention and to believe that God would selection one particular one seems to me to be against what He stands for. I don’t believe God is a religion, He is God and Christians are those who follow His teachings. God has written the laws, and they can be translated but not interpreted in such a way as to fit a particular religion. We are not supposed to add or subtract from His Word.

  • Comment by chicho on 2020-04-06 02:57:22

    They dont talk about the abscense of Jehova s name in the new testament. Father was the most common expression or name that Jesus told to his disciples.

  • Comment by Bobcat on 2020-04-08 16:53:06

    Hi Tadua,

    The "discipline" (or "instruction") referred to at Heb 12:7 is persecution and opposition. The context starting from about Heb 12:3 or so shows that. Usually, though, and without fail, when the WT uses Heb 12:7 they are referring to congregational discipline such as counsel, marking and DFing/shunning.

  • Comment by katrina on 2020-04-09 22:01:49

    I thought we were only friends of Jehovah not sons or daughters yet? or is this WT only directed to the anointed.

  • Comment by Chet on 2020-04-11 02:03:59

    If you analyze most of what comes from this organization, it boils down to a passive-aggressive technique. ‘God loves you; so you’d better do what we tell you, or else.’ In a very real sense, they identify with the authority of Jehovah, but what will be their fate if they are making this claim falsely?

    By every indication, this group is floundering. If they are consolidating and eliminating congregations, their claim of growth “by leaps and bounds” stretches credibility. I would suspect that they will never recover their attendance after the quarantine and social distancing measures are lifted and with a decline in attendance, the contributions will drop significantly.

    They seem to be ever more concerned with bolstering their authority, but they only have authority to the degree their acolytes grant it. The Disfellowshipping weapon will cease to work and the last vestige of power will slip through their fingers.

    They may stumble on as an “online religion”, perhaps claiming that persecution. Or Gog of Magog are the reason, but they will never again have the influence they had in the past. You are wasting your words, GBs; the game is up.

  • Comment by Elpida on 2020-04-11 10:35:31

    I need to tell you that I am not a Jehovah's Witness but studied the Bible with them for a long time and since 2008, after my husband passed away, I started to attend both the Wednesday and Sunday meetings. I owe it to the Witnesses for helping me to become familiar with the bible. I was a Roman Catholic but after I became familiar with the bible teachings, I realized that what was written in the bible is not what the catholics were teaching.

    I do not wish to become a Witness as I do not believe that we need to be baptized in order to follow God's teachings. I also do not believe we know who will rule with Jehovah God and it is only known to Him. The Anointed One is Christ Jesus.

    I am just getting acquainted with Beroean Pickets and was honoured to attend and partake in the 'Memorial'. I just wanted to say hello as I start reading the well-thought articles and comments of you all.


    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2020-04-11 10:37:41

      Welcome Lydia. Good to have you with us.

      • Reply by Elpida on 2020-04-11 12:23:57

        Thank you.

  • Comment by safeguardyourheart on 2020-04-12 05:30:53

    James 1: 27 I have read on this same site repeatedly up to the extent an EXPLANATION was given that starting from GENESIS to REVELATION God and JESUS CHRIST were particular about the TAKING care of the fatherless, orphans and keep free FROM the WORLD who lust after desires of FLESH. Which I believe is a welcomed EXPLANATION.

    Religion or worship in it's SIMPLICITY.

    This is not bound in an
    ORGANIZATION. We don't have to be IN an ORGANIZATION to do this. We don't HAVE to set up an ORGANIZATION to do this. Even God didn't set up an AGENCY to do this in the land of ISREAL. He gave the nation LAWS concerning that aspect of caring for WIDOW and ORPHANS they were TOLD to follow through. He didn't designate PRIEST or PROPHET to assemble whatever they have for the widow or Leviticus 19: 9,10.

    Following on from what Jesus said in Matthew 6 about our LEFT HANDS must not know what RIGHT HANDS do. With this principle another important reason WHY instructions in Leviticus 19 is given in that way so that nobody Knows who among the widow or orphans REAPED WHAT and from WHERE.

  • Comment by safeguardyourheart on 2020-04-19 17:47:54

    This goes to Lydia Neilson considering the CATHOLIC and JW dual background, you might want to read this as captured in In Search of Christian Freedom Book Page 453........

    July 15, 1957, issue of the Watchtower. An article titled “The Holy Spirit—Third Person of Trinity or God's Active Force?” contains this expression (page 431):

    If the holy spirit is equal with Jehovah God, as claimed by the Athanasian Creed, and if the trinity is the central teaching of the Christian religion, as claimed by The Catholic Encyclopedia, should we not expect these things to be plainly stated in so many words in the Bible? And should this not especially be the case in view of the fact that it is stated that the trinity teaching is “of all revealed truths” “the most impenetrable to reason,” and yet salvation depends upon its acceptance? The fact that the Word of God does not explicitly mention, explain or teach a trinity is in itself strong proof that the trinity teaching is false.

    There is an appeal to logic in the argument presented. Consistently, however, one could rephrase this Watchtower statement as follows:

    If the kind of highly structured organization found among Jehovah’s Witnesses today is produced by Jehovah God, as claimed by the Governing Body, and if it is God’s sole channel on earth, as claimed by the Watchtower, should we not expect these things to be plainly stated in so many words in the Bible? And should this not especially be the case in view of the fact that it is stated that to reject the organization’s directives or its teachings is to rebel
    against God, and that salvation depends upon adherence and submission to that organization? The fact that the Word of God does not explicitly mention, explain or teach such kind of organization is in itself strong proof that the teaching about such an organization is false.

    I equally see this as an initial TOOL to aid those who we want to WAKE UP from the ORGANIZATION or perhaps a PARTING SHOT to those who CARE to READ. When one finally desert the organization. Or something to have HANDY to post to anyone who care to read in order to make them THINK.

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