Pursue Peace by Fighting Envy

– posted by Tadua

“Let us pursue the things making for peace and the things that build up one another up.”​—Romans 14:19

 [From ws 2/20 p.14 April 20 – April 26]

Now this is a much more interesting and practical topic compared with most that have been published over recent months in the Watchtower Study Edition. Therefore, let us see if it is any more helpful than usual.

Paragraph 1 refers to the sad situation created by Joseph’s brothers having envy of Joseph’s relationship with his father.

The first comment is that a lot more use could have been made of this example to show clearly the destructiveness of having envy towards others. This would then have highlighted why In the Scriptures, envy is listed among the death-dealing “works of the flesh” that can disqualify a person from inheriting God’s Kingdom. (Read Galatians 5:19-21.)” and that “Envy is often the root cause of such poisonous fruits as hostility, strife, and fits of anger.”

As all Christians should be striving to inherit God’s Kingdom, surely the reasons for why we should be pausing to think about this subject are highly important (Matthew 11:12). Glossing over reasons as to why we should not envy others makes any personal application of counsel more difficult as the motivation and importance are lessened.

If envy can disqualify us from inheriting God’s Kingdom then it merits our close attention in the same way that avoiding fornication and adultery, and spiritism does. So how does the Organization fare in coverage of this important topic? The last time the subject of envy was discussed in the Watchtower was 2012, 8 years ago, and before that, in 2005, yet another 7 years prior.

Yet, by comparison we have 2 articles about baptism every year including 2020 from 2016 (5 years running), and but for a short break in 2014 and 2015, at least one article every year from 2013 back to 2008 (another 5 years). Study articles on baptism continue backwards through the years although a little intermittently, 2006 had 3 articles!

An article on donations and contributions are in the Watchtower every year, and a talk based on that article is given at least once a year, typically in late November, early December. A search of Watchtower Library revealed an average of 2 to 3 main study articles on preaching per year and rarely an issue without “preaching” mentioned at least once. Yet are donations and preaching one of the fruits of the spirit? No.

In conclusion it seems that the so-called spiritual food that is provided by the Governing Body is heavily lop-sided. The message that comes across seems to be, keep preaching and donating and it does not matter too much about being envious or committing adultery and other works of the flesh.

As a reminder according to Galatians 5:19-21 envy is mentioned along with “fornications, uncleanness, loose conduct, idolatry, practice of spiritism, enmities, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, divisions, sects, envies, drunken bouts, revelries and things like these. As to these things I am forewarning you, the same way as I did forewarn you, that those who practice such thing will not inherit God’s kingdom”.

It is also important to note that the 10th commandment of the Mosaic Law was basically unenforceable. Exodus 20:17 records that it was “You must not desire your fellowman’s house. You must not desire your fellowman’s wife, nor his slave man, nor his slave girl nor his bull nor his ass nor anything that belongs to your fellowman”. Desire is usually something hidden within someone, which only manifests itself when wrongdoing is committed like theft or adultery. Yet, what causes desires for something that belongs to someone else? Is it not envy? Does that not show the importance our Father attaches to avoid the cultivation of envy and desire for things that belong to others.

Paragraph 5 discusses the desire to be appreciated. People throughout history became envious when others were appreciated more than they were. For instance, the Pharisees and Sadducees spread lies and slander to ruin Jesus’ good name. Mark 3:22 tells us “Also the scribes that came down from Jerusalem were saying “He has Beelzebub and he expels the demons by means of the ruler of the demons”.

Why did they do that? Mark 15:10 states “for he [Jesus] was aware that because of envy the chief priests had handed him over”. While John 11:48 records the Pharisees as saying “If we let him [Jesus] alone this way, they will all put faith in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation”.

There is no better way to slander those who no longer agree with oneself, just like the Pharisees slandered Jesus, than to call these ones “mentally diseased” and “apostates”, to encourage others to fear these ones.  Do you know of people or an Organization who do that, who slander those they disagree with? What about this Well, apostates are “mentally diseased,” and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings copied from the Watchtower 2011, 15/7, p16 paragraph 6.

Paragraph 6 deals with so-called theocratic privileges, saying “we too could begin to envy a fellow Christian who receives an assignment that we had hoped to get”. A very simple solution to this problem would be to remove the so-called theocratic privileges which are so similar to fraudulent pyramid schemes in the way these privileges are viewed (as a step up and superiority to others). In the early Christian congregation, there were no auxiliary pioneers, or regular pioneers or special pioneers, or circuit overseers, or bethelites or governing body helpers or governing body members. There were not even elders, there were just older men without a title who helped their fellow Christians with their experience and knowledge of the scriptures.

Paragraph 7 bears repeating Envy is like a poisonous weed. Once the seed of envy takes root in our heart, it can be difficult to destroy. Envy feeds on other negative feelings, such as improper jealousy, pride, and selfishness. Envy can choke the development of good qualities, such as love, compassion, and kindness. As soon as we see envy starting to sprout, we need to uproot it from our heart”.

Paragraph 8 also saysWe can fight envy by cultivating humility and contentment. When our heart is full of these good qualities, envy will have no room to grow. Humility will help us not to think too highly of ourselves. A humble person does not feel that he deserves more than everyone else. (Gal. 6:3, 4) Someone who is content is satisfied with what he has and does not compare himself with others. (1 Tim. 6:7, 8) When a person who is humble and content sees someone receive something good, he is happy for him.

But the real key to overcoming this destructive trait is the help of God’s holy spirit, and the determination that we want to act in a way that our Father would approve. As the Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 5:16 “Keep walking by spirit and you will carry out no fleshly desire at all”.

Paragraph 10 makes the point that “Moses did not become envious of the attention these two men [older men of Israel] were getting from Jehovah, instead he humbly rejoiced with them in their privilege (Numbers 11:24-29)”.

Geoffrey Jackson, a member of the Governing Body gave this answer under oath to the Australian Royal High Commission on Child Abuse[i]:

 “Q.   Does the Governing Body, or do the members of the Governing Body - do you see yourselves as modern-day disciples, the modern-day equivalent of Jesus's disciples?

  1. We certainly hope to follow Jesus and be his disciples.

  2. And do you see yourselves as Jehovah God's spokespeople on earth?

  3. That I think would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that God is using. The scriptures clearly show that someone can act in harmony with God's spirit in giving comfort and help in the congregations, but if I could just clarify a little, going back to Matthew 24, clearly, Jesus said that in the last days - and Jehovah's Witnesses believe these are the last days - there would be a slave, a group of persons who would have responsibility to care for the spiritual food. So in that respect, we view ourselves as trying to fulfil that role.” [ii]

We therefore need to ask, in the light of this admission by a Governing Body member, why is it that anyone of Jehovah’s Witnesses who questions any of the actions or teachings of the Governing Body, is liable to find themselves in front of a judicial committee of elders and disfellowshipped for apostasy? Especially if it is “quite presumptuous to say that we [the Governing Body] are the only spokesperson that God is using”. Note what the prophet Samuel said. “pushing ahead presumptuously [is] the same as using uncanny power and teraphim” (1 Samuel 15:23).

Could it be because the Governing Body are envious of the attention that might be given to those who question the Governing Body? Could it be that they “too could begin to envy a fellow Christian who receives an assignment that we [the Governing Body] had hoped to get”?

Paragraphs 11-12 deal with situations envy could arise because of Theocratic privileges. (see comment above on Paragraph 6 for the simple solution)

Paragraph 14 suggests that we “show respect for the authority that Jehovah has given others” referring to the appointed men in the congregation. The problem is Jehovah has not given them any such authority. He did not even give 1st Century Christians such authority as the Organization suggests. The paragraph gives Acts 21-20-26 to suggest that Paul accepted and respected such authority. True, the apostle Paul accepted and respected the suggestions of the elder men in Jerusalem, but there is no proof that they had authority over the Apostle Paul. They did not direct his missionary tours for example. The Organization then use their usual misapplication of Ephesians 4:8 to suggest that God gave the congregation “gifts in men”. However, an examination of the context of this verse reveals that Paul had just been discussing the different gifts given to all Christians (not older men). Furthermore, a closer look at the original Greek shows us that this verse is mistranslated in the NWT. The correct translation is “and gave gifts to men[iii]. Every single English translation on BibleHub, some 28 versions, read the same way “and gave gifts to men”.[iv]

Paragraph 16 suggests (correctly) that Our attitude and actions can have a big influence on others. The world wants us to make a “showy display” of the things we own. (1 John 2:16) But that attitude promotes envy. We can avoid nurturing envy in others if we choose not to talk constantly about the things we own or plan to buy. Another way we can avoid promoting envy is by being modest about the privileges we have in the congregation. If we draw attention to the privileges that we have, we create fertile ground in which envy can grow.”.

The Governing Body should heed its own advice. “When I was a young warthog” I could not name all the members of the Governing Body and would probably not have recognised any but the President, if I passed by them at an assembly. Now, we see their “showy display”, of being on JW Broadcasting on a very frequent basis, with attention given to their position, by being introduced as Bro xxx yyyy of the Governing Body, (or, a Governing Body member).

Given the toxic environment created in the Congregations, where elders can frame other elders unjustly so as to maintain their own perceived power and authority, and that anything encouraging article written about the Bible or Creation is rejected by the congregations if it is not from the Governing Body then envy will abound and continues to be fermented.


To conclude this topic of envy, which is definitely caused among congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses because of this false teaching; that the Governing Body and elders have God-given authority over us as members of the congregation, please read what Jesus said about having authority over others in Matthew 20:20-28. In particular, v25-27, where Jesus said (speaking to his disciples) “You know that the rulers of the nations lord it over them, and the great men wield authority over them. This is not the way among you. …. whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave”. When did a slave ever have God-given or any other authority over others? A faithful and discreet slave would not wield authority over others nor would they have the authority to do so. They have to serve others.

In summary, sadly a missed opportunity to help genuine Christians, which most Witnesses are. A missed opportunity to have one less temptation to develop envy, by removing all the so-called theocratic privileges fabricated by men, which in fact just serve to foster a toxic environment of envy.


[i] http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx

[ii] Page 9\15937 Transcript Day 155.pdf

[iii] https://biblehub.com/interlinear/ephesians/4-8.htm

[iv] While weight of numbers are not everything, (after all the 28 translations could be wrong and the NWT correct), the problem is that there is no contextual or valid option for translating “in” instead of “to”.

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  • Comment by Chet on 2020-04-19 13:34:06

    As is so common with the Watchtower, the article is written using their peculiar mindset as a measuring standard. Joseph’s brothers did, indeed, envy him and the favor he got from his father, Jacob/Israel. But they were spurred to action by Joseph’s revealing of a dream which predicted that they would bow before him. This strikes me as far more than some petty jealousy caused by the fallen flesh. But it also was intrinsic to how Joseph ended up in Egypt and was in a position to preserve his family’s line. To me, choosing this example is yet another example of the Watchtower cherry picking something out of context and using it to make their point. The story of Joseph is a drama for the ages and is much, much more significant than just a cautionary tale about envy.

    I’ll skip ahead to paragraph 14 and add my perspective on appointments. I was attending meetings before there was an arrangement that included appointment as an elder. Before that, we would refer to the Presiding Overseer, Theocratic Ministry School Overseer and the Service Overseer as Servants. There were lesser positions, such as Literature Servant, as well. There was a hierarchy, but it was not given all that much emphasis. By using the term “servant”, there was a sense of humility regarding all of this.

    The Elder Arrangement was announced at the 1971 District Conventions ants enacted at the beginning of the new Service Year during 1972. From that point on, there was a near free for all with regard to privileges. Acts 20:28 was often quoted and used as evidence that appointment of elders was an act of Holy Spirit. When a person is convinced that they are backed by Holy Spirit, there’s a great deal of potential for this to become a pernicious attitude. Let me give a real life example that I personally experienced.

    I was in my parent’s home, alone, when two ministerial servants knocked on the door. They were there to see me specifically. They started by asking me to read aloud a passage in Isaiah 32 :1 Look! A king will reign for righteousness,
    And princes will rule for justice.
    2 And each one will be like a hiding place* from the wind,
    A place of concealment* from the rainstorm,
    Like streams of water in a waterless land,c
    Like the shadow of a massive crag in a parched land.

    I was then asked who this verse was talking about. The answer they wanted was obvious, but it was not an answer I agreed with, so I feigned ignorance and let them tell me what they wanted to hear; “the elders and mi isterial servants”. So now the die was cast and they had made the point that they were princes and must be obeyed. They then proceeded to let me know that I had been weighed in the balances and found wanting. I don’t remember which cardinal sin I had committed, but my 6 year old car or the fact that I was learning a musical instrument were frequent topics of criticism. In retrospect, I understand that allowing such pernicious activity could poison an entire congregation and remove God’s Spirit therefrom. :) Actually, the fact that my father had been inactive for decades probably made me a target of opportunity, because I was essentially defenseless in the politics of the congregation without a father “in the truth”. I endured a number of these miniature inquisitions. Eventually, I moved to a different book study group, leaving these two “princes” behind and my life improved.

    For perspective, one of these “princes” died some years back, a hopeless alcoholic. The other was appointed as an elder, but within a year was disfellowshipped for having an affair with a married sister in the congregation. Right after that, he attempted to run over his own wife with his standard issue, four door, “service car”. I recall seeing him wandering alone at a District Convention years later. I didn’t approach him; you don’t want to interrupt a prince. :)

    Paragraph 16 strikes me quite similarly. JW Broadcasting has made the GBs into media darlings for the “Other Sheep”. Before the Elder Arrangement, I would have probably recognized Brother Knorr, had met Brother Fred Franz at a District Convention and had spoken to Milton Henschel, whom I had great respect for. I had seen a picture of Bethel in a presentation given by Brother Henschel and pretty much everyone in the audience that night was seeing Bethel for the first time.

    Since, roughly, 1983, the Watchtower literature has made a conspicuous display of properties, designed to demonstrate God’s blessing upon them as an Organization. Some years back, a good friend pointed this out to me and I retorted that he had just given me an excellent argument in favor of converting to Catholicism. If buildings are used as a measure of God’s blessing, then the Witnesses are not foremost in His favor.

    As with pretty much every jot or tittle coming out of the Watchtower, the article above is written from a worldview of being uniquely favored by Jehovah God, being “chosen” and set apart in all the earth as His unique representatives. This attitude has been obvious to me for a long time. I was able to accept them only by adopting a counter-worldview that there were a lot of over zealous people that hadn’t realized the folly of their words and actions, but granting such persons the benefit of the doubt and choosing to be,i eve that they meant well. The years have proven me wrong, with regard to that last bit.

  • Comment by safeguardyourheart on 2020-04-19 18:02:33

    This goes to Just Asking, you might want to read this as captured in In Search of Christian Freedom Book Page 453........which I believe you might have come across.

    "July 15, 1957, issue of the Watchtower. An article titled “The Holy Spirit—Third Person of Trinity or God's Active Force?” contains this expression (page 431):

    If the holy spirit is equal with Jehovah God, as claimed by the Athanasian Creed, and if the trinity is the central teaching of the Christian religion, as claimed by The Catholic Encyclopedia, should we not expect these things to be plainly stated in so many words in the Bible? And should this not especially be the case in view of the fact that it is stated that the trinity teaching is “of all revealed truths” “the most impenetrable to reason,” and yet salvation depends upon its acceptance? The fact that the Word of God does not explicitly mention, explain or teach a trinity is in itself strong proof that the trinity teaching is false.

    There is an appeal to logic in the argument presented. Consistently, however, one could rephrase this Watchtower statement as follows:

    If the kind of highly structured organization found among Jehovah’s Witnesses today is produced by Jehovah God, as claimed by the Governing Body, and if it is God’s sole channel on earth, as claimed by the Watchtower, should we not expect these things to be plainly stated in so many words in the Bible? And should this not especially be the case in view of the fact that it is stated that to reject the organization’s directives or its teachings is to rebel
    against God, and that salvation depends upon adherence and submission to that organization? The fact that the Word of God does not explicitly mention, explain or teach such kind of organization is in itself strong proof that the teaching about such an organization is false"...............


    To the CATHOLIC it might seem as being ENVIOUS of the CATHOLIC with the way the first part of this excerpts was used by the Jw organization against the CATHOLIC, yet it looks very much like a review of their belief when equally applied to the ORG of JWS it will look LIKE being ENVIOUS of the JWS organization yet its equally another REVIEW of what the JWS believe.

    We enjoy all of this simply because we see how reasoning,argument are developed and used to MANIPULATE. Reality says if there were no REVIEW the MANIPULATION won't come to the KNOW. I bet you should see your post here as a REVIEW of the REVIEWER. The circle continues.

  • Comment by Justin Michesloff on 2020-04-19 20:09:11

    JA- At least you are consistent.....

    Now I know that you will likely take offense to this, and I understand that. So I wish to begin by apologizing and asking forgiveness for what follows.

    As you evidently exist on a much higher plane than the rest of us, I sincerely long to read a review written by you. Then I could be truly enlightened as Tadua is, by your esteemed and elevated opinion, simply doing a terrible job. Thank you so much for your judgement and, especially thank you for your heartfelt regret in posting your verbal disdain for what is written both at the beginning and end of your masterful assessment. I’m quite positive it was written with the best of intention.

    Meleti, for the sake of all of the readers of this site, PLEASE allow JA to write material for this site!!! His brilliance will shine to a level unseen here before.

    I will repeat that I am aware that my comments may likely offend you, although likely not others, and I am sincerely sorry for that. I sincerely dislike addressing with pointed sarcasm the ridiculousness of your statements, and yes, I do believe that what I have written is just that. I would simply state that your written arrogance and consistently negative comments reflect a lack of respect, poor judgement and do not merit being published here. I am sorry to be the one to say that, but it’s the truth as I see it.

  • Comment by Mike West on 2020-04-19 22:45:11

    JA- it's not so much that BP readers will take offense (and I find your stated sorrow for being offensive somewhat insincere...), but you have no real constructive scriptural criticism. Tadua performs a valuable service *in my opinion*, and that is scripturally pointing out where the WT, (who proclaim themselves as the only true religion on earth), promulgate primarily opinion to support their own authority. True, this may be redundant, but millions of sincere worshipers of Jehovah are subjected to the WT authority/opinion redundancy weekly. They are told that there is no alternative. Beroean Pickets and Tadua regularly present a truly scriptural and spiritual alternative for JW's to consider.

    I have to agree with Justin- perhaps you should offer a commentary of constructive Bible based criticism to WT articles to assist our sincere brothers and sisters who sense that there is often real problems with WT commentary. To simply point out your perceived issues with Tadua's reviews comes across to many as arrogant and self serving. A difference of opinion with BP's commentary's is generally welcomed if it is Bible based- unlike ANY criticism within the WT org.

  • Comment by Fani on 2020-04-20 04:40:12

    Je voudrais faire partager mon ressenti.
    Je remercie Tadua de son travail. J'ai beaucoup apprécié ses articles sur la création et l'écriture chinoise. Il est très doué pour ce genre d'articles. Ces articles renforcent notre foi. Merci

    Hélas, je ne trouve pas beaucoup d'intérêt à la critique systématique des articles de la Wt. Je ne lis plus les Tour de Garde et ne VEUT PLUS les lire. Cette lecture m'énerve beaucoup et me fait remonter trop de pensées négatives envers le Collège Central. Ce genre d'articles ne fortifie en rien ma foi et ne me nourrit pas spirituellement.

    Il est très dur emotionellement de se détacher de 50 ans d'endoctrinement. C'est un travail de tous les jours.
    La prière, la lecture quotidienne de la bible, les sujets bibliques présentés par des ex TJ sincères aident.
    Je trouve qu'il serait beaucoup plus avantageux de choisir un livre de la bible, le commenter et nous proposer de donner les fruits de notre propre étude.
    Ponctuellement, pour un sujet important, on pourrait faire référence à la Tour de Garde.
    Mais la BIBLE reste et devrait rester notre BASE de discussions.

    A quoi ça sert de se référer toujours à une écriture qui n'est PAS Une REFERENCE POUR NOUS ?

    Je suis assez d'accord avec ce que dit "je ne faisais que demander" sauf sa critique sur la façon d'écrire de Tadua.
    Si on fait des fautes de syntaxe ce n'est pas grave ;ce n'est pas la peine de relever. (ou le conseiller en particulier )

    Je voudrais rajouter :
    Manifestement Paul n'avait pas un don oratoire mais il a été choisi par Christ pour parler. 2 cor 10 : 10
    Je ne suis ni une scientifique ni une littéraire.
    Beaucoup sur ce site ont des facultés évidentes. Tant mieux.

    Mais pourquoi il n'y aurait que ceux qui sont doués qui devraient s'exprimer ? Et nous qui n'avons pas une intelligence extraordinaire ni des dons spéciaux, on ne peut pas écrire ? On ne peut pas parler parce qu'on n'est pas des littéraires de peur de faire des erreurs de syntaxe ?

    Chacun apporte sa pierre. Il n'y a pas de petites pierres.
    Merci à tous.

  • Comment by Lipi Tong on 2020-04-22 05:42:51

    Thank you Tadua!

    Please keep on doing this very fine work. We will never know, nor can imagine, how these articles and this site will help those in sleep!

    Cast your bread on the waters, for after many days you will find it again. Give a share to seven or even to eight, for you do not know what disaster will occur on the earth. If the clouds are filled with water, they will pour down rain on the earth; and if a tree falls to the south or to the north, the place where the tree falls is where it will lie.  The one who watches the wind will not sow seed, and the one who looks at the clouds will not reap. Just as you do not know how the spirit operates in the bones of the child inside a pregnant woman, so you do not know the work of the true God, who does all things. Sow your seed in the morning and do not let your hand rest until the evening; for you do not know which will have success, whether this one or that one, or whether they will both do well. (Ecclesiastes 11:1, 2)

    So, to all of you, "do not let your hands rest" in whether you are writing/reviewing articles or simply commenting. Let us use whatever our gift we were given to encourage, cheer up, build up one another... as Jesus Christ does.

     ... I tell everyone there among you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think, but to think so as to have a sound mind, each one as God has given to him a measure of faith. For just as we have in one body many members, but the members do not all have the same function, so we, although many, are one body in Christ, but individually we are members belonging to one another. Since, then, we have gifts that differ according to the undeserved kindness given to us, if it is of prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or if it is a ministry, let us be at this ministry; or the one who teaches, let him be at his teaching;  or the one who encourages, let him give encouragement; the one who distributes, let him do it liberally; the one who presides, let him do it diligently; the one who shows mercy, let him do it cheerfully. (Romans 12:3-8)

    Your little brother,

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