Physically In, Mentally Out or Physically In, Scripturally Awake

Opinion by Beroeans Creed

We all know by now the acronym PIMO[i] for those of us who are awake to the Organization’s malfeasance and eisegetical method of scripture interpretation, yet remain in the congregation for generally one reason—the fear of loss. We cannot underestimate this fear of losing all contact with family and friends, due to the Organization’s extreme shunning policies, and suggest that this fear is not well founded and imbedded in the mind of every baptized Jehovah’s Witnesses.

That is exactly what the organization has counted on for control over the decades. We can be confidant that those who are awake (PIMO) and remain in the congregation are at the very least annoying to the Governing Body, and in their minds potentially the only real threat inside the congregation as a “wild card” they cannot predict or control.

The expression “out of the cell, but still in the prison”—and for some awaiting execution (disfellowshipping)—is apropos for PIMOs in this situation. We could make the assumption from the number of members on this site using aliases that they are probably PIMOs themselves (with exceptions, of course) and like many of us experience some of the same transitional stages no matter what was the trigger that began individual PIMO journeys.[ii]

Those who have exited the Organization either by fading or through disassociation/disfellowshipping have, for the most part, been neutralized, having little, if any, influence on active members in the congregation by being unable to expose the Organization’s dirty laundry.  Thus the evil genius behind the infamous extreme shunning policies where the excuse of “keeping the congregation clean” based on 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 is overextended[iii] to silence any member who even thinks of asking questions.  In the collective minds of the Governing Body, this is perceived as challenging to their self-appointed Guardians Of Doctrine[iv] status. 

PIMOs therefore are a real threat, especially those that are active inside the congregation who become incognito activists.

The Journey 

“It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself, infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.”

Thomas Paine

Those of us who now find ourselves here as PIMOs certainly relate to Paine’s words and wrestle with this daily as we come to appreciate even more 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 Corinthians 4:6, and Acts 17:11 when reading Watchtower literature or attending meetings.

Many have personally experienced, are currently experiencing, or at least can relate to the following sequence of events on the journey to PIMO. 

Initially cognitive dissonance kicks in.  The idea that “this can’t be true it’s from APOSTATES!”

Fear of being disloyal to the Governing Body first and then to Christ and Jehovah. (That’s a sad sequence of steps.)

Shock and surprise as you dig deeper at the solid documented evidence (UN NGO alliance, child abuse scandals, etc.)

High anxiety, depression, and even thoughts of suicide. Especially if we where devoted to the Governing Body as the Faithful and Discreet Slave; trusting them completely.

Paranoia about being exposed for even reading what is deemed as apostate material, becomes all-consuming.

Despair that you are all alone with not one friend or family member to confide in.

Constant mental anguish rules your every waking moment.  (Unless one has experienced this, it is difficult to describe or comprehend.)

Extreme anger at anything and anyone connected to the Organization.

Loss of faith.  Some even ditch God altogether from thoughts of how “could he have let me be so deceived?”

Searching the net and generally ending up on websites of other angry ex-witnesses that helps to feed their anger, and eventually realizing some have been posting their hate for over 20 years.  NO THANKS!

Spiritual limbo. The fear of loss is intensified; cognitive dissonance kicks back in to protect sanity.  The thought process goes like this: I can’t leave.  But if I stay, then what I’ve discovered remains like a splinter in my mind.  There’s no going back. You can’t unwring a bell.

The New reality. Silent compromises are made.  The mind begins compartmentalizing everything.  The PIMOs double life is now in motion.  You constantly perform mental gymnastics to justify why you should do this.

Finally, there are those of us who have accepted the PIMO condition for the present, as we refuse to pay the “pound of flesh” for leaving, demanded by the organization—or could there be an additional reason?

“What then?” you say.  Consider, if you will, that we could adopt a new acronym. Instead of PIMO, why not PISA: Physically In, Scripturally Awake.  Those who choose to be PISA are doing it so that they can to help family and loved ones to wake up; at least until the day they can no longer tolerate it or are exposed.

You might feel that is a tall order.  Well, the intension of the next article is to discuss that by developing the new PISA mindset.  We can look at techniques and methods to accomplish our spiritual activism while remaining undercover. (Matt. 10:16) This will at least be a venue for PISAs to offer the opinions and experiences as part of the growing great crowd of PISAs within the organization.[v]


[i] Physically In, Mentally Out. Is should be noted that those who have successfully left the organization may view PIMOs in a negative way, reasoning that these remain in due to fear of man. They may denigrate them as supporting a cult, spreading lies, or via an assortment of other insults.
[ii] This can be difficult, if not impossible for most to accomplish. Resulting in many just tearing off the band aid, setting themselves free, whatever the cost and we should not judge them.
[iii] To clarify, even applying the JW shunning policy to the sins outlined in Corinthians is overextending the meaning of Paul’s words, and Jesus direction at Matthew 18:15-17.
[iv] Guardians of Doctrine is a term Geoffrey Jackson used during his testimony at the ARC hearings to describe the key role of the Governing Body.



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  • Comment by Mr Noodle on 2020-05-16 19:36:54

    Well said
    This conveys all the stages of the reality of escaping such a duplicitous deceptive institution.
    Especially when family is involved.
    I long for the day that these men are exposed and crushed.
    It can’t come soon enough.

    • Reply by Chet on 2020-05-16 22:25:05

      Hubris is as reliable as the tides. The current crop of GBs have far overplayed their hand. Narrowing the “Faithful and Discreet Slave” to encompass only themselves strikes me as a step too far. Undoubtedly some among the active Witnesses have taken note of this change and wrinkled their brow. Now they seem to be getting very comfortable with soliciting donations and, once again, I am certain that some among the rank and file Witnesses have noted this development with skepticism.

      Perhaps the greatest danger is the concentration of properties ownership to one central organization. This weakens the operation of the congregations significantly. If the Organization collapses financially, local meeting places will no longer be open to use my whatever Witnesses are left.

      Stock up on popcorn.

      • Reply by Chet on 2020-05-17 02:05:37

        At the time of my baptism, the Faithful and Discreet Slave was said to be all of thue “anointed”, but apparently they were never asked for input and the writing and teaching was all handled at Bethel. In other words, their explanation was, at the very least, misleading, because they were not actually consulting anyone that claimed to be “anointed”. I had always assumed that they were, to some degree, but Ray Franz’ book somewhat exploded that myth.

        I don’t think that it’s any coincidence that the authority of the Watchtower began to be challenged in the late ‘70s. 1975 was a huge debacle, no matter how much they try to rewrite history. Long time Witnesses, such as my grandparents, were relieved to hear that they could reasonably aspect Armageddon within their natural life span. Mainstream adult Witnesses, such as my mother, were relieved to learn that they would never face old age and young Witnesses, in many cases, welcomed the news that they would not have to face the challenges of fending for oneself in this system of things. The 1975 hoopla appealed to a lot of people and provided escape from reality. When it failed to materialize, a lot of people started to ask questions and the Society pretty much ignored it to the greatest extent possible.

        As the Organization became more defensive, they became less open to even considering any criticism from within. When Brother Knorr died, the hardline faction pretty much took over and it seemed to progressively deteriorate from that point on. The 1978 International Conventions included some harsh criticism of the brotherhood, unlike anything I had ever heard before. A friend was at Bethel in 1979 and has told me that it was a very harsh atmosphere. By the time the 1980 witch hunt started, he recalled being in his room with friends and praying that they would align themselves with the right side in this issue. He went through the motions of being a Witness for about 12 years, after leaving Bethel, but I’m pretty certain that he fudged his field service reports during that time. He had already seen enough to know that it was not of God.

        It’s interesting, and ironic, that one of their greatest weaknesses is their teaching about the anointed. For the record, I believe the distinction is cut from whole cloth. I partake and I have no expectation of going to heaven. I also suspect that there are a lot of active JWs that partake In the privacy of their own homes. No one expected the number of “anointed” to increase, but it has increased significantly in the last 40 years. I can see how the GBs may have felt the need to come up with a new shtick, regarding all of this.

        Your illustration is apt. In Hitler’s last days, he lived in an underground bunker, fighting in vain to hold onto power. I’m certain that the propaganda all made it sound as if Hitler was I control of the situation, but in reality, he was hanging by a mere thread.

        The mentality of the GBs strikes me as being paranoid, just like that of Hitler. They even produced the “Bunker Video”, which is the product of a very paranoid group of leaders. They are safely tucked away in their Patterson headquarters, isolated from the real world and undoubtedly feel safe. Maybe they should rewatch the videos of the Branch Davidians.

        Claiming exclusive rights to determine teachings among JWs is not going to help them in any meaningful way. I’ve found all sorts of new sources for biblical information and don’t need those guys to tell me what I am allowed to believe.

        For the record, one belief I strongly hold, is that the Witness Organization, as we’ve known it up to this point in time, is never going to reclaim its former glory. Better bunker up, GBs. You might think of what is coming as being persecution, but it’s probably more accurate to think of it as justice, and it’s headed your way.

        • Reply by truthrooster on 2020-05-17 06:34:45

          Well said Chet. “ Bunker up” like Hitler in his last days.

          • Reply by Chet on 2020-05-17 09:54:15

            If they truly believe what they are speaking, without reservation, I pity them. If they are the charlatans I believe them to be, I would delight in their being publicly exposed and humiliated. A good friend was personal friends with a very highly placed person within the Organization (now deceased). He told me that privately, this man was disgusted by the direction things had taken and was no longer drinking the Kool-Aid, but had nowhere else to go. He had spent his life volunteering there, and had no children, no one to take him in, so he went about his work having no alternative.

            As Ray Franz said, we are the victims of victims. However, the grandstanding of the GB members in these videos is something I find galling.

  • Comment by Chet on 2020-05-16 20:58:15

    As a long-faded person, I went through years of living hell as a PIMO, before making the break. My marriage was destroyed in the process and I got to start life over in my mid forties. I actually was striving to come back when my marriage broke up, but every meeting I went to frustrated me to no end, as I heard the Bible misused, with verse checking and even people “correcting” texts in order to support the Politically Correct viewpoint. I’d go to a meeting and spend the rest of the day angered by what I heard.

    At the time, I attended a Kingdom Hall I had helped to build when I was in my teens. I remembered when that lot was empty ground and was there the day the set the forms for the foundation. I was there for the first meeting held in that Hall and I was there when it was dedicated, a few months later. It had been a place of unity and purpose at one time. A building I loved attending. Over 20 years later, I worked on the remodeling, which took it from a distinct structure to something that was oddly shaped and ugly; but it was still “my” Hall and I still remembered many good times there.

    But by the time that building was approaching 30 years old, it had become foreign. Only one of the elders was from the old crew, and he was treated poorly. The knowledgeable Bible students I had known in my teens were all gone, replaced by newer converts with superficial knowledge and whom mostly parroted Watchtower publications, placing the scriptures a distant second-place in their priorities. When I was in my teens, I might fill an empty Friday evening by visiting the same hall and taking in the Service Meeting and school of the other congregation that used the same building. We all knew one another and I would be enthusiastically welcomed when I visited.

    But now, less than 30 years later, I hated to attend, I was offended by the flippant manner I saw displayed by people giving parts on the meeting and I would leave the second the closing prayer ended, usually breaking into a run as soon as I was out the door. That was my PIMO time.

    The threat of excommunication is the Organization’s only real power. It’s the reason I use a pseudonym, because I prefer to stay in touch with my family members whom are PIMI. I keep a low profile locally and do all I can to avoid the elders. A few months ago, I ran into one at a supermarket. The JWs were taking their coffee break there and I got a not so friendly look from a somewhat familiar face in the group.

    The question of DF/DA status is significant. Were I cast out, I doubt that I could stomach going through the motions to be reinstated, even knowing that it was entirely meaningless. Of the last handful of meetings I attended, I always ended up leaving early, unable to sit through the nonsense. A relative that is DF’d and trying to get reinstated for family reasons has confessed that every time he goes to a meeting he is angered by what he hears. I have told him that he probably will never be able to jump through all of the hoops necessary for good standing and even he admits that he would probably be DF’d again if he were ever reinstated, just because of the politics of the situation. It’s a tough deal, no matter how you look at it.

    There are two things, however, that I would like to point out, with regard to this matter.

    Firstly: individuals do not have to honor the Organization’s rules with regard to this. If I ever found myself announced as DF/DA, I would tell my family what had happened and let them know that as far as I am concerned, it’s really up to them how they treat me. I don’t allow that Organization to tell me to whom I am allowed to speak and no individual has to comply. There are plenty of people making exceptions in this regard, and keeping that information to themselves.

    Secondly: every time the Organization DF’s of DA’s someone for not showing loyalty to the Organization in some way or another, they are expending a limited resource. Let me illustrate by saying that if literally every driver was given a speeding ticket for being 10 MPH over the speed limit, having such a ticket on your record would lose all meaning. If everybody is charged with violating the law, violating the law actually is cheapened in the process.

    So, if the Organization kicks out people too readily, it will soon get to the point where everyone will have a close friend or relative that has been expelled and some, probably many, will be sympathetic to their friend or relative. Eventually, only the most hardcore adherents will practice shunning in a meaningful way, while many others will simply do as the see fit and go about their business. To use a Pop Culture reference, if the “Soup Nazi” kicks out too many customers, he will end up with a shortage of customers.

    I really believe that the Organization has already well overplayed their hand in these matters. There are a lot of disgruntled ex JWs out there with a bad taste in their mouths, uninterested in returning. With the Organization bleeding from every pore and, apparently, in need of money, they really are in no position to be turning away “paying customers”, but that is exactly what they are doing. Perhaps some of these GB members actually believe that they are God’s “Faithful and Discreet Slave” and that God is especially providing for them. If the donations continue the apparent downward trend, they may think twice about this conclusion.

    Thirdly: the events happening in the Witness Organization are not happening in a situational vacuum. A lot of religions are hemorrhaging members right now and a lot are facing child-abuse scandals. I think that this is a tectonic move and no easier to stop than it would be to stop the motion of a continent. All organized denominations are in trouble in the US, and in many other places as well. Christianity is growing in China, Iran and in other places where the secular government is hardly welcoming to it.

    While the mainstream churches in the US are shrinking, non-denominational groups are expanding. I lament the fact that many leaving the Witnesses are losing their faith but there are plenty of ex Witnesses that are returning to their non-denominational roots.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2020-05-17 04:44:13

    Hi BC. I really appreciated your understanding of the position of many of us here.. I think PISA is an excellent description, or POSA for those that have left the Organisation. It reminds us that we still wished to be guided by scripture, and might also alert us to friends of BP when we visit other sites.

    Well done.

  • Comment by Frankie on 2020-05-17 16:41:02

    Dear BC,

    thank you for your article. It is very useful and it nicely corresponds to Eric's explanation of FDS parable - that the mission of every Christian (among other things) is to give food to our brothers and sisters at the right time, just as we receive it from them. What you wrote is important. When someone is still inside, he/she still has a chance to glow in the dark. If someone is a DA or DF, the chances drop rapidly because his/her light is covered by a pot called "shunning". I think your article will greatly encourage all PIMO (or PISA by you) brothers and sisters.

    And I'm sure your article wasn't meant to arouse negative emotions. However, I feel such emotions. We were often hurt by those we thought were closest to us - and that hurts the most. We feel injustice and wrongdoing from GB, as well as manipulation of sincere Christians, arrogance and deception, emotional blackmail and unbiblical theories.

    Yes, all of this is very bad. But I would like to draw the attention to one word - love. The path of love is not always easy and sometimes it seems even impossible to go that way. Especially if we are to show love to someone who hurts us. And besides, we all are just imperfect people.
    But Christianity is about love. It's about love for those who love us and for those who hate us. We know all these verses well:

    "But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." (Matt. 5:44-45)

    "But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you." (Luke 6:27-28)

    " .... and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil." (Luke 6:35b)

    "For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly." (1 Peter 2:21-23)

    "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. .... If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you." (1 Peter 4:12,14)

    I know, it's not easy at all, either for you, or for me. However, no one can do this on his own. Only God can do this in us. Therefore let us constantly ask for the Holy Spirit (Mat. 5:3). Each of us, we and GB, will be judged in justice. Let us put the assessment of the everyone's good and bad deeds in the hands of the One who is called to do so (Luke 6:37; Acts 17:31).

    Until then, let's show that love we have received from our heavenly Father and his Son to all people - to the brothers and sisters in Christ and to all others to be children of our heavenly Father.

    And so I pray also for GB members, not for what they do, but to Jehovah to send them a spirit of humility and true love. Would that be impossible? (Matt 19:26; Acts 8:3). Fred Franz was also the member of GB, but God was always with him and never left him.

    But first, my prayers are with everyone who has been hurt by the WT.
    Love to all here. Frankie

  • Comment by Zazza on 2020-05-20 11:20:58

    Good afternoon,
    In Italian they use for the term PIMO : proclamatori consapevoli, but being scriptural awake fits more in a description of the mental and spiritual condition of those ones, including myself,
    Thanks for this interesting reasoning

  • Comment by Brother B. on 2020-07-12 20:44:39

    Hey Boreans Creed, I see you're commenting over on Robert's site. Can I ask why? I commented there and dealt with Robert for years. I can say with conviction that the fruits the regular commenters and Robert produce are not those of the holy spirit or our Lord's disciples.

    If you need some proof I can send a link to the last discussion my wife and I participated in where (after years of trying to offer spiritual encouragement to commenters on the site) they all condemned us calling us names and claiming we were "the sect of Nicolaus", and the reason - - we said something nice about Ray Franz and refused to condemn him.

    I have a lot more I could say but I'll wait for you to respond.

    • Reply by Beroeans Creed on 2020-07-13 07:19:20

      Greetings Brother B
      Thank you for your comments and concerns, although the later I’m a little confused about as apparently you are at least a reader at E-watchman aka Robert as you stated “for years.”
      I am sorry if you have been mistreated by the group there, but as you know all ex-JW sites can be difficult to navigate and because most including this one invites critical thinking (contrary to the Wt. organization) people can be offended by comments wether justified or not as we offer and give our opinions and views on scriptures.
      I feel no obligation to defend my commenting on Robert’s site, but will give you a couple of my opinions on his writings.
      I personally view his book on prophecy interpretation to be one of the best I have read.
      I respect the fact that he has reached out at great expense to the GB
      to point out what he views as major errors they are making, many of which we all agree with.
      His book contains the best detailed and well documented information on the WT. UN/NGO that I have found to date. (and has helped me to open some of the friends eyes)
      I find his position on all things WT very interesting as he appears to be an apologist on one hand while condemning the GB on the other. ( the subject of my post you referred too)
      I do not vouch for him or anyone who comments there as I do not know them personally much the same as on BP I can only go but what they publish.
      I hope this answers some of your concerns and would be happy to discuss further via email if you would like.

      • Reply by Brother B. on 2020-07-13 07:55:07

        You can email me anytime at it's not that I felt "mistreated" - Satan's spirit was plainly manifest. Email me and I'll send you the link to the discussion and you can judge for yourself.
        Robert is a self appointed prophet and leader of Jesus sheep the same as the "Governing Body." Are you aware of his prophetic utterances that have proved false? Email me and I'll get you the link. Have you read his recent article on the "other sheep"? He's a false teacher that doesn't even understand the truth about what Jesus meant on the one occasion he used that expression. Again email me and I'll get you the link to Eric's video explaining the truth about what Jesus was talking about.

        Although Burt, Kevin, Cathy and all the other regulars there follow Robert with almost worshipful admiration I doubt anyone thinks more of Robert than he himself. Any blame the "Governing Body" deserves for teaching false doctrines Robert is twice as guilty for promoting. He condemns the Watchtower but offers no spiritual help. He has his followers baptizing themselves in their tubs at home because he won't baptize them himself and offers them no alternative to Watchtower baptism. I could go on for awhile. I tried at length to be patient and reason with him but he's 'God's spokesman' same as the "Governing Body" and can't be reasoned with.

        I'm not bitter and only pop over to his site every so often to see if any are asking sincere questions and could use some help finding Scriptures to help them hence I noticed you were looking to Robert for some guidance. I would be guilty if I didn't try to warn you and offer my friendship and help, which I am here attempting to do

        Your brother

        • Reply by Beroeans Creed on 2020-07-13 11:23:00

          Thank you for your concern brother and of course you can send over your information to my email.
          I am well aware of Robert King’s claims of being an anointed prophet and do not agree with many of his conclusions just as I do not always agree with what is published here as I am confident you feel likewise as we would both agree no one has it all correct.The guidance I was requesting, if you read the entire conversation, was an attempt to get him to clarify his confusing Personal situation when it comes to what he considers God’s organization, which you note he did not answer the question asked by a reader on his video or my direct question, and the fact That I have emailed him a couple of times on the same topic with no response.
          Be assured, after my experience as a long time JW I no longer follow any man, but that doesn’t mean I can’t explore, Listen and even learn from others especially if we are using the Bible as the foundation no matter if we have everything correct or not.
          just a word of caution with using the allegation that “Satan’s spirit was plainly manifest.“ as you can image many Witnesses claim the same thing about BP and I assume you would not agree with that as only Jehovah and Jesus are the ultimate judges of that. We simply have the free will not to read or promote anything we find not in harmony with our understanding of scripture and as far as Robert King is concerned IMHO he has many things correct even though he has exalted himself in the eyes of Jehovah, much like the current GB of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

          Agape my Brother.

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