Guard What Has Been Entrusted to You

– posted by Tadua
“Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you.”—1 Timothy 6:20

 [Study 40 from ws 09/20 p.26 November 30 – December 06, 2020]

Paragraph 3 claims “Jehovah has favored us with an accurate knowledge of the precious truths found in his Word, the Bible.”

This implies that because we are Jehovah’s Witnesses, we have accurate knowledge that others do not. This gives many witnesses an arrogant attitude.

Since awakening to the fact that definitely not everything taught by the Governing Body is correct, the author has been on a journey, re-examining one by one all the beliefs that he had as fully-fledged Witness, to check if they are still valid after an unbiased investigation of the scriptures.

The author’s major findings to date have been:

  • 144,000 is a symbolic number, not a literal number.

  • The hope for all mankind is a resurrection to the earth.[i]

  • All will be raised with perfect bodies, no need to ‘grow to perfection’.

  • 607BC to 1914CE being seven times of the gentiles teaching is false.

    • Jerusalem was not destroyed in 607BC but later, with only 48 years between the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon and the fall of Babylon to Cyrus.[ii]

    • Nevertheless, the entire accounts of Jeremiah, Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah, and Daniel can be reconciled without difficulty and shown to be fulfilled accurately.

    • The Bible speaks of more than one 70-year period, which relate to different year to year spans.

    • Jesus did not become King in 1914CE. Rather he became King on his return to heaven back in the first century.

  • There was no Governing Body back in the 1st Century.

  • There is no Organization or religion today that has been chosen by God.

  • The appointment over Christ’s belongings of faithful and discreet slaves takes place after Armageddon.

  • The King of the North and the King of the South prophecy in Daniel has all been fulfilled, being completed in the first Century CE.[iii]

  • The teaching to refuse blood transfusions and its major components is deeply flawed both scripturally and medically and should be a conscience matter, (not the disfellowshipping matter it is).[iv]

  • The shunning of disfellowshipped ones as taught and practiced by the Organization is God-dishonouring and goes against basic human rights and is misapplication of scripture.[v]

  • The Judicial committee system has no biblical basis nor is it designed to deliver justice.

All of these subjects have featured either in Watchtower Study article reviews or in other articles on this site.

Paragraph 6 states Hymenaeus, Alexander, and Philetus succumbed to apostasy and left the truth. (1 Timothy 1:19, 20; 2 Timothy 2:16-18)”. By that statement, the Governing Body and its predecessors (the Watchtower Presidents) are also effectively apostates. Note how 2 Timothy 2:16-18 reads (in the NWT Reference Bible) “But reject empty speeches that violate what is holy, for they will lead to more and more ungodliness, 17 and their word will spread like gangrene. Hy·me·naeʹus and Phi·leʹtus are among them. 18 These men have deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already occurred, and they are subverting the faith of some.”

So, what does the Organization teach regarding the resurrection? That the resurrection has already started, yet of it there is no proof. Did not Jesus say in John 5:28-29 “Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear this voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, …”. This has not happened.

Yet, the Study article of December 2020 Watchtower, p. 12 par. 14 in the article “How Are the Dead to Be Raised Up?” claims “Anointed ones who today finish their earthly course are instantly raised to life in the heavens.”  Paragraph 13 of the same article states “Paul pointed out that “the presence of the Lord” would also be a time of resurrection for anointed Christians who had “fallen asleep in death.””

Further the Study Watchtower of w08 1/15 pp. 23-24 par. 17 Counted Worthy to Receive a Kingdom claims 17 Since 33 C.E., tens of thousands of anointed Christians have manifested strong faith and have endured faithfully until death. These have already been counted worthy of receiving the Kingdom and—evidently starting in the early days of Christ’s presence—have been rewarded accordingly.”

Did not a governing body recently say that 10% incorrect is 100% wrong? This teaching is clearly at least 10% wrong! Therefore what does it say about the rest of the teaching?

Paragraph 12 then subtly moves the emphasis from the scriptures to the Organization’s publications saying “But if we are to convince others that Bible truth is truly valuable, we need to stick to a regular routine of personal Bible study. We need to use God’s Word to strengthen our faith. This involves more than just reading the Bible. It requires that we meditate on what we read and do research in our publications so that we can correctly understand and apply the Scriptures.”. They are therefore claiming that without the Organization’s literature you cannot understand the Bible properly. If this is the case then how did the first-century Christians understand the Bible correctly, without literature and with limited copies of the Bible, which was not yet complete then?

Finally, we cannot let paragraph 15 go by without examining it closely. It claims: “Like Timothy, we must also discern the danger of false information spread by apostates. (1 Tim. 4:1, 7; 2 Tim. 2:16) For example, they might try to spread false stories about our brothers or raise doubts about Jehovah’s organization. Such misinformation could undermine our faith. We must avoid being fooled by this propaganda. Why? Because these types of stories are spread “by men who are corrupted in mind and deprived of the truth.” Their goal is to start “arguments and debates.” (1 Tim. 6:4, 5) They want us to believe their slander and develop wicked suspicions about our brothers.”.

Now, this site is undoubtedly numbered among the apostates mentioned here by the Organization. However, the author and other contributors on this site have never knowingly spread false information. You will probably have noted that the articles are well referenced to back the claims, (unlike the Watchtower articles and other literature being reviewed). They are also impugning the reputation of many ex-Witnesses who run Youtube channels and the like, who likewise research properly their videos and articles. Do you honestly think they all have time to make up and spread false stories? This author certainly does not. This author like many if not all of our readers had doubts about the so-called “Jehovah’s Organization” being that for years before leaving.

Whose propaganda are we really at risk of being fooled by?

Is it not those very ones who claim that all who leave the Organization because of disagreeing with it are apostates, despite most of them neither denying nor leaving Christ or Jehovah?

Is it not those who never provide even one example of those claims, like one single so-called false story about the brothers, or one piece of misinformation?

How can it be true that sites such as ours who provide the scripture context and historical context of verses when proving what the Bible teaches are misinforming others, but the Organization is not, with its usual lack of scriptural and historical context, and checkable references? Take for example this article on this site “The King of the North and the King of the South” compared with the articles in the May 2020 Study Watchtower. Who offers more scriptural backing and more historical context, and historical references?

Is it not also slanderous in itself to accuse a group of people of slander, and yet at the same time not give a single example of such slander, along with evidence backing up that claim, evidence that proves the claim true to any independent reader?

Is not the Organization accusing others of exactly what it itself is doing to them? If so, then should it not be held accountable for doing so?

As I write this article (5th November 2020) a friend will be disfellowshipped on the grounds of apostasy this evening. He was asked to attend a judicial committee hearing and refused. The committee hearing went ahead anyway. During that meeting, one of the elders who was unknown to my friend rang him. In course of the ensuing conversation, my friend stated that none of his questions about understanding certain Bible teachings had been answered, to which the elder’s reply was, this is not the forum for that. Yes, you heard it! In a judicial committee hearing where they are about to disfellowship someone for apostasy, they are not prepared to answer any questions about Bible teachings, the answers to which could lead to repentance by the individual! A “kangaroo court” is the term that comes to the author’s mind rather than “a loving provision to help those spiritually weak” which is how the Organization officially describes a judicial committee hearing to non witnesses.

Open Letter to the Governing Body:

Is it a true story that between 1950 and 2015 there were a total of 1,006 individuals accused of child sexual abuse in Australia among the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses there and that not one of them was reported to the secular authorities? Yes or No?

(Hint: Yes, according to Watchtower Australia). [vi]

Is the Website,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx an apostate website of false stories? Yes or No?

(Hint: No, it is the public record of a wide-ranging investigation into all sorts of Organizations in Australia such as Churches, Scouts, Children’s homes, Orphanages, Health Care Providers, State-run Youth training Centres, etc.[vii]

Is it true that the Organization was an NGO (Non-governmental Organization) member of the United Nations between 1991 and 2001? Yes or No?

(Hint: Yes, according to a letter from the World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses)[viii]

Who is telling lies? You, the reader can decide based on verifiable facts, not baseless broad-brush assertions.



[i] The Resurrection Hope – Jehovah’s Guarantee to Mankind Parts 1-4, and Mankind’s hope for the future, Where will it be? A Scriptural Examination Parts 1-7

[ii] “A Journey of Discovery Through Time” (Parts 1-7)

[iii] The Messianic Prophecy of Daniel Parts 1-8, The King of the North and the King of the South, Revisiting Nebuchadnezzars dream of an Image, Revisiting Danie’s Vision of Four Beasts,

[iv] The JW No Blood Doctrine – A Scriptural Analysis by Apollos, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood – Parts 1-5, also by Apollos

[v] Identifying True Worship Part 12: Love Among Yourselves, by Eric Wilson, The Judicial System of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Parts 1-2 by Eric Wilson

[vi] “During the investigation of this case study, Watchtower Australia produced some 5,000 documents pursuant to summonses issued by the Royal Commission on 4 and 28 February 2015. Those documents include 1,006 case files relating to allegations of child sexual abuse made against members of the Jehovah's Witness Church in Australia since 1950 - each file for a different alleged perpetrator of child sexual abuse.” Page 15132, Lines 4-11 Transcript-(Day-147).pdf

See,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx. All quotes unless otherwise stated are from the downloaded documents available on this site and used under the “fair use” principle. See for further information.



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  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2020-11-29 12:01:03

    Well done Tadua!
    A thoroughly enjoyable read and full of true indignation, rightly deserved.

    How dare WT writers slander us by vague accusations of wicked minds and lying talk?

    I am preparing for a text from our 'designated elder' who will ask us to read this. Thankfully my husband replies to these texts attempting to reactivate us. I wouldn't like to rate my chances of evading a JC myself if I spoke my mind.?

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2020-11-30 11:26:43

      Hi MM, good to hear from you again.
      i did note that their usual attempts at fooling the flock continue at paragraph 15. They might try to spread false stories..or raise doubts about Jehovah's Organisation. "Might" is totally non commital.
      As usual no attempt is made to state what apostates really say. Apart from anything else, , we do not discuss "false" information at all, here. In fact are there any sites which discuss false information ?

      • Reply by Bobcat on 2020-12-04 07:44:02

        Hi LJ (and all),

        The practice of not specifically addressing an opponent's arguments is called "framing the issue." I have a post on the DtT site about it here. The WT did not invent this strategy, but they are masters at using it. And most of the R&F have been hypnotized into accepting their methods. May God bring their evil back upon them.

  • Comment by cx_516 on 2020-11-30 03:48:59

    Great Summary Tadua, thank you!

  • Comment by Maxwell on 2020-11-30 14:32:12

    This might seem to be nitpicking and granted it is a distinction without a difference but since 2000 the punishment for taking blood unrepentantly has been disassociation not disfellowshipping. "On the other hand, if the elders on the committee determine that he is unrepentant, they should announce his disassociation." Shepherd book chapter 18 (10/2020 edition)

  • Comment by safeguardyourheart on 2020-11-30 15:29:54

    How does Satan try to make us give up the treasures that Jehovah has entrusted us with? Note some of Satan’s tactics. He uses entertainment and the media to promote values, thinking, and behavior that he hopes will cause us to loosen our grip on the truth. He attempts to intimidate us through peer pressure or persecution so that we will stop preaching. And he tries to entice us to listen to “the falsely called ‘knowledge’” of apostates so that we will ABANDON THE TRUTH.​—1 Tim. 6:20, 21.................paragraph 7

    Emphasis on ABANDONED the TRUTH.

    Yes many ABANDONED THE PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE TRUTH as taught by the ORGANIZATION but they don't ABANDONED the THE TRUTH-------JESUS who is the WAY and LIFE who is same today, yesterday and forever

    All the FALSELY called KNOWLEDGE are from the IMPERFECT SPIRITUAL FOOD Jesus himself said is not GUARANTEED from the faithful and discreet slave......check watchtower February 2017. It is no surprise the past publication of this same ORGANIZATION are what those they called APOSTATES used against them which they clearly called FALSELY CALLED KNOWLEDGE.

    A pure case of an ORGANIZATION that keep shooting itself in the FOOT.

  • Comment by safeguardyourheart on 2020-11-30 15:31:58

    The videos they watched last week shows how close the BATTLE they are up against is right at the door steps of the HEADQUARTERS with that agitated
    response to what is ongoing amongst their members

  • Comment by Elpida on 2020-12-01 07:29:53

    Hi Tadua: Thank you so much for this wonderful article. You have brought matters to my attention that only faintly had crossed my mind. You have put it all in perspective. I know that everyone is afraid of being called an Apostate. I think it must be remembered that yes you may be an Apostate to JW's dogma but it does not make you an Apostate with Christ and Jehovah God.

  • Comment by JackSprat on 2020-12-01 07:34:37

    Taudia, You have repeatedly hit the nail on the head. When I first began my booklet study with the witnesses I worked with a baptist. a really nice guy and he asked me to ask my study conductor that if the 1444000 were a literal number then they must be literal virgins. oh no said my study conductor the number is literal and the virgins are symbolic and following Jesus is literal so there you go. however I think they miss the mark when we consider verse 5
    Rev 14:5 And in their mouth was found no deceit, for they are without fault before the throne of God.

    The current court case in Utah regarding the statuary rape of a young girl and she was repeatedly subjected to having an audio recording of one of the rapes repeatedly played to her by the Judicial commitee who disfeloeshiped her is absolutely shocking. It will be interesting to see how the judiciary rule on this case. being a very strong Morman area of the USA

  • Comment by marielle on 2020-12-02 02:58:40

    Dans la lecture de cette semaine sur le Lévitique, je note que dans le livre Perspicacité, au sujet Moïse, lorsque celui-ci s’adresse au peuple, le GB rajoute entre parenthèses (SANS AUCUN DOUTE, LES ANCIENS QUI LE REPRÉSENTAIENT).
    Cette extrapolation n’a qu’un seul but, rapprocher ces anciens du peuple d’Israël, des 144 000, la partie contractante de la nouvelle alliance.
    Pourtant, LE PEUPLE répond : « Tout ce qu’a dit Jéhovah, nous sommes prêts à le faire et à lui obéir ».
    Il est évident, que parler de la nouvelle alliance, bien meilleure que la première, contractée avec tout le peuple d’Israël, et la seconde avec 144 000 personnes, c’est un peu compliqué.
    Ces parenthèses ne sont donc qu’au service d’une idéologie bancale, les 144 000 à prendre au sens littéral.
    Je trouve la réflexion de JackSprat sur « ils sont les vierges », intéressante, ainsi que le passage de Révélation 14 : 5.
    L’explication des douze fois douze mille également, puisqu’elle est symbolique.

    • Reply by marielle on 2020-12-02 03:09:53

      Je voudrais rajouter, extrait du livre it, après (SANS AUCUN DOUTE, LES ANCIENS QUI LE REPRÉSENTAIENT) « l’autre partie contractante ». Cette extrapolation n’a qu’un seul but...

  • Comment by marielle on 2020-12-02 05:08:41

    Il y a vraiment beaucoup à dire sur cette TG que Tadua a bien résumé.
    Au § 4 nous trouvons la traduction de Actes 13 : 48 par « Tous ceux qui avaient l’état d’esprit qu’il faut » pour avoir la vie éternelle, devinrent croyants. Rendu selon d’autres traductions par : « Destinés - Nommés - Ordonnés ».
    Qui peut destiner, nommer ou ordonner pour la vie éternelle ?
    Dans ce chapitre Actes 13, le verset 39 répond :
    « oui, C’EST PAR SON MOYEN QUE TOUT HOMME QUI CROIT EST DÉCLARÉ INNOCENT de toutes les choses dont vous n’avez pu être déclarés innocents par le moyen de la Loi de Moïse ».

    Mais le paragraphe fait immanquablement le lien entre « avoir l’état d’esprit qu’il faut » = reconnaître « l’esclave fidèle et avisé », le GB que Jéhovah utilise.

    Pourtant, avoir la vie éternelle, c’est apprendre à connaître Jéhovah et Jésus-Christ.
    Jean 6 : 44
    Jésus dit : «  Personne ne peut venir à moi, si le Père qui m’a envoyé ne l’attire ».

    Jéhovah, et Jésus-Christ à qui a été remis le jugement, est seul juge de nos intentions et il les connaît.

    Au lieu de cela, l’adhésion inconditionnelle au GB (même quand il se trompe) est devenue un instrument, juge de notre loyauté envers Dieu. En témoigne la deuxième question du baptême.

    La fin du paragraphe, veut nous amener à la conclusion que nous ne pouvons pas comprendre la Bible sans le GB.
    Pourtant, Proverbes 3, cité en référence, commence par « Mon fils, n’oublie pas mon enseignement » et emploie régulièrement le tutoiement tout au long du chapitre.
    C’est un argument souvent employé par les j.w que nous avons beaucoup reçu, et qu’à ce titre, nous sommes bien ingrats, infidèles et déloyaux.
    Certes, nous avons reçu, mais est-ce une raison pour dire que ce que nous croyons être faux, est vrai ?

    Cette allégeance au GB, à la place de Jéhovah et Jésus-Christ, et bien qu’ils s’en défendent, est un obstacle incontournable.

    Ton ami, Tadua, est en train d’en faire l’expérience, nous lui souhaitons que Jéhovah et Jésus-Christ lui apportent soutien et paix.

  • Comment by Beroeans Creed on 2020-12-02 15:40:32

    Great Review Tadu!

    • I have a question, is there any ref. articles here on BP or a WT. on this statement as I don't remember the teaching exactly the way you stated it..
    "All will be raised with perfect bodies, no need to ‘grow to perfection’.

    For any new readers this part of your review is very powerful!

    paragraph 15 go by without examining it closely. It claims: “Like Timothy, we must also discern the danger of false information spread by apostates. (1 Tim 4:1,  7; 2 Tim 2:16) For example, they might try to spread false stories about our brothers or raise doubts about Jehovah’s organization. Such misinformation could undermine our faith. We must avoid being fooled by this propaganda. Why? Because these types of stories are spread “by men who are corrupted in mind and deprived of the truth.” Their goal is to start “arguments and debates.” (1 Tim 6:4,  5) They want us to believe their slander and develop wicked suspicions about our brothers.”.

    These constant warnings without any mention of what they actually consider "false information", false stories", misinformation" and "propaganda" etc. is coming back to
    kick them in the rear!
    The constant apostate warnings ( almost weekly now) without and substance has likely forced many to ignore the warnings and publishers are clicking on Youtube videos or websites out of shear desperation! "Curious minds want to know", as the saying goes. Their attempt at information shut down worked when the internet was not around, but today, no chance. They are really just left with fear mongering and threats if you dare inquire of these things. This tool is still very effective as "Fear is the mind killer" and keeps the masses from using their gift of reason and need for truthful information.
    The organization can take a lesson from the book "The Art of War"

    "If you know the enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles"
    Sun Tzu

    The recent government involvement in the Australia Child Abuse redress scheme is a perfect example of how out of touch the with attempting to keep things from the R&F, it is totally backfiring. Keep an eye on this situation it's going to be a door opener for many.

    • Reply by Frankie on 2020-12-03 07:52:26

      Hi BC, 

      I don't know if I understood you correctly regarding the reference to Tadua's statement: „All will be raised with perfect bodies, no need to ‘grow to perfection’“. Here, Tadua does not agree with teaching WT about „growing to perfection“ after Armageddon. So I did a little research on teaching about "growing to perfection" over last few years. Here it is:

      W20 August, pp. 14-19, par. 12:
      "It seems that all mankind will gradually grow to perfection during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ."
      (In this latest statement, I feel a kind of uncertainty about the whole thing - "it seems". Should a “new light” shine?)

      W16 January, pp. 28-32, par. 11:
      "These are no small tasks, but how joyful it will be to work shoulder to shoulder and to grow to perfection under the Messianic Kingdom!"

      W15 6/15, pp. 20-24, par. 10:
      "Mankind will gradually be brought to perfection."

      W14 4/15, pp. 3-7, par. 16:
      "Reflect on how much closer you will feel to Jehovah as you progress to perfection."

      W13 12/15, pp. 27-31:
      "Think of parents, grandparents, and other ancestors who will return to life and progress to perfection along with their children and grandchildren."

      AWAKE! 2010, g 1/10, pp. 10-11, What Is Judgment Day?
      "They will serve as kings and priests, administering the benefits of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice and progressively elevating faithful humans to physical and mental perfection."

      Love to you and all.

    • Reply by Tadua on 2020-12-04 08:19:22

      Hi Beroeans Creed
      Frankie (below) has stated my view correctly. Please see my articles in footnote 1 for further information, but my understanding based on scriptures such as 1 Corinthians 15 and 1 Thessalonians 4, is that those resurrected will be resurrected with perfect bodies, and those alive at the finish of Armageddon will be made perfect immediately “in the twinkling of an eye”. There is no basis in scripture for the WT teaching that we will grow to perfection during the 1000 year reign of Christ only being made perfect at the end of that time.

  • Comment by Astoriaboy on 2020-12-06 12:49:38

    Regarding the resurrection, Revelation 20 doesn't mention anything about a resurrection until after Satan's release and destruction. Then follows the resurrection of the "unrighteous." Correct me if I'm wrong. The resurrection of the "righteous" happens before the tribulation according to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17.

  • Comment by Frankie on 2020-12-06 15:30:01

    Dear brothers and sisters

    I would like to share with you the thoughts that come to my mind about how we are sometimes unfairly accused, or how they slander or persecute us. Sometimes the unkind, even cruel behavior of wolves in sheep's clothing comes upon us (Matt 7:15) just as we expect understanding and comfort.

    It's not easy for everyone, nor was it for me. But what must I do to be the son of the Highest? Don't wish anyone anything bad. Don't pay with the same coin. Indeed, our Lord tells us:
    „bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.“ (Luke 6:28) 
    And Paul speaks again: „Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.“ (Romans 12:14).

    Many of us are labeled as apostates just because for the name of our Lord, because we feel sorry for suppressing his true position and significance. And because we are not willing to accept any mediator (GB) between the people and Jesus, because only He is our Leader (Matt. 23:10) and the Head of the church (Ephesians 5:23).

    So if someone insults, ridicules, slanders or persecutes us for Jesus Christ - that's the way it should be. The servant is not greater than his lord is. If they persecuted Jesus, they will also persecute us, his disciples - for the name of Jesus Christ (John 15:20). If they beat us for Christ, we are on the right side (Acts 5: 40-41; 1 Peter 4:14).

    Follow Jesus’ footsteps
    Many things that WT practices bother us. Many of us feel bitter about the Organization's attitude toward those who sincerely seek the truth. And under the weight of perceived injustice, we sometimes tend to speak evil.

    It's not easy for me either, and sometimes I feel angry. But then, in prayer, I often realize this - when the greatest injustice in human history took place? Certainly when they killed our innocent Savior. And Jesus Christ set a perfect example for us, leaving us his footsteps.

    Peter mentioned the footsteps of Jesus Christ in connection with persecution.
    „For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.“ (1 Peter 2:21-23)

    Did Jesus shout fire on the heads of his executioners? (Luke 9:54) Did he threaten them? Did he wish them something wrong? So what did Jesus tell them in this moment of absolute injustice?
    “ ... he cried out with a loud voice, „Lord, do not hold this sin against them.“ And when he had said this, he fell asleep.” (Acts 7:60)

    And so I should always say with respect to GB, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them.“ But my own strength is not enough. And so, Lord, please help me! Be in me and I can do everything! (John 15: 5,7).

    Jesus tells us: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) Let’s our Lord keeps shining on His way so that we may always see his footsteps.

    I do not rebuke anyone, I just think of our Lord's words. Too often, commentators in many other forums do not follow Christ’s footsteps, and in some places there are even offensive comments made against God and Jesus. I browsed through many pages and I am glad to have found the BP website. I don't think it was pure coincidence. 

    The BP is one of very few websites that honestly addresses biblical topics, without prejudice, and creates a very good counterweight to WT. There are many kind and sincere brothers and sisters here, and I consider BP to be my international Christian congregation.
    Let’s God gives us His Spirit of faith, love, wisdom, humility, and courage in these difficult times.

    Peace and love to all. Frankie

    • Reply by Naomi on 2020-12-07 08:21:10

      What wonderful expressions you made here. I am in agreement with them. This BP forum has become my best Christian Congregation, the one who shows Christian love, humility & sincerity as they continue to search for Biblical truths & share their learnings. We learn so much from the Christian comments as well. I appreciate, as you do, that they don’t attack the WT Organization with hateful words & false accusations. They make respectful defense with a proper motive.

  • Comment by Alithia on 2020-12-07 03:21:42

    The claims of the Org that you cannot be a follower of Jesus without their peculiar interpretations are false since not a single word was written of the New Testament until decades later. Early Christian's heard Jesu's teachings for themselves as on the Mount and other times. They did not need an "interpreter" as the Org suggests they only needed to have a humble heart. It was not till later when proud arrogant ones entered the congregation and insisted on their personal views and bullied others into thinking they needed to listen to them for salvation. Paul wrestaled and denounced these ones in Galations and Corinthians and we should not be intimidated by them either.

    • Reply by Ad_Lang on 2020-12-08 12:09:30

      The Scriptures do, indeed, say that there is no need for a human interpreter, as Jesus is God's spokesman and he promised the holy spirit to teach us these things (John 14:21,26; 1 Cor. 2:10).

      I also find it noteworthy that Jesus pointed out that love would identify his "true disciples", not his "true organisation" (John 13:35), and right now I can see a separation between those who are motivated by love, and those who are motivated by fear; both mutually exclusive as 1 John 4:18 (one of my favourite statements) says.

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