How to conduct a Bible Study that leads to Baptism – Part 1

– posted by Tadua

“You are shown to be a letter of Christ written by us as ministers.”—2 COR. 3:3.

 [Study 41 from ws 10/20 p.6 December 07 – December 13, 2020]

Over the next 2 weeks, the Watchtower addresses the topic of how a Christian is to go about preparing a bible student to get baptized. How to Conduct a Bible Study That Leads to Baptism​—Part One is the first installment.

As we review this Watchtower study article please consider if the criteria outlined in the Watchtower’s article applied to:

  • The 3,000 who were present at Pentecost 33CE (Acts 2:41).

  • To the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:36).

  • Or to those baptized in John’s ministry who had never heard of Holy Spirit or Jesus, who then immediately got baptized in Jesus name, and received holy spirit. (Acts 19:1-6).

Paragraph 3 reads “To address the urgent need to make disciples, branch offices were surveyed to find out how we can help more of our Bible students progress to baptism. In this article and in the one that follows, we will see what we can learn from experienced pioneers, missionaries, and circuit overseers.“.

You will notice that no attention is drawn to biblical examples, instead only to the advice of successful JW’s. There is nothing wrong with sharing best practices from modern-day examples of successful evangelists. However, we must make sure we are not going beyond the inspired examples preserved for us in scripture and adding to the burden of our fellow Christians (Acts 15:28).

Paragraph 5 reads, “On one occasion, Jesus illustrated the cost of becoming his disciple. He spoke about someone wanting to build a tower and about a king wanting to march into war. Jesus said that the builder must “first sit down and calculate the expense” to complete the tower and that the king must “first sit down and take counsel” to see whether his troops can accomplish what they intend to do. (Read Luke 14:27-33) Likewise, Jesus knew that a person who wants to become his disciple should analyze very carefully what it means to follow him. For that reason, we need to encourage prospective disciples to study with us every week. How can we do that?”

The read scripture in paragraph 5 is taken out of context especially by ignoring verse 26. (Luke 14:26-33) Was Jesus talking about taking months or years to make the decision to get baptized? Was he describing a need to study and learn about doctrines and traditions? No, he was illustrating the need to identify what our priorities in life are and then identify the challenges we will face in changing those priorities. He is being direct and upfront about the deep sacrifices ahead of those who choose to become his disciple. That all else including family and possessions would need to be considered a lower priority if they became an obstacle to our faith.

Paragraph 7 reminds us that “As the teacher, you need to prepare well for each Bible study session. You can begin by reading the material and looking up the scriptures. Get the main points clearly in mind. Think about the title of the lesson, the subheadings, the study questions, the “read” scriptures, the artwork, and any videos that may help explain the subject. Then with your student in mind, meditate in advance on how to present the information simply and clearly so that your student can easily understand and apply it.”

What do you notice about the focus of paragraph 7? Is it the Bible or the Organization’s study material? Is the encouragement to review other scriptures relevant to the material or just accept the cherry-picked scriptures cited in the Watchtower material that is used to support their interpretations?

Paragraph 8 continues ”As part of your preparation, pray to Jehovah about the student and his needs. Ask Jehovah to help you teach from the Bible in a way that will reach the person’s heart. (Read Colossians 1:9, 10.) Try to anticipate anything that the student may have difficulty understanding or accepting. Keep in mind that your goal is to help him progress to baptism.”.

Does Colossians 1:9-10 encourage you to pray so that you are able to teach in a way to reach someone’s heart? No. It says to pray that they be filled with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. These are gifts that God pours out by means of holy spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). God alone can reach our hearts and persuade us of his will (Jeremiah 31:33; Ezekiel 11:19; Hebrews 10:16). Paul makes it clear that he made no attempts to anticipate how to persuade others through logic and reason to become believers. Only after someone was spiritually mature did he engage in deeper doctrinal reasoning (1 Corinthians 2:1-6).

Paragraph 9 tells us “It is our hope that through a regular Bible study, the student will appreciate what Jehovah and Jesus have done and will want to learn more. (Matt. 5:3, 6) To benefit fully from the study, the student needs to concentrate on what he is learning. To that end, impress on him how important it is that he prepare for each study session by reading the lesson beforehand and reflecting on how the material applies to him. How can the teacher help? Prepare a lesson together with the student to show him how this is done. Explain how to find the direct answers to the study questions, and show how highlighting only key words or phrases will help him recall the answer. Then ask him to give the answer in his own words. When he does so, you will be able to determine how well he has understood the material. There is something else, though, that you can encourage your student to do.”

Again, in paragraph 9 you can note that the focus is on the Watchtower commentary without any mention of the Bible when the student prepares. If your goal is to use logic and reason to convince someone of your doctrine, surely you would want to encourage a critical analysis of the scriptures cited and their support of the Watchtower material?

Paragraph 10 states “In addition to studying every week with his teacher, the student would benefit from doing some things every day on his own. He needs to communicate with Jehovah. How? By listening to and talking to Jehovah. He can listen to God by reading the Bible daily. (Joshua 1:8; Psalms 1:1-3) Show him how to use the printable “Bible Reading Schedule” that is posted on* Of course, to help him get the most out of his Bible reading, encourage him to meditate on what the Bible is teaching him about Jehovah and how he can apply what he is learning to his personal life.​—Acts 17:11; James 1:25.”

It is interesting to note that while Acts 17:11 is cited to support daily reading of the scriptures, no mention is made in the article of the importance of vetting out what they are being taught.

Paragraphs 10-13 highlight important aspects of building a relationship with God. Daily Bible reading, prayer, and meditation all help us develop a love for our God, but a fundamental piece of the puzzle is missing. Reading the bible is not how we listen to God. God speaks to us through holy spirit. Allowing holy spirit to teach us as we read the Bible and guide us as we pray to God in real-time are experiences promised to all believers (1 Corinthians 2:10-13; James 1:5-7; 1 John 2:27, Ephesians 1:17-18; 2 Timothy 2:7; Colossians 1:9). Nowhere in scripture are these promises reserved for a governing body, or another select group. We cannot build a relationship with our heavenly Father by reading about how he interacted with people in the past. We build a relationship with him by interacting with him through prayer and holy spirit throughout each and every day of our lives.

Did you note the doctrinal contradiction in paragraph 12? There it is stated that you are to teach your student to see Jehovah as a Father. This is contradictory because one of the most fundamental doctrines of the Organization is that God will only adopt 144,000 sons before the millennial reign. If this were true it would be impossible for the majority of Christians to develop a father-son relationship with Jehovah until after the 1,000 years? Is this not an intentional bait and switch since most people who spend any time reading the Bible can easily see that all believers become adopted sons of God. It is only after much indoctrination that a student is prepared to accept their second-class status.

Paragraph 14 states “All of us want our students to progress to baptism. One important way we can help them is by encouraging them to attend congregation meetings. Experienced teachers say that students who attend meetings right away make the fastest progress. (Ps. 111:1) Some teachers explain to their students that they will receive half of their Bible education from the study and the other half from the meetings. Read Hebrews 10:24, 25 with your student, and explain to him the benefits that he will receive if he comes to the meetings. Play for him the video “What Happens at a Kingdom Hall?* Help your student to make weekly meeting attendance an important part of his life.”

Did you notice the glaring omission is any discussion of building a direct relationship with Jesus? The one we must look to (John 3:14-15), and whose name we must call upon for salvation (Romans 10:9-13; Acts 9:14; Acts 22:16). Instead, we are told we must attend the meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses to “qualify” for baptism.

This teaching is a direct example of what Paul condemned in 1 Corinthians 1:11-13 “For some from the house of Chloʹe have informed me regarding you, my brothers, that there are dissensions among you. 12 What I mean is this, that each one of you says: “I belong to Paul,” “But I to A·polʹlos,” “But I to Ceʹphas,” “But I to Christ.” 13 Is the Christ divided? Paul was not executed on the stake for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?

All religions today are causing divisions among the global body of Christ. If Paul were writing to us today how easily he could update, “I am for the Pope, I am for the prophet, I am for the Governing Body.” These are all examples of Christians being distracted from Jesus' message by imposing interpretations by specific men above one another and dividing the body of Christians. Of course, we want to gather together to incite to love and fine works (Hebrews 10:24,25). But we do not need to gather exclusively with a group that has submitted to one man’s (or 8 men’s) interpretations of doctrine to be able to learn about Christ and qualify to be a Christian. We are united as a body by our baptism of Holy Spirit, not our conformity of doctrine.


In next week’s review, we will continue to discuss this topic and dig deeper into the stages of Christian maturity before and after baptism.

Article Contributed by Anonymous

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  • Comment by Dead Alien on 2020-12-08 17:38:04

    without reading the entire review it seems to me that the WT isnt necessarily always intentionally being misleading but Tadua's critic helps become finer-tuned with the topic the WT is teaching.

    "we do not need to gather exclusively with a group that has submitted to one man’s (or 8 men’s) interpretations of doctrine to be able to learn about Christ and qualify to be a Christian. We are united as a body by our baptism of Holy Spirit, not our conformity of doctrine."

    with that being said, we do not need the approval of men to be known by Jehovah as someone who is part of the body of Christ. there certainly are things that cause division and the protection of our relationship with Jehovah by privacy or anonymity should not be one of them. 1-Cor 1:10

  • Comment by Deano on 2020-12-09 12:04:52

    @justwondering Isn't being part of a "religion" more about grouping and thoughts and doctrine. If you don't agree with these thoughts, leadership, anointed, you are excommunicated, disfellowshipped, shunned, etc. I am not aware of that happening here, if you disagree with what is placed before you, you are not thrown out, everyone is entitled to contribute, so I would say an open forum, rather than a religion? Thoughts?

  • Comment by Beroeans Creed on 2020-12-09 13:12:12

    Greetings JA
    I respectfully disagree with your comment, 
    Which of the following definitions best describes BP

    Forum ( which BP has always claimed to be)
    a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.( BP is Bible-centric) 


    1: the belief in and worship of God or gods. 2 : a system of religious beliefs and practices.

    Certainly most who come to this site believe in God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and that the Bible is inspired so #1 of religion definition would apply.
    But to the best of my memory I have never seen any written doctrine or system of religious beliefs and practices promoted that must be followed for admittance in order to read or comment here, no dogmatic statements by any of the authors, only a safe place where spiritual minded individuals can examine the scriptures, debate interpretations in a loving Christian environment and agree to disagree, and assuming that because most using aliases (You included) are still involved in the organization and have come here to receive what they can not from the organization.
    None of use here are following any man as we have learned our lesson from that folly before waking up. 
    I must say that often your comments are very informative and usually in my opinion most are solidly based on scripture, but for some reason you raise criticism on issues perceived by you that others apparently do not see. Either you are gifted with extreme insight or you have a true love / hate relationship with BP only you know which. (You do keep posting here)
    Well that’s just my opinion and thank you Eric for the forum that gives us all a place to express our opinions!

  • Comment by Torso Boy on 2020-12-10 01:49:06

    Like many others, I was drawn to this site primarily because of the examination of WT teachings and the ability to agree or disagree without fear of reprisal or punishment.
    Like many others, I do not always agree with the views offered. But I also do not feel that these views are forced upon me or acceptance of such views is a condition of "membership" to this site.There is a freedom within the pages of this site that we haven't been able to enjoy within the confines of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (CCJW).

    With the greatest respect, I would like to ask you a few questions. Are you still active within the CCJW? If so, would you feel comfortable offering your above views of religion to your local elders or CO?
    What drew you to this site originally? What keeps you coming back for more? Is it so that you can be a part of this so-called "new religion", or is it the fact that there are no "followers of men" here, only followers of Jesus and Jehovah?

    Many of us have broken free, or are in the process of breaking free, from WT. The last thing we want to do is be sucked back into following imperfect men and believing everything they spout at us. If anything, this site has taught me greater personal study skills than my 20+ years in the Org. I don't take anything that Eric, Tadua, or any of the other contributors write as gospel (no pun intended). I check and sometimes double check so that I can make up my own mind. And there are more sites, YouTube channels, podcasts etc out there that we can, and do, use as reference points as well.

    Does this site cause divisions? In my opinion, no. What it does do is offer views, all of them the personal views of the writers and those who comment, and let the reader determine for him or herself as to their accuracy or not. And that's the beauty of real Christian freedom.

  • Comment by simon1288 on 2020-12-10 06:37:09

    Hey, thanks for the review!
    I however I don't understand when someone should get baptized? And who should baptize the interested person? Is my Catholic baptism valid?

  • Comment by Frankie on 2020-12-10 19:59:49

    Hi Anonymous. Well done. The steps described in this WT article's paragraphs could be served as manual for classic mind programming. After initial stages of this process will continue important part - repetition, repetition, repetition - according to saying: "a lie repeated a hundred times becomes true."

    Very good thought you presented with paragraph 10 - "Reading the Bible is not how we listen to God. God speaks to us through holy Spirit. Allowing holy Spirit to teach us as we read the Bible and guide us as we pray to God in real-time are experiences ...". Yes, it is fundamental. 
    Just reading about someone won't teach me to love him. I need to have a personal experience, a word, a touch. And when I experience God's touch, His help in a moment of despair, His answers to my questions, and His caress when I read the Bible, all of His love, then I will have a close relationship with him, and then he becomes my heavenly Father.

    As for your last paragraph (discussed below) - the division of Christians was indeed caused by religious leaders (Acts 20:29). But we as Christians are not divided, we are united, on the side of Jesus Christ and with him (John 17:21), separated from the world (John 17:14-16) and we have love one to another (John 13:35). Jesus has his sheep all over the world that he knows and they know him (John 10:14). Christians are inside many religions, as well as outside of them - they form the body of Christ (Col 1:24), because in his name (Acts 10:48) and in his death (Rom 6:3) they were baptized and anointed with the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:27).

    I like your last sentence: "We are united as a body by our baptism of Holy Spirit, not our conformity of doctrine". And I would add for me - except for some doctrines mentioned above (and others), which are Jesus' commandments - I think, this is also "modus operandi” of this BP forum.

    Thank you. Frankie

  • Comment by Menrov on 2020-12-11 04:35:53

    Hi, still have to read this review but the WT opening verse is....well...misleading.
    2 Cor. 3:3 --> See what I have made BOLD, Underscore and Italic.
     For you are shown to be a letter of Christ written by us as ministers,c inscribed not with ink but with the spirit of a living God, not on stone tabletsd but on fleshly tablets, on hearts.e

    NET Bible
    3 revealing that you are a letter of Christ, delivered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on stone tablets but on tablets of human hearts.

    YLT(i) 3 manifested that ye are a letter of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not in the tablets of stone, but in fleshy tablets of the heart,

    Darby(i) 3 being manifested to be Christ`s epistle ministered by us, written, not with ink, but [the] Spirit of [the] living God; not on stone tables, but on fleshy tables of [the] heart.

    Rotherham(i) 3 Manifesting yourselves that ye are a letter of Christ, ministered by us,—inscribed—not with ink, but with [the] Spirit of a Living God, not in tablets of stone, but in tablets [which are] hearts of flesh

    About all translations are the same and not like the NWT in this case. The letter of Christ is not written "by us ministers" by "ministered by us", as the latter is in line with the remaining of the verse, where the writing is to be on the hearts and not on physical (stone tablets) material.

  • Comment by Menrov on 2020-12-13 04:12:50

    This is not about a Christian baptism but an application to become a member of an organisation and in order to be accepted, you have to meet some criteria. It is a way to present the organisation as something special, a club where not everyone can just join.

    The name Jesus was only used 9 times whereas the name Jehovah was used 34 times in the article. In the overview under "What Students Need to Do to Progress to Baptism" Jesus is not even mentioned once.

    You wonder why they are associated in a Christian Congregation of Jehovah Witnesses when you do not even have to build a relationship with Jesus.

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2020-12-13 08:36:20

    A question for you, Just Asking (a somewhat misleading alias given your history on our site): Based on the criteria you've laid out as gospel truth in your comment above, would you say that the Apostle Paul started a religion?

  • Comment by Beroeans Creed on 2020-12-13 10:55:28

    JA, Well that was some lengthy post. Your “teaching” style is much like David Splane , very condescending.

    I wonder if you would elaborate on your mission or better yet agenda for frequently commenting here? That would be very helpful for many here to understand your presence and interaction on what you clearly (from this post) consider another man made religion ( “ Meletism ”) and justifiably opposed, if true to be involved with.
    You are a master of the subtle insult,I give you credit for that.
    Just for fun let me play detective about your agenda.
    I have seen your modus operandi on another forum that almost mirrors your comments here. That forum has called you out (if you) each time as you login under a different alias. Your comments are easily identified as belonging to the same person on that forum.
    I would venture an educated guess that you have your own website/forum and if you could attain emails you would recruit from here.

    So please be honest and share with all here (whom you have impugned ) your true agenda, or if you don’t have one answer this question please, What is your “call to action” for the mislead members on this forum.
    If not would this scripture be applicable?
    Pr. 16:28
    A troublemaker causes dissension,And a slanderer separates close friends

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2020-12-13 17:08:44

    To JA

    There is someone who has commented on this site that runs his own Watchtower commentary, and does it well. Is he starting his own religion ? Yet, to the extent he has followers, but that does not make it a religion.

    This site provides a need for us to talk about our beliefs. It is so important for many of us, stuck in an Organisation (because of family) where we cannot ask questions. It is all about searching for truth . That is the journey that I thought I started on when I became a Witness. I doubt that I would have uncovered most of the lies and deceit of JW.Org without the help from Eric, and all the rest of you who write and comment.

    Religion is a system of faith and worship. In my opinion, this is not what is going on here. Some may choose to meet together and share thoughts. That is no more a religion that the early days when Russell met with Storrs and others. They were searching for truth too.

    Sadly, over time, the Bible Students developed into a religion, as they stood aloof (in their minds ) by rejecting established beliefs and this setting up their own. They were rejecting all other branches of Christianity, and under Rutherford, found themselves having to accept his ideas. No doubt he was very persuasive.. The Organisation has continued with this format after he was gone.

    While we are free to exchange thoughts and ideas and discuss the scriptures, and that is what BP was set up for, it will not be a religion. Commentators must be free to say what they think, as none of us can anticipate another person's point of view until it is expressed, and while that is the case, BP will not be a religion, as they are usually marked by their insistence on holding particular views. Neither are we a sect of Jehovah's Witnesses, as we do not claim to hold to their beliefs either.

    In fact I know no where else, where I feel we can learn so much about the truth of the Bible, in the right sort of spiritual surroundings.

    At least that is my opinion. You may choose to disagree.

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2020-12-16 04:27:42

      please read line 2 as "to an extent". It just does not read well as it is and I could not work out how to edit it at this stage.

  • Comment by Psalmbee on 2020-12-13 18:22:40

    There is someone who has commented on this site that runs his own Watchtower commentary, and does it well. Is he starting his own religion ? Yet, to the extent he has followers, but that does not make it a religion. This site provides a need for us to talk about our beliefs. "It is so important for many of us, stuck in an Organisation (because of family) where we cannot ask questions."

    Hi LJ,

    Have you read (Lu 14:25-27) lately?

    Love to you all,


    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2020-12-14 14:26:32

      Thanks for the scripture, Psalmbee. The "hate", as far as I understand it, means to love less. I am hanging on by my fingertips because I do not think it is right to allow a religion to come between family members, when both sides wish to follow Jesus Christ.

      All the best to you. Thanks for the thought.

  • Comment by Fani on 2020-12-14 03:30:41

    Je ne me sens pas adhérente d'une religion sur ce site.
    Je ne me ferai jamais baptiser en disant que je soutiens les Bereens ou Eric.
    Je me sens tout à fait libre de croire ce que je comprends dans la Bible même si Eric n'est pas d'accord. Je pense vivre un jour éternellement sur la terre (rev 21 : 4) et je crois que certains seront choisis par Christ, comme les apôtres, pour régner avec lui dans le ciel (Mathieu 19 : 28) Ce n'est PAS une VÉRITÉ pour moi, c'est juste ce que je pense. Je ne l'enseignerai pas mais je peux en discuter. Je sais que Eric ne pense pas la même chose. Ça ne me gêne pas.

    Je considère Eric comme un serviteur de Dieu qui se sent responsable et consacre beaucoup de son temps et son énergie à partager l'enseignement du Christ. Je considère, oui, qu'il a un talent manifeste d'enseignant, un don d'enseignant qu'il met à notre service . Tite 1 : 7,9 Romains 12 : 6,7. J'ai beaucoup appris sur ce site.
    Je remercie Dieu d'avoir de tels hommes qui nous font beaucoup de bien spirituellement. Si telle est sa volonté, que Dieu le bénisse !

    Pour ma part, je lis quotidiennement la bible qui est la SEULE SOURCE DE MA FOI.
    J'ai été excommuniée des Témoins de Jéhovah. Je reste CHRETIENNE.
    Si j'étais excommuniée des Beroeans, je resterais CHRETIENNE.

    Il est naturel de se rassembler pour parler de l'enseignement du Christ (Actes des Apôtres 2:42
    [42]Ils persévéraient dans lenseignement des apôtres, dans la COMMUNION FRATERNELLE, dans la fraction du pain, et dans les prières.)

    1 Timothée 4:6
    [6]En EXPOSANT CES CHOSES AUX FRERES, tu seras un bon ministre de Jésus Christ, nourri des paroles de la foi et de la bonne doctrine que tu as exactement suivie."

    Matthieu 18:20
    [20]Car là où deux ou trois sont assemblés en mon nom, je suis au milieu d
    C'est ce que nous faisons sur ce site.

    J'ai souvent apprécié tes raisonnements bibliques pertinents mais j'ai souvent été très triste de ton ton où on ne sent pas que tu essaies de prendre soin des petites brebis mais plutôt que tu cherches à avoir raison.
    C'est dommage.
    Crois aux bons sentiments et aux bons mobiles de tes frères et tu seras plus près de l'esprit du Christ et plus près de tes frères.

    Merci à tous sur ce site.


  • Comment by Fani on 2020-12-14 04:44:34

    Je voudrais rajouter dans ma reponse à JA :
    Je ne vois aucun problème à demander la participation aux frais de ce site. Je suis très contente d'en profiter, il est donc normal que je participe aux frais.
    Je ne mange pas gratuitement aux frais de mon voisin.
    Il est biblique de donner de nos biens si le cœur nous y pousse.

    Romains 15:27
    [27]Elles lont bien voulu, et elles le leur devaient; car si les païens ont eu part à leurs avantages spirituels, ils doivent aussi les assister dans les choses temporelles.

    1 Corinthiens 9:9-11
    [9]Car il est écrit dans la loi de Moïse: Tu n
    emmuselleras point le boeuf quand il foule le grain. Dieu se met-il en peine des boeufs,
    [10]ou parle-t-il uniquement à cause de nous? Oui, cest à cause de nous quil a été écrit que celui qui laboure doit labourer avec espérance, et celui qui foule le grain fouler avec lespérance dy avoir part.
    [11]Si nous avons semé parmi vous les biens spirituels, est-ce une grosse affaire si nous moissonnons vos biens temporels."

    Christ a accepté l'aide matériele d'hommes et de femmes.

    Tant que cet argent ne sert pas à construire des immeubles, mais sert à aider la diffusion de l'évangile, j'ai le droit et le plaisir d'utiliser mes ressources injustes à cela.
    Quant aux rappels, je ne les trouve pas insistants. L'humain est ainsi fait qu'on oublie souvent que rien n'est gratuit.

    Je pense qu'il serait bien que nous ayons à la fin de l'année un rapport sur les recettes et les dépenses de ce site. Est ce prévu ?

  • Comment by new englander on 2020-12-15 20:08:50

    Hello, I have not read the article because I could care less and I have not read all the comments so if this has been mentioned already I apologize. It is fraudulent that Witnesses refer to the indoctrination process as a "bible study". When they offer a "bible study" they are in fact offering a "Bible Teach book" study. The "Bible Teach book" and the cherry picked verses from their extremely doctrinally biased bible along with the instructor attempt to teach the student JW doctrine. It is in no way a "bible study". Maybe some of the folks on this sight have read about some of my experiences with the witnesses. During my "bible teach book study" I raised some docrinal questions. The elders did not attempt to instruct me or correct my understanding by using the bible. They used some old Watchtower articles to try and show me what the organization said the bible said. It is the same with the "bible study". They are using their publication to teach the student what the organization says the bible says. It is crooked, dishonest, and fraudulent.

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2020-12-16 04:24:59

      So very true, new englander. A good friend of mine has requested a Bible Study, and the elders are avoiding it, because they know he will ask them too many questions.

  • Comment by Justin Michesloff on 2020-12-18 17:04:08

    JA, Here you go again... you say:

    "I have no intention of joining the religion of the Beroeans movement. After freeing myself from the WT religion, I will NEVER join another. However, for the rest of you, both authors and followers, you have a question to face: If you can understand and accept that you are a religion, what are you going to do about it?"

    "Finally, I don’t want there to be any doubt about what I’m saying, and I know that in doing so, I will likely offend you, but as God is my witness, I am telling you the truth: The Beroeans movement is a religion, Eric Wilson is your religious leader, and you are his followers.
    That’s the truth. Face it. Deal with it."

    If this is indeed how you feel, then WHY do you keep coming back and reading what is printed on this site? And I'm quite sure that I'm speaking for many other readers in asking; WHY do you insist on antagonizing all others with your haughty condescending opinions? Has the Almighty God or Jesus Christ spoken directly to you directing you to disgorge your insights as a cynical and combative rebuttal on this particular website? If so, then please continue. Perhaps send some articles to Eric to be put on the website. However from the things that you say and the way it is received, I highly doubt that.

    "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" is an idiomatic expression for an avoidable error in which something good is eliminated when trying to get rid of something bad, or in other words, rejecting the favorable along with the unfavorable.

    No one will agree with everything written on this site, but there is a lot of favorable content which can be, and continues to be very encouraging. If you are not interested in drawing encouragement from what is found on this site, do us all a favor and please MOVE ON!! If you feel that you need to wildly swing away at Eric, Tadua, or any other person who adds content to the site, why don't you do it personally, drop them a direct email. Doesn't that fit with the direct admonition our Lord gave us in Matthew 18:15-17?

    I would suggest that you start your own website where you can pontificate all you want on whatever "truths" that you feel need your infinite brilliance shown on. Perhaps you will then gain the audience that will appreciate your arrogant and combative thoughts.

    Oh and do us all a favor now, do not rebut this with more of your verbal vomit, just GO AWAY!

    Justin Michesloff

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2020-12-18 23:04:03

      Thank you, Justin.

    • Reply by Psalmbee on 2020-12-19 00:06:01

      In response to JA's assessment on the Meleti Doctrine, I can see it from both sides but as for me being a follower and a sheep of Meleti, well that's just not accurate at all.

      I come here and have been coming here for 3 or 4 years now, when I first started coming here I was checking out all the sites and I still do, but at the present time I only watch and use 1 or 2 of them. I like Meleti but he's not my Savior, I think of him more as an older Brother of the Brethren. He got out of the misery of the WT and had the courage to do what he is doing now, that's probably the main reason I have very much respect for (MVEW).

      I come here mostly to grade for myself the progress of de-indoctrination that's occurring among the spirit of the site. Meleti is a wise man, does he have the Spirit? I think he does, I think JA has got the Spirit too, he is a wise man as well. These two men have at least one thing in common and that is they have spent many years of their lives being dedicated to the WT, just like 99.9% of every user of this site. I personally don't feel like he (Meleti) is the leader of some new movement, he's doing what he has been doing for the past sixty years (preaching teaching and most importantly learning) but instead of doing it for WT he's doing it for himself now and for the Spirit he's under.

      I also think most people that come here and follow along with the theme will appreciate this comment as being accurate and that they are not under Meleti's control but they also appreciate him as a Brother.

      Love to all here,


  • Comment by simon1288 on 2020-12-20 08:58:51

    "All religions today are causing divisions among the global body of Christ." what does this sentence mean? "what is the global body of Christ?"

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