The Governing Body's New Donation Arrangement Proves Jehovah is not Backing the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses

– posted by meleti

This September 2021, the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world are going to be presented with a resolution, an appeal for money. This is huge, though I daresay the true significance of this event will go unnoticed by many Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The announcement we speak of is from the S-147 form “Announcements and Reminders” which is issued periodically to the congregations.  Here’s paragraph 3 from the part of that letter that is to be read to the congregations:spl

Resolved Monthly Donation to the Worldwide Work: For the upcoming service year, the congregation will be presented with a single resolution to donate a monthly amount to the worldwide work. The branch office uses worldwide work funds to support various activities that benefit congregations. Such activities include renovating and constructing Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls; caring for incidents at theocratic facilities, including those involving natural disaster, fire, theft, or vandalism; providing technology and related services; and assisting with the travel costs of selected special full-time servants in foreign service who attend international conventions.

Now before going further, let’s be clear on one thing: No reasonable person will deny that the preaching work costs money. Even Jesus and his disciples required funding. Luke 8:1-3 speaks of a group of women who provided for our Lord and his disciples materially.

Shortly afterward he traveled from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the Kingdom of God. And the Twelve were with him, as were certain women who had been cured of wicked spirits and sicknesses: Mary who was called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s man in charge; Susanna; and many other women, who were ministering to them from their belongings. (Luke 8:1-3 NWT)

However—and this is the key point—Jesus never solicited money from these women nor from anyone else. He depended on their willingness to donate freely as the spirit moved them so as to supply the needs of those doing the work of preaching the good news.  Of course, these women had benefitted greatly from the ministry of Jesus which included miraculous healings and a message that exalted women from the low station they held in Jewish society. They truly loved our Lord and it was that love that motivated them to give of their own belongings to further the work.

The point is, Jesus and his apostles never solicited funds. They relied entirely on voluntary donations made from the heart. They put their faith in God knowing that he was supporting their work.

For the past 130 years, the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society has agreed wholeheartedly with the approach that the preaching work must be funded by completely voluntary donations.

For instance, this 1959 Watchtower article states:

BACK in August, 1879, this magazine said:

“‘Zion’s Watch Tower’ has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. When He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication.” The Society did not suspend publication, and The Watchtower has never missed an issue. Why? Because during the nearly eighty years since The Watchtower stated this policy of reliance upon Jehovah God, the Society has not deviated from it.

How about today? Does the Society still maintain this position? Yes. Has the Society ever begged you for money? No. Jehovah’s witnesses never beg for funds. They never petition… (w59, 5/1, Pg. 285)

As recently as 2007, this belief had not changed.  In the November 1, 2007 Watchtower article titled, “The Silver Is Mine, and the Gold Is Mine”, the publishers again repeated and applied Russell’s statement to the modern organization.

And here is a recent quote from Governing Body member Stephen Lett from the May 2015 broadcast of

In fact, the Organization has often looked down on other churches by criticizing their methods for gathering donations.  Here’s an excerpt from the May 1, 1965 issue of The Watchtower under the article, “Why No Collections?”

To pressure members of a congregation in a gentle way to contribute by resorting to devices without Scriptural precedent or support, such as passing a collection plate in front of them or operating bingo games, holding church suppers, bazaars and rummage sales or soliciting pledges, is to admit a weakness. There is something wrong.

No such coaxing or pressuring devices are needed where there is genuine appreciation. Could this lack of appreciation be related to the kind of spiritual food offered to the people in these churches? (w65 5/1 p. 278)

The message from all these references is clear. If a religion has to pressure its members with devices such as passing a collection plate so that peer pressure induces them to donate, or by soliciting pledges, then the religion is weak. There is something very wrong.  They need to use these tactics because their members do not have genuine appreciation.  And why do they lack appreciation?  Because they are not getting good spiritual food.

Folding in the quote from the 1959 Watchtower about what C.T. Russell wrote back in 1879, these churches do not have Jehovah God’s backing, which is why they have to resort to such pressure tactics to get money.

To this point, any Jehovah’s Witnesses hearing all this would have to agree.  After all, this is the official position of the Organization.

Now remember what Russell said as it applies to the Society.  He said that we “will never beg nor petition men for support. When He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication.””

That 1959 article went on to conclude:

“The Society did not suspend publication, and The Watchtower has never missed an issue. Why? Because during the nearly eighty years since The Watchtower stated this policy of reliance upon Jehovah God, the Society has not deviated from it.

That’s no longer true anymore, is it?  For over a century, the Watchtower magazine has been the principal tool the Organization has used to preach the Good News in the worldwide preaching work.  However, in a cost cutting move, they reduced that magazine from 32 pages to just 16 and then in 2018 they reduced it from 24 issues a year to just 3.  Given that it used to come out once every two weeks and now it comes out once every four months, the argument that it has never missed an issue is long gone.

But there is more here than simply the number of issues printed.  The point is that by their own words, when they have to start petitioning men, when they have to start soliciting pledges, it is time to shut down the whole enterprise, because they have visible evidence that Jehovah God is no longer backing the work.

Well, that time has come.  Actually, it came some years ago, but this latest development proves the point like never before.  I will explain.

The elders are directed to go to a secure web page on to determine how much to make the resolution for.  Each branch office has worked out a per-publisher amount for the territories under its oversight.

Here are the pertinent directions to the elders from the aforementioned S-147 form:

  1. Resolved Monthly Donation to the Worldwide Work: The resolved monthly donation referred to in the announcement for congregations is based on a monthly per-publisher amount suggested by the branch office.

  2. The per-publisher amount listed on the web page containing the link to this announcement should be multiplied by the number of active publishers in the congregation to determine the suggested monthly donation for your congregation.

Here are the figures from the US branch office:

The amount for the United States is $8.25 per publisher. So, a congregation of 100 publishers would be expected to send $825 a month into the worldwide headquarters. With 1.3 million publishers in the United States, the Society expects to receive about 130 million dollars annually from the US alone.

The Organization says “it will never beg nor petition men for support” and we’ve read that it condemns other religions for “soliciting pledges”.

What exactly is a pledge? According to the shorter Oxford English dictionary, a pledge is defined as “a promise of a donation to a charity, cause, etc., In response to an appeal for funds; such a donation.”

Doesn’t this letter constitute an appeal for funds?  A very specific appeal at that.  Imagine Jesus going to Mary and saying, “Okay, Mary.  I want you to get all the women together. I need a donation that amounts to 8 denarii per person.  I need you to get them to make a resolution promising to give me that amount every month.”

Please don’t be fooled by the wording of this letter that talks about a “suggested monthly donation”.

This is not a suggestion.  Let me tell you something from my years of experience as an elder about how the Organization likes to play with words. What they will commit to paper and what they will actually practice are two different things. Letters to the bodies of elders will be peppered with words like “suggestion”, “recommendation”, “encouragement”, and “direction”. They will use endearing terms like “loving provision”.   However, when it comes time to implement these words, we learn very quickly they are euphemisms for “orders”, “commands”, and “requirements”.

To illustrate, back in 2014, the organization seized ownership of all Kingdom halls and “directed” all congregations to send in any excess funds in their bank account to the local branch office.  The congregation just up the street from where I live was “directed” to hand over its $85,000 in cash surplus. Mind you, this was the congregation’s money donated to repair the parking lot.  They didn’t want to turn it over, preferring to repair the lot themselves. They resisted which got them through one circuit overseer visit, but by the next visit, they were told in no uncertain terms that holding on to the funds was not an option for them.  They needed to comply with this new “loving provision” from Jehovah.  (Bear in mind that since September 1, 2014 the circuit overseer has been given the power to delete elders, so resistance is futile.)

I can assure you that any body of elders that refuses to read out this new resolution will be told by the Circuit Overseer what it really means by “suggested monthly donation”.

So, they may say something is a suggestion, but as Jesus told us, don’t go by what they say, go by what they do. (Matthew 7:21) To put it another way, if you are a store owner and a couple of thugs come in your front door and “suggest” you pay them for protection, you won’t need a dictionary to know what “suggest” really means.

By the way, to this date the parking lot of that hall has not been repaired.

What does all this mean for the Organization and what does it mean for you if you are a faithful Jehovah’s Witness?  Jesus tells us:

“. . .for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged; and with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU.”  (Matthew 7:2 NWT)

The organization has judged other churches for years, and now the measure they used for those churches must be applied to Jehovah’s Witnesses to fulfill Jesus’ words.

Quoting again from the 1965 Watchtower:

To pressure members of a congregation in a gentle way to contribute by resorting to devices without Scriptural precedent or support, such as…soliciting pledges, is to admit a weakness. There is something wrong. (w65 5/1 p. 278)

This requirement to make a resolution promising to donate a fixed amount every month is the very definition of “soliciting a pledge”.  By the organization’s own words, this admits to a weakness and that something is wrong.  What is wrong? They tell us:

No such coaxing or pressuring devices are needed where there is genuine appreciation. Could this lack of appreciation be related to the kind of spiritual food offered to the people in these churches? (w65 5/1 p. 278)

The faithful and discreet slave is supposed to feed the domestics their food at the proper time, but if there is no genuine appreciation, then the food they are being fed is bad and the slave has failed.

Why is this happening?

Let’s go back about 30 years. According to the 1991 Watchtower and Awake!, the total number of magazines published every month was over 55,000,000. Imagine how much they cost to produce and ship.  On top of that, the organization was supporting district overseers, circuit overseers, and thousands of staff in the various Bethels and branch offices around the world, not to mention the thousands of special pioneers that they supported financially with a monthly allowance.  On top of that, they were providing funds for the building of thousands of Kingdom halls around the world.  Where did all that money come from? From voluntary donations made by zealous Witnesses who believed they were providing for the worldwide preaching of the Good News of the Kingdom.

However, in recent years, donations have declined drastically.  To compensate, the Governing Body reduced their worldwide staff by 25% back in 2016.  They also did away with all district overseers, and have reduced the special pioneer ranks drastically saving them millions annually.

Of course, their printing output is down to a mere trickle. 55,000,000 magazines a month is a thing of the past.  Imagine the cost savings from that.

And instead of funding the construction of thousands of halls, they are selling thousands of halls, and scooping up the money for themselves.  They have also absconded with all the surplus cash formerly held by local congregations in their bank accounts.

And yet, with all this drastic cost cutting, and the additional revenue stream from real estate sales, they still have to pressure the congregations to make resolutions that commit them to a pre-determined donation figure.

By their own admission, this is a sign of weakness. By their own printed words, this is wrong.  Based on the policy they have clung to for 130 years, this is a sign that Jehovah is no longer backing their work.  If we were to bring forward Russell’s words from the 1879 Watch Tower, we’d read:

“The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has, we believe, Jehovah for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. When he who says: “All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,” fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it is time to shut down our organization. (Paraphrasing w59 5/1 p. 285)

Rather than go from bad to worse, they should admit that by their own printed criteria, Jehovah God is no longer backing the work.  Why is that? What has changed?

They have cut costs drastically, taken congregation surplus funds, and added the revenue from real estate sales and yet they are not getting sufficient donations to keep going and have had to resort to this unscriptural tactic of soliciting donations.  Why?  Well, by their own words, there is a lack of appreciation from the rank and file. Why would that be?

According to the letter that will be read out, these funds are needed for:

“…renovating and constructing Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls; caring for incidents at theocratic facilities, including those involving natural disaster, fire, theft, or vandalism; providing technology and related services; and assisting with the travel costs of selected special full-time servants in foreign service who attend international conventions.”

If that were all of it, the funds would still be coming in by the old method of voluntary donations.  To be forthright and honest, they should have added that they need the money to also pay out millions of dollars in damages and penalties as a consequence of the many lawsuits in country after country being brought against the organization.  In Canada—one tenth the size of the United States—there is a $66 million dollar lawsuit winding its way through the courts right now.  This is such common knowledge that David Splane of the Governing Body had to give a talk at this year’s regional convention to do damage control and try to justify the many times the Governing Body has had to settle these lawsuits out of court.

Would a sincere Jehovah’s Witness want to donate hard earned cash knowing that instead of going for Kingdom interests, it is going to pay for the Society’s mistreatment of child sexual abuse victims?  Some Catholic Church dioceses have had to declare bankruptcy because of the fallout from their child abuse scandal. Why would Jehovah’s Witnesses be any different?

Based on the Organization’s own printed criteria, Jehovah is no longer backing the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  This latest solicitation for a monthly pledge of money is proof of that.  Again, their words, not mine.  They are paying millions for their sins.  Perhaps it is now time to give serious consideration to the words found at Revelation 18:4:

“And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.” (Revelation 18:4)

If you are taking your own money and donating to the Organization, you are already sharing in her sins, and paying for them.  The Governing Body is not getting the message that “when He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend” the work. (w59, 5/1, Pg. 285)

You may say, “But there is nowhere else to go!  If I leave, where else can I go?”

Revelation 18:4 doesn’t tell us where to go, it just tells us to get out.  We are like a little child that has climbed a tree and can’t get down.  Below is our daddy saying, “Jump and I’ll catch you.”

It’s time for us to take a leap of faith. Our Heavenly Father will catch us.


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  • Comment by new englander on 2021-09-01 18:55:35

    Hi Eric, just a random thought here. This morning I was listening to a beautiful rendition of the song written by Bob Dylan and this time being performed by Jessica Rhaye and the Ramshackle Parade titled "Blowin in the Wind". One line of this song poses the question, "How many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn't see? It just made me think of Jehovah's Witnesses. The organization has been and continues to be exposed as to what it truly is. There are now only two choices for witnesses. Either examine the facts and let the chips fall where they may or turn your head and pretend that you just do not see. The choices really are that cut and dried.
    In your last video you stated, "Decades of practices that have caused unbelievable harm to people can no longer be covered up. Who could have foreseen the impact of social media, or that every man, woman and child on the planet could summon up the news in an instant on their mobile phone? What was hidden in darkness for so long is now seeing the light of day." Amen, how very true this is and this light will shine brighter and brighter as more of the organization's skeletons that have been locked in closets are exposed. A common phrase among witnesses is, "the light gets brighter as the day draws near." This is now happening though in a much different manner than the one they had envisioned.
    I know some Witnesses though that are very, very, deeply entrenched. They have had their eyes blinded and their hearts and minds so hardened and reinforced by buying into the notion that anything negative regarding the organization is false and a Satanic attack on God's people. This coupled with the fact that it is extremely difficult for people to admit to being wrong and misled will make it extremely difficult for some to break away and change course.
    These people are not going to be on this website but if they were to be I would ask them, "How many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn't see?"
    I have one more thought regarding the standards and evidence that the organization has long used as evidence of God's backing. Two that come to mind are growth in the organization, and as you brought out in your video, being able to offer literature at no cost. You did an excellent job in showing us the failure of the "literature at no cost" line of evidence. I have not looked at numbers provided by the organization regarding membership but I have to believe that this is in recession and would not trust their numbers anyway. If they were to show growth it would be in far off countries and it would simply be the organization's word with no way of independent confirmation.
    There is a third line of evidence though that the organization has used as evidence that they have God's backing that also is soon to come crashing down as well. David Splane is well aware of this because he talked about it in his damage control talk and you did a very nice job of analyzing it for us. It is actually kind of comical how witnesses were taught just a few years ago that court results were evidence of God's backing the organization and now the organization is going to great lengths to sow doubts in the integrity of legal processes everywhere and at every turn.
    Not very long ago during the time frame of my bible study, the book being studied weekly by the congregation was the "God's Kingdom Rules" book. A large section of this book was devoted to the organization's worldwide various legal victories over the years. This book states on page 145 in paragraph 34, "Nevertheless, courts have repeatedly decided in our favor! Our legal victories prove that we walk “in the sight of God and in company with Christ.”
    Ironically though this book states previously in paragraph 33, "At times, Jehovah has evidently raised up modern-day Gamaliels to protect his people or has moved courageous judges and lawyers to stand up for justice. This latter point is what we are now seeing and will continue to see. It must be pretty confusing to be a witness.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2021-09-02 07:38:28

      Excellent points, New Englander! I remember that Dylan song well. I shall be using some of your thoughts and insights in my videos. Thank you, especially for that final reference from the God's Kingdom Rules book.

  • Comment by a watcher on 2021-08-23 15:28:41

    I stopped donating when they closed the KHs.

  • Comment by rusticshore on 2021-08-23 16:26:33

    I am uncertain that the above-mentioned donation arrangement is the worse part. 8+ million agreeing to, & paying into it may exceed it!

  • Comment by Deano on 2021-08-23 16:26:56

    I managed to last about 3 years as the account servant. Many times, I highlighted errors, or anomalies such as the CO handing over receipts which were nothing to do with his visit, or in the date when his was visiting the congregation. Shopping trips, or large telephone bills, etc all queries were met with the same response, we will pay them, he is doing Jehovah's work. They were eating better than some of the brothers and sisters who were donating, which I must admit infuriated me, it was unkind I thought that they did this, they as in the husband and wife team. I have heard CO's complain that the Vauxhall Vectra was replaced by the Corsa, the car is too small, one complained, what was his name...Ed Kerr, I pointed out that this seemed vastly unthankful, as again most of those that donated, did not have a new car every three years, all paid for. The next few minutes spent back tracking from him, but they live in a fantasy land, were they are worshipped by some and they love it. The gift aid in UK is a great money spinner for the Org. at mid points during the year, we would receive up to £3,000 or £4,000 pound from the government (SATAN ORG) tax which working folks paid, would be gifted back to the congregation. I think when most saw GB members in the flash watches and wide awake suits, for some, this triggered warning signs, as it was far to close to the evangelical preachers in the states, which again had covered vast amounts of pages in the WT about had Satan uses the system, which the GB now seemed to try and emulate. When the local accounts reached a certain figure, usual £5,000 the CO would "kindly" remind us to send the money to the branch rather than it sit there in the banks account, I reminded him, that a charity needed 3 months worth of money to fulfil the commitment by law, which was usual £1,800 per month, a huge amount of money for some. This as ever did not sit well with him, or some of the man appointed men. We had for years been looking for another hall and every few years, the congregation was told, that we were close to finding it, we needed a big push for donations to get us over the line, so some (in my mind) foolishly donated large sums and for whatever reason it never martialized, so off the money would go to the branch, which caused some, quite justified resentment among the decent folk of the congregation. The hall is still the shoddy 1990's looking box it has always been, no windows, no clock on the wall, it resembles a casino in Vegas , with that criteria. The car park is pot holed , a youth club used to sit next to it, which was burned down, it looked like a warn torn country. This was the sight that greeted those that would turn up to the memorials year in year out, with the same old excuse, "We are looking for new premises." The money always heads back to the GB headquarters. Keep your money to feed your family, for you to have a better car, to spend it enjoying better holidays and helping those who really are in need, the poor, the ones unable to care for themselves, the young. Life is a gift from Jehovah , that we cannot pay him back for, Jehovah doesn't ask you for your money, he asks that you give of yourself to those who are really in need.

  • Comment by φιλαλήθης on 2021-08-27 01:50:10

    This regulation was already introduced in Germany last year in August 2020.
    At that time the 'recommended monthly amount per publisher for decided donations from the assembly treasury' was:
    Germany €5,00
    Luxembourg €4,00
    Austria €4,00
    Switzerland CHF10.00
    This year in the USA it is $8.25, which would be €7.00.
    Maybe we'll find out what the 'recommendation' is in German-speaking countries this year.
    So either US Americans are expected to pay significantly more or the prices have increased significantly.

    In Form S-147-20.08 (August 2020) in German in the part for the elders it said (the text below was translated into English):
    6. to determine the monthly donation to the congregation, the amount per preacher should be multiplied by the number of active preachers in the congregation. This amount can be found after logging on to in the description to the download for this document under S-147 Announcements and Notices - August 2020. It is understandable that some congregations will not be able to donate the suggested amount while others may want to do more. Therefore, the eldership should consider whether the proposed amount is a hardship to the congregation or whether the assembly is able to donate the proposed amount or even more. The monthly donation decided by the eldership should be presented to the congregation as a resolution for approval. Please note that the resolved donation should be remitted monthly rather than as a total amount for the year of service.
    7. the resolution reads as follows: "We, the congregation _________________, resolve to donate a monthly amount of ___________ to the worldwide ministry during the 2021 service year. The monthly donation will be from congregation funds received through donations to the local congregation."

    Publishers, of course, were not informed that a specific amount was specified.

    Surely the phrase "whether the proposed amount would impose a hardship (German 'Härte') on the congregation" makes it clear that it is not a recommendation. So the elders would have to justify it - and the circuit overseer and branch office would have to accept it. In his last book, for example, Furuli reports that such a justification is not accepted, even if it is a real hardship.

  • Comment by Doggo on 2021-08-23 20:07:11

    Amazing video brother Eric!

  • Comment by new englander on 2021-08-23 21:12:54

    As some on the website know from previous comments of mine, I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. Years later I made an attempt to return and had a bible study and attended meetings. Thankfully I was never baptized. One aspect of the meetings that really turned me off that was different from years ago was the constant solicitation of donations. It was so totally disingenuious to claim that the organization was funded by voluntary donations when the congregation was constantly being strongly encouraged to donate. It got very old very fast going to meetings and being hit up for money. I do not remember the titles of the meeting segments for the midweek meeting but "various ways in which you can donate to the organization" was one of them.
    I seriously doubt that coercing the congregations to pledge money will have any kind of a positive result. Those who wish and are able to donate will and those who are either not able or do not wish will not. I have to believe that this move on the part of the organization will further erode their support and not strengthen it. There are many older members that have always been proud of the funding of the organization by voluntary donations that will be turned off by this. I wonder that if in addition to the child sex abuse costs, that maybe the organization bit off more than they could afford with the new headquarters. I suspect that although for years they have warned about all of the troubles of the last days, that they were probably caught completely off guard by covid.
    One last thought; $8.25 per month per publisher may not seem like a lot of money but at least in the area that I live there are a fair amount of retired age witnesses living on low incomes. These people were guaranteed that the end would come in their lifetime and therefore put a lot of blood sweat and tears into the organization. They sacrificed livelihoods for the organization in the form of working part time so that they could preach and build kingdom halls and really never set aside much for retirement. I would think it a hard pill to swallow to have invested so much in the organization only to have little to live on, while the governing body lives like kings while demanding a pledge.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2021-08-23 21:26:53

      So very true. The pushed all the older, more spiritual men out to pasture and brought in a lot of young eager beaver yes men.

    • Reply by Deano on 2021-08-24 05:17:01

      They do, what most governments do, in that they do not ask for what they need, they ask for how much they can get away with and spend accordingly. Its the congregation that would have to pay the requested amount per publisher, regardless of who is contributing. If the said donation was not sent, when the CO turns up and the Friday night meeting starts with the MS kicked out, its then a case of , well why aren't we sending the requested money, I mean volunteer contribution. The CO in this way acts like a character from Charles Dickens novel, Little Dorrit, in which Mr Casby also called The Patriarch, for his deceptively kind appearance, with long grey hair. He pushes for money for himself above all, while maintaining a different image before the world. .a benevolent, kind man and expects his subordinates (elders) to be like Mr Pancks, who terrorizes those who can ill afford it.

  • Comment by new englander on 2021-08-23 21:20:09

    One other thought. In this video circuit overseers were mentioned. When I was a kid it was a big deal when the circuit overseer came around. I really do not remember any particular circuit overseers but I remember them as more or less dignified. They were something to aspire to. I can not remember the name of the circuit overseer that was coming around when I was studying but the man was nothing like what a circuit overseer should be. He was an arrogant and pompous showman. Much like the governing body, this circuit overseer was another prime example of the degradation of the organization.

  • Comment by yobec on 2021-08-23 22:19:46

    I might be mistaken but it seems to me that about the time of Jim and Tammy Baker's money scandals, the U.S. government threatenned taxing all religions that specifically ask for a set amount. I think Canada was getting ready to do the same thing.
    I remember during the service meeting,we were shown stage presentations on how to offer the litteratures in order to by pass the taxation issues.
    The same thing happenned with the food at conventions. For a while you could pick the food and unlike before, instead of paying up front, contributions w'ere relied upon. Needless to say, that this did not last very long. Soon, fridges and freezers were sold and we were asked to bring our own lunches . We were then told that it would benefit all since we could now have more time for listening to the program rather than volunteering in the cafeterias.
    So, I am now wondering, how do they propose to get away from beeing taxed since they are now mentionning a specific donation amount ? Just curious

    • Reply by AFRICAINE on 2021-08-23 23:55:57

      Oh that was such a complex mess - We were constantly schooled to give a one liner ..." The Literature 'is without charge ......HOWEVER our WWW is supported entirely by donations and so many people feel inclined to make a donation to our preaching work"

  • Comment by AFRICAINE on 2021-08-23 23:52:18

    a Superb analysis! I shall be posting the Transcript to many.

  • Comment by hirdy46 on 2021-08-24 04:47:41

    When there’s an reaction it usually results from an action
    Interesting to watch this reaction to probably lower collections ?!?
    A silent protest

    The JWs had some wonderful truths of scripture
    That’s the attraction
    Wasn’t it the truth and understanding of the Holy scriptures we had waited for ?!?
    But it covered the untruths
    Uncovered now by their actions and false scriptural interpretations

    True Christians know to give freely or just don’t bother, because God, our Father, reads the intentions of the heart

    Tantamount to a subscription

    Please wake up - your being led like lambs to slaughter

  • Comment by making sure on 2021-08-24 09:13:19

    Here in the UK they are asking £5 per publisher. Bodies of elders may decide to donate less or more as local circumstances permit. We were given 2 weeks to agree a figure and put a resolution to the congregation.

    Also in the August announcements, there is a call to exemplary publishers who are “experienced attorneys and paralegals.” They should be experienced in “litigation, corporate matters, data protection, real estate transactions or tax law.” Elders are to use “discretion in approaching publishers regarding this matter.”

    The more I think about what is going on, fitting the pieces together, the more it comes together. Thank you Eric.

    • Reply by Fani on 2021-08-26 02:51:38

      Après nous avoir dit de ne pas faire de longues études, maintenant ils recherchent des frères qui ont fait des études supérieures…

      Peut-être que cela se retournera contre eux. Ces nouveaux avocats, juristes dont ils ont besoin vont découvrir certaines affaires. Ils ne seront peut-être pas disposés à les tenir cachées.

      Merci Éric et tous pour votre éclairage.

    • Reply by BlessedMama on 2021-08-27 13:45:08

      Did the elder read the same letter Eric quoted in the video?

      • Reply by making sure on 2021-10-06 15:32:16

        Yes, he did.

  • Comment by BlessedMama on 2021-08-27 13:44:11

    Great video! Does anyone know where I can find the letter this is based on?

  • Comment by dero on 2021-08-27 17:07:56

    Presumably this donation is completely separate from the resolved monthly donation, aka the forever mortgage payment foisted on the congregations a few years ago when all the mortgages were ‘forgiven’ but congregations were still expected to pony up an equivalent amount as a monthly donation? Any thoughts?

  • Comment by New The Governing Body's New Donation Arrangement Proves Jehovah is not Backing the Organization - Finansbis on 2021-08-31 05:14:53

    […] To view a transcript of this video, go to: […]

  • Comment by Ad_Lang on 2021-08-31 19:32:39

    In all honesty, I am both happy and blessed to be out.
    My DFing was announced last midweek meeting. The same Thursday, someone I already knew invited me to a meeting for worship in a private home (like the 1st century Christians did). On Saturday, I met a whole new bunch of Christians in London, with one of them praying the Lord would not abandon me like the congregation had.
    Sunday morning, meeting for worship: a prayer, songs and discussion of the Scriptures around a table with a couple of families. Also had a welcome present with a small puppy deciding to poop on my trousers -_-

    While sadly I don't have a companion to share it with, I must consider admitting that I am happier and better off than I have been in quite a number of years. Considering the usual gossip within the congregation, I think most have a fair idea why I'm out. Looking forward to welcome the next one exiting.

    On a sidenote: I came across the elder today who used to be my study conductor. He sat with me when I got baptised. I waved at him with a smile as I usually would and, though he tried to ignore me, he couldn't hide being struck by it. I hope it crosses his mind from time to time...

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2021-09-01 05:06:02

      Good for you, Ad_Lang. You are free at last!

    • Reply by James Mansoor on 2021-09-01 17:09:45

      Well done … As long as you have someone to share spiritual food with alongside your thinking, you’ll be just fine… your wife and the other witnesses will be just like the people of Malta when the apostle Paul was bitten by a snake for him to swell up and die, when nothing happened they start to believe that he must be on the right track to God.

      Well done again

  • Comment by James Mansoor on 2021-09-06 22:00:36

    Hi Eric,

    watching the video from the organisation about the establishment of the kingdom in 1914 pauses a lot of questions in my mind and I do know that you have dealt with this subject extensively.

    If Jesus was the same as yesterday today and forever then his kingdom will be the same as yesterday today and forever, if that is the case then why do we have so many problems in this world if Jesus is ruling as King in heaven since 1914?

    Could you imagine a President or Prime Minister making promises to his subjects in order to get their votes such as:

    I promise you I will raise your taxes, I will rip your family apart by causing wars famines and sicknesses of every sort … That will be my pledge to you.

    But wait for it in 1914 I’m going to flick the deadliest poisonous serpent you’ve ever come across to the earth and along with him his fellow serpents, and they will cause the most atrocious unimaginable atrocities that humans have ever experienced.

    I personally wonder how many people will go along with such a ruler… I suppose 8 1/2 million will do.

    Take care Eric and I haven’t heard from you for awhile.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2021-09-07 08:56:46

      Hi James,

      I'm still around. I'm devoting most of my time now to producing videos since that seems to be the most effective way of spreading the good news and exposing the falsehood of I'm also working on a book that analyses all the false teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses with a view to helping those still waking up to see the truth more quickly.

      Hoping to release a video today. I'll put a link to it on this website.

    • Reply by Ad_Lang on 2021-09-12 04:48:31

      I think that Jesus was made King as he was raised from the dead, as he said that all authority "has been" given to him when he spoke with his disciples (Mat 28:18).

      Consider Jesus' words: "these things need to take place first" (Luk 21:9). He certainly did not give us a timeline, but he pointed out that there are events that need to occur, so that the truth will come out and people show up for who they really are (2 Pe 3:10-12).

      We live in a time now that the truth does come out, for those who are willing to see. In particular, we are now seeing the three expressions of Rev 16:13,14 taking a firm hold on the world. As far as I can tell, these are terrorism, the current alleged pandemic and climate change.

      How does one know? Revelation 16 speaks of the kings worldwide being gathered by means of these expressions. That is not about the existence of a worldwide alliance, but about the governments working together. Whenever there was a form of cooperation, it was with struggles and only partially achieved goals, if anything happened at all. However, with 9-11, the "threat" caused governments worldwide to come together and implement similar measures. Again, with this panpanic, we can see that nearly every country has taken the same steps toward the same (actual) purpose, albeit in a different order.

      Next, there will be a worldwide implementing of rules to deal with this "climate change". All this will cause a global government to emerge, so that at last the image of Revelation 13 can be completed to complete the separation that has already started: people who are happy to sell themselves as slaves to a human god, and those who are loyal to Jehovah by sticking to Jesus as ruler. When I speak with people, I tend to highlight the difference as totalitarianism and it's supporters versus those who seek to defend freedom (of choice). Such freedom is necessary for love to exist, because love is a decision taken out of free will without any coercion.

      Right now, we are witnessing wicked men being gathered into a new system with Satan's mark, just like in an illustration, Jesus spoke of weeds being gathered together to be burned (Mat 13:30,40-42). For example, there have been a number of scandals with government officials breaking the rules they themselves put in place. They make their own (unlawful) rules for the people, because they themselves don't care. That is lawlessness.

      To contrast that lawlessness, there are all sort of people who stand up against it. Not in a violent way, but exposing truth and appealing to courts to render judgement in every lawful manner they can find. These are the people of the nations that Rom 2:13-16 is speaking of.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2021-09-12 09:23:04

        I agree. It would be like a prince who is away from home being informed that his father has abdicated (or died, whatever) and so he must return to the capital to be crowned. He is the king from the moment of the abdication, but he still has to journey home to make it official.
        . . .Therefore he said: “A certain man of noble birth traveled to a distant land to secure kingly power for himself and to return. (Luke 19:12)

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2021-09-12 11:03:40

        I do agree that the pandemic is real.

      • Reply by new englander on 2021-09-12 19:00:04

        While this is Eric's website, and he has the sole authority to moderate it in whatever manner that he deems fit, I do not think that your reply is consistent with the objective of this website.
        The purpose of Beroean Pickets – Reviewer is to provide a place for honest-hearted Jehovah’s Witnesses to gather to examine both the published and broadcast teachings of the Organization in the light of Bible Truth.
        Not only is your reply inconsistent the the stated objective of this website, but it is also unrelated to the subject matter at hand. Your comment is nothing more than speculation on how bible prophecy will be fulfilled. The witness organization has already provided the viewers of this website with plenty of that. I actually got a chuckle when I read parts of it. You wrote, "In particular, we are now seeing the three expressions of Rev 16:13,14 taking a firm hold on the world. As far as I can tell, these are terrorism, the current alleged pandemic and climate change." You present as fact that, "In particular, we are now seeing the three expressions of Rev 16:13,14 taking a firm hold on the world." Then you proceed to say ,"As far as I can tell." It is your speculation, pure and simple and nothing more. It is the same as the organization's frequent use of the word "evidently". Actually your thought process being demonstrated here is exactly what the organization is guilty of and this website serves as an avenue to expose it.
        You speculate that the three unclean spirits of Revelation chapter 16 are covid-19, terrorism, and climate change. The witness organization speculates that the three unclean spirits represent propaganda. Why should a person believe your speculation over that of the organization?
        I too take issue with your use of the term "alleged pandemic". I'm not sure if you were somehow trying to be clever with the term "panpanic" or if this was a typo. At any rate I urge you to review that statistics provided by just wondering. Where have you been? Don't you remember tractor trailers being brought to New York City to store bodies of the dead? Have some respect and compassion for those who have lost loved ones. Covid-19 is real.
        Your comment goes on to say, "separation that has already started: people who are happy to sell themselves as slaves to a human god, and those who are loyal to Jehovah by sticking to Jesus as ruler. When I speak with people, I tend to highlight the difference as totalitarianism and it’s supporters versus those who seek to defend freedom (of choice).  I have a couple of comments on this. What proof do you have to offer that "this separation has already started? What is the observable or measurable difference between these to speculative groups? Is this a thinly veiled judgement of yours on those who choose to be vaccinated against covid-19 versus those who do not? Are you somehow trying to cleverly imply that those who choose to be vaccinated are selling themselves as slaves to a human god while those who do not are loyal to Jehovah by sticking to Jesus? Are you trying to imply that those who choose to be vaccinated support totalitarianism?
        This comment appears to me to be some sort of a cross between bible prophecy speculation, covid-19 denial, and condemning those who choose to be vaccinated. Other than displaying some bible knowledge and using the name of Jehovah I do not see much evidence that you have an actual connection to the witness organization. It appears to me that you are simply using this website to gain an audience. I observe nothing relevant in your comment on the organization's monetary pledge arrangement being implemented or the stated objectives of the Beroean Picket's website. If I have gotten this all wrong then please do clarify.

        • Reply by Ad_Lang on 2021-09-15 11:22:37

          Looking back at the quotes you mention, you're right: ironically the wording is the same as the Org likes to use. It is sensible to say that a bit more caution would be appropriate. I do find it interesting that both the Org and I do see propaganda in the speculation you mention, about the three unclean expressions or spirits. Although prophecy is not interpreted by man and we cannot know the times and seasons, the Scriptures do tell us of events and circumstances in the last days using terms that people in the 1st century would be able to understand, without going into (academic) detail.

          For example, when Revelation 13:15 speaks of an image receiving breath to speak and cause to be killed, it may not necessarily speak of a literal image or the actual image may be different than the norm used to be in those days. Consider that at present, Artificial Intelligence is already used to make decisions in areas like recruitment for employment, where a first round selection may be made purely by computer algorithm, without actual human intervention. In that sense, the computer algorithm is telling the recruiters what to do (who to pick for the next round). While this image appears to bear a measure of authority and deadly power, the image itself is not worshipped. Rather, it looks more like a tool to advance the worship or ultimate authority over people's life by the first beast, which got it's power from the dragon (Satan) and is representing that one (Rev 13:2,7-8). Considering the way that AI is already used in China to monitor and judge people on their behaviour with real life consequences, is it entirely irrational to consider that it may fit the description? While AI does not seem to have power to kill at this point, that may also change in the near future.

          Concerning the separation, I'm afraid we do not see the same thing. Some governments are already mandating these injections, or compelling third parties to coerce people to have them. That is totalitarianism. Likewise, there are also people who choose not to have the injections, who similarly end up putting pressure on others not to have them. On the other side of the divide are people who make either choice, but also have strong conviction that each and every individual should make their own decisions in that regard. That is where the difference is. People who support the mandates do, indeed, enslave themselves by giving up their free will, without which there is no possibility to love, which can only exist by free choice. Note that the greatest commandment requires love for God "from the heart".

          I think the only thing you got wrong is the suggestion that I am trying to "gain an audience" using this website. Other than that, while I don't like some other parts of the criticism, there is nothing wrong with expressing it. You are right about the connection with the Org: I was disfellowshipped in August this year, last month that is, so indeed there is no longer any connection. I have spent much of the precious little time and energy that I have to ensure the congregation knows why I'm no longer connected, so I do take that accusation seriously. I hope that I have explained things properly with the following included (my PC died as I was writing it).

          Th UK government declared in March 2020 that this virus is no longer considered a high consequence infectious disease and in the grey box on the page, you will find that the mortality rate is low (see The news reports you may refer to seem to be inconsistent with that statement, so it does raise the question what to believe. Trailers having been moved into New York does not prove anything, despite the impression it makes. If you find such questioning disrespectful toward those who have lost relatives, what would you think if it turns out that all this was indeed set up to push for a whole different agenda, and those who lost loved ones were indeed all lied to about the cause? The UK government has frequently lied, ignored facts proving their policies ineffective at best, and is pushing for legislation to make the "temporary" measures permanent. One of them is the new bill for Housing in England, that stops landlords evicting tenants if they have rent arrears and are claiming benefits. So much for the lockdowns (restrictions) only being in place for 3-8 weeks (depending on country). When the UK PM Johnson was appointed as interim, there was strong criticism about his historic involvement in domestic abuse as offender. If he can abuse a loved one, what about people he doesn't know and never even has seen? What sort of people do you think the world's leaders really are? Did you know that the EU has funded this lab in Wuhan? Did you know that the British Health and Safety Executive has found surgical masks unfit for protection against infectious aerosols? Ultimately, it all boils down to trust. If you consistently dismiss the arguments critics point at without serious consideration, but blindly believe whatever the governments and media tell you, who is it then you put your faith in?

          On a final note, I would love to be wrong on this! But if I have seen reality for what it is, albeit only in part, what sort of person would I be not to warn anyone? Coming out of Babylon the Great is one thing, keeping our integrity is not to be forgotten either. As you mentioned, it is arguable if this content belongs on the site. I think it does, but whether it should have a more prominent place such as an article series is not up to me. All I am saying is: to be approved, a Christian needs to take an effort to dig beyond what is said; it doesn't have to take a lifetime (Hos 4:6; 1 Th 5:21,23).

      • Reply by Ad_Lang on 2021-09-15 07:01:54

        First of all a few words about the challenge. It is good to challenge thoughts and ideas, both new and old. However, if you want to discredit an idea, conclusion or even a way of viewing things, you should also provide solid evidence, beyond reasonable doubt, that such a thing is not possible. What I point at is the expression "conspiracy-theory frame of mind". The way it is used bears a very negative load, without any reasonable cause. There are conspiracies mentioned in the Scriptures, for example in Rev 17:17 or Rev 19:19. Would you say they should be taken out? Also, these alternative ideas are not based on mere speculation or guesswork without factual foundation as the established powers would love us to believe. While some might seem to go a bit far, the fact that you haven't heard about it before or that is causes you discomfort is by no means evidence to say that these ideas or conclusions are incorrect. I would say it's even the opposite: the truth of today is uncomfortable (ask the governing body).

        Anything having a bearing on our relationship with Jehovah and Jesus has a place on a Christian forum of any type. That said, the donation topic is probably not the best one to consider these things and while I am sad to see my reply being of this size, I do feel that I should provide something substantial as asked for.

        In this case, "Alleged" challenges the explanation of what you see and are being shown. Pandemics happen all the time and this one is no exception to the others.

        Just to name one challenge to the narrative: tests with positive outcomes are mistakenly counted as "cases", as if those people were all ill. Not to mention the fact that (as the UK government even admitted in a document) RT-PCR tests are not fit for purpose. In fact, RT-PCR is not even a test: it's a technique used to duplicate (parts of) DNA for laboratory/research purposes only. So imagine you take a swab and there happens to be 1 target sequence of DNA in the air around you that gets attached, they will find it as long as they put it through enough duplication cycles. You will be deemed a case, even though there is absolutely nothing wrong with your health, nor any reason for concern that you might pass something on.

        Also, the number of deaths "due to covid" is easy to manipulate. An example local to me is an old builder who had cancer and died, was put down as a "covid death". He then became part of a statistic that is used to promote the idea that this is one of the deadliest diseases mankind has faced in recent history. Even if he didn't have it, he would have died of cancer soon regardless, but who will tell you that?

        Moreover, last year there was a report (even in the national media) of a young mother who died because treatment of her (terminal) cancer was stopped due to fears for the virus. In general, treatment of many deadly illnesses and diseases was stopped, but great efforts were made to declare people sick and in need of treatment. However, those who were isolated were not treated, but were just waiting to get sick, until hospitalization because it was too late for treatment, which should have started immediately along with the isolation.

        Concluding on what is a long story, I would say absolutely yes to your suggestion that the nations around the world have taken all those measures without evidence that the problem is nearly as significant as is proclaimed. Scientists and other experts in the field who challenge the narrative are being censored, have their reputation ruined and may face worse if they continue expressing their concerns. That is in part how the illusion is created that the scientific world is in agreement on what is happening.

        People are encouraged to put their full confidence in their totally caring governments, that have always put our best interest first. Consider tobacco, of which the use and sale was discouraged and forbidden as soon as it became clear that it was dangerous to our health, and that of those around us. Okay, they didn't forbid it, only increased the tax on it (in multiple countries they did it that way). It turned out a great opportunity to make money. Sure, limiting regulations were put in place, such as bans on smoking in indoor public places, but not before extensive and fierce campaigns compelling them to do so. Sometimes, they were so eager to implement a "miracle" solution that they ignored all the warnings, until forced to take action. Asbestos comes to mind for such an occasion.

        Haven't we heard such a call for trust before? Like the governments, the faithful and discreet slave has our best interest at heart and would never do anything to harm us. They guide us in God's ways, and to question them is rebellion against Jehovah himself, as we all know... or is it?

        Meanwhile, there is still this climate emergency, but I noticed earlier this year that the 5-G towers are now littered all across the UK, especially but certainly not only in and around the more urban areas. Have you seen how much electronics go in each one of them? What about the (carbon) footprint it takes to mine the resources, process them, construct the materials, put it all together and transport everything in between these activities? For what use? Considering the cameras coming up everywhere that include technologies for facial recognition, it appears more of an infrastructure to exert control. The generated data may certainly cause an immense generation of data. The more people are tracked, the easier they are controlled. It may well be an implementation of the social credit system that China is already using. The introduction of these injection passports is very useful to ensure people will accept the new system.

        Jesus said we cannot know the times and seasons, but he didn't leave us without clues. I believe that the people in control of this world have started building the image of Revelation 13, or at least are well underway in preparing to do so. Additionally, I can see Revelation 16:13,14 happening. Especially in the latest century, world governments have tried but failed to work together. However, the Scriptures say that three spirits (or: expressions) from demons will unite the kings of the earth. As far as I can tell, these are the war on terrorism, a global threat to public health and climate change. Keep your eyes on how all those are unifying the kings of the earth, now or in the near future.

        It is important to follow direction more than ever, but the only direction we have are from our King Jesus, found in the Scriptures. While the governments and others in power over this world are trying to cause panic and chaos, we need to be at peace despite any disagreements we may have (2 Pe 3:14).

        Related resource (one of many):

        • Reply by kallekula on 2021-11-07 20:27:36

          What do you think about the mark on the hand and the forehead?
 explains that as catholicism, as 666 can be seen in their symbols and the numeric values of one of the titles of the pope can be added upp to be 666.
          But i have been thinking that a mark on the hand or the forehead might be something that slaves got in ancient times, and it was a mark you could never get rid off since it was burned into to. Same as with a vaccine, once you get it you are marked, especially this mRNA vaccine that adds a sequence to your genes. And there is some interesting information about the patent's number as well...

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2021-11-08 09:24:26

            The Bible tells us to “turn down the false stories which violate what is holy and which old women tell.” (1 Timothy 4:7)

            I have a good friend who believed all these stories about the vaccine. He and his wife decided not to get vaccinated. They both got COVID and have been suffering for the past month. It looks like they will survive however, but there can be lasting side effects to having contracted the virus. There story is not an isolated one.

            Now think about this: The ones who do not have the mark of the beast, 666, are spared by God. In other words, God does not want us to get the mark of the beast.

            That is a fact.

            Another fact is that God is love and expects us to love one another. That is the mark not of the beast but of a true Christian: That we love one another just as Christ loved us.

            Now you have a virus which is killing millions. This is acknowledged by millions of medical professionals. You have a vaccine which has been administered to hundreds of millions of people. You have hard statistics showing that those getting and dying from the disease are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

            Do you think that our loving God would require us to not protect ourselves and our children by making this vaccine the mark of the beast? Would he go even further and be so cruel as to not make this clear in the Bible so that we would have to rely on the wild speculation of conspiracy theorists to avoid the mark?

            We left the organization because we no longer follow men. Are we so weak in faith that we now cling to every idiot out there with a YouTube channel? We have God's word. Read it, pray for holy spirit to guide you, and do not follow men.

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2021-09-15 16:44:17

    I know these are highly contentious issues. I am pro-vaccination. However, I think we can have disagreements as along as we maintain a civility of discourse.

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