An Appeal to Deaf and Interpreters to Help Out in Spreading the Good News

[by Vintage, based on an article by Eric Wilson]

This is a script for Deaf and Interpreters to use in making YouTube videos. Watchtower twists the truth about God and his Son Jesus. Jesus is the mediator between God and man. The Governing Body steals that position of mediator from Jesus. Sign language videos can be a great help in freeing the deaf from the control of false teachings.  Any article on this site may be used freely and free of charge as the foundation for a sign language video.  I have produced a resumé script from one of Eric's earlier articles to facilitate the production of a sign language video. (See below)

Please make videos of this script in the sign languages of your country. This script can be translated into many languages by clicking the translation software at the bottom of this webpage. Look for the row of colorful flags, click, and choose a language. Expose Watchtower!

NOTE: The Deaf or Interpreter who makes this video should sign the Bible texts himself or herself. Do NOT use any video clips from Jehovah's Witnesses NWT sign language Bible. Don't use any Watchtower video footage in making a video of this script. All Watchtower sign language video material is protected by copyright. The exception to this rule is the "fair use" law.

Video script for Deaf: Identifying the Faithful Slave – Part 2 Introduction:

Jehovah's Witnesses' religion has eight men that they call their Governing Body. The Governing Body manages a multinational billion-dollar corporation with branch offices, land holdings, buildings and equipment all over the globe. That corporation is called the Watchtower, Bible, and Tract Society, or WTBTS. The Governing body uses thousands of volunteers in a huge number of countries. Missionaries, special pioneers, traveling overseers, and workers at branch offices receive money from the Watchtower corporation.

 Jehovah's Witnesses teach that, a long time ago, after Jesus died, there was a governing body that ruled over the first century Christian congregation. But, is that really true? No! There is nothing in Scripture that says the Apostles and older men in the city of Jerusalem managed a multinational corporate empire with land holdings, buildings, and financial assets held in multiple currencies. God did not give Christians a Governing Body in the first century.

 So what then do we mean by a first century governing body?

Today, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses teaches something that isn't true. The Governing Body teaches that a long time ago, after Jesus died, the early Christians in the first century had a governing body. But that is not true. It is false. The early Christians did not have a governing body. If there were a first century governing body, then that would mean that we should have a Governing Body also ruling over us today.  The Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body today teaches that they are the counterpart to a governing body that existed long ago, in the first century. The Governing Body says it has the right to decide which men are elders in the congregation. They tell Jehovah's Witnesses what each scripture means. They say that every Jehovah's Witness must believe what they teach. They make laws that are not found in the Bible. They make committee meetings. And, they make punishments for Christians who disobey the laws that the Governing Body makes. The Governing Body disfellowships any Jehovah's Witness who does not obey them. The Governing Body says God communicates with Christian people through them, the Governing Body.

 But, there was not a governing body in the first century. Back then, there was no Christian governing body that did these things. So, we should not have a Governing Body ruling over us today either. There is no example in the Bible giving the Governing Body the right to rule over us today.

 Was there such a first century governing body?

 Example 1, Today: Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body oversees the worldwide preaching work, appoints branch and traveling overseers, dispatches missionaries and special pioneers and provides for their financial needs.  All these, in turn, report directly back to the Governing Body.

 Example 1, First Century: There is no record of branch offices in any of the countries reported on in the Greek Scriptures.  However, there were missionaries.  Paul, Barnabas, Silas, Mark, Luke are all noted examples of historic significance.  Were these men dispatched by Jerusalem? No.  Did Jerusalem support them financially from funds received from all the congregations of the ancient world? No.  Did they report back to Jerusalem upon their return? No.

 Example 2, Today:  All congregations are controlled through traveling representatives and branch offices that report back to the Governing Body.  Finances are controlled by the Governing Body and its representatives.  Likewise the purchase of land for Kingdom halls as well as their design and construction is all controlled in this manner by the Governing Body through its representatives at the branch and in the Regional Building Committee.  Every congregation in the world makes regular statistical reports to the Governing Body and all the elders serving in these congregation are not appointed by the congregations themselves. Today, the Governing Body appoints elders through its branch offices.

 Example 2, First Century: There is absolutely no parallel for any of the foregoing in the first century.  Buildings and lands for meeting places are not mentioned. It appears that congregations met in the homes of local members.  Reports were not made on a regular basis, but following the custom of the time, news was carried by travelers, so Christians journeying to one place or another made reports to the local congregation of the work going on wherever they had been. However, this was incidental and not part of some organized controlling administration.

 Example 3, Today: The Governing Body makes laws and judges.  Where something isn’t clearly stated in Scripture, each Christian should use his conscience. But the Governing Body makes new laws and rules about these things. The Governing Body has decided how it may be appropriate for brothers to avoid military service.  For example, the Governing Body approved the practice of bribing officials in Mexico to get a Military Service Card.  The Governing Body has ruled what makes grounds for divorce. The Governing Body has made many rules and procedures to enforce its laws.  The three-man judicial committee, the appeal process, the closed meetings that keep out even observers the accused has requested are all examples of the authority that the Governing Body claims to have received from God.

Example 3, First Century: There was only one time in the Bible when the older men and apostles made rules. When that happened, it was a notable exception, and we will learn about that in just a minute. But other than that exception, the older men and apostles did not make laws about anything in the ancient world.  All new rules and laws were the product of individuals acting or writing under inspiration. Jehovah has always used individuals to communicate with his people. Jehovah has not used committees to communicate with his people. In the local congregations of the first century, divinely inspired direction came from men and women who acted as prophets. Divinely inspired direction did not from some centralized authority.

The exception that proves the rule.

Now we will learn about that exception. There was one time that a divinely inspired direction came from a group of men, not from an individual person. Read the following scriptures to find out how this happened.

The sole basis for the teaching that there was a first century governing body centered in Jerusalem arises from a dispute over the issue of circumcision.

(Acts 15:1, 2) 15 And certain men came down from Ju·de′a and began to teach the brothers: “Unless YOU get circumcised according to the custom of Moses, YOU cannot be saved.” 2 But when there had occurred no little dissension and disputing by Paul and Bar′na·bas with them, they arranged for Paul and Bar′na·bas and some others of them to go up to the apostles and older men in Jerusalem regarding this dispute.

(Acts 15:6) . . .And the apostles and the older men gathered together to see about this affair.

(Acts 15:12) At that the entire multitude became silent, and they began to listen to Bar′na·bas and Paul relate the many signs and portents that God did through them among the nations.

(Acts 15:30) Accordingly, when these men were let go, they went down to Antioch, and they gathered the multitude together and handed them the letter.

(Acts 15:24, 25) . . .Since we have heard that some from among us have caused YOU trouble with speeches, trying to subvert YOUR souls, although we did not give them any instructions, 25 we have come to a unanimous accord and have favored choosing men to send to YOU together with our loved ones, Bar′na·bas and Paul,...

It looks like the apostles and older men had this meeting in Jerusalem because there was a big problem about circumcision among Christians in Jerusalem. The apostles and older men had to decide about circumcision. The problem would not go away until all the Christians in Jerusalem could agree on this issue. It does not seem that the apostles and older men went to this meeting in Jerusalem because they had been appointed by Jesus to rule over the worldwide first century congregation. Rather, they seem to have all gone to Jerusalem because the source of the circumcision problem was in Jerusalem.

 Viewing the whole picture.

Paul had a special appointment as an apostle to the nations. Paul was appointed as an apostle directly by Jesus Christ.  If there had been a governing body in Jerusalem, would not Paul have talked with that governing body? But he doesn't say that he talked to any governing body in Jerusalem. Rather, Paul says,

 (Galatians 1:18, 19) . . .Then three years later I went up to Jerusalem to visit Ce′phas, and I stayed with him for fifteen days. 19 But I saw no one else of the apostles, only James the brother of the Lord.

 Most of the evidence shows that Jesus dealt with the congregations himself directly during the first century.

A lesson from ancient Israel.

A long time before Jesus lived on earth, Jehovah first took the nation of Israel for his own nation. Jehovah gave Israel a leader named Moises. God gave Moises great power and authority. And God gave Moises the job of freeing his people from Egypt and leading them to the promised land. But Moses did not get to enter the promised land himself. So, Moses commissioned Joshua to lead his people into the promised land. After that work was finished and Joshua died, something interesting happened.

 (Judges 17:6) . . .In those days there was no king in Israel. As for everybody, what was right in his own eyes he was accustomed to do.

 Simply put, there was no human ruler over the nation of Israel. The head of each household had the law code. They had a form of worship and of conduct that was laid out in writing by the hand of God. True, there were judges, but their role was not to govern but to resolve disputes. They also served to lead the people in times of war and conflict. But there was no human King or governing body over Israel because Jehovah was their King.

 Later, Jesus was the greater Moses. In the first century, when Jehovah again took a nation for himself, it was natural that God would follow the same pattern of divine government. The greater Moses, Jesus, freed his people from spiritual captivity. When Jesus left, he commissioned twelve apostles to continue the work. Those twelve apostles died. Then, directly from heaven, Jesus ruled over the worldwide Christian congregation. The Christian congregation was not governed by a centralized human authority.

The situation today.

What about today? Does the fact that there was no first century governing body mean there should be none today? If they got along without a governing body back then, why can’t we get along without one now? Does the modern Christian congregation today need a group of men directing it? If so, how much authority should be invested in that body of men?

We shall attempt to answer those questions in our next post.

 A Surprising Revelation.

Brother Frederick Franz told some of these same things to the fifty-ninth class of Gilead during their graduation on September 7, 1975. Frederick Franz gave that talk just before the formation of Jehovah's Witnesses' modern-day governing body on January 1, 1976. You can hear Frederick Franz' talk on But, the good things Frederick Franz said in his talk were ignored, and they were never repeated in any of the Watchtower publications.

 Closing comment:

I hope you have enjoyed this article. It is a resumé based upon the article on this site titled, "Identifying the Faithful Slave – Part 2". This resumé of Eric's article is made especially for Deaf and Interpreters to use. Please make a video from this script so other deaf people can watch it and understand it. Out of love, help all people get away from Watchtower.

Thank you for reading.

Archived Comments

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  • Comment by James Mansoor on 2022-01-30 20:59:17

    Hi Frankie,

    I thought about what you said but then somehow the holy spirit made me think or recall the book of Galatians with the apostle Paul, I will just put it in here and then I would like to ask you a question if you don’t mind please. I have always enjoyed your comments I really do, thanks mate for everything:

    Galatians 2:11 However, when Ceʹphas came to Antioch, I resisted him face-to-face, because he was clearly in the wrong. 12 For before certain men from James arrived, he used to eat with people of the nations; but when they arrived, he stopped doing this and separated himself, fearing those of the circumcised class. 13 The rest of the Jews also joined him in putting on this pretense, so that even Barʹna·bas was led along with them in their pretense. 14 But when I saw that they were not walking in step with the truth of the good news, I said to Ceʹphas before them all: “If you, though you are a Jew, live as the nations do and not as Jews do, how can you compel people of the nations to live according to Jewish practice?”

    Frankie my question is, was this before the episode in Acts15 or after… Also surely these men would have been present when the matter of circumcision arose… What do you think mate.

    Your brother in Christ

    • Reply by Frankie on 2022-01-31 16:09:34

      Dear James, thank you for you nice words and for good, but not easy question. I will try to answer it.

      The correct timing of the "conflict" in Antioch between Paul and Barnabas with respect to time of the "circumcision council" can be uncertain. Let's look at the order of Paul's visits to Jerusalem. We can use Acts as a basis if we assume that Luke wrote them in chronological order.

      1. Paul went from Damascus to Arabia and returned after undefined time to Damascus (Gal 1:17)
      2. He stayed in Damascus for 3 years (Gal 1:18)
      3. Then he went to Jerusalem, where he stayed for 15 days, to know Peter and James (Acts 9: 26-30; Gal 1:18-19)

      4. Paul leaves for Tarsus after the conflict with the Jews in Jerusalem (Acts 9:30)
      5. Barnabas brings Paul from Tarsus to Antioch, where they taught a year (Acts 11:25)
      6. Agabus announced a famine "in those days" - a relief to Jerusalem. Paul and Barnabas handed over the relief and returned along with Mark (Acts 11: 27-30; 12:25).

      7. Paul had been in Antioch for 14 years. (Gal 2:1)

      8. After 14 years, Paul went back to Jerusalem with Barnabas and Titus (Gal. 2:1). He presented his gospel to the apostles (Gal. 2:2). Then returned to Antioch.

      It is not clear whether this visit was a part of circumcision visit to Jerusalem. Acts do not mention the event described in Gal 2:1-10. Although Paul says that "he went to Jerusalem again after 14 years," it is likely that he visited Jerusalem in the meantime. If we consider the chronology according to Acts, the famine prophesied by Agabus (Acts 11) occurred before the circumcision visit (Acts 15) and so Paul probably sent the relief to Jerusalem within the 14 years.
      The controversy over circumcision arose in Antioch after the end of Paul's 1st missionary journey, when Paul and Barnabas stayed with disciples „for a longer time“. It had to happen after the famine (item 6).

      9. Gal 2:10 is followed by verse 11, which begins the description of the controversy between Paul and Peter in Antioch (Gal. 2:11-14). From this it can be concluded that Peter came to Antioch after the end of Paul's 14 years visit.
      If the events in Gal 1-10 and subsequently in Gal 11-14 did not take place within a circumcision visit (Paul presented his gospel „privately“), then the controversy between Paul and Peter would take place before the meeting in Acts 15. But "privately" could mean that Paul did not present his Gospel to others, only to "who seemed influential", within the circumcision visit.

      10. A circumcision visit to Jerusalem with Barnabas and others – Titus? (Acts 15:2). The time of this event, with respect to Paul's other visits to Jerusalem, is not entirely certain (according to some scholars). Theological disputes are still running because there is no clear link (events) between the Acts 15 and the Gal 1-14 (my opinion).

      This is my current knowledge about Gal 11-14. But I'm aware of Romans 13:12.

      God bless you James. Frankie

      • Reply by James Mansoor on 2022-01-31 19:20:05

        OMG Frankie,

        That was amazing the way you’ve analysed the Scriptures and Paul’s travels I definitely will do some more studies.

        This is what I don’t get from attending meetings and just sitting there for two hours and listening to absolute nothingness except Jehovah and his organisation giving us the food at the proper time, no mention of Jesus Christ who is the head of the congregation I feel sorry for him, to the organisation he must be the laziest person who is only after a position in heaven.

        Thanks again my brother it’s really an honour to know you.

        • Reply by Frankie on 2022-02-01 07:29:36

          Thanks to God and to you, James, my brother, for kind words.

          The Bible, the God's word, is a powerful tool given to us by our heavenly Father (Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12). Using it, we can reveal many misinformation.

          For example, who are you witnessing about? Some time ago I collected many scriptures of NT (maybe not all) that say - Christians are witnesses of Jesus Christ (Matt 10:18; Mark 13:9; Luke 24:47,48; John 1:15; John 5:37; John 8:18; John 15:26,27; Acts 1:8; Acts 5:32; Acts 10:39; Acts 10:43; Acts 11:26; Acts 13:31; Acts 22:15; Acts 22:20; Acts 23:11; Acts 26:16; 1 Cor 1:6; 1 Tim 2:6,7; 2 Tim 1:8; 2 Thess 1:10; 1 Pet 5:1; 2 Pet 1:16; 1 John 1:2; 1 John 4:14; 1 John 5:9,11; Rev 1:9; Rev 12:17; Rev 17:6; Rev 19:10; Rev 20:4).
          The gospel is about the God's Kingdom and about Jesus. That is Jehovah's will (Matt 3:17; Mark 1:14). First of all, you are a witness of Jesus Christ.

          The Bible has an amazing depth of information and it is exciting to find new thoughts and context in it, even after many years of study. The Bible study is real “the adventure of knowing of God”. I wish you many nice moments on this journey.

          • Reply by James Mansoor on 2022-02-01 18:41:01

            Many thanks Frankie, like Eric said, that was a beautiful summary and I will definitely cherish these Scriptures when I am talking to people around me.

            This month is beginning and the end of me being an active witness, I have decided not to turn in any more field service report… according to the organisation reporting is voluntary.

            And for any Jehovah’s Witness who is active, please have a look at frequently asked questions on their website… Look what it says and read it for yourself.

            It’s interesting how a couple of meetings ago, we had Anthony Morris, talking about brothers and sisters who are inactive, and don’t associate with us and how we should encourage them to come back to our meetings.

            The governing body always tells you half truth never the whole truth… for example they don’t tell you if you do not put your report in for six months you will be inactive in the organisation, even though you’re attending the meetings, in other words, you are dead to them, you don’t exist have a look at the accompanied picture again.

            Again Frankie many many thanks keep up your Bible study my brother.

            • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2022-02-02 09:33:14

              "Made voluntarily"!? What a crock! When I stopped reporting, I was still going out in field service and the elders knew it. Nevertheless they told me I would be no longer be counted as a member of the congregation if I didn't report. You can actually go door-to-door with the service group and still not be a member of the congregation if you don't turn in that little slip of paper every month. Also, two elders met with me to discuss this. The used coersive language to get me to report. That hardly smacks of something that is "made voluntarily".

              • Reply by James Mansoor on 2022-02-02 17:17:05

                Many years ago, I was told, do you know what you are doing to the congregation if you do not put your report in… you are making us look bad before the circuit overseer, we are the ones who will cop it.

                Well Eric it took me a number of years to realise the scripture where Jesus said when you are making a gift do not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing.

            • Reply by Frankie on 2022-02-02 16:40:54

              Oh, that’s nice. Listed – no. Money – yes. You wrote „ ... you are dead to them ...”. However, money from the dead is welcome :o)
              James, I'm sure you know that Jehovah doesn't need your report.
              Your report is what you have in your heart. If you have love there for our heavenly Father and his Son, then our Lord will read it (John 2:25). If you have Jesus in your heart and believe in him, then there is nothing to deal with - John 5:24; John 10:9; John 14:15; Romans 10:9. Your steps will be led by Jesus and not by men. And your desire to serve to Lord and your actions will be induces by God:
              “ ... and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone” (1 Cor 12:6). Also Phil 2:13.
              As to the mantra „more and more and more doing“, you certainly know very strong scripture:
              „For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Eph 2:8-9)
              BTW, quotations from Acts in this letter is typical example of WT manipulation.

              • Reply by James Mansoor on 2022-02-02 17:24:14

                Frankie, your replies are always welcome and especially the Scriptures, I have copied them and read them and meditated on them.

                Eric mentioned awhile ago, the duty of the slave class is to feed Jesus disciples, he mentioned right now I am feeding you and when you are commenting you are feeding me… how true that is.

                Brothers like yourself and Eric are really a source of encouragement for everyone.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2022-02-01 09:15:07

        What a lovely summary, Frankie. Thank you so much for it

        • Reply by Frankie on 2022-02-01 13:48:25

          Thank you, Eric. I hope your heart beats like a Swiss watch. Many people need you.

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2022-02-02 09:19:41

            Thank you Frankie, it's better than its been in a very long time

  • Comment by James Mansoor on 2022-01-28 16:57:07


    you are a legend I re-read the account and you are right … many thanks for your insight please keep commenting on some other Bible gems.

    Many thanks again

  • Comment by phuocdien93 on 2022-01-27 03:39:56

    For there is one God, one mediator also between God and men, himself man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all; the testimony to be borne in its own times. 1 Timothy 2: 5,6
    For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. John 1:17,18
    what a prophet speaks in Jehovah’s name and the thing is not a fact and does not come true, that is the thing Jehovah did not speak: you shall not quail at him. Deuteronomy 18:22
    1 Timothy 2:5,6 & John 1:17,18 from American standard version
    Deuteronomy 18:22 from The Bible in Living English- Copyright and publisher by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

  • Comment by Scrubmaster on 2022-01-25 09:22:37

    One of the things I always notice about this account that was supposedly referencing a Governing Body is the decision was not made by the group. Looking at Acts 15:19 it is James who says - "Therefore it is my judgment that we do not trouble and make it difficult for those who are turning to God among the Gentiles [by putting obstacles in their way]," - amplified Bible. This statement itself proves it was not a decision made by the group. But one-man James. After hearing all of the discussion.

    • Reply by Frankie on 2022-01-30 07:03:15

      Hi Scrubmaster.
      In my opinion, the whole course of the negotiations was as follows.
      At first there was a heated debate (v. 7) and then Peter calmed them down (vv. 7-12). Then Barnabas and Paul shared their experiences with God (v. 12). Finally, Jakub spoke up and, in his opinion, summed up - "therefore I judge ... to write them ....". It was a motion for a resolution (vv. 13-21).
      Then this proposal was approved by all (v. 22) in the final wording according to Jakub's proposal (v. 23). The resulting document began with the words "Apostles and elders and brothers greet ....." (v. 23) and continued ".... it has seemed good to us,  .... we have therefore sent ..... it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us .... ” (v. 25,27and 28).
      The final wording of the letter to Antioch is therefore the result of a general consensus of all involved and not just one person. Therefore, Jacob's speech is not proof that it was an individual's decision. In fact, it was a collective decision.
      However, there are more other evidences in NT that in the 1st century there was no "governing body" directing all Christians.

      Many blessings to you Scrubmaster.

  • Comment by K.Miguelicutty on 2022-01-25 09:55:38

    Thank you for this article. Aside from a lack of scriptural justification for a governing body and a top down authoritarian system, the governing body puts themselves between man and GOD. They claim Christ is the mediator only between Anointed Christians and God. But there is a Great Crown of Christians that are not part of the covenant with Anointed ones, so they must listen and obey the governing body for justification in Christ. In other words, the sheep have no mediator since Christ is only mediator to the Anointed 144,000. I think they just stole my Christ from me!

    God says: 1 Timothy 2:5,6 “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all.” "one mediator between GOD and MEN." ALL MEN (and women of course), ALL, ALL, no class system or exceptions noted in the scripture!!

    Don't let them steal your LORD!

    • Reply by James Mansoor on 2022-01-28 17:00:37

      Good morning my brother,

      It seems from the way I read the scripture that the governing body thinks Jesus is only a mediator for the anointed and they are a mediator for the great crowd… Your line of reasoning has stuck in my mind… Many thanks please analyse other Scriptures and post them

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