
Donate via PayPay (recommended)

PayPay accepts credit/debit cards, bank transfer, etc.

Go to PayPal donations page

Donate via Stripe 

Stripe accepts credit/debit cards, Google Play, Apple Pay, Link, etc.

One-time donation (any amount)

$5 USD/month

$10 USD/month

$20 USD/month

$50 USD/month

$100 USD/month

When donating via Stripe, if you wish to change or cancel a monthly donation, you must contact us to cancel it and then start again. This is why we recommend donating by PayPal instead, as you can change or cancel monthly donations in your PayPal account at any time.

Donate via Check

Please follow these instructions:

  1. Make it payable to “Good News Association, Inc”
  2. On the memo line of the check, please indicate that the donation is for “”
  3. Please mail it to:

Good News Association Inc
16 Lincoln Lane
Palm Coast FL 32137


What is the Good News Association, Inc.?

The Good News Association, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation incorporated in the US State of Delaware with no affiliation with any religion or religious group. Other states, such as New York, have nonprofits also called “the Good News Association,” but they are not related in any way to our Delaware-based nonprofit.

Why is it based in Delaware?

Many years ago when this was set up, we required anonymity, and the US State of Delaware keeps the director names confidential. This is no longer a concern, but now that it’s all set up, there's no need to go through the hassle of moving it to another state.

Can I donate anonymously?

If you are concerned about anonymity, please use an alias and a safe e-mail address.

What are donations used for?

Donations cover the costs of running this website, the Zoom subscription needed for our meetings, producing the YouTube channel (e.g. camera equipment, microphones, Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions, licensing artwork), producing books, research, travel to meet meeting participants, using A.I. technologies to create translations, dubbing, and so on.

How can I change my monthly donation?

If donating via PayPal, you can change it in your PayPal account.

If you are donating via Stripe, you must contact us to cancel your subscription and then you must create a new donation plan. Please provide the name you’re using to subscribe so we can find your details.

How do I cancel a monthly donation?

If donating via PayPal, you can cancel payment in your PayPal account.

If you are donating via Stripe, you must contact us to cancel your subscription. Please provide the name you’re using to subscribe so we can find your details.