“我為基督的軟弱,侮辱,需要的時間,迫害和困難感到高興。” – 2哥林多前書12:10



第一個是在第3段中說 “像保羅一樣,我們可以'以侮辱為樂...”。 (哥林多前書2:12)為什麼? (彼得一書10:1)”。

1彼得4:14說 “如果您因基督的名而受到責備……”。 That means, is the reproach because we are true Christians?那意味著,難道是因為我們是真正的基督徒嗎? This is completely the opposite way round to the Watchtower's statement that if we are reproached it is because we are true Christians.這與to望塔的說法完全相反,因為如果我們受到譴責,那是因為我們是真正的基督徒。


  • Let us say that you support a wildlife rescue charity.假設您支持野生動物救援慈善組織。 Now someone could insult you or oppose you because they hate animals and you believe in protecting them.現在,有人會侮辱您或反對您,因為他們討厭動物並且您相信保護動物。 Therefore, you could say they oppose what you stand for, the saving of animals.因此,您可以說他們反對您的主張,即動物的拯救。 That is the meaning of 1 Peter 4:14.彼得一書XNUMX:XNUMX就是這個意思。
  • On the other hand, there could be protests against the wildlife rescue charity and you, because you support them.另一方面,可能會有反對野生生物救援慈善機構和您的抗議活動,因為您支持他們。 The reason for the protests is that the protestors are aware of corruption within the charity's organization, that the money donated is being used not to save animals lives, but to pay legal bills because some of the volunteers have been hurting others and the charity has done nothing or little to stop it.抗議的原因是,抗議者意識到慈善組織內部的腐敗,所捐贈的款項不是用來挽救動物的生命,而是用來支付法律費用,因為一些志願者已經傷害了其他人,而慈善組織已經這樣做了。什麼也沒有阻止它。 There may also be strong suspicions and some evidence that the money donated is being siphoned off in a clever money-laundering scheme for purposes other than that which it was intended for.可能還會有強烈的懷疑,並且有證據表明,捐贈的錢正被用於一項聰明的洗錢計劃中,而其目的並非本來打算的目的。
  • These insults and protests do not prove that the wildlife rescue charity is genuine, rather the opposite, it is corrupt and not fit for purpose.這些侮辱和抗議並不能證明野生動植物救援慈善組織是真實的,相反,它是腐敗的並且不適合目的。 Imagine then that the corrupt wildlife rescue center management makes a press release claiming that the cause of the protests and opposition is because they are a real genuine wildlife center and people do not like them because of that.想像一下,腐敗的野生動植物救援中心管理層發布了新聞稿,聲稱抗議和反對的原因是因為它們是一個真正的真正的野生動植物中心,因此人們不喜歡它們。 It would be ridiculous, yet that is what the Watchtower article is claiming.這太荒謬了,但是那是《守望台》的文章所聲稱的。 Contrary to the claim the Organization makes, that “與本組織的主張相反,“因為侮辱和反對是我們是耶穌真正的門徒的信號”, it is the very opposite.相反。 It is because the Organization is not fit-for-purpose and is going against the very ideas it claims to promote that such sites as Beroean pickets oppose and criticize the Organization and its misleading propaganda.這是因為本組織不適合目的,並且違背了它聲稱要宣傳的主題,即像貝羅安糾察隊這樣的場所反對和批評本組織及其誤導性的宣傳。


6段的聲明 “儘管世界如何看待耶和華,但耶和華正在與我們取得非凡的成就。 He is accomplishing the greatest preaching campaign in human history.”他正在完成人類歷史上最偉大的傳教運動。”

Is the preaching campaign the greatest in human history?宣講運動是人類歷史上最偉大的運動嗎? Arguably, it depends on how you define a preaching campaign.可以說,這取決於您如何定義宣教活動。 Does one judge it:請問一個判斷:

  • 通過傳教士的數量?
  • 還是說教的人數呢?
  • 還是說教所花的時間?
  • 還是通過傳講的非基督徒人數?
  • 還是按傳講的真理百分比?

In terms of the number of not-at-homes called at, Jehovah's Witnesses win that hands down!從被召喚的非在家中的人數來看,耶和華見證人贏得了勝利! Maybe even by the number of individual preachers, but the number of people actually preached too, not necessarily.甚至可以按個別傳道人的人數來計算,但實際上也不一定要傳教的人數。 The same with the number of hours spent, if one counts the actual time of productive conversations or of people actually listening with interest, arguably it would not be the greatest campaign.如果花費一個小時來計算富有成效的對話或實際有興趣的人的實際時間,那麼花費的時間也一樣,可以說這不是最大的運動。 What about the number of non-Christians preached to?傳道的非基督徒人數呢? Jehovah's Witnesses may have witnessed to many who already profess Christianity (is that not preaching to the converted?), but when one examines the preaching done to those who are Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, Communist, etc, etc, the amount of preaching is very small.耶和華見證人可能已經見證了許多已經自稱基督教的人(這不是向converted依者傳教嗎?),但是當人們檢查對穆斯林,印度教徒,佛教徒,共產主義者等人所做的宣講時,宣講的數量是很小。 We would also argue that on a percentage of truth basis they fail badly.我們還認為,以一定比例的事實,它們會嚴重失敗。

That is all about numbers, but since when has Jehovah been interested in the numbers game?一切都與數字有關,但是從什麼時候起,耶和華對數字遊戲產生了興趣? True, he wants all to repent and be saved, but he is interested in results, and the genuine heartedness of people, not the self-aggrandizement contained in the statement的確,他希望所有人都悔改並得救,但他對結果,對人民的真誠充滿興趣,而不是聲明中的自我強化 “人類歷史上最偉大的宣講運動”.

Let us be honest with ourselves, probably 95% of Witnesses, including ourselves, would not have chosen to go from door to door if we had not effectively been coerced into it.讓我們對自己誠實,如果我們沒有被有效地強迫,包括我們自己在內的大約XNUMX%的證人就不會選擇挨家挨戶。 Preach privately about our faith, yes, but not from door to door.是的,私下傳講我們的信仰,但不要挨家挨戶。 On this basis, the missionaries of almost all other Christian denominations outshine the Organization, because these missionaries go preaching because their love for God and Christ moves them to do so, not because of continual psychological pressure received from their religious meetings.在此基礎上,幾乎所有其他基督教派的傳教士都對本組織感到驚訝,因為這些傳教士之所以傳福音,是因為他們對上帝和基督的愛使他們這樣做,而不是因為他們的宗教聚會不斷帶來心理壓力。

Finally, how does the preaching campaign of Jehovah's Witnesses compare with the first Century disciples?最後,耶和華見證人的宣講運動與第一世紀的門徒們相比如何? Early Christianity spread like wildfire throughout the Roman Empire.早期基督教像野火一樣蔓延到整個羅馬帝國。 Given it became the dominant religion within 300 years, I do not think anyone would forecast that this would or could happen with Jehovah's Witnesses.鑑於它在XNUMX年內成為主要宗教,我認為沒有人會預料到耶和華見證人會發生或可能發生這種情況。 The current alleged growth of the Organization percentage-wise is barely keeping up with the world population growth percentage-wise, let alone making great gains to become anything near the dominant world religion.目前據稱本組織在百分比上的增長幾乎跟不上世界人口增長上的百分比,更不用說在成為世界上占主導地位的宗教之外的任何事物方面都取得了巨大的成就。


第7-9段討論了這一主題 “不要依靠自己的力量”。

This section highlights Paul's words in Philippians 3:8 and the wording here implies that Paul treated his former accomplishments and education as a lot of garbage and hence we should do the same.本節突出了腓立比書XNUMX:XNUMX中保羅的話,這裡的措辭暗示保羅將他以前的成就和教育視為很多垃圾,因此我們也應該這樣做。 But what did Paul really say?但是保羅真的說了什麼? “為了他(基督)的緣故,我承擔了所有一切的損失,我認為它們是很多垃圾……”。 In other words, he had accepted the loss of his former status and position, and he was not going to make an effort to get them back.換句話說,他已經接受了失去以前的地位和職位的意願,並且他不會努力使他們恢復原狀。 However, it does not mean that his prior education was not useful to him.但是,這並不意味著他的先前教育對他沒有用。 He had not lost that!他沒有丟失! In addition, it allowed him to write a large portion of the Greek scriptures in which his training shows through.此外,這使他能夠寫出大部分希臘經文,這些經文都可以通過他的培訓得以證明。 It also allowed him to give powerful arguments backed up by the scripture he had learned, on many occasions as he preached and in writing his letters.這也使他能夠在他講道和寫信的許多場合中,以他所學的經文作為後盾,提出有力的論據。 Furthermore, not relying on our own strength is very different from not having any strength to rely on.此外,不依靠自己的力量與不依靠自己的力量有很大的不同。 We can end up with no strength because we have allowed ourselves to be convinced that we do not need an education or a good secular job, and we are afraid to think for ourselves and meekly follow everything self-appointed men at the head of the Organization tell us to do, or we avoid speaking to and being friendly with 'worldly people' in case somehow some of their views will contaminate us like Co-vid 19!我們最終沒有力量,因為我們讓自己確信我們不需要接受教育或出色的世俗工作,而且我們害怕為自己思考,並溫和地跟隨本組織負責人的一切自命不凡的人告訴我們去做,否則我們避免與“世俗的人們”交談並與他們友好,以防他們的某些觀點像Co-vid XNUMX那樣污染我們!

The concluding sentence of paragraph 15 certainly deserves highlighting when we see how some commentators on the internet are treated by those claiming to be Witnesses and defending the Organization.當我們看到那些聲稱是證人並捍衛本組織的人如何對待互聯網上的一些評論員時,第XNUMX段的最後一句當然值得強調。 The Watchtower article says守望台上的文章說 “您可以通過 依靠聖經回答人們的問題通過對那些對您不好的人的尊重和友善,以及 善待所有人,甚至敵人。

就在這裡 決不 對於少數但不斷增加的兄弟姐妹針對他們視為反對者的威脅和語言所使用的任何理由。


