“他正在等待這座擁有真正基礎的城市,其設計師和建造者是上帝。” –希伯來書11:10


開頭一段聲稱“MILLIONS of God's people today have made sacrifices.今天有數以百萬計的上帝子民作出了犧牲。 Many brothers and sisters have chosen to remain single.許多兄弟姐妹選擇保持單身。 Married couples have postponed having children.已婚夫婦推遲生育。 Families have kept their lives simple.家庭過著簡樸的生活。 All have made these decisions for one important reason​—they want to serve Jehovah as fully as possible.所有人做出這些決定都是出於一個重要原因-他們希望盡可能全面地為耶和華服務。 They are content and trust that Jehovah will provide all the things they truly need.”.他們對耶和華將提供他們真正需要的一切東西感到滿意和信任。”

True, millions of brothers and sisters have made sacrifices, but many now regret it, they are not content.的確,成千上萬的兄弟姐妹做出了犧牲,但現在許多人為此感到遺憾,他們不滿意。 The author personally knows a number who either had no children or did not have a second child, all because the Organization convinced them that Armageddon would come in 1975, and when that did not happen, that it was imminent.作者本人認識一個沒有孩子或沒有第二個孩子的人,所有這些都是因為本組織說服他們相信世界末日會在XNUMX年發生,而當那件事沒有發生時,那即將到來。 By the time they realized it was not coming then it was too late for them to have a child.到他們意識到還沒有來的時候,對他們來說生孩子已經為時已晚。 It is also true that many remained single, particularly sisters, because they could not marry a Christian, only one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the brothers are in short supply.的確,許多人仍然是單身,特別是姐妹,因為他們無法嫁給一名基督徒,只有一名耶和華見證人,而兄弟倆供不應求。

當說家庭過著簡單的生活時,真正的意思是,由於缺乏進一步的教育,他們負擔不起更多的錢,而常常依靠別人。 實際上,一對前宣教士夫婦將經濟上的幫助變成一種藝術形式,總是聲稱自己貧窮,並提到他們“為耶和華服務”的記錄,以迫使兄弟姐妹為他們提供免費的住宿,免費的膳食或家具。 實際上,他們去時與近來的證人免費住了近兩年的房子。

The other big question is as to whether Jehovah will provide all the things they truly need.另一個大問題是耶和華是否會提供他們真正需要的一切。 Why do we say this?為什麼這樣說呢? One of the few scriptures that suggests this is possible is Matthew 6:32-33.馬太福音607:1914-XNUMX是表明這是可能的少數經文之一。 But if the Governing Body and the Organization are teaching falsehoods, which they know they are, (XNUMX BCE and XNUMX AD being a case in point, and the remnant/other sheep teaching) and ignore justice for the vulnerable ones within its ranks, then would God accept that those following every instruction of the Governing Body are actually seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness?但是,如果管理機構和本組織正在傳授他們所知道的虛假信息(例如公元前XNUMX年和公元XNUMX年,還有剩餘/其他綿羊的教義),而忽略了其職級中的弱勢群體的正義,那麼上帝會接受那些遵循領導機構每一項指示的人實際上首先是在尋求上帝的國度和他的公義嗎?

The Study article claims that Jehovah would bless them because he blessed Abraham.該研究文章聲稱,耶和華會祝福他們,因為他祝福亞伯拉罕。 However, can we really compare the actions of Abraham with the actions of any brother or sister or our own?但是,我們真的可以將亞伯拉罕的行為與任何兄弟姐妹或我們自己的行為進行比較嗎? Hardly.幾乎不。 Abraham was given clear instructions by an angel and he obeyed them.亞伯拉罕得到天使的明確指示,他聽從了。 Jehovah and Jesus do not communicate with anybody on earth today via angels.耶和華和耶穌今天不通過天使與世上任何人交流。

In paragraph 2 it mentions that Abraham willingly left a comfortable lifestyle in the city of Ur.在第6段中,提到亞伯拉罕願意在烏爾市留下舒適的生活方式。 This lays the ground for suggestions later in the article.這為本文後面的建議奠定了基礎。 To lay further groundwork for these suggestions paragraphs 12-XNUMX exaggerate any difficulties Abraham had.為進一步為這些建議打下基礎,第XNUMX至XNUMX段誇大了亞伯拉罕遇到的任何困難。

For example, he dwelt in tents instead of in a city with fortifications and a moat on three sides, and hence was more vulnerable to attack.例如,他住在帳篷裡,而不是住在設防設防和護城河在三個側面的城市中,因此更容易受到攻擊。 That is true, but there is no record of Abraham being attacked until many years later in the land of Canaan.的確如此,但直到多年以後,在迦南地才有亞伯拉罕遭到襲擊的記錄。 It also mentions that at one time he struggled to feed his family.它還提到,他曾一次努力養家糊口。 That also is true, but most of the time he had plenty.事實也是如此,但是大多數時候他都很多。 Yes, Pharaoh took his wife Sarah, but that could partly be put down to the fact that because of fear of man Abraham told Pharaoh that Sarah was his sister when asked, rather than the truth, that she was his wife.是的,法老王娶了妻子莎拉為妻,但這可以部分歸因於這樣一個事實:由於擔心男人,亞伯拉罕告訴法老王,當被問到莎拉是他的妹妹時,而不是事實,她是他的妻子。 He had family problems, but many of these were due to having two wives, which inevitably brings many of the problems he experienced.他有家庭問題,但其中許多是由於有兩個妻子,這不可避免地帶來了他經歷的許多問題。 We should also not forget though that in Genesis 15:1 Jehovah told Abram in a vision that he would be a shield (or protection) for him.耶和華在創世記XNUMX:XNUMX中告訴亞伯蘭,他將為他作盾(或保護),但我們也不應忘記。



It puts forward the example of Bill (from 1942!!!).提出了比爾(XNUMX年起!!!)的例子。 Does the Organization not have any more modern examples to use?本組織沒有更多現代例子可使用嗎?

Bill即將與耶和華見證人一起學習時,即將畢業於美國大學,獲得建築工程學位(一項非常有用的工作和資格)。 His professor already had a job lined up for him.他的教授已經為他準備了一份工作。 However, he refused this offer of a job.但是,他拒絕了這份工作的提議。 Although it does not make it clear, likely as a result he was very soon after drafted for military service (as likely the job occupation had he accepted may have kept him exempt from the draft).儘管沒有清楚說明,但很可能是他被徵召入伍後很快就被徵召入伍(很可能是他接受的工作佔領使他免於徵兵)。 He then had to waste three years in prison as a result.結果,他不得不浪費三年的徒刑。 He was later invited to Gilead and served as a missionary in Africa.後來他被邀請到基列,並在非洲擔任傳教士。


  • 即使您即將畢業,也要放棄大學學位(經過3至5年的辛勤工作和大量的花銷)。
  • 看著嘴裡的禮物馬,然後拒絕它(為您排好隊的好工作將被拒絕。)
  • 相反,應在監獄中成為政府的客人。
  • 放棄生孩子,所以您可以當傳教士。


  • 作為傳教士,在本組織內具有誘人的“地位”的胡蘿蔔(如今很難做到)。
  • (如果您有膽量忽略這一事實)。
  • 傳教你的學生的事工說謊,並期望他們做出同樣毫無意義的犧牲。


第14段警告我們明顯 “不要指望自己的生活沒有麻煩”。

This is part of the double-speak from the Organization.這是本組織雙重發言的一部分。 In one part of the article, they will say在文章的一部分中,他們會說 “不要指望自己的生活沒有麻煩” and then in the other they will say or as here, they quote almost the exact opposite.然後他們會說另一種話,或者像這裡一樣,引用幾乎完全相反的話。 In paragraph 15, Aristotelis says在第XNUMX段中,亞里斯多德利斯說 “耶和華總是給我克服這些問題所需的力量”。 Now that is his view, but others in his situation would not say the same despite relying on Jehovah as they believe and are told to do.現在這是他的觀點,但處於他處境中的其他人儘管相信並被告知要遵守耶和華,卻不會說同樣的話。 Could it not be that Aristotelis has a stronger character and will-power or is mentally stronger than others and that is what kept him going.亞里士多德不是擁有更強的性格和意志力,還是不是精神上比其他人更強,這就是讓他前進的原因。 What evidence do we have that Jehovah specifically communicated with Aristotelis or amended his circumstances or gave him the holy spirit, so he had the strength to overcome these problems?我們有什麼證據可以證明耶和華與亞里士多德之間進行了專門的溝通,或者改變了他的處境,或者給了他聖靈,使他有能力克服這些問題? From Aristotelis' statement, many brothers and sisters would conclude that provided they prayed they would be able to handle anything.從亞里士多德的陳述中,許多兄弟姐妹得出的結論是,只要他們祈禱自己能夠處理任何事情。 In Brother Lett's talk on the Saturday Afternoon Regional convention program (2020) about the resurrection, he said在萊特弟兄在星期六下午區域會議計劃(XNUMX)上關於復活的講話中,他說 “義人將包括許多親人,他們可能以為自己會活著看到事物系統的終結”。 Yes, there are many brothers and sisters who believed that Armageddon would be here by now, (including my parents), which the Organization led them to expect.是的,有許多兄弟姐妹(包括我的父母)相信世界末日將在這裡(包括我的父母),這是本組織帶領他們期望的。 As a result, they expected they would not need a pension, or they would not face debilitating health problems in this system.結果,他們期望他們不需要退休金,或者他們不會在這個系統中面臨使人衰弱的健康問題。 Now, they have had to face them and many have not been able to overcome them either mentally or physically or financially, resulting in depression, suicide, and severe financial hardship.現在,他們不得不面對他們,許多人在精神上,身體上或經濟上都無法克服它們,從而導致沮喪,自殺和嚴重的財務困難。

One thing we can guarantee, if you avoid studying the scriptures for yourself and instead swallow every teaching from the Governing Body without question, your life will definitely not be trouble-free.我們可以保證的一件事是,如果您避免自己學習經文,反而毫無疑問地吞噬了領導機構的所有教teaching,那麼您的生活肯定不會一帆風順。 Why do we say this?為什麼這樣說呢? Because you will suffer many self-inflicted problems due to making life-affecting decisions based on lies (teachings known to be false by the GB, such as 1914 and blood transfusions) and conjecture, which has been presented as truth.因為您將基於謊言(GB已知為錯誤的教學,例如XNUMX年和輸血)和猜想而做出會影響生命的決策,因此您會遭受許多自欺欺人的問題,這些猜想被視為事實。

總之,這篇守望台研究文章中唯一真正有用的部分(而不是偏向於推動組織而不是推進神的王國)是克諾爾弟兄對妻子的建議。 “展望未來,因為那裡是您的回報所在”和“保持忙碌-嘗試用自己的生活為他人做些事情。 This will help you to find joy.”這將幫助您找到快樂。”

At least that suggestion is similar to what Abraham did.至少該建議類似於亞伯拉罕所做的。 Abraham looked to the future, helped others (such as his nephew Lot), and obeyed God's instructions rather than men's.亞伯拉罕放眼未來,幫助他人(例如他的侄子羅得),並服從神的指示,而不是人的指示。







