[this article was contributed by Alex Rover]
The number of memorial partakers from the Jehovah's Witnesses yearbook for 2014 is now known: 14,1211.
2012 partakers: 12604 [i]
2013 partakers: 13204
2014 partakers: 14121
Which gives an increase of 600 between 2012/13 and an increase of 917 between 2013/14. This constitutes a great increase!

A fair statement? Imagine what joy and celebration we would witness if the number of reported new water baptisms had doubled over the past year. We should not hold double standards: one cannot say one year that increase is evidence of Jehovah's blessing and the next year that decrease is not due to our lack thereof.
Water Baptisms were down about 1% in 2014, while new anointed partakers are up over 50% over the same period. In fact, we have every reason to believe that the true number of anointed partakers is even higher. After all, we know of so many who choose to partake privately at home for various personal reasons, or that don't meet the standards of the Governing Body or Elder bodies to be counted.
Considering a linear growth averaged over the past few years, we can expect about 730 new partakers being reported next year. Many factors can change this projection, and the biggest factor is the holy spirit of course. I am eager to see what will unfold!
Let's rejoice at this increase. After all, we can welcome at least 917 new brothers and sisters in Christ. It takes enormous courage for a Jehovah's Witness to start partaking publicly, and it symbolizes their acceptance of Jesus Christ as their personal mediator and Lord.
Through this, we draw closer to our Heavenly Father as well. Not just as friends, but as his own beloved children.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now am found was blind but now I see.
[i] Thank you MarthaMartha for verifying the numbers in the yearbook.
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Comment by on 2015-01-03 09:38:15
I partook for the first time in 2014. Should we be excited about the number or sad about it because everyone Christian should be doing it?
Reply by Alex Rover on 2015-01-03 10:04:43
I understand many of us have mixed feelings about this statistic. There are many valid ways to look at it.
If I could make a single wish - one single thing changed for Jehovah's Witnesses - it would be that more of our Brothers and Sisters would personally accept Jesus Christ.
I believe it is the change that will cause all other changes, over time. And even if the organization would be "beating" this growing number of Christ's Brothers, it will cause change.
“If ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards” (Mt 24)
There are three conditions for the faithful slave to be considered evil. The second one is of special interest in this context. Fellow slaves can mean domestics, but especially anointed brothers and sisters, fellow slaves of Christ, our master.
At this time, I believe we can all be happy on account of the new partakers themselves.
Comment by Mailman on 2015-01-03 10:21:04
Amen to this! In fact, 8M partakers worldwide - a phenomenon -can just be true when the time comes!
Comment by silvertop on 2015-01-03 10:53:10
Beautiful post. My husband and I will be partaking at home again this year 2015.
Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-01-03 11:24:43
I personally know ten friends who partook last year in private but not at the congregation memorial. I believe the number of 14,121 is a gross understatement of the reality simmering beneath the surface.
Comment by MarthaMartha on 2015-01-03 11:26:15
With respect, but in the interests of accuracy, having checked the figures in the Yearbooks,
2012 partakers: 12604
2013 partakers: 13204
2014 partakers: 14121
Which gives an increase of 600 between 2012/13
and an increase of 917 between 2013/14
Are American calculators calibrated differently to UK ones?
Considering the society uses American calculators to produce their statistics, that is somewhat disturbing!
With sisterly loveReply by Alex Rover on 2015-01-03 11:43:21
I took the 2013 number from my own forum post from a year ago, and as it turns out, "a man should not lean on his own understanding" :-) Thanks Martha, I have corrected the post and given you credit.
Reply by Martha on 2015-01-03 12:03:06
:) you're welcome.
Reply by MarthaMartha on 2015-01-03 12:05:43
You're welcome! Thanks Alex, credit not necessary but gratefully accepted. :)
Reply by donotforgetus on 2015-01-03 12:02:13
Martha, your increase of 917 partakers for 2014 is I believe the correct figure.
What I find so good about this increase is that it exposes a lie said about many of the anointed that we seek prominence or the power of position in the Organization.
This increase of close to thousand brothers and sisters partaking took place after the July 2013 Watchtower articles which removed the general body of anointed from the Faithful Slave teaching. In 2013 the anointed were no longer regarded as the Slave in 2014 a thousand more were moved to publicly partake.
This is not done out of love for recognition and power but rather it stems from love for Jehovah and his Son. And with humility as well for they are coming into a new landscape where they are not given a special place at all but rather one which is the same place everyone in the Organization occupies, the domestics.
This is good, humility is good. It is good for all of us.
Thank you for the yearbook numbers.
With respect,
LauraReply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-01-03 12:09:55
I would add to your excellent observation, Laura, the fact that many partakers are viewed with suspicion. It is therefore a real challenge to partake in many cases, requiring courage of spirit. My hat's off to my brothers and sisters who have chosen "to proclaim the death of the Lord until he arrives" despite the consequences.
Reply by donotforgetus on 2015-01-03 16:13:45
Meleti, I agree it was a real challenge for these 917 new partakers to stand up before the congregation. Perhaps they had in mind the scripture, "But whoever disowns me before men, I will also disown him before my Father who is in the heavens." Matthew 10:33
This spectacular number of partakers proves we have many elders who are allowing new ones to be counted in and that those counted in fit into whatever standard the elders were applying in the count. This is very encouraging both for the fine elders we have and the fact that it is likely the 917 were composed of brothers and sisters who could not honorably be left off the count. They are active Witnesses.
I am very encouraged by this.
With respect,
Reply by Mailman on 2015-01-04 00:02:58
It is really sad for elders to cast suspicion on partakers. The decision to partake or not is "personal" one - between him and God & Christ. Just as God can see our hearts, only he can judge the partaker if he is worthy or not.
Comment by kev c on 2015-01-03 12:41:05
Thanks alex . The figures are making a mockery of thier theory that the end is close based on the numbers of partakers dwindling .also the way the trend is going we can understand why they had to distance themselves from the rest of the anointed partakers and declare themselves only as the faithfull slave . If not it would create an environment where these new partakers would be equal to them in office .and in some respects a superior authority than most of the elders in the congregation . If ir carries on it will also discredit the doctrine off the 144 .000 . As there will be more partakers than that in the organisation . If that becomes so they have a choice to abandon it or admit that the religion contains a mixture of true worshippers along with the false . Which seems to be in line with numerous bible verses but doesnt do much for the squeeky clean image and the claim that we are a cut above other christian religions whom we class as false . Its the thin end of the wedge this one .so thats why when i said i was partaking i was told by one elder if you want to partake of the sacraments as he called them get down to the catholic church .that was when i had been a member of our religion for over 20 years and had served as an elder for 10 . Your chart just shows though alex the truth of jesus words at mark 4 verse 21 a lamp is not bought to be put under a bed but to be put on a lampstand for there is nothing hidden that will not be exposed nothing that has been carefully concealed that will not come out in the open who ever has ears let him listen . They can try to hide the real truth all they want but they will not suceed for all flesh is green grass but the word of our god remains forever .Isaiah 40 v 6 to 8 kev
Comment by Sargon on 2015-01-03 13:37:30
I partake at home but never at the memorial. So I believe the actual number is much higher. I think it's only a matter of time before they are forced to change the 144k teaching. Writing angry articles in the watchtower is only causing more to partake.
Reply by Chris on 2015-01-07 18:56:09
I believe we should do it in public. If you pass it by in front of others you are doing the following;
"But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven."
Mathew 10:33
Comment by QC on 2015-01-03 15:03:34
Thanks Alex,
This is great news. I've been partaking for several years, visiting various KH’s (thanks to Nissan 14 being correct). I find there’s more joy in a festive celebration assembly than a small private setting.
It’s surreal. Often I’m the only one partaking while everyone has no clue as to the magnificent role of Jesus.
QCReply by Alex Rover on 2015-01-03 15:24:04
As I understand it, you would not be included in the 14,121 number either, when you are not partaking in your home congregation.
Reply by QC on 2015-01-03 16:15:41
All I care about is the Father and Son noted by celebration of the most important event for the human race.
JW Memorial totals have no real significance in the big picture.
Comment by smolderingwick1 on 2015-01-03 16:05:26
If I could say one thing to fellow public partakers, depending on how many dedicated family members are observing, there are depressive times ahead for you since this dogma is so very strongly entrenched. ....even stronger than Christendom's trinity and hellfire to some observers. Especially considering we are viewed as the only true religion. How many times do I hear that expression, "Do you actually believe you're smarter than the FDS?" Be prepared for rejection. There wasn't a prophet in all Israel that didn't get depressed.
Reply by Christian on 2015-01-03 19:00:47
I am inclined to agree.
The WTS cannot explain away this increase within their existing doctrinal framework. They either need to fabricate a reason why they are no longer reporting partakers, or explain that the increase is evidence of "apostasy" and proves that the end is even closer!
If you make the rules then you can bend them, or change them to suit, n'est-ce pas?
Comment by Mailman on 2015-01-03 20:23:22
Just to share my story dear brothers. Last year, as one of the servers in our local congregation, I brought with me a bread inside my bag. After offering the unleavened bread to the attendees, back to our seats, I got a part of that bread inside my bag and took it.
Prior to that, I cooked an unleavened bread supposed to be shared with the whole family a day before the Memorial. :)
Comment by BeenMislead on 2015-01-04 09:48:41
The memorial partakers started increasing in 2006:
2005 = 8,524
2006 = 8,758
2007 = 9,105
2008 = 9,986
2009 = 10,857
2010 = 11,202
2011 = 11,824
2012 = 12,604
2013 = 13,204
2014 = 14,121
Between 2005 and 2014 there has been a 5,597 increase.
Of course this is how the Governing Body explain why that is happening:
“Memorial partakers. This is the number of baptized individuals who partake of the emblems at the Memorial worldwide. Does this total represent the number of anointed ones on earth? Not necessarily. A number of factors—including past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalance—might cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling.” – (Watchtower 2011, 8/15, Pg. 22, Questions From Reader)Reply by Anointed1 on 2015-01-04 14:45:39
I first partook at my k.h in U.K. '97. Met with shock and mockety of course. The international report for that year showed a decrease in partakers the U.K report hoever, showed increase. This caused me to do a little research and it seemed evident to me that partakers have consistently been on the increase since 1990g.b. the gathering of Israel continued post '35 b
Comment by miken on 2015-01-04 10:03:03
It does not matter how many JW's take the memorial emblems, unless they have also done what is required as presented below, they have no salvation in Christ.
"All those whom the Father gives me will come to me, and I will never drive away the one who comes to me".
John 6:37 NWT.
"I am the fine shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me".
John 10:14 NWT.
Being Known by Jesus Christ.
Christians in obedience to Jesus command, need to “know” both the Father and the Son . The Watchtower society has recently acknowledged that the Greek word Ginosko translated “ knowing” not only includes knowing about (information about) the Father, but also includes having a close personal relationship and companionship with him.
The Watchtower society applies such a meaning to a relationship with the Father sustained in part through prayer to him. However the second half of John 17:3 indicates Christians should have exactly the same relationship with the Son, Jesus Christ. Jehovah’s witnesses have since 1954, been directed by the Watchtower society not to pray to or worship Jesus Christ, they are therefore denied an essential way of developing a personal relationship with him.
Jehovah's witnesses are expected to "come" to Jehovah but not "come" to Jesus Christ through giving their lives to him. They are therefore denied the opportunity to “come” to him (Matt 11:28-30) as the only away to the Father (John 14:6). This means that Christ cannot dwell in their hearts (Eph 3:17) and nor can his spirit (Gal 4:6). The Father draws individuals to “come” to Christ ( John 5:40; 6:35,37,44,45,65) and gives them to him (John 6:37) and Christ will not loose them or drive them away (John 10:27-29, 6:37-40).
Coming to Jesus Christ
"You are searching the scriptures because you think you will have everlasting life by means of them; and these are the very ones that bear witness about me. And yet you do not want to come to me so that you may have life".
John 5:39, 40 NWT
Christians in obedience to Jesus command must “come” to him. What is meant in "coming" to Christ Jesus. The Greek word translated "come" is Erchomai and Thayer in his Greek/English lexicon comments with reference to its use in John 5:40; 6:35,37,44,45,65 "to commit oneself to the instruction of Jesus (which Jehovah’s Witnesses do) and enter into fellowship with him which Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot do for reasons previously stated above. So in effect Jehovah’s Witnesses are similar to those Jesus mentions at John 5:39, 40 considering scriptures about Jesus and what he taught but not "coming" to him to gain life. Jesus invites us to "come to him " (Matt 11:28-30) which requires us to surrender our life to him and for him (John 13:37,38) and love him (Eph 6:24). Through Jesus we can come to the Father so that they then can make their home with and “in” us (John 14:20; 14:23 ; 17:20,21) which means more than “union with” which is not in the Greek but added 86 times with reference to Christ and the Father in the NWT despite the warnings at Deut 4:2; 12:32 and Rev 22:18 . Jesus becomes our mediator with the Father (1 Tim 2:5,6) we become direct (not by being associated with anyone else) beneficiaries of the new covenant (1Cor 11:25) and become sons and children of the Father not just his friend (Rom 8:12-17; James 2:23).
Being Born Again
"In response Jesus said to him: "Most truly I say to you, unless anyone is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.......Jesus answered Most truly I say to you, unless anyone is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God......Do not be amazed because I told you: You people must be born again".
John 3:3-7 NWT
Christians in obedience to Jesus command must be re-born “born again”. We must be "born again" from "water and spirit" (John3:3-7) with no limitation on numbers such as only the 144,000 referred to at Rev 7:4 and 14:1 being born again.
Can Jehovah's Witnesses to show from the bible a specific scripture indicating that only 144,000 people can be born again.Reply by donotforgetus on 2015-01-04 11:22:28
Miken, I respectfully submit that no one can know the hearts of those of us who partake. No one can know our heartfelt love for Jesus Christ and that we come to him in his name through our prayers and praises to the one he taught us to pray to, Our Father in Heaven. Jehovah and Jesus are on our minds minute by minute, hour by hour. We know Jesus, our hearts are with him and he is with us. No one say who has or has not been born again, born from water and spirit.
Please "do not forget us", or cause our sacrifices to be viewed less worthy.
With deep respect,
LauraReply by donotforgetus on 2015-01-04 11:27:21
I apologize that should have been, "No one CAN say"
Reply by bobcat3 on 2015-01-04 13:23:26
Laura, what caused you to start partaking and how many years have you been partaking? And how have the friends responded or reacted to your doing so? (Only if you feel safe answering those questions - if not, I'll understand.)
I was just trying to understand you more. (My first experience partaking can be read about here
Reply by bobcat3 on 2015-01-04 13:42:02
In the link I provided it is the post just above that post.
Comment by Anonymous. on 2015-01-07 21:26:37
I wonder what happened around 2007 to start that marked trend of increasing number of partakers at the memorial. Was it some new teaching from Watchtower? The global economic crisis? What was it that started the trend?
Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-01-08 07:51:28
For the answer to your question see: http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2007327
Reply by BN on 2015-01-08 23:46:55
'the great tribulation' EVERY anointed has to go through (to get their robes white) ... I'm NOT saying it startet then, because it doesn't have such a startingpoint) But EACH anointed has to 'leave their belongings behind' (the lies they have been taught) : 'and then i saw 3 unclean spirits that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the DRAGON, the WILD ANIMAL, and the FALSE PROPHET' (6 6 6) where is most of the wariors who fight in this war for truth located today? THERE is where these events are happening!!
Comment by The Searcher on 2015-01-13 04:36:19
My personal view of the "Memorial" as presented at Kingdom Halls is that is a ritual which has absolutely no Scriptural basis. In fact it is anti-Christ, because its promotors seek to exclude as many people as possible from following Jesus' command to commemorate his death by partaking of an evening meal and using unleavened bread and red wine as symbols of his flesh & blood! Many who publicly do so in a KH, now face alienation by their fellow Witnesses.
For all these reasons (and more) I refuse to take part in a corrupt sham, and celebrate with my wife in the privacy of our own home.Reply by Alex Rover on 2015-01-13 09:48:10
Hi The Searcher. Thank you for your comment and welcome to the site. You make valid points. We believe it's up to each individual's conscience and circumstances to partake publicly or not. For all it's risks of alienation as you've said, we can't deny that the published numbers cause average JW to think "why". In turn they look for answers and when they can't find them, some of those end up finding Christ :-)
Reply by on 2015-01-13 15:19:13
I'm thinking about celebrating the Memorial in the privacy of my own home also, Searcher. I don't want to be singled out as "special" or "anointed", and somehow revered by the local brothers. The GB already have enough worship and adoration from the "other sheep".
Reply by Anonymous on 2016-04-25 23:06:48
I do it at home and you don't have to do it only once a year. You can remember him doing it daily if you want. He set no limit on it
Comment by GodWordIsTruth on 2016-12-14 17:31:51
"Water Baptisms were down about 1% in 2014, while new anointed partakers are up over 50% over the same period"
How can this be? What where numbers for publishers and Memorial attendance?
Which yearbook do I need ? 2014 or 2015?
I don't know what to make of this statistic?Reply by Anonymous on 2016-12-25 17:14:44
Does this mean this was a grassroots silent revolt?
The Organization technically didn't baptized at all that year...right?
Comment by Jo Joel on 2019-02-22 19:31:40
Is it possible that the increase in number of memorial partakers is a fulfilment of Micah 5:5...?
Comment by Jo Joel on 2019-02-22 19:37:23
And as to who is anointed or not, does it not belong to Jehovah God to decide? And if we pray: "Let your will be done..." should we not accept his decision and be happy and grateful, since he knows best? Life is life, especially if it is everlasting! What about our appreciation for life? And are we happy whatever Jehovah God decides for us? Or are we going to develop the desire that the angel, who made himself Satan the Devil developed?