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[this article is contributed by Alex Rover] In part 1 of this article, we have examined the Calvinistic teaching of Total Depravity. Total Depravity is the doctrine describing the human condition…
Image from a Watchtower publication depicting the future for non-believers at Armageddon. The March 15, 2015 article “What ISIS Really Wants” by The Atlantic is a brilliant piece of journalism…
In Colossians 2:16, 17 festivals are called a mere shadow of things to come. In other words, the festivals Paul mentioned had a bigger fulfillment. While we are not to judge one another regarding…
What if you could start a conversation with just a single Scripture? What if you could help your family and friends to read God's Word more often, and with a new set of eyes? Meet Simple Truth! For…
A commentary on Revelation 14:6-13 A commentary is set a of explanatory or critical notes on a text. The point is to better understand the text passage. Synonyms of commentary: explanation,…
Jehovah’s Witnesses preach that salvation is heavily dependent on works. Obedience, loyalty and being part of their organization. Let’s review four requirements to salvation set forth in the study…
[this article is contributed by Alex Rover] The Governing Body has been steadily working toward a new prophetic framework over the past decade or so. An ounce of ‘new light’ at a time, just the…
[this post was contributed by Alex Rover] How would you illustrate these two verses? "Herein is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit; so shall you be my disciples.” (John 15:8 AKJV) “so in…
[Author: Alex Rover, Editor: Andere Stimme] On February 9, 2014, just over a year ago, I wrote to Meleti: I'd enjoy a forum like the well moderated but with the liberty to put scripture…
[this post was contributed by Alex Rover] One of the first questions when I first realized my election as a chosen child of God, adopted as his son and called to be Christian, was: "why me"?…
[this article is contributed by Alex Rover] The five main points of Calvinism are total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace and perseverance of the saints. In…
[this article is contributed by Alex Rover] The theme of the JW.ORG June 2015 TV Broadcast is God’s name, and the program is presented by Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson. [i] He opens the…