WT Study: How Can We Show that We Love Jehovah?

– posted by meleti

[From ws15/09 for Nov 23-29]

“We love, because he first Loved us.” – John 4:19

I almost passed on reviewing this week’s Watchtower Study article since there is nothing new there. It’s just the same old, same old.
Then something changed my mind. I opened the JW Library app on my iPad to do my daily Bible reading and I saw that it had been updated with new features. I thought to myself what a wonderful tool it is. But a tool, wonderful or not, is only as good as the work it is put to. How is this tool being used? With this week’s study content fresh on my mind, I noticed that the app sported a Videos section. I hadn’t noticed that before. Here we have an app for Bible research and study from an Organization whose stated goal is to teach the Bible and help people to gain accurate knowledge of God. (John 17:3) One would assume the app would be all about the Bible and that the Videos section would reflect that purpose.
The Videos section of the library is divided into 12 subsections:

  1. From Our Studio

  2. Children

  3. Teenagers

  4. Family

  5. Programs and Events

  6. Our Activities

  7. Our Ministry

  8. Our Organization

  9. The Bible

  10. Movies

  11. Music

  12. Interviews and Experiences

As you can see only one is directly related to the Bible.
Pretty much every subsection is divided into additional categories. For example, Children includes four categories: 1) Become Jehovah’s Friend [22 videos]; 2) Songs [20 videos] 3) Whiteboard Animations [4 videos]; 4) Feature-Length Movies [2 videos].
The Become Jehovah’s Friend category is full of Caleb and Sophia videos and gives children instruction about conduct and good behavior, and about how to participate in Organizational activities. It doesn’t teach them about Jesus Christ and it doesn’t prepare them to become children of God. It does teach them about becoming God’s friend which would be nice if that were a Bible teaching, but since there is nothing in the Christian Scriptures about setting friendship with God as one’s goal in life, and everything about striving to be his child, one has to question the motivation of those who are presuming to feed our children spiritual food by assembling this video montage.
Be that as it may, what does it have to do with this week’s Watchtower review? This: The Watchtower is the principle vehicle by which the Governing Body aka “The Faithful and Discreet Slave” dispenses food at the proper time according to the Organization’s interpretation of Matthew 25:45-47. What this particular Watchtower study typifies is the nature of that food. That this is not atypical is borne out by the contents of the Videos section of the JW.ORG web site. Under The Bible subsection, there are 5 categories.

  1. Books of the Bible, containing a single 3-minute video on the Book of Matthew

  2. Bible Teachings, the supposed meat of the topic. (We’ll come back to this one.)

  3. Bible Accounts, featuring only 2 videos; one to get us to obey God and the Organization, and the other to make us fearful of retribution if we do not obey.

  4. Apply Bible Principles, containing 14 videos all about conduct and behavior.

  5. Bible Translations, displaying 6 videos extolling the virtue of the new NWT.

Remember through all this that the purpose of the Organization is to organize and aid in the worldwide preaching of the Good News and to help mankind come to an accurate knowledge of God before the end comes. This is supposedly done through the Faithful and Discreet Slave that gives food at the proper time.
So what food is provided under the Bible Teachings subsection?
Four videos. That’s right, only four. One would suppose, given our stated mandate, that this section of the web site would be filled with videos explaining the Bible. In fact, even these four are not Bible teachings videos. One explains why we should study the Bible and another tells us why we can be sure the Bible is true. Of the remaining two videos, one attempts to provide us with a tool to explain the unscriptural teaching of 1914. That leaves us with one video—a single video—that teaches us something directly from the Bible, specifically, God’s name.
This week’s study is no better. Under the premise that we are going to learn how we can show that we love Jehovah, we are taught in paragraphs 5 thru 9 to show him love by offering him sacrifices like the Israelites did. For us, this means devoting time, energy and funds to the work of the Organization, such as pioneering, building Kingdom Halls, and donating money to the worldwide work.
In paragraphs 10 thru 12 we are taught to avoid “higher education and advanced learning” as a sure way to lose our faith. Instead, we are encouraged to be zealous in the preaching work as defined by the Organization. Our children are taught that the book the Organization has provided for them, Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work, is proof that Jehovah loves them.
Paragraphs 13 thru 15 instructs us to be willing to accept any counsel, instruction and/or discipline which Jehovah gives us by means of his Organization.
The closing paragraphs (16 thru 19) reinforce the belief that only by being obedient and staying inside the Organization can we be safe now and ensure our future survival and salvation.
In short, this is yet another in a long line of articles that instruct us to “Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed” (copyright pending).
The subtext of that oft-repeated refrain is “Listen to us. Obey us. And then God will bless you.”

The Job of the Faithful and Discreet Slave

At Matthew 25:45-47 and again at Luke 12:41-48, Jesus commissioned his servants to provide food at the proper time. They were not appointed to govern, much less to lord it over their fellows. They had one job, and one job only: to feed the sheep. (John 21:15-17)
If you are going to be judged on how you perform one job and only one, you sure don’t want to mess it up, do you?
Jesus did not leave us without clear instruction as to what that food would consist of. With his parting words he told his disciples to teach the people “to observe all the things I have commanded you.” (Mt 28:20)
In this week’s article as well as in the Videos section of the WT Library we are taught next to nothing of Jesus, so we cannot really say we are teaching people to observe all the things he told us.

McFood at the Proper Time

I mean no disrespect to the Golden Arches. I’ve eaten at McDonald’s more times than I can count. But their menu is limited. As to its nutritional value, I will only state that it would not be healthy to make McDonald's my only source of food.
The point is, the limited and repetitive fare which Jehovah’s Witnesses are fed week in and week out— as typified by this week’s study article—is clearly not what our Lord had in mind when he spoke of “food at the proper time”. Jesus does not run a chain of spiritual fast food restaurants.
What we are fed over and over is how to behave so as to reflect well on the Organization, and how to obey the Organization, and how to support the Organization, and how to not stray from the Organization, and how to promote the Organization to others. This has now become our message and the contents of the videos section of the jw.org web site confirms this beyond all doubt.
I would therefore put it to you that when Jesus returns to appoint his faithful and discreet slave over all his belongings, he will choose the slave that has been providing nourishing spiritual food in accordance with his direction.
It is not too late for the Governing Body to step up. But time is running out.

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  • Comment by The Real Anonymous on 2015-11-22 10:38:04

    Meleti, another excellent artcle. It's a sad and depressing assessment of the WT, but an accurate one. It is regrettable that the GB has become, not merely a source of biblical instruction, but for most JWs, it is their god (ironically, G.O.D. = Guardian of Doctrine).
    My only difference is with your last statement. It IS too late for the GB to reform themselves and do what is right. They've had 120 years or so, since Rusell started things, to show themselves willing and able to adhere to the Bible alone, but they just can't let go of their speculations, false teachings, and domination over others.
    You correctly note that an application purportedly about the Bible ought to hightlight the Bible. It ought to reflect a genuine love for that Bible, for its Auther, and His son. Instead, what is most apparent in their effort is how much they love themselves, and how much they want, need, and demand others to love them.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-11-22 12:53:27

      You are probably right in your assessment. They have had years to correct their path, but the latest steps they've taken seem to indicate a hardening of their resolve. Still, Jesus is the judge of hearts. We're the spectators. ;)

      • Reply by Katrina on 2015-11-24 03:10:07

        But the GB tell lies.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-11-24 08:17:27

          Agreed, and we should judge the lie, but leave the judging of the liars to Christ.

          • Reply by Buster on 2015-11-24 12:20:25

            Totally agree brother, do I judge there life or say Yup they are done and when the Master returns they are gonna die, ....OH NO! Not in my mind, that is for the master to decide,
            Now will I call them out on there lies, make fun of them, Luke 14:28-29, oh yes, and still make and laugh at there lies, and say and call them on it, yup, but to say come back to God and his son or your Toast, Nope i will leave that to there Organization, who we all know love to judge everyone not a Jw.
            Love to all from Buster

            • Reply by Buster on 2015-11-24 12:25:03

              I forgot even if you are a JW they still judge you, awesome, JUDGING FOR EVERYONE !!! should be next year Assembly title....AWESOME ;)

          • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-12-11 01:03:20

            Join the discussion

            • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-12-11 07:50:06


    • Reply by Chris on 2015-11-23 03:12:29

      Russell did not founded the JW cult. Bible Student Beliefs are 99% different.

      • Reply by The Real Anonymous on 2015-11-23 10:46:43

        I would agree that the present day Bible Students are somewhat different than the WT of today, but they are not all that different from the Bible Students of the past. Russell made many fundamental mistakes. It's true that "the names have changed" (or, more often, the numbers - as in the various dates predicted) but the methods haven't changed. I mean no undue disrespect to any present day Bible Students, but they make basically the same mistakes as WT; it's just variations on a theme. I find it difficult to accept that modern Bible Students are 99% different than the WT. (Be honest; you are exaggerating here.) When Rutherford came in, he declared war on the Russellites, and they lost. Had the Bibles students "won" instead, I fear that the history would have transpired in roughly the same way it did for the WT, only there would be a different masthead on their flagship magazine.
        Yes, Russell did not found the "JW cult" that exists today. But he did run things at a time when a cult of personality was being organized around him, and he knowingly allowed it to persist, because it served his purposes. Russell was not quite as bad a person as Rutherford, but Russell was not without faults either, serious ones.
        It's just like the line, "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" from the Who song "Won't Get Fooled Again". It was Russell who elevated his own Studies in the Scriptures volumes as being more important than the Bible. His followers blindly went along with that adoration of humans, when in fact it was blasphemy to say such things. It is vital for none of us to get "fooled" into believing these men represent God, much less that they are God's channel of communication. They're not.
        I am sorry to say this, and I have no wish to upset anyone who is a Bible Student today, but doctrinally and spiritually, Russell was a leader of a cult, just like WT is today. They differ only in minor ways, none of which carries any weight in God's eyes. Blasphemy is blasphemy. Only the names, wording and tactics have changed. The underlying motivations have not.
        A Christian must decide if they are going to follow Christ or follow men. Both the Bible Students and JWs of today have regrettably chosen the latter.

  • Comment by Kamil Levi Pyka on 2015-11-22 12:16:01

    I Disassociated self from organization in 2014 because of so many false teachings and also what Bible say not to follow men made ideas and abusive rules by this organization their policies and so on.
    I don't think Governing body as any other religion has approval by God Almighty YHWH.
    It is waste of time to spend time and work free for thus business corporation.
    We are saved not vy works but by Faith and Grace of God Almighty YHWH through his Son Yahushua HaMashiach. That is all needed for salvation doing good to others and love your neighbor as it self.

  • Comment by Sharon on 2015-11-22 13:04:07

    I continued to attend meetings for some time after I had uncovered a major floor in the memoria/Passover doctrine, believing this could be changed but on a study of the parable about the faithful slave I soon realised that they are complete phoneys. Humiliated at being well and truly brainwashed I came to terms that these were not Christs true disciples, they know not Christs voice and continue to follow the voice of the stranger that climbed in over the wall.
    Remembering Jesus teaching that a bad tree cannot produce good fruit, both myself and husband left, they can't leave an apostate free to chat to anyone so they disfellowshipped us even though we had not been to any meeting for 8 months.
    These men are not going to be kings with Christ.

    • Reply by Menrov on 2015-11-23 10:40:02

      Hi Sharon, take care :-)

  • Comment by No Meat on 2015-11-22 13:45:11

    Unfortunately Bethel has devolved into a "Self Help" section of a publishing company, with topical no-brain therapy as the "meat in due season". It is a TV Dinner with NO PROTEIN, and mostly wood pulp and topical filler, dyed to make it all look real.
    But it is not real, it is BLATANT IDOLATRY and the worship of the ILLEGAL "priests". But another Babel "organization":
    1. The core error is the "governing body" concept itself; it comes from Babel:
    Bloodlines of the Illuminati pg. 2-3 Introduction (by Fritz Springmeier 1998)
    The Mystery Religions each had their secret councils which ruled them, and these councils themselves came under the guidance of a secret supreme Grand Council or Governing Body.
    Thus the very core element of the Babel Religious System, is the very heart of the Jehovah's witnesses ministry now! "The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses"—and there is a great modern example of that Babel controlling "body" concept.

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-11-22 19:52:38

    I love how the Governing Body aka not in the bible word Aka Guardians of Doctrines aka Guardians of Our Doctrines..... I love how they say one thing but like a crafty card player change their hand.
    1. Obey us well do it. But if you watch Mr. Jackson on the Royal Commission he said well people [ rank and file aka all jws] can see if we are doing things right or make sure we align with the Bible.... Cut to Anthony Morris saying Just Obey what we say comes to the branch office goes to your local congregations just pray about it and ask God help so you can obey....WHAT!
    But wait at the end of his part in the Annual Meeting he reads Kingdom Rule Book and say how we obey will determine if we survive, and he does a Anti Type thing with the fall of Jerusalem.... Sure makes perfect sense.
    2. We ain't Prophets and we don't do that Anti Type thing anymore like we been doing since Jesus was king in 1878....woopa wrong timeline. But I thought the beginning of this year we had a near whole month of the Watchtower saying no more Anti Types unless A clear Scriptures show there is reason. Aka Reason when ever the GB members say you know that it is a
    About time we take a Crack at this Ezikel dudes work. And so year we will talk about Isaiah and you know turning copper into gold and say that is totally what the new meetings on the week days represents a Prophecy from Isaiah. And after saying we ain't gonna do Types anymore they spend the whole last hour of the Annuel Meeting doing Exactly that Awesome....Love there work ;)
    But wait you ain't Prophets but you are talking about things that are being fulfilled in the past and will happen in the future, and GB member Lett said about you know the Bible students ( aka JWS ) going into Babylonian captivity was not 1914-1918 or 1919 no it happened sometime in the Second century CE..some time around there when who knows stay tune for next year where we pull more rabbits out of our hat. But you ain't inspired even if you said (Lett) that we made these decision " We really feel under the Direction of the Holy Spirit " Yup he said that.
    3. Higher education is bad OK.....where are the scriptures, well bad association spoils useful habits, sure, I mean GB Morris used this Verse as a reason if you watched the January Broadcast and the nearly 26 minutes they went on about the subject, and at the recent CO talk happening last month and still going on now, he used 1 John 4:6 and he used the term Inspired Error and he went on his rant saying Inspired Error is Demonic and he used the media and about a list of 15 things and of course Education was high on the list. Again back to 1 Corinthians 15:33 the whole Context was talking about the Resurrection and people said Jesus was not resurrected, so what in the blue sky that has to do with Education. Beats me but it does to our Guardians of Doctrines.
    4. We are not under the Mosaic law to tithe, but look at this year of Jw org, first we got the Historic May Broadcast which was in essence about asking for money, even if GB Lett said oh we by no means are trying to Solicit for money, maybe he needs a dictionary cause that what he was exactly doing. Oh yeah that Month in May was about the Resolutios and then came the Sophia video shown in Imitate Jesus Convention, Nice, cause Jesus said to kids give us your ice cream money. And then oh yeah Another Resolution for this, GAA fund for the Organization, and oh yeah in November Watchtower ( of course the Study Article version not the one for the public ) they let all Jws know how you can give back, and this year is a big hand and a credit card...Awesome. We know our Lord and King Jesus and Our Father Yahweh take visa or MasterCard.... I am not making fun of our Lord Jesus or our Father God Yahweh, but making fun of the blatant asking for money even if they say they don't ( talking about the Organization ) . And oh yeah in December we get a 10 minute video and talk about the same Article, amazing.
    love to all and great website my Brother.

  • Comment by Dyslexic in English on 2015-11-24 04:14:49

    By reading WT’s outlawing of higher education in paragraph 11, I realize now that JW’s religion is nothing but a dangerous cult. They now the power that education has on one’s critical thinking skills. They don’t want people who question their teachings. They only want parrots. I’m very sickened of GB’s closed mindset. Very sad to see this.

  • Comment by Dyslexic in English on 2015-11-24 04:21:15

    By reading WT’s outlawing of higher education in paragraph 11, I realize now that JW’s religion is nothing but a dangerous cult. They know the power that education has on one’s critical thinking skills. They don’t want people who question their teachings. They only want parrots. I’m very sickened of GB’s closed mindset. Very sad to see this.

  • Comment by Father jack on 2015-11-24 14:50:23

    Paragraph 7 we can show our love for god by using our material things to support the kingdom preaching work ., in plain english we show love for god by giving money to the organisation . Is that not so ?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-11-24 15:29:46

      More and more we are sounding like the televangelists.

      • Reply by The Real Anonymous on 2015-11-24 18:19:51

        THEY are sounding like televangelists. Not WE.

  • Comment by Father jack on 2015-11-24 15:08:51

    And yet again the whole direction of the study does not fit with the true meaning of the scriptures surrounding the theme text of 1 john 4 ; 19 , how can we show that we love god . The real point being made by john is the fact that we show love for god by loving our brothers . Nothing at is mentioned in those verses about supporting a preaching work by giving our material resources .

  • Comment by The Real Anonymous on 2015-11-24 16:04:04

    The WT article notes, "it is clear that Jehovah has provided a surpassing example of fatherly love that can help us to love him." So, Jehovah shows fatherly love to persons He is not a father to, but only a friend to? Is this also "clear" from the scriptures? If it is, someone please show me the verse, because I don't recall reading it anywhere.
    In paragraph 2: "In what way has God “first loved us”? The apostle Paul said: “God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom. 5:8) By making that great sacrifice—offering his own Son as the ransom for believing humans—Jehovah has demonstrated the true nature of love. It is expressed by giving, by acting in a selfless or self-sacrificing way. God’s magnanimous act made it possible for us to come to him to benefit from his love and in return show our love for him."
    I am confused. Yes, the scriptures say God showed His love, but WT is saying that God made the sacrifice, too. I am pretty sure it was Christ who was sacrificed, not God. By the way this is worded, WT makes it sound like Christ was a mere bit-player at his own sacrifice and death. WT seems determined to minimize the contributions of Christ and treat him with disrespect at every turn.
    Look at the rest of this article. They start out by discussing the ransom, if even in a back-handed way. So, how we supposed to show our love here? By loving, appreciating and following Christ? No. Christ himself is not mentioned at all in the remainder of the article, other than indirectly that we ought to listen when he says to love God. Praise for the life and sacrifice of Christ is not on the menu.
    Paragraph 11 has more education-bashing: " the experience of many shows that pursuing such things often leads to loss of faith and loss of love for God. The Bible, however, urges us not only to love knowledge but also to acquire wisdom and understanding. That means to learn how to use the knowledge that God has given us so that we can benefit ourselves and others."
    I am sorry, but getting an education helps one to be self-supporting in an uncertain world. That DOES benefit ourselves and others. As for education leading to a "loss of faith and loss of love for God", WT ought to be honest. Education helps people to think and reason clearly. (In my own case, an undergraduate course in logic was very illuminating.) What WT is really afraid of is, not people losing faith in God, but losing faith in the WT.
    Paragraph 13: "If we love Jehovah, we must guard against becoming complacent or resentful of his counsel." Really? I am not resentful of any advice found in the Bible. I resent mere men equating their very fallible human words as equivalent to the word of God. When humans place themselves as equal to God, they SHOULD be resented. Recall the account in Acts, when people said of Herod, "A god's voice, and not a man's", trying to curry favor with him. That didn't work out so well for Herod. JWs ought to take that account to heart, and not lavish praise upon men who claim to speak in God's name, or allow those men to demand from them such unwarranted praise. God doesn't like it when people do that.
    It is ironic that WT would end this article by quoting Proverbs 3:5: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding." If only THEY would follow that advice themselves.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-11-24 16:30:57

      Hear, hear!

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